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Message Comments & Observations

Michael comments on the messages preached on Missouri Liberty Radio. Michael also provides insight on other issues facing us.
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Of course, the Creation is foundational, and not just to our understanding of the world, but on the nature of mankind, and (most relevant to us these days),  the meaning, purpose, and ordinance of marriage and the family…which is the primary unit of the Kingdom.  The Adam was the atom.  The breakdown of this was the death knell for our people—and the confusion it engendered has led to the all-out rebellion we now witness in the “Christian West.”   So it is that “my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge”… Foundational knowledge, to begin with…  Leading to a passivity of the doctrine of Law, and holiness, and obedience, of course.  And all of this, unlike Jesus, who is both the “root AND offspring of Jesse”, is yet the genesis AND the result of the relativistic thought—of both morals and knowledge—which churchianity has succumbed to!  The-- “that’s Old Testament!” and “those are just YOUR beliefs!” kind of rhetoric which I so much despise grows directly out of that foundational ignorance. 

And there is so much “science falsely so called” now where it comes to origins—biology (women can be men and vice versa!) and physics (rocket ships can fly in space!  Elon Musk drove his Tesla in orbit around the earth!  We have “nukes!”  Viruses!!  DNA!  GMO’s!)—the deception is so deep, it seems hopeless to escape.

Of course, once rebellion really sets in and the time for repentance has passed, even hearing the truth won’t necessarily help.  For the sake of the Remnant though, we soldier on. - Michael














6/09/2023 - Subject: The Hotel California (Printed Version)


Or, The Rising and Falling of an Empire in Disgrace

Canst thou draw out leviathan with an hook? … Will he make a covenant with thee? wilt thou take him for a servant for ever?... He maketh a path to shine after him; one would think the deep to be hoary. Upon earth there is not his like, who is made without fear. He beholdeth all high things: he is a king over all the children of pride. (Job 41)

Part 1: An Object Lesson

The American Narcissist began to take its final form in the early 1960’s, I think… About the time our emergent Empire began to mature. Some say its inception was one hundred years earlier in the opening salvos of the American War of Northern Aggression (or the “Civil War,” for you Yankees), and I tend to agree. But by 1960, as the Boomers yielded to Generation X (to paraphrase old Uncle Lenin), these were decades where centuries happened. According to the folk singer, that’s also right around the day the music died.

It was 1969 when Anton LeVay boldly established his “Church of Satan” in the Late Great California, preaching that the gates of hell had, in fact, prevailed over Christ’s Ecclesia. Peter had been given another false hope and an empty promise, it turns out, and this new American “church,” with its tenets of hedonism and the inversion of traditional morality, would soon become indistinguishable from the old American “church”. Turns out, too, I arrived onto the scene the very next year. According to Paul Simon I was “born at the right time”—we all were—when we briefly enjoyed that sublime moment of “never been lied to”... If LeVay was right, everything was a lie—and just focusing on his concept of the church, he probably was.

However, this was the purported meaning behind the sanguine song from that dawning age. Don Henley said about The Hotel California, “It’s a song about a journey from innocence to experience.” Mm-hmm... I’m sure he would know. If you don’t know, in the original album cover, Old Scratch himself makes a cameo appearance in the upper window of the hotel lobby. It’s still on the internets, if you care to see it.

All of these songwriters seemed to have their finger on this theme of a “loss of innocence”, as we began to experience it as a nation…back when America was still a definable nation, anyway. Now that ship has sailed and vanished far off into the flat horizon, and what remains of our broad land was best described by Jeremiah, in chapter 50 (worth the read, if you haven’t in a while). We are a nation of “mingled people”; race, religion, and culture, boiling together in a human gumbo. Of note, too, the destruction of that Babylon was also perhaps the first time God’s faithful were told to ‘come out of her, my people, that ye share not in her plagues’.

My people hath been lost sheep: their shepherds have caused them to go astray, they have turned them away on the mountains: they have gone from mountain to hill, they have forgotten their restingplace…Remove out of the midst of Babylon, and go forth out of the land of the Chaldeans, and be as the he goats before the flocks.” (Jer 50:6-8)

If only enough of us would “be as the he goats,” perhaps this mind-war of attrition—because that’s what I think it is—would be swiftly over. The campaign was always about the deliberate and progressive demoralization of Christian society generally, and the men of that society in particular, to strip away their families, their wealth, and their influence, and finally their will to care anymore.

But from down in the trenches, I’ve seen much travail and gore. I’d mostly agree with Mr. Henley—perhaps not innocence, but naivete has surely given way to experience in my case. To be candid, recent battles have not gone well and those who turned out to be my frenemies have prevailed in the short run (defined thusly: “frenemyships are often maintained because the ‘relational benefits outweigh negative ramifications of dealing with the relationship or terminating it.’")… Tell me about it. In the long run, all of God’s frenemies are dead, but watching the slow grind can be maddening for the rest of us.

I had an empire once too, which I built from scratch. A little kingdom of my own. Which ended in the usual way, giving rise to this metaphor.

Another definition is needful to tell our story.

Judge (noun): An agent of the state who is immune to law, whilst simultaneously defining it at whim. See also, “Senator”.

While on the subject of narcissists, I came across a note from a fellow traveler (unrelated to the situation at hand, but clearly in tune with our understanding of things) who, it seems, is part of the hidden Remnant. Though I wasn’t reading it for Christian fellowship, it was cause for some excitement nevertheless since, in a recent car blog post, I encountered the following comment from a man answering to the author’s argument for defending “what’s right”:

“Everything you have said here is true, and it all matters—you are right to be passionate about it—because Jesus is God’s chosen king, God’s son, truth personified, and the source of life. Morality and right and wrong and guilt and innocence are meaningless apart from a transcendent lawgiver. Otherwise, morality is simply human rattlesnake venom, a survival strategy for weak organisms to which the strong can say, ‘Who says?’—until they grow weak and are overpowered and the cycle begins again.” (Emphasis mine)

Just thought I’d mention that bit of encouragement…that others do see. But this also emphasizes the narcissist’s tactic of unrelenting demoralization. Remnant-man knows in his heart what he must do, but he is thrice-bound: by his subliminal programming (lately from birth), from other men who wield State power over him, and most often from his women, who, as I’ve said before, are the initial and primary soft targets of the System. They are assimilated first; Adam was not deceived, the serpent only needed to beguile Eve and the battle was won.

In fact, quite succinctly, this ‘anonymous’ poster has exposed the heart of our “System”. It IS the System...“Who says what is right? WE say.” And for anyone yet to understand this, contrary to the CONstitution they have palmed-off on all of us, the ‘We’ are not the ‘People’…The People don’t matter to the ‘We’. They were just fooled into believing the sham of inverted definitions—not unlike their common delusion that they live in a “democracy” and they share in the decisions with their “vote”… The ‘We’, of course, are the kosmokratōrs… the rulers in high places. Primarily the judges of the land, who not only conjure, but interpret the law. Which is the ultimate superpower. They call it judicial discretion. They have it, you don’t…the “Judge”, or the “Court”, as they prefer to call themselves in your presence (they always speak to you in the third person) is the proverbial “Roller of Big Cigars”. They write and edit the statutes, and beget the case law precedents, “Rules of Procedure”, and their own in-house “guidelines”. Those last ones are a dandy. The judge makes these up on the fly, and without all the bother of publishing them anywhere—you won’t know you violated one until you’ve stepped on it. Of course, the ‘laws’ do not apply to them; they are excused from following their own rules, as they are exempt from the consequences of contempt of their own “court”. Specifically, a judge, in most societies is an arrogant human being who expects to be referred to as “your honor” (never do that, by the way), while ruling over, and dishonoring any subject hapless enough to be found under his (or her) claimed jurisdiction…particularly a former man-of-the-house. If one should adamantly protest their alleged jurisdiction, the judge has a thousand ways to stifle the protest and convince you that you in fact DID concede to his authority—that you have voluntarily put yourself under his power—and if you don’t believe it, just try and exit it.

But don’t let me dissuade you from trying it nonetheless. However, just as the ‘Court’ cannot be found in contempt of the ‘Court’, that and other nonsensical things I learned can be exceedingly difficult to defeat using their own sword against them. In fact, I was found in “contempt” for trespassing on my own property, which is statutorily impossible from the precise wording of their own law…and yet, there I was guilty and convicted of it. Unironically, this same judge boldly informed me upon our first meeting (I was there to stand charged with a so-called injunction order which HE signed, ex parte, in total violation of my fictitious ‘due-process rights’) that he was a “Christian”…and in fact that they “ALL were Christians”. I’ll let the reader decipher the meaning of “all”—your guess is as good as mine. This is the demoralization in action, you see. You must not let such blarney affect you.

The System is rigged, and at this end-stage it cannot be disarmed. Anyway, you are not the bomb squad. Be ye harmless as doves, but wise as serpents… Your mileage may vary, of course, but please don’t imagine any of these sorts of actors are your friend, or that they “mean well”, or especially their claim of being a Christian is legitimate. To be blunt, these aren’t our “neighbors” in the Biblical sense; resist the urge to treat them as such.

This brings us back to our theme. It is perhaps their greatest weapon (remember, this is primarily psychological warfare) that they have managed to convince us all that the System under which we live is like the Hotel California—where “you can check out any time you like, but you can never leave”. Cliché or not, it’s effective. As one who was tested and found wanting, take my word for it. But we need to deal with this assertion, because ignoring it is not a strategy. And this will be further addressed in future articles—Lord willing. It is a lie, but it is a very sophisticated lie, and like all such deep deceptions, there is a kernel of truth within. We CAN leave, but let us not be so foolish as to not count the cost beforehand. Musing upon this caused an ear-worm of Paul Simon’s other ditty about the Fifty Ways..

The problem is all inside your head, she said to me, the answer is easy if you take it logically…”

But Jesus, the “Greater Solomon”, explained it better:

For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it? Lest haply, after he hath laid the foundation, and is not able to finish it, all that behold it begin to mock him.. (Luke 14:28-29)

The lessor Solomon had a parallel proverb: “The prudent man foreseeth the evil and hideth himself, but the simple pass on and are punished”… The point is, our options ought to be pre-considered, and I hope we can work some of these details out later. But the planning stage, while necessary, eventually comes to a close and action must be taken before we are overtly acted upon. Hesitation is a killer—again, hard-learned lessons for a future discussion.

God’s chosen King, Christ Jesus, who rules over God’s Creation with ALL power and Authority continues to call out His people from the world—which we are IN, but not OF. I believe the nuance is imperative. We must understand and act upon this in obedience and faith, but also with discernment. Particularly when judgement approaches—as it did in Jeremiah’s time, as it did again in the first century in Jerusalem, and as it surely is in our present time. And perhaps for each of us, in some microcosmic way, whenever a time of separation becomes necessary. In all of these instances, God’s people were told to “come out of her my people…that you be not partakers of her sins” (Rev. 18:4). That last qualifying phrase in that last book of the Bible is contemplative in itself. Don’t miss it. It could mean, of the judgment of her sins (a redundancy of ‘her plagues’), but I’ve given it much consideration and I think it means just what it says. Ask Lot. And then ask Lot’s wife.

There are a lot of moving parts to our present situation, and there are no ‘one size fits all’ solutions in each of our lives, but if the wicked will be brought to task it will largely be God’s people who will do it—He will USE us (because that’s how He’s always worked). And if we aren’t willing to be used, He will simply wait. And if He has to wait too long, we will simply all get the Sodom and Gomorrah treatment—maybe with us genuine believers getting out alive with our own skin and not much else. And I’m convinced the event horizon is near—societally, and world-wide. But I also recognize it’s been a (very) long time coming, which tends toward complacency. In my own life it was 30 years—which is a metaphor of sorts for the era we inhabit. And perhaps my hesitancy to act is what is playing out large scale in the Remnant, and for the same reasons. But I will assure you, the day of reckoning does come.

Part 2: Where we are on the Map

Like the classic story from Hemingway wherein the man is asked how he went bankrupt, the American Empire (and also like Rome) suggests the same answer: “Two ways—slowly at first, and then all at once.” Daniel’s Fourth Beast prophetically described Rome as,

dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth: it devoured and brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with the feet of it.”

It doesn’t take much imagination to apply that description to another Beast which presently plays the leading role as Bully of the World. The American State has been often referred to as Leviathan, as the creature in Job is perhaps more apt. But like all empires, and all of the beasts to which they were likened in the Scriptures, they come to a fitting end. Readers of Jeremiah 50 know how the curtain falls…

How is the hammer of the whole earth cut asunder and broken! how is Babylon become a desolation among the nations!

We know what’s coming. I see more and more men (and women) grieving over the loss of their heritage—of their country—sold to the lowest bidder...and also the basest. They consider themselves “patriots” who will go down with the ship, and though it’s a misplaced allegiance, I can surely understand their despair. We can all agree that what began as an experiment in Christian liberty and an original attempt at a stateless society among some of the early colonists has failed, and we exist in the ruins of that society. Nothing remains of the fabled American dream we were all told of as kids, and the once decency and homogeny of at least a nominal Christian culture is forever lost here. It is undeniable now, and the suspension of disbelief can no longer be maintained. For many of those mournful cow-folk, hope remains that it will be reborn elsewhere…but not for them.

Those of us who are afflicted with the need to analyze everything have had to deal with the questions of who, why, and how. We’ve read the history books. We surely were a free people once, weren’t we? We have the family pictures to prove it! Our fathers and their fathers would not have stood for this grand betrayal. How did we allow ourselves to be press-ganged into this ship of fools? How can it be that there is no escape from this madness?

Many people have been enslaved by their passions, and eventually broken free. I’ve previously thought it was all a self-inflicted mind trick. Hollywood, media, the countless distractions of luxury in a nation “trodden down and meted out,” and papered over with mountains of false money—anything that can draw a man away from the reality of Creation, and the morality of a just and loving Creator has been inflicted upon us to stray us from the Truth. But all of these share a commonality…they were voluntary. We didn’t have to become this monster. We could have walked away, or simply “shrugged” as Rand’s Atlas. Something more was needed to chain us to our funk.

That binding chain came from judges and other fictitious lawmakers who have been the driving force behind this progression, while maintaining the deception that God was an American, and that their laws were His laws (per Romans 13). This is how they’ve duped generations of men to be increasingly subservient, complicit, and ignorant. It was a hack of our natural software; that we were pre-wired to obey what we perceive is authority. So-called Christian “pastors” and other churchmen have aided and abetted the sham, and foolish women have dragged their obsequious men into these houses of ill-repute to be force-fed their gospel of tolerance and served up a false hope of futurist escapism. Most of these men have already checked out in their minds, anyway.

And now, friends, we’ve come to the point of no return where we must act, or be acted upon. Yes, “the days are evil”, and wickedness is becoming logarithmically outrageous, and yes, it is “in your face” with the filth and the degeneracy now. But it is the legitimacy that is being maintained by the System that is upholding it all. It is sickening Remnant-man, and it is intended to. Perhaps it is to force us to act first. Which, maybe, is my meaning in all this.

And so it was that I came upon this little gem…and it got me thinking.

Southern Baptist “Christian”, and anointed senator, Ted Cruz, (who was also born at the right time, in 1970) chimed in lately to give his opinion of the ‘lawfulness’ of homosexuality, and presumably all related sins of perversity in a recent Tweet. Perhaps you’ve heard this. Evidently a place in Black Africa known as Uganda has recently criminalized the repugnant behavior making it a capital offense. And this, naturally, is the business to be minded by every American politician and celebrity—especially the virtuous White ones. This is what he wrote:

“This Uganda law is horrific & wrong. Any law criminalizing homosexuality or imposing the death penalty for ‘aggravated homosexuality’ is grotesque & an abomination. ALL civilized nations should join together in condemning this human rights abuse.”

—Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) May 29, 2023

And there you have it. The “Law” has once again spoken. Ted, a lawyer, a crypto-jew, and a self-proclaimed ‘law-giver’, has declared that the actual ABOMINATION is not the grotesque act itself, or the sin of homosexuality in general, but rather any LAW which prohibits the sin… Amazingly inverting God’s statutes and judgements (Leviticus 18:22, 20:13; Deuteronomy 22:5; Romans 1, etc.). They both can’t be right. Either God, or Ted is a lawbreaker. And what do we do with lawbreakers?

If Christ is Truth Personified—the Transcendent Lawgiver—then all who disobey and disannul His Law are lawbreakers, including every judge, lawyer, prosecutor, sheriff, mayor, and any politician of any breed. A lawbreaker having power is a tyrant. “Christian” Senator, and satanic synagoguer, Ted Cruz, has declared Jesus Christ a tyrant. Likewise has every other agent of the State who annuls God’s Law with their “tradition” (Mark 7:1-13).

What is the Christian’s proper response to lawbreakers and tyrants?

Render unto them their dues, obviously. (That’s tongue-in-cheek. Christ, of course, never told his followers to render unto Caesar 29% of your paycheck, or anything else for that matter). Feigning obedience may be a matter of self-preservation in the moment, but these must all be brought into alignment with Christ’s authority at some point. Lawbreakers must be brought to task. Our Acts 17 passage comes in handy here:

“…and these all do contrary to the decrees of Caesar, saying that there is another king, one Jesus. And they troubled the people and the rulers of the city, when they heard these things.”

Our allegiance to Christ alone ought to trouble the rulers. And not in such a way that we are January-sixed, but rather through living by example in like-minded communities so that we can stand together, instead of being picked off one by one. In such a way godly men can encourage one another, and likewise godly women; the children witnessing this righteous behavior will experience a life of liberty so they can ultimately distinguish it from servitude. The fact is, children today were born into a state of slavery and absolute surveillance in a culture of conformity and passivity, and they’ve never known anything else. And never will, except for the efforts of the very few parents who are willing to risk everything, and sometimes lose everything, to be consigned to the caste of conspiratorialists and trouble-makers. And I’m content to be among them, even if my personal efforts have failed. Anywise, I’m in good company…

But Jesus, said unto them, A prophet is not without honour, but in his own country, and among his own kin, and in his own house (Mark 6:4)

The preacher said in Ecclesiastes 3, that God has made everything beautiful in His time.

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted…

When it comes time for a nation—or a family—to be plucked up, we must settle it amongst ourselves that we will yet do the will of the Father. And to remember why we are here in the first place—how we got here, and where we are going. There is a transcendent beauty in that.

My understanding has grown much in the last year or two. But I’m not here to blow rainbow-colored smoke up anyone’s tailpipe—it came with the usual amount of despair and actual loss. I also see what’s going on around us. I’m not blind to the end game we’ve irreversibly entered (as the so-called “Indispensable Nation” is unceremoniously disposed of). But I was born here. At the right time, too. And I remember things as they still were before they fell apart. It seems, though, as a nation we’ve been weighed in the balance, and found wanting. And for some of us, the writing on the wall is clear, and the interpretation clear: Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin. We’ve had our trial, which perhaps began back in the 1960’s. All of the evidence has been submitted, all testimony has been heard, concluding statements have been made, and the bailiff has ushered us all out of the courtroom. We await the Order. I take no comfort in knowing there is “a time to lose,” and what we’ve lost, and in how the “national assets” must be divided up in the “equitable distribution” when our Final Judgment is handed down. The Judge of the World does not make “reversible error” and He has no appellate court. He may render His verdict without warning to the wicked, unlike “righteous Lot”, who was at least afforded an escape. When you think about it, though, the account of Lot really isn’t a good story. In fact, there are few stories in the Bible with happy endings—at least in this world. Aren’t we all just wanderers here? Always “coming out” from one place or situation, and journeying to another?

Let us go forth therefore unto him without the camp, bearing his reproach. For here have we no continuing city, but we seek one to come.” (Heb 11)

A frenemy of mine recently told a judge that I was wicked and deserving of being dispossessed of all I had, being fundamentally unfit for society’s blessings and protections… because, as she reproachfully put it, I was “against our government”. I thought it was most unfortunate that she made that statement, as that word…“our”…must now be answered for (Matt 12:36). All of the children of pride have their king, of course. Meanwhile, my noted lack of fealty to their god honors our King. And for that, I am thankful.

Leviathan, like king Ozymandias, will be overthrown, and all they who trusted in that false god will render account to the True God, on their way to their final destination…“And THEN, they shall know that I am the Lord”.

But our Father would not have told us to “come out of her, my people” if there was no coming out. Whether it was ever true that we can “never leave” the Hotel California, it’s certainly the case that the Hotel can—and will—leave us. We are ever reminded of the faith of those who went before us, who “went out from among them” not knowing where they should go. And yet, “through faith we understand” (Heb 11:3). We, who are presently in the wilderness of this world—the “weak things”—are left to that faith. We inhabit it. It is where “we live, and move, and have our being”.

And he said unto them, Verily I say unto you, There is no man that hath left house, or parents, or brethren, or wife, or children, for the kingdom of God's sake, Who shall not receive manifold more in this present time, and in the world to come life everlasting.” (Luke 18)

I hope we all believe this.

There will be a transfer of power and assets in a future time and place—for each of us. The wanderers will find their rest at last and God will reward His frenemies. And mine. And yours. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth galore.

Thou brakest the heads of leviathan in pieces, and gavest him to be meat to the people inhabiting the wilderness. (Psalm 74:14)


2/18/2022 - Subject: Heads Will Roll (Printed Version)


Whoso keepeth the commandment shall feel no evil thing: and a wise man's heart discerneth both time and judgment. Because to every purpose there is time and judgment, therefore the misery of man is great upon him. For he knoweth not that which shall be: for who can tell him when it shall be?

There is no man that hath power over the spirit to retain the spirit; neither hath he power in the day of death: and there is no discharge in that war; neither shall wickedness deliver those that are given to it. All this have I seen, and applied my heart unto every work that is done under the sun: there is a time wherein one man ruleth over another to his own hurt. (Ecclesiastes 8)

Human history began with an act of disobedience. It must end, for each one of us, in an act of obedience, else it will end in final destruction “in the day of death”…

The conquest of New Spain (known to the locals as “Mexico”) was perhaps the most brazen and valiant of conquests of a vast empire by a small band of explorers known to modern man. Remarkable for its boldness and sheer military brilliance, it is also a history for which we have this remarkable primary source—the firsthand account, written by one of Cortez’s soldiers—and preserved in a unique time when lies and liars were hardly tolerated. Unlike our degenerate age of privilege and grift, men (and women) of that era were used to suffering and depravation, and perils of life were common fare. Yet this effort was herculean, even for them, and the results of which literally reshaped the New World in the image of Western Civilization.

When Hernan Cortez initially arrived on the Yucatan coast of New Spain in 1519 with 600 soldiers and 16 horses, he had no idea he was conquering an empire, or of the opulence and magnitude of the civilization he was about to overturn. But by the time his expedition was ready to march to Mexico he’d realized the impossible odds that lay before them. In fact, he narrowly put down a mutinous faction who saw the futility of continuing any further. Cortez was having none of it. The expedition would proceed. Too much was already invested and too much was at stake. If they turned back now, they’d never be able to come ashore again—the Indians now being made aware of their purposes would violently repel any future landing. The only path now was forward. Yet, failure, he would soon learn, meant certain, torturous death for all of them; their mortal lives ending as an excretion of cannibals. Therefore, in order to remove any hope of retreat, he burned the ships.

There is a parallel to this story in our day, if you're wise enough to discern the times.

This planned “global pandemic” and the subsequent, and inevitable, vax campaign is looking more and more like a war crime. But there are more crimes lurking—waiting to be manifested. As the former seem to be fading into the underbrush, I think we are about to witness the latter explode onto the scene. And I mean to say that the vax war only seems to be fading, as it is an illusion. As Sun Tzu told us, “war is trickery.”

People tend to think that a war crime is something that spontaneously “happens” during a time of extreme stress in battle, but this is usually not the case. Rather, war crimes are atrocities committed intentionally, which leaders find necessary to keep a low morale army together. Sometimes unwittingly, soldiers are drawn into participating in such horrors that they can never desert or give up. Because this would lead to answering for their crimes… They either win together or die together.

We saw something of this alluded to in the Epstein affair. And with “pizza gate” and all of that sordid horror, for which Clinton the Lessor confessed (even as it was just part of the game-show) that if the “Other Guy” and his “deplorables” were to win, “they’d all be swinging from lamp posts”. Of course, everyone now knows the Other Guy was in on it from the get-go, and his deplorables were all harmless rubes, finally thrown under the bus at the end...

What has happened in the last two years was merely an extension of a greater agenda—a planned battle in a long war. But the commitment to the cause has now led the conspirators to a point of no return.

This will make the vax war ugly. There is no longer any chance that millions of angry and harmed people—many devastated economically—will just forgive and forget. Therefore, the aggressors cannot fail. Like death, as the preacher said, “there is no discharge in that war.” So every bloody-handed leader, every globalist co-conspirator, and every last vaxxer must fight to achieve the objective, regardless of the casualties or the optics. They are all in now—and they are all in it together.

This explains the massive censorship and overt lying… That regular folks who are at wits-end with the lawless and arbitrary “mandates” and the draconian divide-and-conquer measures, and who have assembled in common protest against their alleged government are now being called terrorists (albeit predictably) is the mother of all gas-lightings. Of course, this absurd accusation betrays all logic and reason but now these mendacious dogs know that the people know and they don’t care anymore.

The goal, remember, is nothing less than the complete dismantling of our present civilization, to be replaced with a global Slave Grid. And they can almost see the finish line now.

As such, in the land of Canada, their fearless leader has now declared a state of war on his countrymen—whom he calls “citizens”—subjects of the ship of State he pretends to captain... And now dubbed “domestic terrorists” on top of it all. By decree, anyone continuing to protest the wickedness of Trudeau’s government will henceforth be subject to the confiscation of their property, their vehicles, their bank accounts, and even their children. Their travels will now be restricted and they will face the threat of imprisonment, should they obstinately decide not to give up and “go home”.

Reporting on the newly effective decrees, here is what the AP News had to say:

This unlawful activity has to end and it will end,” Trudeau warned just hours earlier. “We heard you. It’s time to go home now,” the prime minister said, cautioning that “everything is on the table” for ending the blockades.

“There will be consequences for these actions, and they will be severe,” Ford said. “This is a pivotal, pivotal moment for our nation.”

Ah, but Father Justin said he understands the protesters are frustrated by the pandemic… but “these blockades are hurting [their fellow Canadians]”. You see, it’s the refusniks and misfits who just wish to live their lives unmolested and with their bodily autonomy intact who are hurting people… Moreover, thanks for coming out to the capital to see us… “we heard you, now it’s time to go back to your sorry lives”. Some of those he speaks to will not forgive that magnitude of contempt; not in this life, nor the life to come.

As one protest speaker apparently put it during a rally on February 15th, “the peacefully protesting truckers affected by violent government overreach will go home, collect their tools and come right back; the government goons will shortly find themselves facing an angry, armed populace that outnumbers them 10, 20, 50 to one…”

While I find this to be an unlikely scenario, things do have a tendency to go sideways fast and quite unexpectedly. In any case, in learning the art of negotiation such a clown as Trudeau never got past the finger painting stage, so there will be none of that. But his handlers surely knew his limitations pre-game, which was obviously a condition of his employment. When the Phoenicians groomed and installed a bastard son of two wicked people into a position of power over a large nation just north of us, they knew the endgame. And I think we’ve arrived.

On the other hand, one shouldn’t underestimate the foresight and planning these people are capable of. Many have seemingly forgotten about the Gun Confiscation by Order-in-Council from May 2020. Therein, by diktat—and not legislation (which is how it’s done now)—Canadians are ordered to turn in their legally owned firearms, now considered illegal… namely, all AR-15 style rifles, “pistols” and their associated parts and accoutrements. Accordingly, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police have the following announcement on their website:

“under the Criminal Code, a letter was recently sent out to individuals/businesses to inform them that their previously registered restricted firearms are now prohibited and their registration certificates became nullified.”

Graciously, the Canadian government has permitted a period of “amnesty” wherein the citizens in possession of said contraband weapons have time to consider their choices while the agency decides how it will proceed with the confiscations, aka “mandatory buy-backs”… Thereafter the Order, in effect, makes criminals of an estimated 500,000 people. The amnesty ends on April 30th, 2022.

The State giveth, and the State taketh away. Moreover, I highly doubt this timing is coincidental to the events at hand.

Do yourself a favor and read that Confiscation Notice linked above. It is a harbinger of things to come here. How will you react? Decide now.

As matters unfold in the North, we should expect certain things. First, the vax war will converge with the disarmament war, which will converge with the war against anonymous money (e.g., cash). That is, the bankers will do as they’ve always done and finance and foment wars against the population by way of deception. The lies will now grow to gargantuan proportions—on purpose—to cause maximum mental distress among the non-believers, and to force them to act under pressure and frustration. Nobody will believe them, but that will be the very point. Those who previously swallowed the bait, along with the hook—triple-vaxxed, unarmed, digitally lobotomized; many having sacrificed their own children (or soon will)—are now caught and have as their only salvation to continue with the charade by demonizing their neighbors as “terrorists” and doubling down on the war crimes with which they were complicit. There is no way out for them except in the elimination (by imprisonment or death) of their refusnik countrymen, who simply will not comply… Peaceful separation (which would be desirable) is not in the cards, which is why sock puppets like Trudeau and President Brandon were set up in the first place—to carry this war to its inevitable conclusion. The globalist cabal and their many little helpers (see here) have now set things in motion that must proceed along their planned trajectory or all is lost for them.

It cannot be left to chance that a significant, united, autonomous, and armed minority will just shut down their game by simply parking in the road and honking air horns. When a tipping point of grown men have decided that they’ve had enough of being treated like slow children, and abused by lying dogs their entire lives, who have now decided to bring down the roof of society on their heads as they escape out the back door, I think we may finally see the employment of some heavy equipment. These men have it in the form of semi rigs, trailers, tractors, heavy trucks and the will to shut borders and clog cities in a siege proper. In such a case, as food and supplies run out, the only option left will be violent, forced expulsion enacted by the governors, which will become a self-fulfilling prophecy as these men do in fact “go home, collect their tools, and come right back.” At such a time, as so many of them will have been declared de facto criminals, terrorists, and outlaw gun-runners—cut off from their livelihood, shut out of the financial system, and with nothing left to lose—they will find themselves desperate enough (finally) to do what needs to be done. Like the Aztecs in that final, epic battle for Mexico City, they will be throwing heads back at the Spaniards from the cliffs.

Well, that’s my pipe dream. (In this case the metaphor has flipped and I’m rooting for the Mexicans).

But, I am also certain this is exactly what is intended with the riot-act handed down by the Canuck megalomaniac acting at the helm. Forcing the hand of the truckers by sending in troops to dispatch them while contemptuously telling them, like Marie-Antoinette, to let them eat cake at home, Trudeau is effectively burning the ships. All at once he leaves himself, and his country, no choice but to follow it out to the bitter end.

And just as their enemies cannot walk this back now, the Canadian refusniks cannot afford to back down. It must be a potential fight to the death. For that is surely what is on the table, to be served up righteously for one side or the other.


“Man has continued to evolve by acts of disobedience … there were men who dared to say no to the powers that be in the name of their conscience or their faith, but also intellectual development was dependent on the capacity for being disobedient to authorities who tried to muzzle new thoughts…If the capacity for disobedience constituted the beginning of human history, obedience might very well, as I have said, cause the end of human history. I am not speaking symbolically or poetically….” (Erich Fromm, On disobedience)

1/23/2022 - Subject: Crime and Punishment (Printed Version)


If a thief be found breaking up, and be smitten that he die, there shall no blood be shed for him. If the sun be risen upon him, there shall be blood shed for him; for he should make full restitution; if he have nothing, then he shall be sold for his theft.—Exodus 22:2-3

You can’t kill a man because he stole from you (there’s a caveat—we’ll get to it). God has very clear legal remedies for the victims of thieves in His Law-Word. Namely, restitution. Sending someone to “prison” is not in any way biblical, by the way.

However, the use of deadly force in preventing a “thief breaking in” is not only allowed, but often times unavoidable. But we need to be very clear on what that means—and more importantly, what it doesn’t mean.

First let me begin by saying we are in no way to be pacifists, who deny the Biblical mandate (which it is) of self-preservation… that is, self-defense. Nor do I deny the judgements of God—some of which require the forfeiture of life. Even in our New Covenant Age.

I recently heard a man preaching on self-defense, and he used this passage of scripture in Exodus to make a point. But as is the custom of churchmen, he confuses the issue and misapplies the scripture. All my life I’ve heard them make this passage say something it does not say. I hope to clear that up today.

This man is usually quite on the level with his pro-nomian views, so I was quite surprised to hear him say in the midst of his exegesis of the passage, and I quote, “God says, if a man is breaking into your house at night, just shoot him”. Moreover, said this preacher, if he’s even on your property—“in a barn”—you ought to go ahead and open fire... Why? Because it’s night, and there’s no way to know what he was up to. So help me, that was his reasoning.

You see, he interprets the passage in the same way most do, that IF you are being burglarized at night, you can and should start blasting with the blunderbuss, but IF it happens in the day time, well, presumably you should just call the police or something. Because, I guess, we don’t have electric lights inside and out at the touch of a switch, and 1,000 lumen LED flashlights, and night-vision goggles, and locked doors and windows—and for the life of us, there is no way on earth to know what is happening in the dark of night, nor to protect against it.

Friends, if a person or persons are “on your property” and it’s night, “and you don’t know what they’re doing”, that’s exactly why you wouldn’t go out with guns a-blazing. Didn’t his dad teach him that you don’t shoot at what you can’t see or identify? I believe that’s gun safety 101. Right after ‘always treat a gun as loaded, and don’t point a weapon at anyone you don’t intend to shoot’. I wonder if this man knows how many times someone has been killed by accident because he or she was misidentified in the dark, or their actions were misconstrued… Someone—a neighbor—comes into the wrong house by mistake; a stupid teenager sneaking back in at night; or simply another house member has woken up and went outside for some reason and is heard coming in through the back door…and subsequently blasted without warning. These tragedies happen quite often. And that is simply asinine advice, typical of the Fundamental-Independent-Baptist-type preacher who’s always packing heat, day or night, just looking for the opportunity to cap someone for an indiscretion.

Speaking of which, when I used to live in the Far North there were quite a few of these types of “churches” with the aforementioned pastor-types, always mindful of the shepherding of their little flocks—or the protection of their “Stuff”. One such man, a portly and no-nonsense fellow, who had a small church-house (as they were called) in one of the outlying areas, also had a sort of ‘food bank’ ministry. This was well known in the community. The ‘pastor’ was the Final Scrutinator for who got what when it came time to divvy out the previously devoted bread. A known sinner need not get in the line. Which is fine, so far as it goes...

One cold and snowy night, the heat-packing shepherd was out checking on his “storehouse” as he’d heard a noise in the dark. He’d discovered a back door jimmied open and that someone had been into the food stash and was making off with some un-scrutinized, donated bread. It was two men (and possibly a woman), if I remember correctly, and evidently they’d heard the master of the house coming in and had made a break for it out the back. They had dropped their loaves and were running out into the night and this man gave chase, shooting them both in the back with his .44 magnum. One was killed dead on the spot, and the other made it to his beat-up truck, trying to get away and apparently bled out and died shortly thereafter. This churchman then tried to claim it was self-defense, although neither of the men were armed, nor threatened him, and as far as he knew, they’d only made off with some food and were in retreat, but he thought—like the preacher whose message I heard—that “iffin someone’s in your yard at night, you ought to just shoot ‘em”. Because that’s what the Bible says.

Well, if you’ve not heard before, let me be the first to tell you: That is not what the Bible says.

In a moment, we will see what that passage of scripture actually teaches…

But first, I’m going to go and contradict myself. Well, not entirely.

If we have a duty to protect life and property (and I will show that we do), then we must use whatever means we can to do it—within the context of God’s Law. Lex talionis is the “Law of Retribution” which is the concept that the punishment must fit the crime. Because God is righteous and just, so must be His Law. In order to stop a man from robbing you (or someone else), or even to stop him from attempting to kill another does not necessarily require the use of deadly force. That is what the State does. In their world, all engagement with a “civilian” is open to immediate lethal force, regardless of the crime suspected or the actual nature of the threat to the State Enforcer. If an agent merely “feels threatened” he may begin executing the “perp” with impunity. And they are not taught to “shoot to wound” but to kill, in all situations.

But for ye it shall not be so…” As Jesus told His disciples in speaking of the Roman State and the exercise of their so-called authority. Therein He outlaid the Prime Directive for His servants in how they were to conduct the government of the assemblies (ecclesias).

Before we continue, let’s see if in fact we, as Christians, ARE required to protect life and property… Exodus 20... That should suffice. But further reading is recommended here—especially to understand the duty we each have as protectors of ourselves and our neighbors. In fact, this duty even applies to the life (and property) of an enemy’s, which we are to save, if at all means possible, upon seeing it in jeopardy (Exodus 23:4-5).

However, in our lawful use of force to defend persons or property, we must be much more discerning and disciplined than the Roman soldier or the average cop. We must use the least amount of force necessary to stop the threat. Part of that discernment is in making a distinction between treating a crime in commission versus a crime that seems imminent to be committed. In other words, stopping someone from threatening an attack or robbing you would require a more reserved use of force than in stopping someone actually in the commission of doing it. In the former, you may only need to brandish a weapon, whereas in the latter, where life is in immediate jeopardy, unloading the magazine into the attacker may be justified. Especially if the attacker is engaged in a capital crime, such as attempting to murder, rape or kidnap someone. At that point, they’ve forfeited their right to life anyway.

Someone caught red-handed with your TV under his arm, or a loaf of bread, and running away does not deserve the same response as someone running off with your toddler whom he just stole out of her crib. For one thing, the mere thief is not a lethal threat to you, nor has he done anything worthy of death, and—this is crucial to our main point—you are no longer acting to prevent the crime, but now are acting in retaliation. In the case of the kidnapped baby, of course, the man-stealer must be stopped at all costs, and with prejudice.

The text in Exodus which we’ve used to set this case up establishes a very important principle. And it is in essence very simple: “Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord”. We are only to take vengeance when God has clearly established our duty to take it. Otherwise, in all other cases, it belongs to Him. And that can indeed be harder to parse, but oftentimes things are pretty cut and dried.

Before Moses gave the Old Covenant to Israel, there already existed a law against murder. We recall from Genesis, as God commanded Noah:

Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man.”

This was part of the Noahic Covenant which God made with him and his sons. The Moral Law of God had been handed down to Noah and passed down to his descendants… And “Abraham obeyed my voice, and kept my charge, my commandments, my statutes, and my laws…”(Genesis 26:5). He knew them before Moses. And Moses himself knew them before he was even given the Law at Sinai, as we see in Exodus 18. There Moses sat “from morning till evening” while the people came to him with disputes:

When they have a matter, they come unto me; and I judge between one and another, and I do make them know the statutes of God, and his laws.”

Again, that was before Sinai. Before they were codified and written with the finger of God.

So we’ve established that Yahweh has always expected His people to obey His statutes. This has not changed in the New Covenant. We have been commanded to disallow the shedding of blood (murder) by being given the sanction of death for the murderer. No exceptions (Deuteronomy 19:13, Exodus 21:12-17, Numbers 35:31). In Numbers 35, we are told the consequences of not keeping this statute:

So ye shall not pollute the land wherein ye are: for blood it defileth the land: and the land cannot be cleansed of the blood that is shed therein, but by the blood of him that shed it.” (verse 33)

Our land is polluted and defiled in a large part because we have permitted shedders of blood to walk free. Occasionally they are imprisoned for a short time, but almost always are given back their liberty to do it again, if they choose, and they usually do. See the story in the link for a particularly egregious example. There is no repentance, nor fear of retribution from the victim’s family, nor from society at large. The punishment meted out is frequently desired by the murderer to gain street-cred. Often, prison life is just an extension of their former barbarous existence in the hood anyway, but with free food, cable TV and better digs in general.

The killer’s fambly in court ensuring his sentence isn’t overly harsh

Do we really understand that the land cannot be cleansed of the oceans of blood that have been shed therein because our countrymen have failed to obey God’s Laws for generations now? Remember, here in America we’re up to 63 million infanticides now at the hands of “medical practitioners” since it was “legalized”… But who’s keeping count? Well, Yahweh is.

But back to our discussion. God has commanded us to take vengeance on the shedders of blood, it is true. He has made no provision for prisons in any case, but requires restitution for crimes of property and personal injury. The restitution is to go to the victim, not to the State. But we, as Christians, are not to take personal vengeance on our enemies. Nor are we to presume to avenge criminal wrong-doings against us, on our own accord and by our own judgement—in the way that that pastor did. This means that we must abide by God’s Law in all cases and must be exceedingly careful in seeking justice on our ownafter the fact[1]. Psalm 149 gives us another interesting perspective, but some guidance here is important. We’ll let Peter demonstrate that for us in a moment.

Taken as a whole, I believe all of the above adequately demonstrates the meaning of our (seemingly ambiguous) text in Exodus 22. Let’s read it again in another version:

If in the place of breaking in, the thief be found and is smitten so that he dieth, there is due for him no shedding of blood: should the sun have risen upon him, there would be due shedding of blood for him, he is surely to make restitution…” (Rotherham’s Emphasized)

That rendering should make it clearer. The phrase, “breaking in” is the Hebrew, maḥtereṯ. It is used twice in the Bible. It means here, plainly, a burglary—caught in the act. The second time is in Jeremiah 2:34, wherein it is used in the negative sense of ‘not in the act of breaking in’—or done in secret. The word has nothing to do with it being in the day or at night. This meaning is simply being read into the passage.

The NIV goes so far as falsely inserting the phrase after the word (which is not in the text):

If a thief is caught breaking in at night…”

Whether the translator’s method here was intentional—so as to mislead—or just following the common erroneous rendering, I can’t say. But it’s still a lie.

The fact is, most “breaking in” is done at night. For obvious reasons. Perhaps, the Scripture presumes that all burglaries happen at night, just as a general statement. Jesus made reference to this in Revelation 16:15, speaking of His coming in judgement as being unexpected upon the wicked. As in, ‘while they slept’…

Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth…”

Likewise, do both Peter and Paul reference Christ’s coming as a surprise—the wicked being caught in the act, as it were:

For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night…”

Jesus Himself alluded to the nature of thieves working in the night when the soldiers came to arrest Him in the darkened garden of Gethsemane:

And Jesus answered and said unto them, Are ye come out, as against a thief, with swords and with staves to take me?”

Recognizing that if a thief is caught in the act, men would naturally and rightfully respond with weaponry to thwart it…

The text in Exodus therefore is not instructing us to NOT protect our property or defend against a thief “breaking up” with weapons or the use of force—in the daytime. Rather, it is presuming that the thief works at night, and therefore the act would be caught at night, and it follows that IF in the process of thwarting the burglar in the act, the thief is injured or killed, this is not to be considered a murder accountable to the victim. It has simply nothing to do with the time of day.

Contrarily, the phrase, “but if the sun be risen upon him” implies that the thief was caught after the fact—that is, the next day. In such an event, the victim would have no warrant in using deadly force against him, as the deed was done. At that point, the thief is subject to the proper response as found in the remainder of the text:

“…for he should make full restitution; if he have nothing, then he shall be sold for his theft.” (Exodus 22:3)

That is God’s prescription for thieves—not being gunned down in the street when found, or shot in the back after retreating. Plainly, as the text says, killing a thief in retaliation is murder.

ALL of these laws regarding crime and punishment have been abrogated in our society. It’s no wonder we are reaping what we’ve sown as a people, and as a nation. It’s not helping that churchmen are preaching a form of lawlessness either. We as Kingdom believers need to understand properly how to live and walk in righteousness and the proper application of justice. We cannot take the common stance of the “church” on anything or presume they’ve got it right—especially on issues of life or death. We must know these things ourselves, and become confident in them—so that we may ultimately become competent in applying them.

We are not to be pacifists or to let the wicked walk upon us and simply take from us what they want. But nor can we change the world by force of arms. We are currently outmanned and outgunned. Some things are not wise or timely, and in any case, we’re not going to blast our way into the Kingdom. Yet, Jesus told His disciples at that last night before He was to be taken from them to “sell your garment and buy a sword” if they did not have one. He didn’t mean this as merely a show of force either, but told them that previously He’d been physically with them and they were fully under His protection and care… as little children. But henceforth, they would need to learn to be adult Christians—able to fend for themselves and care for one another.

