God Send Us Men Ministries




Kingdom Radio
Listen live at 10:00am Sonday mornings

From time to time, we receive emails from listeners and supporters. Send me an email and ask me to post it to this page to share with others.


Very good message this past Sunday. Thought provoking. You mentioned in this email and the message about Frank and the illness he has. I want to tell you about something that may help him. As you, I am sure know, anything not found in main stream medicine is decried as crazy, risky and stupid. But if he wants to investigate something that has lots of testimonies and time tested then have him check out chlorine dioxide (CD). It was discovered in the 1800's. In modern times it was found to be medicinal in many ways. To purify water, spray on fruits and vegetables and meat. It is a natural mineral salt so it leaves nothing that has to be washed off. It is approved by many agencies and many states use it to treat municipal water instead of chlorine bleach.

But, when it was discovered to have healing properties, all weight was brought to bare by the pharma companies. A man named Jim Humble was a engineer/miner out in the wilds of the jungle when two of his men got sick from Malaria. This is the dis-ease that claims more lives in the world than any other. Jim sent two other men to the next nearest mining camp but that trip would take at least 24 hours and with the advancement of the dis-ease they might be dead by then. So he gave them a product you can find at any camping supply store called stabilized water (CD). They recovered in 4 to 6 hours! Well he brought this new treatment product where ever he went throughout Africa and South America. It worked well there too for Malaria as well and he new he had something special. He also convinced the Red Cross in Uganda to
run a test. They got 154 people with confirmed blood test before and 24 hours after administration. 150 were healthy and the remaining 4 persons took a few more hours. I could go on but you get the idea. It has been used for many of todays dis-eases as well with good results. If [ anyone ] is interested, [ they ] will have to do [ their ] own research but there are books by Jim Humble and a few others that had experience with it. As well there are some videos. This email is already too long so let him know about it and if he wants to I can send you some links, etc.

[ Note: When the links are sent in, I'll post them here. Please check back. ]


As we listened to your message Sonday and you read from Joshua 24, at verse 25 when you read:
"So Joshua made a covenant with the people that day, and set them a statute and an ordinance in Shechem. And Joshua wrote these words in the book of the law of God,"

That piqued my interest and I looked ahead of you in the scriptures to see if Joshua had actually added a new or additional statute or an ordinance in the book of the law of God. Of course, the answer is no, he did not add a statute or an ordinance to the law of God. Certainly not a "thou shall" or "thou shalt not".
What we are seeing in this scripture is a perfect example of contract law. The people agreed in one accord that they would conduct their lives the way that the law giver and creator of Heaven and earth instructs us all to conduct our lives, by His laws. His laws and statutes at their basic core can be summed up as Christ said: Love God and serve Him with everything that you are and have, and love your neighbor as you love yourself; on these two commandments hang the entire law.
The Kingdom of God exists from generation to generation. The scripture says that this generation that lived under the leadership of Joshua served God and His laws. Every generation has the same opportunity presented to it: Serve the Law Giver and Creator of Heaven and earth... or serve other mere men and what they say is right and wrong, good and evil, obey their endless laws, statues, ordinances, constitutions, treaties, tax codes, licenses and registrations, ad nauseum.
The CONstitution of the United States cannot bind people year after year, generation after generation into perpetuity simply because people are born on lands that the CONstitutionalists think they own and control. Every generation, every man and woman is supposed to choose whom they will serve, it is not supposed to be chosen for them or defaulted to the CON. That is serving other gods, other law givers, rulers, judges and magistrates and it is sin. It doesn't matter that we were born into it and deceived into it, at the end of our short time here on this earth we each have to stand on our choices before the Father. Did we and our house choose to serve Him... or did we choose to serve the mere men, little g-gods, that our fathers and mothers and grand parents served?
Verse 26 describes the great stone that Joshua erected as a reminder of the choice that generation made to serve God instead of men. This is an example of a record of keeping, to remind all those who choose to participate in a contract or covenant of what their commitments are exactly.
I sure hope to see in my days left on this earth, a movement of people who will say together in one accord that they choose this day to come out of the wicked governments of men and leave the gods of their parents and grandparents and to serve and obey the living God and His Christ exclusively. I want to see a record of keeping erected somewhere for all to see that a generation of God's people committed to each other and to their God to follow His ways and not the ways of men.

THEN - after the message on 1/15/2023, this came in.

Sophistry... changing the meaning of words, a few generations later and people don't understand that the simplistic message of the Bible is: God created the Heaven and earth where we exist, He told us what was good and what was evil; how to treat each other, what to do to make things right, and that those "laws" are the ONLY laws we are to govern our lives by and that fearing and obeying other men's versions of what is good and evil is serving other gods. It started with Cane and then Nimrod, pretty soon wicked, power hungry, ambitious men popped up everywhere forcing weaker, fearful men to obey them instead of the creator. Jesus came to end all of that once and for all. It's not some namdy pamdy, esoteric, overly spiritualized universal "forgiveness" that lets you live life how you want to...obeying your own version of right and wrong and what other men tell you is right and wrong. Until that message is understood, this is what we're getting.


From Randy - 11-13-2022

Just finished last weeks and today's lessons. Excellent message this morning Charlie. You know, it struck me as to the knowledge "we are free indeed" and the fact that there is ultimate or at least a wide latitude of freedoms through Christ, his laws and adherence to them.

So, your message actually adds to that. "Freedom from Baptism" is proof of that freedom in Christ. It's ONE less RITUAL of MAN or THING to HAVE to do, that was at best a shadow of TRUE freedom in the final Tabernacle. This is ultimately the "freedom" that escapes the psyche & the heart of the American "church goer" and patriot or CONstitutionalist.

I might add, just to reverse engineer just how antithetical and thus antichrist modern churchianity is. That if H2O baptism is a requirement of the Missouri Lutheran Synod to be a MEMBER, take COMMUNION, etc, even IF one was baptized in another REFORMED denomination, that is the definition of a CULT. And, would deny Jesus, and all the disciples & apostles fellowship and membership and all the their teachings.


From Jeff - 10-23-2022

When you told us last week that you were going to Luke 24, I read ahead, purposely looking for the baptisma of Christ...

In Luke 24, verse 32 they said to one another, was not our soul on fire? while He talked with us?

Were they washed by the water of the Word and with the fire of the Holy Spirit at that time/moment?

It seems to me as though, yes they were...but did they then carry on in disbelief? Did they go back to the eleven not believing? No, it seems they did believe He was He...

In v 21, they trusted that it had been He

In v 25, they were described as slow to believe

In v 31, they had a revelation, their eyes were opened

In v 32, their soul, their essence and very being felt as though they were being consumed, as with fire

In v 34, they recognized Jesus as Lord ...(just as they had in v 21?)

In v 41, they yet believed not, for joy and wonderment ...(were they still rubbing their eyes to make sure that they were seeing what they knew they saw?)

So, was v 32 a washing by fire? a washing by the water of the Word?

Again I say, yea...

From Joan - 10/02/2022 - This is an excellent testimony that she has shared.

I had a debate again with [...]*, my goodness it is so hard to explain.

Especially that institutionalized education wherein a friend of hers came and ask questions and I answered. She keeps on asking who is our founder, I said Jesus Christ. She asked about our doctrines I said we do not have doctrines, that it should be all the Bible. We should go back to the word of God.

She has plenty of questions about education I gave examples, like building of houses compare 4 years on hand experienced builder to a theoretical 4 years schooled, who builds better? Who builds with good quality? It is the experienced. We discussed plenty .I said, all religions should be removed it should be literal kingdom of God she says she gets it, that if that was what was taught it will be paradise on earth. I said, of course! though in the Kingdom of God there will be wicked people but the punishment will be based on the old Testament punishments.

Why others understand it and own parents do not?

They say that we comment on everything. We should be more broad minded. I said the standard should always be based on the Bible not mine.

Praying really for right words to bring down high minds to the obedience to the Lord.


*Name redacted out of respect for the person Joan was "debating" with.

From Jeff - 9/30/2022

..thru this series, one of the many takeaways (is exactly what you've been saying)...is that it is HIS work.

..and I see His work in a baptisma again in Titus 2:14 (note purify)

The other week you read Psalm 51, and David's plea for his insides to be made clean...(purified)

Now in Psalm 92:4 David confirms that it is HIS work...and it;s beautiful to see..

92 It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord, and to sing praises unto thy name, O Most High:

2 To shew forth thy lovingkindness in the morning, and thy faithfulness every night,

3 Upon an instrument of ten strings, and upon the psaltery; upon the harp with a solemn sound.

4 For thou, Lord, hast made me glad through thy work: I will triumph in the works of thy hands.

5 O Lord, how great are thy works! and thy thoughts are very deep.

6 A brutish man knoweth not; neither doth a fool understand this.

see it once, see it everywhere

From Jeff - After message on 8/14/2022

I havent read Schnobbel, but after istening to this message, I now know how it feels to read Schnobbel...it makes my head hurt...in a good way! There's just so much information to take in, but I love it.

And you're right, we don't need the Orthodox Jewish Bible to show John's washing to be a work of the law...but it sure does prove it, clearly. Matt 3 Verse 11 should end the discussion...He shall give you tevilah (immersion)...HE SHALL GIVE, HE SHALL GIVE, HE SHALL GIVE....It's His work, on us, that ONLY HE CAN GIVE.

How can we expect salvation if ANYONE ELSE does the work that only He can do?

And again in v14, even John preferred Christ's washing over his own...THAT should end the discussion, too. And what you showed by contrasting the first of the end, to the last of the end...(from John's writings)...perfect and on target.

Cant wait for next week...turning the corner, Part Two...!

From Michael - After the message on 8/7/2022

I finally saw and listened to the two videos you referenced.  Great stuff.  I’m with you Charlie that to simply replace “baptism” with “immersion” in the text is not sufficient.  It is clearly NOT representative  of the whole tense of the Greek word.  Sometimes it can be, but that would have to be nuanced in each instance.  Better to expand the word to a couple English synonyms within the context.

Some refresher analysis for you guys:

baptízō, from a derivative of G911; to immerse, submerge; to make whelmed (i.e. fully wet); used only (in the New Testament) of ceremonial ablution, especially (technically) of the ordinance of Christian baptism:—

Well, that’s Strong’s churchianity showing through a bit.  Because baptism is baptism.  You know the thing!

bapto- to dip, to dye, to immerse.

Seems the consensus is that bapto was a “temporary” dipping (or either a partial dipping such as in Rev 19:13), but which could have included full submersion.  The point was that the object dipped was not left in the solution. 

The sense of baptizo is that the object dipped or immersed remained submerged, thus permanently changed; altered; or in a physical state which could not be reversed

Seems then in Acts 22:16,

And now why tarriest thou? arise, and be baptized, and wash (apolouō)  away thy sins, calling on the name of the Lord.

Wash, being apolouō, would be the removing of the filth.  Paul’s sins had already been remitted (Surprisingly, Strong’s says this in the text, and I agree) when he was converted on the road to Damascus.  Ted says he was converted but his sins not yet remitted until he was “washed” by Ananias in the ritual of the baptism.  Which is inverted.  The washing of the filth was the ceremonial removal of the sins that had been forgiven… but still clung to the body  (all this is taken metaphorically or spiritually). The term  apolouō was used in reference to washing a dead body prior to burial as well… Well, that’s  Interesting.   If, as Ted says, Paul was “buried in a watery grave” by Ananias (which completed his salvation), it seems to me he would have been returned to his filth of death, not washed from it.  One does not enter into a tomb to become clean.

1 Cor 12:13 is another instance where, contrary to Ted’s assertion, one CAN “drink baptism” ;-)

For by one Spirit are we all baptized  into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit.

We are translated/transformed into one body (Christ’s).  By which we are made to drink into one Spirit.  “…but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.”  The drinking in of the Spirit is synonymous here with the immersion into Christ, that is, the putting on of Christ… To wit:

How does Ted misunderstand Galatians 3?

Is the law then against the promises of God? God forbid: for if there had been a law given which could have given life, verily righteousness should have been by the law. 22 But the scripture hath concluded all under sin, that the promise by faith of Jesus Christ might be given to them that believe. 23 But before faith came, we were kept under the law, shut up unto the faith which should afterwards be revealed. 24 Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith. 25 But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster. 26 For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. 27 For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.

Simply re-stated:  There is NO WORK of the Law which could give life...  “For the wages of sin is death”.  If sin is not put away, there can therefore be no salvation.  IF a ritual act of the law could REMIT sin, permanently and effectively, then Christ would not have needed to die.  Paul already fleshed out that logic earlier.

Clearly, the Promise was to be given by FAITH in Christ—same faith Abraham had.  And the same Promise, btw.  The works of the law, plainly said here, were to LEAD us to Christ—afterwards, we would no longer need those “works”. 

But church (and Ted) invoke the reverse of this.  FIRST we are “led to Christ” (conversion, sinners prayer, repentance, alter call, whatever), THEN we need to be water baptized in a (new) work of the NT law.  Either Paul is right or Ted is.  Can’t both be.

Those who have been “immersed/transformed/transfigured/altered/converted” into the nature of Christ have “put on” endyō  [to sink into (clothing), put on, clothe one's self, endued] Christ. 

This is not hard!

Finally, Matt 28:

And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power (authority, right, jurisdiction)  is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing (transforming/translating) them in(to) the name (authority/character) of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe (tend to/keep/guard) all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

ALL jurisdiction BELONGS to Christ in the New Covenant world.  Therefore, his disciples were to go and teach the nations, TRANSLATING them from the power of the world into and UNDER THE AUTHORITY of His Father’s kingdom… to henceforth OB SERVE HIS laws and statutes (“all things which I have commanded you”).

What a slight (and a sleight) to imply this passage means ANYTHING LESS than what it says!  Insisting this is a mere church ritual Christ was commanding is one of the most egregious and subversive things imaginable against the Kingdom of God.  How easily some go where angels fear to tread!



by Renee L.


I don’t believe in church-style baptizo
Because the Bible doesn’t tell me it’s so

And when the Bible doesn’t tell me it’s so
The Bible tells me, the Bible tells me so


‘Cuz when the Bible is silent on a matter
The Bible speaks volumes versus church chatter

To continue keeping ceremonial laws
Like keeping Jesus nailed to the cross

 I don’t believe in church-style baptizo
Because the Bible doesn’t tell me it’s so

And when the Bible doesn’t tell me it’s so
The Bible tells me, the Bible tells me so


And I don’t believe in first day sabbath Sunday
Any more than the Sabbath is on Monday

Jesus proclaimed it so we would understand
The seventh day Sabbath was made for man


I don’t believe in church-style baptizo
Because the Bible doesn’t tell me it’s so

And when the Bible doesn’t tell me it’s so
The Bible tells me, the Bible tells me so


Like I don’t believe in celebrating Christ-Mass
The Pope’s broken cross, I’ll have to pass

Nor, do I believe in Easter egg hunts
And Halloween dressing up as nuns

 I don’t believe in church-style baptizo
Because the Bible doesn’t tell me it’s so

And when the Bible doesn’t tell me it’s so
The Bible tells me, the Bible tells me so

 When the Bible doesn’t tell me it’s so
The Bible tells me, the Bible tells me so . . .


I've spent a fair amount of time away from FB and social media in general over the past 5-6 months, just popping in here and there. There is a strange occurrence that happens when I read through posts and comments from outspoken people. I'll read an OP or initial comment to an OP and I'll alight with absolute joy at what I read because it appears that the system of belief (faith) of the author and my own would line up nicely. In that euphoric moment I find myself forgetting that there existed gaps between our foundations that prevented the bridging of them together. Each of our foundations have very similar structures erected on them making it appear that they should be connected in a communal infrastructure... but the connections are prevented by the unbridgable foundation gaps.

Romans 12/13, Fulfilled Bible Prophecy, and a laundry list of deceptively mistranslated words like "church", baptism, satan, hell, devil, demon, etc., ad nauseum.

Without a fundamental disagreement on what should be milk of the Word issues, our foundations would easily bridge and the weightier matters, the meat of the Word, could be addressed... in unison.

This "foundation gap" theme I've stumbled on here is not ambiguous or arbitrary and I do not feel that it is an issue of I'm right your wrong or visa versa, though clearly, scripture holds dictates that the New Covenant disciple is to understand as part of the Faith once delivered to the Saints.
I believe ardently now, more than ever, that the gaps are created by a centuries old foe.

