We are continuing Revisiting Revelation – going back to try to finish the chapter where we started – Revelation 21. The new heaven and the new – the holy city – the new Jerusalem is the New Covenant World. It is vitally important that we understand this for the work we have to do right now.
We discuss some of the wonderful things that took place at the Conference.
We also share the rough draft of our Declaration of Dependence.
4-04-2021 - Revisiting Revelation - Chapter 22
We get back to Revelation 22 where once again, the time-stamp for the fulfillment of the things written in the book show that it HAS to be the first century. If people do not understand that the New Heaven, the New Earth, the holy Jerusalem are synonymous with the New Covenant - then we MUST go back to living in the Old Covenant World - complete with sacrifices, etc.
I inadvertently announced Matthew 5:18 as Matthew 18! Hopefully that didn't cause too much confusion. The Matthew 5:18 should be readily identifiable. It is the passing of the heaven and the earth - that was required before the sacrificial system of the Old Covenant ended.
LA TIMES: Godless America is a Good Thing
Within minutes of the message concluding this morning, I received this from a lady who is just now embracing Fulfilled Bible Prophecy. It's a song she wrote this week.
He’s not a baby in a manger
Not a man nailed to a cross
He’s our King and He’s our Savior
By His precious blood, He bore the cost, He is
King of kings
Lord of lords
King of kings, right now!
He is
King of kings
Lord of lords, now and forevermore!
He’s not coming on the clouds
He dwells in all Believer’s hearts
He’s our King and He’s our fortress
Shielding us from fiery darts, He is
King of kings
Lord of lords
King of kings, right now!
He is
King of kings
Lord of lords, now and forevermore!
Let the scales fall from your eyes
Let the mighty healing begin
He’s our King and He’s our Maker
Bend the knee for the blessings it brings
He is:
King of kings
Lord of lords
King of kings, right now!
He is
King of kings
Lord of lords, now and forevermore!
King of kings
Lord of lords, now and forevermore!
Copyright 2021 Renee L.,
For KING of Kings and Kingdom,
HalleluYAH! 🙌� � 💕
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4-11-2021 - Revisiting Revelation - Chapter 22 and 4
We get back to Revelation 22 (barely) where once again, the time-stamp for the fulfillment of the things written in the book show that it HAS to be the first century.
The 7 Ecclesia in Asia were in existence in the first century. Gog and Magog were in existence in the first century. The first 3 chapters of Revelation are to be taken literally - not symbolically. The "things which must shortly come to pass" are to be taken literally.
When we get to chapter 4, we see a definite transition from the literal to the symbolic.
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4-18-2021 - Revisiting Revelation - Shortly means Shortly
We are still dealing with the word “shortly” from the book of Revelation. Additionally, we spend time with “But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only” using that to prove that the word “shortly” can ONLY apply to the time of the first century.
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4-25-2021 - Revisiting Revelation - Outside the City
We get back to Revelation 22:14-15. A few weeks ago, I had made a brief comment about those verses and said we would revisit it. The New Heavens and the New Earth are NOT future. They have been here since the first century - and the unrighteous co-exist with the believers - just "outside the city."
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5-02-2021 - The Faith Once Delivered to the Saints
We begin a new series titled, “The Faith Once Delivered to the Saints.” We must make sure that the things we believe – are the same things the first century saints believed. THEIR faith – is the faith once delivered to the Saints. The foundation text for the message is Jude 3.
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5-09-2021 - The Faith Once Delivered to the Saints - The Son of God
“The Faith Once Delivered to the Saints.” We begin the series with the faith that Jesus Christ, Yeshua the Christ WAS the Messiah, the Son of God, come in the flesh. WHOEVER does not believe this - is antichrist and we must not participate with them in their false doctrine and actions.
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5-16-2021 - The Faith Once Delivered to the Saints - The Word of God
“The Faith Once Delivered to the Saints.” In the Beginning was the Word.
Man shall not live by bread alone - but by the Word - the Law of God.
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5-23-2021 - The Faith Once Delivered to the Saints - Turn the Other Cheek
“The Faith Once Delivered to the Saints.” "Turn the Other Cheek" is another example of what has been taught in "church" being the exact OPPOSITE of what Christ taught.
What is the definition of the word "faith?"
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5-30-2021 - The Faith Once Delivered to the Saints - Turn the Other Cheek
We continue with, “The Faith Once Delivered to the Saints.” We will examine what “give him your coat AND your cloak means.” It is the “Jesus of the church” that has taught that Christians are to be door mats, we are to look the other way at injustice and wickedness. The All Conquering King of kings and Lord of lords taught the exact opposite of the what “Jesus of the church” taught.
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6-06-2021 - The Faith Once Delivered to the Saints - Despisers of Dominion
We are continuing with, “The Faith Once Delivered to the Saints.” We will examine what “despisers of dominion” means. I’m also going to readdress why it is so important that we do not allow men to preach the book of Revelation as unfulfilled Bible prophecy. When people believe the book of Revelation has not been fulfilled (or is being fulfilled today) – we are allowing the false belief that Christ is not King today. This is the source of the opposers of the present-day reality of the King and Kingdom.
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6-13-2021 - The Faith Once Delivered to the Saints - What is Science?
We are continuing with, “The Faith Once Delivered to the Saints.” We will examine what “science falsely so-called” meant to those in the first century – who had the faith once delivered to the saints.
The Story of Gloria Ramirez
(Sent by Michael)(This was from 1995 NOT 1955)
Fauci and Chuck Todd
First European Physical Gold ATM Opens In Prague, Czech Republic
The American Scientist - the Origin of Life
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6-20-2021 - The Faith Once Delivered to the Saints - Answers to Debate
In this message, we are continuing with the Faith Once Delivered to the Saints and I am going to give a synopsis of the debate that occurred this past week on the title, “Should Christians obey Caesar?”
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6-27-2021 - The Faith Once Delivered to the Saints - Eyewitnesses
In this message, we are continuing with the Faith Once Delivered to the Saints and I am going to discuss accepting the eyewitness testimony of the first century saints - and question EVERY "historical record" that does not agree with their testimony. We need ONLY the Bible to tell us what our faith - our system of belief - is supposed to be.
(Michael's "turn the other cheek" video)
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7-04-2021 - The Faith Once Delivered to the Saints - Debate Examined
In this message, I bring out some more things from the Debate and from the website of one of the men participating in the Debate.
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7-11-2021 - The Faith Once Delivered to the Saints - Eye for an Eye
In this message, we get back to John Wesley’s notes on “Turn the other cheek.” As a result of the false teaching of “church” – most people think that Christ instructed men to forsake His Father’s Laws and follow some new system that He was instituting. NOTHING could be further from the truth. This message will equip us with truths necessary to combat error and contend for the Faith Once Delivered to the Saints.
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7-18-2021 - The Faith Once Delivered to the Saints - Enemies and Hate
In this message, In this message, we deal with “If thine enemy hungers, feed him.” You may have never heard the perspective in which I present this message.
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7-25-2021 - The Faith Once Delivered to the Saints - Hate your Parents?
In this message, I am going to prove again that words we understand today, do not mean the same today as they did in Bible times. Christ did NOT nullify the Laws of God in Matthew 5.
"Turn the other cheek, go the extra mile, Render unto Caesar - HATE YOUR PARENTS - were understood as totally different things in Bible times - than what we have been told they mean today."
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8-1-2021 - Hate your Parents? Clarified...
This week’s message will clarify last week’s....No. Christ did not remove His Father’s Law by telling us to HATE our parents. The word does not mean the same thing today that it meant hundreds of years ago. Just like “turn the other cheek” “go the extra mile” “resist not evil” does not mean the same today that it did hundreds of years ago. Christ did NOT repeal His Father’s Laws in Matthew 5, Luke 20, Romans 12 & 13 and other passages that the “church” would use to teach the Law of God has been done away with.
Render Unto Caesar: A Most Misunderstood New Testament Passage
By Jeffrey F. Barr 3/13/2019
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8-8-2021 - Romans 13, Revisited....Again...
This week I want to have a “chat” with you regarding some issues that I can’t seem to move on from. They will deal with “the Will of God” and revisiting more of the debate issues presented by the “churchmen”. There are two fundamental issues I want to talk about that are keys for survival in our generation.
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8-15-2021 - Predestination vs Whosoever Will
This week we continue last week’s message as I try to “reason” why most Christians are content to remain on the sidelines – as opposed to entering the fight for the Kingdom of God.
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8-22-2021 - Predestination vs Whosoever Will
This week we continue last week’s message as I try to “reason” why most Christians are content to remain on the sidelines – as opposed to entering the fight for the Kingdom of God.

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8-29-2021 - Predestination vs Whosoever Will
We are continuing our latest series on trying to reason with one another concerning Whosoever Will. We received many great comments from last week’s message and hope this week is a blessing as well.
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9-05-2021 - Predestination vs Whosoever Will
In this message, we take a slight pause and answer some questions that have come in regarding the series.
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9-12-2021 - Predestination vs Whosoever Will
In this message, we go to Isaiah 30 for a look at what the Will of God is - and prove that it is for our generation (every generation in the New World).
Texas Website for Reporting "Criminals"
Texas "doctor" murders 67 babies in 17 hours
Michael's Minutes
Fauci's Remdesivir is the Killer
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9-19-2021 - Predestination vs Whosoever Will
In this message, we finally get back to John 3 to see the AWESOMENESS of Whosoever Will and how it was revealed at the end of the Old Covenant World FOR the New Covenant World.
Vaccinated Mr President? New York wants proof, U.N. chief cannot enforce

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9-26-2021 - Predestination vs Whosoever Will
We continue with the topic title. But we also talk about "pastors" who took millions of dollars from the feds - then opened their doors for "lethal injection jabs" and have participated in other "Covid plandemic programs." Then, guess what? Their multi-million dollar "Covid PPP loans" WERE FORGIVEN.
First Baptist’s Robert Jeffress: ‘There is no credible religious argument against the vaccines’
Robert Jeffress hopes to combat vaccine fears with
First Baptist Dallas’ COVID-19 vaccination effort
The church’s senior pastor wants more of his 14,000 congregants to feel comfortable to come and worship in person.
First "Baptist church" Dallas Tx
James River "church" Springfield, Mo | James River "lethal jab" clinics
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10-03-2021 - Predestination vs Whosoever Will
In this message, I share some of the conference call we had with Daniel Joseph of The House of Prayer in Arkansas. I was asked to deal with the issue of futurism. Then, we got back into the Scriptures and began to deal with what "baptism" is.
Conference Call with The House of Prayer
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10-10-2021 - Predestination vs Whosoever Will
In this message, I address some resistance against Whosoever Will. I explain why some people would argue against the Words of Christ from John 3.
For anyone who would like to help Sam (Missouri Liberty Radio) replace his broken audio processor, please send to:
Sam Britton
410 East Washington Av
Owensville MO 65066
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10-17-2021 - Predestination vs Whosoever Will
We continue with our current series on Predestination versus Whosoever Will.
I begin the message with some comments regarding William Shatner's "space fight." What in the world does that have to do with the Bible? We had better have an answer because it ABSOLUTELY matters!
Captain Kirk Goes to Space....for Real
Then, I will by covering some comments made by my own wife – after the conclusion of last week’s messages.
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10-24-2021 - I John
There are ABSOLUTES! How do we know the date? How many months are there in a year? We know because the Bible tells us. Care to take the challenge? In this message I ask someone - anyone - to take the challenge to tell us what month we are in - based on the way God said we should know.
In this message as well, we deal with correct belief! It does make a difference whether someone believes "Jesus is coming again" or that He has already come.
Michael's Minutes
1388 Wycliffe II Kings 23
"Astronomers" figure out there are "12 Planets"
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10-31-2021 - I John
Make a record of the things we believe. State your beliefs, lay it plainly on the table for everyone to see.
Then we go back into I John. We MUST believe that Jesus IS THE CHRIST - the KING! Right now. If a man believes that Jesus is a coming king - he is denying that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh.
Neil deGrasse Tyson on "Religion and the Existence of God"
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11-14-2021 - I John 4 - When He comes, will He do More?
NOTE: For those of you who listen to Ted Weiland's message on Missouri Liberty Radio prior to mine - WE DO NOT GET TOGETHER and share notes. His Ephesians message that aired before this one is not coincidence. To hear his Ephesians message (Part 14) >>> Click here
This message continues from I John 4 - Jesus IS the CHRIST - the King. That's His title - not His name. It is not enough to believe that Jesus is the Son of God - the "devils" believed that and trembled. Our confession that He is King - will be shown in the way we live.
CHURCH RUN CLINIC "illegally" vaccinates small children at 'Halloween' party"

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11-21-2021 - Chrissy's Story
The answer to the "good news and bad news" is that Chrissy is engaged! We take some time in the hour to hear from Teresa and Chrissy as they tell the story of how the hand of God was involved in Jerry and Chrissy finding each other.
I ask you to consider the differences between three words:
Faith. Trust. Hope.
After the message, I found this about Youngkin.
We then get into some things I have found about God's time-keeping.
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11-28-2021 - Prepare Your Children for Marriage
This message continues some with the theme of last week's message - which was announcing the engagement of Chrissy and Jerry. Then, I finish reading the article from calendar.com concerning the moon.
I try to get back to I John but run out of time. I am trying to get us to see that what has been taught as "The Gospel" is NOT the Gospel that Christ preached. Our generation is lost because most of the people have NEVER heard the Gospel.
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12-05-2021 - I John
When does life begin? The u.s. "supreme court" is trying to figure that out this week. God settled that a long long time ago.
Blood vessels and circulatory structures | National Center for Biotnechnology
Red Blood Cells
Mikveh |The Mikveh’s Significance in Traditional Conversion
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12-12-2021 - I John Who is a Christian
We continue looking at Scriptures that tell us who is a Christian and who is not.
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12-19-2021 - I John Who is a Christian
We continue looking at Scriptures that tell us who is a Christian and who is not.