And they said, Lord, behold, here are two swords. And he said unto them, It is enough…

Evidently Peter took the lead and fastened one on his belt. And their first object lesson of Christ’s command was in Peter’s foolish use of his sword later in the Garden against the mob that had come to take Christ. Jesus then rebuked him for his misapplication of it—‘there’s a time and a place, Peter…this ain’t it.’

The cup which my Father hath given me, shall I not drink it?”

Afterwards, they would understand. And He simply told Peter to put it back into its sheath. He would undoubtedly have plenty occasion to use it later.

I say all this to bring us to remembrance that our King has given us our instructions, fully. They are still valid and in effect, and are to be found in the Scriptures, rather than the pulpits. Especially in our days. If we are careful to study them (unlearning the errors we have been taught), we will be prepared to apply them properly, and to become sure of ourselves that we are indeed following orders—and those of the Righteous Potentate, rather than the posers and their unrighteous commands. And it’s not always easy—because sometimes, on certain rare occasions, there’s a very fine line between them.

[1] For the record, while I think it unwise what Gary Plauché did in taking out the trash that day in 1984, I don’t condemn him for it. However, Biblical Law would have required him to pay restitution for the carpet he ruined in the airport foyer.

1/17/2022 - Subject: History's Actors (Printed Version)


Now when they were going, behold, some of the watch came into the city, and shewed unto the chief priests all the things that were done. And when they were assembled with the elders, and had taken counsel, they gave large money unto the soldiers, Saying, Say ye, His disciples came by night, and stole him away while we slept. And if this come to the governor's ears, we will persuade him, and secure you. So they took the money, and did as they were taught: and this saying is commonly reported among the Jews until this day. (Matt 28:11-15)

All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players…” (Shakespeare)

O wicked imagination, whence camest thou in to cover the earth with deceit?” (Ecclesiasticus 37:3)

What do we know about history? What do we really know for certain? Well, outside of the preserved Word of God, we know our own history (beyond a certain age). We know what our parents told us about theirs—and perhaps our grandparents… but that’s about it. Everything else is just hearsay.

A number of times in past articles I’ve quoted political demon and former deputy chief of staff, Karl Rove’s notorious and cryptic statement that he and his cohorts “were history’s actors,” who were engaged in “creating realities”. I’ll leave it to you to read it if you haven’t yet. For one thing, I don’t think we’ve ever let that fully sink in. But I want to focus now on who is the “they” and what, perhaps, are their motives.

For any mediocre student of history, it can’t be denied that there are certain players behind the scenes that have seemingly moved all the pieces on the board by way of magnets under the table. By their great power and wealth, they’ve controlled circumstances, kings, presidents, wars and their outcomes… This power they accumulated over generations through intermarriage, the transference of property and concentration of wealth, and by and by, the complete political dominion of the nations they resided in. Eventually, nation-states and their borders became superfluous as they became—as they call it—“global”. Today, such distinctions as political and economic divisions are passé and only for the plebes to believe in and bicker about.

Take for example international banking. We like to fixate on that “Creature from Jekyll Island”, the Federal Reserve, which begot the U.S. hegemony of the dollar as the “world reserve currency”. And that’s what they want us to do. It’s hardly relevant, however. The real global banking headquarters is not the Board of Governors in Washington, but inside of an oddly out-of-place building in the sleepy town of Basel, Switzerland. Read this article about the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) to get the bigger picture. Perhaps it could be more accurately described as the back room of the back room, through the “Employees Only” door of the International Monetary Fund… The smoking lounge of the Actors Guild.

Basically, it’s an elite Club of bankers whose beginnings go back to 1930. (Actually, long before that, but that would be a whole ‘nother article). However, a careful look at why this was done and the ramifications of it in what we now know as 20th century “history” would be very instructive… Unfortunately, this would require a number of longer articles to follow the bread crumbs, but suffice it to say, it’s worth your time to look at the clues therein. As a further aside here for the clue-hunters and rabbit-hole spelunkers, this passage is from the Wiki article on the BIS:

“Between 1933 and 1945 the BIS board of directors included Walther Funk, a prominent Nazi official, and Emil Puhl responsible for processing dental gold looted from concentration camp victims, as well as Hermann Schmitz, the director of IG Farben, and Baron von Schroeder, the owner of the J.H. Stein Bank, all of whom were later convicted of war crimes or crimes against humanity.”

Now that’s a ridiculous statement, but it’s in there to throw you off the scent. However, the highlighted names all share something in common. Let’s just say they are “family”. I’ll give you another hint… Here is a picture of Walther Funk:

Walther Funk

You’ll see from his name that he was somehow a “Jewish Nazi”, whose tenure lasted the entire war. Does that make sense? You probably don’t know this yet, but the whole “Third Reich”—the whole story, from top to bottom—was an Op. It was concocted. Most of the actors involved—and that is exactly what they were—have pretended to be on the opposite side of the team. Their purpose, I hope you will eventually see, had something to do with the formation of a certain state over in the old land of Palestine... That is to say, Nazism = Zionism. I’ll just leave that lying there for now.

You see, Karl left us a big clue when he told us they not only influenced history, but they actually were engaged in “creating reality” out of whole cloth. He wasn’t just vocalizing out of his hind-parts.

Interpreting history is not easy. In fact, it’s very difficult. We’re missing a lot of information, and moreover, we’ve been fed a great deal of disinformation. Some cunning and manipulative people have invented large swatches of history as pure propaganda for reasons that should become evident. And that’s not to say that the history itself was cunning, or that the story was particularly creative or believable, because mostly it is not. It’s rather ridiculous when you really consider it. So let’s consider a few things…

How much do you know about the great German Revolution at the end of World War I? Never heard of it? Maybe there’s a reason for that. And it may be because it wasn’t even invented until rather recently.

The bigger question is, was there a revolution in Germany in 1918 that created the Weimar Republic (which ultimately collapsed and gave way to the Nazis and the Third Reich) or no? Well, because nobody alive today has any actual memory of it, Wikipedia has produced a long rambling article about this very strange event, concluding, amazingly, that “The Revolution of 1918/19 is one of the most important events in the modern history of Germany”, yet to this very day, nobody knows what actually occurred, (or if it even did)… I added that last bit in the parenthesis. Does that statement seem at all congruent to you? Well, let’s try and follow along a little further.

Quoted in that Wiki article is this curious statement from an eyewitness to the events, an historian and journalist, who wrote 50 years later:

It is often said that a true revolution in Germany in 1918 never took place. All that really happened was a breakdown. It was only the temporary weakness of the police and army in the moment of military defeat which let a mutiny of sailors appear as a revolution.

Like our own “January 6 Insurrection”, right?

Buffalo Man

Another fake event, a veritable clown act, conjured for the sole purpose of molding the silly-putty of the American public mind. And probably for the same intended outcome. Those of us with real memories of that day—and it’s only been a year now—will always know the absurdity of the “Insurrection”, but rest assured that is how it will be told in every school textbook, on Google and Wikipedia until everyone living believes it.

But back to the German Revolution that never happened. Recall, it was this revolution which supposedly created Adolph Hitler and the whole Nazi party, which allegedly caused all of World War II. That story begins with another staged event known as the “Beer Hall Putsch”—the failed coup of Adolph Hitler in 1923. Or so we’re told.

And like the events of 9/11, we know that something happened in November 1918, but what we are told makes absolutely no sense. The story goes as follows… It is the end of the Great War and everyone is expecting the epic naval battle between Germany and England to imminently take place as scripted. And then, it suddenly doesn’t. Instead, a tiny group of German sailors mutinies on Halloween night, a national revolution of “the workers” then spontaneously ensues (with no leaders named, ever), a “new government” is formed, and within a week, the Monarch Kaiser Wilhelm abdicates and flees the country…in the middle of a war (?) The whole inexplicable thing happens in a matter of days, and the German War Machine simply evaporates in place… Seriously, that’s the tale we’re told. Remarkably too, the “mutineers” that supposedly spearheaded the revolution “gave up and were led away without resistance”! You may think that how a quashed mutiny somehow managed to lead a national revolt which ended with the removal of the monarchy—and the War—is given at least some attempt at an explanation. You’d be wrong. Neither at Wiki, or History.com, or anywhere else is it ever accounted for. And I’ll spare you here, but reading on in the “history”, the absurdities are piled on higher and wider. Taken as a whole, the details of this event as told are absolute nonsense. Just like buffalo-man and the D.C. Insurrection.

The narrative they’ve given us of the so-called World Wars, like the moon landings, when scrutinized becomes preposterous in fantastical proportions. In fact, lest you think this is all satire, I highly suggest you read the play-by-play breakdown of these fictions neatly contained in this article by the infamous researcher, Miles Mathis, here. Therein you will see the absurd rise of the actor, Hitler, explained and revealed in all its glory by way of digesting the entire buffet of Wiki articles in the hallowed halls of the Ministry of Truth in one sitting… a service he provides for free, so we don’t have to.

Before we move on from this subject, I’d be remiss in not at least showing you a glance of the bigger picture of this manufactured war. Because it wasn’t long after Hitler (real name, Hiller) supposedly conquered France in just 5 days, when they supposedly drove their tanks through a forest in Belgium, surprising and discombobulating the entire French army which simply laid down and quit, that the British belatedly decided to defend themselves and their European neighbors—by attacking their French ally’s navy in the senseless Battle of Mers-el-Kebir.

There, in Act Two of the war, we find the British entering the stage. Their first order of business was bombing their own people in London pretending it was a German-led raid, later written down in history books as “the Battle of Britain”. A peculiar detail of this is found in a fascinating article published last September exploring the thesis that George Orwell wrote 1984 as an allegorical cover for the fakeries that he knew were going on during the war…in particular that the Battle of Britain was primarily the result of the British government shelling its own citizens, as meticulously outlaid in this book.

Like most false flags, people were certainly killed during the bombings of England and the “blitzes”, but these were collateral damage and not the intention. The Germans, for their part in the scene, even agreed to put a smallish hole in Buckingham palace with one bombing raid just so the Queen could make the point to the working classes (whose ghettos had earlier been destroyed to ‘build back better’) that “we’re all in this together”. Sound familiar?

Unironically, that article concludes with the following revelation about the novel:

Winston Churchill is Big Brother – or rather, the symbol that Churchill represents is the same one as does Big Brother. Whether intended by Orwell or not, this is a huge joke on millions of enormously duped Churchill-venerating Britons...

Like all jokes on us, they’re generally not funny. We as trusting and gullible people are easily and constantly fooled by Lucy and her football, and even as the pain sets in for falling for it over and over again, Westerners (and nominal Christians) are led deeper into the deceptions of their Handlers.

We want to know who the Handlers are. Who are history’s actors, and who is writing the ridiculous script? Cui bono?

The globalists are organized in Families, therefore we’ll call them that. It will get us closer to the truth. The Families, however, are not all of the same heritage as some members have been adopted in. Not all bankers are Jewish, for example. But the Rothschild’s, the Goldman’s, the Sachses, the Lehmans, and a dozen others are, and well explains how 50 percent of all the nation’s billionaires are constituted from a 1.4 percent population group.

Mathis sums up our discussion thus far with the following words:

“The World Wars only make sense once we realize all these countries had been occupied centuries earlier by the [Jewish globalists], and that their agents ran all these countries for a few international families. We already know that is true, since they admit all these countries are and always have been run by close cousins. They want you to think the wars are the result of these cousins squabbling for power, but I have shown you that isn't the case. The wars aren't about sharing power, they are about consolidating power, and hiding it. The wars are run as a cover for seizing worldwide treasuries and other treasures, including land, minerals, and even art. They are used to clear slums and rebuild cities. They are used to test weaponry and test theories of control. They are used to hide crimes.”

And there you have it, succinctly.

And what we have seen throughout our alleged history of Western Civilization, we have seen in the culmination of more recent history, in particular the Second World War, where the Jews have been recast as eternal victims and casualties of war, instead of the hidden rulers they actually are.

Those actors and movers who have bought up all the best rents on the Monopoly board have much more on their agenda than the pursuit of money—it is the means to an end. There is an underlying devious purpose to it; the consolidation of power is what gives them omnipotence over the minds and souls of men. The consolidation of religion—in all of its human manifestations—is the holy grail.

The Jews of the Bible may not be the same people as those Jews of today, but they carry the same torch. Jews will say that Jesus is not the Christ because he did not fulfill all of the prophecies—as they understand them. That’s giving them the benefit of the doubt, because I am sure that many rabbinical types very well DO understand the scriptures, AND that the real historical figure, Jesus of Nazareth, fulfilled them. But their greatest feat (like the proverbial Devil convincing the world he didn’t exist) was in making Christendom fall for this same historical revisionism. That what actually occurred historically is known and certain—and crucially—that it records none of the prophesied events of Christ’s Revelation, nor the fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecies of the New Heavens and the New Earth, was their playbook… it is in truth a complete fiction. The farther back in time we look, the less is truly known—records have been lost or destroyed, there are very few archaeological details or artifacts proving for certain one thing or another, and we have mountains of evidence that what WAS known historically was deliberately re-written, over-written, or simply buried and denied. In its place has been built a façade of “created reality” which is the Matrix we now mostly accept as truth. Live actors perform parts written for them by people that hate us and want us to believe a Lie to our eventual destruction. If we can’t see this by now we are in grave danger of never waking up to it.

It may be easier or more pleasant to believe that honest mistakes were made, memories got muddled, or we’ve received an accumulation of copyist errors. But the falsehoods were intentional and part of a program. Whether or not the Families or their counterparts in modern seminaries have properly understood the scriptures regarding prophecy is really a HUGE diversion that we should all immediately see. They knew of course that Jesus Himself claimed to be the Christ, the Son of God… They knew all the historical facts of Jesus’ life and the remarkable “coincidences” of the messianic prophecies which He fulfilled… But they deny one glaring fact more attested to than perhaps any other in history—by many infallible proofs—that THIS Man, who was witnessed by a great multitude dying a very public and a very horrific death, and having been subsequently buried for three days, vanished from a sealed and guarded tomb. Moreover, they knew He’d prior claimed He would rise from the dead, which is why the tomb was guarded in the first place!

They not only ignore the significance of this inexplicable event, they pretend it wasn’t also a historical fact that an earthquake occurred in Jerusalem at the very moment of His death on the cross, and that another earthquake happened three days later which opened His very tomb—to which the soldiers guarding it attested was now empty—but furthermore, they blot out the testimony of thousands of people who afterwards witnessed the resurrected Christ as reigning King… A great many of whom chose painful death rather than deny their profession and their loyalty. No one willingly dies for a lie.

A look back on all of history, whatever may be known of it, will prove that of every other event, fact or fiction, beyond all disputations, THAT event takes precedence.

Pretending it never happened was the first and Greatest Lie of history they created... Which they have admitted to. See our opening quote in Matthew 28. Someone will now say, “well that’s what Matthew said happened.” Well, Matthew was a Jew.

These words stand out: “So they took the money and did as they were taught…” These were the soldiers who were set as guards over the tomb of Jesus. They then became paid actors. And with that, “reality was created”.

And that is exactly what was propagated by the Jews during that time—that the resurrection WAS a story, a fiction invented by Jesus’ disciples to advance their agenda. And as the text says, “this saying is commonly reported among the Jews until this day.”

What the scriptures are showing us here is the beginning of historical revisionism…perhaps history’s first actors. As it was primitive back then, propagated by a spoken lie and nothing else, we are only now beginning to understand the present technology of mind control they have at their disposal, causing us to doubt our own reality and to deny our own eyes.

George Orwell also wrote this in his novel, 1984:

Those that control the present, control the past. Those that control the past control the future.”

It is obvious what he was hinting at. For nothing in “history”—even as we’ve been told it—refutes the prophetic utterances of the Bible, nor does it deny the historical record of the nations, or the account of Creation, or any other factual detail found therein. Well, how can I say that? Didn’t I just go through all the trouble of showing we can’t trust in history? That’s precisely my point. Which I will explain…

There are certain people—certain Families—today who continue in the tradition of their fathers, which practiced the tradition of their father, whom Jesus said was “the father of lies”, and “a murderer from the beginning”. To hide this truth from us, they’ve concocted a set fables about the past in order to control the present—and if we let them, our future, and that of our children as well.

One thing we can be certain of may be found in a single historical accuracy they may have purposely let slip—just to rub it in our faces. It is the following remark made by the French ex-Emperor while allegedly in exile and writing his memoirs, circa 1820… And we should be mindful to recall it ourselves whenever confounded by the enemy’s propaganda. When asked to reflect on the truth of history, Napoléon Bonaparte ingeniously replied:

History is a set of lies agreed upon…”

We will do well to remember that confession.

12/23/2021 - Subject: The Kids Are Alright (Printed Version)


Change, it had to come

We knew it all along

We were liberated from the fold, that's all

And the world looks just the same

And history ain't changed…

(Pete Townsend, Won’t Get Fooled Again)

I was never a Who fan. As a kid, of course, growing up in the 70’s, I was unavoidably baptized with their music on the frequency modulation. As I remember it, you could never escape the radio in those days—it was omnipresent, like the Spirit.

Therefore I never knew much of them or understood what their angle was. Never looked at the lyrics of their music or cared to. But others have, and seem to find something esoteric in them. Or at least meaningful—in the sense that they seemed anti-establishment… Or was that just a put-on?

These days there is another spirit—it is the spirit of a dying Age. And the devoted receive this spirit through a syringe, by which they are baptized with its power, and made like unto it. And this is what it will mean to be a Citizen of the world in the time to come. The former sacraments are passing away, since the ‘Democratic Vote’ has been exposed for what it always was. We have arrived in a time much like that of the French Revolution—possibly putting us just before the time of the Terror, in the interim between the deposing (and execution) of the king and the mop-up operation of the rebels who refused the New Order. One notorious slaughter is well attested to in the town of Nantes, wherein thousands were murdered indiscriminately by their own countrymen for their reluctance to go along with the program. And in accordance with the new concepts of Liberty and Patriotism the dirty deeds were done in enlightened ways, like being given a “Republican Baptism” (in which the faithful were bound and immersed into the river Loire for the forgiveness of sins against the State, and remained immersed).

The main perpetrator of that crime, by the way, was one Jean-Baptiste Carrier. Fitting name. Here is a drawing of him at his later trial (remember, “like Saturn, the Revolution always eats its own children”):

Jean Baptiste-Carrier

If he seems to resemble someone known to you today (one Tony Fauci) it’s because he does. They were both in fact Jesuits, thus crypto-Phoenicians. And mass murderers. We’ll talk more about the Phoenicians at another time.

By the way, it was Mark Twain, who was near enough in time and place to appreciate the atrocities of the French (toward each other) and the subsequent outcome of their Revolution, who said in his diatribe against mankind,

There is only one possible stage below the Moral Sense; that is the Immoral Sense. The Frenchman has it. Man is but little lower than the angels. This definitely locates him. He is between the angels and the French.”

I allowed that digression because it lends to something else I want to notice. The atrocities of man follow a particular pattern. They always begin with one group demonizing their neighbor. And in modern nation-states, rarely is it a neighboring people—that is an alien—but in practice it is his own people, his kin, whom he “others”… and thus marks for disposal.

As Twain furiously elucidates in that essay, there is no common brotherhood of man. Outside of Christ, that is. (I added that; Twain was himself rather bitter toward “the Deity”). Yet that is another delusion in their tool box our Rulers love to deploy. The “We’re all in this together” meme is so worn and played out precisely because it works so well. And if you’re NOT “in this” it merely reveals you as the heretic and potential terrorist you actually are. In need of a baptism.

And so we’ve come to the end of another cycle of history. Maybe to the cycle of cycles—a Great Cycle. It is not the end of the world, however it may seem that way. Our world—in so far as we remember it growing up—has fallen. Like Babylon the Great, “never to rise again”. That is what they keep telling us… We’re never going back to the old normal. But is that a bad thing?

As Pete said, “Change, it had to come.” But, as Solomon reminds us, “there is no new thing under the sun”. They keep playing the same song; the same playbook is used on us over and over again. You’d think we’d have stopped being fooled by now.

I believe I know who is running the program. And it’s the same Families that always ran it. However their methods may have evolved to where they now employ the use of fakery principally, and only need to resort to full-on Revolutions (or war) as a last measure. Faking death, it turns out, is much easier, less dangerous (for the conspirators), and usually more effective than actual killing to accomplish their ends. But, perhaps causing the target group to willingly off themselves is an even better approach. If the magic was readily available to pull off heists like moon landings, 9/11 events, fictional world pandemics, and every false flag operation that has caused every false war since perhaps the Middle Ages, how hard could it be to scare people into compliance by declaring themselves literal gods which only the sacrifice of their children will appease? Those who have already procreated and are past that age can’t do any further damage, you see. It’s their progeny that are a threat to them now. They are the last link to the old world—and the old “normal”, and they must not be allowed to remember it or pine away for the old freedoms. Lest they contaminate the next generation. If there is one. I am convinced that “history” has been forgotten many times already. But that’s a subject for another time.

As the plot plays out, we begin to see further off into the horizon. At first we suspected the “Virus” was nothing but the flu repackaged. The pandemic was clearly imaginary. Hardly any of us knew anyone outside of a nursing home who even got the sniffles that first year—at all. Then we knew the “Virus” was really about the “Vaccine”. And the “vaccine” was really about the vax passports… That is, the isolation, identification, and tracking of the people. Initially a Division Bell, finally a herding mechanism… Softly, softly, catchee monkey.

But it’s becoming more apparent that even that wasn’t far-sighted enough. The kids weren’t alright… yet.

Maybe the culling wasn’t the primary motive. Secondary, perhaps. Seeing now the evidence (that many of us suspected) that only 5% of the vaccine lots produced 100% of the deaths provides an interesting perspective. The fact that 95% of the lots weren’t fatal (and had far fewer adverse reactions) leads us to believe that the goal wasn’t immediate genocide. But it also proves that at least part of the program was intentional and broad spectrum death. Those 5% weren’t accidently deadly, for they weren’t all produced in the same facility or at the same time. This wasn’t some manufacturing error. It also demonstrates what they were capable of doing, had they wanted to.

So then, where is all of this headed?

I suppose from time immemorial it’s been known by the Governors that once the children have been coopted, the game is won. We’ve seen this already in previous articles and by quoting the many psychopaths who’ve openly admitted this. No need to keep beating that horse. We understand the agenda. The adults don’t have to all go along. Enough will to facilitate the goal. Most blindly continue to corral their children into public schools (and many private—which are just chartered by the government and toe the line) where they are little plastic lumps of human dough… to be duly shaped. Even those who’ve avoided the indoctrination centers are caught in the net of social media and daily pumped with raw sewage disguised as “entertainment”. If they’ve managed to avoid that by the diligence of their parents or by their own innate self-preservation, many still succumb to the social pressure of their peers. Nobody wants to be “un-liked”. The mind-creep of persistent thoughts of doubt is a powerful hypnotic… “How can everybody be so wrong, and only my parents and our own tiny group be right?”

That’s how it is done. So many lies are piled atop so many falsehoods, by the time a child is out of high school he knows less than he did when his mom dropped him off at the daycare center so she could “pursue her career”.

As Mark Twain also said, “It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so..”

Meanwhile, since the 70’s, we’ve all seen society being morphed toward some frightening end. As former futurists and churchians, some of us knew that end to be the Apocalypse. Others perceived it as the Mad Max scenario or Apocalypse Now!—a meltdown in world war and a return to a primitive, but wrecked, human economy… Perhaps the forever-end of our humanity. Again, the slow slouch into nihilism.

Lost in a wilderness of pain, and all the children are insane”, retched Morrison in the intro to that film.

Today there is a new meme floating around. A Venn diagram. “You are Here”…


If it seems like we’ve come to the end of a long, telegraphed road of predictive programming, well, maybe it’s because we have.

The open attack on children was the plan from the beginning. It was central to the Agenda. The gullible and fearful parents would begin the ordeal by masking them, which bus drivers, school teachers, and youth pastors would reinforce day by day. They would come to believe they were little terrors to themselves and to all the “brotherhood of mankind” with whom they breathe common air and share the same blood. The knowledge that disease and death is ever-present and random, striking without warning or cause, would be reinforced by the constant reminder of ritual washings and distancing. They would have to learn thoughtless compliance to these nonsensical routines and to fault and fear others who fail to conform. All of this would be normalized by iteration, and by mimicry of adults and especially older kids. The very young—infants to preschool age—would never evolve normal human associations; reading faces, perceiving emotion and other non-verbal cues. Even learning to speak properly would be retarded by being hidden from moving mouths. They would have permanent arrested development of mental traits that lead to higher thinking skills and matters of discernment. Normal curiosity and wonder would be replaced with fear and loathing. Unhealthy obedience would result, and normal human affections would become defective. And one of the most important duties of parents to instill—that of forming in their children the critical and nuanced faculty of Trust—would be left up to the demons that have the daily watch over them.

It’s been nearly two years now. For a first grader today, most of his cognizant life has been lived inside this Skinner box. Do you think he will be remediable?

And now after all of this operant conditioning, the final solution is applied by way of a medicine. The parents, being sufficiently indoctrinated by now, having had their own double anointing and feeling great about it, are ready and anxious to have their little ones likewise genetically branded. They will proudly post pictures on Facebook of the holy Band-Aid on the injection site where the spirit entered—lifting up the childish egos, calling them “super-heroes” for trading their natural, resilient immunity, in all likelihood their future conceptive ability, and possibly their lives for a strawberry-flavored sucker.

Probably the most devious aspect of this attack is the very real possibility—if not the intention—that most of these children would become sterile due to the accumulation of the protein toxin in their developing gonadal organs… And the subsequent, permanent autoimmune damage thereby. Even if only 5% of them receive the “hot lot”, the mental damage has still been accomplished… Trust and Obey your rulers who have the ultimate authority to penetrate your body and to excrete whatever toxin, adjuvant, or anything else, into it at will. Resistance is not only futile, but sinful, and an unforgivable crime against the Republic and against Nature. Anyway, kids being kids ya know, things happen. But later they will understand that human procreation is violence to Mother Earth, and surgical abortion having long become a thing of the past, the abortive pill, mifepristone, will be dispensed at Walmart, free of charge.

They will grow up in this new society. They will know nothing of the old one. For them, it will be “normal” that the government schedules their bi-monthly injections and sends them their scrip for their meds on their “mobile devices”, which they will duly receive without any thought. That they cover their faces in public as a sign of submission to Science will be “how it’s always been”. A naked face will be as indecent as a naked breast—which none of them will have known, since the old ways of motherhood have been replaced with the new and trans-human….

A year from now, the plan is, the kids will be alright. The baptismals are being prepared at this very moment for the spirit in one third dilution. Impudent parents and other heretics will be removed by the state should they evilly try to intervene. Impossible fines and prison sentences are already lined up for our European brethren in Austria who won’t inject, beginning in February. As they are lead away into custody their children will become wards of the state. It’s all elementary after that. And preparatory for what follows here after the gloves come off very soon.

Here in America, Fauci’s Jew world order is due to be inaugurated in the next year. I think it’s official now. The last pieces on the chessboard are being moved, as he and his brethren rub their hands with glee…

For he saith, By the strength of my hand I have done it, and by my wisdom; for I am prudent: and I have removed the bounds of the people, and have robbed their treasures, and I have put down the inhabitants like a valiant man: And my hand hath found as a nest the riches of the people: and as one gathereth eggs that are left, have I gathered all the earth; and there was none that moved the wing, or opened the mouth, or peeped.” (Isaiah 10)


Pete Townsend and The Who made that album into a documentary, by the way. I didn’t watch it. But I noticed that the only song that was released as a single—“I Can See for Miles”—wasn’t on the soundtrack for the film. Wonder why.

I know you've deceived me/ Now here's a surprise… I can see for miles and miles.”

The Omicron terror was for the kids. This was all prefigured even before Trump, who said, we remember, way back in 2019, “they have to get their shots”! In the coming months, the Biden “mandates” will go forward and the people will cheer it. And everything will fall into place, as “the riches of the people” are transferred to h-his generation. I see it clearly, just like Pete did.

Kid Jabs

12/9/2021 - Subject: It's Your Fault (Printed Version)


The following is more of an observational piece on the nature of the liars and their lies. We’ll do a brief analysis of an article, purported to be legitimate, and the methods employed in general to dupe the people into believing them. Afterwards, we’ll conclude with a reminder of the seriousness of our current state of affairs.

First of all, this article is 100% fiction. Supposedly it “first appeared in the NY Times”, but that’s been impossible for me to verify. Besides, I don’t care. If anyone doesn’t know that the Times is a propaganda mill and has been for over a century, you’re just slow. Nevertheless, the article, as presented, was without an author. And that’s because the narrative is imaginary. Thus an “author” would be redundant.

This is the sort of programming that has been going on in plain sight since Day One of the “pandemic”. But now it is being carefully directed in our faces that there are certain scapegoats—Guilty Parties—that need to be exposed and accused. That is the job of these information warriors. The “journalists” and cable news commentators effectively calling for the death of the unvaccinated are merely (CIA) assets paid to stir the pot.

But it will be instructive to dissect the piece to see how the liars perform their arts, and how obvious the lies really are, once the tricks are revealed. Because they do it every day, the falseness becomes mundane and we’ve become conditioned to yawn whenever they speak. Let’s not all go to sleep at once.

Without further ado, the article begins thusly:

I recently found out that a friend of mine — a smart guy — was not vaccinated, and I confronted him about it.

We begin with an immediate contradiction. If he was a “smart guy”, according to you (the speaker), how was he then NOT vaccinated? Not too smart. The storyteller here is presenting himself as a liberal minded man of the world who obviously traveled with smart birds of a feather…and yet he is shocked to find out one of them has not taken his meds!

How could he have not gotten his vaccination? And how had he not seen fit to tell me and our other mutual friends? Wasn’t he worried about the risk he was posing not just to himself, but to the rest of us?

Exactly. How could such a “smart” and conscientious metro-man have failed to get “HIS” vaccination? And then not to tell anyone about it! It’s simply inconceivable. His whole premise shows this internal dialogue is a fabrication, clearly. Nobody as cosmopolitan as a NY Times columnist ever believed the so-called vaccinations were for the purpose of protecting others... The only claim that was EVER made about these medical devices was that they would “lesson the severity of the disease—should you contract Covid”. You could look it up.

In fact, the claim was never made that they were “sterilizing” vaccines. Meaning, a “vaccinated” person could still contract said virus—and transmit it. But you, the “vaccinated” would be “95% protected”. This narrative was spread far and wide by Fauci Inc. from the very beginning and reported by all the liberal new sites and NPR. Recently, the director of the CDC has officially reiterated this statement that the “vaccinated could still transmit the virus” (in case anyone missed it the first time).

Never mind that there never was any “virus” but it was always just a computer simulation. Literally. You could look that up too. Continuing:

He tried to laugh it off, offering up a bunch of concerns rooted in conspiracy theories. But I told him that he had to get vaccinated, period.

Now, we are to believe that these two were together in some social event and the protagonist just confronted the antagonist (his former, trusted BFF) with the accusation that he was unclean—a leper in the wild—a criminally negligent vector of death!… And the guy just “laughed it off”. This exchange doesn’t seem funny to me. Or genuine. Especially between former good friends. Especially guys. And then, to further the insult, the only excuse offered was a “bunch of conspiracy theories” he’d recently pulled down from Alex Jones or the Q-Anon chans. With all the myriad medical and scientific dissenting research available now, that’s all the guy had... Some Homer Simpson logic.


Therefore, he told his friend, “YOU HAVE TO GET VACCINATED”. That’s all there is to it!

I see. It’s as if they were having a casual discussion about overpopulation and he’d suddenly blurted out to his childless, unmarried buddy: “You have to get sterilized! PERIOD!” Was this a Seinfeld episode?

The next time I saw him, he was worried about the Omicron variant and asked if I would go with him to get the jab. I texted him a site where he could register and told him to let me know once he had. That was Saturday. He still hasn’t signed up.

I am disappointed, and I am angry, not just with my friend but with all the people who are choosing not to get vaccinated.

So, then his manly Alex Jones-disciple of a guy suddenly “got worried” about the new Transformer Variant and was frightened… to the point of asking him to come with him to the clinic and hold his hand while he got the jab! He even asked him to be his mommy and make the appointment for him! But then… he bailed. The weekend came around, he picked up a 12-pack of Miller Light and got distracted by the sportsball game. Just couldn’t be bothered to meet his buddy at the jaborama.

And this person—the “author” of this story—is angry. Not just at his lazy, conspiracy theorist friend, but at ALL who choose not to get vaccinated”! How dare anyone “choose” such an irrational and dangerous option to not be injected with an experimental genetic chemotherapy drug (whose contents shall remain secret until 2076!) which has incidentally also killed over 19,000 people in the US alone. And crippled hundreds of thousands more…By the government’s own admission. In fact, more people have died or been injured by this drug in the past 11 months than from ALL previous vaccines combined.

Well, there was a time, he says, when he winked at such foolishness. He used to be tolerant of us dumb hayseeds. But not anymore! “No more research for you!” It is enough. The verdict is in. Refusing the vaccine is MURDER against the rest of mankind….Unless, you have a peanut allergy or Asperger’s or something—then you get a pass. But this virus has “killed 800,000 Americans” already, and another 120,000 are at death’s door EACH DAY(!), he says.

This is absolute, unvarnished nonsense. Even the fools who read the NY Times know this. In fact, the death rate in the West as a whole has remained stable over the past 2 years. There are NO “excess deaths” here, or anywhere else. That is, unless you count the recently vaccinated—especially the young—who are experiencing greatly increased death rates from previously unknown or very rare heart and blood conditions. .. Oddly enough.

But, enough with the facts. They cloud the senses. Back to the narrative:

This virus is deadly and unrelenting. The only way out of this situation, for our country and the world, is through the vaccines. We must dramatically shrink the number of people vulnerable to the virus — or else we risk allowing our population to act as a petri dish for the growth of variants.

You see, it’s the only way out.

Jim Jones Koolaid

And you, good citizen, are nothing but a “PETRI DISH” of deadly viruses if you don’t drink it too.

Do they really believe their own bovine scat? I’m not sure.

But the propaganda carries on accordingly:

The unvaccinated don’t only leave themselves vulnerable to the virus, they make everyone more vulnerable!

Because reasons. Oh, but he’s heard all the excuses. The resisters view everything through a “partisan lens” (i.e., Trump voters). Some of us even “don’t trust the government”! Imagine that. And he even “understands” us for that! He concedes the fact that, “there are the people who view government pressure, and especially mandates, to put something in your body as overreach and anathema to the American ideal of independence and freedom.”

All West Virginia folk… Congenitally backwards people, in his mind. He’s weighed them in the balance and found them wanting…

I have heard it all. And I reject it all.

There are just too many fresh graves pocking the land to entertain these objections. And too many lives disrupted

The dead are piling high now. There’s hardly anywhere left to bury them. And “lives are being disrupted”. These are very bad things. Therefore, he REJECTS their insistence on bodily autonomy. Do you get that? YOU, according to this propaganda paper masquerading as a bro-mance morality play, ought not have a right to refuse the government demand “to put something in your body”... Meaning, a forced insertion of genetic material into your inside parts… Do you get the innuendo? I hope you are listening to these maniacs. It is a rapist telling you to “stop resisting” and they won’t kill you afterwards.

The Covid will become “endemic,” he says. Meaning, it will remain with us potentially forever. The “Omicron variant” proves this... And now the financial markets are “spooked”. The dollar is in jeopardy of collapse and the supply chain will follow it into oblivion as we all starve and freeze to death in the dark winter to come—ALL because a minority of conspiratorial idiots refuse to get their shots. WE are the problem. We are bringing down civilization. Do you see?

So yes, I am furious at the unvaccinated, and I am not ashamed of disclosing that. I am no longer trying to understand them or educate them. …All others have a choice to either be part of the solution or part of the problem. The unvaccinated are choosing to be part of the problem.

The Final Solution is unspoken in his concluding remarks. But it is implied. The aforementioned “CHOICES” of the unwashed fools are killing the rest of the woke world. Choices have heretofore caused our societal destruction. They therefore must be replaced with MANDATES. Yet we still have a choice: like the rapist, they won’t have to use force if we do it voluntarily. We won’t have to lose our jobs if we just get the jabs. We can keep our “freedom” and our families intact and we won’t have to go to the camps if we just comply. It’s simple. Do. What. They. Told ya.

And live. And be fed and clothed with our digital UBI’s, and own nothing and be happy.

Or fight, and possibly die, to be free. The Reset is here, friends. Wake up to it. Embrace it. We will all be forced into their Slave Grid, property-less, cashless, digitally monitored and controlled, or we will fight them to the death to avoid it. It’s either Full Spectrum Dominance and bowing to our enemies in submission, or it’s going to be a hard struggle for a while—some starvation, some depravation, perhaps some bloodshed and casualties on both sides—before we finally buck them off of us. Those are our real choices, like them or not.

Finally, to close out this discussion for now, let’s take a brief look around beyond the Covid three-ring circus. While it’s been a good distraction, other things have been happening outside the metaverse.

This plan of the death and sterility shots may not be going as intended, as we’ve now seen the Biden “Mandates” all but vanished into smoke. And we are not Australia. Things will be handled somewhat differently in the US. But the compliance testing over there was useful for gauging our response over here. After all, perhaps 50-60% of Americans willingly injected themselves already—mostly without any coercion—and now we have woke parents chomping at the bit to sterilize their 5 year olds! However, the goal wasn’t merely to have everyone genetically modified. That was a means to an end. That end, as we’ve seen already, is full and permanent control of the herd. Culling it first was necessary because of overgrazing.

But if the cull isn’t as effective as planned, the Farmers have other options at hand. We’ve seen those coming into clearer view of late as the controlled demolition of the fiat economy has moved ahead rather swimmingly. One way to fast-track that would be the War Card. It seems that one is also on the table now with the insane and stupid threatenings toward Mother Russia over the Ukrainian debacle. And if that one is ultimately played, things will get very bad, very fast, for the average American. And that will also be your fault.

Unlike the soft, soy society we’ve cultured over the past 70 years here, the Russians know austerity well. For those who don’t know much about Russia or her history, let’s just say they are tough, determined, and have a very low tolerance for horseplay. And they are very weary of U.S. sanctions, the geo-political back-stabbings, and overt threats over the past three decades since the Soviet “collapse”. Point is, they don’t expect much from life, and most of the men are willing, able, and perhaps anxious to “bring it”. And there, the men are in charge, completely.

Let’s just say that globo-homo did NOT take root in Russia like it did here, nor did a cultural matriarchy, and ‘diversity’ simply doesn’t exist. They are a masculine and militarized society —something akin to what we were 150 years ago—and while we have been celebrating our first “transgender Admiral”, they’ve been having AK-47 competition shooting in their schools.

Admiral Freak

Should the U.S. foolishly engage them in battle on their turf, what we will likely see is a quick and brutal stomping of our feminized and diversified so-called forces. This would rapidly escalate of course, leading to things that most of us never want to think about. But we need to think about them and prepare for their possibility.

And don’t think these maniacs of ours couldn’t possibly be that stupid. See here what a Republican Senator of Mississippi just suggested regarding attacking Russia preemptively with “nukes”. Do you know what is wrong with these people? They are wicked, and they are mad with hubris, and God will see to it that they receive the recompense of their ways. Mark it down. Maybe we will finally learn if “nukes” are real or not.

“But God wouldn’t let that happen.” Remember, all of Europe’s cities were flattened in World War 2. If you are currently still living in a major metropolitan area, you should probably be planning to get out.

The doom of the American Empire is sealed. How it falls apart remains to be seen, but as Kingdom oriented Christians—and grown-ups—we need to face the truth of our situation and stop pretending we are going to avoid the necessary hardships that are coming. Unlike the churchians and their millennialist false doctrine of an “Israel-led” New Age—just about to sprout from the Old Temple Mount over there—we know the Rider on His White Horse already rode long ago. We don’t need to wait for the Enemy to materialize to know what we ought to be doing. Our fight continues into the Age, and as I’ve said before, we already have our orders, men.

Interesting times ahead…

10/29/2021 - Subject: Render Thy Children (Printed Version)


Render thy children unto Caesar, for he knoweth how best to serve them.” (Unknown)

Presumably with fava beans and a good Chianti…

The death cult of nihilistic modernism and transhumanism marches on in ‘lockstep’ now to the beat of that new religion fashioned by Huxley, Darwin and Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. The latter of which seeing our day and calling it the “Omega Point”—the Christogenesis—where the convergence of man with ‘spirit’ brings about a new society… “whose personal God is no longer the great Neolithic landowner of times gone by, but the Soul of the world.”

Thus reducing the Almighty to a mythical Landlord who cares nothing for His Creation, other than to collect the ‘rents’... Such were the cavalier blasphemies of the Jesuit priest-philosopher, whom God yet, in His infinite mercies, deigned to allow his heart to continue beating beyond his threescore and ten years. In fact, (according to Wikipedia), “On 15 March 1955, at the house of his diplomat cousin Jean de Lagarde, Teilhard told friends he hoped he would die on Easter Sunday. On the evening of Easter Sunday, 10 April 1955, during an animated discussion at the apartment of his personal assistant, Teilhard suffered a heart attack and died.”


The Almighty even granted him his final wish. Oh, how unknowable are His thoughts and ways!

But we’re not here today to speak about Chardin. This writer, however, did a nice job of it in a recent piece, in which he fingers Chardin as also being the principle fraudster in the Piltdown Hoax. So Chardin was a charlatan. Who knew?

Yet it shouldn’t surprise us much at all that the Managers of this world would delude us with such preposterous fables of man’s origins from a filed dog tooth and the jawbone of an orangutan—seeing as how they self-identify as dogs. In the Gospels, Christ, the “Son of man”, traced His human ancestry back to Adam, “the son of God”. These “brute beasts”, as Jude calls them, have as their father someone other than He.

But Christ also told us, “Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine…” (Matthew 7:6) For a believer, the fruit of the womb is holy—in the sense that it came from God. And while I’m sure most Christians would not think of having their babies torn from the womb and disposed of as “medical waste”, or even parted out to the highest bio-tech bidder and experimented upon, nevertheless a great majority of professing believers have no problem rendering their living children unto Caesar.

And we’ll come back to that shortly, but let’s first put everything in perspective… Despite the fact that America was allegedly a “Christian nation”—even back in 1973 when the horror of legalized infanticide was foisted upon us—somehow the majority “Christian” population managed to excuse the atrocities that have gone on day after day, continuously, since that “federal verdict” was given… Because it was now “the law” of the land. And that made it alright. But go and read that linked article above regarding the trafficking of “fresh, never frozen” baby parts contracted by the FDA for use in “Science”. Because in “Christian America” now (and again), it’s likewise totally legal, and a marketable product. Even as what passes for “Science” now seems like science fiction; Incredibly, these “fetal tissue procurements” were used in ‘Humanized Mice Workshops’ in Europe—paid for by the generous tithes and offerings of the American taxpayer. In other words, ‘on Caesar’s dime’.

And let’s stop being dishonest about that word, fetus. It’s a diversion, not a ‘medical term’. Fetus is simply the Latin word for “offspring”, or “fruit”, and in fact was used synonymously for the “newborn creature itself”. In other words, a baby.

Some of us may need a refresher, so let’s hear some statistics from the World Health Organization itself…

In the USA, where nearly half of pregnancies are unintended and four in 10 of these are terminated by abortion, there are over 3,000 abortions per day. Twenty-two percent of all pregnancies in the USA (excluding miscarriages) end in abortion.

So the first thing we learn is that nearly HALF of pregnancies in America are “unintended”... That’s code for “unwanted, undesired, and highly inconvenient”. Most of those of course result from fornication of one form or another, however, a good portion are also within what passes for “wedlock” these days. In other words, wives who don’t want to be mothers again, or at all—the “birth control” failed and a huge vexation is now put upon them. According to the data, however, (only) 17% of those marital pregnancies are terminated. Still…that’s 17% of married couples that conceived unwanted children—and killed them. That translates to 186,000 infant-murders within intact families each year in this nation alone.

And if you would surmise that these abortions occur only among the heathen you’d be wrong. In fact, “13% of abortion patients describe themselves as born-again or evangelical Christians”. That’s over 142,000 murders of children at the hands of their “Christian” mothers, every year in “Christian America”. Is Yahweh amused by this?

Citations here.