The foe is cunning and her sheep suit is VERY CONVINCING, most cannot tell that the sheep is not actually a sheep at all but is instead a ravenous predator in disguise. Her long run of deceptions have corrupted Christendom to the core until now those within don't know up from down, right from wrong, or bitter from sweet. There is zero differentiation between those in the wolfs flock and those in the world, and there is plenty of gnashing of teeth.

The wolf I speak of here is "The Church" and I know for certain now that she is my King's enemy and therefore she is my enemy and I will treat her as such. She has confounded the flock with the deception that "church" is what The Christ King came to establish as opposed to His ecclesia, the Greek word for government. That should be your first clue- the institution called "church", no matter what flavor, in no way, shape, or form can be described as a government. Instead, "church" is the religious arm for her true god - the state; the rebellious, usurpatious competitor of Christ and His Kingdom.

It is apparent that every "churched" man and woman believes that their version of the wolf's flock is somehow the correct one out of the many, many, chopped up sects of the wolf's flock.

Here lies the dig


We will never learn how to bridge the gaps in our foundations and we'll continue to grope in the darkness punching, kicking, scratching, and biting those who should be our brother and our neighbor, and the enemy will continue to be the head instead of the tail.

There is a small bandied brotherhood who's foundations are bridged, mine is bridge with theirs. Each bridge plank creating our connection is an "UN-CHURCHED" doctrine, a dogma destroyed, a truth uncovered...even though the understanding may still be incomplete, we know we're moving back toward the narrow path.

My heart's desire is simply to see people come sit at the table with hearts and minds hungry for the truth, willing and ready to circumcise their "church" traditions in order to gain truth. It's ugly sometimes, and sometimes painful, but it's exciting to see God's Word come alive and to see man's traditions die!
I hope you'll join us.

Matthew 7/4/2022


Jeff T said:

I watched Tovias S. again..he said Isaiah and Joel were essentially the same prophecy, blah, blah, blah... But I think not, not so fast.

I had never caught it before until now, the different order in Joel and Isaiah.

Joel was about 100 years or so they say, before Isaiah.

Joel says in 3:10 Beat your plowshares into swords and your pruninghooks into spears:

Contrast that...

Isaiah says in 2:4: They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks.

And after reading thru it more, I think it is done that way for a good reason. They are two separate (prophecy) events.

In Joel 3:11 in the NIV...Come quickly, all you nations from every side, and assemble there. Bring down your warriors, Lord!

We see the nations on one side, and the Lord and His army on the other sides. Two sides about to battle. Except it is no battle at all, because Christ the King subdues all nations with his word alone. (To put it mildly.) Then the day of judgement commences.

Then, after Christ delivers judgement and salvation, and begins His Eternal Reign...Isaiah 2:2-4 is fulfilled in the gospel of the kingdom, and we see the plowshares that were previously beaten into swords (in Joel) are now being beaten BACK into plowshares (in Isaiah), meaning war is over, peace has arrived.

It's a picture of before and after the day of the Lord from the first century.

Which reminds me, of something you said two weeks ago, and it's obviously no big deal, at all. It's me picking up on something you said...

You were referring to the work of Christ that was finished "over 2,000 years ago.

I chuckled, because we don't really know that now, do we? We know it was the first century, that much we do know. It just made me laugh, that's all! Ha!

Michael T said:

Jews are notorious for not being evangelical.  They don’t proselytize.  This guy isn’t proselytizing.

What Jews do, and have done, is infiltrate Christianity and invert it.  What he’s attempting to do here is infiltration by getting Christians to listen to him and begin to doubt their faith.  Too many are biblically illiterate and have no ammunition against this tactic.  Sadly.

The ‘Rabbi’ asks: Why isn’t Isaiah 2 quoted in the NT if Jesus was to fulfill it? 

Specifically?  Because it hadn’t happened yet--during the time the NT was being written.  It was still unfolding.  But why not ask the reason why each and every messianic prophecy or allusion in the OT (which is actually the entirety of the OT) isn’t quoted in the NT?  Well, because it would destroy his case.  It would also make for a very long book.

And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen. …(John 21:25)

But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name. (John 20:31)

There’s his answer.

He says sarcastically,  “Nothing in the OT speaks of dying for our sins, resurrections, nothing about lambs” etc. 

Well except for Dan 9:26, Psalm 16:10 (and Peter’s exegesis of it in Acts 2:22-36) , the entire story of the Passover lamb , the story of Joseph and his brothers, every story in the Bible which are in fact historical allegories pointing towards Christ… This guy knows this.  Blatant deception.

Then he said unto them, O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken:  Ought not Christ to have suffered these things, and to enter into his glory?  And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself.  (Luke 24:25-27)

The good Rabbi knows about this passage as well.  Wonder if he’ll ever quote it and attempt to expound upon it.

But let’s go back to Isaiah 2 and take a stab at it.

And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it.

Well we know what the last days were and when they were…and why they were.  No need to re-preach everything we’ve heard in the past number of years here.  So this is now past history (to us).  All of these things have now occurred.  Mountains represent kingdoms in the Bible—thus the Kingdom of God will be exalted ABOVE all the other kingdoms of the world.  And “all the nations shall flow into it” is rather self-explanatory.  Although some would say the “nations” here are the nations of Israelites (or of Adam), but that doesn’t affect my point.

3 And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.

This is not hard to understand, bearing the above interpretation.  ‘MANY people shall enter into the Kingdom of God.  And they shall be taught His ways, and will walk in His paths, and out of THEM—who ARE His City, the New Jerusalem—shall go forth the Law of God throughout the world.’  Exactly as we’ve witnessed in history over the past two thousand years.

4 And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.

And this is the only difficult part of the passage, which is why the Rabbi led off with it (and ignored the rest).

Here is my understanding.  First of all, almost nothing in the Bible is intended to apply to everyone, everywhere, and at all times.  The Word was given to God’s people and it is intended for them alone (see John 8, Matt 13:10-16, etc.).  Whenever we see the phrase “the whole world/earth” in the Bible, it almost NEVER (if ever) means the literal whole world…  Just do a search for the phrase all the world or the whole world and study for yourself.

Therefore in this passage above, “the nations” (doesn’t even say “ALL the nations”, does it?) will be judged by God/the Messiah, and “MANY” people shall “be rebuked”. And THEY shall beat their swords into plowshares, and not learn war anymore. .. Who are these nations being spoken of?  Not every nation, for sure.  Look around.

But what of those who’d entered into the Kingdom of God through faith and repentance?  Those Peter called a “HOLY NATION”…

But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light; (1 Peter 2:9)

By the way, this isn’t the first time we’ve heard of a “holy nation”—the OT is FULL of the term (see Exodus 19:6, Deut 14:2, and 26:19, for example).  The Rabbi also knows this well. 

This “holy nation” today, in the New Covenant age, is not made up of ONLY genetic descendants of Jacob-Israel.  This is common Christian doctrine (or should be). 

After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands (Rev 7:9)

Jesus, in fact, taught the JEWS—his kin by blood—that the Father’s house would be a blessing to ALL nations…

And he taught, saying unto them, Is it not written, My house shall be called of all nations the house of prayer? but ye have made it a den of thieves.  (Mark 11:17)

Jesus was quoting the OT scriptures here, by the way.  Book of Isaiah, matter of fact.   I’m sure the Rabbi is aware.

From Isaiah 2 again:

…nation shall not lift up sword against nation…

Therefore, which nations, I ask you, are being spoken of here?  We just saw it in the context of this passage.  Q.E.D.

The Rabbi says none of this has ever occurred in the history of the world… How would he know?  His people have been busily causing the nations to lift up the sword against each other for millennia!  They literally made up the phrase, “Hey, let’s you and him fight!”

True believers IN Christ—those in the Kingdom of God—love the brethren, of any nation, and do not lift up the sword against them.  This is perhaps the most telling attribute of a true Christian. 

And finally, since he ignored the last half of Isaiah 2, I’ll take the time to mention here that THOSE words were duly fulfilled in AD 70 at the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple, as John’s Revelation clearly attests to!  I bet the old Rabbi knows very well what Josephus, a fellow unbelieving Jew from the first century—and eyewitness to these events—had to say about it.  I also bet he’ll never mention it in any of these debates.

Hopefully many will see through the lies of this Jew—and all of them who engage in this subversion and INVERSION of the Truth.

David B. said:

Well Charlie, I watched this guy again today and took some notes.

First of all, he says that "Jews" would have "...loved to have had the Messiah" in the first Century because they were oppressed by the Romans. This is a lie! The antichrist Edomite Jews under King Herod had a symbiotic political relationship with the Roman government and it was the the antichrist Edomite Jews and other Jewish sects through their Babylonian Talumudism who persecuted and murdered our Savior and His followers and tried to blame it on the Roman government!

Next, he refers to the old testament as "Jewish scriptures" which they were not and are not as the term "Jews did not even appear in the KJV until II Kings 16:6, and those who call themselves "Jews" today admit in their own writings it is erroneous. Under the heading of "A brief History of the Terms for Jew" in the 1980 Jewish Almanac is the following: "STRICTLY SPEAKING IT IS INCORRECT TO CALL AN ANCIENT ISRAELITE A ‘ JEW' OR TO CALL A CONTEMPORARY JEW AN ISRAELITE OR A HEBREW." (1980 Jewish Almanac, page 3
He also referred to the new testament alone as "the Christian Bible" when in truth and reality, the new testament is derived from the old testament, both of which clearly and unequivocally are written about, to and for Adamic man, later known as Hebrews, and now Caucasian Christians in our respective "multitude of nations" we've become as promised to our forefathers, Abraham, Isaac, & Jacob/Israel, of which the USA is but one.
Next, he refers to Isaiah 2:2-4 as the sole biblical basis for his conclusion, while completely ignoring all numerous other old testament prophets alluding to the coming of our Savior in the first century. He makes mention of Micah Chapter 4, which explicitly describes the establishment of Christ's impending kingdom on earth. He makes mention of II Corinthians 3 but I don't understand why. Somehow, he connects the book of Psalms with the Psalmist's statement "why hast thou forsaken me" with Christ's similar statement on the cross before His death.

He then mentions John 8:44 saying "...God brought salvation to Gentiles to provoke jealousy among the Jews," however, this is a lie. As we are told in Jeremiah 3:8, it was the house of Israel that had been "divorced" but not yet the house of Judah who were every bit as guilty, as it was through the bloodline of Judah that our Savior was to come. It was by His coming that Christ then "divorced" the house of Judah so to speak. He then was murdered, buried, and resurrected thereby fulfilling His purpose as prescribed in Hosea 1:10-11, Jeremiah 31:31-37, and Hebrews 8:8-10.

In His reference to "Gentiles," he fails to mention that it is merely a generic term meaning "nations" that can be applied to anyone, and, in fact, is applied to the descendants of the 12 tribes of Israel in the bible! In John 7:33-35, Jesus told the Jews He was speaking with He would be going where they could not come and they reasoned among themselves saying, "...Whither will he go, that we shall not find him? Will he go unto the dispersed among the Gentiles [nations], and teach the Gentiles?" That word "dispersed" comes from the Greek word "Diaspora" and refers to the 12 tribes of Israel scattered into other lands as is verified by reading James 1:1 & I Peter 1:1.

He then takes Isaiah 11:6-8 completely out of context, and brings up I Thessalonians apparently grabbing at straws for want of anything else to salvage his lies. Lastly I would mention that antichrist Edomite Jew Communist, Karl Marx once said they would infiltrate the churches and transform true Christianity into the "opiate of the people." These antichrists in our midst are those identified in Revelation 2:9 & 3:9 as the descendants of Esau/Edom, and further identified in I John 2:18-23, I John 4:1-6, and ii John 7. As the descendants of Esau/Edom, they are forever trying to steal back the birthright given to our forefather, Jacob/Israel. As we are told in Romans Chapter 9, and in Malachi Chapter 1, our Creator/Savior hates Esau/Edom, but loves Jacob/Israel.

As I understand, in view of the fact that our Creator/Savior, by His coming, death, burial, & resurrection, gave us all power over all our enemies and all who hate us as we can read in Luke Chapter 1, but, as we are told in Deuteronomy 28:15-68, if we fail to keep His commandments thereby expressing our love, honor, and respect for Him, by accepting and carrying out our duty and responsibility to see to it His will/law is done here in His everlasting kingdom on earth, under His everlasting Government on earth, He bring His chastisement upon us. He does this using His and our antichrist Edomite adversaries, their proselytes and puppet political prostitutes as His "thorns in our sides" as we are told He would in Judges 2:1-3, and as His "vessels of wrath fitted for destruction" whom He "hates" as we are told in Romans Chapter 9. Since they are inherently evil and wicked, they present themselves outwardly as good but inwardly are as ravening wolves, they infiltrate our society and government and corrupt us, from which they prosper upon our iniquity [lawlessness].

Their false doctrines of men in the social clubs erroneously called "churches" teaching and preaching a second coming of Christ and that "Satan" is in control and there is nothing professing Christians can do about it except pray, are praying in vain! This "Satan" is not some supernatural being but actually consists of our antichrist Edomite adversaries that our Creator/Savior is using in His chastisement of us! They are trying to destroy us and rebuild their Babylonian beast system one world government. In truth, and in reality, our Creator/Savior is patiently awaiting a sufficient remnant of us to boldly proclaim we have "NO KING BUT KING JESUS!" without fear and really mean it, by turning back to Him as our literal, only risen King, Savior, & Law-giver NOW AND FOREVER! Once enough of us do what we are told in II Chronicles 7:14, and then II Corinthians 10:1-6, once again, we will see what is described in Matthew 13:37-43 come to pass! Then, our antichrist Edomite adversaries, proselytes, and puppet political prostitutes will be fleeing the certain wrath of our Creator/Savior, meted out by His faithful and obedient servants & messengers, and all this antichrist, Edomite (RED) socialism/communism built upon economic fraud & usury they've built up in our midst will be obliterated just as we are told in Malachi Chapter 1!

Charlie, feel free to share this if you think it worthy.



Please pray for our sisters and brothers in the Philippines. This came from Joan on 11/15/2021.

Good day brother Charlie,
Though the days are tough on our area due to vaccination mandates and people here seem not care for the effects of the jab because of fear of losing their work like jeepney drivers so they take it just the same. But others who have seen the first hand adverse side effects have doubts already of taking the jab. On our side, We just pray that the Lord Yeshua will protect us from evil because we opt not to take the jab.

A census personnel from psa (Philippine statics office) came this day to interview me for year in year out census but I have declined the interview while giving her all reasons why. I told her that if it is Kingdom of King Yeshua which is the Commonwealth of Israel and the laws and statutes of our Lord are the ones being implemented then I will take the census. It is useless anyway because for how many years they just get personal information and that is where they base their poor or rich statistics. They will even ask if we have refrigerators and the like, what is the house made of etc. I said what if the house were inherited and things inside it were donated or passed down to us?Will you say that we are poor or rich? How will they alleviate poverty basing on those questions?

I said to her that we, as Natives called Igorots, should be like our ancestors who have fought for the land which was not invaded by Spaniards for 300 years because as of now their government came to own what they have not created. Igorots before work with their own hands and not depend on other people.
As tradition the natives here settle disputes with the elders,pray and sacrifice and that's it, that is why there is not need for lawyers and courts or government . The only difference now is to change from pagan god and turn to our One true God Jesus Christ and His laws. But then because of idolatry of education,position and "government" that practice was removed and they go to courts to sue one another.
I encouraged this 22year old worker to read the Bible and compare it to the laws made by man so that they will see the difference. It is just a very short talk but hopefully something has triggered her mind to read and to seek.

Going back to the God send us men fb page which was flagged.

Usually, I copy the link from your website and post it on the page, I boost it, I pay a small amount for the message to be seen or heard. So the audience will see it as an advertisement.For the previous months the page was doing fine but then a while ago they have flagged the page for suspicious blah, blah.So I messaged FB and I asked what was the reason for flagging. What is wrong with the preaching of the reality of the Kingdom of King Yeshua? Now, I am still waiting for the reply.