Dillard Family statement
Dallas Morning News - FBI
California "law" to follow mimic Texas "abortion law" to go after guns
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12-26-2021 - Christians Believe the Prophecies were Fulfilled in Christ
In this message, we examine a video from the jewish "rabbi" Tovia Singer. This is one of a ton of videos that he has out there saying that because Jesus did not fulfill the prophets, He was not the Messiah. We then take another look at Malachi 3 and 4 and discuss a "christian preacher" saying that Malachi 4 has not been fulfilled. This is EXACTLY what the jewish "rabbi" says. Here is another clear distinction between "churchians" and Christians.
Here's Singer saying that Malachi has not been fulfilled.
I ran out of time this morning and could not get to this video. But I plan to. Most all of the "churchian" preachers today - say that Malachi 3 and 4 is yet to be fulfilled - AND THEIR ARGUMENTS ARE THE SAME AS THE JEWISH "RABBIS."
(In this message - I get pretty passionate to say the least. I went off my notes several times and when I did, I cited a couple passages and missed the correct chapters. The text wasn't missed - just the chapter. One time I meant Matthew 3 and another time I meant Malachi 3. Another time I said I Peter 2 and meant to say I Peter 4. So, if you are following along in your Bibles, just look to those chapters. Sorry about that.)
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1-02-2022 - Christians Believe the Prophecies were Fulfilled in Christ
In this message, we continue to compare the teachings of the "church" with the teachings of the jews. We particularly compare "rabbi" Tovia Singer's teaching on Malachi 4 with that of a "church israel preacher's" teaching on Malachi 4. There is no difference between the two.
"Church Israel 'preacher's'" attack on Fulfilled Bible Prophecy, using Malachi 4 to "prove" his argument.
"Rabbi" Tovia Singer - why Jesus was not the Messiah (and John was not the Elijah), using Malachi 4 to "prove" his argument.
"Eschatology" definition - What's the difference?
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1-09-2022 - Christians Believe the Prophecies were Fulfilled in Christ
New Testament cover-up! Jesus cannot be the messiah.
>>>Click for Link
Question: "'Rabbi', why do jews reject Jesus? Looking at it historically, why didn't they recognize, this is the Messiah?"
Answer: "The answer is, it's the Bible. It's passages, soaring messianic passages in the jewish scriptures and nothing that Jesus did bears any resemblance to what the Hebrew prophets said the messiah is supposed to accomplish."
Almost every "church preacher" I have ever heard in my life - uses the exact same Scriptures that Singer uses to say that the prophecies were not fulfilled in the first century. Listen as we begin to show - one by one - how that Jesus, Yeshua ABSOLUTELY fulfilled the prophets - ALL of them - thereby proving that He was the Messiah - the rightful heir to the throne of David.
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1-16-2022 - Christians Believe the Prophecies were Fulfilled in Christ
Accusation: Apostle Paul is committing sedition.
Response to the charges: "But this I confess unto thee, that after the way which they call heresy, so worship I the God of my fathers, believing all things which are written in the Law and in the prophets:" Apostle Paul had full confidence that Jesus, that Yeshua was the Messiah and King - because he believed ALL things written in the Law and the prophets. This begins the messages I've been building towards over the last several weeks.
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1-23-2022 - Christians Believe the Prophecies were Fulfilled in Christ
Abraham saith unto him, They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them.
And he said, Nay, father Abraham: but if one went unto them from the dead, they will repent.
And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.
******* IN RESPONSE TO THIS MESSAGE (From Jeff) ********
Rock of Ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee; Let the water and the blood, From Thy wounded side which flowed, Be of sin the double cure, Save from wrath and make me pure.
But when they came to Jesus, and saw that he was dead already, they brake not his legs:
But one of the soldiers with a spear pierced his side, and forthwith came there out blood and water.
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1-30-2022 - Christians Believe the Prophecies were Fulfilled in Christ
Today we continue with Christians Believe Jesus Fulfilled the Prophets. We see - from the history book - the wicked being judged in the first century.
Then, we go into Acts 13 in a more detail.
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2-06-2022 - Christians Believe the Prophecies were Fulfilled in Christ
If H2O water ""baptism"" is not for today - why were there so many ""baptisms"" taking place with the new believers in the first century?
H20 Water ""Baptism"" Ended With The Old Covenant
This message begins explaining why H2O water ""baptism"" rituals are not for the New Covenant World. Some people believe it's only the blood part of the sacrifice that was done away with. It's the blood AND the water! It's ALWAYS been about the blood AND the water.
Check this out for a good belly laugh - compliments of the head "churchian."
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2-13-2022 - H20 Water ""Baptism"" Ended With The Old Covenant
If H2O water ""baptism"" is for the New Covenant, what does it look like? If H2O water ""baptism"" washes away sins today - what is the procedure? Does someone baptize themself? Does someone else baptize the "candidate" to be baptized? What kind of water is required? What words need to be said? Or are there any words to be said over the ceremony? Where - chapter and verse from the Bible - are these questions answered?
Or is the reality ------ the rituals of ""baptism"" are passed on by tradition, from "church to church?" Whatever the tradition from whatever the "church" teaches - that's what ""baptism"" looks like.
There are several major religions that take the time to go into the details of what they say ""baptism"" is supposed to look like. One of them is judaism - and we begin to look at that one in this message.
Do you know what mikveh is? You absolutely should because it is a Biblical term - essential to understanding the Law God gave Moses - and 99.9 people out of a hundred (non-jews) - have never heard the word - let alone know what it's significance was.
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2-20-2022 - H20 Water "Baptism" Ended With The Old Covenant
Do you know what mikveh is? Did you know the first time mikveh is mentioned in the Bible is in Genesis 1:10? The significance of mikveh in the plan of God is immeasurable - but very few people who call themselves believers in Jesus - have ever even heard the word - let alone know what it's significance is.
We began looking at mikveh last week - and we take a closer look this week.
H2O water "baptism" was part of the Law God gave Moses - which is why the first century believers kept the ritual zealously. What were they doing in Acts 2:38-46? Was ""baptism"" something new? How about Acts 2:46? Were they meeting at the temple - DAILY - for coffee and donuts?
The Ritual Baths Near the Temple Mount and
Extra-Purification Before Entering the Temple Courts: A Reply
Catholic Baptisms Invalidated
Catholic Catechism on "Baptism" (easy to read edition)
What to Bring to a catholic "baptism" | Required documents to be "baptized"
Fees for "baptisms" (varies by dealership, I mean by parish)
"Church" is the religious arm of the state
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2-27-2022 - H20 Water "Baptism" Ended With The Old Covenant
What was the sea in Solomon's temple in I Kings 7? Why does Revelation 21:1 - in reference to the New Covenant - why do the New Heaven and the New Earth - NOT HAVE A SEA?
(Pictured below) The Sea in the Mormon Temple. Used for "baptisms" and for "baptisms" for the dead.

Video from the Mormons
This is why "churches" - which are men's attempts to keep the Old Covenant Temple alive - have "baptistries" near their "altars."
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3-06-2022 - H20 Water "Baptism" Ended With The Old Covenant
Most people think that "baptism" was something new that John the Baptist brought. Nothing could be further from the truth. "Baptism" in the Old Covenant was as important to the sacrificial system as the blood was. When people refer to John's "preaching the "baptism" of repentance for the remission of sins" - why is there no mention of the blood - they speak only of water? John the Baptist was still in the Old Covenant - he never was a part in the New.
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3-13-2022 - H20 Water "Baptism" Ended With The Old Covenant
We continue with our series, "Christians Believe Jesus Fulfilled the Prophecies / H2O Water "Baptism" Ended with the Old Covenant."
I am going to share some emails with you that came in this past week - very encouraging and exciting! Then, we are going to look at mikveh again. Understanding mikveh is vital to understanding the Will and Plan of God.
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3-27-2022 - H20 Water "Baptism" Ended With The Old Covenant
Continuing with the theme - Christians Believe Jesus Fulfilled the Prophets / H2O Water "baptism" Ended with the Old Covenant. Mikveh is in our Bibles. The first mention of it is in the very first week of Creation. The jews know about mikveh - why don't the "christians?" The brazen sea was in Solomon's temple and the Mormons know about it. Why don't the "christians?"
Understanding both of these and their extreme importance under BOTH Covenants is vital to understanding the Word and Will of God.
Bapto https://www.blueletterbible.org/lexicon/g911/kjv/tr/0-1/
Baptizo https://www.blueletterbible.org/lexicon/g907/kjv/tr/0-1/
Jerusalem Post article
Sea of Repentance
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4-02-2022 - H20 Water "Baptism" Ended With The Old Covenant Christians Believe Jesus Fulfilled the Prophets / H2O Water "Baptism" Ended with the Old Covenant
We continue with showing how important it is that we understand that H2O water "baptism" ended with the Old Covenant. People all over the world, for centuries, have falsely believed they were fully immersed into Christ - simply because they had some water poured or sprinkled over them - or that they were dunked in some water - and that "washed their sins away."
We also revisit some prophecy issues - such as the rabbis saying that Jesus was not the Messiah - BECAUSE HE DID NOT FULFILL THE PROPHECIES - all of them.
When we get back what we must know about "baptism" - we see the reason why Jesus turned the water - the "baptismal" waters - into wine.
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4-10-2022 - Christians Believe Jesus Fulfilled the Prophets / H2O Water "Baptism" Ended with the Old Covenant
All the H2O water "baptisms" in the Bible are Old Covenant purification rituals. This includes the "baptisms" from the Gospels and the book of Acts. But just like the physical blood from the Old Covenant was a type and shadow pointing to the blood of Christ - so too, does the physical water from the Old Covenant point to the Living Water - Jesus Christ.
So when did Old Covenant H2O water "baptism" change to New Covenant Living Water spiritual "baptism"? At the end of the Old Covenant. The Old Covenant ended with the destruction of the temple at AD70.
The Kingship of Christ - or "when He took the throne" - is not what matters concerning the change in "baptisms" from Old to New. He's always been a King.
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4-17-2022 - Christians Believe Jesus Fulfilled the Prophets / H2O Water "Baptism" Ended with the Old Covenant
I spent most of the hour exhorting Christians to live EXCLUSIVELY by the Laws, Commandments and Statutes of God - by every Word of God. The reality is - most people live by every of word of whatever "government" that is closest to them. II Kings 17 is as clear as can be what God thinks about the "statutes of men" - yet we STILL don't get it. Citizenship with the world - is enmity with God.
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4-24-2022 Christians Believe Jesus Fulfilled the Prophets / H2O Water "Baptism" Ended with the Old Covenant
We continue with our series, "Christians Believe Jesus Fulfilled the Prophecies / H2O Water "Baptism" Ended with the Old Covenant." After a brief diversion last week - we get right back into what the Bible teaches water "baptism" was and we show when it was needed for remission of sins - and we will show other conversions where it was not needed. "Baptism" - in the Old Covenant World - was for specific violations of the Law - not for ALL of them.
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5-01-2022 Christians Believe Jesus Fulfilled the Prophets / H2O Water "Baptism" Ended with the Old Covenant
This message is the one I was so excited about - I thought it was going to be last week! But - I ran out of time. We are going to take a close look at CLEANSE THE LEPERS. As we inch closer to what New Covenant "baptism" is - it is imperative that we understand the importance of leprosy in Bible times.
>>> Message notes in text form.
5-08-2022 Christians Believe Jesus Fulfilled the Prophets / H2O Water "Baptism" Ended with the Old Covenant
Last week I showed you "baptism" was linked to CLEANSE THE LEPERS. This week, we'll look at how "baptism" was linked to "all manner of sickness and disease." If we are to understand what "baptism" was in Bible times - it is a MUST that we understand "baptism"'s place in the Law God gave Moses.
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5-15-2022 Christians Believe Jesus Fulfilled the Prophets / H2O Water "Baptism" Ended with the Old Covenant
This week we take a closer look at the phrase "for the remission of sins." It has several different meanings and applications. It is important that we understand how each one of them fits in the Scriptures.
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5-22-2022 Christians Believe Jesus Fulfilled the Prophets / H2O Water "Baptism" Ended with the Old Covenant
This week we continue looking at the phrase "for the remission of sins." There is a difference between remission of sins in the Old Covenant and remission of sins in the New Covenant. And, remission of sins - even in the Old Covenant - did not always require washing the clothes and bathing the flesh. H2O water "baptism" ended with the Old Covenant. In this message, we begin to transition more into what New Covenant "baptism" is.
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5-29-2022 Christians Believe Jesus Fulfilled the Prophets / H2O Water "Baptism" Ended with the Old Covenant
This week we revisit Acts 21. Here we find James and the elders at Jerusalem telling Paul to obey the Law God gave Moses concerning Numbers chapter 6 and 19.
Paul obeys Numbers 6 and 19 in every detail.
Including animal sacrifice.
This is easily explained.
Rabbinical "Baptism"
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6-05-2022 Christians Believe Jesus Fulfilled the Prophets / H2O Water "Baptism" Ended with the Old Covenant
The word "baptism" should not immediately make us think of the "church" H2O water ritual.
Eckhard Schnabel on the fallacy of using the "church" definition of the word "baptism" instead of the Greek definition of the word baptizein (bapto, baptidzo, baptismos)
"The treatment of the Greek term Baptizein in the standard English lexicons is unsystematic. The use of the English term ‘to baptize’ for the Greek term Baptizein in English versions of the New Testament is predicated on the assumption that the Greek verb has a technical meaning which warrants the use of a transliteration. Since the first fact is deplorable and the second fact is unsatisfactory, an investigation into the meaning of the Greek term in Greek, Jewish, and patristic literary and documentary texts is called for in order to define the meaning of the term in classical and Hellenistic Greek with more precision than usually encountered in New Testament research, with a view to construct a more helpful lexicon entry for Baptizein." - Schnabel
[Note: I do not even know who Mr. Schnabel is. I have cited him because of his work on explaining that Bible translators have used the word ""baptism"" according to the "church tradition" understanding of "baptism" - as opposed to what the word actually means in the Greek. It is FALLACY to always make people think the word "baptism" refers to physical H2O water - when it does not.]