I would hazard a guess at saying that those 13% were of the weekly churched, and were unwed mothers, and probably under-aged. That is to say, a set of parents with an “image” to uphold before the other parishioners had a wayward daughter that suddenly, accidentally, found herself pregnant. And lest she bring shame upon them, mom and dad shuttled her into the nearest abortion clinic before she showed too much. Equally likely is the fact that the baby is a huge disruption in the girl’s life, from which she wanted to spare herself—and her family—and so as not to ruin her ‘college experience’. Religion may be the opiate of the masses, but a good Judeo-Christian understands that when a baby is at stake—and the obligation that comes with it—it’s best to partake, but not inhale.

And lest we think that those Christians (including ourselves) who did have children, and did raise them up in the fear of the Lord—attempting to obey God’s Word concerning parental duties and are without blame—let’s examine ourselves more closely. There are many ways to offer up one’s children unto Moloch.

The fact is, the worldview amongst Christians today hardly differs from those “outside”. The vast majority of them are fully indoctrinated in the modernistic religion of churchianity and are card-carrying statists (literally) who, for all intents and purposes look, sound, and behave exactly like their heathen neighbors who never go to ‘church’. Like their other pets, they get their children all of their shots early and often, assign to them their Federal Identification Numbers and registering their birth with the State—pricked, photographed, and fingerprinted—before they ever leave the so-called hospital (where healthy mothers giving birth truly have no business being in the first place). And just as soon as possible, they stick them into a “day-care center” to relieve themselves of the duty to raise and care for them, preferring their “careers” and permitting them more time for ladies’ functions at the local mega-church. Besides, who better to teach them how to be good “Citizens” of the world than the multicultural diversity-hires who haunt the Head Start programs?

But the most insidious thing parents do is give to them their own defective worldview. They instill in them, by way of mass media (which they bottle-feed them through tablets and TV as soon as they can sit upright) and in the public and private school centers, as well as by the progressive, and subversive “Sunday-schools,” that precise Way of the World which Christians ought to deny. Instead of the Spirit of Christ, they are indoctrinated into Chardin’s Soul of the World… It is deliberate, iterative, and incremental, even if it is done ignorantly. Day by day, they hear and observe how they should obey the powers that be…they should not question “authorities”, or the “Science”, or their teachers, or the watery pabulum of their pastor, and the only thing they should ever doubt is the sincere beliefs of their own parents whenever they diverge from the Narrative. Otherwise, all opinions are equal, except usually dad’s, who is perpetually framed as the village idiot—often times by his own wife.

And now that the same FDA that traffics in vivisected human babies has “approved” the jab for 5-11 year olds against a so-called disease that affects none of them (because reasons), what comes next is the forced compliance of injecting millions of children with a toxic gene therapy, so they can enroll in “school” to continue their miseducation. This will likely happen by next year. And count on annual booster requirements thereafter until the ‘Plan’ is fully enacted, and whatever the real intent of these sorceries is made inevitable and irreversible.

In this way are the children rendered unto Caesar. And Caesar will devour them. And they will in turn render their children up as well. About the time that Chardin was proselytizing his new Marxist form of Christianity, it was the Bolshevik, Vladimir Lenin who said, “Give me just one generation of youth, and I'll transform the whole world”. They gave, and he did. A Jewish-controlled communist dictatorship was the result, and any ember of genuine Christianity left in Mother Russia was vigorously stamped out. What followed was 70 years of Soviet dysfunction and the vengeful murder of tens of millions of their own countrymen.

Don’t say it can’t happen in our Christian nation, because we haven’t one. And may I remind you that in just my lifetime our ‘System’ of freedom and democracy has murdered over 62 million of our own without even the decency of a burial—their bodies being commoditized as butcher’s scraps or else incinerated as ‘medical waste’. Most American conservatives are grossly apathetic about this atrocity, as are most “churches”. Oh, they know plenty about a Jewish “holocaust” of “6 million” concentration camp victims in Germany and still tear their garments and ululate at every mention of it, but of the American holocaust of unwanted children … they offer sorry excuses of “tolerance,” and ignorant talk about “rights” and Supreme Court (sic) decisions. That is because they have been trained to do so. Because lord Caesar has programmed their sense of justice from their Sesame Street days, while their “pastors” reconciled the same by their jesus who always obeyed the authorities and was careful to pay his taxes.

And this is not a judgement on Hitler, but he famously—and accurately—stated, "When an opponent declares, ‘I will not come over to your side,’ I calmly say, ‘Your child belongs to us already. You will pass on. Your descendants, however, now stand in the new camp. In a short time they will know nothing else but this new community."

That chilling remark deserves some careful reservation among our “camp”. Because when we continue to teach our children to “respect the authorities” and to “obey the law”—without properly defining “law” and “authority”—we psychologically hamstring them, defeating their ability to discern what they are to resist, and how to resist it. Accordingly, many will become the new Brown Shirts, ratting out their own parents in a future Reset Society. In America, and elsewhere, legally-sanctioned lawlessness will continue to debauch and devalue our culture, undermine our heritage, and degrade life in general as long as we permit it to go on. And for every child that is fed to Caesar, he leaves another little spoor pile on the wide path to our national destruction.

Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves slaves to obey, his slaves ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?” (Romans 6:16)

Mark it down for our posterity that the Omega Point occurred when the black mask of obedience was permanently stretched over the faces of the children in the year 2020, and the cybernetic injections began en masse in 2022. From this day forward, of the 4 in 5 children that survived the harrowing journey in their mother’s wombs, or otherwise avoided the ghoulish destruction of their bodies for “Science”, those same mothers and fathers immediately instituted their irreversible descent into transhumanism and the final initiation into the Slave Grid. Because Moloch’s and Caesar’s appetite was insatiable, and the insouciant, statist obedience of the people being finally perfected, the antichrist looked down from his crucifix and said, “it is finished”… Every generation will remember this moment in time when the world was rendered unto Caesar and every future child born into it was signed and sealed with the mark of Pfizer or Moderna, each one patented as a GMO creation, each the perpetual property of the new Globo-Corporate State.

Unless… Unless a few of us remain to resist. Unless a remnant, albeit small, will stop the process within our own families, protecting them from the moment of conception, and beyond the moment of birth from the diktats of Pharaoh, and begin actively and diligently sabotaging the Globalist Jew World Order at whatever the cost... Those people will be outcasts, and outlaws in our immediate future; that seems assured. But when we finally learn to render unto God what is God’s we will see a mighty correction. That’s a promise. Hear the cry of Isaiah in his opening chapter:

If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land..”

The promise is that God indeed has that remnant. Is it you?

Except the Lord of hosts had left unto us a very small remnant, we should have been as Sodom, and we should have been like unto Gomorrah…”

The remnant is always working behind the scenes. They are the true builders of the Kingdom. They have not sacrificed their children unto Moloch, but are leading them towards Christ and obedience to His Law, and no one else’s. They will have no other gods before Him. They are resisting the evil, and rebuking the lies of the enemies of Christ. They are preparing to build again upon the old foundations, and gathering the tools and the knowledge and the strength to do it. They shall inherit the earth.

Zion shall be redeemed with judgment, and her converts with righteousness. (Isaiah 1:27)

10/22/2021 - Subject: The American Way (Printed Version)


For some time now our whole European culture has been moving as toward a catastrophe, with a tortured tension that is growing from decade to decade: restlessly, violently, headlong, like a river that wants to reach the end…” –Friedrich Nietzsche, Will to Power (1901)

Everybody feels the evil, but no one has courage or energy enough to seek the cure.
― Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America (1835)

What every good churchman knows is that Tocqueville said, “America is great because America is good. If America ever ceases to be good America will cease to be great”… The problem is . he never said that

In reality, Tocqueville was rather suspicious about democracy (the ‘tyranny of the majority’) and offered more of a critique of the two principal dangers he saw deriving from it—materialism (which he called, “Individualism”) and religious fanaticism. But among notable others, he came here as a character in a Simon & Garfunkel song, “who all came to look for America”. When he found it, he left more of an admonishment to her posterity than praise of what he saw.

County Election 1852

"The County Election" (1852)

America was a very different place in those days. But the oracles knew that something evil was brewing beneath, and she had been set upon a precarious path with the overthrow of the Confederation of Colonies by the Constitutional Coup which subsumed it in 1789. Democracies have a tendency towards Egalitarianism, and Tocqueville further warned:

"But one also finds in the human heart a depraved taste for equality, which impels the weak to want to bring the strong down to their level, and which reduces men to preferring equality in servitude to inequality in freedom".

‘Equality’, so envisioned, came to mean that all beliefs systems were also equal. If all ideology, moral opinion, and epistemologies are equally valid, than Truth itself loses objective meaning. America has certainly arrived at this juncture.

And so it was that I happened across this piece by Theodore Robert Beale, (aka, Vox Day) who was highlighting a very interesting article entitled The Triumph and Terror of Wang Huning. The piece begins with a fascinating story about China’s most famous actress today (whom you never heard of) literally disappearing from the universe… Including every mention of her name in any publication, every film she was in, every internet reference on the world wide web, and ALL social media accounts (to the amazement of her 86 million ‘followers’). She, and a number of similar Chinese celebrities, were simply erased one day last August. And you also did not hear of that. But the discussion really wasn’t about her, rather the character in the title who was likewise unknown to me—old Wang himself…

Yet Wang Huning is arguably the single most influential “public intellectual” alive today.”

What is most interesting about this is indeed WHY he is influential, and WHAT it was that made him such.

As it turns out, Wang was a modern, Chinese Alexis de Tocqueville, who in 1988, at the age of 30, spent six months in America as a visiting scholar in which he travelled the nation visiting over 30 cities and 20 universities. He later wrote his own version of “Democracy in America” entitled America Against America. What he wrote about deeply disturbed him, and is indeed deeply disturbing.

What evil fruit on the vine he saw thirty years ago, we see now ripening before our eyes. We are living it. The corporate takeover of ‘government’ in oligarchic power, the massive wealth disparity, egalitarianism and all of its horrors, race problems leading to cultural destruction, all of which he called an “unstoppable undercurrent of crisis” would lead to our dissolution. As Tocqueville himself saw, “individualism” would lead to a death spiral into materialism in which everything and everyone could be bought or sold (commoditized). Quoting the article:

“The real cell of society in the United States is the individual,” he finds. This is so because the cell most foundational…to society, “the family, has disintegrated.” Meanwhile, in the American system, “everything has a dual nature, and the glamour of high commodification abounds. Human flesh, sex, knowledge, politics, power, and law can all become the target of commodification.” … In the end, “the American economic system has created human loneliness” as its foremost product, along with spectacular inequality. As a result, “nihilism has become the American way, which is a fatal shock to cultural development and the American spirit.”

This is a remarkable insight. He further sees a “younger generation [that] is ignorant of traditional Western values” and actively rejects its cultural inheritance. “If the value system collapses,” he wonders, “how can the social system be sustained?”

“America’s atomized, deracinated, and dispirited society has found itself with “an insurmountable problem” because it no longer has any coherent conceptual grounds from which to mount any resistance…. from the smug point of view of millions who now inhabit the Chinese internet, Wang’s dark vision of American dissolution was nothing less than prophetic. When they look to the U.S., they no longer see a beacon of liberal democracy standing as an admired symbol of a better future…Instead, they see Wang’s America: deindustrialization, rural decay, over-financialization,… immense economic inequality, chronic unemployment, addiction, homelessness, and crime; cultural chaos, historical nihilism, family breakdown, and plunging fertility rates; societal despair, spiritual malaise, social isolation, and skyrocketing rates of mental health issues; a loss of national unity and purpose in the face of decadence and barely concealed self-loathing; vast internal divisions, racial tensions, riots, political violence, and a country that increasingly seems close to coming apart.

And, can you imagine?—he doesn’t want to see his own nation come to this same fate! As a result, China’s “most powerful intellectual” has instigated the purge of decadents in their own society. But here we come to the heart of the matter. If you blinked, you may have missed it. Let me repeat what he said:

Nihilism has become the American way.”

All of those miserable consequences in that wretched list come down to a philosophy we’ve adapted wholeheartedly now. In a certain way, the prophet Isaiah connects us with ancient Jerusalem and alludes to this psychology as a “covenant with death”. And not unlike the Children of Israel who crossed the wilderness to find the Promised Land, the way of the early Americans—across vast seas in wooden boats, and wide plains in open carriages—was an arduous and dangerous journey. But it was the latent faith in the God of their fathers which carried them there, and it was surely His providence and favor which saw them to their destiny. But what false ideology has replaced theirs, and why? Receiving the “promise”, they did exactly as the Children of Israel had done—as it seems man always does—and quickly abandoned the way of righteousness and godliness. As Paul warned,

Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.” (Romans 1)

Fools who would soon follow the way of their European brothers into “Enlightenment,” now collapsing into postmodernism; “historical nihilism…the loss of national unity…and a country coming apart.” Underneath, the American Way is more than just the way of materialism and hedonism—it is a national psychology of truthlessness. The foundational mythology of the American Revolution has now run its full course as the fall of the Empire is well underway. Nobody really believes the story now, because nobody really believes anything.

What Is Nihilism?

Because I think it is imperative to grasp what is happening to the collective American mind in order to find our way out, let us take a little foray into the soul of an accidental seer.

From the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy , we learn the following:

Nihilism is the belief that all values are baseless and that nothing can be known or communicated. It is often associated with extreme pessimism and a radical skepticism that condemns existence. A true nihilist would believe in nothing, have no loyalties, and no purpose other than, perhaps, an impulse to destroy. While few philosophers would claim to be nihilists, nihilism is most often associated with Friedrich Nietzsche who argued that its corrosive effects would eventually destroy all moral, religious, and metaphysical convictions and precipitate the greatest crisis in human history.

I don’t know exactly what he saw, or how he saw it, but the crisis is upon us, friends.


Undeniably, in the 20th century, nihilistic themes, the failure of knowledge (replaced with ‘scientism’), value destruction, and cosmic purposelessness–have preoccupied artists, social critics, and philosophers.

The caustic strength of nihilism is absolute, Nietzsche argues… “Inevitably, nihilism will expose all cherished beliefs and sacrosanct truths as symptoms of a defective Western mythos. This collapse of meaning, relevance, and purpose will be the most destructive force in history, constituting a total assault on reality and nothing less than the greatest crisis of humanity: What I relate is the history of the next two centuries. I describe what is coming, what can no longer come differently: the advent of nihilism”. (Will to Power)

What we are witnessing in our days is how that proverbial man enters bankruptcy: “slowly at first—and then all at once.” That man is America, and all of the West.

A contemporary of Nietzche, Oswald Spengler, convinced his analysis was accurate, catalogued a number of collapsing civilizations in his book, The Decline of the West (1926). In his studies of failed cultures he confirmed the well-trod path of destruction in three forms of nihilism in which the “religious, artistic, and political traditions were weakened and finally toppled”… In his time, he concluded that Western civilization was already in the advanced stages of decay. As a sort of secular Moses and Aaron, these two pronounced judgement on the Egypt of their day; Spengler even prophesying the modern man of our Age—the transhumanist, the gender fluid, masked, double-vaxxed comrade and Citizen—which he characterized as:

a dehumanized conformist, alienated, indifferent, and baffled, directing psychological energy into hedonistic narcissism or into a deep ressentiment that often explodes in violence. This perspective is derived from the existentialists’ reflections on nihilism stripped of any hopeful expectations, leaving only the experience of sickness, decay, and disintegration.”

What a terrible (and accurate) description of the urban masses!

It is the result of an ongoing acceptance of meaninglessness, in our Mcjobs, our “churches”, our families, and a base culture. “All perspectives are equally non-binding”—yet ideas may be forced by those wielding raw power…You WILL believe our perspective. You WILL assent to it. Moral justifications may be subjective but are irrelevant, as they grow out of Nietzsche’s Will to Power.

If we ever hope to escape from this riptide, it is this we must conclude—and it is paramount that we get this… All opinions are not equal. It seems reasonable enough, yet convincing the average person of this has become maddeningly difficult. The world has told us we can—and must—believe in a multitude of opposite things at the same time. Even worse, the churchmen have by and large led us along the same path, teaching that most of God’s deeds, and His character, and even a proper understanding of His Gospel are practically unknowable. Therefore, we are left to grope along in this mental blindness, forced into taking an agnostic approach to EVERY claim of science, history, and religion—accepting the validity of all contradictory possibilities… It is psychological warfare. It’s a Jedi mind trick. It leads to perpetual hopelessness and is intended to, as slaves without hope make compliant ones.

If the truth cannot be known, then God has indeed played a very mean trick on us. Consider that carefully.

Thus it is incumbent upon us, as His followers, to discern truth from error. The entire book of Proverbs is devoted to that…

Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.

Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding.

We must be diligent in studying the scriptures. We must consider all of the physical and circumstantial evidence of Creation. We must be students of history. We must know what we know and why we know it… Intellectual laziness is killing our people.

The American Way has finally ended with a Great Divide of the people within our nation, and particularly amongst those people calling themselves Christians. The churchmen—following suit with the nihilists and the statists—in a false effort at “uniting” us under some umbrella of a Christianized egalitarianism are telling us that our troubles derive not from their fundamental misunderstanding of the scriptures, but from our lack of obedience to their majority opinion... that, and from ‘Satan’s’ aspersions and constant plotting. However, the father of lies no longer rules this Age—he has been cast out!

No, it is we ourselves who have made this false world, and it is we who must tear it down. Reality is knowable. Biblical truth is determinable. And if a thing is not known by a preponderance of the evidence, then we must reject it… until it is. Until we can be reasonably sure it is true, it is not in some purgatory of reality—it is FALSE, until proven otherwise. Reject dubious claims. Do not comply with orders lacking logic and authority. Deny the enemy your assent. This is how we strike at the root. To do otherwise, to take a ‘wait and see’ attitude, is to succumb to the nihilism of our age. It is perhaps idolatry of the worst kind as it is a faith in faithlessness.

This has become the American Way and it will assuredly drag us all out to sea and drown us if we don’t fight the current now. Awash in disinformation—piles upon piles of conflicting lies—we’ve become overwhelmed at the thought of discerning them. But God has made express promises to His people—resistance is not futile. Jesus told us we CAN KNOW the truth, and the truth will set us free.

No, I don’t believe we can now stop the End Game. Our present kingdom of men is falling headlong into ruin, as they all must. But as believers, we can get a head start upon rebuilding by seeking out the proper meaning in the things which are occurring and finding again God’s true will for His people. And His will is to seek first the Kingdom of God… Eventually, new foundations will arise by families, by communities, by nations once again.

Only acknowledge thine iniquity, that thou hast transgressed against the Lord thy God, and hast scattered thy ways to the strangers under every green tree, and ye have not obeyed my voice, saith the Lord. Turn, O backsliding children, saith the Lord; for I am married unto you: and I will take you one of a city, and two of a family, and I will bring you to Zion: And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding”. (Jeremiah 3:13-15)

Take heart! It’s happened before, and it will happen again—and keep happening, until we arrive.

10/1/2021 - Subject: The Tyranny of Man (Printed Version)


Surely the wrath of man shall praise thee: the remainder of wrath shalt thou restrain. —Psalm 76:10

Yea, the light of the wicked shall be put out, and the spark of his fire shall not shine. The light shall be dark in his tabernacle, and his candle shall be put out with him… He shall be driven from light into darkness, and chased out of the world.—Job 18

The first mention of tyranny in the Bible is probably found in the account of Nimrod, when “the isles of the nations were divided in their lands; every one after his tongue, after their families, in their nations.” After the Flood, when the descendants of Adam began to inherit the earth,

And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth. He was a mighty hunter before the LordAnd the beginning of his kingdom was Babel.

We are told that all of the earth was of one language. And they “went forth to build a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven”. A passage pregnant with metaphor and meaning!

We know what became of Babel and the people. What became of Nimrod we don’t particularly know; only that he finally went the way of all tyrants. But the men who followed him in the spirit of unified obedience and power worship naturally spread abroad over the earth, repeating this folly over and over again as Daniel so remarkably envisioned. This succession of empires seen as “great beasts” would continue,

Until the Ancient of days came, and judgment was given to the saints of the most High; and the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom.

But Christ’s Kingdom would be the great exception to the progression of empires, as His would not be like the nations; His servants not lording over each other, but serving. Moreover, it would put an end to the ordination (if we may call it that) of empires, and His would be an everlasting one

And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him.

That last point—that all dominions should serve and obey the King—seems to have been lost in time. Either we still await its fulfillment, or we’ve missed the meaning of it. More accurately perhaps, it is continuously being fulfilled.

Even so, it seems with a glance back through history that we got off on a good start but somewhere lost our way. The Unconquerable Christ was revealed in power and glory to the nation that rejected Him, and ultimately defeated that “dreadful beast with iron teeth” which had subjugated His people and murdered Him on a cross almost two thousand years ago. If the Flood brought the first “Great Reset”, then AD 70 was the second. But unlike Nimrod’s, the Kingdom of God would begin as a tiny mustard seed, destined to grow over a long age and fill the earth.

What happened over the course of the last two millennia is the story of man, for the most part, returning to his own vomit, interspersed with short periods of growth and creative beauty amongst scattered Christian civilizations across the continents. Christ ended the Tyranny of Man, but man has not yet given up the grappling to rule as tyrants. Yet in the midst of it all, we somehow managed to build the edifice of a prosperous, moral and just civilization. Or did we? It increasingly appears obvious that all of that was an illusion.

All that was planted now seems plowed under. The tyrants were behind the scenes planning, and winning, all along.

Does the Kingdom of God ebb and flow? Or does it expand continuously? What saith the Lord?

And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation.

So then we can’t rely on our senses. What “seems to be” is not always what is. Let’s hold to that for the remainder of this discussion, “for joy cometh in the morning”…

The unasked question among Kingdom believers is: Why does tyranny still exist in human societies in the New Covenant Age? If Christ definitively conquered all of His enemies and now possesses ALL Authority and Power (Matt 28:18), why then are we subject to the tyranny of men?

The answer is simple: Because we’ve permitted it to exist. Nothing more or less. In the words of one government insider, their “authority” abides simply, “because nobody stopped us”. Meditate on that for a moment.

All of us bear some guilt for not standing in the gap. Maybe this is the key to the Kingdom. Consider what a few good men are capable of when they fully trust in God and resist the presumptuous authority of men. And recognize that to “resist” is not passive—the word literally means “to push back”. Somebody will have to stop them.

For the first time in history the technology to create a totalitarian dictatorship is available—and this is well understood by those who desire it. The tyrants of this world have always been the elitists, but now they’ve become the globalists. That is, they believe they can—and soon will—control all of the populations of the earth and all of its resources and wealth; to move or abolish national borders as they see fit and to ultimately enslave mankind in a technocratic ‘prison planet’. And they’ve plainly telegraphed their intentions for over a century now while we blithely went about our lives ignoring them—excusing ourselves from the party with the old saw: “God is in control”. Well, He is, but we’d be surprised to learn that it’s not how we imagine. Examine again the passage in Ezekiel 22:30.

So let’s briefly summarize what is happening right before our eyes with a recent journalistic article (recommended reading) which will explain better than I can here in this short essay what is the globalist program in their version of the next Great Reset. Therein is a quote from a 1991 Club of Rome (now melded with the World Economic Forum) publication making the following succinct statement:

In searching for a common enemy against whom we can unite, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like, would fit the bill. … All these dangers are caused by human intervention in natural processes, and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome. The real enemy then is humanity itself.”

And so these people of the “managerial class” (as they imperiously call themselves) have taken it upon themselves to be the hidden guides, the concealed herders of the class of cattle known to them as “humanity”… That odor you smell is the stink of tyrants.

Further in that article, the subject and “plotter of the managerial revolution” eventually arrived at the conclusion that Marxism (or rather what he calls “Marxian economics”) is false or obsolete. Instead, the socialism which was the intended outcome would merely be the cover story… In reality, he envisions “a new form of exploitive society (which I call “managerial society”)”… In other words, ‘meet the new boss; same as the old boss.’

In their future utopia, they, the “Managers” will gain control and ownership of all property by way of a simple shell game maneuver. Casually displacing the Almighty as the previous owner of “all the cattle upon a thousand hills” and declaring all property de facto State property—they being the enlightened lever-pullers and cattle drivers become the new proprietors... For the good of mankind.

The state – that is, the institutions which comprise the state – will, if we wish to put it that way, be the ‘property’ of the managers. And that will be quite enough to place them in the position of the ruling class.”

This is the agenda. So-called, “Soft Totalitarianism” (as an ideology) is actually a good thing, as it fairly helps the masses to be content with such limited resources as we are to have (“you will own nothing and be happy”). In this way will a ruling class be concealed from the herd while they still control and feed off of them.

Why didn’t we see that coming? So-called Conservative Christians who are still “voting” or hoping, or wishing for some political solution to our approaching terror are not only foolish, but dangerously ignorant.

In a nutshell, Tyranny is what naturally occurs when men do not follow the commandments of God… in meekness, thanksgiving and praise of the Same. Their favor is lost and they are left alone to be sifted by the strength of wicked men. This process repeats reliably, generation after generation.

And here is the secret you already know: Tyrants cannot exist without the full cooperation of their subjects, and their enforcers—but particularly of the enforcers. Commands and “mandates” can be ignored, but armed groups of men doing the bidding of the “rulers” must be contended with. As the dear leader Mao Zedong reminded us, “political power grows out of the barrel of a gun”. If we have since forgotten this axiom, we will shortly be reminded of it.

Today the weak, emasculated populations of the ‘free, democratic western nations’ are mostly compliant with their rulers. They freely aid and abet them because they secretly wish to be them (to paraphrase the great H.L Mencken). In contrast, Totalitarianism in the past relied little on the complicity of the masses, as the levers of control were primarily the power of the enforcers (i.e. the armies), which was wielded early and often. In ancient Rome, the population was nearly equally split between slaves and freedmen. ‘Citizens’ were likely only a third of the population and were the only ones having any say at all in politics. What kept the unprivileged majority in check was brute force—frequent, naked violence. Crimes against the State were punished quickly and decisively. Non-compliance meant crucifixion...No long appeals, no twenty years on death row—just swift, cruel execution for “dissidents” (as well as common criminals).

Modern political theory has made the herding of the masses much more efficient (and appealing). Minds and bodies sufficiently softened at adolescence onward and kept in perpetual ignorance of State-inflicted death and terror are shielded from the reality of our modern Nero’s. Everything is a lie and a staged spectacle weaponized for public consumption. Thus, the true cruelty of the police state is mostly obscured from public view, but assuredly the gloves will soon come off…and “uncooperative citizens” like those currently suffering in Australia, will receive a similar treatment…This is our future if the rebellion fails.

Before us is a clear and present danger, and we are tiptoeing through the tulips. Darkness is falling and we have not found refuge. We have not yet formed the camp of the saints—perhaps because we believe we won’t have to… I’m old, you’re old…maybe we can kick the can down to the next generation. But let’s at least teach them the rules of the game:

1) To throw off the Tyrants today means more than just NOT complying. We must convert those who ARE, or else seek to annul their complicity; undermine it, sabotage it, and shame them for it. What’s coming will require a coordinated effort with each other AND with those likeminded countrymen who understand what is happening. Staging protests and refusing to obey orders will not be sufficient (as those who foolishly participated in the Jan 6 debacle now realize). We must be prepared to back up our defiance with whatever means God has given us—and to assist others as they are persecuted.

2) The consequences of not complying will mean being shut out of the “system”. Alternative societies are the current meme. Let us embrace it and begin constructing them now.

3) There are far more of them than us, and in the end, IF we endure in our resistance, and remain the minority, we will have to face certain retribution. We must learn how to counter that, how to repel attackers, and decide now that we will do so. Hesitancy in the moment is often fatal.

4) Ultimately, a Tyrant only understands one thing. Eventually we will have to stop handing over our lunch money to the Bully. Prepare for that day because this will come to blows.

There is one more strategy I’ve encountered which I think is stillborn. That is, perhaps it is best then not to register as a dissenter... The concept of coming out of Babylon and forming our own parallel communities (ecclesias) seems to be our preferred response, but objections have arisen. Did it work for the early Christians? Well, no—at least not apparently. Those brave souls who refused to acknowledge the lordship of Caesar were summarily crucified or burned alive, or fed to lions for the entertainment of the crowd. My answer is that our fate as modern societal refusniks won’t be as egregious. Moreover, this misses the point of the emergent fruit. I sincerely believe this fight will achieve similar results—without the martyrdom.

The “apparent” failure of those first Christians who Would Not Comply achieved, in the end, the collapse of an empire and the first “Great Reset” (or better, Upset) …which ultimately led to the spreading of the Gospel over all of Europe and the beginnings of the Kingdom of God on earth, as it is in heaven.

And a crucial difference must be acknowledged—that being, our enemies today are largely internal. The results those first century Christians achieved through martyrdom will not be ours by those means… Remember, they had the actual Apostles guiding them (as well as the advance knowledge of the outcome through Daniel and John’s Revelation!) We, instead, have effeminate snake oil salesmen and poseurs like Robert Jeffres who serve up a hash of religion —a nauseating parody of Christianity—leading to a deeply divided and deceived House of Israel.

Our “Apostles” have failed us. They will not lead us into battle—either spiritual or otherwise. They’ve long since left the flock for greener pastures (the “green” being federal reserve notes).

“…the priest and the prophet have erred through strong drink, they are swallowed up of wine, they are out of the way through strong drink; they err in vision, they stumble in judgment. For all tables are full of vomit and filthiness, so that there is no place clean.” (Isaiah 28)

The wine being a metaphor then, as it is today, for the inebriating influence of the go-along-to-get-along prosperity gospel….

Yea, they are greedy dogs which can never have enough, and they are shepherds that cannot understand: they all look to their own way, every one for his gain, from his quarter. Come ye, say they, I will fetch wine, and we will fill ourselves with strong drink; and to morrow shall be as this day, and much more abundant.” (Isaiah 56)

Now again, Israel is sickened with tables of vomit after feasting on the lies of their elders and rulers who have tyrannized them for gain and sold them into the bondage of the Fear State… They will soon lament with Jeremiah:

The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved.

We are utterly lost as a Christian society, and it is the fault of the Christians themselves. America and the Western nations have long since slouched into Babylon, “and become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.”… There is no returning to what we once were, and our slavery will not end until we henceforth refuse to be slaves. However long that takes—before or after the war that is coming.

Therefore it remains for us, and for our progeny; those who have ears to hear and eyes to see to be the place-holders in God’s slipping Kingdom. We have our orders. Though our earthly chain of command has seemingly collapsed, we must study for ourselves the Word of God and learn again how to be servants of Christ—and how to obey HIS Law, exclusively. We must not comply with the evil being dictated to us by imposters in pulpits and Capital Rotundas. We must stand against them in the force of numbers and be prepared to defend ourselves with force if necessary.

The Word of God ever remains our weapon of offense, but our defense is not pacifistic. The days of the Apostles between the Ages wherein our brethren laid down happily to be nailed to their crosses are not our days... Ours are the days in which Jesus summoned us TO STAND;

and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.

9/06/2021 - Subject: SCIENCE! (Printed Version)

When Michael sent this latest Minute, he had the following to say in his email. Though written by himself, it is an excellent Foreword to the latest Minute:

Hey Charlie,

I finished this which I had been working on over the past week or so as I was still feeling pretty crappy. I haven't been able to fully reread the book by Duesberg, but I will be working on it. Still, I gleaned enough to say what I think I wanted to say about the "Science" of the Covid hoax, as well as something about modern medicine (sic) in general.

"First do no harm"...

We are in much trouble as a nation and as a society. What passes for "health" is an abomination and "medicine" is nothing more than surgeries (cuttings) and sorceries (toxic drugs). Disease is often caused by our societal habits and our environment and the remedy is worse than the sickness. Indeed, the remedy IS often times the disease itself. What I know about Covid is very little. But what I've seen going on in the world only shores up all of my previous beliefs and suspicions that much of this is being done purposefully--if not in criminal negligence.

I don't know what my sickness was so I won't comment on it any further. But to say that I am thankful for the Lord,

Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases; Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies. (Psalm 103)

Our lives are so very short, and our individual significance is way overblown. Feeling sorry for ourselves (as I have been doing lately) is counterproductive and probably sinful. God IS in control of his children, or they are not His children. And as far as the wicked? Well brother, they don't get a full pass either...

"Surely the wrath of man shall praise thee: the remainder of wrath shalt thou restrain." (Psalm 76:10)

Anyway, as I said, I'll be out of the loop for the next week (until next Monday anyway)...don't know if I'll have any service. I'm praying for your daughter and her new family and for the blessings of God upon you all. You will probably be a grandfather again next I talk to you.

Hope you like the text. And hopefully I will be able to write more soon. As the Lord moves...



I can smell the chemicals…

"She blinded me with science!"
And hit me with technology

--Thomas Dolby, She Blinded Me with Science, 1982

ὠφελέειν ή μὴ βλάπτειν” (First, do no harm). –Hippocrates, ~400 B.C.

In 1996, eminent virologist and molecular biologist Peter Duesberg published a monumental work entitled Inventing the AIDS Virus. Everyone who wishes to understand what is occurring now needs to read this book.

In the Acknowledgements section, Peter dedicates this book to those cohorts of his who “have decided that truth is more important than the comfort of compromise.” Amen to that—it’s a terrible shame that more Christians don’t believe this. Further along in the introduction we receive the true kernel of his testimony… for he declares that “by a great volume of evidence…I have disproved the virus-AIDS hypothesis and exposed the political maneuverings behind the war on AIDS.” Today, 25 years later, he is still one of the Scientific-Medical Establishment’s most hated dissidents.

Hopefully, we’ll begin to realize how these “political maneuverings” have been used to further the “Agenda” against society, blinding us with the science, and now, as the injection campaign unspools upon a grossly ignorant and trusting society, “hitting us with technology”.

But I’d like to first bring your attention to Kary Mullis, receiver of the Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1993 for his invention of the PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) technique. Kary wrote the Forward for Peter’s book, in which he identifies the chief and insurmountable problem he’d encountered in his own initial research on the AIDS hypothesis—namely, that there was no answer to the question of what was the original source for the statement: “HIV is the probable cause of AIDS”. For years as a researcher, he was confounded by this, finally concluding:

We have not been able to discover any good reasons why most of the people on the earth believe that AIDS is a disease caused by a virus called HIV. There is simply no scientific evidence demonstrating this is true.

Today, this ever remains the case, swept down the memory hole.

But moreover, and most ominous, he decries the use of the extremely toxic chemotherapy drug, AZT, being prescribed to patients who had no other complaint than being “tested positive for HIV antibodies”… and was quite clearly causing the very symptoms of the disease which manifested only AFTER the administering of the drug. Finally, Kary concludes that “we cannot understand how all this madness came about…this is one hell of a mistake.”

This is the coursework of the book. The path of this search for truth and the conclusions therein are of extreme relevance for us today, as they are being repeated at this very moment right before our eyes. Duesberg, whether intentionally or not, in my opinion, effectively demonstrates that none of this was a “mistake”. Rather, as he says at the outset:

The colossal failure of the war on AIDS is a predictable consequence if scientists are operating at a fundamentally flawed assumption…The single flaw that determined the destiny of AIDS research since 1984 was that AIDS is infectious. After taking this wrong turn, scientists had to make many more bad assumptions upon which they have built a huge artifice of mistaken ideas.

And that’s putting it gracefully.

The fact is, outside of the diabolical machinations of the ring leaders (we’ll get to later), the Establishment, fed by the federal and industrial deluge of funding, is working on graft on a level unseen prior to this “epidemic”. They have every reason to propagate the charade, and no reason to go against it. Rather, the thousands of “scientists” and researchers and journalists all clamor for a bigger slice of the federal pie—as has been the nature of things since government has been in the business in earnest of dealing in money confectionaries. The Pharma-Medical Juggernaut IS the US economy; next to it is only the arms industry (which is primarily used to prop up the former—see Afghanistan).

But to arrive at where we are now from then, we need to expose some of the main actors. I first will point you in the direction of an incredible interview of Kary Mullis given in 1996. In it, you will discover the very nature of the fraud of “Science” as we know it today. He defines his views on the AIDS fiasco, as well as his personal opinion of the liar and fraud, Anthony Fauci (who has dictated Public health policy in the US for three decades now). Kary has often made it clear that his PCR analysis can in NO WAY be used to detect or diagnose a disease. And that little bit of dissent may have just been a bridge too far for his enemies. Kary died of “pneumonia” unexpectedly in the fall of 2019, just prior to Bill Gates’ Event 201 pre-simulation of the Covid plandemic.

Most will be unaware of the fact that “America’s doctor”, Fauci the Edomite (who has publicly declared that all who question him are “anti-science”), played a leading role in the HIV-AIDS hustle. When in 1984, Robert Gallo announced in an international press conference in Washington DC the existence of the “AIDS virus”, he had a little shadow in a little skullcap standing behind him. With much media fanfare and government propaganda, this announcement was made (as Mullis and Duesberg dutifully questioned) prior to the publication of any scientific evidence confirming the virus theory. It was simply an ex nihilo statement of fact. And with that, “science by press conference” was spoken into existence.

From that point forward, HIV/AIDS was scientific dogma, and all federal research would now be directed towards how the “virus” caused AIDS, and how to manage it. And at the top of this federal program, directing from his throne at the NIH, was none other than Anthony Fauci. This misdirection had intended goals as well as the usual unintended consequences. But the end result, as Duesberg tells it, was that,

People are not being warned about the true risks for developing AIDS, doctors are using ineffective or dangerous treatments, and public fear is being exploited.”

I submit that this exploitation of “public fear” has been perfected over the decades, and is now being used in a masterstroke of psychological violence against the masses with Fauci’s newest manifestation of medical tyranny: Covid-19.

I believe that HIV/AIDS was a long program of building up the “research” infrastructure, learning and practicing the control mechanisms in the population, gathering the funding and the loyalties of the government and para-government entities (pharma corporations), and the coalescing of the Elites with their wealth and power to finally enact their “Georgia Guidestones” fantasy (which incidentally was erected just 2 years before the first “AIDS” case was reported in 1981).

In fact, I could make a very good case that HIV/AIDS and the inexplicable events of 9/11, and now the Covid-19 plandemic, are all one and the same. They all converge upon a single path of domination and subjection of a post-Christian society to be supplanted by the long orchestrated Jew World Order. And I am further convinced that “Judeo-Christianity” and so-called “Christian Zionism”, which stems from Scofieldism, were not random occurrences but rather the result of deliberate infiltration into the Seminaries and pulpits of what are falsely called “churches”. Well, perhaps, rightly called churches, as these have nothing whatever to do with biblical Christianity and the ecclesia that Jesus Christ established.

But it was the “Science” which replaced God generations ago. The Word of God would have to defer to the New Revelations of man handed down by the Universities and laboratories—the new arbiters of truth. Christians were thus conditioned to doubt and reject what the Scriptures clearly taught in EVERY aspect of doctrine—history, anthropology, Creation itself, the Laws and ordinances of God, health, diet, economy, Godly Government, marriage, family…the list goes on. Christians so-called now sit in their pews and hear their dumb dog pastors tell them to “'Trust the Science'! Get the jab…after all, Jesus would, because that’s loving your neighbor!” And they dutifully oblige. Meanwhile, Caesar is preparing to mandate ALL of these draconian control measures (don’t be fooled by the temporary lull in tyranny). At some point, all of these “churches” will begin insisting that their people medically “render unto Caesar”, as it will be “the law”. If you want to see the future here, take a good look at what is going down right now in New Zealand (aka, a “boot stamping on a human face forever”). This was once almost exclusively a Christian European society of free men and women (much like colonial America was at one time). Now, though (unlike us) the demographics haven’t much changed, nevertheless the people have become a confederacy of fools, entirely disarmed, dependent as babies, and ruled by a demonic little waif of a woman…trembling in fear and cowering to her government’s every insane demand. (And take a gander at the freak of a ‘woman’ she appointed as ‘deputy prime minister’). WHY have they succumbed so easily? Because of the Science…Their once beautiful nation will collapse before ours—in horrors.

Is Covid caused by a virus? Not surprisingly, like AIDS, no evidence whatsoever lends any proof to the claim. No virus has been isolated to date from any “Covid” patient. No government agency in the US or anywhere else has any isolate sample of any virus being claimed to cause “Covid-19”. The PCR test—as the CDC now admits (and as Kary Mullis told us)—does not identify a virus particle, nor prove the presence of any virus, and they have now disclaimed its use as an indicator of the virus which they falsely claim causes the disease. Most of us know this already, but if you do not, please research the facts. So what is causing the “Covid” deaths that are being reported? Well I will tell you. Like most pathogenic AIDS cases, these deaths are unequivocally caused by an iatrogenic disease. And if you disagree, YOU are not trusting the “Science”.

Medicine and Science (purporting to be one and the same) have caused more deaths over human history than probably any known cause, and I say that with all confidence.

The SMON Fiasco

And a certain woman, which had an issue of blood twelve years, And had suffered many things of many physicians, and had spent all that she had, and was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse, When she had heard of Jesus, came in the press behind, and touched his garment. For she said, If I may touch but his clothes, I shall be whole. And straightway the fountain of her blood was dried up; and she felt in her body that she was healed of that plague. (Mark 5:25-29)

I will use this one example offered early on in Duesberg’s book to answer Kary’s concluding question, and simply show how the madness occurs.

This is an unbelievable story if it weren’t actually true. But the fact is, it’s not the only time this sort of thing has happened. Pellagra is another example… Thought to be an infectious disease for 200 years, it was a courageous American doctor in 1916 who finally cracked the case (after injecting blood and fecal matter from pellagric patients into himself), subsequently discovering it was NOT a contagious microbe, but a dietary deficiency (lack of Niacin). That’s how science used to work.

The “SMON epidemic” began in Japan in 1959. Patient One was a middle aged woman suffering from intestinal problems and a mysterious nerve disorder which had paralyzed her legs. Doctors were initially baffled but soon the number of cases at the hospital increased and they knew they were in the midst of an outbreak of some kind. Resembling polio (but testing negative for the virus), the immediate suspicion was that it must be a new type of virus and the hunt was on to discover it. Over the next five years, clusters of this polio-like syndrome appeared in several regional areas causing hundreds of victims. The clusters were initially seen within families, while inevitably the first person to develop the condition was followed within weeks by a relative. This was enough to point to an infectious disease—although there were strange contradictions, such as it was middle-aged women who were primarily contracting it, few men, and hardly any children (who normally transmit any infectious disease).

The virus hunters expected to find a virus that primarily caused diarrhea, and secondarily caused paralysis, as was the case with polio. But after years of searching, not a single virus could be isolated from a patient. Meanwhile the epidemic was growing, and in the year 1964 as the Olympics were approaching, 96 new cases had developed near the site of the Games. Now sufferers were developing blindness and other nerve disorders. That year, the disease was officially dubbed Subacute Myelo-Optico-Neuropathy (SMON) and a standardized clinical diagnosis was developed. That same year, predictably, a “microbe” was fingered as the likely cause—an echovirus—and they were off to the races. But three years of ensuing research failed to reproduce the findings of said virus and the dogging lack of evidence began to cast huge doubts upon the viral theory.

As the investigations continued, one research team made an accidental observation, but it was tragically brushed aside. What they’d discovered was a correlation between most of the patients’ onset of symptoms and the use of two different diarrhea-fighting drugs. Since both drugs were likewise prescribed for the early symptoms of the disease, suspicion naturally arose that there was some connection; however, intent on the viral hypothesis, the observation was effectively ignored by “science”. Also, it seemed extremely unlikely that coincidentally, two different diarrhea drugs would cause the same effects… Unfortunately, what was overlooked at the time was that the two drugs were actually two different brand names for the same compound—a fact not discovered for several more years.

Meanwhile, the disease continued to ravage the local populations and a number of researchers believed they’d discovered a number of new candidates for a virus. These viruses also turned out to be false alarms. In 1969 the Japanese Ministry of Health increased the funding for the discovery of the virus by ten times, making the program the most expensive ever. A decade had now passed and virologists had come up completely empty-handed. Over a thousand victims had already died and many more permanently injured. Now, some researchers had proposed a “slow-virus” theory—that is a virus that took years, or even a decade, to incubate until finally causing the disease. Sort of like HIV (which didn’t exist yet). Preparations of body fluids were made from infected patients and injected into chimpanzees to attempt to inflict the disease upon them. After three years of waiting, the monkeys never got sick, and it was back to the drawing board.

