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Michael is one of the smartest men I know. I've decided to share more insights from Michael with you.
These are specifically related to the fake corono plandemic, the experimental gene therapy and other parts of the agenda.

You can contact Michael by email at:
Michael's Email

This email came in as further comments to the Adverse Effects article called, "Coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine adverse reactions"

Unlike the US, their "adverse reporting" regulations are more detailed. The breakdown for the week of Mar 4 is as follows (link at bottom). Note, this is a cumulative list since 8 Dec. Also note their population is right at 1/5 of ours, so we can safely multiply these numbers by 5 to get the effective reported reactions for the fools here in America that stabbed themselves. Oddly, now it's what, 6 European countries? that have "suspended" the vax (as of today) due to...blood clots? I guess the rest of these symptoms (including the "dead" category) are no big whoop.

And these are the casualties they admit to for 3 months of injections. You know Gates and Co. are just rubbing their hands in excitement right about now because the rubes all fell for it.. and evidently love to have it so.

Execution date: March 4, 2021

* Blood disorders: 2,033
* Cardiac disorders: 1,032
* Congenital disorders: 3
* Hearing disorders: 713
* Endocrine disorders: 10
* Eye disorders: 1,242 (12 blinds)
* Gastrointestinal disorders: 9,360
* General disorders: 26,391
* Liver disorders: 17
* Immune system disorders: 466
* Infections: 1,863
* Injuries: 393
* Continued Investigations: 965
* Metabolic disorders: 525
* Muscle-tissue disorders: 11,565
* Neoplasms: 20
* Nervous System Disorders: 16,107
* Associated with pregnancy: 29
* Psychiatric disorders: 1,235
* Renal / urinary disorder: 187
* Syst. Reproductive: 338
* Respiratory disorders: 3,575
* Skin disorder: 6,042
* Vascular disorders: 992
* Dead: 212
* Medical and Surgical Procedures: 45

This email came in as further comments to the Mask article called, "For some, wearing a mask is liberating."

The mask has made people literally insane:


"The masks are here to stay"...

The plandemic has been terrible-- "half a million lives lost, financial ruin and social devastation"...BUT, there is a silver lining!

"... glimmers of good things this cruel virus has left us. The normalized use of masks is one of them"

That's right. People are finally liberated behind their masks! I actually thought this was from the Onion, but no.

You know what, this would NEVER have flown even in the most weirdly dystopian sci-fi novel in the past. Just wouldn't have made for credible fiction, and publishers would have rejected it. A writer would have been told, "look, that's just stupid. I can't print that, I have a reputation you know"... And yet, here we are...

But if you read the quotes from these liberated people (basically all women and a couple of teenagers), you'll notice a pathetic pattern as to why they feel so "liberated" behind their diapers. See if you catch it.

It's a form of derangement that I think results from lives totally plugged in to TV, celebrity-media, twitter, instagram, falsebook, etc during every waking hour. It causes a form of body dysphoria where--especially women--come to believe that LOOKS and appearances are the ONLY valid part of humanity.

WHen in reality, most people are just equally unattractive, more or less, and the belief that people are always "looking at you" is a form of mental illness. And even narcissism. Normally, most of us who are mentaly stable pay very little attention to people's facial appearance unless it falls in the extremes of beauty or ugliness, which are equally rare.

But in the distorted minds of these people, apparently everyone scrutinizes their FACE all the time, and it is horrifying to them. And to add to their confusion, they don't seem to mind the fact that the rest of their bodies are typically nasty--various degrees of obesity, misshapen figures, tatted, unkempt appearance, poorly or inappropriately attired (wearing PJ's and flipflops in public!), piercings, purple hair, braless in halter-tops with nasty, pendulous breasts and sweat stains under them.... Apparently in their state of mind, nobody notices those things--which they CAN control. Only the fact that they no longer have teenage faces--and someone might notice their age. Thus the mask.

This email came in as further comments to a series of articles called Christians and the Vaccine.

Website for your perusal:


Their upfront answer: Yes.

Here is their resident expert, former "pastor" and now 'seminary professor', self proclaimed "expert" in the scriptures, and confessed ignoramus with his pat answer:

"One of the key themes running throughout our series is how Christians are supposed to trust something. The answer to the question, “Should Christians take the COVID vaccine?” really depends on the underlying question of trust.

So, why do I trust the vaccine? I’d love to be able to tell you that I’ve read all the research papers, mastered all the scientific, and come to my own independent conclusion on why the vaccine is safe. But I haven’t. I’m a seminary professor, not an advanced biomedical scientist. I couldn’t name for you the exact ingredients of the vaccine. And if I tried to describe exactly why the vaccine attacks the virus but is safe for me, I would probably start mumbling after about 15 seconds.