Catholic Catechism on "Baptism"
Compare these two websites.
Website 1 | Church of Christ on "Baptism"
Another Link | Another Link | Another Link | Another Link | Another Link
If you type in a search on the internet - "What does the Church of Christ teach concerning "baptism"" - you will see that Website 1 and every single link you find from your search - will be nearly identical.
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6-12-2022 Christians Believe Jesus Fulfilled the Prophets / H2O Water "Baptism" Ended with the Old Covenant
Were the true believers in the book of Acts keeping the Law God gave Moses? (In a time after the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ?) Of course they were.
That's why Paul spent so much time in his epistles explaining that salvation came by faith - NOT - by the works of the Law. They did not understand until Paul received his direct revelation from Christ concerning the coming end of the Old Covenant and the full establishing of the New. They were keeping the Law - but in the Name of - in the Authority of - Jesus Christ. The time was coming - not yet - when the Law would pass away - but not yet in Jerusalem - during the times of the book of Acts.
Whenever we see the physical application of H2O water ANYWHERE in the Bible - it is done in fulfillment of the Law God gave Moses. Old Covenant H2O water ""baptism"" was not changed to New Covenant H2O water ""baptism"." Paul explains spiritual ""baptism"" in his epistles - and clearly no mention of physical H2O is found.
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6-19-2022 Christians Believe Jesus Fulfilled the Prophets / H2O Water "Baptism" Ended with the Old Covenant
I can't tell you when I was more excited to preach a message - than the one for this week. (Maybe not since last week!) I feel as though I have been rewarded (for my seeking) with some powerful information that has been hidden from us - probably on purpose.
If we do not understand, "This is the Law concerning leprosy," we are missing out on vital information concerning the Kingdom of God and what true, New Covenant immersion into Christ means.
The Nature of the Leprosy of the Bible. A Medical and Biblical Point of View,
Jay Schamburg, 1889.
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6-26-2022 Christians Believe Jesus Fulfilled the Prophets / H2O Water "Baptism" Ended with the Old Covenant
This week, we will examine Bible leprosy a little more - with other instances showing that leprosy was the result of sin - which is why it was so rampant in the first century - and why the application of H2O to the clothes and to the flesh was used. It's because God commanded it in the Law God gave Moses for the remission of sins. I also received great emails from Jeff and Michael this week that I will be sharing.
"Watery Grave" - CH Spurgeon, 1881
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7-03-2022 Christians Believe Jesus Fulfilled the Prophets / H2O Water "Baptism" Ended with the Old Covenant
This week we take another look at Acts chapter 2 - comparing it to Mark 16 and Matthew 28. Pentecost - just like baptizo - was not new to the first century. The signs that followed belief in Jesus as the Christ - were specifically for the end of the Old Covenant world/age.
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7-10-2022 Christians Believe Jesus Fulfilled the Prophets / H2O Water "Baptism" Ended with the Old Covenant
This week we continue looking at the early chapters of Acts. It is important that we understand why the early Christians in Jerusalem were continuing to perform Old Covenant washings (renamed ""baptisms"" - for some undetermined reason).
We will also hear another song from Paul - and I share a song that came in from Renee.
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7-17-2022 Christians Believe Jesus Fulfilled the Prophets / H2O Water "Baptism" Ended with the Old Covenant
Did you know there is a "Law concerning ignorance" in the Law God gave Moses? There is - and Peter cited it in Acts chapter 2. Later, in Acts 17, we find Paul saying that "the statute of limitations" on the Law concerning ignorance ran out!
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7-24-2022 Christians Believe Jesus Fulfilled the Prophets / H2O Water "Baptism" Ended with the Old Covenant
In this message, I am going to try to break through - once again - to see if anyone - anywhere - will show us from the Bible - exactly what it is they want us to do when they demand we apply physical water to our flesh - for the remission of sins.
This message is not "more of the same" - but an intense challenge to discover what immersion really is. "Immersed" into Christ - or immersed into water?
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7-31-2022 Christians Believe Jesus Fulfilled the Prophets / H2O Water "Baptism" Ended with the Old Covenant
If you or anyone you know has placed their trust in the application of physical water to their flesh as part of the Biblical plan of justification with God, please refer them to this series of messages - Christians Believe the Prophecies were Fulfilled in Christ - H2O Water "Baptism" Ended with the Old Covenant.
Please pay specific attention when we get to John 1, 2 and 3. There is a bombshell in here that needs to be understood. What was the question between some of John's disciples and the Judahites about purifying - washing with water? The purifying ritual that was taking place in John 3 - by John - was in fulfillment of Numbers 8 which was specifically for the Levites. But Jesus was WASHING EVERYONE. That's the significance of John 3:16.
This is the 200th message that Missouri Liberty Radio has aired for our ministry. Thank you to Sam and Trish Britton for making this possible.
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8-07-2022 Christians Believe Jesus Fulfilled the Prophets / H2O Water Works of the Law Ended with the Old Covenant
In reference to Jesus Christ.....I John 5:8 - And there are three that bear witness in earth, the spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one.
Is the spirit spiritual? Is the blood spiritual? Yes. But how DARE you say the water is spiritual! As we move closer and closer to the end of the Old and the establishing of the New, we see less and less of the physical water of the Old Covenant - and more and more of the Spiritual, Living Water that is Jesus Christ.
In addition to looking at I John 5, we to spend some time back in Romans 4.
Biden on Covid "vaccine"
We've Been Lied To Our Whole Lives About Everything That Matters
Bapto / Baptizo / Baptismos
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8-14-2022 Christians Believe Jesus Fulfilled the Prophets / H2O Water Works of the Law Ended with the Old Covenant
This message is going to "turn a corner" in our current study - Christians Believe Jesus Fulfilled the Prophets - H2O Water Works of the Law Ended with the Old Covenant. In my opinion, this message could be the most important message in this series so far. John's baptisma - or Jesus' baptisma? The choice is yours.
Michael's comments regarding last week's message
Wycliffe - Matthew 3
Orthodox Jewish Bible - Matthew 3
Torah.com - Tevillah Teshuva
Eckhard Schnabel on the fallacy of using the "church" definition of the word "baptism" instead of the Greek definition of the word baptizein (bapto, baptidzo, baptismos)
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8-21-2022 Christians Believe Jesus Fulfilled the Prophets / H2O Water Works of the Law Ended with the Old Covenant
For this message - I would like for you to be looking at Thayer's Greek Lexicon definition of baptisma. Here is a link to an online version that matches the 1800s printed version.
Scroll down the page until you see "Thayer's Greek Lexicon." Then, click the "Show All" button on the right. You might even print it out so you can follow along with the message. We do NOT need to be Greek scholars to understand the Word of God. But answering the question - "What is baptism - with 'it's baptism'" as Strong's does - does not get the job done. Thayer's goes way beyond Strong's and gives much to think about!
The next link is the full printed version Thayer's 1886/1889 Greek Lexicon. Go to page 94.
Thayer's Greek Lexicon
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8-28-2022 Christians Believe Jesus Fulfilled the Prophets / H2O Water Works of the Law Ended with the Old Covenant
Why do some "church of christ" preachers have a pattern of omitting certain parts of Scripture or certain parts of citations? It's because they have presuppositions, agendas and biases toward physical water. They believe the only relevant definition of baptisma - are the ones that pertain to physical water.
Thayer's Greek Lexicon
Pages 94 and 95 for baptizo and baptismos
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9-04-2022 Christians Believe Jesus Fulfilled the Prophets / H2O Water Works of the Law Ended with the Old Covenant
John the Washer proclaimed two baptismas: His - with water - and Christ's with something other than water. Why then, does John's remain the preferred washing? John even declared that he preferred Christ's to his. We once again examine the baptisma of Christ as described in Mark 10. Why is THIS baptisma not the baptisma that everyone thinks about when they hear any variation of the Greek bapto?
And, clearly, the baptisma of Christ as found in Mark 10 - is EXACTLY the baptisma that Peter is speaking of in I Peter 3:21.
Catholic Cathechism on "Baptism"
Keep in mind, the Catholic Cathechism on "Baptism" is all about physical water.
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9-11-2022 Christians Believe Jesus Fulfilled the Prophets / H2O Water Works of the Law Ended with the Old Covenant
I had a great thing happen to me this past week! I heard a variation of the Greek word bapto - and my mind IMMEDIATELY went to Mark 10:38-39. The baptisma of Jesus Christ! I hope to hear the same thing (what happened to me) from many of you, soon. There are only two baptismas in the Bible. Old Covenant baptisma and New Covenant baptisma. Only one of them is Christ's. He told His disciples exactly what it was. Peter figured it out - we need to figure it out, too.
Thayer's Greek Lexicon
Page 7 for hagnizo
Irish Teacher Arrested for Refusing LGBTQ
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9-18-2022 Christians Believe Jesus Fulfilled the Prophets / H2O Water Works of the Law Ended with the Old Covenant
Friendship with the world, is enmity with God. Friendship with Christ and the world will declare you to be their enemy. John 15 shows that friendship with Christ - begins with His baptisma.
This message goes further into what the baptisma of Christ is. HINT: The baptisma of Christ has NOTHING to do with physical water!
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9-25-2022 Christians Believe Jesus Fulfilled the Prophets / H2O Water Works of the Law Ended with the Old Covenant
John - INDEED - said there were two baptismas. His - which was only by physical water - and Christ's - which was something totally different than water - physical water.
What is the Baptisma of Christ than John preferred? Mark 10 tells us what the Baptisma of Christ is. Mark 14-15 SHOWS US what the Baptisma of Christ is!
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10-02-2022 Christians Believe Jesus Fulfilled the Prophets / H2O Water Works of the Law Ended with the Old Covenant
Scrupolositie? Do you know what scrupolositie means?
Hint: The 1611 KJV translators knew what scrupolositie was - and they said they avoided the scrupolositie of the Puritans when translating two specific words.
As we can continue on with the Baptisma of Jesus Christ and what it is, we move on to Romans chapter 6 to see if we can find water - physical water - in the baptisma of Romans 6.
For those of you who still may be holding on to physical water applied to the flesh in the New Covenant World - I urge you to compare this message with Ted Weiland's Round 13: Baptism vs Baptism. Do you really believe the baptisma of Romans 6 is a "church water ritual?"
King James 1611 Introduction
(Webster's 1828)
Today's definition of Scrupolosity
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10-09-2022 Christians Believe Jesus Fulfilled the Prophets / H2O Water Works of the Law Ended with the Old Covenant
No one receives salvation - without a Baptisma! We examine the ministry of Christ where He performed a baptisma on almost everyone that came to Him. We obviously see physical water missing - and we see what IS required in a Baptisma where Christ performs the Baptisma.
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10-16-2022 Christians Believe Jesus Fulfilled the Prophets / H2O Water Works of the Law Ended with the Old Covenant
Mark 16:16 and Matthew 28:19-20 have NOTHING to do with physical water! We'll continue proving this by taking a closer look at John 4 - "Baptizo?" Did He or didn't He?
When we understand the misunderstanding caused by the ADMITTED lack of scrupolosity of the 1611 KJV translators - we know that bapto does not always mean physical water. He DID baptizo His followers in belief - but He did NOT baptizo His followers in physical water.
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10-23-2022 Christians Believe Jesus Fulfilled the Prophets / H2O Water Works of the Law Ended with the Old Covenant
Setting the record straight. Mark 16:16, Matthew 28:18-20, Acts 2:38 - are absolutely NOT referring to physical water in any shape or form. If I have ever said anything to the contrary - I was wrong!
This message will deal with why this series is so important and why we need to know we have been baptizo by Christ - and not by John.
New Haven Colony Covenant
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10-30-2022 Christians Believe Jesus Fulfilled the Prophets / H2O Water Works of the Law Ended with the Old Covenant
The first part of this message will answer some questions that have come in concerning "How then shall we live?" How do we live in the Government of God and outside of men's little g "governments."
The second part of the message continues the series on the Baptisma of Jesus Christ. Jeff Thomas provided one of the most insightful comments from last week's message providing more proof that the Baptisma of Christ occurs when men believe the Scriptures that teach Christ fulfilled the ALL the Prophets and the Law.
MasterCard...so worldy, so welcome.
The following are not endorsed by me, just a few examples of a search "How to make $100,000 farming on one acre?"
Warrior Forum
Hobby Farm Basics
How to Make Money Farming on Less than 5 Acres
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11-06-2022 Christians Believe Jesus Fulfilled the Prophets / H2O Water Works of the Law Ended with the Old Covenant
I received a lot of response from last week's message where I dealt with some questions regarding how to live in the Government of God and not in the (little g) "governments" of men. How can we live without numbers and citizenships in the world? I want to continue answering some of the questions this week.
The first thing we must nail down is the Biblical prohibition against being in debt. Debt - obeying the terms and conditions - prevents people from following Christ.
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11-13-2022 Christians Believe Jesus Fulfilled the Prophets / H2O Water Works of the Law Ended with the Old Covenant
After two weeks of dealing with the Law concerning debt, we return to our attempt at winding down the series on the water works of the Law God gave Moses - are not for today. Most of us would not think of sacrificing an animal "for the remission of sins." Neither should we be participating in the other elements of the same Law - the washing with physical water - "for the remission of sins."
In Acts chapter 2, there was an Election going on! Was there anyone else on the ballot - except for Christ?
I also address another misunderstanding that some people have come to in relation to what it is I'm saying in this series.