These theatrics continued for the next few years but it was later in 1969, after 2,000 new victims were claimed, that another research group made the same earlier connection to the two diarrhea drugs. But this time it was discovered that the two drugs were merely brand names, and in fact one and the same—clioquinol—a freely available over the counter drug. This drug was then fed to mice to test the theory, but unfortunately, it only killed the mice, proving to the very smart scientists that it didn’t actually cause the disease(!) It was yet another year before they re-assessed the testing and realized they’d actually proven the drug’s acute toxicity. A nationwide survey of SMON patients was then done and it was found that all of the victims had in fact been using the drug before the onset of symptoms. This tended to explain many things, like why the disease clustered in households, and primarily affected middle aged women (who tended to most often use the drugs). But, as expected, the interpretation of this data did not set well with the virus hunters, since this would have indicated a non-contagious syndrome—which they were certain it was—and furthermore (and much more damning), the drug was being used clinically to treat the very symptoms found in the SMON patients while hospitalized. In other words, the doctors were treating the patients who had previously, inadvertently poisoned themselves, with the very drug they had used to cause the disease in the first place.

Or, as Duesberg phrased it:

The doctors and scientists wanted to believe in a virus because they prescribed clioquinol. One of the drug’s main side effects was constipation and abdominal pain. Now because the drug caused the pain, doctors again prescribed the drug. Ignorant of the drug’s side effects, they assumed the stomach pains resulted from the primary sickness and kept increasing the dose in a vicious cycle.”

The end result was often the eventual deaths of the patients.

It was then learned that the epidemic began in Japan shortly after the approval of the drug for manufacture and sale. On September 8, 1970, the Japanese government banned all sales of the drug and the caseload for that month immediately dropped below 20. The following year only 36 cases were seen, and only three more cases appeared over the next two years. By 1973 the epidemic was over.

But a dark twist in the story is recorded as follows: Just one month before the official government announcement of the clioquinol connection and the subsequent banning of the drug, another erroneous announcement of a SMON virus discovery was made in August of 1970. In that egregious incident, the Japanese news media had widely pronounced the cause of SMON had been determined as indeed a virus, and a hysteria of the contagion rapidly spread through the country. This final, furious panic caused terrified family members of SMON patients to segregate from their “plague infected” relatives, leading to many of the victims to commit suicide. Thus did “one hell of a mistake”—a Wormwood star burn itself out over the island of Japan with a flurry of self-murder.

The upshot is this: For 15 years, an iatrogenic disease claimed over 11,000 victims including thousands of fatalities, sacrificed by “Science” because a flawed virus hypothesis was too embarrassing for the Establishment to confess.

SMON was entirely the result of human error, hubris, and vanity. AIDS was only partly so. Covid is a complete con. You can see the logical progression.

The deaths from “Covid” can be directly attributed to the treatments of toxic drugs like Remdesivir, coupled with the totally counterproductive fentanyl-sedated intubation, which has an 85% fatality rate. But that’s the “Science”…not to mention the fat federal stipend paid out for each “Covid” patient diagnosed and treated.

“Science” is not something to be trusted, but perpetually doubted. Clinical proof must be demanded and never assumed as long as liars like Fauci and eugenicists like Gates presume to create reality for the herd. It should never be assumed that their purposes are not a corralling and a culling, for they have openly said otherwise. Both the AIDS farce and the Covid plandemic are NOT merely the result of compounded human errors… It would be very naïve to think so. Human error can be—and often times is—purposely directed by other humans. People—smart people like scientists and doctors—are no better than us common dummies in their propensity to be LED (and deluded). There are psychopaths among us—wicked men—who actually enjoy leading the otherwise unwilling by deception, and the appeal to their “authority”, which is a form of worship to them. Their purposes are so mendacious that it seems to us with a functioning conscience that we must be misinterpreting them—no one can be that evil. We have been blinded by their science and have been fools for not seeing it. But they have learned to control the masses by fear and ignorance and they—and we—will soon be chained by their technology if we don’t take immediate evasive maneuvers. AIDS has been with us for 40 years now while most of us successfully disregarded it. I guarantee they don’t plan for Covid to go away any time soon, nor will they allow us to ignore it.

Finally, and above all, brethren, let us acknowledge our God and never fear our enemies, remembering “He has surely set them in slippery places…”

Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits: Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases; Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies. (Psalm 103)

7/17/2021 - Subject: The Tightening Noose (Printed Version)


The Cancer has claimed another victim. That’s my prognosis, anyway.

The following is how I see the cause of his disease, and how it may be cured. Though, admittedly, the cure may kill the patient. However it must be cut out or all of our men may perish. (Yet God always leaves a remnant)…

The rot begins as a small dark spot in the heart of the family. The fungus grows slowly and spreads the disease to the children through their “devices” which they addictively interact with... And through contact with their peers as this societal disease is communicable, and always has been. It lurks in generational pools waiting for the right season, when all the conditions are perfect, when the host is sufficiently weak. It usually consumes the wife first through her love of “attention”, but she wants her children to be pleased by her, so she peddles the drug also to them early. TV, social media, materialism, the marketing of celebrities and the illusion of beauty and desire are principally engineered for the “weaker vessels”. The masters of our wicked society target the women and the children as a means to get to the men. They become weaponized by the constant barrage of propaganda and the psychological magic of fear and coveting—the idolatry of our age—which most men are not naturally disposed to and able to better resist. But once absorbed into the Borg, the weapons are turned against the men.

I’ve just read a very short article by a man I frequently read, and it has saddened me. I’m sharing it with you so that you can be encouraged. But not necessarily by him. Nevertheless, please read first his essay:


Because this man is in the same boat as thousands—if not millions—of men who have been whipped by their wives, whipped by society and the media propagandists, whipped by their "pastors", their bosses, their “doctors”, and just feel...whipped.

He feels like giving up and giving in, as you can see in the tone of his words.  He probably will give up.  All are against him.  He loves his wife and family, but they have marked him as a "dissident" and probably an idiot science-denier.  He will have to choose now between his conscience and "life".  Either way, his life and his mind will never be the same for him again.

In all likelihood, he will fold and will grow to hate himself for it.  This will turn into resentment against his wife and the society which bred her.  Because he has no real Christian hope, this life is all there is for him, and the genuine happiness he's had for so much of it (I've read his articles for many years—he’s literally been 'living the dream') is inevitably slipping away.  It will be replaced with sorrow and grief and frustration, because he didn't see it coming, and he doesn't know why it came.

People are sleepwalking into the very nasty future that’s in store for us.  It's known as normalcy bias; it's understandable and predictable, but disastrous.  What is happening IS happening and men need to start manning up to it NOW.  As hard as it may be, we may have to tell our own wives and children to go pound sand.  We may have to say that to our bosses and lose our income.  Possibly forever.  The lunatics have taken over the asylum and they have great power and they hate us.  And for the lost, it seems hopeless.

The character installed as headmaster of the empire of the United States, “Joe Biden”, has recently lamented that we will soon have Two Americas. As if that wasn’t the plan all along. But there’s always been two Americas. Principally, the Land and its People as the top side, and Leviathan—the State and its tentacles of influence underneath, spreading like a fungal mat. And here and there, every so often it fruits with the toadstools which appear as government agencies of power—courts, lawmen, state capitals flying flags, and the coopted churchmen who largely preside over it all.

But even those two Americas are subdivided by ideology and race and heritage. The South has largely held on to its religion and concept of the State; “The Confederacy will rise again!” is still the cry of many. Truly, there should have been a peaceful Divide in those days, and I would have been pleased to live in the South today. (And it’s always been an enigma to me as to why the Lord allowed the wicked Northern Nation to prevail over their brothers). Still, Israel had to divide into the Northern and Southern Kingdoms when the rule of the king became intolerable. It may yet happen for us.

But there is clearly a “global” (I hesitate to use that word) conspiracy being hatched which has been decades—if not centuries—in the making. The Actors are known, for the most part. Their plans have been broadcast for decades. They’ve performed the proper incantations, which always include telling their victims what they are going to do to them before doing it… It’s the way of witchcraft. It somehow helps to cast the spell upon their prey so that they are too weak to resist. As a sadistic captor who has caged you in a dungeon, intending to boil and eat you, tells you as he fattens you up exactly how he is going to serve you, and with what sauce and seasonings… In order to terrify you and so break your spirit that you will not fight him when he puts you into the pot. Ideally, you will climb into it yourself.

A sophisticated program of divide and conquer has been applied to our societies for a very long time. It breeds a hopelessness in men, who desire unity in their families and in their culture above all. It seems to be increasing exponentially now—I see it in the comments sections of blogs and Toob sites, men who WANT to fight, but increasing feel the futility of it. What are we fighting for anyway? A society and a culture that’s lost already? Families that are fractured and openly antagonistic to Christianity? A contempt of patriarchy? Wives who have left spiritually and emotionally already? A nation that has grown to HATE a race of men who built it and nurtured it and gave their very blood for it? What’s to gain in any further sacrifice? After all, Christ already died for sinners; there is no need for us to.

I don’t know what “giving up” will mean for us. Will it mean acquiescing to become women (literally in some cases)? Will it mean folding to the Jewish Agenda; taking the mark, the jab, the digital universal “ID” and finally the UBI uploaded to our Submission Accounts monthly, IF we’ve been good little boys? Will it mean stepping in front of a bus? Will it mean pulling a final Samson act in a moment of desperation and pain? I suspect we will see the answer as this horror continues to unfold.

I recently heard one preacher ask another preacher being interviewed in a podcast say, “But when do we start shooting?” I don’t think he was just being facetious, as there was a tone of frustration and anger in his voice that I am well familiar with. The answer was deflected a number of times and the question repeated, forcefully, until finally the response was drawn out: “I can’t answer that for you”.

And that is where we are. That is the precise answer to the question of what do we do? Or as the prophet Ezekiel was told to speak to the men of Israel:

If our transgressions and our sins be upon us, and we pine away in them, how should we then live?”

The answer is given to us in that passage by Yawheh:

turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel?”

Christ has no pleasure in the death of the wicked. And among His own people, we are confounded with wickedness and rebellion, and we’ve known it not. But we don’t have to die; we can turn.

The writer of that article I do not believe is any sort of Christian, but nevertheless a decent and upright man who has seen the evil of our world and rejected it. But he failed at first to conform himself into the image of the Son and he failed at last to conform his family.

We who do have that hope of the Gospel of the Kingdom have a better view from our little mountains. We have a better Word to guide us. It is evident to us now that all these little concessions we’ve made and that our fathers have made over the many years of degradation of our former Christian lands have gotten us PRECISELY NOWHERE. Every little compromise has backfired on us. Every godly “right” or duty we’ve been commanded to fulfill, and protect, which we have since acquiesced or forfeited to “keep the peace” has led us only deeper and deeper into the chaotic twisted jungle we find ourselves in. Our willingness to comply with all the “little things” has only led to more “bigger things”, which we’ve also accommodated… to please the wife, or keep the love of the kids, or the paycheck, or the illusion of prosperity for just a little longer… While we hope things will blow over and we’ll get a peaceful retirement and die in our sleep at 80.

This man probably deigned to wear the “mask” to make the wife happy and so as not to offend his neighbor. But now he will have to choose the Shot. Or not to choose it, and suffer the consequences which he dreads. I wonder if he makes the logical connection. If we can’t stand up now for the truth—in this little thing—and insist on our God-given human rights, we WILL be dispossessed of ALL things in the very near future. This Covid psyop was a test. Men failed it.

In Jeremiah’s time, he watched his own nation self-destruct, slowly at first, and then suddenly. He watched his people compromise with evil for decades as things continued to worsen, until there was no remedy and the Babylonians finally (and inevitably) wiped them out. He said this to the weak men who capitulated to ‘go along to get along’ as everything was falling apart all around them:

If thou hast run with the footmen, and they have wearied thee, then how can you contend with horses? And if in the land of peace, wherein you trusted, they wearied thee, then how will you do in the swelling of the Jordan?”

The footmen today are the Covidians, the Karens, the black queens shrieking at you in the doorway, thrusting paper masks at you, and the fraudulent politicians lording over us their idiotic “mandates”… Sometimes it’s even our own family. Men, particularly white, Christian men, have been marked as the enemy, and our enemies have told us exactly what they are going to do to us, and we have our heads up our collective tail pipes pretending they don’t mean it. That’s a very dangerous mindset to be in, because I promise you the horsemen are coming. The Jordan is about to swell its banks.

That poor man’s family there in the nation of France will likely all perish in the flood that is about to breach. As it was with Lot, who only escaped intact (recall what his remaining daughters later did unto him), many of us will suffer the same fate. Sometimes the wickedness of the land has gotten so far out of hand Yahweh makes a full end of it, leaving only the righteous themselves to save their skins only:

And they shall bear the punishment of their iniquity: the punishment of the prophet shall be even as the punishment of him that seeketh unto him; That the house of Israel may go no more astray from me, neither be polluted any more with all their transgressions; but that they may be my people, and I may be their God, saith the Lord God. The word of the Lord came again to me, saying, Son of man, when the land sinneth against me by trespassing grievously, then will I stretch out mine hand upon it, and will break the staff of the bread thereof, and will send famine upon it, and will cut off man and beast from it:… Though Noah, Daniel, and Job were in it, as I live, saith the Lord God, they shall deliver neither son nor daughter; they shall but deliver their own souls by their righteousness. (Ezekiel 14)

This is the very real prospect we now face. And there comes a time when we must fight our way out, as men, leaving behind those who obstinately will not follow to their fate. But we can never compromise with the Truth. We must “not follow a multitude to do evil. The lies of the gods of this world have grown in proportion to the willingness to believe in them and to obey them. And it has metastasized into a monstrous thing that is swallowing everything. The remedy now is stark but becoming increasingly clear. We must cease to submit to them. At all costs and with the loss of all, if necessary, we must take the hand of those messengers of God who leadeth us out of the city, and walk out into the unknown ahead of us, not looking back, bearing the sword if needed, resisting the wicked who attempt to thwart us and pull us back into their net of despair. We are men, after all. Men fight. We do not succumb to our fears and our comforts to avoid the consequences of our failures, of which we confessedly have many.

And the cloud departed from off the tabernacle... Alas, my lord, I beseech thee, lay not the sin upon us, wherein we have done foolishly, and wherein we have sinned.” (Numbers 12)

Men also repent. We turn and gird ourselves for what is our lot. We learn hope again. We comfort ourselves in our God who is “great in mercies, and mighty to save”. And as our father Abraham did in the Age before us, we take that first step of faith into the wilds.

6/26/2021 - Subject: Juden (Part 3) (Printed Version)(Click for Part 1)(Click for Part 3)


Part Three

Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie;
behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee
. –Revelation 3:9

Only Jews are human. [Gentiles] are animals. (Baba Mezia 114a- 114b.)107 Jewish Talmud

The history of the Biblical Jews after the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD is a bit murky for some time. Well over a million in Judea were slaughtered and another hundred thousand or more were captured and enslaved by the Romans. The Sanhedrin who survived were banished to Jabneh, and a tax, the Fiscus Judaicus, was subsequently levied on all Jews remaining in the Roman provinces. Thereafter, some Judahites regrouped and attempted a redo of the first war resulting in the Masada, which we are told is now the second most popular tourist site in Israeli land after the Jerusalem Zoo. But further revolts happened over the course of the next century, with the highlight probably being the rebellion against Emperor Hadrian (for outlawing circumcision) around 132 AD, in which “most of the Jewish population is annihilated (about 580,000 killed) and Hadrian renames the province of Judea to Syria Palaestina...” Afterwards, we only hear from a few Rabbis here and there as they re-worked the Babylonian Talmud and codified Jewish legal and moral standards in the Mishnah—to their great shame, and our continual misfortune.

Next in the timeline is Constantine, becoming the world’s first ‘Roman Catholic’ and subsequently outlawing Judaism altogether—scattering the remaining stragglers throughout the collapsing Empire in ignominy. Then in 379 AD, in India, a Hindu king going by the name of Iru Brahman gave an edict engraved on a tablet of brass granting permission for Jews to live freely, build synagogues, and own property “without conditions attached and as long as the world and moon exist.” I don’t know if they’re still there or not but that group is probably the reason for the more recent Indian Jews we saw last time in pictures.

But Jews of one sort or another meandered about the Mediterranean area for the next 1,000 years, causing uprisings here and there—often times leading to their massacres—being hounded out, hunted down by Muslims in Arabia, and slowly sifted into southern Europe where they mostly ended up in Spain under Arab caliphates. After the Crusades, some of these found their way back to Palestine or were dispersed into smaller groups into Western Europe (particularly into London, whereupon king Henry III expelled them in 1240 “for their own good” after being blamed for counterfeiting money, which agitated revenge from the local citizens). Afterwards, flaming anti-Semite Edward I famously expelled them from all of England, after the banning of usury in the 1275 Statute of Jewry. Interesting that in order to ban usury he found it necessary to exile ALL Jews… Meanwhile, as we saw earlier, a much larger group of “Khazar Jews” were working their way into what became southern Russia in what could be considered the genesis of a very long rivalry between themselves and the Slavic natives.

Coming up upon the modern era, in 1492, in the midst of the Spanish Inquisition, the Spaniards issued the Alhambra Decree… Where after, according to Wikipedia,

“Approximately 200,000 Jews are expelled from Spain… The expelled Jews relocate to the Netherlands, Turkey, Arab lands, and Judea; some eventually go to South and Central America. However, most emigrate to Poland. In later centuries, more than 50% of the Jewish world population lived in Poland. Many Jews remain in Spain after publicly converting to Christianity, becoming Crypto-Jews.”

Perhaps we’ll run into some more ‘crypto-Jews’ later.

A year after that, Jews were expelled from Sicily and another 137,000 were exiled. And so it went…

Somewhere back in that narrative—most likely toward the end of the dissolution of the Roman Empire—the “Jews” of the Bible were transmogrified into the “Chosen People” of today. That is to say, the Judahites of Israel ceased to be; a lineage back to Jacob becoming unknowable, and ever more unlikely as the centuries rolled on. Possibly, even, today that line is extinct. But rather it occurred as it had in the time of the book of Esther, that “many of the people of the land became Jews; for the fear of the Jews fell upon them”.

However the modern people group we know as “Jews” came to be, they have a history which is well known—at least since the invention of the printing press—even if unknown by so many in the “church” today. As mentioned earlier, wherever the Jewish nation has lurked in the earth they have caused distress amongst their neighbors and have steadfastly refused to be integrated in their societies. Partly in an attempt to understand this odd propensity, Christian scholars learned Hebrew and began to pry into the teachings of the Talmud. And as the Jewish “Code” gradually became known, it was routinely excoriated—particularly by the Romish Popes through the late Middle Ages. Gregory IX (circa 1230) condemned the Talmud as containing “every kind of vileness and blasphemy against Christian doctrine.”

The Jews themselves confess that their religion and their very culture derives from the Talmud.

Thus the ultimate authority for Orthodoxy is the Babylonian Talmud. The Bible itself ranks second to it in reality, if not in theory.” 171 (Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, “Authority” pg. 637)

The Talmud makes it clear that Judaism regards Jesus as a “charlatan,” ”magician,” “seducer,” and “deceiver.” The Talmud also alleges that the biblical account of the crucifixion was a lie, maintaining that Jewish priests rather than the Romans actually crucified Jesus. (And perhaps they did.)

By the time of the Reformation, it was nearly universally known what the Judaistic religion in fact taught (which is one reason why the Jews were contemptuously expelled from European lands). Martin Luther infamously wrote a book, The Jews and Their Lies, (although no Lutherans I’ve ever come across seem to be aware of it) in which he confesses:

Maybe mild-hearted and gentle Christians will believe I am too rigorous and drastic against the poor, afflicted Jews, believing that I ridicule them and treat them with such sarcasm. By my word, I am far too weak to be able to ridicule such a Satanic breed.”

What Luther had begun to understand, understandably compelled him to write what he wrote. Many centuries later the following Jew would inadvertently agree with Luther in his oxymoronic book, ‘Antisemitism’, openly confessing their subversions:

The Jew . . .is not content merely to destroy Christianity, but he preaches the gospel of Judaism; he not only assails the Catholic or the Protestant faith, but he incites to unbelief, and then imposes on those whose faith he has undermined his own conception of the world, of morality and of life. He is engaged in his historic mission, annihilation of the religion of Christ.” (Bernard Lazare, Antisemitism, 1967)

Not surprisingly, Luther had much to say with regards to the next section as well.

The World’s Money Lenders

The beginning of the story of how the Jews came to own all of the earth goes back to before Jesus’ time. But for the sake of brevity, we’ll start there. And we’ll in no way get to the bottom of this plot… For the interested reader to get the bigger picture, he’ll have to delve into some of the many well-researched books on the subject.

The incident with Jesus overturning the tables of the money changers in Matthew 21 illuminates their ancient modus operandi—inherited from Babylon. Usury and other fraudulent dealings with money was still the root sin of the ‘Judaizers’ of Jesus’ day, as testified by the fact that so much of Jesus’ scorn was directed towards this mal-character trait. Indeed, they had turned the Temple of God into a “den of thieves”. Jesus also called them “hypocrites; serpents; vipers; blind; liars and murderers”. Ominously, as we began to see above, the progeny of these usurious Jews found their way into Christian lands just as soon as the Roman Empire dissolved and gave way to them.

Jews in fact were the predominant moneylenders of Europe long before the nation states were formed there—this being due to the fact of the canonical prohibition against taking interest by Christians. (That revealing Jewish article is definitely recommended reading). Here is the shortened chain of events:

By 1657, the International Banking Dynasty under which we are enslaved to this day was finally realized after a Jewish rabbi schemed with Oliver Cromwell to allow the return of his ethnic brethren from their nearly 400 year exile from England by king Edward 1. In the long game of economic Chess being played upon us, this move constituted Check. Check-mate came a bit later. However, the door then being opened for the return of Jews to England likewise gave place for the camel’s nose under the tents of the English colonies in America. Seeing this for what it was, many of the colonists responded forcefully—notably the colonial Dutch governor Peter Stuyvesant—who having learned of the first group of 23 Jews to sail to America (after being rudely denied entry into Cuba by the Spanish!) were making their way toward New Amsterdam (now “New York”). He vehemently objected. The letter he sent to the Dutch West India Company dated September 22, 1654, reads in part:

The Jews who have arrived would nearly all like to remain here, but learning that they (with their customary usury and deceitful trading with the Christians) were very repugnant to the inferior magistrates, as also to the people having the most affection for you; the Deaconry also fearing that owing to their present indigence they might become a charge in the coming winter, we have, for the benefit of this weak and newly developing place and the land in general, deemed it useful to require them in a friendly way to depart, praying also most seriously in this connection, for ourselves as also for the general community of your worships, that the deceitful race—such hateful enemies and blasphemers of the name of Christ—be not allowed to further infect and trouble this new colony to the detraction of your worships and the dissatisfaction of your worships' most affectionate subjects.”

Unfortunately for the Governor, the Dutch West India Company had already been infiltrated with a few “influential Jews” who made haste to kibosh his request—specifically ordering him in their reply to be “allowed to be infected by people of the Jewish nation” while saying the exact opposite... Ending their letter with, “You will now govern yourself accordingly”. Thusly arrived the “Jewish nation” in America.

Back in those blissful pre-‘Holocaust’ times before the wool had been fully pulled over the eyes of the Gentiles, punches were rarely pulled…

Meanwhile, back in England, Cromwell’s indiscretion was leading to the maneuverings of placing William of Orange on the throne in a quid pro quo to establish the Bank of England (facilitated, again, by the Usual Suspects). This bank charter in turn instigated the ensuing wars between England and France… exactly according to plan. The long game of bankrupting them both, leading to the bloody revolutions in England and France, and ultimately in the American colonies was happening marvelously.

I bring all this history to your attention in order to show the prevailing attitude of the day and the great pains and difficulty the Jews endured in order to make their unwanted presence once again known to the Europeans.

Exactly how all of this led to the rise of the Jewish Rothschild dynasty, the spawning of Paul Moritz Warburg, and his machinations in creating the egregious U.S. Federal Reserve system, I’ll leave up to the discerning reader to discover on his own. Suffice it to say, this traces all the way back to some tables being flipped in a Temple in Jerusalem somewhere around the year 32 AD.

The Long Game

History as you likely know it is a complete lie. The victors write the textbooks, it’s true, and as Mayer Amschel of the House of Rothschild famously said, “Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws!” Of course that’s a disingenuous statement as the lawyering elite do in fact write the economic laws of our nation; they invent the history and they control commerce, and thereby do they shape the culture and society at large. There is in fact a generational Long Game that has been carefully planned out by malfeasant groups of Jews and they make no bones about it, only vaguely concealing their intentions when it’s necessary to do so. For the most part they have no fear of being “exposed” as they control the levers of power and banking now almost unanimously. But we’ll take a brief look at the case of “Marxism” as a central role in the final act of the end game, which began, I believe, right around the time of the American War of Secession—commonly and erroneously known as the ‘Civil War’. This is probably not a mere coincidence.

Marxism was the seed of global communism, which was a Jewish scheme from the beginning—imagined, orchestrated, and financed by international groups of very wealthy Jews. As a means to an end, and to settle some old scores, the world was sold a fraudulent narrative in Karl Marx (who himself was probably part-dupe). He was wholly an invention that played his part well, not unlike the CIA-created Barak Obama in our day. And though it was an act, what occurred in the world was very real, the consequences of which continue to blossom towards the Grand Finale of a Global Technocracy—now in our immediate future.

Long before Karl Marx discovered communism in 1848, his grandfather was a Rabbi, and his father was a Jewish lawyer who “converted to Christianity” because Jews were forbidden to practice law (if you can even wrap your mind around that). He was also a disciple of one Moses Hess, the “forerunner” of modern Zionism (according to the Jewish Encyclopedia of Zionism)… We’ll just leave that interesting detail for another article… Marx, being a German, had a pathological hatred of ethnic Russians which arose from the long running feud between the Jews and the Czars—who, besides restricting them from certain occupations, had sequestered them in their territories to something called the “Pale of Settlement”—way back in 1772. Recall now that it was the Khazars of mixed non-Russian stock who, living (unassimilated) for centuries under their own Talmudic law within Russia, became known in the western world, as “Russian Jews". Although the British (and most of Western Europe), as we saw earlier, had already eased up on their restrictions on the Jews, the Russians were still holding up the plans for Jewish world domination... Becoming the vanguard of the ethnic war against the Czars was, in fact, the goal of Marxism at the time.

The destruction of the Russian economy was a well-planned strategy by the revenge-bent Jewish financiers (who also funded Marx’s lifestyle and created his character role). In response to the economic and other pressures put upon Russia, the Czar issued an edict on September 3, 1882, which stated:

For some time the government has given its attention to the Jews and to their relations to the rest of the inhabitants of the empire, with a view of ascertaining the sad condition of the Christian inhabitants brought about by the conduct of Jews in business matters.... With few exceptions, they have as a body devoted their attention, not to enriching or benefiting the country, but to defrauding by their wiles its inhabitants, and particularly its poor inhabitants… [I] thought it a matter of urgency and justice to adopt stringent measures in order to put an end to the oppression practiced by the Jews on the inhabitants, and to free the country from their malpractices, which were, as is known, the cause of the agitations”.

With that, as far as the “Marxists” were concerned, the Czars had just signed their own death warrant. For the rest of that sordid story of the notorious murders of the last Czar and his family by a cabal of Jewish conspirators, see a hundred resources freely available—this book is also very good.

We’ve gone through this history because it is important to see how it has been revised and redacted. None of us were taught in school that the “Russian Revolution” was NOT Russian, but a foreign takeover of an empire… Moreover, the reasons this was hidden included the fact that Jewish Zionism is entirely intertwined in these events and the plans of the “fabricated and anti-Semitic text” of the Protocols of the Wise Elders of Zion (whoever wrote them) were unfolding in history, in plain view, and needed to be concealed from the haters.

Nevertheless, word got out. It’s part of their pathological compulsion of taking credit for well accomplished dastardly deeds...

The American Hebrew magazine, September 10, 1920, proudly stated: "The Bolshevist revolution in Russia was the work of Jewish brains, of Jewish dissatisfaction, of Jewish planning, whose goal is to create a new order in the world."

How about them apples?

In fact, it was likely well understood at the time what, exactly, had gone down in Russia, as even Winston Churchill had this to say in an article he published called, Zionism versus Bolshevism: A Struggle for the Soul of the Jewish People (also in 1920):

In violent opposition to all this sphere of Jewish effort rise the schemes of the International Jews… this world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible quality, has been steadily growing…and now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire.”

I am confident you never heard those words uttered by Churchill in any history lesson.

Few today are aware that of the six men that led the Bolshevik revolt in Russia: Lenin, Trotsky, Zinoviev, Kamenev, Sverdlev, and Lunacharsky—five were Jews… Trotsky's real name was Lev Bronstein (a New Yorker), Lenin’s was Hiam Goldmann. Karl Marx, half a century earlier, co-wrote the script; they were the lead actors.

When the Bolsheviks came to power, they systematically undertook to destroy every vestige of opposition by exterminating the upper classes of Russian society. What was known as the Red Terror was nothing less than the fury of Jewish hatred against Christian civilization. It was a monstrous rampage free-for-all—an orgy of blood—which they modelled after the account in Esther, deriving great pleasure in knowing they would be absolved for it, as “God’s Chosen”.

By now, hopefully, we’ve begun to grasp the depth of the Lie, and the mendacity of those who have been speaking it. Jewish Supremacists are the Enemy of our people and they do indeed intend to carry out their vows against Western Civilization. Time will not permit us to follow the breadcrumbs further for now, but we’ll end with this letter written to Karl Marx by his fellow Jew, Baruch Levy, as quoted in La Revue de Paris, (June 1, 1928, p. 574). It’s prescience speaks for itself…

"The Jewish people as a whole will be its own Messiah. It will attain world dominion by the dissolution of other races, by the abolition of frontiers, by the annihilation of monarchy which has always been the support of individualism, and by the establishment of a world republic in which the Jews will everywhere exercise the privilege of citizenship. In this new world order the Children of Israel, who are scattered over the world, will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition; and this will more particularly be the case if they succeed in getting the working masses under their control. The governments of the different peoples forming the world republic will, through the victory of the proletariat, fall without difficulty into the hand of the Jews. It will then be possible for the Jewish rulers to abolish private property, and everywhere to make use of the resources of the state. Thus will the promise of the Talmud be fulfilled, in which it is said, that when the Messianic time has come, the Jews will have the property of the whole world in their hands.”

Klaus Schwab couldn’t have said it better himself.

6/15/2021 - Subject: Juden (Part 2) (Printed Version)(Click for Part 1)(Click for Part 3)


Part Two

For ye, brethren, became followers of the ecclesia of God which in Judaea are in Christ Jesus: for ye also have suffered like things of your own countrymen, even as they have of the Jews:  Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God, and are contrary to all men: Forbidding us to speak to the nations that they might be saved, to fill up their sins alway: for the wrath is come upon them to the uttermost. –Paul the Apostle, 1 Thessalonians 2:14

There are two life-forces in the world I know: Jewish and gentile, ours and yours. . . . I do not believe that this primal difference between gentile and Jew is reconcilable. You and we may come to an understanding, never to a reconciliation. There will be irritation between us as long as we are in intimate contact. For nature and constitution and vision divide us from all of you forever.” –Maurice Samuel, You Gentiles

At the birth of Jesus Christ, His first great enemy in the world sought to kill Him... the Edomite, King Herod. Though he missed his intended target, his furious effort unwittingly fulfilled prophecy by his dragnet slaughter of all the children under 2 years old. Such was the wickedness, hatred and envy of the Herodians.

“Antipater, an Idumean by birth, was made by Caesar procurator of all Judea; and his son, commonly called Herod the Great, was, at the time of Christ's birth, king of Judea, including Idumea." –Wiki entry

We began to discern in Part One that the modern Jew has no genetic link to the ancient Jews of the House of Israel. They confess this themselves in many of their own publications and books, but as we discovered, the Bible itself provides ample evidence. But, many of today’s Jews DO share a heritage with other peoples of the Bible, and more crucially, they have a spiritual lineage to certain “children of the devil” which Jesus revealed in John chapter 8. We will focus on this “metaphysical ethnicity” for the most part in the following segment. But I think it’s important to also discern a certain paternity which runs throughout modern Jewry, because it’s ever true that the nut doesn’t fall far from the tree.

Before continuing, I think it’s important to make a few statements. This series is not a blanket condemnation of ALL Jews. We’ve already expounded the biblical use of the term Jew, and I’m perfectly aware of Romans 9-11. And certainly not all present-day Jews are worthy of disdain—some are to be excused, at least, for their disinterest in their Jewishness, and even applauded for their refusal to attack Christianity. I’ll list a few names in a moment to prove my sincerity. Moreover, I bear no hatred for Jewish people in general, as Christians should not hate nor attempt to subjugate any people-group... But on the opposite end of that spectrum there is a cognitive dissonance among our people—especially “evangelicals”—who have taken the extreme inverse stance of worshipping such a group…even blasphemously calling them “the Chosen People of God”. And this is a derangement that must be strongly rebuked—and I aim to do that. Finally, there IS an element among that group who wield power and influence with a malignance that far exceeds any other portion of mankind, and their Jewish Supremacism may be the most dangerous enemy we face as Christians, and as a nation… and as a civilization. And I believe Paul was speaking of them in that passage above.

Are Jews a Distinct People?

Although no Jew today is a Hebrew, even so, in an odd turn of Romans 9:6, not all modern Jews are Jews. A FEW, a small remnant if you will, have actually, at great personal risk, and sometimes the loss of their families and permanent ostracization, renounced their “Jewishness”—or at least their Judaism. They have openly repudiated any form of Jewish Supremacism. Some of these honest souls have indeed turned on their own people to speak the truth about them. They have confessed their “national sins” and have exposed the agenda and the subterfuge of their brethren in a number of books, many of which I’ve read and are still available freely on the internet. These Jewish dissidents deserve some degree of praise from their would-be enemies (us) for their truthfulness and their character in having a non-herd mentality—when they indeed exist in such a small and vindictive herd.

Some of these modern commentators are the revisionists, David Cole (aka David Stein) and the notorious Ron Unz. Jewish authors of the past and present who have shed incredibly valuable light on their nation are Benjamin “the holocaust denier” Freedman, Israel Shahack, and the extant Norman Finkelstein. There are many more worthy of mention. It needs not saying, but one cannot help the circumstances of his birth. Fault only comes when one refuses to recognize them for what they are or attempt to rectify them however possible.

Let’s start with distinguishing a people-group from a racial-group. In fact, todays Jews are not a distinct race. Though they irrationally dispute this. Jewish leaders have for centuries called themselves a race. Benjamin Netanyahu has often referred to the “Jewish race” in his speeches. However, a quick look at Jews from around the world will reveal a vast physical disparity among them. Yet Jews unironically insist on the preservation of their DNA, and intermarriage between Jews and non-Jews is universally opposed among them—and is in fact illegal in the State of Israel. They often make their false and contradictory claims of maintaining racial integrity by using the Bible (e.g., Deuteronomy 2:2-6, Ezra 9:12) . Using circular reasoning—because they are the Chosen People, therefore they must maintain their ethnicity. This same fallacious logic is also the root of their racial supremacy, even as most Jews maintain their secularism—and a great many claim atheism! Jews trace their lineage maternally and through Judaistic (religious) roots—though a Jew’s belief or unbelief plays no part in their identity! This dissonance can be freely ignored, and usually is. One is born a “Jew” solely because one’s mother was a Jew—ad infinitum. And any person of any race can become a Jew through conversion. That’s the Israeli legal definition of who is a Jew, and we might as well defer to it (frankly, otherwise, we have no definition at all). However, all that is NOT to say there is no common ethnicity found among them.

During Titus' siege of Jerusalem (66-70 A.D.), Josephus records that "20,000 Idumeans appeared before Jerusalem to fight in -behalf of the Zealots who were besieged in the Temple.” This is the last recorded mention of Edomites in history… However, we can be sure that a remnant of that stock of Pharisees which despised Jesus Christ and ultimately had Him executed for crimes against the Jewish State, sallied forth out of Judea before or after the war. We know this because the Jews themselves know this…

The JEWISH ENCYCLOPEDIA, edition of 1925, Volume 5, page 41, states "Edom is in modern Jewry.”

Not all Jews are Edomites, but they acknowledge their connection to Edom in an underhanded way. For they agree with history in that Idumeans lived and ruled in Palestine from about the 4th century BC, becoming “incorporated into the Jewish nation”. As this article from the Jewish Encyclopedia attests, during the time of Jesus the Idumean Herodians ruled in Judea and it was until the siege of Jerusalem in 70 AD, in fact, when the “Idumeans ceased to be a separate people”. Curiously, the article does not speculate as to why that is. But it continues, showing plainly how the Rabbinical Jews today are quite aware of the Bible’s consistent maligning of Esau/Edom. For they have now—by the magic of the Talmud—applied every biblical passage referring to Edom to Rome, and to Christianity, by expunging the word “Edom” and replacing it with “Hazir” (swine) in their Hebrew texts. Here again, attempting to pin the tail on the other donkey.

But Idumeans were also thought to have mingled with the original groups of an Asiatic people known as Chazars or Khazars during the dissolution of Rome. These were a semi-nomadic confederation of Turkic tribes that in the late 6th century established the empire of Khazaria. The state was polyglot and polyethnic, covering what is now southeastern Russia, southern Ukraine, Crimea and Kazakhstan. This detail will become relevant for us later.

This always seemed rather strange to me, as it should. For a people who claim to be of a united ethnicity and which deem such importance to their stock, while at the same time seeming to have little interest in knowing their ancestry or attempting to actually trace it… One gets suspicious.

Nathan Pollock, A Khazar-Jew, spent 40 years researching the origin of his fellow "Jews", publishing his book, THE JEWS THAT AREN'T. In it, he says that six out of ten in Palestine, and nine out of ten in the western hemisphere (America) are actually “descendants of the fierce Khazar tribes which roamed the steppes of southern Russia many centuries ago." And in fact, the original Jewish Encyclopedia of 1905 revealed that the main stock of today’s Jews, the Ashkenazim, are the Khazars which are the "East European Jews". Again, I recommend the book, The Thirteenth Tribe for more factual evidence of this, but suffice it to say, the Jews themselves recognize their lineage is NOT from the Judahites of the Bible, or if it is claimed, it becomes a nonsense statement anyway as Khazars have nothing whatever to do with ancient Judeans.

And yet, the mystery becomes even more convoluted because the Jews have (admittedly) mixed themselves with every population they’ve lived in since the diaspora of the first century AD—if they were even of the diaspora which is not a fact in evidence. Yet, they remain a coherent ethnic group. How this happens is mysterious and possibly metaphysical for which I haven’t a good explanation. But let’s put to bed the idea that Jews are ONE single race of people. You’ll note in that Wiki article a dizzying array of species of “Jew”… From Ethiopian Jews, to Indian Jews,

Juden 2 - Photo 1    Juden 2 - Photo 2

To Yemen Jews, to Chinese Jews, to Kurdish Jews…

Juden 2 - Photo 3   Juden 2 - Photo 4   Juden 2 - Photo 5

The “Jewish Race” simply isn’t.

Yet, the fact remains that Jews are the most ethnocentric people on the face of the earth. In this sense, they are a nation. They are in fact a people-group. Many are racially similar; some are not. They’ve mingled with many peoples, but they preserved their heritage...

By now, some of us should be seeing an odd parallel with Christianity. Or, rather an inversion. For it is the ecclesia of Jesus Christ, which is His Body, made up “out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation” (Revelation 5:9) –making up the Family of God. In this way, at least, we share a metaphysical ethnicity, as do the Jews. Yet, the only “Christian Race” ever spoken of is the one in which we run (Hebrews 12:1). NEVER have Christians made a disingenuous claim to racial superiority over any other people group. In that alone, Christians and Jews are polar opposites.

Therefore let us dispel with this notion once and for all that modern Jews are a “Chosen race” of people; that they are in fact a race at all, or that they are in any sense descended from the ancient Hebrews. That they are, however, an identifiable group is self-evident. But why should that be? We must continue our journey of discovery, as hard as it may be to face. We MUST learn to see things that we’ve not wanted, nor been permitted to see. Therefore (all prejudices aside) for the remainder of this article and this series, we’ll let history and their own words about themselves—and about the rest of us goyim—develop a true picture.

It is a historical fact that over the last two millennia, wherever Jews have congregated among the nations, they have left a distinct impression on their “hosts”. This is undeniable, whatever the reasons for it one may choose to come up with. There is in fact a very specific ‘odor’ of a personality type, if you will, but more relevantly, a certain shared morality has always been associated with this people. Simply, this Judaistic quality comes from Talmudism. It is inherited in the same way that “churchianity” is inherited by many people in the West—and why Army dog tags all had a line for “religious preference” (Protestant; Catholic; Jewish; No Religious Preference.). Most people are born into their religion whether they perceive it or not, and it naturally becomes a part of their identity—just like their ‘tag number’.

We’ll talk more about the Jewish Identity later. But perhaps, by way of introduction, we’ll begin to observe their ways before we conclude this segment. Or, just let them introduce themselves…

The renowned Jew, Samuel Roth had this to say about themselves in his book, The Jews Must Live (1934):

Our major vice of old, as of today, is parasitism. We are a people of vultures living on the labor and the good nature of the rest of the world.”

What an extraordinary and succinct observation!

This parasitic nature is no doubt why they dominate the ranks of lawyers and bankers—and always have. The Jews in every nation they have lived, in all of history, have been a powerful infiltrative, subversive, and degenerative force. And a simple, comparative analysis (anyone can do) reveals that their influential power, wherever they have gained it, derives from the exact negative of Mosaic moral Law. This cannot be mere coincidence when all Ten Commandments of God, and all of His statutes and judgements are either inverted or glibly ignored systematically by a people, over scores of generations.

I will offer a brief suggestion as to why that may be so, and we’ll conclude with this thought for now… There is an interesting passage found in Jeremiah 24—the parable of the good figs and the bad. It occurs after the king of Babylon had carried away captive the son of the king of Judah and a certain group of nobles. (Daniel was among the first group taken into Babylon). Yahweh has told the prophet that He’d made a division of those Judahites in his day, and those who’d been taken early into captivity would be spared, “and shall return unto me with their whole heart.” These were the “good figs”.

And as the evil figs, which cannot be eaten, they are so evil; surely thus saith the Lord…I will deliver them to be removed into all the kingdoms of the earth for their hurt, to be a reproach and a proverb, a taunt and a curse, in all places whither I shall drive them.” (verses. 8,9)

Those bad figs, "very evil," becoming like unto the Canaanites, would be scattered over the face of the earth. Those who’d remained in the land after the Babylonian captivity would be mixed with the neighboring heathen—Hittites, Egyptians, Edomites—further corrupting themselves. And the seed of Esau, and those cursed Judahites masquerading under the name of “Jew” have been revealing their identity by their bad fruits and their barrenness of doing the will of God ever since.

As we began this article with a quote by the late, great Maurice, let’s end it fittingly with another. In the next segment, we’ll explore this inconvenient truth more fully and begin to see where all of this is headed. If nothing else, please do not make the grave mistake of thinking these are the mere idle words of a fool…

In everything we are destroyers We Jews, we, the destroyers, will remain the destroyers forever. Nothing that you will do will meet our needs and demands. We will forever destroy because we need a world of our own.” –Maurice Samuel, You Gentiles

5/29/2021 - Subject: Juden (Part 1) (Printed Version)


Part One

For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God. (Rom 2:28,29)

Christians are very mixed up about the Jews, and have been for a long time. This will be an attempt to rectify that. It is not meant to be offensive, though it may offend. But it is an effort to find the truth about an important part of our reality that has been cloaked in a shroud of lies, obfuscation, and confusion since Moses was a baby.

The first thing to understand is that our modern “Jews” are not the Jews of the Bible. Or if they are, then we’ve misunderstood what the biblical term means—and that’s a distinct possibility. It would seem self-evident though not to conflate the ancient Jews with modern Jews, just as one would not confuse ancient Greeks with modern Greeks. But this does not seem to be the case. This confusion comes partly from biblical and historical ignorance, but partly from deliberate subterfuge. The Jews certainly know who they are, and they know who Christians are, but it benefits them that Christians remain unsure about either. That’s the first bite we need to swallow.

