3/07/2022 - Subject: WAR PIGS (Printed Version)
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic, and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for The State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of The State.” —Joseph Goebbels
“The best way to predict the future is to create it.”—Abraham Lincoln
A certain internet researcher has beaten me to the punch again, but I expected it. His latest, The Fake War in Ukraine was a short and sweet rant, but frankly I think he missed a great opportunity to reveal what’s really going on here...
Of course, the war is another psyop. The main characters are all actors, per normal. Here is his bumper image, for effect:
That’s Vladimir Putin hanging out with some of his friends, Sean Penn and Jack Nicholson.
But center stage in this one, of course, is the degenerate Jewish comedian who’s not really the president of Ukraine—he only played one on TV. Literally. It’s hard to imagine inventing a more implausible reality than the one we’re currently being presented, but there it is.
The actor-president, Zelenskyy
Like all of these bankers’ wars in the Anglosphere, the producers have their top generals on the payroll but the rest of the actors (the soldiers themselves) are largely unaware of the script and are using live ammo. As always, the casting extras in these things (the “civilians”) are both unpaid and ignorant of the very real peril they are in. For example, how foolish does one have to be to imagine being goaded into making Molotov cocktails to toss at modern Russian tanks is a good idea?… or that being handed a battle rifle when they’ve likely never fired a weapon in their lives won’t make them a patriot, but a casualty. These are not acts of desperation to save the motherland, but calculated acts of idiocy to up the civilian body count by the malignant production managers—who keep happening to be Jews for some odd reason… Given the choice of remaining a non-player-character or being targeted by an active player trained and skilled in the use of heavy weapons seems like a no-brainer to me, and I hope that when and if this Broadway play makes it to our country none of us are foolish enough to take the bait.
(NB: if you’ve not practiced well aforetime in the use of your sling, don’t go out to slay the giant in the heat of battle.)
Besides, Russian troops—whose stated goal is to disarm a rogue and murderous government, bordering Russia—are not the enemy there. It was announced ahead of time that Ukrainian regulars (soldiers) that laid down their arms would simply be allowed to “go home”. The enemy of the Ukrainian people is the aforementioned mobsters and their dark lords who financed and weaponized them with American “assets”…which is on-going, despite the reality that it will only protract and metastasize the war. Which is also the goal.
Like the Towers, the controlled demolition of that contrived nation-state appears to have been decades in the making. Truly, the dogpile of grift which is the disaster of “Ukraine” is one of the most exposed and damnable corruptions of State in all of Europe. A casual perusal of that linked article in “degenerate” is all the evidence one needs. So it seems it was inevitable that the powers would choose that patch of earth and its unfortunate people to launch their next phase of the operation. Maybe it was groomed for that purpose all along.
In an earlier essay, I offered this quote from researcher, Miles Mathis… In light of the above, I offer it here again:
“The World Wars only make sense once we realize all these countries had been occupied centuries earlier by the [Jewish globalists], and that their agents ran all these countries for a few international families. We already know that is true, since they admit all these countries are and always have been run by close cousins. They want you to think the wars are the result of these cousins squabbling for power, but I have shown you that isn't the case. The wars aren't about sharing power, they are about consolidating power, and hiding it. The wars are run as a cover for seizing worldwide treasuries and other treasures, including land, minerals, and even art. They are used to clear slums and rebuild cities. They are used to test weaponry and test theories of control. They are used to hide crimes.”
If that isn’t a precise description of what is presently going on with this “special military operation”, I don’t know what is. Some of the crimes being buried inside of Ukraine are obvious… the misadventures of Joe “the Big Guy” Biden and his train wreck of a son, Hunter; the “ragged tranches” of billions of US dollars poured in through CIA back-channels to prop up the local crime bosses and to launder it; the construction and operation of biolabs in-country to produce and threaten bio-weapons; the setup of communication hubs for overseas US spy rings—the list appears endless. And those are only the felonies of the U.S. government...
However, the most dangerous and highest of crimes is still the least realized. The globalist end-game which began with the Covid-1984 pseudopandemic has not “failed” as some wishful people think. We are in the midst of what is called in military lingo, a “pivot”. The Canadian Trucker fiasco and the opening salvo of our personal economic tyranny (which we just barely broached in a recent installment) was the pre-determined signal to commence with the next phase of the operation. It was carried out perfectly—with grace and style. With just the whiff of what the governors were cooking, the trucker protest immediately dissolved into the permafrost. All of the hardcore “activists” that promised a permanent siege on their “democratic government” until their grievances were met just melted away like whipped puppies when they found they couldn’t access their bank accounts, and their “licenses and insurance” were suspended. Suddenly, the curtain is drawn back.