It is so frustrating that I wanted to ask, are you for Christ or you have the spirit of anti-christ that you flag messages about Kingdom Yeshua and His Kingdom?

Anyways, If they will remove the page I will make another. That is the only remedy.

Praying for more ambassadors, children of God, sleeping believers to wake up.

For our King Yeshua and His Kingdom,


Hey Charlie,

So, I just finished reading through your debate with Kevin Craig… And, I have to say it left me somewhat discouraged… and maybe resentful (or perhaps ‘angry’). Not towards your words of course as they were perfectly delivered.

But it seems to me that this is the Great Divide among Christians (so-called) today. The main driver in churchianity (to which Kevin subscribes heart, body and soul) is To Whom Do We Submit? It seems easy enough on the face of things when reading the scriptures that we are to submit to GOD and not man, but somehow this has been so hopelessly twisted by the churchmen that it is now almost universally accepted that what God really meant was that we should earnestly strive to obey man, and his laws, statutes and “ordinances”, and IF, perchance, one of them clearly contradicts God’s Law, then, and only then, we MAY, MIGHT not want to obey it, and gladly suffer the consequences of the State for our obstinacy. Do I have that about right?

Now how in blazes will that ever allow Christ’s Kingdom to overcome the world? How can the Great Commission EVER succeed if we are to just roll over to governments and Caesars giving them our belly to stab if and whenever they feel like it? Our obedience to wicked men is the prescription for victory? How’s that been working out for 2,000 years Kevin? This is as demented a doctrine I’ve ever come across.

It seems like our battle should be first and foremost against the world’s “church”. I wrote a Minute called Subduing Kingdoms a long while back, but maybe it needs to be re-worked. The kingdom of churchianity should be first in line to be subdued methinks. Perhaps it’s our greatest enemy.

The reason millions of our so-called “brethren” are going along with all the madness is principally BECAUSE they are following what their “denominations” require of them…or what their dumb dog “pastors” are telling them.

His watchmen are blind: they are all ignorant, they are all dumb dogs, they cannot bark; sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber.

They can’t think for themselves. They don’t want to. They are sheep. Their Idol Shepherds are leading them all into the slaughter chute with tambourines and clapping hands and JaySuss smiling down on them all. Again, it’s a grand, dark parody of Christianity now and it’s hoovering up all the outliers in the same way that Walmart has mopped up all the mom and pop shops. Even the people I’ve known in the past who attend little “home churches” or have tiny congregations in a rented building seem to all parrot the same garbage as the Megas. It’s all the same.

I will pray for Chuck Baldwin, by the way. He’s on the very edge of seeing things clearly I think. If he came along—wow. Then all he’d have to do is root out the rank miscegenation in his assembly and I could stand with him. ;-)

Anyway, back to the issue of sovereignty. You see, you’ve identified the other great mirage of the world church. Maybe I didn’t see it as clearly as you—but thanks for the enlightenment. I DO understand your heartburn over this “issue” now. But I first want to clarify what I meant by the statement “God IS Sovereign.” …Because I recognize the distinction of that statement and the church doctrine of the “Sovereignty OF God”. Maybe I didn’t before, for lack of really thinking about it.

Since Christ is the “ONLY Potentate, the King of kings, and Lord of lords..” By definition, He alone is Sovereign. (As is the Father, as they are One). You are right, though—the word “sovereign” is not found in the Bible. Nor is the word “omniscient”... Yet, the principle is there:

For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things. (1 John 3:20)

However, the word “omnipotent” IS scriptural:

…for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth (Revelation 19:6)

Now we both agree to those principles about the nature of God. “There is nothing too hard for Him”… “He does ALL His pleasure”… etc. But, He has laid out what things He WILL do, and those He WON’T. Not that He CAN’T do them. That is what I mean by Sovereign. He COULD, if He wanted to, stop the heavens in their tracks. He’s done it before, after all. You say He’s not inclined to do that anymore, and I can’t dispute it, but if He WAS inclined, He would—and nothing, no one could object.

And all the inhabitants of the earth are reputed as nothing: and he doeth according to his will in the army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth: and none can stay his hand, or say unto him, What doest thou? (Daniel 4:35)

I don’t believe He’s cast off His prerogative to do whatsoever He pleases. But I do see your point, brother, that in THIS AGE (and we can’t eliminate any “Ages to come”—Ephesians 2:7) He has set forth His ecclesia as the Instrument of His Hand… His “battle axe”, if you will. Perhaps you are right that He will do nothing without the obedience of His people and only through their obedience will He act or INTERVENE in His Created order on their behalf. I don’t see any conflict with scripture in that statement, nor any conflict with His inherent Sovereignty either.

Of course, as you have been rightfully thrashing, the “Church” teaching of the so-called ‘Sovereignty of God’ means something else entirely. Theirs is indeed, Que Sera, Sera. No need for obedience, or action, or real faith on their part, as God will do whatever it is He will do—regardless. Yet they are conflicted and contradicted in their belief here. Perfect example was your anecdote of the ‘Christian’ woman you spoke to who’d gotten the jab and told you she wasn’t worried about it as “God was in charge”. Well, if that was true and she really believed it, then WHY DID SHE FEAR the alleged bogus Covid disease in the first place, and why did she even NEED such an injection of poison and aborted fetal-cells, human and animal DNA, synthetic RNA, metallic nanoparticles, and God knows what else directly into her blood? If God was really Sovereign over her own body, as she alleges, then she would have been OBEDIENT to His laws governing it and her. Nor would she have FEARED tiny invisible monsters invented in the perverted minds of madmen who hate Christ. See what I’m saying? It’s all double mindedness and hypocrisy.

Elsewhere on the nature of Sovereignty, others (Kevinites) believe God sovereignly placed evil men and women in places of rulership over ALL of His people (are there any anywhere on the earth who have godly rulers?) and that they—WE—are obligated to fall in line with their every whim and command…For Jesus’ sake. Unless they tell us to murder or something, and then we must ONLY do it with the proper, duly signed, conscription papers, after swearing of the oath to the CONstitution, and only while in uniform. Killing sand niggers for the State is, of course, next to godliness.

Kevin’s theology boils down to this: Christ came down to teach men how to better obey their human masters—how to submit perfectly to their wicked human rulers and suffer meekly under their rods, whips and chains while they lay havoc to God’s people and their communities and re-create the world in the image of Satan. By doing this, Christians will (somehow) covertly propagate the Kingdom of God and transform society into the cities of heaven. Again, How’s that been workin’ out? And, that’s not AT ALL what the biblical record of the first century Christians demonstrated. It’s a total inversion of the gospel of the Kingdom. What a NONSENSE doctrine of hopelessness and futility. Kevin had better be grateful that so many other Christian men over the ages didn’t see it that way, and fought, bled, and died to propagate the True Gospel of the Kingdom, even if they did it erringly in many ways, and even if their results only seemed like temporary gains. The only hope he and his ilk have now (and it’s a long hail-Mary) is that OTHER men will stand against the wicked madmen who now presume to rule us and be willing to beat them down or die trying—in obedience to Christ and in fearlessness to the consequences of potential failure…Preferably after gathering in ecclesias for mutual support. Because unless some (small) critical mass of faithful and courageous men, who have forsaken soy and their government meds, does NOT submit nor comply with the evil decrees of the “powers that be” NOW, Kevin will be made into a doll for the pleasure of his enemies and his children will be made into transhuman puppets, forever drugged and deceived—and probably sterile, dead or dying. Worse, bona fide orthodox Christianity is likely to be strictly OUTLAWED in this nation—and in all the West—and sodomites, pederasts, child-like African matriarchs, and hand-rubbing Jewish Supremacists lording over them all will FULLY SUBJUGATE our societies... We will be thrown into a dystopic dark age for generations, until the Lord can re-grow some boys and men with the proper gonads to do what needs to be done—probably Jehud and Gideon-style.

Kevin’s style of Christianity reminds me of those worthless servants of Christ (yes, worthless) who would be cast out and trampled under the grotesque, diabetes swollen feet of their enemies…

Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.

I am ashamed that I ever wasted so much of my time so many years ago reading his garbage. I can’t remember exactly why I left off with him, but I’m sure I finally became disgusted at his weak pacifism and his weird duplicity of obedience to two masters. Of course, back then I’m sure he hadn’t fleshed out all of this wonky weed-beating as well as he did with you, so I give myself a pass I guess for not seeing it clearly. I mean, he’s thick into the weeds now, no doubt, and I couldn’t make any sense out of his logic from the get-go. I give you great kudos for sticking with that whole conversation as long as you did, and for your patience, and ‘grace’, I guess is the word. I might have just called him a nutter after page one and been done with it. But you gave a good record—a testimony—for the Kingdom and the King, and it was needed, and I’m confident will bear fruit.

Poor Kevin though. What a pitiable, weird, and confused soul.

From Michael - 7/11/2021 - THE OATH

Another excellent message today, Charlie.

Allow me to comment a moment on the military thing. And I will say upfront that this is for public viewing, if you wish to post this to your comments..

As you know, I was also in the military as a young man. (And no, I am not "that friend" Charlie is referring to!) I joined the Army before I was a Christian. I became a Christian while in the Army--specifically about half way through. I did begin to immediately regret my enlistment. In fact, I regretted it shortly after I was inducted, which in fact is part of the circumstances that led me to Christ.

Now I won't say that I fully regretted my time there, as I did experience some really great things (like walking across treacherous glaciers in 4 man rope teams; traversing mountain ranges on foot in Grizzly country, wading glacial streams with a 100 pound pack on, and dropping the pack to literally save a comrade who'd washed out and was drowning; flying "the door" in a huey helicopter with a chute on, "nap of the earth" up river valleys, my boots raking the tops of the cottonwood trees; spending weeks in the high Arctic in the winter, under the blazing Aurora, learning to survive when it never got warmer than 30 below zero day and night--when the 'day' was only a few hours long). But these were all just training exercises. I never picked up a rifle in battle or faced an "enemy" of the State during my time. And I am thankful for that.

But what does bother me was my oath, and the allegiance I swore to the State. Because I essentially was agreeing to be a mercenary for a godless nation, to fight THEIR battles and murder THEIR enemies. The military was certainly a Christ-less organization, but so is nearly every corporate "job" in the "private sector". Yet, we don't, as "civilians", have to swear an oath to the gods of our employers, nor do we promise to kill their competitors!

So I just wanted to say that I have long repented of my military "service", and of benefiting from it (even the "military discounts" at Lowes and such, I will have to refuse now). But, at times when I have been "thanked for my service", I've confessed to the well-wisher that, "I did not serve you, but my masters...and they care not for you"... But you got me thinking... Have I ever PUBLICLY renounced my oath to the United States? I can't say that I have. Of course, I don't know who I would say it to. So I will say it here...before the men (and women) of the Kingdom, in the presence of the believers of the Remnant of God's people, among the Commonwealth of Israel:

I do solemnly swear, that I have renounced and repented of every oath, in all times and in all places, in allegiance to the United States government, or to its CONstitution, or to its flag for which it stands.

This Nation we call America is not 'One Nation'. I do know that well now. And it is by NO means "Under God"--unless it is the gods of this world. America, as a country, is the land of my birth, and contains the heritage of my birth, and of the faith of my fathers. It was a land given to godly men 400 years ago--our true "Founding Fathers". They were not perfect, but they came in the Name of Christ Jesus. He was their King, and this was to be His Kingdom. Things have regressed since then.

In no way are we as Christians bound to this wicked government of alleged "United States". In no way should we support it, nor swear to it, or by it, or for it. We should fight for our land and our heritage FOR the sake of our posterity, AGAINST the usurpers who have conquered it... in plain sight, while we slept in our pews...building an Empire out of a mountain lies. Like a cousin nation once did in an Age past:

“They have plundered the world, stripping naked the land in their hunger… they are driven by greed, if their enemy be rich; by ambition, if poor… They ravage, they slaughter, they seize by false pretenses, and all of this they hail as the construction of empire. And when in their wake nothing remains but a desert, they call that peace.”

― Tacitus, The Agricola and The Germania

I will therefore swear by Yahweh that I will henceforth support and uphold HIS doctrine and HIS law, and HIS Kingdom, wherever it may be found upon the earth, and that I will defend it against all enemies, foreign and domestic, all the days of my life. Amen.


From Matthew - 7-4-2021

I'm not sure if it's true, but I was once told that many of our beloved hymns were rewritten from popular secular songs of their times. Having that in mind, I was introduced today to the fact that there is one genre of art where young, bold, "I'm not afraid of you" ... "christian" (?)/ "churchian" (?), mostly caucasian men are creating music that will not be getting any run on the church stages for "worship" sessions.
Below is a sample of one such song that caught my attention by way of it's title "King". Due to the lyrics' futurist bend...I rebent it a bit.

By: For Today

Lyrics tweeked

This is my generation, and I will not watch it die.
But, you are the only hope.
It’s our destiny to stand tall at your side.
You are the only hope.
Beyond comprehension, oh your voice shook the earth. You are the only hope, so I bring you praise.

You are faithful, Lord. In righteousness you judged and made war.
You are my victory. Let every knee bow, and every created tongue confess that you are Lord.
You are my victory. Oh You judged the works of man, now today I will say, “You are my victory.”
So I rise to see your reign manifested. In majesty, you took your place enthroned above all.

Eyes of fire. The mountains trembled at Your voice. God of glory, came in justice and righteousness to bring war.
God of glory, came in justice and righteousness to bring peace.

Now I can see you brought deliverance from the hand of God. Salvation, came.
Now I can see new dreams awakening, born from the heart of God.
Redemption, came. Now I can see the saints ignited life as the voice of God. Revelation, came.

Long live the King!

From Michael:

Maybe you heard about Christian pastors being arrested in Alberta for holding "church services" which are allegedly "illegal" there now due to an imaginary pandemic.  Here's a video of one.  Be sure to watch it not just for the reaction of his family as he's frog-marched out of his own home in broad daylight, but also for the rhetoric of the stupid cops who are "just doing their job".  Per usual.  As if that was ever an excuse to commit evil. 


Worst part about it is when the arresting jackboot says he's "also a Christian"!  How 'bout that.  Well, of course he is--that's obvious...  And then proceeds to tell the pastor that he needed to "render unto Caesar"!  Now the REAL tragedy here is this pastor apparently did not know how to respond to such an ASININE statement.  And that another so-called Christian would be so ignorant as to assert that what Christ was really saying in that passage was that Caesar IS GOD, and therefore we should "render" unto him accordingly! 

By the way, Canadians don't have a "Caesar" so this doesn't logically fly in any case.

But what things then "belong unto Caesar"?   Our allegiance, our money, our property, our souls?  What? 

Christ was in fact saying to them, "Who is your god?  Therefore obey him."

This is why the Pharisees "marvelled at Him" and had no retort.

This becomes clear when one discovers the detail that is often missed in this exchange but was freely understood by His hearers, and by the early readers of the gospels in Rome... That is, the "penny" Jesus asked for and was handed was in fact a denarius.  This Roman coin had on it the image of Caesar and the boastful inscription 'the son of god'-- of the divine Augustus...

The irony surely wasn't lost on any of them present that here was the ACTUAL Son of God being handed a coin with an image of a politician on it, inscribed with the counterfeit claim, and being asked "to whom should we give tribute?"

The fact is, all citizens and subjects of Rome could worship any god or goddess they pleased--and did, so long as once a year they offered a pinch of incense to their god of gods, their true sovereign--Caesar.  Christians who refused to do this and obstinately insisted that Jesus was Lord were summarily executed in the coliseums.  By the thousands they were gruesomely slaughtered and this is undisputed history.

This man only will have to sit in a Canadian jail cell for a few days with three hots and a cot.  Still, he's willing to suffer that indignity at least, while the VAST majority of other fake believers justify themselves with, "hey, I'm just doing my job...rendering unto Caesar, like Jesus told us to".

They are deluded fools I'm afraid.

For reference:

Deuteronomy 8:18-19
1 Kings 18:21
1 Chronicles 29:11
Psalm 50:10-12

I rest my case.  The Pharisees were wrong, the cop is wrong, and most churchians today spouting this same nonsense are wrong. Until we learn Whom we are to obey, "Caesar" will just keep having his way with us...and God will allow him to.