Probably not one in a thousand can claim to fully understand what a “Jew” meant in the Bible—particularly in the New Testament. I’m one of the 999, but I’ve come much closer to the truth than I was while in “church”. There was probably even a brief time when I thought I was a “Judeo-Christian” and that Jesus was a “Jewish Carpenter”, but I’ve long since repented of those things and I hope you will also forgive me. After much thought and Bible study, and much reading of history, I’ve concluded a few things about the Jews. Some of those conclusions are worth sharing, and I will do so here, but we will by no means exhaust the subject.

Therefore in Part One of this study, we’ll examine the biblical background for the ancient Jew (and speculate about whether Jesus was a Jew) … and in Part Two, we’ll look at the modern Jew in all of his glory, and try and untangle the two.

Part of the reason for the enigma is that the term we’ve translated as “Jew” can and does have different meanings by the biblical context. We’ll get to that shortly. Jew is a (relatively recent) English word that’s come to mean something consistent in every language now—and not accidentally. (By the way, that link is instructive and recommended reading before we go on). But it’s also worth noting up front that the original 1611 King James Bible translated Idumaean-Judean into Iewes, and it wasn’t until the revised editions of the KJV that the word Jew appears… And Idumaean was from the Greek, Ioudaios, which by the time of Jesus had been translated (or transliterated) from the word for Edom or Edomites. Also, the Pharisaism of Jesus’ day is one and the same with the religion of Judaism today... That’s a hint.

In the OT, the Hebrew y’hudi is rendered “Jew” in our English Bibles and simply means “Judahite” (of the tribe or land, or kingdom of Judah). We find it about 100 times—mostly in the book of Esther. What it doesn’t mean, and never meant, is Israel. In other words, “Jew” was not synonymous with “Israel”. At the time of the split of the northern Kingdom of Israel and the southern Kingdom of Judah, the distinction was made. Thence, not all Israelites were “Jews”, but all Jews were Israelites (in the OT). And “Israel” could mean the Northern Kingdom, or ALL of the tribes of Israel, but Jews were Judahites (of Judah).

But the NT is a bit more ambiguous. Ioudaioi is the NT Greek from which we get “Jew” or “the Jews”. In the three synoptic Gospels hoi Ioudaioi or its equivalent occurs only 16 times, almost always in the title "king of the Jews" (referring to Jesus of course). Here the situation is rather straight forward because it’s taken for granted in the oldest gospels (Matt, Mark, and Luke) that everyone is a Jew unless otherwise indicated. And the ordinary reader at that time would know this. But the word is found about 180 times in all of the NT—more than 150 of which are in John and Acts. And this is where things start to get squirrelly.

Some of the explanations of the “theologians” tend to lean towards a theory that in the early biblical writings (i.e., the Gospels), the Jews were easily seen as one, more or less, homogenous group, among whom came out a sect which believed in Jesus as the Messiah, leaving the majority of the Jews as unbelievers. The unbelieving Jews were at times hassling (and occasionally murdering) their cultic brethren, but otherwise were content to go on their merry way just being “Jews”—thus not much controversy over definitions. But later in the first century, once Roman persecution began and the Jews were itching to revolt, the Christian sect began to distance itself from the Jews—rejecting all forms and paraphernalia of Judaism, and even stopped calling themselves Jews altogether. This is nearer to the time of John’s gospel, and also Paul’s writings, which tended to be disparaging of the “Jews”. Hence, the term took on a different meaning, and began to become the byword it is today. Perhaps, also this is a direct fulfilment of the words of the prophet, and to which Jesus was specifically referencing in Matt 21...

Behold, my servants shall sing for joy of heart, but ye shall cry for sorrow of heart, and shall howl for vexation of spirit. And ye shall leave your name for a curse unto my chosen: for the Lord God shall slay thee, and call his servants by another name. (Isaiah 65:15-16)

This angle makes the most sense in my mind, but we’ll see if it holds water later.

The modern controversy over the “Jewish Question” and the rise of something called “anti-Semitism” (perhaps the greatest misnomer in history) has led to some bizarre theatrics and ideologies among Christians and God-haters alike. Some well-meaning brethren have tried to smooth over the problem by saying the term “Jew” in the Bible should just be translated as “Judean” or “Judahite” as that’s what it really means anyway. But this is only correct for the OT usage. In fact, the NT uses a different word to denote “people of Judea”—G2449, ioudaia. And a Judean might be one of descent from the tribe of Judah, or one living in the land of Judah (Judea), or as mentioned before, an Edomite. So it’s ambiguous as well. The translators did their best with the Greek in interpreting it honestly into the English, and that’s all we can ask from them. Understanding the meaning is left to us. But in like manner must we treat Ioudaios, the word for Jew/Jews. In fact it’s analogous to the NT word for “law”—effectively non-specific, as in most cases it’s found without an identifier (e.g., “mosaic law”, or “ceremonial law”, or “moral law”). It’s often just “law”. Not being cognizant of HOW Paul, for example, is using the word can lead to a bewilderment of doctrine—and frequently has.

So we are left to our own devices, it seems, in discerning what the Bible means with the word Jew... And how it compares with our modern understanding of the word. But it’s not an unsolvable puzzle.

Today I find it most irritating to hear the oft repeated, “Jesus was a Jewish Carpenter”... He was not Jew-ISH. He was only a Jew in the sense that He was a Judahite (of the tribe of Judah), yet he was not a Judean, but a Galilean (as were all of the disciples). We therefore need to be careful in calling Jesus a “Jew”. It’s not typically biblical, nor is it historical. Furthermore, you will never find a modern Jew who would refer to Jesus of Nazareth as “Jewish”—and hard-pressed to find one that would even refer to Him as a “Jew” at all. Indeed, I believe the common Talmudic imprecation is that Jesus was actually a “goy”, and a usurper, and many more blasphemous and detestable things which I shall not repeat. But not a Jew. They are insistent that He was not one of them. This is also revealing.

In fact the term “Jewish” is itself a bit of an etymological enigma. We know what it means, although it’s hard to define technically—much like pornography—we know it when we see it. Commonly speaking, we understand Jewish to mean “of the Jews’ religion or culture”. Hollywood executives, dreidels, yarmulkes, Zionism, the State of Israel, Barbara Streisand, etc. …these are Jewish. Jesus was none of these things.

The fact is Jesus never once referred to Himself as a “Jew” in the Bible. He was called the “King of the Jews” in all four Gospels, and He confessed that He was that King (Mark 15:2). But that He was a Jew (of Judah), we know. Also, both Peter and Paul refer to themselves as a “Jew” in the book of Acts, but in those instances it is clear they refer to their nationality.

Those instances of Peter and Paul as “Jews” deserve a moment of inspection. Please see Acts 10:28, 21:29, and 22:3. We see the clear intent there. And an interesting occurrence happens in the book of Galatians when there is a dispute of Peter and Paul over Peter’s doublemindedness between the “gentile” Christians and his Jewish homeys…

But when I saw that they walked not uprightly according to the truth of the gospel, I said unto Peter before them all, If thou, being a Jew, livest after the manner of Gentiles, and not as do the Jews, why compellest thou the Gentiles to live as do the Jews? We who are Jews by nature, and not sinners of the Gentiles, Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ…”(v.14-16)

Here Paul demonstrates this use of the word as it applies to themselves.. Jews by nature (G5449 physis)—by birth or physical origin. It also reveals the beginnings of Paul’s divergence from his Jewish ways—“living as do the Jews”. The worm was beginning to turn...

Later, Paul goes on to say he was a “Hebrew of the Hebrews”, a Pharisee, and technically a Jew in the negative sense. That was his old life; the old man. The new man said this:He H “And unto the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might gain the Jews.” Perhaps that means he wore the yarmulke. Yet after being converted unto Christ, he’d begun to renounce his former Judaism as worthless, “counting it but dung” (Phil 3:8). Eventually, he became the angry and crusty anti-Semite that we know today, utterly rejecting the unbelieving Jews—even warning his followers away from them, calling them “the concision”. This was an interesting cussword (katatomē)—used only once in the NT, meaning “the mutilation”—a derogatory reference to ritual circumcision! (Read that rhetorically friends). Yet, Paul, as he matured in Christ, began to renounce everything that was once Jewish about him, including his own circumcision (nothing could be done about that!), and even later, baptisms. He concludes:

For WE are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh. (Phil 3:3)

And again,

For he is NOT a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God. (Rom 2:28,29)

In other words, as Paul begins to say later in another way, ‘Not all Jews are Israel, and not all Israel are Israel’.

Paul is here alluding to something profound, and we are close to solving the puzzle... As the Old Covenant age was passing away, so too were the “Old Covenant people”. That is, the identity of those people who would inherit the Kingdom in the New Covenant Age would NOT be the Jews of the former age. Christ had said in Matthew 21 that He would “give the Kingdom to another nation which would bring forth the fruits thereof.” We need to reconcile the fact that He came “but to the lost sheep of the house of Israel” because that was to whom the Promise was made. But that’s not the end of it. Jesus was to be the Savior of the World. The New Covenant revealed that paternity would no longer be the identifying mark of the People of God.

We’ll conclude this part of the study with a comparative passage from John’s gospel which I think will be enlightening. Interestingly, the concepts of the racial distinction of Christ and that of the “Jew” converge here for both the ‘Israel-Identity’ Christians and the Evangelicals alike. This passage is often used by the churchians, in fact, as the proof-text that ‘Jesus was a Jew’. Let’s look at it and draw some conclusions, for I think it will reveal quite the opposite of what is usually presumed… It is the story of the Samaritan woman at the well of John chapter 4.

Then saith the woman of Samaria unto him, How is it that thou, being a Jew, askest drink of me, which am a woman of Samaria? for the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans.

Well, how did she know He was a “Jew” (rather than a Samaritan)? The Samaritans were a mixed people, but largely of the stock of Israel as these were the descendants of those who were left in the land when the Assyrians conquered and carried away the Northern Kingdom of Israel (many of the poor were left behind). But the peoples they’d mixed with were largely Hellenistic (Greeks)—Mediterranean Europeans (fair skin, light eyes, brown to blond hair). Contrary to popular belief, true racial Judahites did not look like modern Arabs. They were Israelites, after all, just as the Samaritans predominantly were, and they appeared racially similar. Not surprisingly, I don’t have an answer to this question. But I’m not sure it’s important. The fact is, she was clearly referring to Jesus’ nationality with her question, rather than his religion.

And this is what is important, because then Jesus says a curious thing to her:

Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews.

Without a doubt, whatever Jesus meant by that, He did NOT mean salvation would come from Judaism, nor that the current Temple worship in Jerusalem would save anyone, and nor did He mean that modern Jews in the State of Israel would be the promised Kingdom of God. Rather, that salvation would come from the Jews’ Messiah, which He then confessed to her that He indeed was (John 4:21-26).

And she believes on Him and begs him to stay in their city, which He does, preaching to those Samaritan mutts for two days... After which, the men of the city said, and here is the point:

And said unto the woman, Now we believe, not because of thy saying: for we have heard him ourselves, and know that this is indeed the Christ, the Saviour of the world (John 4:42)

This important incident leads us to one final thought. It occurs in John 8 in which Jesus is debating with the Jewish Pharisees (whom He’d just told were of “their father, the devil”), and they oddly call him a “Samaritan”…

Then answered the Jews, and said unto him, Say we not well that thou art a Samaritan, and hast a devil? (John 8:48)

In this sense of the word here, “Jews” definitively DOES NOT mean ‘of the tribe of Judah’, rather Jesus is making a very important distinction to the Pharisees. It is here:

Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, IF ye continue in my word, THEN are ye my disciples indeed.

This is the key to the whole passage, and to this discussion. Jesus was speaking to two groups, both called Jews. One was legitimate, the other, a fraud. We know which is which by those who heard and believed on Him, and those who did not. To the Pharisaic Jews, He said this:

If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me. Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word… Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do… He that is of God heareth God's words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God.

They were obviously not the children of the Promise.

The Pharisees He was arguing with were Edomites. They called Jesus a Samaritan because he looked like a Samaritan (Israelite) and unlike themselves.

That racial distinction being made, we now need to realize that it only had a temporary application to the identity of the true “Chosen of God”. We’ll see in Part Two how this has been twisted in meaning, and stretched into an age where it no longer belongs. But it also must be pointed out (as some do not understand this) that Jesus was NOT the genetic spawn of Mary, a Judahite, and God the Father. There was no physical hereditary descent. He took upon himself a body “like unto His brethren”. Jesus was a manifestation of God. He became Flesh in order to become the sacrificial lamb. He is not any specific flesh, but as God Incarnate, transcends earthly distinctions. And now, as Paul said, “we henceforth know Him not after the flesh.

In contrast, the Jews of today are RACIAL SUPREMACISTS. They do not trace their lineage back through Judah, or Isaac (and most not even through Abraham—or even believe in his historical existence). See The Thirteenth Tribe, written by a Jew. But like gypsies, they are a racially cohesive group with a common ideology that spans millennia. Their Judaism unites them whether they practice it or not. Some have cared to sort out their genetic origins, but for most their ultimate ancestry is irrelevant—rather they believe in a metaphysical ethnicity, and they’ve been very careful over the centuries to maintain it with their deliberate inbreeding. The FLESH is ALL that matters to them.

The Jew of the Bible is not one thing. It is many things. But it came to be one thing. In time, once the Kingdom was established and the New Covenant Age had begun, the former Jew as the people of God in Christ’s time became a Christian and left that name for a curse. The remnants of a former nation of misbred people, the sons of their “father the devil” probably emerged on the other side of the Roman desolation as stragglers, and by and by mixed themselves with other peoples and began to take up residence among the nations which arose out of the fallen Roman Empire. They kept their cultic Babylonian religion and carried with them the ember of that ancient feud of Esau and Jacob, cherishing it... Likewise, their eternal hatred of Jesus Christ. But, Changelings as they are, concealed their identity and enfolded their ideology into the “church” over the centuries as “the leaven of the Pharisees” began to leaven the whole loaf in an evil analogy to Christ’s Kingdom.

The mystery of that now cursed name which was “left unto them” may possibly be understood in the great effort the Jews have undertaken—and appear to be nearing success—in causing God’s People to accept a lie. In re-imagining the Gospel of Jesus Christ as “Judeo-Christianity” they have attempted to reapply that name to their enemies in a cosmic game of “tag”—your it.

3/14/2021 - Subject: The Firmament (Part 1) (Printed Version)

(Part 1)

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.” –Genesis 1:1

The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.” —Psalm 19:1

Hast thou with him spread out the sky, which is strong, and as a molten looking glass?” –Job 37:18

Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of starship Earth, a wandering, spinning planet, one of billions like it, which God made and cast out into the infinite void. Its five-billion year mission: to explore strange ‘new truths’, to seek out new ‘life’ and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has been permitted to go...

Paraphrasing television programming from the 1960’s, Star Trek was one of many shows beaming the idea into American living rooms and countless fertile minds that We Are Not Alone... The Universe itself, being our Creator, beckons us into its infinite bosom to learn our true origins and develop the ultimate potential of mankind to be as the gods. And from the beginning of human history this has been our singular sensation—the Tower of Babel being mankind’s first collective attempt to breach the very gates of heaven.

We remember God’s retaliation.

The heaven, even the heavens, are the Lord's: but the earth hath he given to the children of men. - Psalm 115:16

Perhaps that is a subtle rebuke to that generation who would one day come and boast of invading the very heavens with their phallic dirigibles. It’s quite telling that those flights of fancy we’ve witnessed in our time have revealed nothing of any value for mankind, but rather have only shored up their contrary claims to the Creator that, in fact, there is no God; ‘we’ve entered into his alleged Courts and lo, we found nothing but cold, dead rocks drifting through the maw of oblivion.’

And yet, according to our modern churchmen, the claims of NASA do, somehow, reveal the Plan of God’s creation… because of all the dead spheres in the heavens, our earth is special, as it’s the one He chose to create the race of men upon. And which He Himself visited in the form of one of these men in order to save them from death…the eventual fate1 of all the universe. This of course is nothing but a corruption of the Truth, and it’s the reason why the greater lie is so easily swallowed by believers—they neither learn the Word of God for themselves, nor believe what they have read.

But, the “universe” and its fate is a Disney fiction, one of many, which is being used to control the opposition in the “churches” whilst they (the Production Managers) engage in building their own earthly kingdom around us. Thereby have most sincere Christians been sincerely misled, and as a consequence of their ignorance they’ve fallen into all sorts of idolatry.

Therefore, I’d like to talk about this fiction and (hopefully), effectively share some conclusions which many of us—in, and outside of Christendom—have learned with regard to the nature of this deception, its purposes, and the deleterious effects it has had on Christian society in particular. Although this is a VAST subject with seemingly endless evidence and conjecture against NASA’s claims and that of the ‘Space philosophers’, I will attempt to hit some of the high-points in a short series of articles (with the hope that many will continue in their voyage of discovery and finally escape from the spell of those wizards “in high places”).

Regarding the evidence and claims of “proof of concept” which NASA and the Spacemen have made (and I will hereafter refer to any involved in this nearly century-old psyop as “Spacemen”) and our claims of evidence to the contrary, let’s begin by stating the obvious so that we know what we are up against:

They have no counterevidence other than “images” (unless you count the “moonrocks” which proved to be petrified wood2).

That, and the lying testimony of a handful of men and women complicit in their Program, who’ve acted as “witnesses” to the charade… Namely, “astronauts”. It should also be noted here that the great majority of people working within, and propagandizing for NASA and all the space-related industries are wholly unaware of the deception—as they are unwittingly part of it. At the top of the pyramid is an elite group of initiates into NASA’s mystery religion—these are the engineers, drone pilots, CGI artists and various stage hands necessary to conduct the illusion, and they are, and have been, accurately described as the Satan-bought cult members which they are. (Well-researched books and interviews with family members of such “Masonic elites” and other eyewitness testimony are available to the curious). Easily a number of pages could be written here detailing that aspect of the conspiracy alone (with citations galore), but we have to move on. However, as Agent Mulder liked to say, “the truth is out there”.

The “Christian” version of NASA’s ideology as I depicted it in the introduction is actually what every Evangelical, Protestant, and Catholic “church” teaches, bar none. I know not of any denomination that does not teach this ‘Christianized’ doctrine of cosmology. And yet, as we read from the very first verse of the Bible, it does not jibe with God’s account of reality…which is the only account which can be true.

The earth, whatever it truly is, was made to be the abode of man. It is where all of history plays out. It is the stage where God’s plan for mankind is revealed in time (which is itself a concept only applicable to our mortal reality). And this reality—this physical realm in which we exist—is based upon two principle things, according to the Scriptures... The “heaven”, and the “earth”. No other worlds are expressed or accounted for. After the earth is described in its primordial formation, thence, God made “two great lights”, the moon and the sun, to “rule” over the earth, and within the heavens above He placed the stars in their circuits, “for signs and for seasons”. We note from the Scriptures that He created ALL of the heavenly bodies on the fourth day of creation—AFTER the earth and heavens were made.

These facts are, needless to say, refuted by modern cosmology.

Churchmen have attempted to reconcile this conflict in a myriad of different ways—and I’ve read them all—to convince the sheep that their theistic version of cosmology is, in fact, equal and consistent with the atheistic evolutionary cosmology of “Science,” which is actually what God was trying to say all along... They accomplish this feat by ignoring Genesis 1, while pretending not to. Their audience, those in the pews, are left none the wiser for the simple reason that they are blinded by bullscat. Being uninitiated in the hermeneutics of scripture—not having gone to seminary, nor being able to parse the Greek and Hebrew, in the original, they simply must rely on the “experts” that can. This leading of the blind by the blind is a phenomenon first described some 2,000 years ago by a Man who never even went to college.

Blindness is optional, however. We can simply choose to believe what God actually said, and then look around and study Creation using those guidelines. Those who have done that throughout history have found no inconsistencies with our observations as compared to God’s revelation…

Thus, we come to something God calls the “firmament”. Somewhere above the earth is an impenetrable barrier. This need not be a physical barrier (though God’s description of it would indicate that it is)—and I propose that it may be equally spiritual and psychological (we’ll come to that later). But today, even mainstream “science” acknowledges something akin 3 to a firmament. From that article, this statement is made:

It’s almost like theses electrons are running into a glass wall in space. Somewhat like the shields created by force fields on Star Trek that were used to repel alien weapons, we are seeing an invisible shield blocking these electrons. It’s an extremely puzzling phenomenon,” said Prof Baker, who is the first author of the paper published in the journal Nature.3

It’s only “puzzling” to those who deny God and His Word.

By no means do I intend to validate all of their conclusions in that paper, but it is one piece of evidence for our point of view—which is usually ignored, and its scriptural ramifications. However, besides that prospect (which is way out in the supposed “Van Allen Radiation Belt”), there is a much better known artifact of creation—tested, verified, and long ago harnessed as a modern technology—something known as the ionosphere.4


This facet of our creation was initially proposed in 1839 by Carl Gauss5 (electrical-nerds out there may have heard of him); an electrically conducting region of the atmosphere, it was theorized that radio propagation could be made thereby. Certain frequencies could potentially be transmitted by “bouncing” off the ionosphere around the alleged “curve of the earth”. By 1901, proof of concept was established with the first successful transatlantic radio transmission between Newfoundland and Cornwall, Wales… The letter “s” in Morse code. Thus began the modern “satellite radio” era (which we’ll revisit later)! But, in fact, today ionospheric radio transmission is employed (admittedly) for all sorts of telecommunications, known as “Skywave propagation6. Most today are probably unaware that long before the “GPS satellites” were conjured, the military, shipping, and airline industry all used a location system known as LORAN7 (Long Range Navigation), which utilized the principles of Skywave. Even with the yet “primitive” technology in the 1950’s location accuracy virtually anywhere on the habitable earth was possible to within a few tens of feet. This technology has been conveniently “forgotten” as it is now allegedly “obsolete” with the ubiquitous cell phone towers and GPS from “satellites”. Of such obsolescence, a few of us remain skeptical…

Later we’ll examine some juicy tinfoil hattery about said “satellites”, but for now we’ll leave off with the knowledge that long range wide-band radio transmission—totally earth-based—is not only possible, but quite old hat by now.

As an aside to that Sci-News article, those deadly “Van Allen Radiation Belts” are the reason why astronauts are unable to travel into space beyond near earth orbit, or visit any “distant planets”—according to this NASA engineer’s frank admission.8 In that fantastical depiction by NASA, they plainly tell the rubes that the alleged “moon landings” were, in fact, impossible...

And as early as 1966, actual physical atmospheric testing as well as lab research had proven that the known radiation of the ionosphere (and beyond) was an insurmountable biological and technical obstacle to “vehicles” moving within it. In fact, this notable research paper9 declared that at that time (well into the supposed “satellite” era), they had not yet developed “transistors capable of radiation exposure”… Instant fried circuitry does not comport with useful “space vehicles”, and the amount of shielding necessary would be an impossibility due to weight. Yet, we are told modern spacecraft need only rely on cello tape and Mylar foil (old tech even in 1966). And the astronauts went to the moon with this construction paper contraption:

NASA contraption

It seems I’m more protected during a dental x-ray than NASA bothered to do with their space pioneers. We shall have to wait till later for the wild claims of the Spacemen and a proper perusal of their Disney adventures. We’ll learn more of the NASA mysteries, and some of the occult origins of their craft to begin to unravel the deception. With any luck, we can pack in enough information in some cogent way in one or two more articles to get an overall view of what we are truly beholding.

So far we’ve had a peak behind the curtain of some of the falsehoods perpetrated by the Spacemen (and the complicit churchmen). But let’s conclude here with God’s OWN account of what He saw. Indeed, what He Himself created…out of nothing. We shall take His testimony to be the truth.

Thus I will retell some of what I’ve already said elsewhere. This will bring us back around to the beginning and perhaps we can see just how far off the mark the Spacemen really are. Excuse, therefore, the party-foul as I quote myself:


The word for “heaven” in the Bible is H8064, shamayim. There’s only one word for heaven/heavens. The KJV translates the word in the singular or the plural depending on the context or perhaps the whim of the translators.

Personally, I wish they’d have left the word untranslated. “In the beginning, God created the shamayim and the earth” (since no one knows what a 'firmament' is anyway). It would have left the mystery and the beauty of it intact, for surely that first passage in the Bible is the most profound and alluring—and succinct of all statements. But in Gen 1:1, something very particular is being described I think, not some nebulous “Heaven”, and is why it’s translated here in the singular. Here’s why—getting down to vs. 8, (and some miss this) we have:

And God called the firmament Heaven...” Now we already know the firmament (raqiya) is what separates the waters from the waters, and it is a hard or solid thing—above the earth. This is the “vault of heaven”. So replace the word in vs. 1, and I think what is being conveyed is simply this: “In the beginning, God created the Firmament and the Earth.”

He made two things out of a substance (which came from Him obviously as all substance ‘proceedeth out from Him’) where before there was nothing. He made the earth, laying its foundations “on nothing” (Job 26:7) and the waters covered it. And He then made the Firmament (not the “heavens”) over the earth and to separate two bodies of water—one above and one below (the Deep). So, it should be singular here in Gen 1:1, as the KJV has it.

The “heavens” are the space beneath the firmament and above the earth (which we’d call the “sky”), and another space which may include the waters above the firmament -- and also possibly describing a space above that (the “heaven of the heavens” which is the abode of Yahweh and His throne)(Deuteronomy 10:15). I think that is what Ezekiel saw, and also is what Paul describes when he speaks of one “caught up into the third heaven”.

So we have the birds of the air created to “fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.” (v.20) That word “open” actually means “in the face of, or in the presence of”. So the place the birds would fly (and the clouds would be) is 'before the countenance of the Firmament'—or actually under it, not in it.

But before that, we have God creating the great lights in the firmament of the heavens. There’s actually no prepositional words there, the text just reads “let lights firmament heaven”. So where exactly were these placed? Answer: Within the crystalline vault of the firmament—above it, or rather IN it, as we are without it; below it…

In fact, we don’t know whether the luminaries—the moon, the sun, the stars—are even physical objects, or where exactly they are. They may be electrical manifestations on the vault itself, or in waters above it.

There’s another word, H7834, shachaq. Translated “cloud, sky, heaven”. Mostly cloud. It’s from a root meaning ‘dust or fine powder’. Since it basically means clouds or skies, it’s euphemistically or metaphorically used for “heaven” also. And at least once, it’s used to represent the Firmament itself.

Job 37:18 “Hast thou with him spread out the sky, which is strong, and as a molten looking glass?”

That word “spread out” is raqa, ‘to beat out, stamp, or stretch, as in a metal plating or overlay’ (as in Exodus 39:3). Here, "sky" is shachaq. And the word “looking glass” is re'iy, ‘a molten cast mirror’. Mirrors were cast from molten brass and then highly polished (Exodus 38:8)

This is the Firmament. What it’s made of, God knows. But I believe it is both transparent AND reflective, as a tinted glass is. It both transmits light above it and it ‘scatters’ light below it.


There ends our discussion for now. It should be evident that what we have been told by NASA is a lie, for it contradicts God’s own testimony. Man has not visited God’s “heavens” above the shamayim, nor can he. We have neither the tools, nor the means of travel, nor the permission of Yahweh to leave our abode. Nor should we wish to—as we shall see next time—outside it is a most uninviting, and inhospitable place to which no creature would desire to “boldly go”... A place, perhaps, for men and angels ultimately consigned there, of “weeping and gnashing of teeth.


1. Fate; Graphical Timeline from Big Bang to Heat Death

2. U.S. Ambassador to the Netherlands gives a "Moon rock" from NASA's "Giant Leap tour" to the Prime Minister, later to be found to be petrified rock.

3. Impenetrable glass above the earth: Mainstream “science” acknowledges something akin to a firmament.

4. Ionosphere.

5. Carl Gauss.

6. Skywave propagation.

7. Long Range Navigation. (LORAN)

8. “Van Allen Radiation Belts” are the reason why astronauts are unable to travel into space beyond near earth orbit, or visit any “distant planets”—according to this NASA engineer’s frank admission.

An impenetrable barrier to ultrarelativistic electrons in the Van Allen radiation belts (Published 11/26/2014)

9. Radiation Effects on Electronic Systems By Henning L. Olesen, 1966

3/24/2021 - Subject: The Outer Darkness; The Firmament (Part 2) (Printed Version)



He made darkness his secret place; his pavilion round about him were dark waters and thick clouds of the skies. (Psalm 18:11)

And cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory: (Matt 25:30-31)

Balloon photo showing the edge of space

The above is a picture taken from a balloon1 at about 110,000 feet. Far higher than the most advanced aircraft can fly. This is the “edge of space”.

There are many such videos available on the net. They all appear, more or less, to consistently depict the heaven and the earth as you see it here. Above the atmosphere, the blue sky, as we know it, disappears into a void of absolute darkness.

Incidentally, there are a number of mainstream theories as to why the sky appears blue—all of them ridiculous. Internally inconstant and contradictory hypotheses based on light absorption and “scattering” which do not hold up to any scrutiny, we are largely left to our imaginations to devise a reason for what we perceive with our eyes. In fact, both the brightness of the sky and the blueness of the sky truly remains an enigma.2 Despite the dodgy, ad-hoc, mathematical speculations given on Wikipedia, (which amount to circular arguments), the truth is nobody has a satisfactory mechanical explanation for what we observe. Equations are simply built around the data to conceal the fact that they have no valid theories. Much like the rest of theoretical physics.

Before actual human eyes could ever see beyond our sky (that is, once lifted above the atmosphere—first in balloons) we could only speculate as to what we would observe. Unmanned rockets had, we are told, reached altitudes beyond the atmosphere by the 1940’s (the German V2-A4, first in 1942), and some had cameras on board to photograph the earth below and heaven above. However, cameras at the time, under those conditions, could not capture great detail—and certainly not the stars and celestial bodies. We simply did not know what could be seen, or how the heavens might appear to our eyes. Already, physicists had proposed theories which denied that anything could be seen… In fact, that “space” would appear exactly as the modern balloon-cams have captured it.

Newspaper Clipping about space

Thus it was, that when the very first manned “space mission” was successfully launched, the “astronauts” were fortunate enough to have a video camera with them which was evidently far more technologically advanced than any NASA has today—in that it could easily and perfectly capture the stars which appeared as they lifted above the atmosphere and peered out into “space” for the very first time… And would you believe it, it was from a balloon.

Indeed, in December, 1962, Project Stargazer launched from the New Mexico desert for the intended purpose3 of viewing and studying the cosmos. With a “telescope and custom instruments,” the astronauts were able to capture the first official footage of “outer space”.4 Now, the careful observer will say, “that’s obviously not a real film of space…you can see stars inside the crescent moon, for crying out loud”. But, that is in fact the claim. Here it is again, and look—the astronaut even has on his cowboy helmet5 as he climbs into the capsule.

Coincidentally, a few years later Stanley Kubrick (before he began making moon landing films for NASA), produced the classic Dr. Strangelove, in which he depicts a character oddly reminiscent of that fellow. Here he is at the end riding the ICBM missile like a stallion:

Space Cowboy

But how can this be? “Stargazer” was an incredibly historic event. Isn’t there a Wikipedia or a NASA page devoted to this, to explain this oddity of a “film” taken by these cosmic balloonists? Well, no... Nothing but crickets. Wiki gives the whole mission only honorable mention here,6 in one paragraph. I suppose the original “film”, like an embarrassing word misspoken, can’t be pulled back. It’s out there, been seen and recopied a thousand times and hopes of a clean scrub of the evidence are futile now—so like the proverbial fart in the elevator, it is simply ignored. Either that, or their “custom instruments” and fine telescopic cameras failed to record anything of value. Such has been NASA’s long history of failures in forgetting to archive7 mankind’s greatest achievements in the exploration of “space”.

One explanation deserves mention, though, as this site8 asserts as evidence that NASA did not “fake space” by proposing that the Stargazer imagery is fake. See how that works? Perhaps that’s where Elon Musk got his idea when he orbited a Tesla Roadster, telling us ‘the faker it looks, the realer it is’.9

But meanwhile, during that time period, sharp space-history buffs will remember that NASA already had the X-15 rocket-plane10 up and flying. While those two cowboys were drifting up in a gondolier to a magnificent 82,000 feet filming Disney cartoons on a reel-to-reel camera, twelve crack pilots were busy flying the world’s first rocket plane to altitudes above 250,000 feet, at speeds above 4,500 miles per hour! In fact, earlier that year, in July of 1962, Robert M. White allegedly made it to 60 miles high.

The X-15 even had a special film turret to house the modern high resolution cameras in the tail of the plane. We’ll get to the purpose of this film later, but just mention the fact here that none of that footage was ever released to the public


If you are beginning to sense some flimflammery is going on, don’t worry, it just indicates you still have a functioning brain. Something is clearly amiss here. As we continue our exploration, the deception will begin to jell for you, and I promise we’ll make it through with our minds intact. Lord willing.

But, consider—is it possible that no human has actually ever made it into “space”? Or, what if, at the great heights of the edge of our atmosphere and beyond, it was found that craft could not maneuver, aerodynamic control lost all effectiveness, and even rocket thrust—as a means of propulsion—ceased to exist? And moreover, what if, in fact, visible light from stars could not be seen with the natural eye? Perhaps in the night—but in the day, the sky was ink-black? What if even the sun and the moon could not be seen above certain heights? What if the only thing visible was the reflected light of the earth below? In such a case, even in ballistic flight (on an unguided trajectory back to the earth), self-location and navigation—even if guided flight were possible—would be simply impossible and preclude ANY further exploration of anything. Simply stated, in an infinitely black realm, no one would know where they were or where they were going. A hypothetical astronaut would be hopelessly lost and in a terror of confusion. Imagine what that would be like… Now imagine the experience on the night portion of the earth if stars were not visible... Absolute outer darkness.

Unlike NASA’s cosmological models, this theory IS disprovable, which makes it a valid one. Simply, a well-fitted modern camera, mounted in the upward position, launched under a balloon in the night, could record stars. So why hasn’t it been done?

To my knowledge, there is but one known “amateur” balloon video11 purportedly taken above 70,000 feet, at night, showing video footage of stars (as well as the city lights below). Unfortunately, this easily faked footage was probably just that. In fact, this “amateur”, one Mr. Julian Wessel, is a known and outed fraudster12 amongst his very own peers. But with all of our modern recording technology, why the need for deception at all? This question will come up again…

Finally we’ll conclude by way of an introduction to our next installment.

Excited Astronots

Do These Guys Look Excited or What?

This is an image from the Post Flight Press Conference on Tuesday, 12 August 1969, in Houston, Texas. What had just occurred was, allegedly, the most astounding feat human beings had ever accomplished… A trip to the moon and back, and a walkabout thereon! Here we see the three men who’d—just days before—completed their voyage to another celestial body, in an unprecedented and unimaginable adventure enviable by every man who ever lived since Adam.

Buzz Aldrin, Neil Armstrong and Michael Collins are here interviewed, and in this segment13 they are asked if they’d seen the stars, no doubt anticipating a fantastic description of the heavens from “space,” and how the earth appeared in the distance, like a bright jewel hung inside the glimmering nest of the milky way. It must have been a most transcendent experience... Yet, they don’t “recall” seeing any. Nothing at all. In fact, it seems that it hardly occurred to them to even look at the heavens, and only now with the question being asked did they seem to consider such a trivial matter. But, no, upon reflection, there was nothing to see up there. Here, in perfect deadpan by the puppet-actors it is revealed to the world, as Pink Floyd would tell it just a few years later—“there is no dark side of the moon, really… In fact, it’s all dark.”

Perhaps this is the principle reason for NASA’s fraud in its entirety. Initially, the “Space Program” was purely a money laundering scheme—a cash cow worth hundreds of billions of dollars, to milk the tax-paying rubes for the crime of the century. But then, in the early days of rocketry exploration, testing the upper borders of our earth, a mystery had been learned. An incredible, awesome, and dangerous mystery—should it ever become known… That things were not as they seemed (or as the atheist cosmologists had told us)... That the earth appears to be isolated from the heavens in such a way in which not only do we NOT physically have access to “space”, but the heavens themselves cease to exist to our physical senses above the ceiling of our sky.

What if darkness remains upon “the face of the deep”. Men upon the earth were given light, but beyond, Yahweh “dwells in thick darkness”, separated by fathomless waters above us. As “the ark of God, which dwelleth within curtains” (2 Samuel 7:2), so too, Yahweh hides Himself from His creation…lest the wicked see His glory. If this were known by the godless “powers in high places”, it would have to be concealed, at all costs. Whatever it is that those powers within NASA do know, it is enough to blow their cover—to reveal the impotence of their authority, leaving them at great risk that now ‘all men will believe on God: and they shall come and take away both our place and nation’, alas, bringing them to nothing… like the unprofitable servant, cast out into that desolate place of their own invention.

 Have ye not known? have ye not heard? hath it not been told you from the beginning? have ye not understood from the foundations of the earth? It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in: That bringeth the princes to nothing; he maketh the judges of the earth as vanity. (Isaiah 40-21-23)


1. Edge of space photo

2. Why is the sky blue?

3. Project Stargazer: The history and future of balloon-based astronomy: Half a century ago, high-altitude balloon experiments paved the way for astronauts and orbiting telescopes. Now, high-tech balloons are giving astronomers a reason to keep their instruments a little closer to Earth. By Eric Betz | Published: 12/10/2020

4. The "stargazer" Balloon Takes Off 1962

5. The "stargazer" Balloon Takes Off 1962 (Youtube video)

6. The "real" Stargazer: Colonel Joseph William Kittinger II (born July 27, 1928) is a retired officer in the United States Air Force (USAF) and a Command Pilot.

7. The Apollo 11 missing tapes were those that were recorded from Apollo 11's slow-scan television (SSTV) telecast in its raw format on telemetry data tape at the time of the first Moon landing in 1969 and subsequently lost. The data tapes were used to record all transmitted data (video as well as telemetry) for backup.

8. NASA Stargazer Project 1962.

9. Why Does the Tesla Look So Fake in Space? We Asked a Chemist. By Laura Geggel, 2/07/2018

10. North American X-15.

11. STRATOS AT NIGHT | Weather Balloon Flight at Night. J.W. Astronomy (Youtube).

12. BAD ASTRONOMY So, About that Video of the Space Station Passing in Front of Saturn. BY PHIL PLAIT 1/26/2016

13. Patrick Moore asks the alleged Apollo 11 crew could you actually see the stars. (Youtube)

3/31/2021 - Subject: Project NASA; The Firmament (Part 3) (Printed Version)




And they said, Come, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name for ourselves… –Genesis 11:4

"All of us at Disney are delighted to be working with NASA in their educational and public outreach efforts to teach schoolchildren about space exploration, robot technology, and the universe they live in.” Mark Zoradi,1 president, Walt Disney Studios

Whether or not stars can be seen above the atmosphere, it still remains possible that starlight (and even sunlight) is transformed within the ionosphere (or the Firmament) at heights far above balloon altitudes but below what NASA defines as “space” (~50 miles). Above which, untransformed light is no longer visible, as was proposed by some cosmological models long before our attempts at space exploration. Again, this would make ALL navigation impossible, even if controlled space travel was attainable.

Nevertheless, this isn’t about the stars. This deception of “space travel” far exceeds that conjecture. The story of NASA is the story of a false reality—of building an imaginary tower “to reach unto heaven…to make a name for ourselves”. The Space fraud doesn’t just implicate NASA, of course, as all earthly governments are in collusion to represent a universe for “the schoolchildren” to live in. Vast sums of money and power are thereby channeled towards their purposes which benefit the few Elite, at the cost of the many (the children, the cattle, the sheep), same as it ever was. If it became necessary for them to hide the true reality from us, it was obviously within their power to do that, and I submit that they’ve done it well.

Speaking of hiding, the word “occult” simply means hidden. It does not necessarily imply “witchcraft” (although that is an occult working), but most often in the case of statecraft and other criminal conspiracy—simply; planned deception for nefarious purposes.

From the Webster’s 1928:

OCCULT', adjective [Latin occultus, occulo; ob and celo, to conceal.]

Hidden from the eye or understanding; invisible; secret; unknown; undiscovered; undetected; as the occult qualities of matter.

Without any doubt, all space programs of the world are occult out-workings. NASA being the ring leader—the Grand Wizard which calls the tune.

NASA Was a Project

For the uninitiated, who’ve always believed the Disney propaganda, it is always shocking to learn there is overwhelming evidence of fraud by NASA on a vast scale for all of their claims of manned spaceflight since the very beginning... As we’ve begun to see here. But even more disconcerting, perhaps, is the total lack of provable physics to explain how their rocketry works and how orbital velocities are achieved (assuming anything like “orbit” around our earth is even possible in our reality). We’ll try to attend to those more technical aspects later, but suffice it here to say that many others—far more knowledgeable and accredited than myself—have studied the “science” and found it wanting. In fact, what NASA has done against logic and reason to explain their powers is nothing but a gross corruption of known, repeatable, verifiable science. And mathematical formulas can be written to represent ANY system of thought in order to ‘fit’ the data, and often are.

In the last segment, we skipped ahead in our discussion a bit and learned about the Apollo astronauts’ strange case of ‘star blindness’... Wherein during the interview after the first Moon landing mission, they’d “not recalled seeing any stars”. If there are still some who haven’t yet figured out this mystery—that was because they never went to the moon. Or anywhere else beyond the earth’s atmosphere. Just like all the other NASA “astronauts”. Let’s take a brief moment to have another look at that very strange press conference.

In 1978, a movie was released called Capricorn One.2 Take a minute to peruse that article and then come back. Afterwards, I believe some of the scales may fall from the eyes of those who remain confused over watching that bizarre occurrence. The whole interview is readily available should anyone want to sit and watch it all, but no need... We’ve seen all we need to see within these first few minutes.3 These men are lying—and it appears, at least, were forced to lie. Why they were so compelled may well have been dramatized by that movie. These aren’t men who just travelled to the moon and back. They look like trapped animals—or rather, three men testifying in a trial for their lives… And perhaps they were.

All psyops begin with fear. A palpable threat must be accepted by the intended target, and with it they are coaxed into agreement/acceptance. The Space psyop is no different. To tell the story of NASA, we must begin more than a decade prior to the moon hoax.

The earliest “proof” of vacuum rocketry and orbital mechanics was the satellite. And the satellite story begins with Sputnik, and this began the Cold War. It cannot be underestimated how important a role the Cold War psyop played in the societal transformation to follow. But this isn’t an article about that particular deception or the sheer magnitude of its scope, however it was key in building the fear needed to gain the trust of the public (remember, too, this was 1950’s America—a wholly different population and a radically different culture than ours now). I think today something like this could be easily pulled off without the massive literal buildup of infrastructure and military industry which necessitated that fraud… something in fact as simple as telling people there’s an invisible disease in the air…no other proof needed or offered.

High Technology in 1957

About the size of a beach ball and averaging 300 miles in altitude, the Sputnik satellite was visible to the naked eye4 by Americans from coast to coast.

The Sputnik story was ridiculous, and I’m not going to take the time here to demonstrate that. But after seeing all that we’ll see in this short series of articles, it will be perceived as but the least and most foolish of frauds, so we’ll give it a gloss-over. Suffice to say, it was easily pulled, without much cost or risk, and yet had vast consequences. Primarily, it provided the very seed of the new religion... Mankind could now reach the heavens, and by extension, could exert ‘global’ power over one another, using a superior technology that was unreachable, untestable, and untouchable. The specter of instant annihilation descended upon us, and like the original tower builders of Babel, it was feared of the people…

“and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.”

But soon enough, “our side” was in on the game. And here is where the funkiness, like a days-old dead rat under the fridge, hits the nostrils. Buried in the back of the Sunday paper from 1959, at the bottom of the funnies page was a story I’d never before heard. In fact, I thought it was a comic when I first read it. Because even before the farcical Stargazer Op was being run (which we talked about last time) another job was being pulled right down the street, that apparently, no one at the time knew about. Well, here is the fiction they want you to literally believe in…the CORONA Project5 — in which the first “spy satellites” were employed by the USAF to allegedly photograph most of the earth’s surface with some 860,000 celluloid black and white film images... From the article: “because no means of transmitting images remotely had yet been developed, canisters of film, once exposed, were ejected and parachuted to earth where they were intercepted in mid-air by a plane.” You heard that right.

