God Send Us Men Ministries

About Us



Our ministry is based on the belief that the true gospel of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ has been driven underground on the North American continent since 1787. The truth of the gospel of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ has been supplanted by a false gospel. Some have preached this false gospel on purpose, while other, well-meaning - even Bible believing Christians - have been duped by false teachers whose purpose is to prevent others from finding and entering the Kingdom of Christ.

Please, at least read our first two books and the Commentary of Romans 12 & 13. Jesus said, "Search the scriptures, for in them ye THINK ye have eternal life."


We believe that the Jesus Christ of the Bible, who physically walked this earth 2,000 years ago is the Son of God who was sent to finish the Old Covenant sacrifice and to bring in the New Covenant, whereby all men now might be saved who will believe on Him.

We believe that Jesus Christ, died, was buried and rose again the third day in fulfillment of the Scriptures and that as a result, God has made Him both LORD and SAVIOR.

We believe that Jesus Christ is the ONLY KING that God allows for His people today and that it is the responsibility of EVERY living, breathing creature to accept and to walk in His Kingdom.

We believe that this world is in desperate need of being "turned right-side up" and that we face the exact same issues that the first century believers faced and that only a return to the Kingship of Jesus Christ in our lives is the only way to "turn the world upside down" - just as the Apostles did - in Acts 17.

We believe that since Christ is King now, He has a Government. And that Government is the only Government in the world today that operates with God's authority.

We believe that all those people who claim Him as King, have by birthright - being born again - become citizens of the Kingdom of God.

We believe that a man must be fully immersed (baptized) into Jesus Christ in order to enter the Kingdom of God. Evidence of this full immersion will be witnessed in and by the life of the one that has been fully immersed into Christ.

We believe the Kingdom of God is identified by a name found in Ephesians 2 and that name is the commonwealth of Israel.

We believe the same as all those who have gone before us, that we are strangers and pilgrims on this earth, with no earthly citizenship.

We claim the Laws of God, His Statutes, His commandments, and His perfect Will are the Laws that we will submit to.

We believe that being physically born on the soil of what is called America, we have every much a right to live according to our faith as anyone else born here has the right to live according to their faith. Our forefathers were here LONG before the forefathers of the United States. We claim the Government instituted by our forefathers' constitution as shown in the New Haven Colony Covenants. Further, to be technically correct, we do not believe we have a "right" to live according to our faith, but we have a command by God to live according to our faith.

Hosea said, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." The key of knowledge has been removed from America. Jesus said, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God...." Most people will say, "Yes, I believe in the Kingdom of God." But ultimately, Jesus is not allowed full reign in their lives, because, when "the rubber hits the road" - they believe His Kingdom is not for now - but is a coming futuristic Kingdom. This is the fatal flaw in modern theology today and is the reason why America is on the fast track to destruction.

Please read our books with an open heart. You may come across things you have never heard. But please remember, we are seeking God with all our heart, continually asking for forgiveness for our shortcomings and giving praise for our blessings.

Alternative Power VideoSeveral years back, our family made a DVD showing how we produced our own electricity. We still have some DVDs available. I've never been comfortable asking for help with our ministry, but if anyone would like to help us with our ministry and/or the battle we are in, and would like a copy of our DVD, we'd be happy to send it out. We'll send one out free of charge to anyone who helps us with this ministry.

If you would like to help us, our mailing address is:


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