4/11/2022 - Subject: WOMYN'S DAY (Printed Version)
Womyn’s Day
For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, forasmuch as he is the image and glory of God: but the woman is the glory of the man. (1 Corinthians 11:7)
For any women readers: This is a societal commentary from a man’s perspective. Any perceived disdain towards the weaker sex is merely an artifact of my rhetoric. I know I’m preaching to the choir here, and I mean to accuse none of you for the failures of your race. Anyway, it’s only my jaded opinion as usual, whatever that’s worth.
The melodious Peter Gabriel had a little ditty out in the early 90’s, the lyrics of which I never paid any attention to—save for the refrain, which was often used as a snark by yours truly. Under closer scrutiny, however, it seems the song was celebrating what we now see happening in real time… the complete breakdown of society due, primarily, to the ease of women to be deceived. And the failure of honest men to guard them from their delusions. Same as it ever was.
Of course, he didn’t mean it that way. I remembered it as “Woman’s Day”, but he actually called it “Shaking the Tree”. It goes something like this:
Waiting your time, dreaming of a better life
Waiting your time, you're more than just a wife
You don't have to do what your mother has done
She has done, this is your life, this new life has begun
It's your day, a woman's day
It's your day, a woman's day
It carries on like that for a number of stanzas, looping the chorus incessantly. Some of you now have an earworm, for which I apologize. Continuing:
Turning the tide, you are on the incoming wave
Turning the tide, you know you are nobody's slave…
You had to be so strong
You do nothing wrong, nothing wrong at all
We're gonna break it down
We're gonna shake it down, shake it all around
Yeah. There is a tide coming in for sure but nobody’s going to be riding that wave. I’ll have a few more words on that later. But this whole business of modern women ‘breaking their chains of slavery’ is beyond absurd and it’s become tiresome. And I doubt Pete actually started that meme of “you can do nothing wrong”, but I’d personally like to pull a Will Smith on him for spreading that dung. I can tell you good ladies out there that most of the world’s women and girls today actually believe that bilge. As a result, the lives of many men have been unjustly destroyed by the wicked courts of the State—taking the entire family down with them.
But feminists prefer the term, “womyn” because it eliminates “man” from the picture. Pretty tricky. Just replace one letter, and a new reality is created. In their imaginary world, men are superfluous at best, nearly extinct as a species anyway, and won’t be missed. Now, most of their ‘normie’ sisters know they are hysterical or else smoking their own supply, but are generally not allowed to refute them because they’re on “the same team”. This is unfortunate, because until and unless these womyn are rebuked and shunned by the remaining feminine women among us, the slow train wreck will continue. As historically minded people, we know how this all ends.
I read something from a columnist recently and it struck me… Speaking of that crossdressing “statesman” currently going by the name “Rachel”, he laments how the Phoenician rag, USA TODAY, has named Levine one of the top twelve “women” in America. The money phrase was this:
“By this act they demeaned and humiliated real women. They let a man usurp an honor that should have rightfully gone to a deserving woman.”
“Rachel Levine”… No actual man would confuse this mess for a woman
Putting aside the question of what exactly it means to be a “Top 12” in America, the fact is this IS demeaning and humiliating to actual women. But what’s worse is that society demands they pretend otherwise or else risk the wrath of the collective—to be “canceled”, or “unfriended” for siding with the cis-white patriarchy. Aka, the slave masters.
This pig of a man is being force-fed to the world—to women in particular—as a lie to be swallowed whole. And women are expected to keep it down without regurgitating. As the human female is an empathic creature primarily led by emotions, whilst the male is more so guided by logic and reasoning, the subversion naturally targets the former. Once they’ve consented to the falsity, they quite easily deliver their men into temptation… for reasons which I will not delve into here. And that is why the persecution of the Truth, the inversion of God’s natural order, and the calculated deconstruction of the family—all of which has led to the decadence and eventual downfall of every nation under heaven—was always worked through the leaven of women. Not that women are the leaven, but they are leavened first and easiest, and thereby act as the leavening agents throughout society… And by that I mean that women are the prime target of the enemy, as it is through their deviance that the rest of the family—and ultimately the nation—will be destroyed. It has worked predictably and repeatedly through the ages, documented in all of human history and in the Bible itself, starting with Genesis in the Garden of Eden.
But salvation also would come through the woman…
“And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.” (Genesis 3:15)
That Seed was Christ. The very Salvation of God was reckoned upon a woman.
There was exactly one time in history when a woman did not need a man—that is, she “went around him”. Yet, it wasn’t her will, but God’s. This was Mary, the mother of Jesus; foreseen by the prophet Jeremiah six centuries before Christ:
“…the Lord hath created a new thing in the earth, A woman shall compass a man”.
Metaphorically and metaphysically also, the salvation of nations and society as a whole begins with women, and is in fact dependent upon them—initially. A man, by himself, is nothing. Absent a woman, he cannot create a family, or build a society, or lead a nation or take dominion over the earth, as God designed him and commissioned him to do... At least not a lasting dominion. For without progeny, his empire dies with him.