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11-20-2022 Christians Believe Jesus Fulfilled the Prophets / H2O Water Works of the Law Ended with the Old Covenant
We are down to 3 passages of Scripture left in dealing with the few verses that those who demand the application of physical water to the flesh in the New Covenant World. In order to understand Galatians 3:26-27 - even without a firm understanding of all the other references to bapto in our Bibles - verses 1-25 make it clear verse 27 cannot be referring to the application of physical water to the flesh as being what "baptizo into Jesus Christ" means.
A vote for man's government?
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11-27-2022 Christians Believe Jesus Fulfilled the Prophets / H2O Water Works of the Law Ended with the Old Covenant
In this message, we took another look at an etymological study of the word "baptism" - for the purpose of establishing again - that the word can refer to physical water - but it is actually rare. Hence, it is a big mistake to have our minds be taken to a "church water ritual" whenever we hear any variation of bapto. We'll look at Colossians 2:12 to show that not only is there no mention of physical water in this verse - but making people think there is physical water in the verse - leads people away from the true "baptism" of Jesus Christ.
Simple Word Study of "Baptism" from Wikipedia
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12-04-2022 Christians Believe Jesus Fulfilled the Prophets / H2O Water Works of the Law Ended with the Old Covenant
We have progressed through the minute number of "out of context" verses those who demand physical water to the flesh in the New Covenant use to build their case - and we are now at the final one - I Peter 3:21.
Though nearly the entire "church" world finds physical water in verse 21 - the reality is Peter is saying the exact opposite! He is clearly saying - "I'm not talking about physical water "baptisma!" Even when taken out of the Book and laid all by itself on the table - the verse tells us he is talking about the baptizo / baptisma of Mark 10. He's not talking about the physical waters of the Old Covenant.
Pool of Siloam
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12-11-2022 Christians Believe Jesus Fulfilled the Prophets / H2O Water Works of the Law Ended with the Old Covenant
In this message, I Peter 3:21 is still taken out of the Bible and laid on the table all by itself. We continue examining the words, the sentence structure, and the many different definitions of baptisma to prove that the baptisma - which doth now also save us - is the baptisma of Mark 10. It is NOT an Old Covenant "wash the clothes" or "bathe the flesh" - BOTH - which were required elements of sanctification in the Old Covenant.
A "baptism" involving physical water and physical flesh - is Old Covenant "baptism." In Exodus 19 we see - very clearly - sanctification involved "wash the clothes." "Wash the clothes, bathe the skin" - these were works of the Law God gave Moses and are NOT to be done in the New Covenant World.
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12-18-2022 Christians Believe Jesus Fulfilled the Prophets / H2O Water Works of the Law Ended with the Old Covenant
We go back to Exodus chapter 19 again. Is Exodus 19 a type and shadow of the Marriage Supper of the Lamb from Revelation 19? I believe it is. Now, the origins of wash the clothes, bathe the flesh become even clearer. And, we see how the physical water "baptisms" of the Old Covenant are types of shadows of being "baptized in the blood of Christ" of the New Covenant.
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12-25-2022 No Man that Warreth Entangleth Himself with the Affairs over this Life
We are going to look at II Timothy chapter 2 tomorrow. (We will not have time to continue I Peter 3:21.) For those who choose to ignore the warnings of "being entangled with the affairs of this life" or for those who have not read the warning - dire circumstances can arise from being entangled with the world.
Also, John said his greatest pleasure was in knowing that God's people were walking in truth. I hope you are in walking in truth tomorrow and not participating in the lie called Christ-mass. Simple, cursory reading of the Scriptures show there is no way Jesus was born on "December 25th." It is not truth and Christians should not be participating in it.
"Lawyer" says "marriage is made up"
"Churchman" tells his young people to get a "marriage license"
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1-1-2023 No Man that Warreth Entangleth Himself with the Affairs over this Life - Interview with Daniel Joseph
Last weekend, in my message, No Man that Warreth Entangleth Himself, I said I would ask Daniel Joseph if he would come on live with me to discuss voiding a state marriage license without going to the state to void the adulterous contract. In a state divorce, the state claims control over those who had the marriage license until "death do us part."
I heard from quite a few people in America and across the world who want to divorce the state from their marriage so they can have a Biblical, Godly marriage. The object is to divorce the state - but do it in a manner where the state can no longer maintain control over the marriage. Daniel believes he has a solution and due to the great responses I had this week, this was a live broadcast with Daniel.
1-08-2023 No Man that Warreth Entangleth Himself with the Affairs over this Life
FIRST OFF.... Let's deal with a MIS-SPEAK (if that's a word). It's what I get for deviating from my notes. I meant to say Matthew 24:33-34 is not speaking of a future generation "that will see all these things." Yes, absolutely, positively, it is speaking to the generation that WOULD see all these things - but Jesus made it perfectly clear who that generation was. It was the generation to whom He was speaking to - 2,000 years ago!
We then go to Deuteronomy 29 and 30 to begin discussing the argument of Consent. "I Consent to be Governed (govern-ment = Control of the Mind) ONLY by the Laws of God."
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1-15-2023 No Man that Warreth Entangleth Himself with the Affairs over this Life
In this message we examine more Scriptures that show that God wants us to obey His Laws, His Statues, His Ordinances, His Commandments - AND NO OTHERS. This truth is ALL OVER the Bible.
Yet, we are expected to believe that then God sent His Own Son to this earth to tell people they are no longer to obey Him exclusively. But instead, they are to obey and serve the laws, statues and ordinances of anyone who happens to claim to be "government."
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1-22-2023 No Man that Warreth Entangleth Himself with the Affairs over this Life
In this message, we continue looking at passages of Scripture where God commands His Creation to obey - exclusively - HIS STATUTES. It's everywhere you look. Then, we are expected to believe that God sent His Son to earth to inform people that God no longer expects people to obey His Statutes - but now commands people to obey the statu[t]es of men? Ridiculous.
Jesus certainly did away with the animal sacrifices. He did away with the physical "baptisms" and physical circumcisions - but He absolutely did NOT replace the Statutes of God for Governing our lives - with the statu[t]es of men. Which Statutes are you governed by?
San Francisco actually does something right?
Youtube video of man speaking about the "violence" of man's "governments"
Only for information - not a recommendation to follow
Calling evil good - gambling is great sin!
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1-29-2023 No Man that Warreth Entangleth Himself with the Affairs over this Life
In this hour, I feel like I need to clear up a few misunderstandings. While I try very hard to make sure I am communicating properly things as I understand them - I realize that what I say and what people actually hear - may not be what I intended.
CONgress filled with "Christians"
3.8 billion for the jews
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2-05-2023 No Man that Warreth Entangleth Himself with the Affairs over this Life
In this hour, I am going to address some emails that have come in. I try to always answer each email individually - but sometimes I feel like it's best to answer so everyone else can hear. Here are some answers to when someone says, "No one knows the day or the hour."
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2-12-2023 You Call Yourself a Christian, Come out of the Closet
Do you call yourself a Christian? Do you call yourself the "Israel of God?" If so, it's time, it's past-time to get out of the closet and let the world know how you identify yourself! Followers of Christ are not supposed to be citizens of the world. Whether born as an Israelite "according to the flesh" who has embraced Jesus Christ or a stranger who has embraced Jesus Christ - we are ALL supposed to be Citizens of the Commonwealth of Israel - so named in Ephesians 2:12. If we want God to move on our behalf, we must come out of the closet!
Sadly, while the freaks, the queers and the perverts came out of the closet and radically changed the world - in a relatively short period of time - many of those who call themselves Christians have buried themselves in a closet, ashamed to reveal their identity to the world. Many of them deceptively thinking they are going to be "raptured away" while cowering in their closet. Listen tomorrow to hear the passages of Scripture regarding "Come out of the Closet."
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2-19-2023 You Call Yourself a Christian, Come out of the Closet
This is a continuation of the theme, "If You Call Yourself a Christian, Come Out of the Closet." I am beginning to move toward the understanding of how living apart from men's little g "governments" will turn the world upside down. There is a Biblical blueprint for changing the world. There are examples from the Word for how this is done.
So sad to hear people - people who call themselves "Christians" - say that we cannot change the world by preaching and living that men are to obey the Gospel of God.
The freaks, the queers and the perverts completely revolutionized the world - in a short period of time - and did so in THEIR OWN power. Yet, "Christians" who claim to have the power of God - have done absolutely NOTHING in the world - compared to what the freaks, the queers and the perverts have done. There is a reason for this. It is NOT God's fault. It is our fault. There is a remedy.
Ekklesia in the Greek Septuagint (II Chronicles 23)
Look for this word in verse 3: eκκλησία
While you are at it, look at the rest of the Greek words in verse 3 and see if you notice anything.
You don't have to be a Greek scholar to see it. We'll talk about next week.
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2-26-2023 You Call Yourself a Christian, Come out of the Closet
Evil, evil, evil. Every talks about evil. It's almost as if there is a warped sense of pleasure derived from talking about evil. Don't misunderstand me....we need to expose evil everywhere it props its head. But if we are not showing the solution and pushing people to it - we are potentially making things worse than they are.
Christians - Come out of the Closet. Come out of the world. Come out of her, My people, that ye be not partakers of her sins. That is the solution - straight from the Bible. It's past time we at least provide "equal time" to the solution as we give to the problems.
Kurios | Greek Septuagint II Chronicles 23:3
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3-05-2023 You Call Yourself a Christian, Come out of the Closet
We need to understand that everything written in our Bibles was to show us what the good, acceptable and Perfect Will of God is for US - those of us living in the New World - the world that was to come. When we see, for instance, Revelation 18 repeated historically in our time - we can clearly see what the Will of God WAS for the people who first experienced it. God told His people - "Come out from her My people, that ye be not partakers of her plagues."
That is the good, acceptable and Perfect Will of God for how we are to live in the world to come.
Vermont Christian School Forfeits Girls Basketball Tournament over Transgender Opponent
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3-12-2023 You Call Yourself a Christian, Come out of the Closet
As followers of Christ, we are supposed to be "in Christ." We are not supposed to be "in the state of Missouri, i in the state of Ohio, in the united states, etc." We are supposed to "Come out from the 'kings of the earth'" - which is a form of fornication - and into Christ.
15 Minute Cities | WEF | WEF 2
Wycliffe "deacons" in the Ekklesia
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3-19-2023 You Call Yourself a Christian, Come out of the Closet
We are going to take another look at another passage of Scripture from the Greek Septuagint describing what Ekklesia is. Ekklesia is not a weekend social organization. It is the Government of God and we need to understand what it means that "Jesus took the throne of David." We need to understand that we MUST be in the Ekklesia of Christ and not in the ekklesias of the world.
Today, men and women, boys and girls are called to Come out of the little g "governments" of the world and into the Ekklesia of Christ, the Government of God, the Commonwealth of Israel.
Greek Septuagint to English (I Chronicles 28)
John Whitehead article
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3-26-2023 You Call Yourself a Christian, Come out of the Closet,
Show me the Toes
Still dealing with the theme, "Come out from among them", we examine a world-renowned event alleged from a 501(c)(3) government "church" in which they are claiming their prayers regrew 3 amputated toes from one of their "church-goers."
It's things like this that make the "church" a laughing-stock. Sadly, most people think that "church" is the voice of God, the representative of Jesus Christ. NOTHING is further from the truth and we need to have OUR voices heard in defense of the True Gospel of the Government of God.
501(c)(3) government controlled, funded "church" causes women to have 3 amputated toes grow back
Prayers to raise dead 2 year from the dead
More details on raising the two year old from the dead
Two year old resurrected, parents did have enough "faith"
If this is what it means to be a follower of Jesus - COUNT ME OUT!
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4-02-2023 You Call Yourself a Christian, Come out of the Closet
Continuing with the theme, "Come out from among them", we offer more proof from Scripture that Ekklesia did not begin in Matthew 16. Ekklesia is the Government of God. It is not a weekend social organization. God's people are those who have come out from the governments (ekklesias) of men - and into His One True Government - the Commonwealth of Israel. Whose government are you a citizen of?
It is not God's fault that people do not know what Ekklesia means - from its inception - and today. Let's study the Word to see what Ekklesia is - and then let's apply the teachings to our lives.
If this is what it means to be a follower of Jesus - COUNT ME OUT!
(This is the video where the "church" was invoking a king jesus to raise the little two year old.
These are "churchians" - NOT Christians!
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4-09-2023 You Call Yourself a Christian, Come out of the Closet
I was "under the weather" this weekend and was unable to preach. The following is a repeat of a message from a few weeks ago. I believe it deserves a second listen.
We are going to take another look at another passage of Scripture from the Greek Septuagint describing what Ekklesia is. Ekklesia is not a weekend social organization. It is the Government of God and we need to understand what it means that "Jesus took the throne of David." We need to understand that we MUST be in the Ekklesia of Christ and not in the ekklesias of the world.
Today, men and women, boys and girls are called to Come out of the little g "governments" of the world and into the Ekklesia of Christ, the Government of God, the Commonwealth of Israel.
Greek Septuagint to English (I Chronicles 28)
John Whitehead article
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4-16-2023 Equipping the Saints
This week I am going to pause the "Come out from among them" series and deal with a lot of emails that have come in lately. A lot of you are sharing the Come Out message - but are reporting great resistance.
And of course, we certainly understand that. I want to share with you one of the ways I've seen some successes in overcoming people who fight against the message. It's back to the basics! It's the milk before the meat.
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4-23-2023 Am I “saved?”- Am I “in Christ?”
This message is entitled, "Am I 'saved'? Am I 'in Christ'?" I get that question asked of me often and I tell people I am not their judge. They need to look to the Scriptures for that answer.
I will answer generally, though. A very simple answer is, "Where is your citizenship? Whose Statutes/statues control your life? I believe the Scriptures are quite clear and if your life or those you know are lived according to the statues of men - you should strongly urge them to listen to this message.
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4-30-2023 Am I “saved?”- Am I “in Christ?”
This message continues, "Am I 'saved'? Am I 'in Christ'?" All we can do is look at what the Word of God tells us. The answer where we can find safety - is in the Throne of God and of the Lamb and where our Citizenship is.