From Dave B.,:

I'm sharing my commentary I posted on a friends post regarding our current situation and circumstances. It is way past time for each of us to look in the mirror and evaluate ourselves and cease casting the blame for our ever worsening predicament upon our own corporate fiction creature government image (false Baal god) and mere humans we allow to run it. and look in the mirror to see we, as Christian Americans ourselves are to blame for the consequences of our own iniquity! I recommend reading James Chapter 4 to get the perspective of my reasoning.

"Propaganda is a much more effective form of warfare against us than armed confrontation! Why else would our antichrist Edomite adversaries and their proselytes and puppet political prostitutes keep trying to deprive us of our last resort means of defense from their evil wickedness?
Unfortunately, the exposed propagandist liars in the antichrist owned/controlled media and government are not justly prosecuted (or they are conveniently disposed of) in our current socialist/communist political system, which exists primarily to perpetuate the totalitarian tyranny and oppression of the criminals who operate government as nothing more than a gigantic protection racket of legalized plunder & extortion, otherwise known as "criminal syndicalism" which is defined in Black's Law Dictionary, 6th Edition as "ORGANIZED TERRORISM!"

The good news is, this corrupted system, being built upon fraud, would cease to exist if a sufficient number of us would come this realization and simply refuse to bow in fear, worship, support, & dependence upon the corporate fiction creature government image, and, instead, choose to be independent and free individuals governing ourselves here in our Creator/Savior's everlasting kingdom on earth, under His everlasting government on earth (Isaiah 9:6-7), with Him as our only risen King, Savior, & Law-giver!

The truth is, most folks instinctively respect others absent any human coercion from government parasites! YES! I'm saying it! They are all parasites we can do without!"




3/23/2021 - Joan from Philippines: Men Empowerment

It is just so sad when I shared to a girl friend to listen to her husband, she insists of working for her own money.  I just said look at the history, when women fought for women empowerment broken families also became plenty. I said letting the men lead does not make women any lesser. She asked what about those who are battered wives? I was not able to tell her that that is because they do not fear and obey God. It was just a short talk because it is the wake and burial of her uncle. i told her to read the Bible.

It is an obsevation that women of this generation  became too proud that they want to equal themselves with men. But then when they are the ones full time working they complain that they are stressed. When women becomes the leader, it is either the husband dies earlier, children dies and even kill themselves. I do not know if it is just a co-incidence.

I would also tell my two boys that wives are support system of husbands not the main breadwinner.

The duties being a mother to train the kids is a great responsibility but the mothers choose to earn rather than look after their kids.

Praying for Godly men empowerment.


2/19/2021 - Randy M., Subject: Mask Exodus or Mass OCCULT-ATION

Mask Exodus must take place if and when those made in the Image of God can have ecclesiastical dominion (free-dom-inion) on earth.

I know there are those employed that are being intimidated and "must" mask or be fired. Last I checked, "oppression, coercion, intimidation and extortion" is illegal--Biblically reprehensible. But it's tolerated and even embraced. Especially by those in charge of His flock. Even its compliant victims, especially the innocent children,
will and already suffer mass Stockholm Syndrome. They cry, but Romans 13!

Romans 13 is defined by Romans 12. End of argument. Biblical history shows there will be a recompense for pushing God's people too far.

Most states like Texas & Oklahoma are Right to Work states. An employer does not have to give reason to layoff's or firings. There is NO advocate for the common man, accept the common man--his coworker, friend and neighbor. More importantly, his Christian brother--his keeper. If that ecclesiastical order were ever to materialize and manifest, there would be NO need for attorneys or lawyers. Think about this in light of the revelation that there is NO further revelation to come. The Kingdom of Jesus Christ is come. As a result, He put the scribes, pharisees, priests all on the unemployed roles. Forever. New "normals" are never in the favor for freedom and dignity. Only God's Word provides that.  

For example, in my life I have witnessed the "Personnel Office" transform into the behemoth, ubiquitous and de-humanizing "HUMAN RESOURCES" office. HR is the SHADOW GOVERNMENT is every corporate setting. They want to control everything. It's the inner sanctum. Think about it.

These "HR" minions are united, smarmy and sardonic fronts and they are ALL members of the same clubs. The local, state, national, and international  HR associations. To quote my wife in a corporate meeting, "I find the term HUMAN RESOURCE insulting. I am a sentient being, I have a mind, I think."

The term "Person" is a legal term. The term "Resource" is synonymous with something to be Consumed. They both relegate a Created Being whose Face is a MIRROR of its creator into a legal fiction.

So if God created all things and said IT WAS GOOD and IT WILL HAVE NO END, isn't it as obvious as the the nose on our faces, the face of (God) in the mirror, that ANY attempt to OCCULT that image is to DENY the Majesty and Authority of God Himself? To deny the physiology of our bodies?

Is it possible mass (mask) compliance is fearing man more than God? Denying scripture to let the LIGHT of your face to so shine BEFORE men? To acquiesce to an irrational, unlawful order to accept the slavery which is surely revealing itself? The enemy knows the Bible better than his people.


At most I have heard 4 preachers take a stand against the demonic Ritualistic Shame Muzzle. We are either regressing to Baal or manifesting His Kingdom. If the state and heads of their religious houses of worship have authority to shut down and deem illegal what IS commanded of God, it isn't of God. Period. If the "dog" can tug on the master's cloak, breaking that social distance, is not allowed today, it ISN'T of God. Think about it.

2 Corinthians 3:16-18 (NASB)

16 but whenever _someone_ turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away.
17 Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, _there_ is freedom. 18 But we all, with unveiled faces, looking as in a mirror at the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as from the Lord, the Spirit.

1611 KJV says:

16 Nevertheless when it shall turn to the Lord, the vail shall be taken away. 17 Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. 18 But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.


11/01/2020 - From Michael

Great comments on the vote, Charlie! I’ve tried to pass along that Minute to family I think would listen…I don’t know if anyone does, but one day they will see the futility of it. The hard way, probably.

But it really is good you’re getting this message out now. I’m sure, like you said, most of the listeners know this—and hopefully they are learning to practice it. But more important is to get the message disseminated to all who will hear it now. The “democracy” is a dead god (the book to read is Democracy, the God That Failed, by Hoppe). Why our people have put their faith in it for so long is an absolute mystery to me though.

Now wouldn’t it be interesting if this “election” was contested to the point that we had two rival “presidents”, neither of which would concede, and thus creating a nation of sheep who have no idea who the duly elected shepherd is... They get two Barabbases this time, both laying claim to authority over them and both contradicting each other! What to do?

That would really expose the farce of these “powers” would it not? Imagine the confusion… Whom do we obey? Wouldn’t it be poetic justice if Yahweh literally gave them the ‘evil of TWO lessors’! Since one idol shepherd wasn’t enough to see their error, here now are two. “Which is to be master? That is all.”

Well anyway, the games begin in 48 hours. I know it’s just Pro Wrestling of course, and they’ve got the outcome already determined… and yet.. “The lot is cast into the lap; but the whole disposing thereof is of the Lord.” God always gets the final word.

As the Lord would have it too, I was reading in Isaiah today (I have the full 500 page commentary on the book of Isaiah by J.A. Alexander—published in 1850) and at the very short 18th chapter he spends about 5 pages (in very small print) expounding upon it. He’s very thorough in that he analyzes all the commentators before him—including the ancients who expounded the OT scriptures—and tries to form a consensus of the meaning. So we come to this chapter where God is evidently pronouncing judgement on the Egyptian/Ethiopian confederacy and on Assyria (specifically Sennacherib’s army).

The scene of the prophecy: a great catastrophe is near at hand—a great judgement of God is about to befall the world… A beautiful figure of a vineyard is allowed to blossom and bear fruit, and then just at the point when it was to be gathered, it is suddenly destroyed.

“For so the Lord said unto me, I will take my rest, and I will consider in my dwelling place like a clear heat upon herbs, and like a cloud of dew in the heat of harvest.”

This is the heat preceding the harvest, by which the crop is ripened. God sits and watches from heaven, silent and patient. The enemy is allowed to blossom and fruit and prepare for the conquest of God’s people… God, it seems, is inactive; He abstains from hindering their plans. He waits. He even favors their success to a certain point, ‘giving the dew and sunshine’ to promote their growth…

And then, at the moment when it would seem the enemy would prevail,

“For afore the harvest, when the bud is perfect, and the sour grape is ripening in the flower, he shall both cut off the sprigs with pruning hooks, and take away and cut down the branches.”

Yahweh strikes them down.

The dominant opinion, according to Alexander, is this portrays the slaughter of Sennacherib’s army—in the immediate fulfillment. But the principle is thus made, a precedent. God often works this way, as any student of history can attest. History is nothing but the working out of God’s plan in the earth; there are no accidents, no unknowns to Him.

He waits, often times favors the enemy in their doings…they grow and spread as a “bay tree”. He is setting them up for a great fall.

Wait on the Lord, and keep his way, and he shall exalt thee to inherit the land: when the wicked are cut off, thou shalt see it. I have seen the wicked in great power, and spreading himself like a green bay tree. Yet he passed away, and, lo, he was not: yea, I sought him, but he could not be found. Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright: for the end of that man is peace. But the transgressors shall be destroyed together: the end of the wicked shall be cut off. (Psalm 37)

Well, those are my two pennies for the day. I guess you can rub them together and feel not so poor.


PS: I know there’s some libertarian types who listen in—I’d be curious to know if any of them write you to comment on this message. Wonder if anyone still sees no conflict between the Kingdom and participating in the “choosing process”.

11/01/2020 - From Jeff

///shaking me head///that was a beautiful message...I've read Luke 1 a lot, but never like that...after you pointed out SHALL...it popped up a hundred times!!

I did hear you say that we can feed 400...ha! Yes, we can...bring it on! That would be a great problem to have...(which is no problem at all.)

My neighbor upstairs and I were talking this morning, and after he asked me if I had voted yet, I didnt stop talking about King and kingdom. I was fired up instantly. Kept hammering him with King and kingdom, and though he is a church of Christ churchian, he readily admitted my position "was right, but...".
I'm praying the door opens wider.

Another buddy and I were talking the other day, he is a churchian (of The Way International)...man, they really screwed him up...but something is happeing in his life that let him hear me more than he has before...(that King and kingdom is our answer, no matter the question). I'm praying the door opens wider.

I hadn't heard Ted's message before today...and that's exactly what I'm finding with most people...the national idol is firmly embedded...needs the dynamite power of the gospel of the kingdom to remove it.

Thanks for the message, Charlie...!

10/04/2020 - From Jeff

Mornin Charlie,

Sheer excitement from the message today...I heard it, and caught it...so good, what a message for today!

From start to finish, encouraging the young ones, TEACHing his principles to all ages, so good...and telling the old, old story...of a King who came from glory...to die on Calvary.

Not a bad message from the self-proclaimed "churchian, of the churchians"! Ha!

The way you handled the word throughout, Charlie, into Romans 14, clearly showing what Paul was directly declaring...(in regards to what to 'prosecute' or no)...clear as I've ever heard it.

The plea to extend grace, beautiful. You do this to nearly everyone you meet, you extend grace to me, and I appreciate it, Charlie.

What a message for Israel today!

I hope that link is ready, I'm going to look for it now, thanks!

and thanks


9/15/2020 - From Randy

Hey Charlie,

Just to let you know, we've been listening to your last 4 messages. Wow! Out-of-the-ball-park. My thoughts exactly on the mask initiation ritual. This is for ALL THE MARBLES. And IS a line of demarcation whether we are going to fear man or God. It's plain to us that we are created, formed in the image of God, not man. And ANY attempt to obfuscate this holy image treads on violating the FIRST commandment. And, if it does THAT, then it most certainly violates others.

Conformity is now cool? Heaven forbid. Your points on Biblical precepts and laws being violated over this matter alone are iron clad and refreshing. People saying, "Oh, I have a medical reason for not wearing one" are afraid of just saying NO on Biblical principals and convictions ALONE.

These CORPSE-ration "churches" are being brought down and I personally PRAISE God for it! He laughs at their calamity. Glad that there is a voice out there that is presenting a completely opposite and compelling view of the Kingdom.

Thanks Charlie,


ps listening to your 9/5 message right now! And YES, masking is SERVITUDE to the STATE! And if that is NOT in the definition of SIN what is??



Good morning Charlie,

Thank you for responding. I'm considering ALL that you have explained too me, I just need to learn more and continue to seek the truth. So much of what you teach, I've learned and except...I do want to mention, that your web site is GREAT...I also very much appreciate the PDF notes, I add them to my kindle to read, to drive home the message at night while laying in bed before lights out...Thanks

My son and I were out walking yesterday near his college, and they had a rally going on for Loren Culp (Christian sheriff running for governor in my state of Washington) and Trump. A couple walked up to us and started to talk to us, maybe because I had a pistol on my hip...asked what we thought about the rally, actually we never went over to it ourselves...so we discussed some things about the governor spot, and I said that nothing will get better, until we make Jesus our King and establish His laws for our land, then and only then will things get better...well the couple looked at each other and my son and I could see and sense they were very uncomfortable about those words...have a nice day, they walked off...So as I see it, and this is me of course, I can only see some sort of catastrophe type cleansing to rid sooo much evil in the land...


8/31/2020 - The following audio files were sent in by Marty R., after the message on 8/30. They are powerful speeches that need to be shared.

CJ Hopkins - Invasion of the New Normals - Read by Chuck Baldwin

Doctor Roberto Patrela - COVID - 19 - means "Certificate of Vaccination Identification with Artificial Intelligence, established in 2019"

8/24/2020 - From Michael concerning Masking / MacArthur message today...

Hey Charlie,

You made a GRAND SLAM today,  brother!  Honing in on the passage in Romans to explain the mask issue was absolutely awesome. 

“For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves:  Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another”

That is such a great insight.  The law of God—His morality, His nature—is written in the hearts of all mankind, presumably.   That is what our conscience bears.  When we deny our conscience, it becomes seared, and “God gives us up”.  Then we are truly lost, without a rudder, and without an anchor.  I may someday explore the notion of being ‘lost’.  And the incredible importance of an anchor—literally life or death—for a boat is a great analogy.  Outside of boat people, very few understand how critical an anchor is.  Being lost is a form of madness.  In fact, madness is precisely that—becoming lost to your ‘self’.

People know intuitively right now that what is happening is wrong

For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse

“But it’s not in the Bible that we can’t wear a mask while pretending to be sick!”… No, you are wrong, and are “without excuse”.  You bear false witness; you “follow the multitude to do evil”.. You “change the truth of God into a lie.”

Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.

“Science!  Science! You are a science denier!”…as they profess themselves to be wise.

Much worse is coming, however.  And by ‘however’, I mean forget about everything else I said, but “much worse is coming”!

Funny, I listened to our friend Baldwin after you, and while he said some very good things related to these issues, including the “much worse” on the horizon, he (as usual) made some YUGE errors.  Saying—emphatically—that he was a “constitutionalist, not an anarchist!”  Repeatedly.   As if that’s the only alternative to being a constitutionalist.  “The Apostles were NOT anarchists!” he stamped the stage...(I guess they were constitutionalists then—perhaps they championed Caesar’s rule book).  Logical fallacy:  false dilemma. 

Chuck follows the Churchian herd that ‘God made three institutions—Family, Church, and State’.  He made it a point to drive this home.  A sad point indeed.  And this is really at the heart of the error in Christianity.  It’s fundamental.  I’d thought about really exploring this and producing a ‘pamphlet’ in the past. (It would be too long for a Minute).  I still may, who knows. But that’s always blown me away since first becoming a believer.  I searched the scriptures…  I have never found this “State” supposedly ordained by God.  Like the word “church”, it’s just not there to be found.

Indeed, Christ has ALL authority and has commanded US to use it:

 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.

How do the churchmen get this so wrong? Where did Christ give any authority to a ‘State’?  How about for the next debate with Ted and Brent (or whomever), we make this the topic?  Because without a State, a Constitution which establishes it becomes superfluous…  If the State is illegitimate in the first place, no need to debate the godliness of a forming document. 