Which opens up to the vista of the long-planned technocratic dystopia. Behold the future of “you will own nothing, and you will be happy”… It is beginning to dawn on them that, perhaps, they never did own anything. The trap that was set is about to be sprung.
The Pivot and trigger of the trap is, and always was, a contrived war.
Enter the Fall Guy, Vladimir Putin. For the Agenda to move forward, a new face of Evil had to be manifested to reunite the conservative rubes and the wokesters. Thus the Russian-Hitler meme has been predictably deployed again, and Americans and Euros alike fell for it immediately. How ridiculous we are…
“Then Jesus answered and said, O faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you? how long shall I suffer you?...”
It is as plain as can be that politicians are actors. Anyone who still believes the fairy tale of nation states or East vs West is deluded. There are no real wars. Only fake wars, “for function- stacking, racketeering, deflating debt, terrorizing, enslaving and culling…”
Yet that doesn’t mitigate the fact that terrorizing, enslaving, and killing are happening.
So is Russia the seat of Satan, and is Putin the antichrist? (I’m sure Franklin Graham and Kenneth Copeland will soon enough tell us so)… Well, I’ll state for the record that is false in the absurd. But nor can we gloss over the crimes of the Russian State either. All States are criminal enterprises.
Remember, Putin went along with the Covid hoax in lockstep. Just like he was told to. He merely aped Trump in warp-speeding his own vax, “Sputnik-V”, which most don’t know is the same NIH owned patent as the Astra-Zeneca product. It’s the same mRNA and graphene witch’s brew repackaged under a different name. As reported in this article,
“Russia is paying the NIH licensing technology fees. The US and Russia collude to fool their own populations. The world is not what people think it is.”
Further along in that report, we finally get down to the business at hand… the next step in the Lockstep. Just as the pseudopandemic was telegraphed beforehand through the black mass at Event 201 (in October of 2019) , so too was the next Act gamed and conjured in Cyberpolygon of last July. (That last link is recommended reading).
But continuing with his analysis:
“Frankly, these Russian cyber-threat stories are puerile.”
Indeed. Much like the tabloid-style war propaganda about a modern-day Braveheart over in Ukraine:
The goyim always fall for these tricks. Here’s a recent Drudge line-up (try not to snork):
None of this is even remotely real.
But the Russian cyber-threats were pre-figured in the Cyberpolygon event. It was baked into the cake before they even began amassing troops on the border. What IS likely real are the plans for a take-down of our “cyber-structure”… parts of the internet, power grids, cell networks, etc. Not in one fell swoop, mind you, but like an aggressive cancer—a little pain here, a tumor there, then full organ failure. But the story we will be told will be false.
Back to the article:
“A far more credible rationale for these MSM stories and government fearmongering is that they are designed to prepare us, and provide justification, for the digital transformation of the financial sector. In their 2020 cyber threats report, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (CEIP) stated that the pseudopandemic had necessitated this change.
In a barely concealed reference to Russia and China, the CEIP asserted that cyber attacks from nation states were inevitable. They then predicted that the response to this supposedly unavoidable attack would be to fuse the activities of banks, the financial authorities and the national security apparatus of nation states.…
Technocracy will enable them to manage the global transition to that system and technocracy will be the instrument through which they enforce their rule.
The key element for technocracy to succeed is reform of the monetary system. In 1934, Scott and Hubbert suggested that “energy certificates” should replace the dollar. They were seeking a way to use money both as a means of surveillance and as a means to control the behaviour of the citizenry….
The governments we elect will enforce the G3P policy agenda. The MSM’s task, who are both partners within and propagandists for the G3P, is to convince us to buy into it.
Ours is to ensure that we don’t fall for it.”
Note that report was two years ago. How did they know what Russia was going to do in Ukraine? Smart, they are.
Allow me to sum all of this up… For the love of money, our world—all of the kingdoms of men—has been deceived into constructing its own debt prison, and we’re all inside it… Trapped by these ephemeral things we believe are “money”, but without which we would feel lost and naked and utterly hopeless. It’s all an illusion—there never was any money. There is no gold in Fort Knox. There is no money in your bank account—it doesn’t exist. There is only debt now. And the debt is “owned” by a small group of intellectual elite (as they call themselves). And they have plans for you.