But without the man, the woman is doomed. A matriarchal human society is a contradiction in terms. Whenever attempted, it quickly rots from within and collapses before achieving any form of civilization. For examples, see inner city Detroit… Or the defunct Hopi Indians. Actually, even the feminist Wokepedia concedes: “Most anthropologists hold that there are no known societies that are unambiguously matriarchal”…
But, ‘Hopi springs eternal’, and surely the oppressed race can overcome!
Thus, the relentless attack upon women—beginning with the Serpent—is always framed first as being a liberation… and as an empowerment. She cannot see that it was always a trap.
“…as a bird hasteth to the snare, and knoweth not that it is for [her] life.”
My conclusion, up front, is this: As the destruction of civilization begins with women, it must be reversed by them.
Sisters in Christ: You were not created to lead men into battle, but to support them in the war. Yes, I know about Deborah. And that was in fact a judgement against the disobedient (and idolatrous) men of Israel. The Scripture is crystal clear,
“For the man is not of the woman: but the woman of the man. Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man.” (1 Corinthians 11)
That, I can assure you, is never preached in “church”. But somehow that passage has been inverted, and “Christian” women have come to believe the exact opposite.
All of the unraveling of western society can be traced back to the “empowerment” of women… meaning: the usurpation of the role of men. Yes, men had to acquiesce to it, just as Adam did. But, presumably Adam consented to the sin (remember, he was not deceived) because he despised being alone again, and was willing, rather, to be judged with her than to continue without her… As that is also a picture of Christ giving Himself for His people (the Israel of God), taking their sin upon Him and being judged in their place. Incidentally, that Israel is symbolized in the woman of Revelation 12. The antithesis is the woman of Revelation 17, the Whore of Babylon, the destroying angel of society. The former is Mary, the mother of Christ, the latter is Eve, “the mother of us all.”
Do I offend? No.
Nowhere in the Scriptures are women told to emulate Eve. Very little is said about her in fact... at best she is given a neutral assessment, at worst, an implied condemnation. Rather, women are entreated to emulate such creatures as Sarah, “calling Abraham ‘lord’”… As Peter puts it, they should look toward the “old time holy women”. Clearly, Peter, like Paul, was a misogynist.
In “church”, this has now fallen out of favor… way out. This trend began a long time ago, but has picked up rapidly in our generation. The modern “fog machine” “churches” in fact celebrate the image of the whore of Babylon—encouraging them to assemble in the garb of prostitutes, faces painted like Jezebel. Therein they “lead the worship” in song and dance to the sway of cellphones recording them for tiktok videos. Then they stand in the pulpit to “preach” to the men to “stop abusing” their wives and children with their outmoded patriarchy and to embrace the queerness and the inclusivity of the New Age. The men sit down meekly and accept their new roles. Some plot their afternoon rendezvous with one of these women in this sanctified meat market.
Adultery, fornication, and divorce are more rampant in the “churches” than in the general public [citation: Me]. Modern feminism began in a “church”. So-called “suffrage” was organized by church ladies, naturally. That inevitably led to civil rule and political leadership by women, at first as a compromise, then becoming normalized—now preferred as the shining vanguard of our coming “Sustainable Development”. In the very near future, “you will own nothing, and you will be happy, and women and children will rule over you”.
Margaret Sanger, the original birth control activist, invented the modern abortion industry because she hated men... and half of all babies are men. That’s known as cutting off your nose to spite your face—it’s what the wicked often do. Now, a mere half a century after it was sanctioned in America, we’ve seen over ‘63 million customers served’ in our land. Regardless, almost all of American women are on some form of continual contraceptive almost immediately after reaching puberty… Ask yourself what this statistic means. Likewise, more than a quarter of American women are on prescribed psychotropic drugs to allegedly repair their “mood”. All of this is called “Progressivism”. But it begs the question: progress toward what?
And now we’ve come full circle wherein the “men” literally “become women” and rule over them as women… The irony is delicious, if not tragic.
Behold the 10,000 unspoken words told in the above image. How’s that inclusivity thing going? Do you suppose it has dawned on these ladies they’re being conned?
Returning now to our earlier reference of the pig-man in a wig, wearing women’s clothing, pretending to be some sort of “leading woman” and being given the false honor therewith… As seen above, this was a forced acceptance that women had to kow to as a natural extension of theoretical “feminism”. Because Inclusiveness. Because tolerance. Because down with patriarchy! It was a master stroke…
Women are finally equal to men because men are women—whenever they identify as such. Unironically, the US will have a new “supreme judge” (sic) in the land; one Brown Jackson (not the singer), who could not for the life of her define a “woman” under oath! It follows that she may not be the first “black female” USSC judge. Maybe she only identifies as such. Where’s the proof?