But the absence of a State does not necessarily mean anarchy.  Obviously, anarchy is actually just antinomianism, which is the standard fare for today’s churchmen!  They’ve denied the Law of God; they are already anarchists!  Therefore, a true Christian, Chuck, is one who needs not a State, nor a Constitution, nor the statutes of man—he is a follower of the King, and HIS Law; he is NOT an anarchist!

But Chuck is not hearing this.  Nor is John MacArthur. Chuck ended his message by saying, “We are fighting for the survival of our Republic”!  No, Chuck, we are not.  It is the State you revere, and the State you wish to save, and it is the State which is going down…ultimately.  Because a kingdom divided against itself cannot stand.

The fact is the State compels anarchy.  The State is itself lawless.   These churchmen  are conflicted.  Our land is, and has been for generations, lawless…in a state of unbridled anarchy and rebellion against our God.  He is now coming to judge it by reason of HIS righteousness and with HIS law.   Now it’s upon us.  Whether this all shakes out in a year or in a decade makes no difference, for the outcome is assured:

The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God. Psalm 9:17

Americans, and the ‘Christian West’ in general—with the help of their Constitutions—have long forgotten God.  He is now openly mocked among them.  His Word is ridiculed and denied.  His precepts are spat upon.  Christians have for the most part gone along with it, in accordance with their church corporations.  And they are collectively in a state of denial that TYRANNY is upon us, and they CAUSED it.  The “salt”, remember?  Good for nothing now, but “to be cast out and trampled under the foot of men”. 

I submit to you that the trampling has officially begun.

Right now brother, as I write this, these will be thought of as the ‘good old days’.  Soon…soon… we will be in a kinetic war.  So far, my refusal to wear a mask (and denial of the virus hoax) has only cost me ridicule from family…and the loss of a dentist.  I’ll get another dentist for now.  Family will soon see I was right (might only make them angrier, but so be it!).  I still have ‘employment’…  For now.  All of that will likely change in the near future.  Expect it.

Incidentally, I’ll tell you that it is going to be increasingly difficult—and soon impossible—to receive any medical or dental care for those of us who will refuse the narrative.  No mask, no vaccination, no service.  Period.  Last week, my dentist (I’ve had for many years) absolutely denied me service, even though the county itself, whose ‘ordinances’ he was supposedly complying with, allows for exemptions to the mask rule.  He did not have the cojones to talk to me on the phone personally either about it (which I requested), but had one of his ‘office women’ do the dirty deed of calling me back and denying me.  Probably an attempt to avoid the mockery the extreme ignorance of his policy would have elicited (mask required to walk in the door and until seated in the chair, then off while spit and tarter and virus fumes are aerosolized around the office, and then back on to walk out—no exceptions).  No joke, that’s his unwavering, asinine policy.  It’s a clown act, and I refused to participate.  The lady simply asked me if I’d like to cancel my appointment—to which I said, ‘sounds like you’ve already cancelled it’. 

(And for the record, the exemption I claimed was for “health reasons”—but was denied, with prejudice, along with the snide, parting shot, “and the doctor would like to know what those are so he can update your medical file”.  Basically I let her know, like all the other clowns, ‘he could sit on it’.)

If his policy was that all customers had to wear a burqua, he’d simply be out of business in short order.  Either that, or be sued for discrimination I suppose.  But the mask is exactly the same as being forced to wear such a religious artifact, for nearly everyone knows by now that it is medically useless… In fact, there is no difference between mandating a face diaper or a shirt which says “Gay Pride”.  After all, gays are oppressed and are dying because of our indifference to their plight!  If that was mandated, everyone who wears the mask now would put on the shirt.  “It’s just a dang T-shirt!”  We don’t have to believe in it, but it’s the law!  And besides, gays are dying!

Behold, the triumph of idiocy!  A confederacy of dunces!  All aboard the crazy train!


THIS. IS.  INSANITY.  A deranged octogenarian with late stage dementia and a mulatto Indian/ black woman, in face diapers, are vying to depose the current (and former) reality TV star to rule the United States of 'Merica.  

That was taken at the end of their “convention” in PA.  Trump was also there for his own rallies.  Maybe the Lord put some words of truth in his mouth, because I don’t know that Trump himself actually believes it… Nevertheless, here is what he was quoted as saying:

“..we’re dealing with crazy people on the other side. They’ve gone totally, stone-cold crazy.”

 He later added, “If you want a vision of your life under a Biden presidency, think of the smoldering ruins in Minneapolis, the violent anarchy of Portland, the bloodstained sidewalks of Chicago, and imagine the mayhem coming to your town and every single town in America.”

 “They want to cancel you,” Trump warned. “Totally cancel you. Take your job, turn your family against you for speaking your mind, while they indoctrinate your children with twisted, twisted, world views that nobody ever thought possible.”

Wow.  And I suspect he was also speaking of himself as well.  He may be pure puppet, but I suppose we’ll find out eventually whether that was the case.  I am sure there are many inside and outside the State apparatus that would love to Gaddafi him


8/1/2020 From Joan A. Please watch this video.

8/9/2020 - From Michael concerning the "Numbering" / "Masking" message today...

“…His plague is in his head”  --Lev 13:44


First of all, Charlie, great message—far too much for me to comment on as we could probably have a conversation  about every subject you talked about.. All great stuff!  Thanks also for the kind words about the Minutes.  I do hope some people will use them for launching points on their own studies (I sure don’t have all the answers—and sometimes I just raise questions).   We only just scrape the surface when we “preach”—there is an infinite body of information to know, and a finite amount of time to know it.  And only so little has been told to us by our Lord right now.

I did want to touch on the part about the “numbering”… Great subject and excellent insight you had!  I know that the whole Book of Numbers is centered around that very thing:

And the Lord spake unto Moses in the wilderness of Sinai, in the tabernacle of the congregation, on the first day of the second month, in the second year after they were come out of the land of Egypt, saying,2 Take ye the sum of all the congregation of the children of Israel, after their families, by the house of their fathers, with the number of their names, every male by their polls;

God told Moses to number the people.  God told David to number the people.  So what gives that David sinned in doing it?  I think you nailed it brother.  It wasn’t in the counting, it was in the assigning of a number that was the wrong.   Still, Samuel 24 is a bit of a head scratcher for me. 

In Samuel, God told David to manah the people.  The word just means count, or the root-- divide, as you mentioned.  And the other words used for ‘number’, or ‘count’ in that passage (I think there are 3 or 4 different words here) all mean essentially the same thing… It’s a passive counting, or an accounting of the people.   Even so, Joab had plenty of heartburn doing it from the get-go, so he clearly knew where this was headed, and straight up told David that before he did it.

I don’t think we have the whole story here, in other words.

But down to vs. 10 where David recognizes his sin, he says indeed, “his heart smote him after he had numbered (caphar) the people…”  So that word, as you noted, means something a little different.  It’s generally used to mean ‘recount’ as in tell, or relate a story, implying writing it down.  Or to number, as in record the number, as in Deut 16:9.  I think this is an active counting or numbering.  Like you said, David gave them a number.   

And yet, we have the parallel account in 1 Chronicles 21.  Here we have this enigmatic statement:

“And Satan stood up against Israel, and provoked David to number Israel.”

Say what?  Hey, I’ve already admitted I’m still a bit foggy about what the ‘Satan’ is or was!

Was this like the Job thing where Satan  came up and appeared before the Lord and accused David, so then Yahweh agreed to it, therefore it could be said that “Satan provoked David”, AND…

“And again the anger of YAHWEH was kindled against Israel, and he moved David against them to say, Go, number Israel and Judah.”

Of course, in the Chronicles account, “Satan” likewise  provoked David to manah the people.  But then David went and told Joab to go and caphar the people (1 Chron 21:2).  So there is why, perhaps, Joab was a little cheesed off at David’s order.  He even told David this was a SIN… but, nevertheless, “the king’s word prevailed against Joab.”  In fact, Joab did not even bother to number Levi or Benjamin because the “thing was abominable unto him”.   

After that, David is confronted for this sin by Yahweh through the prophet and was given the choice of three punishments, David then says this:

And David said unto God, Is it not I that commanded the people to be numbered? even I it is that have sinned and done evil indeed; but as for these sheep, what have they done? let thine hand, I pray thee, O LORD my God, be on me, and on my father's house; but not on thy people, that they should be plagued.”

Oh boy…

Man, I’m glad I’m not an atheist.  I’d be hopping around all indignant by now.  But, you know, we don’t have all the answers because we don’t have all the information.  And some things, He simply hasn’t explained because He doesn’t want to explain them.   Like I tell my kids, “deal with it.”

Oh well, as if that wasn’t confusing enough, I’m working on another paper about the masks…only this one is for others.  It is a preemptive “defense” for my anticipated accusers.   We know now this thing isn’t going away.  Ever.  Not without a fight, and a big one.  And a LOT of people are going to have to confess their sin and their ignorance, and humble themselves before the Lord, and then, MAYBE, He will stop the destroying angel before it reaches our own  “threshingfloor of Ornan the Jebusite” .  Or not.

Anyway, I’ve been doing a considerable amount of study on disease and virology and vaccines and “transmission theory” of disease (all of this is a big recap of old studies I’ve done, but there’s much I’ve “unlearned” and also a lot of new info available now).  I’m still unconvinced that disease is caused by “viruses” or pathogens which can be “transmitted” person to person.  Now that might sound a bit unscientific and goofy, but believe it or not, there has always been a significant minority of “scientists and doctors” who have held—to this day—that this is not the case… or at least that a GREAT deal more research needs to be done to prove it.  We just don’t know.

It seems every bit of “evidence” we have for so-called “contagion theory” of disease is anecdotal and corollary.  After all these centuries of logic theory , ‘Correlation (still) does not prove Causation’!  Here is the relevant excerpt I wrote:

There is no such thing as “asymptomatic transmission” of any disease—this is an obfuscation which has been propagated without question or critique.  The very idea of an “asymptomatic disease” is nonsense.   Theories of transmission of viruses abound, but transmission experiments consistently fail to provide real evidence that such modes of transmission even occur.  One such study—a “systematic review of other published studies”—is  found here.  (It’s well worth a few moments of your time to read it). Therefore the “Covid testing” is purely kabuki theater .  But this is how the fraud is being propogated—since almost nobody knows of anyone who actually became ill, and everyone walking around wearing a mask knows they’re not sick, the necessity arises for thousands of “new cases”–daily—to continue the narrative.   This is accomplished by “positive RNA or antibody test results” from an ever-increasing chunk of the population.  But this only illustrates the tautology that the positive test proves the ‘asymptomatic disease’ which are not facts in evidence, but rather, presumed.  It is a “false cause” fallacy— post hoc, ergo propter hoc

To put it another way, it is the pathogen which is hypothesized to cause the disease (which, incidentally, might be backwards) and evidence for the pathogen presumes evidence for the latent disease.  But if no disease develops, this is evidence for either a faulty test, or a wrong hypothesis of cause and effect, or both.  And this is exactly what we see being played out. Furthermore, in the case of the Corona virus PCR test, the results are invalid for these reasons—rendering the “case data” totally meaningless.

 Incidentally, I started off the paper with this:

Exodus 23:1 That which we translate, “Thou shalt not raise”, the margin reads, “Thou shalt not receive a false report;” for sometimes the receiver, in this case, is as bad as the thief (Matthew Henry)

When one knows something to be false, it is one’s duty to not accept it, participate in it, or propagate it… ‘Not to receive it’.  

Exodus 23:2 “Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil.”

Somehow I missed that passage for my Mask Minute!  That’s a biggee. 

Anyway, I wanted to get back to something about the veils.  You brought up some good scripture and principles about these with respect to the face-diaper.  I want to tie in some of this information with what I was getting at about disease and transmission, so bear with a sec.

On veils and “coverings” in the Bible, you are right—they are associated with evil (in the general sense) and mourning.  And like I said in the Minute, masks were particularly used in the mystery cults which were prevalent in ancient times with temple prostitution and initiation rites.  We’ll see that prostitutes in Bible times were likewise veiled…

Then shall the seers be ashamed, and the diviners confounded: yea, they shall all cover H5844 their lips; for there is no answer of God.  Mic 3:7

Forbear to cry, make no mourning for the dead, bind the tire of thine head upon thee, and put on thy shoes upon thy feet, and cover H5844 not thy lips, and eat not the bread of men. Exek 24:17

And the leper in whom the plague is, his clothes shall be rent, and his head bare, and he shall put a covering H5844 upon his upper lip, and shall cry, Unclean, unclean. Lev 13:45

H5844 atah- a wrapping, covering, veil

So the veil was for mourners for the most part.  Just as God "hid His face" from evil.  But that last ref. is what WE think refers to (perhaps) “masking” if one is sick.  I’ll get to that in a second.  (By the way, there’s a possible idea for the future—a “Michael’s Seconds” section.  Maybe a one page doody about something short and sharp.  Don’t know if I’ll ever think of one of those, but hey, anything’s possible--haha).

Now here’s the ref about the prostitutes:

And she put her widow's garments off from her, and covered her with a vail 1946, and wrapped herself, and sat in an open place, which is by the way to Timnath; for she saw that Shelah was grown, and she was not given unto him to wife.  When Judah saw her, he thought her to be an harlot; because she had covered her face. Gen 38:15

H1946 tsa`iyph- a veil.    This word is used exclusively for a widow mourning, or for a harlot.

Another subtle mind trick for us… The masking is to make us all appear as the harlots Americans truly are.

Now to the real weirdness…  Why the veil or the face “covering” for the leprous?  Not just anyone who was sick from anything, but just the leprous…Indeed, why all the ritual dealing with the laws of leprosy in Leviticus 13 and 14 (117 verses total!) ?

The answer:

To teach when it is unclean, and when it is clean: this is the law of leprosy. Lev 14:57

If you haven’t read those two chapters in a while, go ahead and do that.  See if you can make heads or tails out of what in the world leprosy was and why the detailed and rigorous rituals of atonement for the disease.  SINS are atoned for, not viruses or bacteria.  You’ll note (and this was surprising to me—though I’d read it many times) that clothing could have leprosy!  That’s right, wool clothing, linen clothing, as well as leather could—itself—be leprous and thus quarantined by the priest for 7-14 days… If it proved leprous after that, it was to be burned.  Houses also could be leprous.  Half of chapter 14 deals with how to deal with, cleanse, and ritually atone for the HOUSE which has the “mark of leprosy”!

Now chapter 15…dealing with cleansing the “discharge” of a man or a woman.  This is no longer mentioned in church.  I’ve never heard a sermon on it in my life.  ;-)  But you’ll note the similarities of both the ritual cleansing, AND the atonement for these “indecencies”.  Yet they are not themselves sin.  Menstruation is not a transgression, it is not an illness, it is not a transmissible disease…yet it was dealt with exactly the same way as leprosy, as far as separation for the defilement.   In Numbers 5, we confirm that as with the lepers, so with the menstruating  women, so with a man who had a "seminal discharge", so with EVERYONE who is “unclean”, they were to be isolated (quarantined) outside of the camp .

Thus shall ye separate the children of Israel from their uncleanness; that they die not in their uncleanness, when they defile my tabernacle that is among them. Lev 15:31

Something was going on besides contagion, and the “law of leprosy” (maybe a future Minute?) was the same law of “separation for defilement” and for the same purpose…”that they die not in their uncleanness”. 

What I’m saying is, I don’t think the biblical isolating (“shutting up”) or quarantining had anything to do with the spread of disease per se, nor did the wearing of the veil by the leper serve to keep others from getting leprosy.  I don’t think that was the intended meaning.  I think we’ve read that into it. 

I don’t mean that hygiene wasn’t important or mandated, because it was, and was for their health, and for ours.  I think the laws of clean foods were health-related (and still are—even if the ritual aspect of dietary laws has been removed).  I think whatever it was that grew in a linen garment or on the walls of a house which was called “leprosy” was probably something harmful and not just “demonic”, but there was more to it than that.

And I think the ‘new normal’ of perpetual masking is way more sickening than anti-sickening.  It can’t be justified by the scriptures, not even if one is sick.  While it may not be a bad idea to wear one in surgery or if indeed one has a respiratory disease (I say MAY not—jury is still out on both of those), nevertheless, it can’t be backed up by scripture, as far as I can see.   Leprous dudes notwithstanding.