It is hereto claimed that as the whole of the West was wringing their hands over Sputnik, in fear and trembling over a small steel sphere with a “beeper” on it, meanwhile 144 rockets were (secretly) being launched into “space” by the US Air Force carrying the same number of relatively sophisticated “satellites” into orbit! How nobody managed to see all those rocket launches is not explained. And unlike the lame Commies’ beeper balls, OUR satellites were equipped with panoramic (celluloid film) cameras pointing downward, snapping away pictures (automatically, mind you, no “control telemetry” from the ground was possible). Once the film canisters were spent, they were, presumably, robotically packaged up, “ejected” from orbit at 17,000 mph, somehow managed to find their way vertically down 300 miles to the atmosphere at the precise location necessary (navigating—how?), burn in like a meteor over a 2,000 mile swath of the earth (undamaged) and then, somehow, autonomously deploy a little parachute at the exact right moment and altitude…such that a waiting plane (positioned exactly where it needed to be on an earth of 170 MILLION square miles—without GPS) could swoop in and catch it like some tiny, smoking pooper-trooper.6 This was 1960 Technology… You’ve come a long way, baby.7

Wikipedia8 has the same fairy tale, with even more ridiculous details, in case you thought all that was hyperbole.

Lies are the devil’s fare. So far now in our investigation of the era of Space Exploration, we’ve seen nothing that rings true. Everything smells like caca. Perhaps the devil is in the details.

The evolutionary cosmology of “Space” and our infinite universe—which is what we are all force-fed today—in reality grew out of a number of pagan philosophies, many very ancient, some newly arrived at with the advent of our notable 20th century technologies. The mythology of our day is an enlightened one, sanitized of the pantheons of old; made obsolete by technology. Instead we’ve forged a molten calf of “Science” whose tenets are based on real things like “theoretical physics”, and “mathematics” and digital imagery—because, seeing is believing. Yet, as we’ll see, paganism, mythology and ancient occultism—from Egypt to Rome—are ubiquitous within the NASA narrative... For reasons still unknown.

So let’s take this opportunity to finally meet the “occultist father of NASA’s rocketry”, Jack Parsons, who “came to believe in magic.”9

Parsons, born in Los Angeles in 1914, allegedly completed high school there, and subsequently dropped out of junior college. It seems he was more of a bomb-maker than a “rocket engineer and chemist” as his Wiki bio tells it, but nevertheless, somehow managed to secure a federal grant at Cal Tech (at the age of 20) to form a rocket research group. Shortly thereafter, we are told he became a Thelemite occultist 10 as a disciple of Aleister Crowley,11 and co-worshiper of astral devils with L. Ron Hubbard. After a few years of “research” he became a principle founder of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in 1943 (JPL was later absorbed by NASA). Not long after that, he was expelled from the company for his increasingly bizarre antics. At this point, his then wife’s 17 year-old sister with whom he’d been having an affair left him for Hubbard, who, along with the Great Scientologist himself, promptly defrauded Parsons of his life savings.

And so we find Jack homeless and shunned, and needing a new gig, he was hired by an aviation company to work on the Navajo Missile Project (which was never deployed, but is claimed as the technology for the Atlas rocket, which also isn’t real). Meanwhile, Parsons took a course in mathematics at USC, and failed it, but nevertheless became a faculty member of the USC Department of Pharmacology(?). We are also told he worked at a gas station, and as a hospital orderly, and finally a chemical plant designer for Hughes Aircraft Company. Lastly, it’s said he was an Intel agent for the newly created State of Israel, accused of espionage, and was later forced to work for a Hollywood special effects company. All this before the age of 37—whereupon he, supposedly, met his end in an “accidental” home lab explosion in 1952.

One gets the overwhelming sense that this man is a Disney character.

The twisted plot of Jack Parson’s short life is no doubt intended to confuse. But my point here is that (assuming this character even existed) he considered himself an “alchemist” above all… He was a self-described magician who practiced witchcraft as a profession, while rocketry was an alleged hobby. Though he never actually worked with NASA, if you can believe it, he’s attributed as the Great Inventor of the solid rocket boosters used in their performances, to this day.

As we will discover, all of NASA is a magic show.

By the early 1960’s, Space had created a ‘river of gold’. Someone I read said,

The show business side was primarily to boost the funding appropriation, it was a closed cycle racket engine.”

Well put. But it was more than a racket designed to milk the cows. It was also, and perhaps more importantly, a propaganda engine. The science could now be fudged in a thousand different ways, and the more computer graphics and stage technology advanced, the more difficult it would be to see the props. Learning to master the art of smoke and mirrors (quite literally), and with unlimited funds, they were able to create increasingly more believable presentations to pass off as “space missions”. The average citizen had an abysmal knowledge of the physical sciences anyway, and the philosophy NASA was intending to project was no longer in conflict with the “theistic evolutionary” teachings of the progressive “church”. Awed by the god-like power of technology, the rubes were ready to believe just about anything without scrutiny. Besides, people wanted to, with Lennon, “imagine there’s no heaven—above us only sky”. And an infinite void above that... Mankind would then have no accountability to anyone, and nothing would be withheld from us.


1. Mark Zoradi, president, Walt Disney Studios.

2. Capricorn One 1978 movie with a faked moon landing plot.

3. Apollo astronauts first interview after returning from the moon.

4. Sputnik satellite was visible to the naked eye.

5. The CORONA Project. (1960s - 1970s)

6. Parachuting photography canisters.

7. You've come a long way, baby.

8. Corona satellite.

9. “Occultist father of NASA’s rocketry”, Jack Parsons, who “came to believe in magic.

10. Thelemite occultist.

11. Aleister Crowley.

4/10/2021 - Subject: SPACE MAGIC; The Firmament (Part 4) (Printed Version)


The Firmament Part 4

nāśā' 1. Hebrew, “to be lifted up, exalted…to be carried or borne away”.

"Like God, our father, technology is eternal and unchanging, like the son of God, it will save mankind, and like the Holy Spirit, it shines upon us."
--Oswald Spengler, Man and Technics, 1931

Though thou exalt thyself as the eagle, and though thou set thy nest among the stars, thence will I bring thee down, saith the Lord. –Obadiah 3:4

And so Space was orchestrated and sold to mankind as a counter-reality to God’s Creation in a series of Mass Rituals. The spacemen were artists—who loved the art of illusion, alchemists, reality-makers, and a horde of paid liars, but their combined goal was ultimately to dethrone Yahweh by showing His Word as erroneous and subverting the Christian faith. Like Pharaoh’s magicians, they’d learned the Arts well enough to deceive the foolish and the prideful alike—those having religion, and those with none.

Yet there was a genuine curiosity on behalf of our rulers and those who had harnessed the powers of both aerospace technologies and clever stagecraft. I believe there was legitimate exploration of the heavens and of the limits of the technology… But that account has not been told. Instead, what we have believed was a cover story.

While the idea of using rocketry to explore the heavens is older than our present narrative (evidently attributed to a Russian schoolteacher 2 in 1898 who proposed the idea in a book) it was actually the American, Goddard, we are told, who first began experimenting scientifically with rockets in 1915. And on the 16th of March, 1926, he managed to create and successfully launch the first liquid propellant rocket—which climbed about 12 yards in altitude and landed 168 feet away in a cabbage patch. But it was the later development of the German V-2 during the Second World War which truly established the era of modern rocketry. The V-2 was a “rocket bomb,” and though it failed almost as often as it succeeded, when it performed correctly, as a means of strategic warfare it was potentially devastating. But it was an atmospheric missile, unguided and ballistic. In fact, for the most part, until our most modern age of guided missile tech, ALL rockets were ballistic missiles. Think, “artillery”... Once launched, their trajectory was defined, and what goes up must come down…preferably where it was intended, but subject to human error, as always.

The fantasy that NASA sold was that they’d designed guided missiles with rocketry that performed outside of the atmosphere where the free-expansion of a gas could not possibly perform any useful thrust (and certainly not directional). Moreover, it was the conjuring of a cadre of ‘scientists’ in the pre-NASA space agencies which proposed the impossible physics wherein a rocket could exceed the speed of its own exhaust gasses—but only in “Space,” a place where only the initiated could validate their assertions… These were the nonsensical concepts that allowed otherwise intelligent people to concede to the MASSIVE government program of “Space travelling”. On these two magical claims hang all of NASA’s science fiction.

Here is a picture of a missile (or perhaps they’d call it a “Space-X”) which has apparently risen above the atmosphere with engines still under ‘power’:


The remaining fuel at this point (beyond the atmospheric vapor trail) is adding no meaningful energy but blowing off strictly for the display of NASA Powah. Shortly after this, the object succumbed to gravity and rapidly fell into the ocean. How do we know this? Because even in the vacuum of “Space”, Force STILL 3 equals Mass times Acceleration… Without thrust, no force exists to counter "gravity."

The illusion of “orbital mechanics” around a globe earth was further propped by the aforementioned sham of Sputnik and the era of “satellites”. In short, that they’d breached the top of our atmosphere into a void of near-vacuum and ionizing radiation—and with the magical use of NASA rocket engines (and the nonsensical physics to explain their properties in a vacuum), and employing god-like intelligence with the most concise calculations of energy, trajectory, and final mass at the precise moment of engine burn-out to gain “orbit”— that they’d achieved essentially perpetual motion and levitation above the earth. This was possibly the greatest hand-wave of all time. But having passed off that story, it was then a “settled science” that rockets could be used to maneuver beyond our alleged earth orbit and into the vast expanses of infinite “Space” where they could visit distant planets and moons just as easily as you or I could take a drive to the beach on any Sunday morning.

And all of this was accomplished in an era before computers, or robotics, and with extremely primitive and anemic (by modern standards) telecommunication capabilities… The Apollo missions were entirely pulled off with slide rules! 4 In fact, from the article, “It's said that Buzz Aldrin needed his pocket slide rule for last-minute calculations before landing.” Dear Reader, let that fully sink in.

It’s hard to be brief in doing justice to how truly great a lampoon that is, so maybe we’ll do it in a roundabout way. The hubris of man, it seems, has no bounds. Youngsters who grew up in an age of computers and cell phones may not be as aware as some of us that a mere 40 years before the parody of Jack Parson’s Jet Propulsion Lab launched NASA into the stratosphere, the Wright Brothers 5 had just accomplished the world’s first powered, sustained flight with a fabric biplane made from bicycle parts. With the pilot lying on the wing.

Wright Brothers

To gain some perspective, wooden ships, as incredible works of human achievement that they were, changed very little over the course of millennia, until the first steel hulls were built and diesel powered engines could propel them. Since that time, over the last century or so, not much else has changed.

But there is an additional element of oddity about this analogy, because in the case of marine ships, the science behind their locomotion, navigation, and construction has been well understood from the beginning. In fact the ancient peoples (e.g., the Phoenicians) who had mastered seafaring probably were more knowledgeable in the science than we are today.

So, it will no doubt come as a surprise to many to learn that even now, in the year 2021—some 118 years after Orville and Wilbur—“Science” still has no idea how aero planes fly. That is correct; the mystery of how planes achieve lift and stay aloft has yet to be solved 6—and that’s from the very mainstream rag, Scientific American. Give that a read and enjoy the reality-check. Let’s be totally clear here… it appears that nobody (except possibly this guy 7—and I find his theory fascinating) has any earthly idea how aerodynamic lift works and how planes are able to fly at all. For example, this is not a “wing” in any descriptive sense: yet how does this 8  work? But we are to believe that “Science” leapt directly from cotton-winged aircraft to controlled and infinite wingless flight in a vacuum—to distant worlds—using rocket thrusters which still nobody has legitimately explained or proven functionality…in less than a generation? With slide rules? What evidence do we have for this, besides “pictures”?

Does anyone recall the Voyager 9 mission to “interstellar space”? Allegedly launched in 1977 (again, using the old slide rules for the figurin’), in order to do a couple of fly-bys of the distant planets (which cannot even be seen with the naked eye)—the trajectories of which would have to be calculated decades into the future—equivalent to shooting a BB gun at a flying gnat in the next county, not seen by the shooter, but merely mathematically conceptualized (with slide rules), and fired from the hip at a high angle while running backwards... Well, NASA hit their marks, no problemo, after travelling billions of miles through “Space”. What a feat! And, would you believe that today, after all this time, those 1977 rechargeable solar batteries on board, in the deep-freeze of “Space,” are still ticking! In fact, the radios, the solar panels and all the other Brady Bunch era 10 electronics are still operating and “sending back data” to this day.11 Amazing. If you haven’t guessed yet, ALL of that was brought to you by the good imaginations over at JPL who conjured the details with a Ouija board. As usual, none of this can be confirmed independently and must be taken solely on faith and CGI cartoons.

Broaching now the subject of how the tricks are performed, let’s have a look at how actual rockets/missiles appear when launching. In order to compare the difference between reality and a counterfeit stage act, it’s helpful to recognize the genuine article for what it is. All of us have seen (on a TV screen) NASA’s rockets being launched from their outdoor sound stage in Cape Canaveral. Perhaps very few of us understand the (claimed) principles of rocketry, and probably even fewer rocket scientists do. But when we are witnessing something purported to be a massive Saturn 5 rocket, or a Space Shuttle, weighing millions of pounds, slowly creeping off the launch pad in some fully (maxed out) payload/fuel configuration, this is a simulation. Such an act defies all of the principles of physical reality. An ACTUAL rocket (or missile) is extremely unstable at the moment of launch and depends entirely on its momentum to achieve balance—without such rapid and immediate acceleration, failure 12 is almost inevitable. If there WERE a compensation for this (see next) it is conspicuously absent in televised NASA launches.

Witness, therefore, a genuine launch 13 of a “Saturn 5” rocket. You will notice two important details…first, the SPEED of the rocket at launch, and second, you will observe that the moment the engine is spent (the point where the smoke trail stops), the rocket begins to rapidly decelerate and turn back towards the earth…because gravity…that element NASA’s rockets tend to defy. And here is a fascinating video 14 of an actual “Shuttle” launch which demonstrates the principle of instability when the rocket is at max payload. The “slow” launch we see there can only be achieved with a guide rail to avoid the inevitable tip over and disaster… which we never saw occur in all of the 135 NASA Shuttle launches…nor did we ever see such a guide rail at the Canaveral launch stage.

To understand a hustle, it’s important to notice when we are being misdirected. In fact misdirection is how all magicians accomplish their feats… “watch my hands”. So much of the ‘live’ fakery that is done by NASA is done this way, just a mere careful paying attention of what is being presented to us can reveal much. We won’t have time here to really delve into some of their best stage tricks as they would consume far too much bandwidth. But I adjure the reader to investigate the International Space Station (ISS) tomfoolery for a good primer. Very much has been observed and compiled on the youtubes and elsewhere, from clear evidence of harnesses and rigging (to simulate zero-G) to absurdities of “space walks” (performed in NASA’s training pool 15 —as evidenced by the many bubbles caught on film) to live CGI fails during “interviews with the astronauts”—some of which include slip-ups such as admitting they were “here in Texas” at the time, and senior-moments when the performers in the question-answer session forgot to add the necessary 2 second time delay between asking/answering…Far too much to do justice here. References at the end of the series will provide further study material for the inquisitive.

Truly, though, some of the magic is notably clever, for not everything was done with CGI (not until well into the Space Shuttle program was that technology viable). Film and stage techniques in use for decades are often employed which, though simple and analogue, can be nearly undetectable. Zero-G stunts which would seem impossible to pull off live are easily done on a film set—pre-recorded with interactive dialogue between the ground (i.e., Mission Control) and the astronauts… minus the ground-side voice track. Later, when played “live” on the telescreens in Houston, the magic occurs when the CapCom (who reads a script timed to the scene) provides the other side of the dialogue—properly delayed, that is. The illusion is remarkably effective, and in fact, nobody but the speaker at “Mission Control” needs to be aware of the make believe.

Many also may be unaware that we do have ‘zero-G’ technology—and have since the 1950’s… I speak of the legendary “NASA Vomit-Comet16. Indeed, scale mock-ups of the Shuttle interior, ISS segments, and probably the entire “set” of the original Skylab 17 were built into some of these aircraft—strictly for training purposes, of course. But for an idea of what can be achieved as true zero-G, take a look at this remarkable video 18 (caveat- a stupid pop-song), entirely created on such a plane. The movie, Apollo 13 was also partially filmed therewith.

Possibly the grand act of Space Magic was NASA’s Shuttle program. It captured the imagination of the world, and was intended to. The chariot of the gods, it attained more international glory than the previous Moon landings—notably because it was to build the much vaunted ISS, it was something the loser Soviets did not possess (actually they did)19, and… it was the first spacecraft luxurious enough to carry womenfolk. Billed as a spaceplane with reusable solid booster rockets (thanks to Jack Parsons’ pact with the devil) which returned to earth as an unpowered glider, it seemed an inconceivably efficient engineering miracle. Problem was, it was an impossible machine—as billed.

Space Shuttle

Actual NASA photograph of Shuttle in Space

(Don’t bother asking who took the picture, and pay no attention to the fact that the main external tank has massively shrunk 20 in the vacuum of “space”)...

Various ‘Space Shuttles’ were fabricated for this—NASA’s longest-running Vegas Act. The scale models were built for the 747 American piggyback tours and for the few actual Cape Canaveral “proof of life” launches that may have occurred for the benefit of actual spectators, international film crews and dignitaries. Otherwise, much cheaper stand-in rocket launches may have been employed—when necessary—to keep the skeptics from asking too many questions. Shuttle launches were all routinely filmed and distributed for public consumption by NASA of course, but ‘keen observers’ have noted the inexplicable similarities in each and every launch sequence, leading one to surmise they may have indeed all been one and the same, slightly tweaked with camera effects. Again, bona fide launches of full-scale “Space Shuttles” are enormously expensive and precarious. If not impossible. In any event, no “astronauts” ever rode inside one from the launch pad and neither were any harmed in the making of those movies.

Actually, it’s most probable that what we witnessed as the “Shuttle” returning from “Space” was a glorified version of a “Vomit Comet”…that is, a high-altitude turbojet aircraft disguised as a glider, which could take off and land normally—as any large airliner can. Exactly like the aforementioned Soviet version 21 (which nobody ever told you about) was… It therefore doubled as a flying film set to create longer segments of ‘zero-G’ for the “astronauts” to ham it up for live camera work. This would also explain the loud jet engine noise everyone on the ground heard as it “glided” over to land, and why the “fighter jet escorts” were always used in an attempt to conceal it.

The “Challenger disaster” was probably intentional, serving a number of psychological and strategic purposes for NASA. Over the years, I began to discover that my peculiar experience of the incident while in a government school in 1986 was not unique. In fact, it seems that nearly EVERY government school dropped everything that day, froze all the class bells, and rolled the TV’s into the classrooms for all the kiddies to watch this particular launch—something never done before or since. (I don’t recall “Space” being much of an interest anymore by that time…and probably that was part of the reason for this specific Ritual Act). The “first teacher in space” was the cover—the misdirection we spoke of earlier. The fact that none of us millions of kids (and teachers) knew at the time it was a deliberate fraud made it an especially egregious sin. Most, in fact, still believe today that they witnessed on live TV the horrific, tortured deaths of those seven men and women that morning on January 28.

But it is a certainty that no “astronauts” died that day. Researchers have since tracked down all but one as not only still living, but most retaining their same names. Two of them, in fact, since being revealed, have now claimed to be the identical twins of those astronauts, notwithstanding the curious fact that neither of them were known to have a twin—or even a sibling—prior to now.

One of the most damning examples is Commander Richard “Dick” Scobee (below on the left):


On the right, is a man currently living as Richard Scobee, (exactly appropriately aged), who is now the CEO of a strange company called “Cows In Trees22. You can see it is the same man, having the same peculiar and unsymmetrical facial features. And because these guys are all magicians, they care not that we see their cloak…For here is an image from Richard’s own website intro:


Odd resemblance, no?

Just a very strange coincidence, I’m sure.

Finally, as we wrap this segment up, I’d like to present some of NASA’s earliest stage work on the Shuttle program. It is an ingenious mock-up of the Shuttle “delivering a satellite23 in space, so well done, in fact, one can hardly see the man holding up the model from below... Why NASA even bothered to release such a travesty is the real question. Unless, like old Dick Scobee, they want you to see it.

If it was all just one big Satanic Mass Ritual, then they feed off the negative power of your forced acceptance of it. In the same way that watching the Twin Towers (and Building 7) collapse at freefall speed into their own footprint and being told you are NOT seeing a controlled demolition, but a structural fire that got out of hand—three times in one morning… That you will believe the Lie, and you will know it’s a lie, makes it all the more delicious for them.


1. nāśā' Hebrew, “to be lifted up, exalted…to be carried or borne away”.

2. Konstantin_Tsiolkovsky, Russian schoolteacher.

3. Force STILL equals Mass times Acceleration.

4. The Apollo missions were entirely pulled off with slide rules!

5. Wright Brothers.

6. The mystery of how planes achieve lift and stay aloft has yet to be solved.

7. Miles Mathis. Aerolift.

8. Bantam Speedflying Nendaz Tracouet.

9. Voyager.

10. Brady Bunch era.

11. Electronics are still operating and “sending back data” to this day.

12. ROCKET LAUNCH Failure Compilation - HEAVIEST Rocket Accidents & Crash

13. A genuine launch of a “Saturn 5” rocket.

14. And here is a fascinating video of an actual “Shuttle” launch which demonstrates the principle of instability when the rocket is at max payload.

15. NASA’s training pool.

16. “NASA Vomit-Comet”.

17. Skylab.

18. True zero-G, take a look at this remarkable video.

19. Buran spacecraft.

20. Shuttle photographs.

21. Video showing test Buran liftoff.

22. Richard Scobee, (exactly appropriately aged), who is now the CEO of a strange company called “Cows In Trees”.

23. NASA - how to fake space badly in 1983 - GREAT find by Geoshifter - Flat Earth


5/11/2021 - Subject: IF (Printed Version)


Because to every purpose there is time and judgment, therefore the misery of man is great upon him. For he knoweth not that which shall be: for who can tell him when it shall be? There is no man that hath power over the spirit to retain the spirit; neither hath he power in the day of death: and there is no discharge in that war; neither shall wickedness deliver those that are given to it. All this have I seen, and applied my heart unto every work that is done under the sun: there is a time wherein one man ruleth over another to his own hurt. —Ecclesiastes 8

History records that in the fourth century B.C., Philip II of the Kingdom of Macedon, the father of Alexander the Great, began his conquest and consolidation of ancient Greece. Beginning with Athens, and after receiving the surrender of the key city-states, he’d turned his attention to the indomitable Spartans. After advising them once by messenger to submit to his rule and receiving a short letter in rebuff, he sent a second… The ancient historian, Plutarch records the letter to the Spartan’s as follows:

"You are advised to submit without further delay, for if I bring my army into your land, I will destroy your farms, slay your people, and raze your city…”

The Spartan’s replied with their own letter in exactly one word:


Both Phillip, and later Alexander the Great, wisely left Sparta alone and chose to form their great Grecian Empire without them.

The story of the Spartans is admirable for their warrior spirit, simultaneous with their lives of pastoral frugality. Not interested in conquest or dreams of empire, nevertheless, as a free people of strong tribal and separatist character, they fashioned their pagan civilization by military strength and an ethic of honor. All able boys were trained in the art of war at an early age—and there likely were no ‘unable’ boys. Like most pagan societies, the weak and deformed were separated from the living shortly after birth.

But this isn’t an essay about the Spartans. Rather, it is a brief foray into a realistic view of history, that is, an honest view, taking into account the vast amount of hardship, deprivation, suffering, and blood which stains the pages of the chronicle of mankind upon the earth. And yet somehow a hidden thread of peace and righteousness, nearly invisible, is being woven into the binding within. If history has meaning—and I believe it does—there must be a purpose for Creation which transcends our experience here.

Lo, this only have I found, that God hath made man upright; but they have sought out many inventions. (Ecclesiastes 7:29)

I don’t believe God causes man to sin. Rather, since the beginning man has been given choices—one of which always leads to life, and the other, ultimately to death. Adam, while in the Garden in a state of innocence and “uprightness” directly knew the will of God. I will go out on a limb here and say that it was NOT a foregone conclusion that he would fail. I suppose his time in Eden was not to be forever, but like life is for us, a time of testing. I do not think it was necessary or inevitable that he would choose to disobey God and thereby sin. Because if so, it was really a false choice which Yahweh gave to him.

Let us recall that God did give to Adam some autonomy—and it was genuine. And I also believe it is an error to ascribe—as some do—the phrase we find later in the scriptures, “marred in the hand of the potter” to him. God did create him “upright” and in a state of maturity of mind; of high intellect, reason, and capability of the greatest love and loyalty. He was made fully equipped, in other words, to perform the task God had required of him. In fact, his first order of business, according to Genesis 2, was to give names to all of the birds and beasts…“and God brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.”

Do we recognize that? God was curious and interested in what Adam would call them! And apparently, He did nothing to guide him, or ‘correct’ him (as you or I might do when our small child would attempt to name a family pet), but rather Adam decided—“and that was the name thereof.”

Undoubtedly today the names of many animals could be traced etymologically back beyond the veil of recorded history as resembling (had it been recorded) the original name Adam gave it.

Therefore, man was given a will of his own. He could choose to obey God, or not. This must have been a legitimate offer. But the hazard of this, of course, is that he would choose not to obey. Did God have foreknowledge that Adam would fail the test? I can’t speak for Him. I suppose He did. But it intrigues me to wonder if perhaps He did not. That thought is the source of this essay.

The Arrow of Time

Whatever History and Time is or isn’t, we now have the advantage of a lot of it (behind us) to consider the trajectory it has taken… something Adam did not have. We have now seen the course of history which arose from the disobedience of one man. We have witnessed the apparent direction of time and wonder about the purpose of mankind. Since we have seen the blood-tide of his rebellion come in and out for millennia like waves upon the sea shore, leaving behind the debris of each civilization, it’s easy to believe in the devolution of the species. It’s hard to see real progress and one wonders about the point of it all. Solomon said in the end:

Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. (Ecc 12:13)

But duty and purpose are not necessarily synonymous.

Adam’s autonomy presented a duty—same as all of us. Moreover, the scripture says Adam was not deceived, but rebelled presumptuously. When he failed, he failed to do what he knew was right, and the purpose of man was altered. The Remedy that was offered by God—“the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world”—then became the answer to the question of “What if?”… For IF God did not “know” whether Adam would choose correctly, He most assuredly did know how He would make it right.

For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous. (Romans 5:19)

The upright man then became rare in the earth. And death would reign supreme for four thousand years...

The good man is perished out of the earth: and there is none upright among men: they all lie in wait for blood; they hunt every man his brother with a net. (Micah 7:2)

The times of the empires of men came and went. Seas of blood were spilt (battlefield accounts of ancient historians record meadows turned to literal mud from the gore of scores of thousands slain, often times in one day). Whole nations were enslaved and absorbed into others, while the wealth of the earth changed hands a thousand times—all for the appeasement of some god or gods. Except for one family, the march of history of those who descended from Adam is but a single file of wretched souls into Abaddon.

The family I speak of is Israel. Ostensibly meaning, “rules with God”, it might better render from the Hebrew word meaning “contender”—thus, “soldier of God”. Thus, I believe Israel began with Seth (Genesis 4:26) as it was then, with his son Enosh, “that men began to call upon the name of Yahweh”. That lineage, of course, is the lineage of Christ, as it proceeds down through the ages, over the waters of the flood, to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob-Israel, and on down to the birth of the Son of God in the town of Bethlehem, inside the Empire of Rome…which we recall as the most brutal and efficient of all the human killing machines—that “dreadful beast with great iron teeth” of Daniel 7:7.

But for the children of Israel—the actual descendants of Abraham and Jacob—God had made a covenant. It was revealed at that time that the Christ, the Promised Seed first prophesied to Adam and Eve in the Garden, would come from that family. And so it was that History was destined to follow that path “through hell or high water”. Somehow, the will of man and the autonomous choices he would collectively make could not, and would not thwart the Sovereign Plan of God.

Back now to the “clay that was marred in the hand of the potter”…This of course was Israel. For the times leading up to the Kingdom Age, Yahweh worked all good and all evil towards His ultimate goal of Redemption. This in fact is what He was showing Jeremiah in that passage:

“…so he made it again another vessel, as seemed good to the potter to make it. Then the word of the Lord came to me, saying, O house of Israel, cannot I do with you as this potter? saith the Lord. Behold, as the clay is in the potter's hand, so are ye in mine hand, O house of Israel.”

This is fascinating, really. Because for God to give us an honest choice—and not the illusion of choice—He must allow the consequences to unfold. How this happens and yet does not undermine His overarching Plan of History is beyond the human intellect, but as Jesus said, “the scripture cannot be broken” (John 10:35). Whatever Yahweh has prior decreed must be.

And yet… Is God really sure what we will do? Does God understand the word, “IF” the same as we? I believe He does, and He uses the word honestly in Scripture.

At what instant I shall speak concerning a nation, and concerning a kingdom, to pluck up, and to pull down, and to destroy it; IF that nation, against whom I have pronounced, turn from their evil, I will repent of the evil that I thought to do unto them. And at what instant I shall speak concerning a nation, and concerning a kingdom, to build and to plant it; IF it do evil in my sight, that it obey not my voice, then I will repent of the good, wherewith I said I would benefit them.” (Jeremiah 18)

Understanding exactly what it is He has “pronounced,” and what He has “spoken”—and making the distinction—is part of our responsibility as His people. This means “diligently seeking” and “studying” the scriptures—and practicing obedience toward them (Hebrews 11:6, 2 Timothy 2:15). He has given us the liberty to obey… OR to disobey. The ramifications of that freedom are unspooled in history—as we have seen. We need to receive that liberty with all gravity as well. Because allowing us to choose a path and then permitting us to follow it to the bitter end is both His prerogative and even His pleasure, at times. And that should strike fear into the hearts of careless men.

If I whet my glittering sword, and mine hand take hold on judgment; I will render vengeance to mine enemies, and will reward them that hate me. (Deuteronomy 32:41)

That sounds a bit like King Phillip’s injunction to the Spartans. But, we are not Spartans and dare not cast that back into His teeth with such a laconic word.

And yet the word ‘If’ begins the warning—hinting at a choice. For those comparatively few that choose wisely:

Now therefore, IF ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth is mine. (Exodus 19:5)

Are we starting to see it now?

And finally, from one of the most beloved passages of ‘Christian patriots’—in context…

If I shut up heaven that there be no rain, or if I command the locusts to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among my people; IF my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. (2 Chronicles 7)

The calculus is clear. We may turn… or we may not turn. He waits to see.

God may understand every statistical possibility and probability of every tiny cause and effect in the cosmos—and He may very well have the power of manipulating those odds in whatever favor He wishes. Or, He may be more like us than we’ve imagined, and God may wonder at times... ‘What will Adam call these things?’ He has made us creatures of wonder. But our human nature has also made us prone to wander. Thus has He Revealed to us His Sovereign Will in the matter of good and evil in His Word. Summed up, it is the law of curses and blessings (or sowing and reaping). IF… THEN.

The ancients (outside or Israel) did not know the Mind of God—His Law-Word—thus we may excuse their “times of ignorance” while still being revolted at their blood lust and depravity. But we have no excuse. We have an enormous benefit in that God has given us the MAP—if we will only learn to read it… We may speculate about much in this strange reality we find ourselves in, but we shouldn’t wander too far off the page lest we become hopelessly lost.

I think in time we will all understand the meaning of History—perhaps even the wicked. (How often did Yahweh decree some death-dealing judgement upon His enemies and then finalize it with “and then they shall know that I am the Lord!”) To what degree our choices are able to influence His mind or alter His ultimate plans, we can’t know on this side of eternity. And strangely, for the congenitally wicked, it seems God has planned their destruction early and merely gives them the rope they need to hang themselves. As Paul said in Romans 1, God “gave them up” to their own depravities. Of course, this was not a new understanding…

Yea, they have chosen their own ways, and their soul delighteth in their abominations. I also will choose their delusions, and will bring their fears upon them; because when I called, none did answer; when I spake, they did not hear: but they did evil before mine eyes, and chose that in which I delighted not. (Isaiah 66:3-4)

It’s possible that all of history—all of mankind’s meanderings upon this earth—from the exploration of every possible form of evil to the embodiment of every possible form of good, achieved in various individuals throughout time are all the combined considerations of the Mind of God. And we know that all things were ultimately created to glorify God, which means every possibility, and every choice made by man, and every path—whether taken or not taken—would also glorify His Name and serve His ultimate purpose… And that is how History transcends our sorrowful experience of it.

God—the Almighty Creator of heaven and earth, King of Kings and Lord of Lords surely does have a Historical Plan that expands, as does His Kingdom, forever. This Plan can never fail, regardless of what man does or fails to do, it proceeds according to His schedule. And still, He waits upon us. Because He is the Lord, He can do both.

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. (Jeremiah 29:11)

However long the wicked choose to be wicked, and receive their just rewards, and how ever long His children, Israel, take to mature into sons of God, “time and judgement” will not fail to reckon whatever misery must come upon us all… and yet, WE have an expected end.

“If” ends in expectation. God can both wonder, and contemplate thoughts of peace in a world of madness and KNOW that one day it will all come to pass in His favor—and in ours.

Perhaps then all of history, past and future, is the out-workings and the inevitable answer of one primal thought of the Everlasting Father made before the foundation of the world… “If”.

2/20/2021 - Subject: The Law and the Profit (Printed Version)


PROF'IT, verb transitive To benefit; to advantage; applied to one's self, to derive some pecuniary interest or some accession of good from any thing; as, to profit one's self by a commercial undertaking, or by reading or instruction…to advance the interest of.

(Webster’s 1928)

There’s a legal and philosophical Latin term known as Cui Bono?… “Who benefits?” An understanding of what law is must speak to that question.

Therefore, in light of our crazed society and its totalitarian government freshly installed by the last crop of deep state actors, generals, lawyers and propagandists (and with the help of tens of millions of welfare grifters, foreign intruders and an army of vapid, white wokesters who hate their parents, Robert E. Lee, and all other men), we need a redress of what makes these people tick, and how they hoodwink so many of us into accepting their claim to define law or redefine it as they see fit. After all, if a corrupt fool of a man in the late stages of senility (propped up by multiple body doubles, CGI “enhancements” and daily drug cocktails) can play the role of a god these days—and cause great masses of people to “fear” him—we’re entering probably a worst-case scenario for the death of an empire. And we’re living inside its carcass.

Joe Biden signing executive orders with Radar from Mash looking on

There is God’s Law, and there is “law and order”. So as to avoid confusion, I will make the distinction in this article and maintain it throughout. When referring to “God’s Law”, it will be specified, and I will define it now as determined ONLY through His own direct revelation given to us in the Scriptures. That would be the written Law (the Word). There is also a natural law. For we’ve also been told Creation itself was made under His Law and, being subject to it, it can also lead us towards a proper understanding. A few quick examples…

Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him? (1 Cor 11:14)

Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse. (Rom 1:19-20)

Truth, morality (good and evil) and the nature of reality can be discerned sometimes by natural means, and other times only by divine revelation. A third way is sometimes proffered, and that is through the revelation of man, or by the words of an “authority”. That is to suggest that law (truth and morality) can be found or mined from within us—or more accurately, from within THEM; those with the mantle of authority.

Thus they take upon themselves the authority to create a society in their own image and for their own benefit—“to advance their own interests.” They call this a “society of law and order”, which is a hypnotic phrase—a sort of incantation which seems to paralyze the mind of Western Man. The opposite, of course, must be lawlessness, a truly terrifying state of affairs which we must ever guard against! We are taught this mantra from infancy, should anyone ask, “Why?”:

Those are the rules!”

But that mindless slogan is simply how the fraud stays afloat. The “Whys” are a thousand tiny leaks that threaten the ship of State and they must be relentlessly plugged. “Law and order” is a fragile thing, you see. But rather than being a moral description of reality—as a good counterfeit of God’s Law would be—for our authoritarians, in fact, the “Law” IS an Order. That is its essence and purpose.

Unfortunately, what the law is, or isn’t, is a thought process that few ever bother with. Therefore, I’ve taken up the task for them herein, with the hope that some small measure of understanding will infect the minds of a few, wake up the “woke”, and possibly salvage a few honest people from the hell we are running headlong into…and maybe a call to muster a few good men.

Therefore, what it is not:

The law is not “truth” mined from the earth or gleaned from the minds of great men. Morality is not discovered, and codified by the gifted for the benefit of the moron and the idiot. Quite the opposite, in fact. Those who rise to “rulership” over others almost always are, as the Scriptures say, “the basest of men”. Only gods can discern law, and only fools believe they are gods. Stay tuned, as I will contradict that statement later. Sort of.

The idea that the ruling class, as legislators, produce ordinances as a “code of conduct” mutually beneficial for the populace, is utter nonsense… By now, with the latest object lesson in “democracy” behind us, this should be crystal clear. “Legislation” is nothing but this: A set of orders written for the enforcersto the effect of bringing the people to heel. CONTROL of the population is the ultimate purpose; the morality of the law is irrelevant. Moreover, they’ve become so compliant and stupefied, the masses believe they “asked for” these laws, or there was some common agreement as a condition of a majority “vote”. But nothing could be farther than the truth. ALL legislation is imposed upon the populace by the ruling class without their consent, and often their knowledge, and the lack thereof is never a pardon... Doubt that? Take a few dozen hours to plow through your State’s statutory code (all readily available on-line). Ask yourself if you were ever consulted upon the making of any of these “laws”, and then admit the reality that you were wholly unaware of almost all of them. And be sure to read the consequences (statutory judgements) for failing to know this.

It’s hardly relevant anyway, as the law, once again, is just an ORDER for the government troops to ACT upon the people, and under which conditions. It is nothing else. Your own ignorance of statutory law is mostly intentional and beside the point anyway. So-called “protection under the law” for the accused was always a fiction for the rubes to imbibe, and they love to have it so. And they’re happy to pay dearly for this “protection” via egregious attorney’s fees once the need arises. That’s why the “Framers” gave us the Ten Amendments… The make-believe of “rights” promised by the State is comforting to the simple—especially after they’ve been apprehended for some non-crime and find themselves on the business end of the law—but time always reveals the truth. The judicial process itself is the crime, and the innocent are guilty before, during and after the trial, in every case. Like the Casino, the State always wins, even when it loses. After all, they made the rules, and they choose whether or not to play by them. You, on the other hand, are nothing but a citizen.

The Rules of the Game

So the illusion of law rests upon the illusion of authority. Authority confers power, and without power, the law is toothless and irrelevant anyway. An unenforceable law is no law at all. Now, how the game is played is to first convince the people within some defined border that a certain minority of other people are endowed with a natural hierarchy over them. This is the basis for every state religion. It must be accepted on faith alone, because the inept and impotent works of the ruling class always betray their claim to divinity. But the hierarchy must be established nevertheless, and the usual method throughout the ages has been so-called “divine right”…That is, divinity, or the right to rule, is delegated to them by the Creator Himself. This happened way back in the past where the scepter of rule passed through genealogical lines. These would be considered monarchists, or aristocratic rulers (wealth within elite groups or families confers divine appointment). But this method has since been superseded. Or so we believe.

In our modern civilization of (kingless) nation-states, we’ve evolved into something called “democratic rule”. A Democracy is a fictitious “agreement” to which no one actually agrees, but rather participates out of ignorance, coercion or propaganda. This is officially known as the “Social Contract”. That is to say, the people are under contract, or obligation, to participate in the System (the State) by way of being born into the previously defined borders. It is a tacit agreement, because the default is to opt IN at birth. Opting OUT means to “go back to Africa” (or communist China, or Russia, or wherever you prefer, since you hate our Constitution and America). The other means of opting out is to simply die. Seems there is no other legitimate recourse.

And so, a hierarchy is established by the belief that a political class rightfully exists, and always has existed, because your parents agreed to it (or you did by not submitting to an abortion, or thereafter “leaving”). You, therefore come under their rightful authority by way of consent, and the hierarchy, in turn, has authority because you consented to it. That’s what’s known as circular reasoning. Nevertheless, when a critical mass of the populace believes this and carries on as if it were the case, the circle is squared, and Power is naturally established. This is because there is power in numbers. Large groups can force their will upon smaller groups. Also, the powers themselves have collected and monopolized superior armaments and other tools of subjection and the will to use them against you, should you dissent.

It’s the exact same tactic of the monarchists, only repackaged for the modern consumer of Super Bowl ads.


This concludes the refresher course. I’m telling you all of this not because you’ve forgotten it, but because I have a greater point to make…And here is where we get specific, and become angry at ourselves for our weakness.

We have a duty to obey God, and to fear Him. And only Him. Believers have always had a hard time with that. First, we are commanded to fear no one, under any circumstances, except our God. The Hebrew word is yārē, “to fear, revere, stand in awe, dread, to be terrified of”. This is the word God commands towards Himself. It does not simply mean to “honor”, as in to be merely respectful, as some churchmen of the Gospel of Nice love to aver. It means dread.

We are specifically told we are not to fear man—but in fact when man is wielding authority as law, the Bible calls them “gods”. And here’s the twist: When that law is God’s Law, and His children wield it properly, He’s declared:

I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.” (Psalm 82:6)

Christ famously affirmed that in John 10:34, speaking to those rulers of Israel.

But, when men create their own law, asserting their own authority, these become the “gods of the heathen”. When working in concert, they create a State and the State itself becomes god, and they become its priests and prophets…individual godlets. It’s lucrative, and power is intoxicating, particularly to the congenitally unprincipled. These were the “snakes” and “foxes” Jesus was speaking of in the passage above.

Yet we still fear these false gods and serve them with obedience. And we often justify it in the same conniving, and cowardly way Israel of old did.

Because Israel then (like Israel now), in their foolish rebellion thought they could outsmart their Creator, we’ve been given many examples “for our learning”, complete with the consequences thereof to demonstrate their error. A study of 2Kings 17 reveals an intriguing example of how it is possible to “fear God” while thinking to simultaneously “fear other gods”. Of course we cannot serve two masters, so it becomes evident in that passage which master Israel was then serving:

For so it was, that the children of Israel had sinned against the Lord their God, which had brought them up out of the land of Egypt, from under the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt, and had feared other gods, And walked in the statutes of the heathen, whom the Lord cast out from before the children of Israel, and of the kings of Israel, which they had made.” (v.7,8)

The bolded section then is the very definition of “fearing other gods”…Reading on, we see what other manner of abominations they were doing—worshipping the “host of heaven”, practicing witchcrafts, and sacrificing their own children (burning them alive…we’re more sophisticated today of course; we do it chemically). But to appease God (so as to assuage His wrath, one supposes), they still managed to “go to church” on Sunday, and made yet a pretense of honor…

They feared the Lord, AND served their own gods, after the manner of the nations whom they carried away from thence.” (v.33)

Of course, even then, as now, infanticide was “legal,” so it was ok to indulge in it. After all, they were “obeying the powers that be”, and since they claimed ALSO to “fear the Lord” (they did not), God would excuse their sin. But God calls them out and showed them which master they’d decided to serve, and not the Other.

Unto this day they do after the former manners: they fear not the Lord, neither do they after their statutes, or after their ordinances, or after the law and commandment which the Lord commanded the children of Jacob, whom he named Israel; With whom the Lord had made a covenant, and charged them, saying, Ye shall not fear other gods, nor bow yourselves to them, nor serve them, nor sacrifice to them…And the statutes, and the ordinances, and the law, and the commandment, which HE wrote for you, ye shall observe to do for evermore; and ye shall not fear other gods.” (v.34-37)

Let us pay careful attention to that last bolded statement. Because if we claim to be His children, we are still bound to that command exclusively.

Here is where we stand today, and here is the point. Extremely wicked men and women have decisively claimed to be gods over us. They now have a “mandate”. And they will attempt to confirm this by our obedience to their edicts. These will inevitably be contrary to God’s Law—and egregiously so. And they will strive to instill fear into us to force compliance by using the power of the State—their hired dogs and their “legal system” to cow us to their will. They will threaten (and often succeed) to imprison us, and to take from us our property, our livelihood, and even, possibly, our lives. By doing so, they hope to cause us to deny our God and Savior who has strictly warned us NOT to obey them, serve them, or fear them. Some, perhaps many, will cave to their will, citing Romans 13 or 1Peter 2, hoping their appeasement will spare them, and attempting to justify it for the “greater good” or to “protect their families”. This tactic will fail and they will entrap themselves and only help to enslave their progeny.

The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe. Many seek the ruler's favour; but every man's judgment cometh from the Lord. (Prov 29)

Tyranny doesn’t happen through decree; it only happens when we allow it…when we OBEY the tyrant’s law. This is what the fear of man always brings and this is the inevitable end of every society and nation that forgets God.