My trust in the vaccine is not based on my direct understanding of all the scientific details. I trust the vaccine because I trust experts who are tasked with understanding the science for me. I trust experts like Dr. Francis Collins who heads the National Institutes of Health (the NIH). Dr. Collins, by the way, is a devout evangelical Christian and one of the nation’s leading scientists."


Just Wow. An admitted blind fool leading the blind... Don't use your own mind, don't bother doing your own research, and never question "scientists"... God wants you to trust them.

Feel free to read the rest of that article wherein he backs up that premise with pure compost. It will make you puke, however, so be forewarned. (Just click the first panel, Introduction).

This email came in as further comments to an article by Consent Factory.

If a picture says a thousand words...


There is no doubt in my mind the intention here was to custom design a cult to sell to the snowflakes (of all ages) who have been thoroughly prepped for this over the last decade. The Covidiots have fully embraced the "mark of the beast" and love their slavery, don't they?

The amazing thing, reading through the article, is not the description of the in-your-face censorship of dissent (anti-vax science-deniers!).. or the widespread  nature of the damage being done--all that was to be expected.  But what is most striking is the almost unanimous response of the "survivors" (thus far) of the "needle and the damage done"... No coordinated uprising, no WARNING to all the other rubes out there who might have been inclined to take the drug..

These people are all sad, yea, that good old dad died, or that their wife croaked an hour after receiving the shot, but they are adamant that they will NOT blame the good and godly corporatocracy which designed/built/and sold these things! You know what the overwhelming response is? 

"well, I'm going to go ahead and get the second shot anyway".   Just amazing. I don't think there is any hope for people anymore.  A massive and devastating judgment of God appears to be unfolding right before our eyes, and nobody considers it at all.

Here is a video of a CNA nurse  who is trying to get the word out that this thing is killing people...and nobody cares.  Nobody wants to risk losing their job or to be shunned on facebook or called an anti-vaxer or a conspiracy theorist. This guy's not even against vaccines-- but just saying it's not for oldsters!.  But he's just totally befuddled as to how none of this is being reported.  Check out the first 10 minutes anyway:

This email came in as further comments to an article by Mercola on how the U.S. "government" is breaking their own "law" regarding "medicines" and how they can be used in the U.S.

Great article by Mercola on the "legality" of the "vaccine" here:

The government is openly defying their own laws by even calling this a vaccine, and by misrepresenting the fact that it is a TRIAL DRUG and that the recipients are participating (unknowingly) in an experimental gene therapy. He interviewed David Martin, who has apparently searched the patents for these two main products (Moderna and Pfiezer) and he's revealed some real diabolical stuff.

Also, he hits home the hypocrisy (conspiracy) to defraud the population by using their own law against them... This is the law that Mercola has been hit with in the past and many other homeopathics have been mercilessly attacked with.  To wit:

15 U.S. Code Section 41

Per this law, it is unlawful to advertise:

“… that a product or service can prevent, treat, or cure human disease unless you possess competent and reliable scientific evidence, including, when appropriate, well-controlled human clinical studies, substantiating that the claims are true at the time they are made.”

The CDC and others have been playing fast and loose with the definition of a "vaccine" lately, and this is why.  The drug manufacturers could not get legal immunity for this experimental drug UNLESS it was called a vaccine.  So, many dictionaries (especially online) now define a 'vaccine' as something that conditions an immune response within the body.  This is false, obviously, for ANYTHING injected which is foriegn or toxic will condition an immune response. Like we were talking about earlier, any venom, any bacterial toxin, any poisonous substance or drug will, and should, cause an immune response, because without it, we'd succumb to it and possibly die

Anyway, I had this discussion with someone recently who denied my "original" definition of a vaccine was true.  So I got my old 1953 Websters out and looked it up.  Yes, a "vaccine" was defined as an attenuated or killed microorganism intended to cause a weaker form of the disease to "innoculate" against the actual disease.  Inoculate is another good word.  It means "to make harmless", as in making something noxious--a poison--less, or not noxious. The word Vaccine comes from the latin vacca, for cow, as the first inoculations were for cow pox. You know the disgusting story there already.

Well, so they just change the meaning of the word, no problem right?  Actually, not so fast.  Something we may have overlooked is that the dictionary definition of the word don't mean diddly.  What MATTERS to these people--these corporations--is the LAW.  (As it is actually written in State and Federal Code). In fact, the legal definition of a vaccine is what's important.  And that definition defines them as either the original Websters def, or as  "imparting immunity for a particular disease".  Unfortunately for those drug companies they couldn't make that claim legally, as their "product" confers neither of those things, admittedly.