 My conclusion to my ‘To Whom it May Concern’ paper , so far, is this:

If I as a free Christian man living in any of the united states of America have a right to NOT wear a burqa or a veil in order to conceal my face in an act of submission to another god, as it is MY religious conviction to NOT hide in fear or conceal my identity behind a useless piece of cloth or paper in obedience to my God, how then is MY “equal protection under the law” NOT being discriminated against by those who DO wish themselves—and everyone else—to cover their faces in public?  They are indeed attempting to force their religious beliefs upon me.  And this is the heart of the matter.  The mask is a religious act, by definition.  Since it has no valid medical benefit, and is most likely counterproductive in preserving the public’s physical and mental health, the act of wearing it then is metaphysical.   The mask becomes  merely a sign of submission to “authorities” (gods) who attempt to redefine reality by rejecting all fact and reason to the contrary, demanding blind obedience to foolishness.

Anyway, a lot to think about, eh?   I’ll try to listen to your message again this evening…I want to get a better handle on the John Macarthur thing.  He’s never been one of my favorites; he’s a statist to the core (or has been) so I’m pretty intrigued by the latest.  We’ll watch and see.

Of course if he stood up and preached against masking as you have, he’d probably go home with an empty offering plate and then still get arrested by the lefty-loonies in cop-garb… so there’s a no-win situation for him.  Poor John.  He had it all.   Anyway, God bless him if he’s sincere, and may God give him repentance and a clean heart.  And a fighting heart as well—he’s going to need it.


(Oh. My. Goodness.. Just saw the page count. Sorry for the longishness again—got carried away)


4/28/2020 - I love it when I see the "light come on." Fulfilled Bible Prophecy and the Kingdom fills in all the holes for the one who already has a good grasp of the Scriptures! Joe's "light came on" a few weeks ago - now - as is always the case - the witnessing begins. Below is an email that Joe sent to a friend of his sharing the Good News of the Gospel of the present-day reality of King and Kingdom. - Charlie

Hello Paul,

I appreciate your works declaring your beliefs about the Father and Christ. I especially liked the one concerning the oneness of Father, Son and Holy Spirit as I, like so many others, have been taught incorrectly since infancy that they are separate entities. Lately I have been drinking from the fire hydrant learning about some other major fallacies in my, and honestly most evangelical's, doctrine. It started with the globe crushing reality of flat earth about 2 1/2 years ago. It was followed shortly by the discovery of pastor Ted R Weiland at bibleversusconstitution.org who preaches the whole counsel of the gospel of Christ and that the eternal and perfect moral Laws of Yahweh, found in His 10 commandments, statutes and judgments, were NOT "nailed to the cross" like so many false preachers teach but instead are still intact and expected of His people today, and in fact, a return to them as prescribed in 2 Chronicles 7:14-22, is the ONLY hope for America and the whole world today. Most recently I was introduced to a preacher [whose] name is Charlie Steward. Charlie has been preaching, and living, the same gospel his whole adult life for some 35 years now. His work for the King can be found at godsendusmen.com. Paul, I hope you're sitting down for this, because what I am about to share with you is 10 times bigger than flat earth, if you can imagine that. My life has been turned right side up and I am still reeling from this truth from scripture since learning of it 2 weeks ago. Here it is:

Christ is not coming back to earth again.

He is not coming back for a third time, to be precise. He has already returned to fulfill all bible prophesy just as it was prophesied that He would and just as He told His disciples that He would;

“Truly I say to you, there are some of those who are standing here who will not taste death until they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom.” Matthew 16:28

That is just but one example. Paul, unless there are some 2,000 + year old disciples still alive today waiting, like the rest of churchianty is, for Yeshua to come down from heaven on a cloud sitting on His white horse, then that means what it says, those first century disciples saw with their own eyes our conquering King's 2nd coming around AD 70!!! Christ did EVERYTHING that He was supposed to do,... in the first century AD. All bible prophesy has been fulfilled and was culminated with the exclamation point of the "end of the world" that was the destruction of the holy temple in AD 70 by Titus. That officially ended the Old Covenant and it's Levitical priesthood, and sacrifices. With the temple gone, as God planned, there is no longer an acceptable place to offer unacceptable animal sacrifices. Christ paid it all, and it was this "law" which was spoken of that was "nailed to the cross" (which was added at Mt. Sinai). We are in the New Heaven and the new earth that is the New Testament where Christ Yeshua is King of kings and Lord of lords and no other kingdom established by men is allowed on earth. ALL authority in Heaven and earth are given to the Christ Yeshua. I, like most "christians", spent my whole life telling God with my actions and choices "I'll take your "salvation" from my sin but I want a king like all the other nations!" "I reject Christ as King now, because I'm waiting for Him to return in the future to make all things right". Paul, good sir, this centuries old deception is THE DECEPTION that trumps them all because it is the one that has inoculated the ONLY thing that can stand in the way of all the evil that has consumed this flat earth... The Ecclesia of The Kingdom of God on Earth. This deception has lulled almost all of what should be Christ's servant civilian ambassadors into sleep with the false belief that everything happening to us right now is supposed to be happening because it is fulfilling biblical prophesy found mostly in the revelation to John and there is nothing we can do about nor is there anything we should do about it, because to do so would be to stand in the way of God's will. So we should just listen to the wolfs in sheeps clothing, who came into the sheep fold not by the gate, who deceive the sheep with false teachings, "strange fire", concerning Romans 12 and 13. They preach that God ordained that His people should abandon His perfect moral decrees and look to men to redefine what is good and what is bad and to legislate laws based from such and to OBEY men's governments...because to not obey them is to sin against God!!! Paul, do you see the insanity in this?

I will not hold my breath waiting for a reply from you, but I sincerely hope that I will receive a reply from you.

In service of Christ The King now and for eternity,


FROM: Melina, 4/9/2020

Thank You
Thank you for all you're doing and all the sacrifices you have made for our Great God. I'm listening to the Matthew 24 series and it's changed my perspective on the entire Bible. Thank you for bringing these things to light. Praying you continue in safety and truth, Melina

FROM: 4/5/2020 The Commonwealth of Israel - My Sheep Hear My Voice

         "O the hope of Israel, the savior thereof in time of trouble.." Jer 14:8


Your LOUD and CLEAR message, and the deep revelation brought from God's word, through your personal testimony is reason to SHOUT this day!

The rock solid preaching of God's word is like the sound of running waters; soothing, comforting, peaceful.  That's what I heard.  

I want everyone to hear it.  I want the whole earth to hear your message today...(!)

The bold stand of your Christian LIBERTY is the clear mandate for the ecclesia, now.  The call was clear.

"But let him that glorieth glory in this, THAT HE UNDERSTANDETH AND KNOWETH ME, that I am Yahweh which exercise lovingkindness, judgement, and righteousness in the earth, for in these things I delight, saith Yahweh." Jer 9:24

He delighted in that message today!  I could hear it in your voice, YOU! proudly rejoicing in knowing and understanding Him, I could feel it.  Anyone listening to that message could feel it.

John 17 went deeper, but John 10 had to be laid first.  You opened it beautifully.

Assembly.  Assemble.  Draw near. 


From Message: The Commonwealth of Israel, My Sheep Hear My Voice! 3-29-2020

Just wanted you to know, my friend, that I think you did your message today EXACTLY right.  Yahweh gave you the precise words to speak to this audience and those with ears to hear WILL hear it.

I think we both know exactly what's going on here.  If the Lord wills it, it will be carried out just as the serpent Bill Gates intends.  No doubt, He has put it into his heart for such a time as this---for such a judgment and a quickening as we now face.  I also believe that your present trials regarding your "identity crisis" is no accident and it was caused in order to prepare you and give you wisdom and perspective for this very time.  That God's people would ever have to "prove their identity" to the State, or suffer poverty, imprisonment, or some worse persecution, would never have come into my mind were it not for what has happened to you and the events leading up to this slow motion train wreck... Amazing.  And, make no mistake, it is a 'beast-mark' we're talking about.  A final, permanent digital ear tag for all the citizen-cattle of the world... And automatically generational, propagating to each new baby born with the very first injection in the maternity ward.  Each new comrade welcomed with a DNA sample and a nano-chip and whatever disease-laden shot was chosen for him for a future "treatment program".  The paper birth certificate will have become an obsolete technology like celluloid film and the DVD.

And that they would do it by way of a manufactured pandemic and subsequent mandatory vaccination program sort of blind-sided me, even though I was well aware of Gates' shenanigans for many years now.  But that's just one leg of the golden image.  The other leg is the controlled demolition of the cash economy in order to leave no way out of the global digital control net.   For everyone to be forced into the kill chute that's being built for us, cash must go away.  Via Fed-generated hyperinflation (already in the pipeline), the loss of the petro-dollar and world-reserve status  (per the oil war--massive over-production, simultaneous earth-wide collapse of oil demand, and the subsequent demolition of the US fracking industry), and...one more thing, the cherry on top...Wait till you hear the announcement by Fauci, breathlessly delivered on CNN or the Whitehouse press room one fine day, that "we have solved the mystery of transmission of this disease.. the virus is residing in the fibers of cash dollars!".  And with that, in one fell swoop, the end of paper money is accomplished.

And we all enter the maelstrom of a digital economy overnight.

Silver and gold will no doubt be outlawed as well (thus hard to procure for the dissidents).  But, perhaps, .22LR and 5.56 bullets will serve as money in the new underground economy.  I clearly don't have enough of either of those.

Food for thought. MT

Charlie, I can't even put it into words yet...that was the exact message He wanted you to preach...scrapping your nine pages was just one step to get there...WOW!

Righteous preaching!  So good to hear the righteous preaching of God's word!

So perfect.  So timely.  So pure.

Casting the light of truth on John 10, and then using it throughout (with Isaiah) to bring exact clarity to the voice of the strangers is to use the precision cutting power of the Word, which was exactly what you did.  So powerful. 

Your moving plea to stand against the voice of the stranger was very loud and clear, and bathed in compassion and love of the truth, that should be evident to anyone who heard this message.

I'm going to turn right around and hear it again, right after I send out the link to family.

By the time you got to Psalm 23, I was standing on my feet, hands in the air, tears of love and joy on my face...and when you finished.... I gave heartfelt applause to Yahweh...and worshipped him.

Thank you, Charlie, thank you for your obedience to the King, it's beautiful to see.


Hi Charlie,

In reading your presentation today, regarding "licensing" & "Insurance" that the state requires that you addressed, if you will permit me, I'll add my learning in relation to our Creator/Savior's laws.

The bottom line is, that our Creator/Savior has not only given us our liberty & freedom and to not again become entangled in a yoke of bondage or be servants of men, He has given us RESPONSIBILITY to exercise it!

When we submit to the state licensure, and insurance schemes, we are, in effect forfeiting our own individual RESPONSIBILITY for ourselves and actions, and forfeiting it to THE STATE, thereby practicing BAAL worship in violation of our Creator/Savior's laws and denying His sovereignty over us!

It occurred to me some time ago, that individual liberty and the freedom we have to exercise & enjoy it is intricately connected with our individual responsibility to do so! It seems to me, that when people agree to submit to such regulatory revenue schemes ( by deception) when, in fact, as a matter of law, such legislative revenue schemes are merely excise taxes strictly limited to certain, specific, government privileged activities, that cannot lawfully be arbitrarily applied against everyone, that any submission to them constitutes "BAAL worship" imposed under color of law, under color of office, using color of process!

The biggest problem is, most professing Christian Americans are oblivious to what is actually going on, and their duty & responsibility here in our Creator/Savior's everlasting Kingdom & government on earth!

"My people are destroyed for lack on knowledge." Hosea 4:6

It is our respective duty and responsibility to see to it our Creator/Savior's laws are done in our land and put a stop to this political usurpation! Let's get with it!


3/23/2020 - FROM RANDY M. - Subject: USA Death by Diet, Injections & Injunctions & State Worship

It is obvious the world has lost its collective mind. The solution to alleged physical illness is (not seems) to be MASS mental illness. Christians have forgotten the three saints who came through a fiery furnace unscathed laughing at death and embracing come what may. Those days are gone for those places called "church". BTW, you remember William Tyndale was strangled to death, then burned at the stake for refusing to use the unbiblical word "church" where it should have used "congregation" or "ecclesia". The only time the word CHURCH correctly appears in the N.T. is in reference to the PAGAN church of Diana worshipers! Let that sink in next time you use the word "church"--the State murdered Tyndale for telling the truth. I believe any "church" that shut its doors because of COVID-19 is exposed for the frauds they are. And in that, there's real hope and humor.

"Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves." -William Pitt the Younger

How did America die without a whimper, without a shot fired and the "churches" shutdown first, instead of ringing the bell as a clarion call to rally the congregation to stand? How did America allow themselves to have their entire country, the world brought to a grinding halt? To cower, to shelter in place over such a nebulous illness?

Only madness can explain the inexplicable that we see all around us. The Bible describes this paranoid, delusional, IRRATIONAL behavior like this: (and yes, this includes 99% of pastors) Remember, in Revelation, it is the COWARDS who lead the way into the lake of fire, not the murderers. "The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are bold as a lion."

How did the International Banks foreclose on the entire world and convince paper patriots and liberty bleating liberals to "self-imprison", shut down business and suspend Biblical common law, The Constitution, and common sense? The spirit of 1776 & 1836 at the Alamo are now fairy tales. Tales of a race of people who would never cower to fight any enemy, much less and invisible one concocted by psychopathic mythomaniacs. Since when does a pastor believe it's God's will to obey a federal GUIDELINE in the face of fear? This is a pastor and a people who have forgotten their history and flushed the credibility of Christ and His Kingship for a little safety & security. "They who can give up essential Liberty to obtain a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." "Distrust & caution are the parents of security."

Honestly, as soon as Christians 200+ years ago hitched their wagons to an enlightenment, anti-Christ movement of WE THE PEOPLE, trading in the Bible for a humanist manifesto called The Constitution, the goose was cooked. And God cannot be mocked.


From H. L. Mencken:

"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."

From Bertrand Russell:

"The nations which at present increase rapidly should be encouraged to adopt the methods by which, in the West, the increase of population has been checked. Educational propaganda, with government help, could achieve this result in a generation. There are, however, two powerful forces opposed to such a policy: one is religion, the other is nationalism. I think it is the duty of all who are capable of facing facts to realize, and to proclaim, that opposition to the spread of birth con­trol, if successful, must inflict upon mankind the most ap­palling depth of misery and degradation, and that within another fifty years or so.

I do not pretend that birth control is the only way in which population can be kept from increasing. There are others, which, one must suppose, opponents of birth control would prefer. War, as I remarked a moment ago, has hitherto been disappointing in this respect, but perhaps bacteriological war may prove more effective. If a Black Death could be spread throughout the world once in every generation survivors could procreate freely without making the world too full. There would be nothing in this to offend the consciences of the devout or to restrain the ambitions of national­ists. The state of affairs might be somewhat unpleasant, but what of that?

Through diet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible. Even if all are miserable, all will believe themselves happy, because the government will tell them that they are so."

3/20/2020 - FROM DAVE B.

Hi Charlie,

After reading your March 15th message where you were pointing out that today's "judeochristian" (an oxymoron) "Jeremiah Chapter 23 preachers" are wrongfully implying that the bible instructs Christian Americans, to be obedient to their own corporate fiction creature government image and the mere humans they elect or are appointed to run it, it occurred to me that even the constitutions, both state and federal, prescribe that the government, and those who run it, are not the "rulers" of the people!

On the contrary, the people themselves, individually and collectively, hold the inherent political power over all internal government and those who run it as a matter of fundamental American Jurisprudence and the Rule of Law!

It is also a prescribed political fact of life that we derive our aforesaid political power over the corporate fiction creature government image from our Creator/Savior and only risen King & Law-Giver, and the government and humans running it derive their power solely from the consent of the people!

Furthermore, since no one individual, or any group of individuals, possess any power or authority, to delegate to any other individual, or group of individuals, any power or authority they themselves do not, and cannot possess, which would derogate, or abrogate our antecedent, unalienable God-given, Christian liberty and the freedom to responsibly exercise & enjoy it, any such action is a criminal act, both against our Creator/Savior and Christians unlawfully subjected to it, and makes a mockery of the constitutionally prescribed purported purpose and function of secular government, both state and federal!