Yes, the New Covenant concurs:

So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me. (Hebrews 13:6)

And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. (Matthew 10:28)

These are commands, brethren. Be bold and strengthen yourselves in the Lord. If any are feeling weak, NOW is the time to pray for strength and wisdom and the faith to carry out His will. We must decide now that we will enact and obey HIS Law even—and especially—in the face of wicked men who hate Christ. The godlets will call for your chains, or your blood perhaps, but our God is able to crush them in a moment. We and too many of our fathers before us have been weak and compliant towards the godless and their “law” and they have clubbed us with it and prevailed. We need to repent of this.

I’ve no more idea what those “executive orders” were that Obiden was signing than he did, and I’ve heard of the so-called “bills” being sent up to the high command as we speak to legislate the effective full disarmament of the American population…internment camps, de facto forced “vaccinations”, anal swabbing, cessation of free travel, a digital world-wide currency, the great reset, whatever. I’ve resolved to not comply. I may quietly resist, like Bartleby the Scrivener, with the perpetual refusal, “I would prefer not”… Until I am forced to act. With God’s help, I shall be able and willing to refuse to comply with wicked and unlawful government mandates so that we can protect others under us and around us who may be weaker.

But we are nearing a crisis point, where things can go either of two ways.

For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him. Herein thou hast done foolishly: therefore from henceforth thou shalt have wars. (2 Chronicles 16:9)

That’s way 1. That’s what He wants for us. But if we continue in the way of our fathers, we will inherit the last part of that passage. Sadly, that is exactly what Israel did in the days of Ahaz, king of Judah. That chapter in 2 Kings ends unfortunately:

So these nations feared the Lord, and served their graven images, both their children, and their children's children: as did their fathers, so do they unto this day. (v41)

Or we can break the cycle.

Way 2 is forsaking their gods and prevailing with the Lord over our enemies. It is the way of Gideon, who forsook the false gods, and “brake the graven images” of his father.

The great lesson there was that God doesn’t work for us until we’ve lost all other hope in ourselves, and in our rulers, and in every natural way of escape. But when we’ve come to the point of full reliance on Him, He then gives us the power to fight in the battle.

Brethren, Jesus is not going to ride in on a white horse and slay our enemies for us—he’s already done that. Now we must work. It might be tempting to say ‘this is not my home’ and I “wait for a city not made with hands”…and thank God that is true. But this WILL be the home of our children and our children’s children, and all of our brethren who will come after us. We can run and hide—and perhaps escape with our lives—and leave for them a dung hill, a hell-zone of a godless nation of mindless slaves, swarmed with swarthy foreigners… Or we can stand up to the Lie, refuse their “mandate”, and deny their authority. We have “ONE Law, and ONE Lawgiver”— Jesus Christ the King. And we’re going to have to live or die by that. Let them profit in their own blood.

As I’ve said before, we may have to fight in the meantime.   That's fine with me.  I don't need a 'comfortable retirement'—I have an eternity of peace awaiting me.  But I’ve resolved NOT to give away my Christian heritage and the land my forefathers scraped out of a howling wilderness, paying for it with their wretched lives, and where so many godly men far greater than me did so many far greater things, and suffered for the hope of the generations to come...so some feral dogs, white heathen sodomites, and various imported pagans can enjoy the fruits of our, and MY labor—and take from us the Kingdom and turn it into Sodom from sea to shining sea.  They can have it when they take it from me in battle. 

2/07/2021 - Subject: Foy, the Man (Printed Version)


Floyd was grossly obese. He worked the counter of the plumbing supply store, but unable to stand, he was given a shopping cart to push himself around. Perpetually hunched over as his spine could not support his mass—from the register to the sales office, through the swinging door that led back to the warehouse, he had to cart his enormous gut before him in a steel basket on four small castor wheels designed to hold groceries. They wretched and squealed all the while, the bearing seized on one, it just dragged. This rendered thick, black trails on the tile floor marking his daily paths, and a fainter trail led to an oversized, unadvertised door in the back corner of the shop…I surmised it was his own specially outfitted bathroom.

They made Floyd work, though. He wasn’t a charity case. And I’d bet it was on his own insistence—he didn’t expect to be favored. When heavy pumps or motors were ordered at the counter, he’d have to haul himself out into the warehouse and pick them off the rack and place them in the cart beside his belly. And then he’d push them out to the waiting customers in their trucks outside the rollup doors. Everyone that knew Floyd would insist on loading themselves out, but no customers were allowed inside the warehouse (“Employees ONLY”, the sign said). Anyway, he wasn’t incapable—just abominably slow.

Pitying him shuffle himself across the shop floor one day, I noticed the shoes he wasn’t wearing. Instead he had some house slippers, mashed on the bias where his ankles turned in. I then noticed his outfit—a stained sweatshirt and probably pajama pants—whatever was available on the XXXL rack at TJ Maxx, or Walmart, if he was lucky. Finding clothing that covered him was surely a challenge. And it occurred to me that someone had to dress him each day as it would have been impossible for him to get clothed, to say nothing of bending over to don shoes or socks. He probably needed help bathing as well. And someone no doubt prepared and set before him the massive quantities of food he required each day to assuage his addiction.

I inadvertently saw who that was one morning as I drove to work. In the lane in front of me was a small hatchback Toyota or a Volvo—probably from the previous century—listing badly to the passenger side. It was moving at a snail’s pace in the left lane, and slowing traffic to the point that it was inevitable we’d all get caught behind the dreaded, flashing “school zone” intersection where we’d wait 5 minutes while crossing guards with whistles led half a dozen first-graders over the street Jordan to the promised land of Stephen J. Foster Elementary. Therefore, as I hurriedly weaved around it, I caught a glance at the driver—an old-ish woman, cigaretted, notably oblivious to the traffic jam she’d caused, and in animated conversation with the passenger which consumed the bulk of the car’s interior—one Floyd. I guessed this was his mother, and I realized that besides being dressed and fed each day, someone also had to drive him to and from work. She was smiling, and so was he, with his hands folded over a fair-sized cooler on his lap, which I expect was his daily rations. They seemed to be enjoying their time together, and being “late to work” wasn’t part of their reality.

I was amazed at this scene, but it dawned on me at that moment that this “need” that he had was not so much of the chore I may have thought it was. Here were two people leading equally empty lives, probably having no one else to share it with, and they were happy to do it together. Being nigh 60 years of age and dependent upon an old woman to care for him, I imagined their relationship—odd as it may be—was mutually beneficial, and more or less loving... In reciprocation, I suppose his income from Gorman’s Pump and Supply paid the rent for the both of them, and maybe a good portion of his food habit as well.

Thus I thought about Floyd differently after that. And each time I’d call the shop, and ask for the “counter, please”, I hoped it would be he who would answer. Indeed, he was always an affable man, eager to help in any way, who remembered your voice and connected your name with your company and greeted you as “buddy”. “How ya doing today, Floyd?” I’d ask. “Couldn’t be better!” he’d lie. Sometimes he’d get my order mixed up, but always made it good with an apology and a complimentary pair of Nemesis safety glasses…and, when in season, a free school-drive chocolate bar which he pilfered from the box on the counter after looking both ways and winking. (I expect they were his to begin with—the fundraiser box was just a ruse for his personal snack shack).

For ten years, he placed my orders, called me to tell me they were in (“Thanks, Floyd! I’ll pick it up in the morning!”) and sometimes just called to give advance “insider information” that a sale would be going on for some of the products we normally purchased, and that if we could wait another week, we’d get the discount! Often times when I’d come into the store, other customers—plumbers, tradesmen—would be sitting at the counter on the barstools chatting with him, drinking the house-coffee, as he hunched over his shopping cart and saw me enter and say, “excuse me, boys, I have a paying customer here!” And I’d get immediate attention, and riles from the other guys… “If ya came for the coffee, it’s awful, and half-cold.” Floyd didn’t drink coffee, but he was happy to make it—it was a daily chore he was capable of, and relished it. And besides, he was frugal, and knew to use the same filter at least twice.

But each time I saw him—about monthly, I suppose—I noticed the difference. I realized he was not going to improve. He steadily degenerated, and grew, and became less and less ambulatory.

One day, he was off the cart, and in the rolling chair. He no longer went out to the warehouse, but was full-time counter-man. And it seemed to irritate the other guys who had to share the space with him, and had jobs to do as well. Again, the traffic pattern was stifled as only one lane behind the counter connected the shop to the office. The warehouse door was in between, so all personnel had to cross the mountain of Floyd many times per hour to conduct their business. He was like the omnipresent fat man in the aisle seat of every plane, concert hall and movie theater. And in fact, that’s what he was.

But he’d learned to be genial and self-deprecating from early on in life, I much expect, as his problem had always been with him. He was agreeable, in as much as it was in him—the customer was always right, and so was everybody else… Probably a carryover from being ridiculed in “school”. Maybe no one but his mother knew the whole story. His coworkers at Gorman’s, where he’d worked for the last 19 years of his life, never pried too hard into his problems. To them he just had a “medical condition”. Maybe “goiters” or something. It probably wasn’t his fault anyway. The coworkers he’d began to annoy with his increasingly unavoidable presence didn’t have to see him after hours or speak with him, so his problems—whatever they were—were mostly his… at least for 16 hours out of the day, and every weekend and holiday, and every paid sick-day, of which he took early and often.

And so it continued for a number of years.

I began to notice him missing, on and off, early into last year. I’d see him once in a while when I came in, but he never answered the phone anymore. And he stayed back with the two rough office girls mostly, assigned to paperwork or other mundane tasks like stocking the toilet paper in their bathroom and shuffling file folders. He was no longer congenial when I did see him, and he seemed to have forgotten who I was. I saw him back there rolling around in his chair, blowing off keyboards with duster-spray one time. I leaned my head in, “Hey Floyd,” I said. He didn’t answer. That may have been the last time I saw him—I can’t remember another incident.

So it was a few weeks ago that I came in to pick up a pump head at the counter. There was a new guy running the register and he didn’t know me or my company. A ratty, 40-ish dude, skinny, unkempt, balding, stank of cigarettes and something else (salami? Jägermeister?)… He had to look up our account on the computer and couldn’t find it. I just paid with a credit card.

As I was paying, I noticed on the wall behind him where there always hung a picture of the original owner of the store… “In Loving Memory Of,” and then his name and dates of birth and death. “We’ll miss you,” it said at the bottom. There was a mummified corsage of flowers pinned over the frame. He was 61, I deduced, but he looked much younger in the picture, smiling, confident. Nevertheless, long dead… But today, for the first time, I noticed another picture next to his.

Oh… It was him. It actually gave me an instant shock of grief. He was smiling, as always, and hunched over his shopping cart, his hand flashing the “peace sign”. I read the dates of his lifespan—he’d died a few months earlier, in October.

It was his memorial, hung there on the paneled wall, slightly crooked on its nail.

The plaque said: “In Loving Memory of…FOY GIBSON”.

What? I asked the new guy what happened to Floyd?

“Who’s Floyd?” he said. I pointed at the picture. “Yes, he passed on a while ago.”


“Yes, Foy. He died. Sorry you didn’t know.”

I guess there was nothing else to say. Here was a man who’d never bothered to correct me, in ten years, that I’d had his name wrong... ‘Floyd’ was always a figment of my imagination.

It seemed impossible and ridiculous to me that I could make that mistake, continuously, for so long. He’d said his name to me a hundred times, and others had as well. The two words sound similar, sure, but are distinctly different, and I’m not hard of hearing.

I refused to believe my false memory, and moreover that there even was such a name. I looked it up when I got home. Foy—is a French name. It means “Faith”. It was originally an English surname. Exactly two people had that name listed in Wikipedia… an American diplomat, and an Irish musician. And now a man who’d worked at Gorman’s.

I struggled to make an appropriate application of this story to the Kingdom. Finally, I just decided to leave it as it is. It’s just an odd and interesting anecdote on its own.

And yet, ultimately, this whole tale got me thinking about the nature of deception. Consider how we don’t have to be openly lied to for a falsehood to be believed. We see and hear what we expect to. Sometimes a narrative presents itself to us—just given tiny legs—and we run with it on our own. Turns out, it’s rather easy to believe things that aren’t true. No matter how outlandish they might be, or how smart or educated we are, all are susceptible to confusion in some part. None of us have all the information. In fact, much of what we think we always knew of this world is probably wrong. Some of our understanding is likely a total mess of error. But, it is our motivation that matters the most—“but God looks upon the heart”. Our desire to seek after truth is a quest for righteousness… And in the end, all truth will be revealed.

Jesus has promised us, “Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.”

What a promise!

In this world, in this age, at this particular time, confusion reigns supreme. And for so long we’ve been trained to believe one thing or another, and many of us have invested our entire adult lives into some concept, or a doctrine that was always wrong. We are human and this will happen from time to time. It is a failure, yes. But it doesn’t have to be fatal. Confessing error when we see it in ourselves, hard as it may be, is merely a necessity of life in the Kingdom of God.

I’ve no idea, really, what sort of child he was or how he came to be what he was in the end, but as a man, Foy was a picture of human wreckage. Though he’d kept his good nature, he’d developed into a sad and grotesque caricature of himself. And having decided he had no means to reverse course and to undo the damage done, he just consented to his death and allowed himself to go over the falls. His personal failures and whatever lies he’d told himself did prove to be fatal.

But we stand upon a Solid Rock. We ARE able to overcome our failures and our error. Because we have promises that cannot fail, and the remembrance of an All Powerful God. Indeed, our legacy is forever tied up with Christ’s legacy and it is FAR greater than a picture and a platitude and some stale flowers behind the sales counter of a pool supply store. That is our FAITH in a King who never fails and Ever Lives. He rules, right now, in the Only True Reality, on a throne where he looks down upon the earth and sees everything and everyone, and has full control over ALL of it.

A favorite scripture comes to mind to bear witness to this fact. We all know the beginning…Isaiah 53:

All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and Yahweh hath laid on him the iniquity of us all….”

That passage always comes to me with a sense of foreboding…as if I hear the sound of a bass cello, and the sun has set upon us, and we are lost. But it continues, and then the tone suddenly changes:

Yet it pleased Yahweh to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand.”

Christ also has an eternal reward—HE SHALL see His children for whom He suffered and died. All of them. He will be satiated; satisfied for his work…

He SHALL see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied: by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many; for he shall bear their iniquities.

Therefore will I divide him a portion with the great, and he shall divide the spoil with the strong; because he hath poured out his soul unto death: and he was numbered with the transgressors; and he bare the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors.”

Our God who called the worlds into existence with the power of His voice has not forgotten us; that we are weak. He will deliver us from deception, and He will deliver us from evil. And we will share in the spoils of this war with Him forever.

Blessed are the pure in heart: for they SHALL see God.”

1/24/2021 - Subject: The Revolution That Wasn't (Printed Version)



Come let me lead thee o’er this second Rome

This embryo capital, where Fancy sees

Squares in morasses, obelisks in trees;

which second-sighted seers, ev’n now, adorn,

with shrines unbuilt and heros yet unborn.

– “To Thomas Hume, from the City of Washington” by Thomas Moore

"Thus, in setting an American agenda for a New World Order, we must begin with a profound alteration in traditional thought." –Joe Biden

As we watch history unfold before us, we wonder what it was we saw. We also wonder how the world 100 years hence will remember it. Or ten years. Or next month. History is being editorialized even as we speak. The revision now precedes the original account, having been pre-written to fit the lies that would be told thereafter.

That's All Folks - Cartoon

A failed coup is what some hoped we’d witness in America last week, exposed and quashed at the last moment by the white hats. Instead we witnessed an (apparently) successful communist takeover of a Western government occur in bright and shining daylight with a masked gala of multicultural all-stars cheerleading the obscenity… Complete with a Malcom X doppelganger “reverend” summoned to bless the desecration with prayer and thanksgiving.

The coronation began in the usual way…with the hand-off of Power visualized as a sort of wedding ceremony. After the opening liturgy and the actors had said their vows and received the sacraments, the High Priest of the Court pronouncing them god and goddess, I saw the master of ceremonies signal the band… At this point, I fully anticipated a live performance of ELP’s Karn Evil 9:

Welcome back, my friends, to the show that never ends, come inside, come inside!”

Alas, no, instead, we were entreated to a profane rendition of the “National Anthem” by none other than the womyn who was the notorious starlet of American Horror Story. Are they doing this on purpose? Of course they are.

And with that, and the last words of a disgraced president as he departed the Whitehouse, giving one last inexplicable monologue about hopes and dreams and good times to come, some 100 million American deplorables were left outside the razor wire cordon, standing aghast at their sudden and unexpected disinheritance. But, the failure of their god-emperor nevertheless accomplished something great. It ensured that the slow-moving Revolution of the last three delusional decades would ultimately prevail. Now that Trump has left the building, the end game of the globalists appears to be fully on schedule.

Admittedly, the whole production was extraordinarily strange... forced, you might say. In fact, nothing seems authentic any longer—when it comes to the State and its affairs, everything is just performance art now. How did the USA have an actual “presidential inauguration” with virtually no audience? Instead of people, they set up this oddity—a sea of flags..

Crowd of People - Photo

Compare, for example, Trump’s day in the sun (which was historically pretty typical):

Crowd Photo

It begs the question of, ‘who’s buying this?’ What part of America is accepting the legitimacy of our (alleged) rule now? Who doesn’t yet understand the abject miscarriage of the Constitution in either causing this sort of debacle of government or failing to prevent it? What continues to blind us to the truth now?

In fact, Americans have been following after a false dream for centuries—believing a tale told by the victors and reinforced by constant repetition in State pedagogy and churchianity. Let’s now take a quick look backwards for some clarity…

History records that in 1776, the British colonies in America staged a revolution against the king of England to establish independence and “freedom”. This narrative, like almost everything we’ve been told in the government halls of education, is largely a fiction. For sure, it was a rebellion of sorts, but there was no ‘Revolution’ in America in 1776. That is, there was no fundamental change of State or system of rule. Rather it was just another predictable move by the aristocracy of Europe to consolidate power.

In fact, it was a war between factions of the Elite, proto-globalists, to gain autonomous rule over the colonies of the British Empire—with the vision of creating a new and greater empire modeled after Rome. In any case, it’s clear now under what spirit this has progressed—and it’s not the Holy Spirit. Even before the new American flag was run up the pole, the planners and architects of the District of Columbia—which was to be the new capital of this pseudo-nation—already had its “sacred geometry” mapped out in every occultic and masonic detail. This was the famed L’Enfant design for the Federal City. Weirdly Oz-like.

Then, like now, whatever the good intentions of the Patriots during their cause—after the war, they were sidelined and coopted by the real conspirators. As soon as the ink had dried on the Constitutional Coup of 1789 (not to be confused with a revolution), the Federal Plan was initiated.

Same as it ever was.”

We haven’t yet had a “Revolutionary War” in America. The war in 1776 did not produce a fundamentally different government; only a change in administration. The difference between the newly formed U.S. constitutional republic and the British monarchy was largely semantics. Instead, a free association of colonies having successfully won a war of independence was deceived into exchanging their former ‘Articles of Confederation’ for a falsely ratified Constitution. Thereby were they consolidated into a nation-state by subversive means. Notwithstanding the condemnation of a few true patriots like Patrick Henry, a de facto coup went unrecognized by most, to this day… Which leads us to a dramatic conclusion:

The Revolution is now.

It appears that the Patriot movement in America has at long last been overthrown. This was the purpose of the Trump interregnum. Also, whether he understood it or not (and I believe he did), Trump was used by the globalists as a scapegoat for the controlled demolition of the dollar—leading to full collapse of the old world order...He will yet be blamed for this. And along with Trump—Conservatism, Inc. and the patriots will be all rolled together as the Enemy of the People. In terms of the Russian Revolution template, we are now roughly at the stage of the June 1907 coup, having as our Bloody Sunday event the Jan 6 abortion, albeit with only one murdered protester as a token of its significance. However, the revolutionary acts to come by the Bidenistas will make policy out of the patriots as official dissidents and terrorists. This is our trajectory. The MAGA and Q-crowd today still believing in the Trump dream are currently in deep denial, and “denial is doom”.

Thus has another said the following, echoing my conclusions in the last article. It bears repeating:

"Something very bad has occurred, and many people are responding to it with denial and self-deception. These people are mostly neither stupid nor cowardly, and getting angry with them will accomplish nothing. But likewise it is doing them no favors to stand by silently and to not do everything one can to snap them back into reality so that they can rationally process the dangers we’re facing and develop an appropriate response to them..”

Some of these are our misguided Christian brethren, I’m sure. Deluded in their churchianity, many came to believe that “Israel” (the state) is the true manifestation of the kingdom of God ®since 1948. I am sorry for them. I hope they do not perish in their ignorance, but if they do not soon conform to the true Gospel, I may be forced to include them in my imprecatory prayers.

But we either wake them up, or we abandon them in their beds to die of stupidity. (And “let the dead bury their dead”). Reality, once again, is a harsh taskmaster. So let’s connect the dots that have led up to the tyranny we are facing…


This is point one. We as a people must wake up to the situation. The United States is not the Kingdom. But if Yahweh has withdrawn His mercy from America (as it appears He has), we can be pretty certain that the “locusts and the caterpillars” have breached the perimeter. This may or may not be a permanent situation (our God is still sovereign), but statistically, Canada expects over 80% of their population growth, going forward, from immigration (mostly Asian—increasingly, sub-Saharan African). That can only end one way. And we already know the Bidenista agenda for the “alteration of our traditional thought” as he’s plainly told us:

A constant, unrelenting stream of immigrants…

That will set the stage for the final and permanent displacement of heritage Americans, our religion and culture. Politically, the nation will be leftist-socialist, if not openly communist, and permanently aligned with the Israeli State regardless whether or not we still have national borders after the “Great Reset”.

The last obstacle that could derail this, in their depraved minds, was the non-compliance of Christian, white Americans—and they had to be paralyzed, rendered impotent, or converted to the cause. The last option was looking least likely, thus the ‘Q’ phenomenon to buy time for the Trump Op to be run on them.

One last word about the Q thing, and I promise I’ll stop… But this is important.

As others have noted, the Q-anon psyop came right out of the Bolshevik playbook. From Wikipedia:

Operation Trust” was a Bolshevik counterintelligence operation run from 1921 to 1926 aimed at neutralizing opposition by creating the false impression that a powerful group of military leaders had organized to stop the communists’ takeover.

‘Q’ is literally a century-old technology. (A quick overview of that wiki page will certainly “give understanding to the simple”!)

However, it served its purpose well to lure patriots into complicity—‘trusting the Plan’—while they were methodically walled in. Trump’s “Wall” was real. It just wasn’t the one on the Mexico border. Rather, for four years a political wall was being erected against the conservative ‘voting bloc’ to henceforth and forever shut them out of participating in their own fate as a governed population. The set-up occurred right under the noses of the patriots while the Trump admin cavorted with the swamp creatures and continued with the usual business of empire-building (along with the usual suspects, as always). Simultaneously, another Op was being run and that was the cementing of our State’s unholy matrimony with the State of Israel. Now that it’s presumably been consummated, they can allow the curtain of freedom and justice to drop, and reveal the “brick wall at the back of the theater,” as Frank Zappa bluntly put it.


And by the way, the very same actors which gave us the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia are one and the same with those who gave us the Q-Plan...and now pack the Bidenista cabinet. I’m sorry if you don’t see the pattern.

In order to reach our brethren still deceived by the statists, we had to show them the fallacy of the “Plan”. They had to see Trump fall. Now that it’s done, the last priority is in showing how it was done; as I said before, our enemies will use this against us again if we don’t learn their tactics. To paraphrase an old saying, “Those who won’t learn from their mistakes are destined to repeat them.” The State failed them. It coldly lied to them. There will henceforth be no possibility of a political solution for the remnant of Christian America. Trump was the last “grey champion”... A return to Christ and His true gospel of a present and eternal New Covenant Age—and a separation of His people from the world and into His Kingdom, as true citizens of the true Israel—is the only hope for us.

"Here lies a toppled god-

His fall was not a small one.

We did but build his pedestal,

A narrow and a tall one."

-Frank Herbert, Dune Messiah

Chairman Biden would like us to believe a “dark winter” is now upon us. It is a lie. It is upon themselves. And we will FIGHT against that lie.

“…Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.” (John 8:12)

A bright future remains for those who fear the God of heaven... Christ has not abdicated the throne, and he never will. To all the false gods and kings who believe they’ve received their divine mandate from heaven, and had it sanctified by “voting machines” and lying courts…

Thus saith the Lord God; Remove the diadem, and take off the crown: this shall not be the same: exalt him that is low, and abase him that is high. I will overturn, overturn, overturn, it: and it shall be no more, until he come whose right it is; and I will give it him. (Ezekiel 21)

1/16/2021 - Subject: Requiem for a Dream (Printed Version)


To ravage, to slaughter, to usurp under false titles, they call empire, and where they make a desert, they call it peace. –Tacitus

It is time for thee to work O Lord, for they have made void thy law. –Psalm 121:126

For those of us who’ve opted out of the political system it’s easy to imagine the events of these past 4 years—leading up to the odd debacle of January 6—don’t particularly affect us. Because we’re not guilty of participating in the ritual, we’re not culpable for the damage done by those who did. (That may be systemic damage, societal, maybe spiritual). But that would be an error.

We share this land with our countrymen, and those who desire true peace, justice, and righteousness (they may call it “conservatism”) are not our enemies. Those misguided souls who still believed in the “system” and in the “perfection” of the Constitution, who rose up en masse four years ago to enthrone a man who told them he would “give back the power to the people” to defeat the forces of Leftism, and turn back the flood of invaders to our ancestral land cannot be faulted for their good intentions. Yet, they will suffer the dire consequences of this monumental failure, as will we. As an avowed anti-statist and non-voter, I might be inclined to gloat, or to be angry at them for their foolishness, their naiveté, or even their destructive ignorance. But there’s no time for that, nor use in it. Besides, I’m not holier than thou, and I, along with most of what might be considered Narrow-Way Christianity, bear part of the blame. Which I will get to shortly.

But first we’ll take a deep cave dive into our present locus.

Whatever program was being run on us for the past 5 years since Trump first appeared on the scene is now into its last lines of code. We’re nearing the final moments of the final act of whatever all this was or is. In a few days, the last holders-on to the Trump Plan—the Swamp-drainers and the Q-anons—will be left alone in silence and in abject bewilderment. Many will valiantly attempt to make yet more excuses for their failed hero (‘he hasn’t failed! He’s still setting up the chess board for the final sweep in April!’)…But, eventually, one by one, they will fall away in their disillusionment. I do pity my countrymen and make no boasts of “I told you so!” I wish they would not have had to learn this hard lesson in this hard way. It will be morally humiliating for them, and some will succumb to it in deep depression—some in rage. This will benefit none of us.

And I am hopeful that none will fall for any more set-ups for self-incrimination or patriot-traps. I pray none, in their righteous indignation, decide to take justice into their own hands, for this would be a grave mistake about now. It is as if Yahweh is telling us, as He did through His prophet Jeremiah, to not go down into Egypt (for protection) but to “stay in the land”…for the king of Babylon had been sent to judge the people, and the people, seeking to avoid the chastisement of God, thought to find remedy by escape and allegiance to the ‘enemy of their enemy’… to take matters into their own hands, in other words. A solemn reading of Jeremiah chapters 42-44 would be instructive here. We see Jeremiah inquired of the Lord, and thus He answered them that if they tried to escape, they would all perish. But if they remained in the land and submitted, they would live. But they would not… And they walked directly into the enemy they thought to avoid, taking Jeremiah with them. At this point in our American saga, a direct assault on the king of Babylon would be suicidal—and counterproductive for the survivors.

And yet, I see this as a very likely scenario for our people who don’t understand why we are here, and that the only way out of it now is through it.

I’ve seen more than a few theories or explanations for what has transpired in the last few weeks. For sure, confusion reigns right now. But I found this one very intriguing. It connects the odd dots, and makes some sense out of the incomprehensible. Read and consider how it tends to explain the very peculiar situation of Trump shaking up the Pentagon leadership immediately after the fake election by installing an intriguing group of the Usual Suspects… who had some interesting credentials. Of course, the Q-anons were led to believe this was preparatory for the "Storm" and the tribunals to immediately follow. But, of course, this did not happen.

Rather, it alludes to an interesting hypothesis—and a treacherous one—concluding that the January 6 event was a honey-pot sting operation against the Patriots. Further, giving evidence that the President was not only complicit, but was an actual player. In fact, the Q psyop was used massively in the last month to rouse the MAGA crowd into doing exactly what they did. This is not just a corollary. And now that Q has "gone dark" (as word has it) for 14-days of silence in anticipation of the Event (part of the Plan—you must trust!), he's left all his disciples hanging...waiting...twisting…But, he will never again break radio silence. While they were all waiting for their hero to come back on stage for the promised encore, the beloved Elvis slipped out the back door...and the doorman with him, taking all the ladies' mink coats.

For some strange reason all of this reminds me of a movie I once saw about a great bank heist. Can't remember the name or the specific details, but something went amiss and there was a standoff, and the robbers took the whole bank hostage...this was the bulk of the movie plot. In the end, after the negotiations were made and agreed upon, the 'bad guys' began releasing the hostages. Once the last one walked out, the cops stormed the building—and found no one there. The vaults had been emptied, but the robbers were gone. As I recall, the twist was that there never were any bank robbers, but it was an inside job. The guilty just casually walked out along with the hostages and got away with the whole thing.

It is as if this entire inaugural rotation—from the last one to the next to eerily come on the formerly mobbed steps of the Capitol, now thronged with US military forces in full battle regalia (so as to protect his royal “legitimacy”)—was a collective fever dream. That we’ve been in a fugue state during this whole quatrain of years, which is why we cannot make sense out of it. In fact, it exactly feels like the 9/11 events, as if reality itself is haunted.

I plainly admit I am baffled by what I’ve seen. If Yahweh has not indeed given the whole world over to a “strong delusion”, then I think we must be in some far worse trouble than we even imagine. It could even be proposed (by some imaginative type) that what we all remember happening nearly 20 years ago on September 11th wasn’t what actually occurred, but an artifact of a traumatic nightmare. And in fact, some world-wide catastrophe transpired on that day and every living soul perished—maybe by fire this time. And since that day, all of us have been dead, but unaware of it, working out our sins in a sort of purgatory on the former earth...

Rather, I believe we are being prepared to receive something new from Yahweh. And why shouldn’t He do something new? It’s been rather quiet for the last two millennia and we approach the anniversary of His resurrection. The Kingdom has not advanced like we’d expected; the West is dying, and we have now squandered the last vast and beautiful frontier He’d graciously reserved for His people… America is undergoing autolysis; we’ve polluted our wells, salted our fields, and we watch with wizened eyes what once was a peaceful oasis and a dream for the kingdom of Heaven to literally take root… revert to a dry wasteland with wickedness on every side. Justice is openly mocked; every ordinance of God has been turned upside down. The godless have now mounted the walls and occupy the gates. And we are trapped behind the lines.

Now Yahweh must work. This is where we begin to learn to trust wholly upon Him. Because there is nobody left to trust. This is the New Thing.

But what can we do? We can start with confessing our own sins and the sins of our fathers. Let’s begin with WHY exactly we have been somewhat culpable for the cognizant dissonance of our countrymen in their zeal to follow after another king. If you examine the underlying causes of their statism, first and foremost it is the same as Israel of old when they had desired a king (and thus a State)… “It is because they have rejected Me, that I should not rule over them” (1 Samuel 8:7). Our national rejection of God and His law set us on our inevitable path of destruction. From that, we’ve gone from bad to worse as the natural consequences of these choices began to manifest—and could no longer be ignored.

Seeing, therefore, the depraved state of our American Way, they believed that the “system”, as set forth by the sacred scripture of Constitution, was holy in it’s pure state, and thus—like Christianity itself in the 1500’s—was only in need of reformation. This led them to the false conclusion that redemption could be found from within. If only a “king” would arise to lead us all back to the pure way of interpretation and re-instill the articles as the “founding fathers” intended…

Knowing all of this, of course, the Controllers high up in the panopticon provided one. Plucked straight out of a reality TV show (because they love to shove it in our faces), they chose the penultimate hero and villain—in one flesh. This one, like the Christ Himself, was “appointed for the fall and rise of many…and for a sign to be opposed”. And the false messiah was appointed to fulfill the role that was given him, and to consummate the final abomination of desolation—the betrayal of half a nation by their own savior.

The intended result of all of this is now becoming evident. The ‘patriots’, the MAGAnites, those of conservative convictions that were never going to come around to accepting the New Normal (now known as the ‘Great Reset’) would be cohered into an identifiable group so they could be marked and isolated. And now they will be persecuted—and some, prosecuted... Later, purged. This revolutionary tactic has been played dozens of times since the European nation states began to coalesce some 250 years ago. The Bolsheviks of Russia being the most well-known and described, a study of that period would be most instructive for us now.

But this time there is an added dimension that I believe will have massive consequences—and may present an enormous opportunity—the likes of which we have not seen since the beginning of the Christian age. Unlike every other revolution where one monarchy was replaced with another, or with a parliament, or where a dictatorship was replaced with a republic, that shift in the political sphere did not completely discredit the philosophy of the stateThis time it’s different. With what everyone has witnessed in plain sight, in one stroke of the sword, the national idol, the god of Democracy has failed…exposed as a fraud and rendered impotent.

There simply is no fallback for the West. Technology has discovered the magic and the genie cannot be put back into the bottle. The Powers held the power to deceive only while their trick was concealed. Now being revealed that the “anonymous vote” can be, and is, endlessly manipulated by software, and ballots to non-existent ‘citizens’ can be printed indeterminately out of the ether—and then counted by machines using the same softwarewhat then is a “vote”? The definition loses all meaning, and with it the idea of democracy itself. It was always just a shell game.

This revelation is a paradigm shift for many patriots who were still reluctant devotees to the System. (I know of a few myself). The government of the United States, based on a democratic republic, cannot be reformed now. There is nothing to go back to. Information Technology and the emerging AI will be the new god, and it will be an omnipotent and omniscient dictator, or we will have no god to govern us at all. Barring a catastrophic event and a return to pre-industrial society, no valid alternative of a State remains in our modern world. And it seems at least half of the population will have none of this new god.

We’ve lifted the curtain here, for this is how the globalists intended to achieve a Technocracy. But until the time of the harvest, the tares could not be pulled out, “lest the tares be taken with the wheat”. They had to have time to be revealed as tares, and a way to identify them, so that they could be gathered and burned. The MAGA psyop was the ploy. Later, when the ‘Farmers’ had banished all competing governments and consolidated the nations under their central digital banking system, taking full possession of the field of the world…they would have the wheat for their bread.

Now that all of this is revealed, let’s come back to what we can do, and what we’ve thus far failed to do...

Our countrymen who sold themselves into bondage with this man are now entering a very bad place, and we along with them. If God is yet merciful to us, we may not have all-out civil war, but it remains a very high probability in the face of things now. This would be the worst case scenario, with the greatest loss of blood and wealth. Next to that would be a minimally violent separation in the form of multiple secessions. Less blood may be shed in this case, but perhaps an equal amount of population displacement, famine, and widespread impoverishment. War, on our soil, by foreign invasion is another possibility in any combination with the other scenarios due to the breakdown of military power and our disadvantage of societal chaos. Possibly equal to the worst case scenario is simply devolution into an absolute tyrannical dictatorship in which a Soviet-style police state is established. In all situations, we’d need to expect and be prepared for long term loss of utilities, extreme fuel and food shortages, and widespread lawlessness. Preparing for these events is prudent, and I think at this point, duty-bound for Christians especially. Think critical supplies, security, food, water, clothing, shelter. For assistance in understanding these logistics and what to expect, study the Balkans war—a recent dissolution of a modern western nation…much is available on YouTube and many other places on the internets. Caveat: not for the faint of heart. Many people are probably unaware that any of that ever happened to a Christian, white nation in our lifetimes.

As to what we haven’t done, as Christians, which has helped to predicate this mess and laid some of the blame upon us, perhaps we should simply ask ourselves, ‘what practical alternatives have WE offered to the unbelievers and the seekers’? Harping on the illegitimacy of the State and the ungodliness of the Constitution and the futility of voting, etc., is not a solution. I believe it was Gary North who often said, “you can’t beat something with nothing.” Though we often like to excoriate the political ideology of the masses and the godlessness of our culture and our economy, what have we proposed to counter them? And have any of us proof-tested any ideas that we may have had? We can’t expect decent men and women with families to provide for to just walk off their jobs, close out their bank accounts, and hike into the woods with a bowie knife and a bic lighter expecting to eat squirrels and wild mushrooms. Have we imagined and developed opportunities for separate societies; rival (godly) systems of money and commerce, food production and trade? Communal protection (security)? What will people do who’ve left the reservation and want to live entirely outside of the State? Must they all live like vagabonds, or can we find new ways to produce and enjoy wealth—the labor of our hands? Can we maintain wealth and the means of production, and multiply it if we were to acquire it outright? And can we do it unmolested by the wicked who may still surround us? As Israel of old did…

In other words, brethren, have we truly led by example? Have we been working towards the goal of forming godly nations and localized (governing) assemblies of believers (ecclesia)? Have we established—or even proposed—rival courts based upon Yahweh’s laws? Do we even know how to do this without recreating an authoritative State? Would you believe that the heathen have already done much of this in places like London where they’ve created little autonomous zones under the sharia law of Islam, for cryin' out loud? And yet Christians have failed to do this, as far as I’m aware, in ANY corner of a Western nation, or anywhere else on the earth. Why is that?

I won’t belabor the point any longer—I think we get it. Our God has all the answers to these questions. We must be petitioning Him for them…NOW. We may or may not have to start over…from scratch. I hope we do not, for that would be a terrible long slog and most of us don’t have it in us any more for the frontier life (I don’t). But Yahweh led His people OUT from the bondage of Egypt and into the wilderness, and to those who were faithful, He gave them “strong cities, and a fat land, and possessed houses full of all goods, wells digged, vineyards, and oliveyards, and fruit trees in abundance: so they did eat, and were filled, and became fat, and delighted themselves in thy great goodness.” (Nehemiah 9:25)

Who knows if we, like our brethren before us, will be likewise blessed. But if not, we who understand should work towards that end of delighting in the great goodness of God, by way of learning obedience unto Him. Even, and especially, in these troubled and unprecedented times.

1/08/2021 - Subject: The End of Heaven (Printed Version)


Violence does not always and necessarily lunge straight for your throat; more often than not it demands of its subjects only that they pledge allegiance to lies, that they participate in falsehood.” – Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

From the edge of the earth we have heard songs, praise to the righteous; and I said, Woe to me, woe to me, alas for me! The deceivers deceive, with deceit the deceivers deceive!” –Isaiah 24:16

“Heaven is a place where nothing ever happens.” So sang David Byrne of the Talking Heads. While I can’t speak of the nature of God’s heaven, having never perceived it, I very much believe things are happening there…God’s WILL is being done. But our heaven, while in the body, here on the earth, is our own mind. What happens there indeed has consequences—out-workings in the physical realm. Believing things, whether false or true, shapes our heaven, and these beliefs shape our earth. Put another way, our understanding or faith in a concept is what finally constructs our reality, and the degree to which we have control over it. Believing in a lie will lead to loss of control and can be—and often is—deadly.

Two extraordinary turn of events have transpired in our world in the last 12 months... Two delusions which are paradigm shifting. The Covid-19 fraud began the year 2020, and the false U.S. “elections” ended it. Both debacles were long planned in advance and dovetailed together towards the end goal of what the power-mad elites call “The Great Reset”. We’ve talked about most of the aspects of their agenda and how the masses were deceived into participating in it. But as the lies became more and more obvious, careless, and egregious, some of the true believers have fallen away. More momentous is that a great many of the American “patriots” have now realized that their hope in their Constitutional government was misplaced at best. As the so-called rule of law has broken down and the farce of a “democracy” has been exposed for what it always was, many have now jettisoned their false hope. As such, a huge portion of society still holding to conservatism has now discovered that they’ve mistakenly put their hope in man to bring them justice. As always, this has failed, and now there will be blood.

Right now as I write this, a chaotic transfer of power allegedly took place in the U.S. Capitol building where “duly elected” congressmen legitimized a blatant miscarriage of their own laws regarding the election of a U.S. President. Thereafter, an unprecedented assault of a mob of very unhappy, disenfranchised, former Americans stormed the Capitol Rotunda after being goaded into it by President Trump himself, who, rather than lead them to victory, retreated to an “undisclosed location” to watch it on TV. Thereafter, he asked them in a public message to “go home in peace”.

I say “former Americans” for a particular reason. The mask of legitimacy has slipped. When the illusion of democracy was forever lost to these people, the legitimacy of the authority of government also has failed. And this may be the most profound and ominous sea change of all. If Americans were made up of “We the People,” realizing finally that there is no We, only leaves Us and Them. What comes after that can only be the formation of separate nations, or else a complete dissolution of what was once the land and the people of America through tyranny, collapse and blood sacrifice. Not necessarily in that order.

Perhaps the great irony in this is that it was the “heathen” patriots which first saw the hypocrisy exposed. It is predominantly the unbelievers who are waking up to the fact that the so-called Constitutional Republic was neither of those things. So far, it appears the vast majority of nominal Christians are still under the spell of the Idol Shepherds, which leadeth them into dark waters and destroyeth their souls with calls for “peace and safety” when neither of those things exist. How they shall attempt to legitimize the “authority of the higher powers”—no longer “ordained by God” in Romans 13, but rather by the open and unashamed fraud of sham elections and the complicit MSM (main stream media) which sanctioned it will be interesting to see. A government established upon nationally televised FRAUD and the unashamed propaganda of Globo-homo media shills will be a hard sell for the flag-waving Churchmen to their congregations... Still, I remain confident they’ll manage to muddle through the confusion and accept the “new normal” as their pastors lead the way.

Once again, none of this happened over night (even though it literally and ironically did!). Waking up after a night of chaos and bloodshed inside the very Capitol building wherein the “People” demanded their rulers “do the right thing”… they learned their lords in the wee hours of the morn’ had gone ahead and affirmed the new geriatric king and queen witch anyway—brazenly declaring in fact, they’d done the “will of the people!”

Many, however, have seen this coming and understood the causes as well as the consequences.

Thirty years ago, Cristopher Lasch wrote The True and Only Heaven lamenting—or eulogizing—the end of the progressive era and the impending final heat death of the Vanity Fair which America had become. Much insight can be found therein. But what he saw then barely holds a candle to our present glory—or darkness, depending on your perspective. He wrote,

Disinformation monopolized the airwaves. It was not that Americans had become stupid or credulous, but that they had no institutional alternative to the consumption of lies…But public opinion polls now made it possible, in effect, to dispense with the electorate by allowing an infinitesimal but allegedly representative sample of the population to determine the outcome of elections in advance.”

Fundamentally, he asserted, the progressive society, “having no sense of sin” was now wholly at the mercy of our hallowed propagandists (the triune god—scientists, politicians and the media organs)... Having thus gained divine power over the hearts of men, “as the rivers of water: they turneth it whithersoever they will.” Again, that was three decades ago.

And here we are. We have arrived at the end of heaven.

We see now unlike ever before how the power of deception over the majority of a population can be devastating to all. And it’s not a hedge of salvation that the minority may still see the lie for what it is (as some of us indeed do), because we’ve lapsed into national sin now and there must be a national reckoning. As Isaiah cried out, “Woe is me!” witnessing his nation being wholly deceived, “Alas for me!” – for he suffered along with them. If tradition is correct, his own death at the hands of the obstinate king of Judah in defying his idolatrous decrees was by being “sawn asunder” (Hebrews 11:37).

To the self-declared rulers, the truth is a meaningless concept anymore. A “transgression” only means disobedience to their arbitrary edicts. Yet it is to these rulers that the churchmen still demand allegiance —even to this very day when in the face of ALL evidence and experience to the contrary, they STILL hold to the false dichotomy of both a pandemic and a just government held together by the sacred Constitution, Science, and the Fiat Dollar. None of this is based in reality; the people and the rulers together have succumbed to madness and superstition and blindness to the very real and devastating consequences to immediately follow.

But, “allegiance to lies” will carry us through the storm... Or it won’t. Christianity has been reduced to obedience to false gods regardless of their cavalier deceit and power-mad plans for genocide and Full Spectrum Dominance, because Romans 13. Just do what you’re told, and all will be well.