So, then, what DO those drug companies call these things in the actual (legal) patent?  Exactly what we've been saying... I'll just quote him:

Moderna’s SEC filings, which Martin claims to have carefully reviewed, specifies and stresses that its technology is a “gene therapy technology.” Originally, its technology was set up to be a cancer treatment, so more specifically, it’s a chemotherapy gene therapy technology.

That being the case, the government is complicit in a fraud per their own U.S. Code.  It's not a vaccine in any legal definition, and the patent itself denies it is a vaccine, but a chemotherapy.  And in fact, technically it is a mutagenic 'chemotherapy' as that is precisely what it is designed to do--to change (mutate) the normal body's genomic activity. 

But, hey, we're the government, WE define reality, and you guys just pretend it is what we say it is.  And we say it's a vaccine.  So take it and shut up.
Anyway, Mecola really hammers all this home in this article--and much more about the devastating effects of this chemotherapy, immediately, and in the future for those who've taken it.  The video at the beginning with Judy Mikovits is very good too, if someone has an hour to spend listening...she's extremely knowledgeable about the subject.

I've begun to wonder, since getting such negative (or non-responses) from people whom I've tried to warn away from this, if maybe they should go ahead and take it.  Maybe this is the way God is going to cull the wicked (Prov 10:30, Psalm 37). 

Since it's mostly the criminally ignorant and the godless who want to take this "vaccine", maybe I'll just hold my peace.  Or as the prophet Micaiah, when king Jehoshaphat and Ahab inquiring of the Lord as to whether or not they should go up to fight the Syrians... and Miciaih falsely said, "Go, and prosper: for the Lord shall deliver it into the hand of the king!"  Funny thing was Ahab knew that was false, and the prophet actually told him the truth that he was marked for death, and they went up to battle anyway.  'And the dogs licked the blood of Ahab from the chariot'.

This email came in support of Rappaport's articles concerning whether "viruses" even exist at all.

This is a great supplement to the original article about the non-existence of viruses...

A shorter read, and more specific to the 'covid' virus--or how they made even smart people believe it exists.  Very interesting stuff.

On Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 9:23 AM Michael Toundas <homewright@gmail.com> wrote:
John Rappoport's article today:

He could have just as well wrote my email to you yesterday!  Ha.  It's nearly a carbon copy of it. 

"You have no idea what you’re doing. You THINK you’re discovering new viruses. You BELIEVE you’re manipulating them. But you’re only working with self-generated fantasies.”

Speaking of what 'life' is (or isn't), I think in that article I sent you he makes honorable mention of tardigrades-- water bearsThese things are fascinating.  I once  read an article about them and straight up didn't believe it, so I had to look into it myself.  Little creatures--animals--the largest of which can barely be seen with a magnifying glass.  They are basically indestructible, possibly immortal.  Found everywhere from the bottom of the Mariana Trench to the ice under the "south pole" to inside of active volcanoes.  When the conditions of their environment become "unlivable"  they simply go into a cryptobiotic state and basically dry up into a tiny seed where they can remain "alive" for decades--or forever (who knows).  Then when conditions are favorable again (basically water), they rehydrate and resume their normal form and keep on trucking like nothing ever happened.   Again, what is life?  Although cells may not be the "basic unit of life" the very fact that our bodies are composed of at least half of bacteria cells really muddles the idea of what makes a body...human.

Bacteria work and live in concert with all plants, animals and the soil. In fact, they make up the vast majority of the biome of the earth.  There are over 100 species of bacteria in the average human mouth all the time since the day you were born and nursed your mother's breast, and yet we are not "sick".  But whenever I go into a Lowes they have a huge vat of "hand sanitizer" they expect us to slather on to rid us of all the invisible evil our nasty bodies harbor.  We live in a world of absurdities with people drowning in ignorance. 

Anything that causes an "imbalance" in the living system of a plant or animal--things we may never understand--can denormalize the bacteria population.  It is a feedback circuit which attempts to "renormalize" the imbalance.  Cells can die in the process, 'sickness' can set in.  This can be understood without the need of inventing invisible and autonomous sequences of genetic code (another arbitrary concept) to cause said "disease".  But it helps to keep the rubes in line and to trust their "doctor", who alone can understand--and can "see" the disease agent...And who alone has the remedy.

This came in regarding Sardi's article on the "Gullibility of Covid."