We also have a big, exciting announcement to make!
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5-07-2023 Am I “saved?”- Am I “in Christ?”
This message continues, "Am I 'saved'? Am I 'in Christ'?" All we can do is look at what the Word of God tells us. Our Citizenship is supposed to be in Heaven. NOT Washington, D.C. NOT Jefferson City, Missouri. NOT Manila, Philippines. For the Christian - our "capitol" is in Heaven because that's where the throne is!
We also have a big, exciting announcement to make!
(But you'll have to wait until next week to find out!
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5-14-2023 The King's Coronation
We have quite a few new listeners so we will cover some old ground this week. We revisit the Davidic Covenant in light of what took place in England last week. Really sad that some people who claim Christ actually believe that Charles and Camilla fulfilled Bible prophecy - and WORSE - they fulfilled the Davidic Covenant! Unbelievable - but true.
I am also going to defend some of our Facebook warriors - again. "Christians" (so-called) laughing at true followers of Jesus Christ for identifying themselves as Citizens of the Commonwealth of Israel? SHAMEFUL.
We will still cover lots of Scripture, but this message is a little out of the ordinary.
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5-21-2023 Clarifying What's in Your Wallet
In this message, I want to clarify what I'm talking about when I ask people to take the contents of their billfolds out and lay them on the table. Do the contents of our billfolds identify us as Citizens of the Commonwealth of Israel - or do they identify us as citizens of the world?
In reference to the futurist vs the preterist - they claim to believe the opposite of each other - but the contents of their billfolds say they live the exact same way. What difference does it make how you believe - if your beliefs do not change the way you live?.
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5-28-2023 Mark of the Beast
This message is called "The Mark of the Beast." I believe there are some life and death things we need to understand from what our forefathers went through in the first century because they would not take any marks from any governments other than the Government of God.
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6-11-2023 Having Done All, Stand
I am starting a series of messages of encouragement - to help strengthen us to stand against those who attack our faith - our system of belief once delivered to the saints.
We are revisiting Hebrews 9:10.
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6-18-2023 Having Done All, Stand
This message continues the series on encouragement to stand for unpopular TRUTH. Nearly the entire "religious world" demands the application of physical water to the flesh - either for "salvation" or for other "spiritual reasons." The TRUTH is - in the New Covenant World - teaching the application of physical water to the flesh for ANY Spiritual reason - is to deny the Finished Work of Jesus Christ.
Was Abraham "baptized" in physical H20 water? NO. No he was not. That is because "baptism" came AFTER Abraham when it was added in the Mosaic Law. Jesus Christ did away with EVERY ritual element of the Mosaic Law. We don't sacrifice animals. We don't circumcise. We don't keep the feasts. We don't have a physical temple. We don't have physical priests. And we DON'T CONTINUE in the "divers baptisms" which ended at the time of reformation - when the temple came down - and ended the Old Covenant World - IN THE FIRST / LAST CENTURY. (Last century of the Old World - which was the Fitst century of the New World.)
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6-25-2023 Having Done All, Stand
Man is not allowed to make their own "laws." People are not allowed to create their own "governments." The days where God allowed the nations to walk in their own ways - ENDED. They ended when the Old Covenant ended. They ended when God sent His Son to take over the Ekklesia - Government of Israel - the throne of David and return the Government back to His exclusive Kingship!
Here is a classic example of why we are in the shape we are in today.
Ted Cruz CONDEMNING the Laws of God and demanding obedience to man's "laws" and obedience to "king Caesars" instead of obedience to King Jesus
In response to BLACK UGANDA criminalizing homosexuality and promoting LGBTQ

See any white people? No. That's because the white people are in the U.S. in their "churches" condemning these black people for attempting to at least show some respect to the Laws of God. (Not all white people, of course. And not all "churches," either. AND - there are lots of black people in the U.S. and in the U.S. "churches" that are pro-homosexuality and pro-LGBTQ).
I'm just trying to wake some folks up who believe their whiteness (and their wetness) are what makes them special. It's not the "jews" - it's not the blacks - it's not the Hispanics that are destroying the world. IT IS THE LILY WHITE AMERICANS that lead the way in refusing to obey the Laws of God and then declare war on anyone who desires the Laws of God in their lives.
Trump - the Saviour of the LGBTQ | Ric Grenell - Trump the most PRO queer president ever
Trump's daughter GAY PRIDE rally | Now, Biden - whose way was paved by TRUMP
Steve Green - Find Us Faithful
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7-02-2023 Having Done All, Stand
The battle is with principalities - and it did not begin in Ephesians 6. Jeremiah 13 says the "kings and princes are TO SIT DOWN" when they stop leading the people to follow the Laws of God.
If the principalities refuse to follow the Laws of God - the people are NOT to follow them.
Ted Cruz CONDEMNING the Laws of God and demanding obedience to man's "laws" and obedience to "king Caesars" instead of obedience to King Jesus
Part 2: Mikveh? We read again from the jews - mikveh and the "church baptistry" are the same thing.
Jewish Guide to Mikveh
"...Immersion must be full-body. Once completed, the proper blessing must be recited, with intent....
This is meant to be more than simply a device for reversing a state of impurity. It is a means of infusing the soul with spirituality. It is no wonder that mikveh immersion is the final requisite for converting to Judaism – a spiritual rebirthing. This use of the mikveh, for the conversion of both men and women, is common to every religious movement in Judaism."
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7-09-2023 Having Done All, Stand
I need to report to you that our brother, Jeff, was kidnapped off the streets of Jefferson City, Missouri by a "Christian cop" and has been held in a cage since "U.S. Independence / Freedom Day." He was apprehended for the violent crime of going to the grocery store without "government" recognized letters and numbers on a tin plate attached to his lawfully owned truck. I have spoken with him twice. He is doing fine - all things considered. Please keep him in your prayers. So many thanks to his lady friend for making sure that Jeff's possessions have been secured and taken care of while he is being held for whatever ransom the mob demands.
The message tomorrow will give any updates that I have. In addition, we will be discussing - again - what man is allowed to do as far as depriving a man of his freedom. The message will be from the perspective of what God says is right - NOT from what men say is right. We will be looking at I Peter 2 again (among several other connected passages).
Same with every other doctrine....for instance, if a man does not understand physical water as found in the Law in the first 39 Books, he will be unable to understand the purpose of physical water in the last 27 Books. If a man does not understand the origins of "Ordinances of man" as found in the first 39 Books, he will be unable to understand the meaning of "Ordinances of man" in the last 27. The Bible is one book. Jesus Christ was not sent by His Father to unravel and dispose of the first 39 Books. All of them are in perfect agreement.
I know I've said this before, but I believe this message is so very important and the Word needs to spread like wildfire! God - and God alone is the Author of Laws, Statutes and Ordinances. Man is NOT allowed to make his own "laws, statutes and ordinances!" Then - even worse - send people out into the community with GUNS and other threats of violence - to force people to obey MEN'S "laws, statutes and ordinances."
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7-16-2023 Having Done All, Stand
Jeff was released by his kidnappers on Mon. After more than 168 hours in their cage, he was finally brought before a "judge" who let him go. This Sonday evening, Jeff and I will be on Sam Britton's "Off the Cuff" Show to discuss what he went through. The talk show begins at 6:00pm CT at www.molibertyradio.us
I feel as if what I brought out in last week's message was so important, I want to cover some of it again tomorrow. It is Biblically impossible to correctly understand the last 27 Books of the Bible without first understanding the first 39 Books. What we read in the last 27 is always found first in the first 39 - which provides the proper foundation for understanding. Men have oftentimes taken what was said in the last 27 Books and have built flawed "churchologies" because they do not understand the context of what is found in the first 39.
Joshua 1:8 - "This Book of the Law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success."
For a Christian, then, how has that clear admonition been replaced with, "OUR CONstitution, and OUR LAWS, and OUR TREATIES - SHALL BE THE SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND?"
The "church" says I Peter 2:13 has nullified Joshua 1:8. This is a fatal mistake! The only thing the last 27 Books nullify are the ceremonial Laws, such as, but not limited only to, animal sacrifices and physical water washings (erroneously renamed as "baptisms"). All else remains.
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7-23-2023 Having Done All, Stand
In this message, I plan on re-covering some of the things we talked about on Sam's Off the Cuff Show last weekend. It appears that "consent of the governed" only applies to those who have consented. But for us - we don't have a choice, we don't have a "right" to consent to men - we have a command to consent ONLY to the God of Heaven, His Son, and His Laws, Commands, and Perfect Will.
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7-30-2023 Having Done All, Stand
Can a man live exclusively according to the Laws, Commandments and Statutes of God? Can a man choose not to obey the statutes of other men? If we would yield ourselves to the Scriptures - all of them - not just the last 27 Books - we would understand that the Biblical definition of a Christian answers these questions with a resounding YES! Not only can we live exclusively according to the Laws, Commandments and Statutes of God - we are commanded to. That is why the world would call someone - a "Christian."
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8-6-2023 The Stone is the Foundation
We are continuing to explain why - if a man does not understand that Jesus fulfilled ALL the prophecies in the first century - he cannot understand I Peter chapter 2. Refusing to believe that Jesus fulfilled ALL the prophecies is a denial that Jesus Christ came in the flesh and will lead a man to believe that earthly kings and earthly "governments" are still ordained of God in the New Covenant.
Further, we must identify the Stone from I Peter chapter 2 in order to understand Who Jesus Christ is and then understand the Gospel. Working backwards, from I Peter chapter 2, to Matthew 21, to Psalm 8, to Zechariah 9, to Daniel 2 - the Bible is talking about the same Stone. For people that say that Stone is future - is a denial that Jesus Christ came in the flesh.
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8-13-2023 We Must Stand for What I Peter 2 Actually Means
I know, I know, you've heard this before.
I believe this is one of the most important messages that I believe God has privileged me to deliver. I am going to show you another reason why I Peter chapter 2 is believed - WRONGLY - by nearly the entire world. I am going to take you back to the 1800s to show you one of the most egregious "theological" commentaries I have ever seen. This teaching is what most people believe today - and it is not right! It came from England - the seat of the despicable doctrine of the divine right of kings.
Charles Ellicott on I Peter 2
The "Caesars" Called Themselves "gods"
China's "king" (their "government") Commanded People Murder Their Babies
Chuck Swindoll on I Peter 2
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8-20-2023 We Must Stand for What I Peter 2 Actually Means
We continue looking at I Peter 2 in light of other Scriptures and prophecies. We also take an indepth look into
"the Kingdom of Heaven."
Give your stocks and bonds to "church." Put the "church" in your will. Need a copy of the "church's IRS approval letter? Click here..
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8-27-2023 If We had Just Known what this Meaneth
If We had Just Known What This Meaneth....
In the first part of the hour I am going to share with you some things I have been hearing from some of the elderly who have been listening to this ministry. What can be done concerning sins out of ignorance? Good, God fearing, honest people, have lived an entire life of deception. What should they do when they find out the truth? I am going to discuss three of their stories.
In the rest of the hour, we go back to I Peter 2 - and from there - just grab your Bibles and hold on!
United Church of God Commentary on Genesis 49
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9-03-2023 If We had Just Known what this Meaneth
If We had Just Known What This Meaneth....
We're going back to Genesis 49 again - "And Jacob called unto his sons, and said, Gather yourselves together, that I may tell you that which shall befall you in the last days." If we do not understand the phrase "the last days" we cannot understand the Bible. Jacob was instructing his sons concerning the last days - the end of the Old Covenant - and the days when the Messiah (Shiloh) would be coming. To say that the last days are in our future - is to deny that Jesus Christ was the Messiah.
It also puts the Kingdom of God in the future - which also denies Jesus Christ - the Lion of the tribe of Juda - the One to Whom the sceptre was given - the Lawgiver - the expectation of the nations.
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9-10-2023 If We had Just Known what this Meaneth
If We had Just Known What This Meaneth....
From Genesis 49, we'll once again see the fulfillment of Bible prophecy in Jesus Christ - in the first century. The sceptre was given to Jesus. He is the Lawgiver. He is the gatherer of the people. If the Jesus Christ of the first century was the Messiah - then these three things had to occur THEN.
The Kingdom of God is not something that is coming in the future. The Messiah is not coming in the future. Shiloh came and was the fulfillment of Jacob's prophecy to his sons.
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9-17-2023 If We had Just Known what this Meaneth
If We had Just Known What This Meaneth....
We are going to look at some passages of Scripture tomorrow - which we will once again compare to I Peter 2 - that are so overwhelming, we may not be able to complete the hour! When we see these passages - having the keys to understanding (Fulfilled Bible Prophecy, the present day reality of the Government of God, exclusive Citizenship in the Commonwealth of Israel) we'll again be amazed at why so few people get it.
But we persevere! We continue preaching, we continue living for our King and His Government.
Business Insider - "Preacher" Says God Says SUBMIT
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9-24-2023 If We had Just Known what this Meaneth
If We had Just Known What This Meaneth....
We continue this week with a study on Israel's interaction with kings in the history of Israel. It is very clear to see that God's plan for Israel has always been - One King.
We will see Commands from God to Moses from Deuteronomy 7 - that principally transcend all generations - and are fulfilled in the first century to those first century saints that came to Mt. Sion, the city of the living God. The principles found in Deuteronomy 7 lay the groundwork for how we are supposed to be living our day-to-day lives - thousands of years later.
"Johnson Amendment" | "How to Lose Your Tax-Exempt Status" | Bob Jones "Christian" University & Public Policy
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10-08-2023 If We had Just Known what this Meaneth - Continuing Study of Kings
If We had Just Known What This Meaneth....
We get back to our study of the kings in Old World Israel and the interactions with them.
If we understood the relationship with Old Israel and kings - we would see just how important it was that Jesus was born as King! He is not a coming king. He came as King in the first century and it has been the responsibility of every living, breathing creature, to conform to His exclusive Kingdom since.