In short, it constitutes political usurpation, fraud, theft, & extortion in the nature of sedition and treason against each and every American, particularly, Christian Americans!

Of course, when professing Christian Americans fail to rise up in righteous indignation without fear, and without compromise, the political usurpers, liars, traitors and thieves running government expand their criminal usurpation, and our Creator/Savior allows it! Whose fault is that?

Professing Christian Americans need only look in a mirror to see and identify the cause of our ever worsening predicament they've gotten themselves and their kinsmen into!

As Edmund Burke once said back in the 1700's, "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing," and "The price of liberty is eternal vigilance!"

As George Washington once said: "Government is not reason! It is not eloquence! It is FORCE! Like fire, it is a dangerous servant, or a fearful master!"

Professing Christian Americans, rather than "seeking first the kingdom of God," and His "perfect law of liberty" (James 1:25), here in His everlasting government on earth, (Isaiah 9:6-7) under His everlasting, social, political, economic, environmental order & moral code (Law-system) He set forth for us to do so, and establish ourselves, society, & government in accordance with, and have failed and refused to see to it His will/law is done in our respective multitude of nations we have become as promised to our forefathers Abraham, Isaac, & Jacob/Israel of which the USA is but one!

Professing Christian Americans are practicing the exact same "Baal worship" as did our Israelite ancestors in flagrant violation of the first four commandments by bowing in fear, worship, support, & dependence upon their own corporate fiction creature government image and mere public servants they allow to run it! It is idolatry and harlotry because the source of law in any society is either Almighty God, or it becomes as a "god" rendering His laws of no effect! The only difference between us today and them back then, is our Creator "divorced" us back then and cast us out (Jeremiah 3:8), but then redeemed us by His coming, death, burial & resurrection back into His "new marriage covenant, here in His everlasting kingdom on earth,and has given us power over all our enemies and all who hate us, just as we were promised in Hosea 1:10-11, Jeremiah 31:31-37, & Hebrews 8:8-10!

It is also an insult to our Creator/Savior as our only risen King, Savior & Law-Giver for which we have earned His chastisement as prescribed in Deuteronomy 28:15-68 for our failure & refusal to heed Deuteronomy 28:1-14!

It is shameful that professing Christian Americans have stood by and allowed their own corporate fiction creature government image and political usurpers running it corrupt our society in violation of the seventh commandment as is aptly described in Romans 1:18-32!

Professing Christian Americans have but one remedy: First, do what we are told in II Chronicles 7:14, and then, II Corinthians 10:1-6, whereupon, once again, we will see what is described in Matthew 13:37-43 come to pass, and our land will be cleansed, and our Creator/Savior's "vessels of wrath fitted for destruction" whom He "hates" as we are told in Romans Chapter 9, who are also identified in Revelation 2:9 & 3:9, and uses in His chastisement of us (See Judges 2:1-3) will be fleeing His certain wrath meted out by His faithful servants & messengers! All the antichrist Edomite (RED) socialism/communism built upon economic fraud & usury they've erected in our midst will be utterly destroyed as we are told in Malachi Chapter 1 & the book of Obadiah!

It is way past time for Christian Americans to do what it says in Galatians 5:1 and boldly refuse to be servants of the political usurpers just like we are told in I Corinthians 7:21-23, and Romans 6:16 WITHOUT FEAR of what the political usurpers may do to us, and instead realize that our perfect love (obedience) of our Creator/Savior and His laws, casteth out all fear!

Sorry Charlie, I can't help being passionate about this!

The insight puts most people who claim to be followers of Christ to shame.

Saw this on FB and thought about you

Take a magnifying glass and use it to look at the line under the signature on as SS card. You'll be shocked to see that there are little tiny words there. That is a contract! Also, the number on the back of the social security card is on the US Stock exchange. Meaning that any country that America is in debt to can go on the stock market and buy YOU. When you were born and hit with that ss #, you are no longer a human being. You are a corporation. A corporation that can be bought and sold. How can they legally do this? They created a strawman (linked to funds) using your name in all caps on your birth certificate. Your parents unknowingly signed you over to the government when they signed your birth certificate. You are a ward of the state. Your birth certificate is another contract!  Modern day slavery via paperwork!

From Scott-stephen, 2/17/2019 - Subject: Submit yourselves to ordinance

"I don't live contrary to the laws of Missouri and the U.S. because I'm an outlaw - I live contrary to the laws of Missouri and the U.S. because I'm not a citizen of their states. I'm not an outlaw. I'm not a criminal. A man can only be an outlaw to the law he has agreed to abide by. I've agreed to abide by the Laws of God, and as such, I'm not an outlaw to the Laws of God. I agree to abide by His Laws. And the sooner the rest of the people who claim to be followers of Christ figure that out - the sooner we can get to turning this world upside down - rightside up."

Hi Charlie,

Just a quick word of encouragement.  Amen to your message!

This is something that has really helped me in keeping the concept of jurisdiction 'straight' in my thoughts.  'Missouri', 'USA', 'Canada', 'Ontario' ... these are all fictions and only exist on paper [including their 'laws'].  Canada doesn't even exist over land.  It is only over international waters, the "margin" [1. A border; edge; brink; verge; as the margin of a river or lake. Webster's 1828] around the land, as defined in the Interpretation Act 1985 of Canada.

When men create something on paper, it is fiction.  As an engineer, I created electronic components for years.  The new product idea would start on paper - fiction - then move into manufacturing.  Only once the object drawn was made would it become a real thing.  It is impossible for these fictional jurisdictions to become real, physical, and will always only exist on paper and in the minds of men [made as the image of Yah].  They do not exit to Yah and should not exist to His children as that which is created by the image has no substance.

Hope you are well!


From Marcel, 12/29/2019 - Subject: December 25, birthday of King Nimrod of Babel,mother and wife Rhea, son Tammuz

Pastor Charlie,
Thanks for today. Enjoy hearing about Esther book. We belong to Commonwealth Of Israel not any Counties of the world. Psalm 2:2 Gov’ts of the world an-ti-Christ.
Reason Christians today stretched theirs hands to a strange god USA  We The People. They have forgotten the name of God. Psalm 44:20 Deuteronomy 6:14, Deuteronomy 13:7. Keep up the good work. You are changing the World. Keep our fire alive. My wife do not want miss your radio (messages) so good.
Bless your heart. Yahweh be with you. Brother Marcel

From Jeff, 12/29/2019 - Subject: Luke 1:6

Wow wow wow
Example #2 was excellent, smacks of all the news articles you read previous to the example.

You requested your listeners to write to you with their understanding of ordinance, from Luke 1 and 1 Peter...

They are clearly the same, and seem to be interchangeable as well.

Luke 1:6 And they were both righteous before God, walking in all the commandments and ordinances of God, blameless...

1Peter 2:13 Submit yourselves to every ordinance of the Lord for the Lord's sake, whether it be to the King as supreme

(obviously) they are the same
the institutions of God (for man) from the creation (and forward)

clear as clear

From Dave, 12/15/2019 - Subject: Be Bold (Response)

Charlie, thank you for the references.

It used to be not such a big deal to me when I was unsure of a word definition. just look it up in my trusty websters college dictionary and away I go. But after listening to (or reading) things from you and others I've come to realize that I'm not putting enough effort into the search. I'm definitely a novice at drilling down into words to find out what they really meant at the time they were written. But, with time and and as I learn of various resources, I think I'll get better at it.

I did read the 1828 Webster's definition of ordinance and one thing that stood out to me (actually kind of made me laugh) was this........A rule established by authority........may be a law or statute of sovereign power ..................and then finally.........In the US it is never applied to the acts of Congress or of a state legislature. This seems to say that congress and the legislature are neither The Authority or The Sovereign Power. Hmmm.

Thanks again and take care,

From Dave, 12/15/2019 - Subject: Be Bold

Hi Charlie,

Just finished listening to today's message. Personally, I thank you for your boldness. When I read Acts, I read of boldness. This world needs, I believe, a lot more boldness for Christ. Many people think of it as being too harsh or un-loving and they will simply dismiss or ignore the message because that's not how or what they were taught in their "church". Truth is going to be distasteful and unsavory to a lot of people.

On another note, I have a Strong's Concordance along with the Interlinear Bible by Green which I find helpful in digging further into specific word definitions/meanings. Would you have any recommendations on other resources you use to word search?

Thanks again and keep up the good work!



From Jeff, 12/1/2019 - Subject: Radio Broadcast and Trial Update

Wow, Charlie! Wow wow wow

As you spoke today, for whatever reason, I couldn't help but think of Genesis 2:19-20.

This is where Adam gave names to all of the animals. (And even gave name to woman in v23)

I'm certain there are more lessons here than I can glean, but at the very least, Adam was NOT authorized to give names to anything else OTHER than animals, (and to those) that WERE NOT of his flesh and bones.

For the 39th circuit court to do otherwise is (obviously) against even Genesis 2:19-20.

It simply backs up exactly what you said regarding their treatment of you (and others) as collared, ear-tagged animals...(deciding what their name(s) is/are).

Beautiful testimony today from start to finish! I especially liked the stories of your grandsons! Ha!

You are truly a blessed man!

Praise Yah!

From Michael, 11/28/2019 - Subject: Name Change

Hi Charlie,

Well, of course the oligarchs of the ‘State of Missouri’ who lord over their sycophants and associates--the judges, lawyers, LEO’s and assorted bureaucrats, would prefer that you believe in their authori-tay without questioning.  But, now you went and questioned it.  You “paid attention to the man behind the curtain”.   Bad you!

Sorry, brother, just lightening the moment.. 

I hesitate to imagine this “judge’s” appearance, or what his “name” is, but I can’t help myself.  I’m bad too. 

And he reveals his delusional mind, believing he is ONE with his paymasters by giving you the classic line:

Missouri does not recognize common law name change.

(“Therefore I do not”)

Who, sir, is this “Missouri” if I may ask?  Is this my accuser?  May I face him?  May I question his “recognition” of my decision?  If not, why not?

Who exactly has a problem with how I refer to myself—with what name I go by?  What are their names?  How have I harmed them?  What business is it of yours, sir, how I sign my letters or introduce myself, or what my wife and children call me?  Why does some ethereal entity, calling itself “Missouri”, have any interest in me personally—in when and where I was born, what name my parents may have given me, what documents were signed by uninterested parties in the delivery ward of the hospital or a state clerk paper pusher at or around the time of my birth?  Where was the place of my birth?  DO you know?  Where was the place of YOUR birth?  How can you be sure?  You have a “certificate” to prove it?  Were you present to verify such a certificate?  Or are you taking some unknown (now probably dead) person’s word for it?  Who, sir, are YOU?  What is your name?  How do I know for sure?  How can I be certain you’re not using an alias?  Why do I care? 

This rhetoric could go on and on, I’m sure you know.

But I read the page of “Missouri law” you linked.  Whoever prepared that info is also anonymous (natch’)…  Another “man behind the curtain”.  They advert, “a person may change his or her name via common law by the common usage of the desired new name. Although case law does allow for this, in actuality changing a name by common usage is vague and not recommended..”

Well, there you have it.  And someone found a “certificate of your birth”?  Was that necessary to prove you were born?   Why does anyone need such a document?   Ah… right.  It’s an ear tag.  The document ‘proves’ State ownership.  You are property, fair and square; subject to taxation, subjugation, regulation, confiscation, and forcible re-location (to a cage), should state actors decide is favorable to the Oligarchs at large. 

Unless your birth certificate said “Barack Obama”, in which case the State would turn a blind eye to your fake name, fake nationality, fake “citizenship”, and fake “family”—right  down to your fake Hollywood-actor dogs, while promoting you to Gay Mulatto Puppet-in-Chief of the Free World...soon to be billionaire statesman 'activist' and waylayer of heritage American Christian hold-outs.

But wait… you may “file a Writ of Mandamus or Writ of Prohibition if I felt like he was wrong.”  Riiiiiight.

Just file a Mandamus, Charlie!  That’s your reasonable response.  Of course, it will get round-filed, but not before your check to the ‘State’ gets cashed.  (Or in your case, your-cash gets their-banked). 

But don’t you say they were unfair!  They gave you an option of redress… 

In any case, you were duly warned:  your method of name change is “vague and not recommended”.  So there...

I hope you know I’m being facetious. 

Thank you Charlie for keeping us informed.  Thank you for being a soldier for Christ, and standing tall.  The enemy may openly mock but they will secretly loathe themselves and fear their own day of judgement.  They only have “power” at the moment because Yahweh has given it to them…to suit His unsearchable purposes… to ultimately do GOOD to His people  (Ezra 3:11, Psalm 73:1).  Let me just quote that psalm in the Rotherham’s:

Nothing but good is God unto Israel, unto the pure in heart.”   You know, God is merciful to the just and the unjust.  He gives rain unto the wicked when they deserve it not.  But He knows their end.  He will deal evil to them in due time.  Read the rest of the Psalm.

But to Israel, the sheep of His pasture, “foreknown from the foundation of the world”, He ONLY does GOOD.  “…ALL things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”   Even facing false accusers in the courts of the unbelievers.  Even, if necessary, prison.  Even death.   All good, for US! 

Well, I’ll continue in prayer for you and your family, brother.  I’m not worried for the ultimate outcome though.  And neither are you.  But your concern for your family is natural and good.  Your anxiety for what they intend to do to you is warranted and understandable.  Your request for prayer expected and honored.  Your answer from our God forthcoming.  Your and our vindication certain, and their humiliation set. 

 But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you.  For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.  For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.

Fulfilled once before?  Yes.  Timeless promise? Yes.

Your friend and brother,



From Michael, 10/9/2019 - Subject: VACCINATIONS

Hi Charlie,

I just wanted to share something with you that could be helpful in the future with proselytizing efforts.  Something for the Kingdom living file...  I’m sure I’d be preaching to the choir with you on this subject, but this is some really good cutting edge research about vaccines that most will never hear.

We were talking a bit about “mixing” or adulterating earlier and this is apropos to that.  In a BIG way.  If fornication is a "sin against your own body" as Paul tells us, then mixing foreign DNA into to your own genome must be a level of debasement above that.

We haven’t vaccinated any of our children (except a few for the first; that was 28 years ago and I didn’t know much then), but it was more of a case of going along to get along-- I don’t think I really won any converts for my anti-vax point of view.  Also, as we homeschooled our children, it wasn’t much of a big deal to ‘opt out’.  There weren’t any legal consequences then.  THAT will change, however.

Anyhow, I would say things like “they’re injecting cancer cells into our bodies so they can get us onto their medical treatment train as soon as possible”.  It was a bit of hyberbole (I thought at the time)...  Turns out, I wasn’t paranoid enough.

As we’ve already seen, most vaccines are produced in human fetal cell lines (primarily from two specific aborted fetuses from the 1960’s—the stem cell lines are presumably immortal).  A portion of these cells (and the foreign human DNA they contain)  remain present in the vaccines and are thereby injected—AND INCORPORATED—into the foolish humans who submit to it.  Thus when you receive  a vaccine, you are taking on replicatable and insertable human DNA in the form of aborted fetus stem cells.

BUT, now we learn that these cells are not merely filtration “contaminants” that made it past all diligent attempts at removal, rather, they are purposely ‘unfiltered’ and allowed to remain in the serum.   Why?  …Because many of the genes in the DNA segments have been intentionally altered (genetically modified) to become abnormal  and tumor-causing proteins should they be incorporated into your own DNA—which is not only possible, but likely, and which, of course, was the intent all along!

This is incredible new research done in Italy in which they actually sequenced what appears to be a complete human (male) genome found in the most popular vaccines!  Moreover, it was shown to be deliberately inserted and not a ‘bi-product’ of manufacture, as it has been MODIFIED to contain over 560 known cancerous genes!

Get that.. these are not isolated DNA fragments, but the complete human genome of a single individual... With a few GMO 'tweeks' inserted, which just happen to be known tumorigenics...  In all the popular vaccines.

This is not an accident. This is diabolical.  And they’ve been caught red-handed.  Read this short article and watch the summary video:


Charlie, this is a level of evil that even my jaded self did not really imagine.  Seems like the “days of Noah” also ebb and flow with history and we are approaching another high tide.  Perhaps you know of someone who is still on the fence about this subject…  Pass it on.