I wanted to share another article related to the Covid fraud:


It’s very well said, and clearly exposes the fraud of all of this in a neat and succinct way.  You may or may not put it up on the covid page, but just wanted you to read it and have for reference (great citations/links in there). 

Particularly wanted you to notice his conclusions at the end, when he exposes the total fraud of the medical establishment as a whole.  Great observations there how so many of our normal “chronic diseases”—which happen to kill us predominantly—have been halved or even quartered since the “Covid” came to town.  Why is that?  Well, it’s more than they’re being misreported as Covid.  There really are less of these ‘diseases’ killing people this year.  And that is because these people are not getting the “diagnosis” and thus the “treatment”…which is actually the cause of death. 

So much of disease is simply not.  That’s how my mother was killed.  They found some “pre-cancerous lesions” whilst they were doing a routine hysterectomy (another brainless procedure) and decided, while they were in there, to cut out all of her abdominal lymph nodes.  My stepdad, of course, had to agree to it from the waiting room, which he did.  “Whateva you say, doc”.  Naturally, they didn’t bother to tell him (or her afterwards) that you actually need those lymph nodes and without them, your lymphatic system will slowly fail…over the course of 2-5 years…and you’d be dead anyway of “Pinocchio-ism” (as I called it).  Body turns to wood, heart can’t beat and lungs can't inflate, and you eventually simultaneously suffocate and lose all blood circulation.  But, at least she didn’t die of the dreaded “the cancer” she probably did not have.

Therefore, as I’ve alluded to before, consider the possibility that we/they have a LOT more wrong than just the Covid.  Maybe just about everything.

I don’t expect you to jump on board with this—as it’s probably even more controversial than the flat earth (haha)—but it’s worth serious consideration.  It requires a great deal of study to fully be convinced (or you can take shortcuts like I did, because I never believed their crap anyway).  Besides, I was “professionally” trained in microbiology/biochemistry/toxicology/chemistry, so I’ve read the textbooks and heard the lectures, and seen for myself the logical flaws and massive gaps in theory.  I have the advantage of already seriously doubting it from jump street.  Furthermore, after researching vaccines and germ theory for the last 20 years, I see the pattern emerge easier than maybe someone who’s drank the koolaid their entire adult life (don’t mean you)…

But you’ve no doubt heard of the lawsuit in Germany which was settled in 2017, in which the high federal court in Stuttgart declared the measles “virus” non-existent, and thus all of virology is refuted.  (This may come up in German, so you’ll have to translate…I had to use evil Chrome for this).

Anyway, the back story is here:


Again, you’ll need to translate.

This is a particularly well done (shortish—concise) analysis of the facts of the case, but more the general case being made that what we think are “viruses” are nothing of the sort.  Actually, they don’t exist at all.  Intriguing story though of how we came to think they did (this isn’t really a conspiracy—just compounded errors, propagated ad infinitum by the “peer-review” process we call “science” these days).  And, as usual, you have to follow the money.

The history of medical science is quite astonishing when you really learn it…Or, what there is to learn of it.  We are really like a bunch of blind men groping an elephant when it comes to understanding what “life” really is.  Actually, let me pare that down a bit… We DON’T HAVE A CLUE.

Mad scientists have been monkeying around (quite literally actually—see how vaccines are produced) with human anatomy and physiology for hundreds of years now and we’re no better off than we were then, collectively.  Maybe worse off.  Yes, we’ve come a long way with the technology of trauma and surgical repairs, but as far as disease goes?  We’ve caused FAR more than we’ve solved.  And those that have been solved were almost 100% nutritional or hygienic.

But, we still get  our "threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away."   

Anyway, this is a fascinating read…when you have the time.

In this response, I had asked Michael about sickness coming from external sources. My email first:

On Wed, Feb 10, 2021 at 7:02 PM Charlie@godsendusmen.com <charlie@godsendusmen.com> wrote:
I have both of these added.
As I told you earlier, I have had my doubts about “viruses” for a long time – mainly because no one in our family was ever sick at the same time – even though we all lived under the same roof. We were all home – all the time – yet it never happened.
I’ve leaned toward imbalances as being the cause of illness. But there is one thing that bothers me and has so for a long time. Many years ago, Teresa and I went out to dinner somewhere, I can’t recall. But this was shortly after we were married and we either had no children yet – or maybe just Sara. But we both ordered the same meal – and at almost the same day that evening – we both got sicker than dogs. Obviously a case of food poisoning (or at least that’s what we have thought for all these years.) It sure seems like there are some external sources that can cause illness.
Lethal injections apparently can and do kill people.
“I caught a ‘bug’ from somewhere...” That seems to be an actual living little critter of some kind that can cause a bad reaction from being where it isn’t supposed to be (in a human body).
As far as all these supposed politicized “viruses” – (polio, corona, etc.) - by my very nature I recoil at all of that. And of course, if the “doctors, politicians, scientists, etc.,” say one thing – I tend to look somewhere else for the truth.
Do you believe there is nothing external that can cause sickness?

