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2/25/2022 - Subject: BAD FAITH (Printed Version)


Wikipedia has the following entry for Bad Faith:

Bad faith is a sustained form of deception which consists of entertaining or pretending to entertain one set of feelings while acting as if influenced by another. It is associated with hypocrisy, breach of contract, affectation, and lip service. It is not to be confused with heresy. It may involve intentional deceit of others, or self-deception.

I found that to be interesting. I suppose “good faith” would be the opposite of that—in which someone is acting not out of deceit. But, shouldn’t “faith” have been defined first? That one is a bit harder to nail down.

Someone I highly respect told me that Faith is a system of belief. That resonates with me. I hope it does with you too. And for faith to be genuine, it necessitates action. If it doesn’t, you didn’t have it.

This is what James was talking about when he said:

What doth it profit, my brethren, though a man say he hath faith, and have not works? can faith save him?”

In other words, a mere belief in something without results is worthless. And it actually means you didn’t really believe it in the first place. But faith can also be misplaced—as we saw above, bad faith comes through deception, which is a false faith, giving way to bad works.

We live as a nation in bad faith, in a world of bad faith. Having misplaced our faith in the most perverse of lies, and in the most profane of people (who always claim to be our “benefactors”, as Jesus said), it has now borne the full fruit of dead works, as James put it. But if bad faith is deception, good faith must be truth.

This thing is in dispute.

The truth in our day is disdained by all, and almost universally disrespected. “What is truth?” asked Pontius Pilate… Today he would simply avoid the question and declare its non-existence. Faith can’t matter if nothing is true. And that is the exact hologram we have been living in for the past century or more. Here we exist at the end stage of this programmed insanity, in which society has come to believe that men can have babies, women can rule nations without destroying the men and families within it, and that even the very air we breathe is infested with invisible demons of disease. Up is down, black is white; if only we’d stop resisting we’d avoid the multiple self-inflicted gunshots to the back of the head … in short, that denial of God’s Word and His Law has no consequences. And why should it? God died a long time ago, they tell us. History has been completely manufactured for at least centuries now and, like “space,” current events are “all made in a Hollywood basement”, as the ‘Peppers told us. Now the folly of the Constitutional State and their governments of men (and more often women) is in the very process of its unveiling for all to see as the naked tyrant it is…and yet many will still choose “faith” in this falsest of gods! They will petition their governments for redress, they will reserve the right to assemble; they will be told to “go home and get back to paying your taxes”, and they will do it. Because obedience is freedom.

Behold, the woman overseer of all of Canada’s financial system, unilaterally “deciding” the fate of its participants—who will be allowed to partake of their own money, and who will not—as she announces this mendacity on live TV. She literally can’t restrain her involuntary laughter as it erupts from her, hearing herself say the words she’d so often rehearsed in her head… The psychotic glee she feels as she forces her citizens to bow before her. It is surreal and horrifying.

Canadian Finance Minister Chrysta Freeland

And yet this is only a mid-level set on the world stage of billions of people held hostage to lies and make believe, suffering the very real consequences of accepting bad faith promises over, and over again. Why are the masses so easily misled? Why are they so willing to accept and tolerate evil—like the lie of the “covid vaccines” in the face of all evidence against?

When you see a grown man driving alone in his car with a medical-looking mask over his face, you know he is a fool. But he doesn’t think he is a fool. He has reasons for his odd behavior. He believes in something that you do not. How he came to be in that condition is what we want to discover.

If we’ve come to realize nothing else, it is this: the rubes in our land have fully learned to ‘do what they told ya’. This we now know. But first, something else more sinister had to happen, and I think we’ve perilously overlooked this. Because it is critical in the formative process, and it happens right before our eyes yet we don’t perceive it. The consequences of which are incalculable—even eternal for the individual, as well as society. Literally everything is on the line.

As a precondition to doing what you are told (without thought), one must have first learned to believe what they told ya. And that is the prime directive of schooling. And schooling begins for all children—as it has now for three generations—in front of a TV set. Now, it’s also the tablet or I-phone, if not primarily so. Once moved through the 12 years of government education (and usually 4 more years of “advanced propaganda”), the citizen has been fully immersed into the State and “believes the Science”. Afterwards, as most functioning adults don’t bother to read old books (or any books), their training ends as it began—with the TV set (or it’s modern equivalent). By which they are subject to an endless stream of programming—in the most literal sense of the word—from their “media devices”. No longer are these the “dumb idols” of the Old World, but our idols actually speak. The devoted may be fully unaware of the spell being spun over them but the idols are merciless even in their unconsciousness of it… even if they did not consent to the lies, they’ve been planted all the same. And they have believed them, and caused them to sprout in their minds and fill them with weeds, choking out all truth.

The object of modern society is to conform the individual…to mold him into the collective. But the first task is to make him believe without thinking.

If you haven’t thought about this, try it for a few moments. Meditate on the concept. It truly is an amazing feat of the mind to be made to believe something you did not consent to. And yet, that is precisely what is being done. And, moreover, it is often times irreversible. Something about the human psyche—whether it is a defect as a result of sin, or something designed in us from the beginning—is this concept that we can be made to believe something against our will. And once believed in this way, it can have a tenacious hold upon us.