Once again, the ‘global debt crisis’ was engineered to precede the long-planned takeover by the world bankers in what they’ve called the “Great Reset”. The Covid hoax was designed to undermine the socio-economic superstructure by way of blowing up the basement columns—which is now accomplished. What was needed was a way to cover for the implosion of the building when they “pulled it”—and that will be done by way of fake “cyber attacks”. Those attacks will in turn be blamed on Satan, also known as “Vladimir Putin”.
Now a few brief words about Satan…
Pleased to meet you, hope you guess my name
But what's puzzling you is the nature of my game
Putin is a very wealthy man and certainly a shrewd leader who obviously covets power. Unlike the doddering Caesar of the American Empire at present, Putin is not a mere puppet-actor. He does, however, have bosses. He is indeed a globalist with direct ties to Klaus and the WEF, and I’m sure he’s fully aware of the Script and highly incentivized to follow it. But we don’t know the script. Nor will we be able to tell when he’s gone off it. His televised speech to his nation on the morning he began the “invasion” of Ukraine, however, is telling. (And you owe it to yourself to read it.) The Western MSM cabal, of course, did not bother to translate or disseminate his words, as they were devastating to their narrative—brazenly exposing the U.S./E.U. shenanigans—in Ukraine, and elsewhere on the face of the whole earth. Whether he himself wrote it or genuinely believes it, I can’t say, but it may in fact be the only truth we’ve heard in any of this yet. It’s no wonder it was universally ignored by the agitators.
As a dictator and statist, therefore a pretender, he’s certainly not worthy of admiration. But there’s no doubt in this—fake war as it is—he holds the moral high ground (if there is any at all). It’s true the Russian Federation is a bald oligarchy, controlled by its own swamp creatures, but it is not even in the same league as our own Mordor on the Potomac. For one thing, so-called “gay marriage”, by way of a 2021 constitutional amendment, is permanently illegal in Russia. Clearly, then, they hate us for our freedoms.
Unfortunately for the millions of Americans which didn’t hear it, Putin, in his speech, made reference to the “Empire of Lies” and makes a bold indictment of the U.S.—which bears quoting here:
[The U.S.] sought to destroy our traditional values and force on us their false values that would erode us, our people from within, the attitudes they have been aggressively imposing on their countries, attitudes that are directly leading to degradation and degeneration, because they are contrary to human nature. This is not going to happen. No one has ever succeeded in doing this, nor will they succeed now.
Well, now the cat’s out of the bag. This is exactly the Phoenician-led policy of anti-human, anti-family, anti-Christ subversion being pushed onto the rest of the world by the Whore of Babylon and her daughters abroad. And if we can believe him, he’s having none of it. For that statement alone, we should have a little sympathy for the Devil.
I don’t know what the War Pigs have in store for us this time, and this could all end very fast, or it could progress at an agonizing pace for years as they slowly wear us down. But I’d say they’re well on track to meet their Agenda 2030. They doubtless have more tricks up their sleeve if they need to deploy them. But remember, they are tricks. All war is deception. The end game, still, is the Slave Grid. As always, follow the money…
“Ours is to ensure that we don’t fall for it.”
And that is the critical take-away. All of this conjured chaos is designed to drive us, through fear of pestilence, deprivation, and ultimately the Greatest Bogey Man of all-time, “Nuclear War” (which I will utterly destroy in another series) to accept—as the only possible solution to our apparent calamity—their digital salvation, and to surrender our independence, our autonomy, and our property for the sake of “humanity”. And most of all, to believe in our hearts when it happens, that “we will like it.”
I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m not giving them one inch of ground. I refuse to “like it”… To the contrary, I will continue to confront all of their lies with the truth. I’m not turning anything in; I’m not accepting any of their conditions; I’m not taking their digital “mark”, I’m not signing over any “rights” or agreeing to any concessions, I’m not getting on any cattle cars, I’m not going to be handcuffed and led into the forest.
THIS is what they’ve been gaming for so long. The theft of everything from us, in exchange for our lifelong servitude to them, forever. This is the means by which they will do it… If we consent. For they need our collective consent.
Friends and brethren, “there is no discharge in this war.” It can only end with bodies on the battlefield—and not ours. We have no other options but to deny them their planned technocratic pigpen by all means.
Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong (1 Corinthians 6:13)
Thou art my battle axe and weapons of war: for with thee will I break in pieces the nations, and with thee will I destroy kingdoms (Jeremiah 51:20)
[1] The title of this essay is from a song by the same name by an English rock band popular in the 1970’s. Interested persons might google it—the lyrics of which are thoughtful and apropos. |