Michael says....

Food poisoning.  Yep, been there done that.  Twice confirmed for sure.  Once from a fetid fried boardwalk dinner and once from a little worm species that lives in uncooked salmon (actually saw the worms with my own eyes—after I’d eaten it.)  Both times I, and everyone else that ate it, got VERY sick.  (And both times we all recovered once our bodies were able to eliminate the toxins).  Not fun.  Death can result sometimes (from dehydration—vomiting/diarrhea). 

Of course, there are many known bacterial pathologies (named diseases and sicknesses).  As are there venom and toxins from many types of animals, plants and insects which, of course, can make us sick or kill us.  So yea, that would be “external”, and yea, it will cause sickness.

Viruses, so-called, are not these. They, as alleged, do not cause illness by this mechanism.  Their “weaponry” is the simple killing of cells in which they hijack to “propagate” themselves.  The idea is nonsense on its face.  Also, because they cannot self-replicate, they are not considered “living organisms”.  We are told they are basically invisible, genetic balls whose only “purpose” is to become… more, identical, genetic balls.  (Why?)  In the process, the “host” it uses for this pointless existence is damaged or killed only collaterally.  The “disease” caused is merely incidental.  It’s a bizarre idea, really.

Bacteria are single-celled ‘organisms’ which are neither plant nor animal.  They are a fascinating part of God’s creation.  For as much as we’ve learned using modern “tools”, we only hardly understand the role they play in all life on earth—but suffice it to say, without these creatures the earth would be a completely lifeless and sterile environment.  And they can exist in a state between life and non-life, as we understand it (sporification)--indefinitely.  The story of the “immortal” tardigrades (technically, animals!) I shared earlier is an example of how inexplicable God has made this world, and how we choose to define it, and life itself is really only our best guess.

So we know much about bacteria, parasites, fungi, and other microscopic and unicellular organisms. We know a lot about how they interact with each other in their “habitats”.  We know, as I mentioned before, that somewhere around half of all cells in our body are bacteria cells, and another large fraction of “us” are fungi (yeasts, molds, etc.)  We NEED them for our bodies to function—they are part of our bodies, we cohabitate inside our “tents”.  We live in a perpetual state of symbiosis, and in fact, so does every other sort of creature on the earth.

Part of the ways fungi and bacteria and other plant and animal life interact and compete are by chemical mechanisms (but also electromagnetic).  What we call “toxins” are these chemical means of control.  They function as feedbacks, safeties, reproductive and a myriad of different ways, that we know about (which is much, and also very little). For instance, penicillin is a “toxin” secreted by the penicillium molds to control the bacterial populations they share “habitat” with. It kills off certain species of bacteria, but leaves others unharmed.  That is why it’s an “antibiotic”.  Many known toxins exist for bacteria which act similarly.  Bacterial toxins are “virulence factors that manipulate host cell functions and take over the control of vital processes of living organisms to favor microbial propagation” (tech def).  That is a HUGE subject and we have accumulated much fascinating information about it.  If you’re really interested, here’s a little conglomeration of studies giving an overview:


Just mind-boggling complexity in even the smallest forms of “life”.  Because evolution. 

All that was to say this:  sickness is part of a much larger dynamic of life—all of which is a natural process.  Bacterial toxins can hurt, or kill us.  Overgrowths of certain organisms (we call “infections”) can be part of “disease”—and of course can cause death.  Gangrene, sepsis, etc., these are ‘disease agents’ which of course are harmful or fatal.  Worms and parasites are actual animals, and they also can ‘take up unnatural residence’ in our bodies, causing harm or death.  Larger animals have venom (toxins) which obviously can harm or kill us.  Anyone doubting that can just take a rattlesnake bite or black widow spider. 

The problem with modern medical “science” is  that since we’ve mostly identified all the visible creatures and their toxic effects, and pretty much know how to avoid all of those, they’ve long ago ran out of things to justify excuse their profession.  So, they invented “viruses”.  An unlimited, ever- morphing, invisible, unfalsifiable menace, for which we have no natural defense or possible offense, and which only THEY can perceive and treat.  It’s a brilliant hustle, really.

I guess we should clarify what we mean by "germ theory of disease".  I'll try to hone in on that later for the page.  Guess I could use some of this here.



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