Often times I’ve asked others (and I know you have as well) why they believe the way they do—particularly when I know what they believe is nonsense… And as often as I’ve done that, I’ve found they can’t articulate their reasons. I know well that look of confusion, and then as it fades into contempt for the question—and the questioner. For they simply don’t know why. And yet they do believe, and the more it seems you question them, the more they retract, dig in, and bury themselves in confusion. This fascinates me.

How is it done? Are we all susceptible to this? I believe we are. In fact, we all share in this flaw, for we’ve all believed things that we haven’t thought about. We’ve all, at times, accepted things as truth for which we have absolutely no evidence. Maturity is the process of analyzing these belief systems, and determining what, if any, have valid reasons for holding. It is an act of the will. It takes effort, and hard work, and is often unrewarded by the world. Indeed, learning to shed these false beliefs often makes us the enemies of those who still have them. There is much downside, and little upside.

But there is an upside to this necessary self-analysis. It is the objective beauty of knowing truth. It is clarity of mind. It is freedom (John 8:32). The Scripture tells us to:

Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding. (Proverbs 23:23)

Thus there is a cost involved. The question is for each of us—is it too much to pay?

I hope for all of us reading this that we have “counted the cost”, and found it worthy—at any price. I hope we are willing to do whatever it takes, to suffer any indignity or hardship to know the Truth, and to stand for it. What is your soul worth?

For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it. For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?”

Our “life” is made up of a collection of experiences, transactions, and human assets—and what we believe about them. Our minds create a synthesis from these for which we build an “identity”. It becomes who we are and in a very real sense, it is precisely that. What Christ is saying here is that this identity is not worth saving if it means the world, and your life in it, is all you’ll ever have. If our lives are built upon falseness, and false hopes, as Paul said, “we are of all men most miserable.”

Sometimes the truth does hurt. It is offensive even. Jesus often times offended people with His words… And yet, Jesus, who IS the Truth, said also:

And blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me.

Isn’t that interesting. We are blessed who seek truth and shun any offense to it. Have we hurt someone’s “feelings” by telling him the truth for their good? We are blessed… Have we lost a friendship or a loved one by speaking the truth against their destructive error? We are blessed… Have we lost jobs, lands, “houses, brethren, children”, for the sake of the truth? We are blessed

The converse of that (because every positive has a negative) is that those who do NOT seek the truth but are content in their error in order to maintain these totems of comfort and security are cursed. For shutting off their minds to the possibility that they’ve been misled, they are cursed. For not recognizing the propaganda for what it is, for failing to confront each and every item of faith they hold precious, be it in matters of God’s Kingdom or the world’s, they are cursed. Whether they’ve done this deliberately or unwittingly, denying the truth—or being willfully ignorant of it—has the same consequence.

The man foolishly and ignorantly wearing the mask in his car, or in the grocery store, or on the street has cursed himself. Just the same as any man or woman who has believed in a lie, on purpose or by accident, they are equally cursed.

Mark Twain famously said, “A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way”.

Sometimes a false faith, or a generational ignorance of compounded errors can only be unraveled in the most violent of ways. The consequences of this mountain of lies on which our societies are built and the misplaced faith in them are about to be manifested under very (real) circumstances. I think the stage act with its fake blood and paid actors is about to be exposed by “the brick wall at the back of the theater” as the illusion of liberty can no longer be maintained.

Once again, truth will become more precious than gold, as people in their dire situations will recognize once more that ideas have consequences. Belief systems matter. Wrong ones must eventually be purged. It is a Cosmic Law… Otherwise known as “God is not mocked”.

I think the time eventually must come when all of those who have made choices against their will toward what they would come to believe must be presented with a genuine choice. The illusions of bad faith must be confronted with reality—which has been defined as “that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away”.

Hear the word of the Lord, ye children of Israel: for the Lord hath a controversy with the inhabitants of the land, because there is no truth, nor mercy, nor knowledge of God in the land. By swearing, and lying, and killing, and stealing, and committing adultery, they break out, and blood toucheth blood. Therefore shall the land mourn, and every one that dwelleth therein shall languish… (Hosea 4:1)

But the controversy is not just with God’s people (in name or in fact). Make no mistake; all nations belong to Him. Christ, who bought them, will require an answer from them as well. If these things happened in the past by the words of the prophets at a time before the redemption of the world, how much more so today—many centuries into the Kingdom Age, the “world without end”—shall God act on His behalf?

A noise shall come even to the ends of the earth; for the Lord hath a controversy with the nations, he will plead with all flesh; he will give them that are wicked to the sword, saith the Lord. (Jeremiah 25:31)

It seems God must plead with His creation because He’s determined that they must choose. Ignoring the truth and believing we aren’t obligated to find it out—like the vast majority have done—will only end in judgment.

The nature of our reality sees to it that a controversy between truth and lies inevitably leads to confrontation when it is denied for so long by so many for whom so much blessing and mercy has been callously squandered… The time of final accountability occurs for all of us eventually, in death, and for nations and civilizations the same way.

I say with John the apostle: stand with us in this age of gathering darkness, seek the light, desire truth, buy it at any price, and fight to hold onto it. We will be vindicated. John, who well knew the words of his Master, also came to know vindication in the violent death of that previous age, along with all those who likewise believed…

“…whom I love in the truth; and not I only, but also all they that have known the truth; For the truth's sake, which dwelleth in us, and shall be with us for ever.” (2 John 1)



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