Brown Jackson Jackson Browne
Inevitably, women will realize they’ve been victims of a vast scheme. Now they’ve painted themselves into a corner with this nonsense. But some are waking up. The worm is beginning to turn. And IF western society is ever to recover from the hellish darkness rapidly enveloping us, it is the women who must first say ENOUGH and refuse to go along any more. They must renounce and relinquish their illegitimate power the State has given them over men. They must decide again to be what God made them to be. And this can only feasibly begin with God’s people. The world will follow out of necessity, eventually, but the revolution won’t start with them.
Turning the tide, you are on the incoming wave
Turning the tide, you know you are nobody's slave
“Womyn’s Day” has been an unmitigated disaster. And the hidden message of Peter’s song is that the horrors they have conjured for women will overtake them like a Tsunami. Like everyone in the “Industry”, Peter Gabriel is a tool, and the unfortunate women (and men) who believed this false gospel will come to understand—too late—that they have unwittingly participated in their own annihilation. That is exactly where this is headed, and there will be no men coming to save them this time.
In the western world, the VAST majority are in for a rude awakening, and I think a great horror… and there will be little, if anything, the remnant of men who witness it can do to assuage it. Even if they wanted to—which I tell you the truth—many will not. I’m afraid in the end, the women of the world will finally have their Day… and it will not be glorious, but a Day of anguish and reproach as they grieve over the loss of their high calling as the “glory of man”…
We take no pleasure in that.
The Way Out
In the Resurrection, “there will be no marrying or giving in marriage”. I take that to mean when we each inherit the Kingdom, finally and eternally, wives won’t have a role in creating “family”. But here on the earth, as the Kingdom forever expands, mortal women must decide again to be what God created them to be. And nothing less than that. Meanwhile, generations are being lost.
Now I am speaking to God’s children… His daughters must become wives who are “cleaved unto their husbands” (Genesis 2:24, Mark 10:7), and who are “subject unto them” (Ephesians 5:24), to be chaste and respectful (1 Peter 3:1-6), and who are “keepers at home” (Titus 2:4-5), and mothers of godly children, and of grandchildren, and to be examples unto other women as such… even, to love their husbands (yes it works both ways). If anyone is deficient in these areas, pray for repentance and guidance.
For women in the world, my message is this: Those who stubbornly refuse to do so now will surely grasp for it in the future, probably too late. If it is “not good for a man to be alone”—it is far worse for a woman. In the normal operating conditions of the world from time immemorial, a woman alone—unchaperoned, let’s say—usually meant assured enslavement, a brutal and perilous life at the least, or savagery and death by the enemies of their (former) men at the worst. In the waning days of this wicked American Empire, the illusion of perpetual prosperity and ever-expanding power and influence over the subservient nations is falling apart before our very eyes. Now it’s late in the evening. And without a mass-turning unto Christ as King, our generation will not escape from the wrath to come.
If there is any good news, it is in the necessary purging of the dross… The “fat and psychopathic” women who’ve called for the blood of others are about to get their comeuppance. Maybe in the blood of their own sons and daughters. Perhaps in poverty; perhaps famine. But certainly with powerlessness and the loss of the liberty they once claimed to be anything they wanted to be—synonymous with men in all ways…This maniacal delusion will collapse at once, and it will be horrifying.
They’ve overruled their own husbands and God’s natural order for so long, they’ve forgotten why we NEED godly and proper rulership of men in the first place. Men have equally failed to take on that necessary role, instead sitting comatose week after week in their church pews, diddling their cell phone, anticipating the sportsball game later; forced into ridiculous office parties, potlucks, and “Jack and Jill” showers; whipped into submission in the marriage counselor’s office, the divorce courts (judges, counselors and lawyers; often women), and in the back seats of their cars, “buckled up for safety”, while their wives navigate and clot the left lanes with their anemic driving… Unlike their women, none of these things do these men desire. Maybe their “man-failings”, their porn and drug addictions are the result of this dysfunction rather than the cause.
Whether or not Western Man will own up to his failures and decide to pursue virtue first and foremost—and then to pursue a virtuous woman—remains to be seen. But when he is cast into the fire, as he inevitably shall be, after being so long cast off by his feminized and infantilized society, will he remember how to be autonomous? Will he remember how to protect and provide anymore? Will he even be capable of doing it? Most probably will not. And the women who will finally and desperately seek salvation from them will have little hope of finding it.
“And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, We will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel: only let us be called by thy name, to take away our reproach. In that day shall the branch of the Lord be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the earth shall be excellent and comely for them that are escaped of Israel.” (Isaiah 4:1-2)
As I’ve said here before, the collapse of the Old Age, nearly 2000 years ago—that first Great Reset—was equally chaotic and treacherous. Especially for those who were disobedient to God and had cast off “so great a salvation”. Those in Judea and in Jerusalem who ignored Christ’s warnings of pending destruction were caught up in it, and could not escape. But for those who heard Him—and were not only hearers, but doers—when it was over, found “the fruit of the earth was excellent and comely”. Those meek who shall inherit our future shall be as those at that time who inherited the Kingdom. And they will be made up of families… Men, women, and children. In that order. |