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10-15-2023 Who is Israel
I am going to pause our current series and deal with the staged events occurring in the world today in the middle east. I am absolutely not making light of the death, pain and suffering - but it is part of the staged plans that have been manipulated since the early 1900s.
What I want to accomplish most is in teaching what the Bible says about Who God's Chosen People are.
Yuval Noah Harari - We will become like gods | Harari's Website | Balfour Declaration (History) | Balfour Declaration (Document) | "Christian" Broadcasting Network (Nothing CHRISTIAN about this)
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10-22-2023 Who is Israel
This week we continue looking at who the Bible says Israel is. In light of everything going on in the world today - our focus is mainly on who Israel is NOT.
I'm sure most of you are dealing with people who are claiming Bible prophecy is being fulfilled today - and - the "jews are God's Chosen People." Bible prophecy is NOT being fulfilled today - and the jews are NOT God's chosen people!
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10-29-2023 Who is Israel
This week we continue looking at who the Bible says Israel is.
Before we get into the message, though, I am going to answer a very important email that came in this week. The email was not directed at the current series - but it is directly relatable to Who is Israel. The subject of the email is why I call the SSN and the Canadian SIN - the spirit of antichrist.
Apostolic Faith Church - the(ir) Antichrist
Title 42, Section 666
(Go to Paragraph 13)(or Find using the word "social")
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11-05-2023 Who is Israel
I had an exceptional number of emails that came in this week. I felt the need to cover some issues that several of the new listeners asked. Friends, there is NO devil! There is no Satan! Whatever that was - it was destroyed by Jesus the Christ - in the first century.
Hollywood churchianity is NOT Christianity. Christianity is not a world of fantasy, make-believe. Our God put all things under our King's feet, destroyed every enemy. It's time to start focusing on the All-Conquering King - instead of dedeated foes that no longer exist in the New World.
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11-19-2023 Who is Israel
I am continuing the study "Who is Israel?". Over the last little bit, we've talked about Who Israel is NOT. We will be deeply into Who Israel IS!
For all you young people that are concerned about being "drafted..." If you weren't numbered WITH the "government" doing the "drafting - you wouldn't have anything to be concerned about!
From Jeff at the conclusion of the message:
"If you are numbered, your days are numbered.
If you aren't numbered, your days are endless."
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11-26-2023 Who is Israel
We will continue discussing "Who is Israel?" tomorrow. Additionally, we're going to spend a little more time on young men's concerns about being "drafted." It's really pretty simple - whose book is your identification found in? Is your name written in the Lamb's Book of Life? Or is there a number written in the books of men's "governments" that identifies you?
Just like the early saints upon whom the New Covenant was established - we must refuse numbers that men's little g "governments" try to force upon everyone
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12-03-2023 Who is Israel
We will continue discussing "Who is Israel?" tomorrow. I am excited to share some insights with you concerning Revelation 2- ....the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan....
I also want to let you know that I have heard from so many people lately who are saying they are discovering the "lies of NASA." It is my hope to begin a series on the Genesis account of Creation when the Who is Israel series ends. So many people ask - "What difference does it make?" Friends, if you think it doesn't make any difference - then I believe you are not seeing what has been happening around us - particularly in the "universities and colleges" - in that "science has proven the Bible is not true." Because "science" has convinced so many naive people that the Genesis account of Creation is not correct - this has been one of the biggest reasons why civilizations are collapsing into total moral depravity.
When "science" makes people doubt the Genesis account of Creation - then it stands to reason that the rest of the Bible is not to be taken as credible. And, ultimately, it destroys the Authority of the Only One capable of defining good and evil. This is what has happened! And this is how man thinks that he is supposed to make "law" - define good and evil - and legislate accordingly. The Genesis account of Creation matters - and we need to be willing to live and die by what the Bible says.
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12-10-2023 Why Can't We Obey Men's Statutes?
We are pausing our Who Is Israel series for a week. In this message, I use the Word of God to explain why we cannot obey men's statutes.
This is not a "liberty" issue. It is not a "sovereign citizen" issue.
This is a matter that God said - clearly - His children are NOT to obey the statutes of men. To obey the statutes of men - is sin - it is evil in the sight of God.
This is what we believe the Bible teaches! We have every bit as much "right" to believe the Scriptures the way we do - as anyone does.
In the first part of this hour, we discussed the "Great Creation Debate" - CLOWN SHOW - held by a couple of charismaniacs on 12/2/2023.
Then, after preaching a short message on Why Can't We Obey Men's Statutes - I had Jeff come on live with me to discuss his latest "run-in" with the enemies of Christ. THEY proved - again - by their own words - that they ARE the enemies of Christ.
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12-17-2023 Who is Israel?
In the first part of the message, we take another look at what "baptism" really is. There's only ONE "baptism" for the New Covenant World. Jesus defined "baptism" in Mark chapter 10. Since there is only ONE "baptism" in the New Covenant World - shouldn't that ONE "baptism" be the one that Christ Himself defined?
Then, we get back to the Who is Israel? question. We have already seen the "synagogue of Satan" from Revelation 2, now we'll see it repeated again in Revelation 3. The real Israel of God is found in people that have the key of David - who are overcoming the world - and living by the Authority of the King. It is found in people who believe that the Governor sprang from the tribe of Juda and hold faithful to that belief.
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12-24-2023 Equipping the Saints - Who is Israel?
We received some tremendous response after last week's message section that dealt with - again - the subject of Water in our Bibles.
We are seeing people returning to this ministry who left after rejecting what the Bible teaches concerning applying physical water to the flesh for spiritual reasons in the New Covenant. Very exciting. I am going to address some of their questions - and - I am going to do something in the message I've never done in almost 40 years of preaching.
The Jews require immersion in physical H20 in the original "baptistry" - the mikveh.
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1-07-2024 - Baptized in the Name of...
In this message we are going to look at Matthew 28:18-20 and work backwards so that we can understand exactly what the baptisma that Jesus was talking about. The baptisma of Matthew 28 is the baptisma of Matthew 20 and Mark 10.
The modern translations of the Bible - beginning in 1885 - removed all references of baptisma and baptidzo from Mark 10:38-39 and Matthew 20:22-23. When you take those references out of the Bible - when you rewrite those verses to exclude baptisma and baptidzo - there is no possible way to understand what Jesus was talking about when you come to Matthew 28. How is it possible that for 359 years - baptisma and baptidzo - were in English Bibles in Mark 10 and Matthew 20 - then - all of a sudden - they're gone?
The explanation of the baptisma that Jesus Christ was talking about in Matthew 28 began in Matthew 20 (and in Mark 10). Take that out - and the only thing you can tie Matthew 28 to - is the physical water "baptisma" of John the Washer - an OLD COVENANT WASHING! The Old Covenant is powerless to save in the New World!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Noah Harari - No God - No Rights
The Year 2030 -You will own nothing. You will have no privacy. And you will be happy!
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1-14-2024 - Baptized in the Name of...
Teresa and I are so pleased to announce to you that Chrissy had her precious baby this week! Josie Rose Callahan was born at 11:59pm, 1/11/2024. She weighed 7 lbs and 2 oz and is 18.5 inches. Chrissy is doing great - baby Josie is doing great - so beautiful - Jerry is still in recovery (humor) - and all is well in our parts these days! We are so thankful and blessed.
Tomorrow's message is picking up where we left off last week. I am going to offer some reasons as to why the modern translations have omitted baptisma and baptidzo from Mark 10 and Matthew 20 - even though every English Bible (that I am aware of) from Tyndale to Young's Literal - covering 359 years - contained the Words of Jesus where He described what His baptisma was and what His disciples were to partake of.
I would rank these last several messages right along-sides the importance of understanding Fulfilled Bible Prophecy and Ekklesia in importance. The modern translations have omitted the baptisma defined by Jesus Christ Himself and have changed the Gospel.
Can't Go to the Moon, "Astronaut" Don Petit | Malfunction! What a Shocker
History of the Revised Version of 1885 - "the forerunner of the modern translation tradition"

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1-21-2024 - Baptized in the Name of...
This message is continuing with "Baptisma in the name of..." I offer more insight as to why Christ's baptisma was removed from Matthew 20 in the modern English Bibles. To remove Christ's baptisma from Matthew 20 is to undermine the meaning of Matthew 28:18-20.
Matthew 28:18 is the foundation of 19-20 and it is THIS teaching that the disciples were to immerse the nations into. It is NOT a "church water ritual" that Matthew 28:19-20 are referring to.
Look at the Opening Page of the Revised Version
Notice that it says "BEING THE VERSION SET FORTH A.D. 1611"
Revised Version of 1885 | Westcott and Hort
Catholic Priest teaching on Matthew 22:15
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1-28-2024 - Baptisma in the Name of...
We continue with "Baptisma in the name of..." in tomorrow's message. If you take baptisma out of Matthew 20:22-23, you will not be able to understand what Jesus meant in Matthew 28.
As has been asked - again - this week - "What is the plan of salvation"- we will see it in this message.
Man Wins Settlement (Arrested for Expired Tags) | Video
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2-04-2024 - Baptisma in the Name of...
We continue with more "Baptisma in the name of..." in this message. What is the baptisma of Jesus Christ? We look again at the Words of Jesus to see how He defined baptisma.
To fail to include Jesus' Own definition of baptisma in an Ephesians 4 "One baptisma" discussion - is to completely miss the understanding of baptisma. The world is teaching the wrong baptisma and we need to correct this misunderstanding.
God and God Alone with Lyrics sung by Steve Green
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2-11-2024 - Baptisma in the Name of...
Last week I read from the Matthew Henry Commentary (1706) concerning the baptisma that Jesus Christ defined in Matthew 20. Upon further study, I have found there are actually many different versions of the Matthew Henry Commentary. Admittedly, I was a little lazy last week and used an online version in the message. Then - I went to my printed copy from 63 years ago! I couldn't believe my eyes. What I read was possibly the greatest Bible message I've ever read or heard. I transcribed what is in my printed version - because I cannot find this online - and I deliver it this message.
So many people have asked me, "What do you believe is the plan of salvation?" You need to hear this - from far more eloquent lips than mine.
...[earth] It is turned as clay to the seal...
[Bible] confirms a round [sphere] 'earth' in various places....
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2-18-2024 - Baptisma in the Name of...
We continue examining the Authority of Jesus Christ. His ministry was spent telling people how they were supposed to live. He took Authority over everything in life. Finally, in Matthew 28:18-20 He affirmed that He had been given All Power - All Authority in Heaven and in earth.
Then, He told His disciples to Go to the Nations and immerse people into this understanding - teaching them to live according to all that God had commanded.
NASA's explanation of Creation
New Haven Colony Covenant | Brief History of "Voting Before the Secret Ballot"
Churchman's Ballot Box
Scribes in the Bible (Brittanica) | Encyclopedia.com
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2-25-2024 - Baptisma in the Name of...
We're getting closer to ending this series with Matthew 28:18-20. In this message, we are in Matthew 23 seeing Jesus - once again - claiming Authority over the way people are supposed to live. It's not about living a life inside a "church" building a day or two a week. It's about everyday life. It's about law and whose law will we live by.
Orlando Ferguson - Square and Stationery Map (1800s) | NASA's explanation of Creation
New Haven Colony Covenant
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3-03-2024 - Baptisma in the Name of...
We quickly go through Matthew chapters 24, 25 and 26 once again showing how Jesus exerted Authority over everything in life - everything in people's lives. Jesus spent His whole life telling people how they were supposed to live. This is what it means to be "immersed" in the name of - in the Authority of - Jesus Christ.
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3-10-2024 - Baptisma in the Name of...
In this message, I bring up a current issue regarding the world's - WICKED, EVIL, ABOMINABLE - tax on property. Two people are dead, one old man will probably be executed or will die in prison - wives have lost husbands - children have lost their dads - all because of lust over property.
When lust is conceived, it bringeth forth sin, when sin is finished - it brings forth death.
In the last few minutes, we move on to Matthew 27 to again - show Jesus and His display of Authority.
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3-17-2024 - Baptisma in the Name of...
For men to believe they have the "right" to define good and evil (make "laws") - then enforce them on others is to completely uproot the tree of life, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. God told Adam and Eve they were not to even touch that tree!
As brute beasts - men continue today to defy this Genesis 2 and 3 command - and exercise dominion over all people in defiance of the King of kings and Lord of lords.
DUI Statistics and Trends: 2023 Annual Report
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3-24-2024 - Baptisma in the Name of...
In this message we take another look at John 11 to prove that "Jesus died" because He was considered to be a threat to Rome - to the state. Jesus' calling people to follow His Authority is commanding people to stop following the state.
Then, we go back to Matthew 27 and reexamine His sham trial, His beatings, and His execution. While all of that was going on - did Jesus have a "church water ritual" on His mind? Or was the immersion of Matthew 28:18-20 about denying the world's authority - and embracing - being baptidzo in - the All Power (Authority) of Jesus Christ given to Him by His Father?
Mayberry Goes Bankrupt
Jesus is supposed to tell us - What to do, where to go, what to say
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4-07-2024 - Baptisma in the Name of...
Now we get back to Matthew chapter 27 and examine again why Jesus died. Jesus did not "die for me, take my place on the cross, die for my sins" in the way the "church" has said it. Jesus died because He was calling people out of the dominion of men and into the Kingdom of God and this was considered to be a threat to Rome!
Christianity - true Christianity - NOT churchianity - is about people who are immersed into living a life by the Authority of Jesus Christ and none other.
Who Rome crucfied and why
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4-14-2024 - Baptisma in the Name of...
Why were the Christians persecuted in the first century? Were they even persecuted at all? The Romanized "church" surely couldn't admit that Christians were persecuted by Rome. Afterall, Jesus told His disciples and followers to be the best of all Roman citizens, right?
One of the world's leading Roman "historists" said Christians were persecuted because they had "an aversion to established order and constituted authority."