For now, God bless,


From Paul, 9/27/2019

Hi Charlie,

I am sure you have cited this passage as a proof text for all bible prophecy being fulfilled in Christ, but it just occurred to me as I was listening to Ted.

1 Corinthians 15
Verse 25 - For he must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet. - tells us when his earthly reign is over, i.e. when he's put ALL his enemies down.
Verse 26 - The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death. - tells us that he completely accomplished his mission of defeating death with his resurrection.
Verse 28 tells us that he has returned to God for eternity. Mission accomplished!

It couldn't be clearer.
Kind regards

1 Corinthians 15:24-28

Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power.

For he must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet.
The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.

For he hath put all things under his feet. But when he saith all things are put under him, it is manifest that he is excepted, which did put all things under him.
And when all things shall be subdued unto him, then shall the Son also himself be subject unto him that put all things under him, that God may be all in all.

From David, 8/24/2019

Hi Charlie,
I'm enjoying your weekly messages, though I prefer to read them rather than listen. I've gained some knowledge from them, increasing my understanding of what the bible tells us regarding the word "church." 

Back in 2011, I lost my entire library and all else I owned in a house fire. I really miss not having my Strong's Concordance to use when reading and studying my KJV bible, as well as other resources. 

I frequently use the Greek term "Ekklesia" from which the English word "church" is translated to explain to people that it means "the called out ones" who choose to gather together and establish themselves and society according to our Creator/Savior's social, political, economic, environmental order and moral code ("law-system"), and that it encompasses much more than some religious congregation that meets in a building a few days a week, and constitutes an entire community, state or nations of people. I refer to American "churches" as being nothing more than social clubs where professing Christian Americans go to give lip service to our Creator/Savior a few days a week, while simultaneously bowing in fear, worship, support, & dependence upon their own corporate fiction creature government image and mere public servants they allow to run it.

This, of course, is flagrant violation of the third commandment, as well as the first commandment, in that the source of law in any society is either Almighty YHWH God, or it becomes as a god or gods, to which unwitting Christian Americans have erected "graven images" both real and imaginary in violation of the second commandment. Add to this, they have adulterated the Sabbath in order to suit their lustful desires in violation of the fourth commandment, and there is also the violation of the seventh by legalizing homosexuality & related sexual abominations.

Unwitting professing Christian Americans are practicing the same "Baal worship" as did our Israelite ancestors, and we are suffering the dire consequences of all this lawlessness as prescribed in Deuteronomy 28:15-68 for our failure & refusal to heed Deuteronomy 28:1-14!

Charlie, I started preaching and teaching this on facebook about nine years ago. Since that time, nearly 500 people have asked me to accept their friendship on facebook in appreciation of what I post thereon, and much of that is shared with others, just as I share a lot of Ted's posts among others. The real truth is spreading faster than our antichrist Edomite adversaries and their minions can stop it with their censorship! Sure, there are always those who suffer from cognitive dissonance and vehemently reject the real truth, and there are also many others who do their own study and research to verify what is presented, and then silently out of fear of you know who, just follow along.

I just figured you would be encouraged knowing this, and that I'm also recommending your site and radio broadcasts on facebook.
In His service,


(From Michael - 8-18-2019)

Greetings Charlie,

Wanted to just share in some of the consternation I heard in your voice today...

Some—most Christians have spent the better part of their lives hearing from the churchmen that  1.) God has abolished His Laws, and 2.) Jesus is coming back (soon) to fix the giant mess we’re in because everyone's become so lawless!  Therefore, the RIGHT thing for believers to do in these ‘last days’ is virtually nothing…Because everything is a contradiction.  Obey the ‘powers that be’ (vote, always do what you’re told), and maybe, if you have the opportunity, convince a neighbor to “ask Jesus into their heart” in order to avoid hell and make the rapture train. That’s the beginning and end of their Christian duty.  And to “diligently study the scriptures” is the exclusive job of the Pastor, to whom their duty is to merely oblige once a week in the church pew and collection plate.   Since the Law has been done away with and the earth is destined for the trashbin (along with all the rest of the ‘universe’), why bother polishing brass on a sinking ship?  Now, how to wash the un-washed mind of that?

It seems like an insurmountable task to retrain all of the West in what the gospel of Jesus Christ actually is.  We are, collectively, a very small, lone voice in the wilderness, speaking nuttery to most, and outright blasphemy to many in the ‘church’.   Even when I comment on ‘Christian’ oriented blog sites, I’m routinely deleted.  Especially if I quote any scripture at all.  Ironically, on the secular politico-socio-commentary websites, the ‘intellectuals’ there usually will keep my posts up, but only so they and their followers can post their derision against it.  I typically get plenty of “thumbs down” demerits (whatever those are), but it’s usually not censored with the pagans.  That’s always curious to me.

Between arguing with fools and ‘planting a seed’ is such a fine that it seems almost like a distinction without a difference to me.  

But you do have an audience, Charlie.  People will hear you, and your message is true.  Today’s message you preached was FULL of truth.  Some will undoubtedly reject it (per the usual) but many will accept it and be forced now to study these matters out.  I never, even as a newish Christian, understood the churchian doctrine of No-Law… Aren’t the 10 commandments still good?, I’d ask… Well, in theory, yes.  But what is a commandment?  How is it defined?  What exactly does it mean to commit adultery?  ...And didn't Jesus do away with that one anyway with the woman caught in the 'very act'?  (See I knew nothing of the statutes, ordinances, and judgements which explained them, and you can be sure THAT was never mentioned by any of my teachers).   Without the statutes and judgments (the rest of the Law) the Commandments of God are to no effect.  They are rendered meaningless and impotent.    Somehow I did understand that, and my inner conflict brewed for a decade or more.

Coming to understand the balance of what Christ fulfilled of the Ceremonial Law in putting away the Mosaic covenant, and the eternal validity of God’s Moral Law was a slow process, like coming out of a coma...  I had a bad seizure once (no cause for it was ever found) and I awoke on the pavement in a road with paramedics looking down on me, through a mist it seemed, having absolutely no idea what was going on or why.  It is an indescribable feeling of fear—or lost-ness is all I can say.  Vision slowly brightens, the dead fog of your mind ever so gradually recedes, like the tide going out on a beach.  By the time I got to the hospital, I’d remembered my name and vaguely what I had been doing prior to blacking out.  And it was very many hours before my brain was unclogged enough to even begin feeling normal.  What a strange experience.  But, there's an hour or two of my life that's just been permanently deleted, though my eyes were open and I should have been cognizant. 

I think that may be a good analogy of what it’s like for believers who have been so deeply indoctrinated in the false gospel of churchianity to finally come to their senses…slowly and haltingly.  And there are set-backs.  And their faith inevitably becomes challenged.  And some fall away because the confusion overcomes them.  They get caught up in the current of the memory of their own deceitful hearts and it just carries them back out to sea.  I’ve definitely seen that personally.

I wish I understood all of that.. How some scripturally strong believers, like Chuck Baldwin, just don’t get it—they just don’t see the utter contradiction of their faulty understanding of God’s perfect Law—choosing instead to believe that man’s corrupt and abominable law was intended to replace it!  They actually believe that Christ gave as a gift to humanity lawlessness, and  indeed hastened the creation of ever more contradictory commandments of men for all of his saints to mindlessly heed!  Because muh Romans 13!  That, to me, is complete nuttery!  And I thought that even when I did not understand ANY of it as a baby Christian.   I didn’t have a clue what Romans 13 was all about but I was certain it couldn’t mean what they told me it did!  How is that lost to so many others?

Another thing that got me immediately when I first read it was the passage in Ecclesiastes 1:4.  If the “earth abideth forever”, then futurism is wrong.  Period.  They both can’t be true.  I think I first really understood that when I first read the Parousia whenever that was—15 years or more ago.  Indeed, and if the “INCREASE of His Kingdom there shall be no end”, it follows that the earth, “as it is in heaven” must never cease to be.  Perhaps, even, the earth itself increases as the ice shelves recede farther and farther away into infinity.   But, muh Revelations! Say the Baptist preachers...

I've often wondered if the earth, as we know it, is a shadow or representation of the Heavenly kingdom.  Like a scale model.  The garden of Eden seems to be in many places conflated with some other Garden of God--which Christ called "Paradise".  It seems to have been planted according to a "pattern", similar to the Tabernacle of Moses (Hebrews 8:5).  I think we will all be blown away when we awake in Glory and finally understand the truth of it all.

Alright my friend, I'm not going to take up more of your time with my ambling for now. 

(Edit) One more quick thing came to mind… Re: your subtle jab at the heliocentric cosmos (pagan philosophy sold as modern “science”)… Have you ever read the Book of Enoch?  I know there’s plenty of controversy about the authenticity of what we have now as that book, but there was an historical  ‘book’ of Enoch as Jude references it…  Anyway, if you haven’t read it, it’s a mind-bender.  The descriptions of how the earth works and the sun and the heavenly bodies is just amazing.  If it’s even remotely  true, it turns NASA literally upside down and inside out!

Yahweh’s blessings,


(From Michael, 7/8/2019)

Hi Charlie,

Sorry to hear about Jeff!  Wow, I don’t even know how a collapsed lung can happen without some sort of injury occurring… Weird.  I hope he is recovering from that, and I’ll surely be praying for him!

I guess you guys found your fault in a bad panel or located it in a circuit and fixed it (I hope)?  If I was nearer-by I’d certainly have been there to assist.  I’m knowledgeable, but not an expert in solar systems, however I’m a pretty good electrical trouble-shooter and over all problem-solver.  Regardless, we need to all be thinking more off-grid, so we need to get these things down, learn them, understand the concepts, and especially know the work-arounds (because those will become increasingly necessary).  Anyway, I’m glad I’m at least able to help a little on the expense side of things!

Well I’ll take a moment to comment on a few things you’ve asked about.  (Edit: looking back over this letter, I see it was more than a few comments, so excuse the rant).

As for the subject of the flat earth, I’ve been spending more time researching the deep fakes of ‘history’ lately.  Our earth ‘realm’, flat or however it appears from God’s perspective, is certainly part of the grand deception—so far as the global elite (the “powers of darkness”) have their agenda mapped out.  But I don’t think they—or anyone—understands much more than we flat-earthers do about it, however.  I think they made a herculean effort over the last 75 years with their new flight and propulsion technology to achieve “escape velocity” from our realm, but have failed utterly to get much beyond the height of a hydrogen balloon.  I don’t know and don’t suspect that they ever encountered any hard barrier such as a dome, but rather, as we know, learned that enough ballistic force could not be applied with chemical propellant to accelerate anything (manned or otherwise) high enough to see anything more than we have seen with high altitude balloon footage.  It’s still a flat and camera-level horizon, just as the geometry of a flat plane would always reveal.  No one can get any closer to God’s perspective from His heaven than that.  At least there’s certainly no evidence for it.

As an aside- when I say “ballistic” flight, I mean that rockets do not work without a medium.  Propellants don’t work in a vacuum, and certainly flight surfaces (a wing) are useless without air.  Rockets have lift and acceleration only to the point at which the air surrounding them has significant density—giving them buoyancy.  After that, they are simply unguided missiles and only continue on their path by momentum.  Gravity—whatever it is—fights them back down to the earth at that point, just like anything else.  No objects are ‘orbiting’, and if they were by some celestial mechanics which we are not privy to, they’d have no means of ‘de-orbiting’, or ever coming back.  Because, again, rockets and wings aren’t effective outside of our atmosphere, contrary to the ridiculous lies of NASA “scientists”. 

I think it’s well known among the higher echelons of NASA flyers and engineers (to say nothing of the paid actors in ‘space suits’) that this is so.  That is, that we cannot escape this earth, and for all appearances, it is an infinite plane, and the heavens revolve FAR above it, and are utterly unreachable by human means.  They also have no idea what the celestial bodies are—whether physical or ethereal—nor do they have any way of determining relative distances between them or the earth itself.  There is no “space” through which the earth floats, other than a void of atmosphere above ours, though there may be water above those heights, and possibly they know this

Other than that, they’re literally in the dark.  But what they do have is highly sophisticated fakery technologies.   And they have the willing minds of the masses easily deceived by their perceived god-like ability and power, and by the fact that we have no way of verifying any of their claims.  We can only debunk them with painstaking effort, frame by frame, and by exposing their logical fallacies and obvious contradictions.  They also know they don’t have to deceive everyone; the majority will do.  The rest of us don’t matter to them as we are powerless to tear down their façade.  The Truman Show will continue, and no one will look at the man behind the curtain (and live to tell about it).

So we study history (most of which has been faked for the last few centuries at least), we study their scientific claims and use logic (and their own science) to debunk them, we investigate their impossible feats, carefully, looking for their mistakes.  We examine all of their magic tricks to find the sleight of hand, and we find them.  We have not yet discovered all of their tricks, but we’re knocking them down, one by one.

We now  know conclusively that all “space travel” has been faked and is being faked.  We know enough about how they did it to be assured of it.  Therefore we know all “pictures” from space and “pictures” of the globe earth are frauds, even without the diagnostic proof in the fake images themselves (which is overwhelmingly obvious).  We know the shadow government has been staging historical events, by evidential fact, at least since the Civil War period in this country.  As soon as photography became a technology, it was used as a weapon of deception and control against us, just like every other technology that has ever been developed by man.  The people who truly are the “powers” that be—primarily Jews (so-called), but not exclusively—have been in control of the world’s wealth and finances, as well as ever increasing control of communications and the dissemination of information (publishing/news media/Hollywood).  Aside from a few hiccups since the Middle Ages when a rogue human or cabal of men briefly broke through the veil (think Gutenberg’s printing press, the Tyndale Bible, Nicola Tesla, the Internet…), the advance of the Enemy over complete totalitarian control of mankind’s thoughts and beliefs has continued unabated.   

We are now at the end stages of their “Game”.  People now easily believe any and all propaganda (“science, falsely so-called”) and have been drugged, duped, doped and diseased whether chemically or psychologically.  Speaking of which, that is another technology that has been weaponized FAR beyond what most understand… human psychology has been reverse-engineered almost to the degree of DNA/protein decoding.  Anyone not having the Spirit of God within them is susceptible, and most are their willing subjects right now.  Teevee and now social media were the primary interfaces for this psych-control and it has turned out to be a powerful tool even beyond their imagination!    MOST People are HIGHLY manipulated  into the Matrix today and have no idea they are under any sort of possession whatsoever.  Kinda makes me wonder what “demons” actually were…

We are not a free people.  I mean Americans, the West, in general, are not free.  No one who believes in lies can ever be free.  But “whom the Son sets free, is free indeed.”  And because Christ literally IS the Truth, it yet remains for the vast bulk of Christianity to be IN Christ, truly, for the first time.. Because their “churches” and the churchmen, controlled by the state, controlled by the Judeo-Globo, week after week are busy feeding them these lies, they’ve actually learned to enjoy their slavery.  It has become part of their religious experience…

“The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests bear rule by their means; and my people love to have it so: and what will ye do in the end thereof?”

 I know, brother, nothing I’ve said here is news to you.  And you are doing your part more than just about anyone in trying to break through to our people and wake them up.  What further tools can we have to increase the efficiency?   I don’t know, I’m thinking on it though.  I’m praying about it. 

Again, I’m afraid judgement is going to have to continue to fall before we see more of an awakening.  I hope I’m wrong, but I don’t think I am.  What bigger lie can be exposed than the fact of a flat earth, or that all of the space program is theater, a magnificent fraud?  The 911 job was my first big wake up call.  After that, I discovered lie after lie, and hoax after hoax had been perpetrated on us (some of which you may not have learned of and might even think are over the top!)  But I’ve yet to convince anyone that these things really matter, even if it is true they were all deceptions!  Why don’t people care they are being deceived?  When would I tell someone they’ve never heard the gospel even after going to church their whole life?  Well, I have, actually, but I get the same blank stare...  Or “that’s your opinion”.  Or else I’m accused of being in a cult. 

(The deception runs DEEP, brother).

Sorry to bend your ear so much this time.  I guess I was getting to a point about what we are to do as Christ-led disciples and servants of the KING, and how, and when to act, but… I ran out of steam on this one.  I’ll have to continue later.  If you have any more thoughts on the globe earth hoax, though, I’m all ears!




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