A.N. Sherwin-White
When people truly believe that Jesus Christ has ALL power - ALL Authority - in Heaven and in earth - they will be accused of having "an aversion to established order and constituted authority."
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4-21-2024 - Baptisma in the Name of...
I realize I've said this before - but this message may be one of the most needed messages God has ever given me - at least in my opinion. We are continuing with the Authority of Jesus Christ. As I told you last week - I want to delve deeper into the "'right' to peaceably assemble." Christians have a COMMAND to assemble as the Commonwealth of Israel.
The 1700s Americans believed their "right of assembly" is the reason they declared "independence" from England. If they had that "right" - THEN SO DO WE! There is a major difference between us and them. We don't claim "rights" - we have commands. It's passed time Christians start doing what Jesus commanded - to build His assembly - His Government - on earth as it is in Heaven.
A.N. Sherwin-White | Christian Persecution in the First Century
I John 2:15 "world" Strong's BlueLetterBible.org |"NIV" Matthew 18:15-17
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4-28-2024 - Baptisma in the Name of...
We will continue looking at the principle of living by the Authority of Jesus Christ - in Him we live, and move and have our being. The whole Bible is about teaching men to live according to the Laws, Statutes, and Commandments of God. "Fear God and keep His Commandments, this is the whole duty of man."
This has been replaced with, "Fear men and keep their laws...for this is the whole duty of man." How we get this from our Bibles today is a result of working from the Bible back - not from Genesis forward.
U.S. v Robert Fox
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u.s. "government Outlaws the Bible | 
5-05-2024 - Baptisma in the Name of...
We are still preaching on the Exclusive Authority of Jesus Christ, the Only God Ordained Government in the world - the Commonwealth of Israel - and the Christian's responsibility to stand for both.
The world condemned themselves in two major ways this week.
1) A New York "district attorney" told one of her own cops - that she was too busy dealing with murderers - she didn't have time to deal with a speeder who did no damage! (She was the "speeder".) DUH!!!! Vindication for the followers of Christ! I am going to discuss this in the message.
2) The u.s. "house of representatives" VINDICATED ALL TRUE CHRISTIANS - by total accident, of course - with their "Antisemitism Awareness Bill." They are now demanding that the "jews" must be given the "right to self-determination." Well, if they are saying that the "jews" have the "right to self-determination" - THEN SO DO WE. Look up the world's definition of the "right to self-determination." We will talk about this in the message, too.
Do not misunderstand me. I couldn't care less about their "right to self-determination." But just like we talked about the "right to peaceably assemble" - which is how the 1700s CON men claimed was their "right" to separate from the king of England - it was GOD THAT SAID - Choose you this day Whose Government you will be Governed by! That is not a "right" - it is a command. Every single individual that was born is commanded by God to "self-determine" to "peaceably assemble" as a Citizen of the Government of God - the Commonwealth of Israel.
New York "district attorney" | "Antisemitism Awareness Bill" | "Right" to Self-Determination
Cornell Law School
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5-12-2024 - u.s. Outlaws Bible
For the first half of the hour Sam interviewed Abram. (Sam is one of the best interviewers I have ever dealt with, so I asked Sam if he would conduct the interview.)
Abram was a BACK SEAT PASSENGER in a car that was "pulled over" for an alleged tail-light out. The cop demanded "i.d." from everyone in the car - which in Missouri - passengers are not even obligated to give i.d. - even by their "law." But, Abram, who is an unashamed Citizen of the Commonwealth of Israel - willingly gave the cop his homemade i.d. That, obviously wasn't good enough for this cop. He "arrested" Abram, took him to jail, then pepper-sprayed him in the face - left him naked in solitary confinement for almost 24 hours - then let him go. There are obviously more details - and Sam is going to interview Abram tomorrow to get more details.
In the second half of the hour, I spoke a little more on I Thessalonians chapter 2 - "the jews killed both the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets..." and how the u.s. "government" has made the mere reading of the Word of God - a federal "crime."
93 Year Old German arrested for "Holocaust Denial" | Another "Holocaust Denier" Sent to Prison | ...Another | More on Ursula
My point has NOTHING to do with the "Holocaust." It has to do with the other definition of "antisemitism" which is saying that "the jews killed Jesus." The 2024 Antisemitism Awareness Act is but another - in a long line of "laws" the u.s. "government" has created that outlaws the Bible and attacks Christianity.
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5-19-2024 - Immersed in the Authority of Christ
When mere men believe they have the "authority/power" to define good and evil it always end up in disaster! God NEVER gave men the "authority/power/right" to make their own definitions of good and evil - otherwise called "laws."
Modern "churchmen" (such as Andy Stanley) preach that people are to "unhitch" from the "Old Testament - you know, because of such things as the Bible MYTHS on Creation - and of course - because of the Laws of God!
When people "unhitch" themselves from the Law of God - they "hitch" themselves to the only thing left - MAN'S 'laws." This is why I say the "church" is the religious arm of the state.
Christians must stand against men who make their own "laws." NOT because it is rebellion to men - but because it is obedience to God! Standing for the God of the Bible has always been seen as rebellion to men. If that's the case - then so be it. We must stand for truth. We must stand for Christ. We must stand for Citizenship in the Commonwealth of Israel.
2024 Against the "law" to wear a mask | 2022 Go to jail for NOT wearing a mask
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5-26-2024 - Immersed in the Authority of Christ
This is the last "official" message in this long series on being Baptidzo in the Authority of Christ.
In Matthew 28, Jesus Christ is not talking about being immersed in John's physical - Old Covenant H20 - He's talking about immersing people into the belief that He has all power - All Authority - in heaven and in earth. There is not the slightest mention of H20 in verses 18-20.
If the world knew that Jesus was telling people to be immersed in His Authority - instead of immersed in a "church" water ritual - the world would be a far different place than it is today.
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6-09-2024 - In the Beginning
This message is the beginning of the Creation series - which I have no idea how long or short it will be. We look at Romans chapter 1 to see that the denial of the God of Creation is where it all begins. Men's little g "governments" must deny the Genesis account of Creation for the purpose of making people believe they have no choice in which government they will follow.
Do a search on "the dark history of Nestle" in youtube.
USA article on Gay, Trans, etc., | NASA's account of creation | How Many Words are in the [U.S.] Tax Code? | How Many Federal Laws are There?
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6-16-2024 - In the Beginning
This message continues the Creation series. I play three videos from "scientists" who say the "universe tells them, there is no God." This is the major reason why I am doing this series. Carl Sagan - "Since there is no God, that means, It's just us." EXACTLY! Man's "laws" man's "statutes" man's "morality" man's world! Also, we show the Bible says that God dwells in the heaven. The Bible also teaches there is a firm divider (firmament) between waters below the heaven and waters above the heaven. Man cannot break through that firmament. That is what the Bible says.
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6-23-2024 - In the Beginning
In the Beginning was the WORD. Everything was created by the Word of God. The "Old Testament" Scripture is the inspired Word of God and we must stand for and defend what God told His men to write. For instance - God told Joshua to write - "The sun stood still. The moon stood still." There are so many more verses that say the "sun is moving" - and all those verses were inspired by the Creator of the sun and the moon. Who should we believe? Those who say there is no God? Or Joshua, David, Job, Moses? Simple choice.
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6-30-2024 - In the Beginning
In this message, I provide one solid piece of Biblical evidence that there is no knowledge of God and no fear of God today. The Bible is as clear as can be that God hates it when one man taxes another man's labor. In fact, it makes God so angry He wants to declare war. The truth has been there for thousands of years - but because the "scientist" has "disproved God" - God's Law is ignored. The "churchmen" have unhitched from the Scripture - the "Old Testament" inspired Word of God. So naturally, nearly the entire world today permits, allows, or participates in systems that tax a man's labor. This system thrives today because very few people actually believe there is a God - and live their lives accordingly.
World's leading "astrophycist" says you cannot see "curvature" and Here
Where's the "curve?" Felix Bumgartner | Theory of Evolution Says Man came from fish
The God of the Bible - the original Creator of ad hominem. Following His example, for those who trust NASA - I think you better see this Click >>>
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7-07-2024 - In the Beginning
In this message we look at what happened to Saul for refusing to yield to the Word of the Lord. We find that God is only interested in obedience to Him. God is not impressed with our "good works" when we are living a life of rebellion. As in......
Oklahoma’s State Superintendent Requires Public Schools to Teach the Bible
New law requires all Louisiana public school classrooms to display the Ten Commandments
Where do "states" get the money to enforce their "laws?" THEY STEAL IT FROM PEOPLE. They call it "taxes" - but when you take something from someone without their consent - it's called stealing, as in a violation of Thou shalt not steal!
Atheists say they do not believe in the God of the Bible because of I Samuel 15. They accuse God of "genocide" and use that as a reason to deny the God of the Bible. Yet when the gods they have created commit atrocities, they are called heroes. Hypocrites!
Counting the dead at Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Blessing the Bombs
Last, we look at what the Bible says about the Moon. It is light. It is not a reflector.
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7-14-2024 - In the Beginning
We continue looking at the moon as its own light source (originally deriving that light from the Creator - not the sun.) But before we look at the moon - we see some passages from the original song sung by all believers since Creation. It's a new song for the world - but should not be a new sung for believers. Part of that song says God's world doesn't move. That truth is repeated several times in the Word.
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7-21-2024 - In the Beginning
Possibly the most important thing we can definitely know about the Genesis account of Creation are the principles found in chapter 3. God never allowed men to make their own definitions of good and evil, right and wrong - otherwise known as "laws."
I have tried to contact "Flat Earth Dave" to ask him to listen to this series, but I have not heard anything back. Any of you who would also like to contact him and steer him towards this series, itwould be appreciated. He has a contact form at www.flatearthdave.com then click on the Contact page. On www.godsendusmen.com, I have put a link on the Home page and the Audio page linking to the first message in the series.
Look what Windows put on my desktop (without my permission) when I turned on the computer to prepare for the message this week.

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7-28-2024 - In the Beginning
"Our nation?" What does that mean? What "nation" would a true Christian be referring to when he says the word "Our nation?" For someone who claims to be a Christian, who claims to be a follower of God - His Word - the answer can only be Israel. A Christian's Nation can only be Israel. From whatever place in the world one finds himself - if that individual is in Christ - is a believer in Christ - the Bible says that the true follower of Christ is graffed into Israel.
If you are someone who believes in being a citizen of the world - and "votes" in that system - then by all means "vote" for this person.
Cori Bush | Cori Bush
Her political "opponents" accuse her of never getting a "law" passed - missing 187 votes - and then voting "no" when she does actually "vote." No wonder she's being attacked.
Then, we get into the "gathered waters He called Seas." Genesis 1:9-10. The Hebrew word for gathered is a familiar word to us - mikveh. It is a pond. It is a collection of water in a container. The "earth is turned like a clay seal." The waters are pooled up within the clay seal - and are encompassed by bounds." Job 26:10
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8-04-2024 - In the Beginning
Man does not have the Authority from God to make his own definitions of good and evil, right and wrong - otherwise known as "laws." God made this very clear during the days right after Creation. This is one of the reasons why the "governments" of the world do not want people to believe there is a God. Make people doubt the Genesis account of Creation - make people doubt the existence of God. No God - No Law of God! That's the goal.
NASA says there are thousands of "stars" bigger than the sun. God said He made TWO great lights - the sun and the moon. There is no star - not one - that is bigger than the sun.
God told Job that He measured the earth with a line. We see other comparative verses that show the same line from Job is a straight line that carpenters and builders use.
"Flat Earth Dave" and Roseanne Barr
GOD SAID - GOD SAID - He made TWO great lights!
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8-11-2024 - In the Beginning
In this message, I paused the In the Beginning series to address to things that were in the news this week. The first was an incident from West Virginia. The second was from Florida. Both tragic events happened because men were enforcing their personal preferences - their definitions of good and evil, right and wrong. God never said it was okay for man to make his own definitions of good and evil, right and wrong - and then enforce them on other people.
West Virginia incident (article) | Video
Florida incident (video)
[Correction: I said Judd said the man murdered his deputies, twice. After rewatching the video, he said it once. Also, I said the man looked to me like he was 40. He was actually 26 - but definitely did not look like a teenager.]
Even one of their own says their "laws" have created RUIN
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8-18-2024 - In the Beginning
In this message, we continued with some of the things we talked about last week.
Here is an example of where men believe they have dominion over other men - beyond the limits of what God set in His Word.
Man is not allowed to enforce his definitions of right and wrong, good and evil on other people. That is what satans do. That is what serpents do. That is what the domain (dominion, kingdom, government) of darkness does to people.
"Did God really say? Yes! God is the one who said that men can make their own laws. God is the one who said men can enforce their laws - at gunpoint if need be - on other people." THAT is how the domain of darkness twists the Scriptures from what Jesus Christ taught and came to save people from.
Florida incident (video)
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8-25-2024 - In the Beginning
God measured the foundations of the earth with a line. This is talking about tools that builders and carpenters use. They are for measuring straight - level lines.
It is He Who sits on the circle of the earth. He will surely violently turn and toss thee like a ball into a large country:
Same author. Two separate words - circle - ball. If God had intended the "circle of the earth" to be understood as a ball - He would have had Isaiah use the same word as was used for ball. If Isaiah was writing for himself (which he wasn't) - if he had intended circle to be understood as a ball - he would have used the same word for circle as he used for ball.
The sun stood still. The moon stood still. That's what the Bible says.

"Flat earth Dave saying that God said - man is not allowed to make his own 'laws'
(Skip to about 30 minutes into the video)
Japan discovers 7,000 islands it didn't know it had
Scientists discover Earth’s ‘Star Trek’-style invisible shield | Sci.news article
Bullet shatters when impacting molten glass
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9-1-2024 - In the Beginning
Trust the "scientists!" Let's all trust the brilliant scientists more than what the written Word of God says.
Off the Cuff 8.29.2024
From the "scientists" - OH NO!!! The Days are Getting Longer - Man is destroying the earth
Earth is wobbling and days are getting longer — and humans are to blame
This is really scary! Wait til you hear how much longer the days are.
What is GPS?
(Hint: It's all about "space?") But Russia's plan to take out the GPS system of the u.s. is about destroying underwater cables. Huh?
Russia is signaling it could take out the West's internet and GPS. There's no good backup plan.
Jeff Bezos (Amazon) spent $5.5 BILLION to go 66.28 miles high! NASA spent 2.4 billion to go 133.8 MILLION MILES to Mars. Huh? And U.K. "astronaut" says she was disappointed with the 11 MINUTE FLIGHT because she did not see "earth's curvature." Imagine that.
NASA's 2.4 billion dollar project to go Mars
What's a Christian supposed to do? BELIEVE GOD. You shall know the truth. And the TRUTH shall make you free!
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9-15-2024 - In the Beginning
The domain of darkness, the rulers of the darkness of the world - because they refuse to yield to the truths of God's Word - believe it's perfectly fine for them to exercise dominion over other men, forcing them to obey their "laws" which are simply man's definitions of right and wrong.
Because people do not believe Genesis 1 and 2, they will believe Genesis 3.
"Theory" of "gravity" | World's "leading astrophysicist" says he doesn't know what "gravity" is (But that's their "go-to" response for how everything works in their world)
The power game - People want power over other people | Kamala Harris - "With the swipe of my pen, for the most petty 'offense' - I can destroy someone's life
Everybody's Chasing Power | Politicians intoxicated with power and adoration
Obsessed With Need To Control Others, Political Busybodies And Judges Trample On Liberty
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9-22-2024 - In the Beginning
This is a special message for young people. When starting out in life, the world will do all it can to capture them in hopes that when they get older, they will feel hopeless to escape the world.
As young people, you must be destermined to Stand - above all, Stand. The domain of darkness, the realm of satan(s), devils, demons are people who try to force other people to live according to their "laws" - which are simply their definitions of right and wrong, good and evil. We must determine to live exclusively according to the Laws of God - and not man.
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9-29-2024 - In the Beginning
In the beginning - God created the world in SIX DAYS. That's what the Bible says. The world says it all started with the Big Bang, 13.7 billion years ago. Then, things evolved over billions more years. And "stars and planets and other galaxies" are "light-years away." Those lies are designed to attack the Bible's SIX DAY creation. We need to understand they have done what they have done for the purpose of making people doubt the Bible. When they create doubt in the Bible - they create doubt in the existence of God. If there is no God - then there's no Law of God.
If there is no Law of God - what is left? MAN'S "LAWS." That's what it's all about. "Science" falsely so-called is in place for the preservation of the concept that man is allowed to make his own "laws, rules, regulations, ordinances, etc., etc., etc.
During rougly the same time period of I Corinthians 1, God told Paul to write to true believers to warn them not to believe in the "wisdom of the Greeks."
How big is a satellite? | Eratosthenes THE WISDOM OF THE GREEKS! | Neil DeGrasse Tyson on the role science has in "governance"
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10-6-2024 - In the Beginning
In this message, we continue examining the "wisdom of the Greeks." This time, Paul speaks of the weak and beggarly elements of the world. Mr. Thayer (1841) says that the word elements refers to "Euclid's geometry" (300 B.C). Euclid's geometry and Eratosthenes (240 B.C.) "math" is what the world says provides the "proof" of a spinning ball "earth."
We also examine what we mean by the "Law of God" being done away with - compared to - the problems in the world today are a result of not obeying the "Law of God." We take a brief look at circumcision, also. In a nutshell - the ceremonies are what have passed away. The blood, the water (baptisms), circumcision, the feasts - the ceremonial aspects of the Law God gave Moses - were all fulfilled in Christ and are no longer valid for today. Everything else remains.
Euclidean Geometry | Make numbers say anything you want
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10-13-2024 - In the Beginning
We now enter the conclusion of the series. I talk about what Teresa and I saw in the southwestern sky this week. Cor Corali - almost 700 billion miles away - but we could see it with our own eyes and make a video of it with a cheap cell phone camera! So...after I got some laughs reading what the world says we are supposed to believe about the stars and "planets" - I started reading an excellent artlcle where the writer is saying the Bible is a "Flat-Earth Bible."
Cor Corali | Light-year | Light-year for Children | "Go to the moon in a nanosecond, but can't because 'we' (NASA) lost the technology and it's too hard to get it back....so, 'we'll' just go to Mars instead"
Carl Sagan's greatest statement (in my opinion) | The "Flat-earth Bible"
[Correction 11-19-2024 -I think the star I was saying is actually what they call "Venus." I have an app on my phone that's supposed to tell you about the stars. I think the app needs some work! Or, maybe it was user-error. Either way, I think it is more accurate to say this star is "Venus."]
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10-20-2024 - In the Beginning
We finish the article I started last week regarding the Bible being a "flat-earth Bible." We also go back and talk a little more about the distance to the stars and how - if you believe what the "scientists" say - you are agreeing with them in their conclusion - "there is no God." Jesus had things to say about the stars - and it is 100% opposite what the "scientists" say. I think I'll just stick with what the Creator of the stars says about them!
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10-27-2024 - In the Beginning
We start with Samuel Rowbotham's final chapter to his excellent work - Zetetic Astronomy: Earth not a Globe! Rowbotham's perspective on "astronomy" is based on the Scripture. Copernicus and Newton's perspectives are based on man's! I'll take the Scriptures every time! I hope you do, too.
Zetetic Astronomy: Earth not a Globe!
More Stars bigger than the sun | Book of Enoch: Sun and Moon same size | Copernicus
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11-03-2024 - In the Beginning
We almost finish Samuel Rowbotham's final chapter to his excellent work - Zetetic Astronomy: Earth not a Globe! This is a fantastic read! When I get to the end of today's message - I take something he said as a challenge and even a personal rebuke!
Zetetic Astronomy: Earth not a Globe!
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11-10-2024 - In the Beginning
This week, we finish the series - In the Beginning.
Zetetic Astronomy: Earth not a Globe!
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11-17-2024 - What's Next?
All Bible has been fulfilled. The Kingdom / Government of God has been established. So what's next? What are we supposed to be doing? What does it mean to be a Christian? How does someone become a Christian?
This series will begin answering these questions - from the Bible - and a whole lot!
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11-24-2024 - What's Next?
All Bible has been fulfilled. The Kingdom / Government of God has been established. So what's next? What are we supposed to be doing? What does it mean to be a Christian? How does someone become a Christian?
I think we might be looking at this a little backwards. It may not be "what should we be doing?" - so much as - "what should we NOT be doing?"
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12-01-2024 - What's Next?
What's Next? We are continuing this series and taking another look at Matthew chapter 4. We'll see a little different way that Jesus' ties Himself to Isaiah 9:6-7. If you have not read how the Septuagint translated Isaiah 9:6-7, you are in for a real treat. Understanding that Jesus Christ fulfilled All Bible Prophecy - in the first century - is the key to understanding the Government of God - and how we are supposed to be living in it today.
God's Law compared to man's "law"
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12-08-2024 - What's Next?
What's Next? "...in Him we live, and move, and have our being..." That's how Christians are supposed to exist.
But, 99.9% of people in the world today - "live, and move, and have their being - in the state..." Christians live by the Laws of God. Christians are Citizens of the Government of God. This is what the Bible says. We look at Hebrews 11 to see examples of some of the greatest Christians in our Bible - men and women who never even made it to the New Covenant - but were some of the greatest examples of what it means to be a Christian - we have.
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12-15-2024 - What's Next?
What's Next? Jesus said - "If you didn't believe Moses, you won't believe Me." What was the first Law God wrote on the tablets for Moses to tell the children of Israel? "Thou shalt have no other gods before Me." If we don't believe what God told Moses - it will be impossible for us to believe the Words of Jesus.
The Principle
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12-22-2024 - What's Next?
What's Next? I am going to show you something about the social security number that I just learned this week. After studying this for 40 years - I just learned this, this week.
We also revisit - again - a foundational principle of Fulfilled Bible Prophecy in response to some mail that came in a couple weeks ago.
Finally, yes, I am going to deal with conman "preacher" Will Duffy and his blasphemous atheist band's "Final Experiment."
History of the Social Security Number
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12-29-2024 - What's Next?
What's Next? In this message, we are continuing with the same theme of "the time is at hand." We're talking about living according to the present day reality of the Government of Christ - and not according to the "governments" of men.
Maybe the biggest reason why people are not seeing the Government of Christ today - is because they've been told all their lives that "the time is at hand" really didn't mean what it so clearly says. "Some day Jesus will return to be king....but until then, we must obey the "governments" of men."
History of the Social Security Number
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1-05-2025 - What's Next?
What's Next? We're going to do some more work on the Book of Revelation as it relates to the timing of the Revealing of Jesus Christ as King of kings and Lord of lords. If we don't get this right, then we miss the entire meaning and purpose of what we are supposed to be doing in the New Covenant World.
History of the Social Security Number
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1-12-2025 - What's Next?
What's Next? I want to read some of C.I. Scofield's writings to you concerning his worldwide deception of "Earth's [coming] Golden Age."
This is the foundation of futurism and he admits it is the religion of the jews. A future "kingdom" - a future "age" - is the jews' religion. Just because someone "christianizes" it - calls it "the millenial reign" - does not change the fact it is the jews' religion. It is a denial that Jesus Christ came in the flesh. It is a message that is designed to keep people from finding the Kingdom / Government of God.
As always, we'll contrast this to what a true Christian believes - and attempts to live accordingly.
Also, Happy Birthday, Josie! Would you believe she's one today?
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1-19-2025 - What's Next?
Every now and then I feel like God has laid an extra-important message on my heart to preach - and this message is one of those.
The message of futurism - a future kingdom - a future "coming messiah" - the "second coming of Christ" - is a belief system that has doomed millions of people to eternity without Christ.
The Gospel is The Gospel of the Kingdom - that's as clear as can be from our Bibles.
If a man believes in a future kingdom - then his "gospel" is also future. It's a denial that Jesus Christ came in the flesh. A man can say, "I believe in Jesus, or Yeshua" until he's blue in the face - but if he believes in a future kingdom - he's lost. Doesn't matter how kind he is. Doesn't matter how many times he says the sound j-e-s-u-s or even y-e-s-h-u-a - understanding and believing the Gospel of the Kingdom is the Gospel that has the power of salvation. And most people do not get it.
Please ask all your friends and loved ones to listen to this message. All those that you care about - that are futurists - desperately need this message. Their souls depend on it.
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1-26-2025 - What's Next?
Last week's message created a "firestorm!" By far, the majority of responses were positive. There was one response that lets me know there's still a lot of work to be done. I address some of that in this message.
Stating again - so there is no mistaking - the message of futurism - a future kingdom - a future "coming messiah" - the "second coming of Christ" - is a belief system that has doomed millions of people to eternity without Christ.
Jesus Words Only - "repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand." This is the Gospel. Jesus called His message the Gospel of the Kingdom. If a man believes in a future kingdom - then his gospel - IS FUTURE. A future kingdom. A future king. A future gospel - is a denial that Christ has already came in the flesh.
Please ask all your friends and loved ones to listen to this message.
All those that you care about - that are futurists - desperately need this message. Their souls depend on it.
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2-02-2025 - 324_2-02-2025 - What Next - Do we believe that Jesus was and is - Christ?
The "Jesus" that most of the world believes in today - is an convoluted, evolutionized - religious creation that resembles nothing of the Jesus Christ Who was from the Law, the Prophets and the Psalms. Our faith - our belief - must be based on the truth of Who He was ( is ). He was the One prophesied to take the throne of David and Rule in the exclusive everlasting Government of God - the replacement of the "kings like the other nations" - demanded by Old Covenant Israelites. He was born to be King and many first century saints knew exactly what that meant. Our understanding must be the same as that of the first century saints.
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2-09-2025 - What Next? - One Step Forward, Two Steps Backwards
One step forward - two steps backwards!
Please bear with me as we revisit the 1,000 years of Revelation 20. I have never said - there is no 1,000 years of Revelation. I have said two things; 1) The 1,000 years must fit inside the very first verse of the Book which says - things which must shortly come to pass, 2) It says 1,000 - not 2,000 - meaning that - as the margin notes of the 1599 Geneva say - the 1,000 years of Revelation 20 ended at 1070 ad. I have made it clear - a thousand times ( at least ) - that I do not agree with argument number 2.
The 1,000 years of Revelation 20 fits beautifully inside of the things which must shortly come to pass - when we obey the admonishment...
...stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance: That ye may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the commandment of us the apostles of the Lord and Saviour:...
I am encouraged by revisiting Revelation and I hope you will be, too.
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2-16-2025 - What Next? - One Step Forward, Two Steps Backwards
One step forward - two steps backwards - continues!
I am going to expand a little on the urgent email I sent out last week regarding the antiFaithers that are popping back up ( these are also known as "The Age of Enlightenment" adherents, the "Jesus Myth" cult ).
Then, we'll go back to the Book of Revelation - again.
Christ Myth | Christians Persecuted in Rome
J. Stuart Russell, The Parousia
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2-23-2025 - What Next? - One Step Forward, Two Steps Backwards
Revelation chapter 21 comes after Revelation chapter 20!
If Revelation chapter 20 has not been fulfilled - everyone except the jews - is lost! And if someone thinks that's even a possibility - well - I just don't have anything else to say.
Revelation 20 MUST fit inside the shortly(s) of chapter 1 and the shortly(s) of chapter 22. Everything in the Book of Revelation is about "the things which must shortly come to pass" - which was said to the believers in the first century.
People that do not understand this will be severely limited in the correct way to understand our purpose in life ( understatement, to say the least ). Preaching a future Rev 20, a future Rev 21 - is the jews' religion. We've got to get this right. It is a gospel that is powerless to save.
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