We have arrived at a crossroads where we will be forced to choose one path or the other. I believe the days of fence-sitting are nigh over. The Marxists and the fools have already walked down the road to the left and there is no turning them back—but for the rest of us, for those who still name the name of Christ, we will now have to decide whom to obey—fully. Those deceived by the Idol Shepherds (Zechariah 11:17) per Romans 13 will take the broad road of the heathen and follow Baal, while those of us who remain on the side of the Lord must take the narrow path on the right. In the days to come, Caesar will make his demands upon (former) Americans, which will be binding and have permanent consequences, and non-compliance will be punished brutally. Unfortunately, many of our “brethren” will likely assist him in the enforcement of those diktats—because it’s the law. We need to be prepared for that reality.

Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision: for the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision. (Joel 3:14)

Make the decision now and do not wait your turn for your line in the sand to be crossed. Because I believe that the multitudes will suffer the most in that day for their indecision.

On that note, as we prepare to cross the Rubicon, I think it’s worth ruminating for a moment on this land we call America. There’s some dispute about where the name originated, and the official story that it was named after Amerigo Vespucci may indeed be spurious. (Since when are places named after someone’s first, or given name?) There’s actually precious little evidence for it in any case. But one theory is that the name derives from the Old English or Celtic , meaning, roughly, ‘the land or realm of heaven’. I’ve no opinion either way. But, it seems God had set His love upon this land once, and He’d prepared it for a people who would one day call upon His name. Not unlike the promised land of ancient Israel. If so, there may be an awful connection between the fates of each.

From the edge of the earth we have heard songs, praise to the righteous…”

Incidentally, that word “edge” is kanaph... meaning “wing, or skirt; extremity (as of a garment)”. It denotes a border—a periphery. Presumably, at the end of the earth is the beginning of heaven. This is often alluded to in Scripture, both geographically, and metaphorically. As is often the case, it is also imagined prophetically, although I don’t find anywhere in Scripture that the earth will ever literally end. (Only evidence for the contrary in fact, e.g., Psalm 119:90, Ecclesiastes 1:4). Looking at it from God’s perspective, however, the ends of heaven are the beginning of the earth. Perhaps we should take consolation in this little poetic turning.

Nevertheless, when the end came for Old Jerusalem and the Old Covenant Age, it was no picnic. And empires usually don’t die peacefully in their beds, but there’s nothing wrong in praying for that end. I’ve heard not a few others relishing the Apocalypse, and they’d do well to heed the prophet Amos:

Woe unto you that desire the day of the Lord! to what end is it for you? the day of the Lord is darkness, and not light”.

We have enough woes as it is, brethren. My appeal is that we look for immediate solutions, map out the emergency exits and seek those who have repentant hearts, giving them courage and hope for the “joy that cometh in the morning”. Principally now, we must find ways of forming our own assemblies (ecclesia) and communities of like-minded believers—and those otherwise open to the truth, who have rejected the Babylonish system. In practical terms, right now INFORMATION is critical. We were all dumb once, and somebody had to show us knowledge… if we possess it now, our duty is to share it faithfully to those who will receive it. Second to that is the acquirement of critical resources—while they are still available. Verbum sapienti sat est.

Nonetheless, it’s time to say our goodbyes to the place we knew as “America”. As another wiser than me has said, “America is not the United States of America”. Bearing that in mind, this System we all were born into and brought up in is LOST. It must be dismantled and it will be painful. It is for us to “ask for the old paths” back to what was once America—that is our calling.

And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places: thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called, The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in. (Isaiah 58:12)

Either that or we’ll be buried under the debris.

The key for those of us who will be among those builders is in knowing and identifying the deception which drove this madness and has fostered this generational rebellion against Yahweh. How and why we got here is as important as knowing the way back, because the enemies of Christ will use these tools again. History and “facts” can and will be manipulated… the gospel of the Kingdom, “once delivered unto the saints”, we know has been largely lost in the minds of men. And doubtless it will be denied and attacked again in the future if we are not DILIGENT to protect it. Let this be our highest priority.

And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever. (1 John 2:17)

12/18/2020 - Subject: What a Fool Believes (Printed Version)


But what a fool believes he sees

No wise man has the power to reason away

What seems to be

Is always better than nothing

—The Doobie Brothers

Let me control the media and I will turn any nation into a herd of pigs.” –Joseph Goebbels

Believe it or not, Joseph Goebbels was a sensible man and not the monster history tells of him. As the Minister of Propaganda in Nazi Germany, he was a brilliant marketer and he knew what of he spoke. And he spoke the absolute truth in that statement—the proof of which is now more than evident in our own American case study.

For the record, he was not saying in that statement that he had turned his nation into a herd of pigs, but that it could be done.

This meme, by the way, of a ‘herd of pigs’ keeps appearing in my search for a synthesis—for the Grand Unified Theory of “What Gives”. I wonder if Christ’s gesture of sending those disembodied spirits into such a herd carried a much deeper meaning than we know.

Fools believe all sorts of things. Most men live an unexamined life, more so now in our present age. This is of course by design, since a great many more Goebbels, having gained nearly a century of compounded experience, now sit and direct the show. A propagandist’s first thesis is that lies sell much more product than truth, and fortunes have been made in catering to the foolish and the ignorant. That, and the propagandists have long since co-opted all formal (State-sponsored) education, which have produced now whole generations of un-thinkers who literally cannot discern their own tail pipe from a small cave entrance.

I believe there have always been predators among the human flocks who’ve had and wielded superior knowledge and power. The people are more or less aware of them in their midst but it’s always been easier to believe the odds are in their favor and they will be spared while their neighbor is sacrificed—and anyway, standing up against the evil is hard. But more than that, they exist in a realm of perpetual make believe, in which they’ve conflated opinion with fact. This has led to our most unfortunate situation where the masses now believe that they are entitled to their own facts and their own reality... It is a very precarious place to be, where God has historically crushed whole societies without warning (Pompeii , preserved as a witness for us is one example).

In the beginning, Yahweh plainly described things as they were and not as we wished them to be. The way of man versus the Way of God was made known to us and we were free to choose our path. Witness Cain, the firstborn man:

But unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect. And Cain was very wroth, and his countenance fell. And the Lord said unto Cain, Why art thou wroth? and why is thy countenance fallen? If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? and if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door. And unto thee shall be his desire, and thou shalt rule over him. (Genesis 4)

But Cain was obstinate. And he chose his own way, forging a path of blood, retribution, and usurpation for most of mankind down through the millennia. His denial to his Maker of his deed and the subsequent refusal to take responsibility for his rebellion has plagued us to this very day. Darkness and ignorance have been his legacy to the “Many”, and DENIAL of the truth became its own curse, as it is now.

For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse (Rom 1:20)

And yet, most don’t need any excuse for their ignorance, or care for one. It seems they pride themselves, even, in what they call “enlightenment,” but is only rebellion. Outside of a very few Christians today, even among the learned and honorable, most are no better off than the companions of Job.

But as for you all, do ye return, and come now: for I cannot find one wise man among you. (Job 17:10)

When our Creator God told us the Truth, and His Son came to us as the living embodiment of it, even so, most ignored it and chose their own “truth”, leaving them vulnerable to their enemies, the psychopaths, who know well how to control them. He warned us about those too.

So this is well established. But I’ve wondered, is it a permanent condition for the lost and for nations as a whole? I can’t answer that. I think, however, we can learn to anticipate when it’s time to “shake the dust from our feet”, to walk away from the debate, and to leave them to their own devices…even, at times, when it is our own family members.

All of that was to say this…

To contemplate our wasted efforts is not pleasant, but it’s necessary and we can’t ignore aspects of our world that we simply don’t like. In the most excellent and lovely third chapter of Ecclesiastes, we find Solomon thinking on these very matters…“There’s a time to speak, and a time to keep silence”. We have to learn to recognize when the time comes to leave off speaking—especially with the adamant unbelieving. Eventually, the time for talk is over. As our days continually shorten, we are forced to economize our resources, so that we don’t end in despair with the Preacher, who finally asked:

What profit hath he that worketh in that wherein he laboureth?” (Ecc.3:9)

And so we must reserve the bulk of our efforts—the finest wine—for those who have ears to hear. And we must pray for discernment as to whose ears are they. We must come to grips with the following…

In His wisdom, Yahweh chose to create mankind as a herd creature. He in fact has called His own people sheep. Some He has made stronger, some weaker—some smarter, some dumber—but the herd mind of mass-man is easily led, confused, frightened, and deceived by the wolves and dogs (Bible terms) which prey on them. Mass-man, in general, is led by a common denominator which is the germ of their condition, and that is their conscious rejection of their Creator as Law-giver and King. It appears then, that ignorance is a choice.

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.”

Without it there is only the fear of man, and the people are human livestock. Though “it seemeth right” unto them, the choice of ignorance always ends in death.

There is an effort involved in learning the truth. I don’t think God hands it out for free. There is a cost, and I believe it is ease. Some of us have well experienced both ends of the spectrum—of ease and hardship; of praise and scorn. We had to learn the desire to trade the former for the latter, and the value of the latter.

Our soul is exceedingly filled with the scorning of those that are at ease, and with the contempt of the proud.” (Psalm 123:4)

A biblical word study of the term, “ease” would edify. In general, God has made it a defect of humanity.

Therefore, let us follow this to its conclusion... People who despise the labor of comparing facts with fantasy; they do not seek after truth not so much because they prefer the Lie (although many indeed do), but rather they are simply too lazy to care. Their false reality suits them fine, thank you very much. Of those dwindling few with decent reading comprehension skills, most are yet aliterate. They prefer the passive and visual entertainments because they’re simple and comforting... Like watching cartoons in your pajamas on Saturday morning. But what hope is there for them? How to download truth when a grown man won’t listen or read?

Not all can be saved. This is the hardest pill to swallow for most. Discernment is a gift from God—and though knowing for certain who the “whosoever will” are may be impossible for us in the here and now, nevertheless, He must have given us a roadmap. The Son of God had to confront that same reality, and He modelled it for us. We should pay close attention to His example.

Here then is that black pill: Jesus had no patience for human puppets. He said, “Let the dead bury their dead”… Have you ever meditated on that statement? Have you ever heard a sermon by a preacher of churchianity on that saying of Jesus? I’d bet not. But, in fact, Many walked away from Christ for the “offense of the gospel”—and we keenly observe that He did not chase after them.

To discern between the real and the unreal takes both effort and courage. And it often leads to hardship. Real hardship. Ultimately, we must all “through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God”. It’s part of the price.

But some are congenitally disinterested. And at the far end of the human spectrum are those psychopathically afflicted—having a hatred of God inborn; they are “estranged from the womb: they go astray as soon as they be born, speaking lies” (Psalm 58). These are the wicked. Christ did not die for them. Neither should we. But “while we were yet sinners,” Christ died for His sheep. It remains for us to seek them out, as He did.

I’ve shared all of this because I’ve had trouble in my life discerning who my real enemies are—and learning they had nothing to do with me; rather they are the enemies of Christ and His kingdom. We are instructed to love our personal enemies (God’s love, not the love of the world), but to give no succor to those who despise the Lord. As the prophet Jehu asked the king of Judah, “Shouldest thou help the ungodly, and love them that hate the Lord? therefore is wrath upon thee from before the Lord.”

Enough with the mollycoddling.

We cannot personally cleanse the earth, nor root out all the sinners therein. We can’t convince every fool that “what seems to be” is often worse than knowing nothing at all. Even Noah, the great preacher of righteousness, only managed to (barely) save his own family of 8 souls in 120 years of preaching. And even afterwards, some of them immediately went astray.

But Noah in fact may be an ironic example for us. Preaching to dogs may have seemed a wasted effort, but maybe it’s yet necessary in extremely wicked times. The fool believes what he wants to, but chastising him for it, with scourges if necessary, may be our calling. We don’t have to know the purpose—I suppose Noah never understood why he was commissioned to warn the whole world, which ultimately was going to die unrepentant, each and every one…It may have only been for his own sake, and that of his progeny. I suspect that it was. For us, however, the waters have long since receded, the new heavens and earth have arrived, and we are commissioned to bring ALL of it into subjection to the King. The time of appeasing the wicked and the willfully ignorant for hope that Christian niceties will eventually prevail is about over. The disinterested—the dead—are free to live among the tombs for now. But for society to exist again, the sworn enemies of Christ must ultimately be put into subjection. That was our command, if you recall.

Here is the sum of the matter:

The Age of Reason which once established the West has failed; fools and liars are a plague upon us, and it certainly appears that the inmates have now taken over the asylum… all that remains is persuasion by uncompromising resistance and ultimately, force. We may permit the enemy their own delusions, and to live in them, so long as they do not vex our souls and jeopardize our national standing with God. Granting them their delusions, however, is altogether another matter. This being their demand, let us deliver the righteous consequences of their folly (Psalm 149).

To be blunt, our ‘wasted efforts’ must at last bring forth fruit or it’s time to cut down the tree and burn it in the fire. Or as J.R.R. Tolkien put it:

It is not our part to master all the tides of the world, but to do what is in us for the succor of those years wherein we are set, uprooting the evil in the fields that we know, so that those who live after may have clean earth to till. What weather they have is not ours to rule.”

I won’t submit to living in a herd of pigs, and neither should you.

11/24/2020 - Subject: The God That Failed (Printed Version)


Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.”

Democracy is also a form of worship. It is the worship of jackals by jackasses.”

As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.”

–H.L. Mencken (circa 1926)

Thus we’ll begin this discussion with a bit of levity from the irreverent musings of the “sage of Baltimore”—who thoroughly despised the political class and their mutual racket. Admittedly, he appears to have been somewhat of a prophet…perhaps foreseeing the inglorious demise of possibly the last American president who retained any shred of legitimacy, saying also:

The saddest life is that of a political aspirant under democracy. His failure is ignominious and his success is disgraceful.”

On the matter of worship and jackasses, by the way, it seems that the highest hope of political salvation for American conservatives has been dashed upon the shores of fate—God having cast him down from his lofty tower…

Trump Surounded by Heretics

Again, here we see the literal fulfillment of the words of the sage. Uncanny.

It is appropriate that we begin this conversation by observing the events of the last few weeks—specifically the shenanigans being played out in the media regarding the unashamed farce that lately occurred in what we call our American “democracy”. This being the most ridiculous of all elections in the history of democratic republics since Athens, following the most boorish and absurd “presidential campaigns” anyone has ever witnessed. Thereafter, we’ve now all seen the propaganda mill spinning into infinity in a desperate attempt at programming the masses to believe the impossible and to ignore what is right before their eyes...

To wit: A recent observer posted a montage of MSM newscasters who, either in an astonishing coincidence of solidarity—or as unwitting bagmen in a fait accompli, are in any case complicit in the unfolding conspiracy to pretend that America is a legitimate “democracy” and that it is being presently assaulted by the forces of darkness. Assuming it hasn’t already been censored, take a moment to view the presentation.

You see the truth in front of you. There are but a handful of corporations who own all the mass media outlets in America, and I’d venture to say it’s less than 25 men who are actually in control of them. They have managed to merge nearly all information and entertainment sources into One Machine...one Smart Speaker. The “choices” that people believe they have are an illusion, much like their “vote”, which they are told “counts!

But anyway, Americans have a right to choose! …Until we don’t. “My body, my choice” only applied to those having the “Constitutional right” to shed the blood of their own unborn children… Try that slogan again when the “Vaccine” is foisted upon all of us and see how far it gets you. Every choice is a false choice anyway, as our society as a whole is now confirmed to be one Bright and Shining Lie..

Something very wicked is afoot. Chronically unaware, and distracted by media follies about “elections” and false flag “pandemics”, the stupefied masses are being prepped for a societal Carrington Event. A paradigm shift of power is precariously close at hand and I believe it will come as a great surprise to most people on this earth. And I don’t say that lightly.

Having said that, however, there is a glimmer of hope... Since every failure is a learning experience, and every false god is destined to the fate of those in Babylon, which Isaiah saw:

Fallen, fallen is Babylon; and all the images of her gods are shattered on the ground!”

Some failures have earth shaking consequences. The essay title is a reference to the masterful work of Hans-Herman Hoppe in his book, Democracy, The God that Failed. In it, he develops his thesis that the historical events of the last 300 years in the West—the fall of the monarchal systems in Europe and the rise of democratic republicanism (becoming universal after World War I)—have followed an intended path of ever stronger and more efficient control of the population…to the end that the system has consumed itself in its own lusts. He argues (convincingly) that monarchism was in fact superior in all ways to democracies, but that the end for both was inevitable and is imminent. Let’s follow this path for a while and see where it leads us.

Pax Americana began when the United States emerged as the world’s leading power after the “Good War”… Therewith, “universal global democracy” had finally arrived on the clouds of heaven. With the triumph of democratic republicanism (at a cost of 40 million dead), the “End of History” had come. From henceforth, it would be peace and prosperity for all nations, the People of all the world having finally enthroned themselves.

Fortunately (or unfortunately) history did not, in fact, end. Instead, it revealed the fatal flaws of the new democracies of Europe and Africa, and the mendacity of the head of the Beast in the American republic. Probably (for us) the most interesting and compelling aspect of Hoppe’s thesis is his “historical revision” that the traditional Monarchies of the past were privately-owned governments, whereas the new Democratic governments would be publically-owned. The ramifications of that have been consequential, to say the least, and are interpreted accordingly as civilizational decline. Looking back now over the course of the American Century, we clearly see the diseased fruit.


The choice between monarchy and democracy concerns a choice between two defective social orders…and modern history provides ample illustration of the [dreadful] shortcomings of all States.”

Besides the overall degeneracy on all levels of society since universal democracy was established, probably the most profound effect has been on property rights violations which have now been all but institutionalized by government. Once grown extensive enough (and they have), these violations revoke

...the tendency of humanity to build expanding stock of capital…but may be reversed by a tendency towards decivilization: formerly proficient providers will be turned into drunks or daydreamers, adults into children, civilized men into barbarians, and producers into criminals...”

This trend has become more than evident in our day. As the Mob has voted themselves ever increasing “allowances” from the public trough, and the total government and private debt is now fully acknowledged to be unpayable, the collapse will rapidly accelerate where no one will have any incentive to do anything. Once the cascading debt-defaults begin, there will be no salvaging of the useless fiat money masquerading as the “world reserve currency”. National bankruptcy is the inevitable end result, as is the dissolution of national sovereignty. As all land is now essentially “public” (universal property-taxation has effectively negated true private land), there will be no debt Jubilee—at least not in the way patriot-libertarians hope for. Instead, land and assets will be “redistributed” in a UN-fashioned, equalitarian way, wherein our increasingly multi-ethnic nations will witness the greatest historical wealth transfer from a dominant, productive group of people to the consumptive groups and the parasitical classes. I’ll let you infer in which group you now reside and therefore what to expect.

More importantly, that government itself was now “public” has had the greatest effect on cementing the legitimacy of rulership. This is key. Acquiring legitimacy is not an easy task, which is why a world government could not initially arise. But this has been the intended trajectory of the West since the nascent British Empire assumed control. The American experiment (from its feigned “Revolution”) was merely Act II of the play, and the curtain is about to rise on the Final Act. In the minds of the Elite, the long game is nearing the last inning. No part of the plan could work, however, until the masses inherently trusted the process—they had to believe it was they themselves which were pulling the levers through their “vote”. Convincing them that government was henceforth “public property” was crucial to pulling off the con.

Quoting Bertrand de Jouvenel (On Power), here Hoppe drives home the point which we will use to summarize the preceding rant:

From the twelfth to the eighteenth century governmental authority grew continuously. The process was understood by all who saw it happening; it stirred them into incessant protest and to violent reaction. In later times its growth has continued at an accelerated pace…and now we no longer understand the process, we no longer protest, we no longer react. The quiescence of ours is a new thing, for which Power has to thank the smokescreen in which it has wrapped itself. Formerly it could be seen, manifest in the person of the king, who did not disclaim being the master he was, and in whom human passions were discernable. Now masked in anonymity, it claims to have no existence of its own, and to be the impersonal and passionless instrument of the general will—but that clearly is a fiction—today, as always, Power is in the hands of a group of men who control the power house. All that has changed is that it is now been made easy for the ruled to change the personnel of the leading wielders of power.”

I can’t help but wonder (and secretly hope) if the antics of this past year will finally reveal to many what the very few have long understood and preached, seemingly to a stone wall… That “fiction” of anonymous power which is somehow conjured by the Mob was always that—an illusion—and that the real “Power” (not Authority) lies in the hands of a few elite men “who control the power house”. If and when this is fully realized, perhaps we will understand HOW we’ve been enslaved, and by WHOM…primarily ourselves. When we finally discern the scam, that “there is NO authority except by God”—as correctly understood in Romans 13—all that is necessary to become free is that we withhold consent from the imposters.

The god of Democracy is currently in the dock. At this moment in time, a great trial is being carried out and all the public stand in the court as witnesses. As the claims of the legitimacy of rule have evolved over time, so has the religion of the people. What began as a claim to literal godhood of the ancient kings, all the way down through the Caesars of Rome—and later in the Christian Age became the anointing of God upon their authority as a “Divine Right”, has morphed again with the now universal secularization of the West. The Will of the People resting in an imagined Majority has itself become the god of choice, and far too many Christians have been seduced by this idol… I pray we are now witnessing its demise, and that our people will now seek after the only Legitimate King, and the only One who can truly save us from this terrible mess we’ve gotten ourselves in.

Unfortunately, a new and greater threat looms if we should fail this test. Democracy was only the stepping stone to the next phase of control of the human herd, and a continued godless society WILL be once again enslaved as it transitions. The “Majority”, having been used as dupes while the Powers were consolidated since the last Western Monarchy in Austria fell to the Allied Powers one century ago, will be turned upon themselves. Their final mad dash for the levers of control and the spigots of never-ending stimulus checks, government gibs, and entitlements as each side fights over the last of the stolen goods of four generations of compounded wealth and labor will likely tear us apart.

The mystical Majority which spoke through “elections”, thus granting the Powers a “Mandate” is having an identity crisis—soon to be a full blown temper tantrum. And all the while, under the guise of this distraction, the scaffolding of this temporary structure of control—this international idol we call Democracy—is being quietly removed to be replaced with the final technocratic vision of world dominance... Act III. The long-planned New World Order, conceived by those descendants of “divine kings”, now generations in the making, is complete and ready to be launched. And when the failed god of Democracy is at last laid to rest as an obsolete institution, the masses will have been fully conditioned to accept the transition to the new Mandate... They will be ruled by the dictate of Universal Health and Safety. True Equality and Welfare for All will be the justification for the coming pan-national government. Who but a benighted, bigoted, and racist fool wouldn’t want that?

Of course we hope they see it is a trap. Still, at first, voluntary consent will be necessary, and that will be the Achilles heel of the globalists should enough of the populous refuse to go along and not accept the “lockdowns”, the coming “needle and the damage done.”

Ultimately, the legitimacy of authority is where the battle will be won or lost. I think we have a very small chance—but still a chance—to avoid a complete societal catastrophe, and it will be, as it always has been, through a very small margin of society… this people at the margin, a remnant of men and women who still retain their dignity as the paradoxical free subjects of God, made in HIS image, will and MUST carry the standard onto the field of battle, come what may. This small minority at the very fringe has always been the fly in Caesar’s ointment—the Daniels, the Jeremiahs, the Peters, the Pauls—those whom God used to catalyze the change, having “set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant.”

That slight band of insignificant men who discern the difference between legitimate, godly authority—and Power, wielded by men under their own authority, have withstood kings and even armies with only the promise of Yahweh behind them...

Continuing with de Jouvenel, who describes this Margin aptly:

Power, however, is something very different from authority. The distinguishing mark of the latter is that it is exercised only over those who voluntarily accept it: if the rulers have authority over only a part of their subjects, they may receive from that part a strength sufficient to subject the others to their power…Authority ends where voluntary assent ends. There is in every state a margin of obedience which is won only by the use of force or the threat of force: it is this margin which breaches liberty and demonstrates the failure of authority. Among free peoples, it is a very small margin…”

Standing in the face of these forces and resisting the evil are those on the margin of obedience… it is WE who have within us the power to transform the kingdoms of this world into the kingdom of our God, “through Christ who strengthens us.”

If you get the feeling that Yahweh is in the midst of judging all of our false gods, like He did with each plague upon Egypt, you may be very close to the truth. The question is; how close are we to that tenth and final plague, and how many of us are taking shelter in Christ, our Passover? Are we fully prepared to march when He leads us out in the dead of night, following a Pillar of Fire?

We have certainly entered into a transitional period of history where, like Western civilization itself, a great restructuring of human society and theories of government are well underway. The West, and formerly Christianized nations in particular will inevitably be thrown into a transcendental crisis wherein the legitimacy of ALL manmade government will be questioned, and obedience will either be forced at gunpoint, or it won’t exist at all. The age of “voluntary servitude” and the legitimacy of majority rule democracies themselves will be undermined, possibly universally and irredeemably. The next age of history will see the emergence of a new type of human society (= “human cooperation”) based upon a new doctrine of government not relying on compulsion. Either that, or civilization has yet further to descend into the abyss of tyranny, until it is absolute. I believe the outcome will be wholly dependent upon the response of God’s margin—and His people at large—and their willingness to confess the sins of their fathers, to make amends for their iniquity, because they rejected my ordinances and their soul abhorred my statutes…” (Lev 26:43) Sometimes merely saying “I’m sorry” isn’t enough.

To the globalists and the enemies of God, I say:


To the people who are willing—who yet seek after God, and who acknowledge His Christ, the King:

God has not left us without a choice, nor without a witness, and it may be that He will yet grant us the gift of repentance…

If they shall confess their iniquity, and the iniquity of their fathers, with their trespass which they trespassed against me, and that also they have walked contrary unto me; And that I also have walked contrary unto them, and have brought them into the land of their enemies; if then their uncircumcised hearts be humbled, and they then accept of the punishment of their iniquity: Then will I remember my covenant with Jacob, and also my covenant with Isaac, and also my covenant with Abraham will I remember; and I will remember the land.” (Lev 26:40-42)

10/28/2020 - Subject: The Vote (Printed Version)


I see no good in having several lords; Let one alone be master, let one alone be King.
Homer, Iliad, Book 2

Thus begins Etienne De La Boetie with this quotation in his masterful, short work, on The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude. I’ve taken the liberty of capitalizing “King” in the above quote, which La Boetie utilized in a slightly different sense to illustrate the premise of his book—namely, that free men should have no master at all. We, of course, would say we have no need of a monarch or a president, for we already have a King, one Jesus (Acts 17:7; John 18:37).

Christians are very conflicted about this, however, and much division is caused over the subject of “voting”—by that I mean participating in the “electoral process” of choosing our next ruler(s). A study of this debate would be long and tedious, but if we can briefly focus on the history of the modern State and compare it with Scripture, we may find it profitable. Especially now.

Therefore, I think this little book (it’s only a few dozen pages) is well worth anyone’s time to pick up and read in order to get some historical context of this thing we call “representative government”. Because we’ve all been greatly misled at some point or another in our lives as to what, exactly, this so-called agreement is between the rulers and the ruled.

Written at the beginning of what we call Western Civilization when the nation-states of Europe were in their nascence, and kings had begun to rule distinct peoples within borders paying explicit allegiance to them, La Boetie accurately described the nature of the State apparatus itself. In this most famous work (aka, The Politics of Obedience), he sought to understand the perennial question of how tyranny begins and is held over a people, and why it is that people consent to their own enslavement. For in the beginning of despotic rule, men will “submit under constraint and by force; but those who come after them obey without regret and perform willingly what their predecessors had done because they had to.” …Concluding finally that people reared in slavery are most often content with their circumstances, being unaware of any other condition of liberty, and ultimately submit by “the powerful influence of custom…namely, habituation to subjection”. A remarkable observation indeed.

Thus have we arrived at 21st century America (and indeed the entire West). The CUSTOM of our fathers being well established in our nation now for centuries, and the legitimizing propaganda of the “powers that be” now permanently affixed in our collective minds like a calcified tumor, we have come to believe that our servitude is the permanent and natural condition of man… Agreeing, as it were, with Humpty Dumpty, who said, “The question is, which is to be master—that's all.”

But, unlike all of Europe, it was accomplished rather bloodlessly and with little force here. Rather, it was with a sleight of hand, and out of a delinquent ignorance of the people (mostly willful) who were subverted through well-honed mechanisms of human psychology—most notably a sense of “fair play”, which is peculiar to the Western mind. The so-called “social contract” is an imaginary tool of the Ruling Class who wield it skillfully to exploit this innate inclination of our people. We are told we live in a “democracy” (or even the slightly more accurate, “Democratic Republic”), which is false, but irrelevant, and that whether or not you take the ticket, others will, so you’d best have your voice heard. But it’s a dupe.

The “Vote” is actually the formal initiation rite into the covenant with the State, which we are told from childhood is our “civic duty” to perform. Participation in the “elections” is that devious and quiet method of subjugation because it causes people to give their tacit consent to be governed by the State. Rather than resisting their rulers or living in forced obedience, they cooperate with them in placing themselves under subjection—as the scheme of “voting” means those who play the game accept the outcome. Fair is fair. Regardless of who wins, all voters consent to be governed by the mystical “majority rule”.

That the churchmen have been complicit in this fraud is an understatement. Without the direct assistance of the thousands of idol shepherds in the land and the remainder of the misguided if well-intentioned others in churchianity, the State could never have succeeded in pulling off such a swindle. Nominal Christians have been told for generations since at least the fall of Rome that obedience to authority is godliness. And because this is a partial truth, it has been terribly hard to un-deceive ourselves. Likewise, with both the political actors of State and the ruling churchmen (from the Pope on down) having gained magnificently from this scheme, there is no incentive for reform. The status quo must be maintained at all costs, thus the religious and secular indoctrination of the masses on their ‘duty to vote’ will continue unabated.

Politics is where the money is. Rulership over people has always been lucrative as well as highly appealing to the basest nature of humanity—those who desire control over others. And while it’s true that the most debauched of them truly only desire power for power’s sake, they need money to accomplish this. Thus their wealth is often just the means to an end. The super-rich who have hoovered up the vast bulk of the world’s resources and wealth have done so to create a Universal Plantation in which the rest of us will serve them like farm animals, forever. Thereafter, every aspect and detail of our meaningless little lives will be monitored and micro-managed for their sheer pleasure and amusement. The Grid that has been under construction since the first days of the Industrial Revolution was for this ultimate purpose—to build their fabled global ant-farm. Behold the coming technocracy.

Why has Yahweh allowed this? Because we asked for it…

I’d like to make an interesting observation. It is a peculiar thing that whereas in all of history whenever mankind has been subjugated, as La Boitie points out, initially it occurred through force or fraud. Beginning with Nimrod who built Babylon—the “mighty hunter before the Lord”, to the pharaohs of Egypt, to Alexander the Great, to the Caesars of Rome—the list goes on and on—men and nations have been subjugated by the stronger and the smarter. Wherever a people have come under the power of another who took their liberty and enslaved them in body and spirit, it was, at the first, done without their consent…and then, once fully submitted, they continue in voluntary servitude through habit and custom (as we do today).

Except once.

One time in history, it is recorded that a people willingly gave up their self-autonomy—that is their self-governance, their liberty, their freedom under God… It is a remarkable fact that it was the most freest of all people, the most blessed nation on earth, the most protected, the most revered by other nations—that nation which the God of Creation Himself had formed, nurtured, and personally, physically, and literally ruled—that ASKED to be enslaved. Recall, if you will, that it was ISRAEL, a unified people, stateless and free, which said: “Give us a king that we may be like the other nations”.

In this inglorious act, God’s “own peculiar people” did the unthinkable. They rejected Him, the most perfect, and just and loving Sovereign with whom they were COREGENTS over their own society, and ultimately, over all of creation—of which they were to take full dominion. They were a people united with the King of kings, the Almighty God and Ruler over the heavens and the earth—they were His Queen. Israel literally means “ruling with God”... And came a time when through stubbornness or envy, or just plain wicked rebellion, they went to the prophet Samuel:

Then all the elders of Israel gathered themselves together, and came to Samuel unto Ramah, And said unto him, Behold, thou art old, and thy sons walk not in thy ways: now make us a king to judge us like all the nations. But the thing displeased Samuel, when they said, Give us a king to judge us. And Samuel prayed unto the Lord. And the Lord said unto Samuel, Hearken unto the voice of the people in all that they say unto thee: for they have not rejected thee, but they have rejected me, that I should not reign over them.

And when Yahweh told them all “the manner of the king that shall reign over them”, and how they would be abused and exploited, and robbed and enslaved, then finally told them,

And ye shall cry out in that day because of your king which ye shall have chosen you; and the Lord will not hear you in that day.”

Incredibly, they responded,

Nay; but we will have a king over us; That we also may be like all the nations; and that our king may judge us, and go out before us, and fight our battles.” (1Samuel 8)

The sordid history of that nation and her kings is recounted for us in the remaining books of the Old Testament. The consequences of that decision followed them for over a thousand years until, finally, their promised Redeemer arrived. Israel’s once and future King came to the remnant of Judah as the anointed Messiah to make a new covenant with the whole House of Israel at the appointed time, in Palestine, then a province of Rome. Telling them that the long prophesied Kingdom of Heaven was now at hand, they refused His kingship and His kingdom once again. When it came time to choose a king over them, these men of Israel again revolted, saying in unison, “We will not have this man to reign over us!” (Luke 19:14). And with a last, twisted irony, given the discrete opportunity to participate in their own “electoral process” before the court of Pilate—they chose a robber, Barabbas, and sent their Christ to his death.

Having once again rejected Him, God’s own people declared in a final act of desecration that “We have no king but Caesar!” and even tried to deny their Christ his title fastened on the cross above his head: “This is the King of the Jews”—for although placed there to disparage him, they further attempted to increase the mockery and cement their rejection by demanding it to say instead: “He said he was King of the Jews”. But Pilate refused to change it.

The many centuries that have since passed have likewise not altered that question which yet remains for all of us today… Is Jesus King or is he not?

The American State and the people living under it have merely continued this tradition of voluntary servitude under another king. While Christians continue to go into the voting temples every two years to pull the lever for their new favorite gods, they are rejecting the God they claim to follow. Like Israel of Samuel’s day, they want “a king to rule over them like all the other nations”…any king, just not Jesus. His kingdom is not yet for them. For His is a future kingdom, and it seems they are like the spirits which possessed those two fierce men among the tombs which Jesus cast out, crying, “What have we to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of God? Art thou come hither to torment us before the time?” Believers today seem to think likewise that the Kingdom of God is for tormenting their backward brethren, and the time is not now for judgment—at least not their own. Instead they choose their own herd of political swine to cohabit rather than submit to the only true King.

How serious is this? As serious as breaking the First Commandment.

Our rulers (or those who pretend to be) sweep into office with reams of new rules, laws, and ordinances, not ONE of which comports with God’s Law, which they force people into obedience by the lie that we’ve consented to them by virtue of our casting a vote. And for those who did not vote, you ostensibly agreed anyway by being born inside the borders of the land over which they purport to rule. That’s their fraudulent Social Contract in a nutshell.

But whose laws you obey is your sovereign... That is an unavoidable fact. Whether by force or fraud, if we have given any allegiance or legitimacy to the dictates of a king, or a governor or a city counsel who are not under the direct authority of Christ (and no one inside the State apparatus is), then we have made them into a false god and have placed them before Yahweh. In a very real sense, our vote for them is an act of betrayal. And the rest of us non-players are complicit by our degree of compliance to their doctrine.

But the racket rides on.

“A vote not cast is a vote for the other guy”, the priests of State tell us… “If we don’t participate then we can’t complain about the results”... And other such nonsense and lies. In fact, our voluntary servitude will only end when we stop volunteering. The once godly foundations of our nation have been dug down and the much vaunted “Republic” now teeters on the miry sand of those fallacies the “Framers” built on top of it. It WILL fall, “and great will be the fall of it!” (Matt 7:26-27). We probably ought to think about getting out of the way of the crushing debris. But, if we refuse to participate, how can we possibly reclaim what was lost? Some will no doubt ask with the Psalmist, “If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?”

Worry not; God knows how to rebuild with His people. Once we’ve turned from our foolishness and rejected the open idolatry of the State, He will act in our favor. We must have faith in our King and His promises and be prepared to follow where He leads us.

Not for your sakes do I this, saith the Lord God, be it known unto you: be ashamed and confounded for your own ways, O house of Israel. Thus saith the Lord God; In the day that I shall have cleansed you from all your iniquities I will also cause you to dwell in the cities, and the wastes shall be builded. And the desolate land shall be tilled, whereas it lay desolate in the sight of all that passed by.” (Ezekiel 36:32-34)

I don’t know what sort of Christianity he professed, but he surely saw then what so few yet see today, even inside the true Israel of God… Nevertheless, Etienne De La Boetie concludes his message to his posterity, of which we are spiritual children anyway, with the following remarks:

Let us therefore learn while there is yet time, let us learn to do good. Let us raise our eyes to heaven for the sake of our honor, for the very love of virtue, or, to speak wisely, for the love and praise of God Almighty, who is the infallible witness of our deeds and the just judge of our faults.”

As for the question of what the righteous can do, we certainly do not need to be participating in the ritual of “voting”. At least not for surrogate kings to rule us. The so-called “secret ballot” is not secret to Yahweh. He surely sees His people in this act of defiance and until we learn to repent of this evil, what we have done in secret, He will reward us openly. As He has done so many countless times before, He will give us the king of our choosing, who will again parade over us his sanctimonious lordship as all of his (or God forbid, her) predecessors have. Our enemies will thereby again triumph over us—because we asked them to... Instead, we must withdraw consent. Immediately, and with prejudice, asking in dust and ashes for our God to have mercy on our foolish rebellion… that unlike Israel of old who said, ‘Nay, but we will have a Saul, or a Caesar, or a Barabbas!’ and then lived to see the blood they’d called down upon their own heads and that of their children, and only then cried out to have “the Lord not hear them in that day”, let us not wait until there is no remedy.

We have a King who has ALL power and ALL authority and He will rule with us, or against us.

9/25/2020 - Subject: The Great Setup (Printed Version)


There's something happening here
What it is ain't exactly clear
There's a man with a gun over there
Telling me I got to beware
I think it's time we stop, children, what's that sound
Everybody look what's going down

–Buffalo Springfield

None of the events of this year are an accident, nor are they a coincidence. The Covid-19 plandemic, (planned for at least 10 years) was timed very precisely to serve many purposes, some of which seem apparent, some not so much.

To begin, the occultist nature of this wizardry is only barely obscured. This Covid-19 “unprecedented disease” was allegedly discovered in December of 2019 (12/2019, or 11x11 /019), and thereafter the “global pandemic” was officially declared on March 11 of this year… 19 years after 9/11. If you should think the devilish use of the numerology is insignificant, simply research all of the (odd?) “coincidences” of the numbers 11 and 9 for the first grand Psyop of 2001 (e.g., 19 ‘hijackers’, on the 11th day of the 9th month, American Airlines Flight 11 hits the first of two Twin Towers appearing as a giant number 11 in the New York skyline… 9+1+1=11). When all is told, a year from now, or perhaps two or three, in hindsight it may seem obvious how we were played and what the end goal was. But for now we are left to our own well-tuned devices of speculation.

Therefore, consider the following scenario and timeline.

2015: Globalists organize and hold an event which they title “Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” declaring it a “plan for action for people, planet and prosperity”… In it, they determine to cause “all countries to act in partnership” to implement such cryptic wonders as “gender equality”, “inclusive societies”, and economic equality—the ending of all hunger and disparity through “shared prosperity and decent work for all.” In a nut shell (should you care not to read the whole blasphemous thing), it is the roadmap to world-wide peace and harmony through technology. The God of Creation being no longer necessary or desired, the Elite, the wealthiest of the wealthy, who are the real puppet masters of the world’s State heads would begin to roll out their Plan for the Final Solution of the goy… divided into 5-year goals.

Later that year the most hotly debated presidential campaign of the century sees a “dark horse” candidate ride straight out of Reality TV and sweep the debates, gaining the nomination for the Red Team. He mysteriously wins the election, displacing the presumed Chosen One in a surprise overtime rout.

2016: A disputed election gives way to a very divisive president—allegedly an “outsider”, a loose cannon, who is accused of being a racist and a misogynist and an economic moron. He is impeached half way through his term for abuse of power and obstruction, but the partisan Congress can’t agree to convict. Still, a large minority of the population will ever believe he was elected illegitimately and remains in office fraudulently. He is presented by the mass media incessantly as a clear and present danger to our “Democracy” and to our Great Nation, who must be removed at all costs.

Fast forwarding through all the odd political antics, bizarre behavior and tweets, the false promises, the obligatory feigned military operations and false flags, and a plethora of failed prophecies of Q’s and Anons during this exceedingly strange time, and we come to the fourth year...

2019: The wheels begin to come off of the economic fiat money machine and the precarious debt-Ponzi of the financial markets shows signs of faltering. In mid-September the wall street banksters had ruptured an artery when so-called REPO (overnight lines of credit) rates suddenly rose 10%... The Fed has since injected HALF a TRILLION dollars into these markets to prop them, narrowly avoiding a full-blown panic. One month later, on October 18th, eugenicist Bill Gates and Co. hold a “war game” in which they role-play the scenario of a sudden global pandemic causing general havoc, death and disorder, and effectively bringing the world’s economies to a standstill. In practically all known Psyops, such war gaming is always done shortly before the “event” transpires—and are even, in many cases, actively being “role-played” in a simulated incident while the imagined event coincidently occurs in reality!… Such notable examples of this bizarre synchronicity are during the September 11, 2001 travesty, the “anthrax” scare a few months later, the ‘Sandy Hook’ caper, and the 2005 London bombing, to name a few. Or, as others have duly noted, “Once is a coincidence. Twice is a happenstance. Three times is enemy action.”

2020: The Covid-19 pandemic is declared in March, President Trump initially dismisses it as inconsequential and his health advisors inform the public to not freak out, and definitely to NOT wear masks (which we are told are ineffective and counterproductive). Shortly thereafter, that position is reversed and a nationwide, then worldwide economic shut-down begins. Predictably, stock markets crash, causing the uninitiated dolts who had their meager life savings and retirement accounts therein to sell out, losing the prior 12 years of gains… which the rich and initiated quickly snap up for a blue light special. As the markets begin to inexplicably rise again to new heights, new fools, recently middle-aged and middle-classed, are enticed to sink their life savings into the rising stocks to re-prime the pump for an inevitable redux (soon to come).

Meanwhile, the “shutdowns” have largely targeted such “non-essential” businesses which primarily employ the young, lower class, and marginally skilled. College campuses are closed releasing a raft of unhappy, budding Marxists onto the streets and back into their parents’ homes. This army of young, disenfranchised and now unemployed future activists is then provided with a large government stipend in the form of a weekly “stimulus” check, courtesy of the newly minted Federal Reserve Trump-bux… Now making more money on “unemployment compensation” than they did while employed, and with nothing to do, they are suddenly given a “cause” through the mass media by way of a number of televised “racist” killings by the hated police. Because they don’t have to look for work and can now afford the luxury of interstate travel, hotels and fast-food, and unlimited cell phone plans, they are well equipped to stage massive, prolonged “protests” in numerous cities. Simultaneously, the illegitimate President Trump is now single-handedly causing untold numbers of Covid casualties by not wearing his face mask in public and refusing to enforce governor’s curfews… And in the background, a witches brew of lab grown RNA, wild “virus” strains, toxic “adjutants”, and foreign human and animal proteins encrusted in heavy metal nano-particles bubbles away in caldrons in subterranean labs…waiting for the vaccination orders.

About this time, it so happens that the next national election is in the works. Remember, it’s 2020, and by coincidence, all this occurred during a presidential election year. A grand debacle of “choosing” a democratic candidate to run against the Orange Man—who stole the throne from Her Turn 4 years prior—has resulted in the inexplicable anointing of a dementia-addled pedophile—a despised and privileged white man—whose three score and ten years will expire before he makes it through one term of office. Chosen for him as running mate is a mongrel “woman of color” who lost badly in the preliminaries and who also happens to be a Marxist, an adulteress, racist against whites, and has vowed to disarm the American people immediately upon entering office. What an interesting combination of un-electable candidates, no? What could possibly be their plan if it is not a setup for a contested election?

An interesting byproduct (again, just an innocent serendipity—not planned) of the lockdowns is the necessity now for widespread mail-in ballots to affect the election of the next El Presidente. Obviously, since the incredible danger remains to the public of a pandemic disease, people can’t be asked to personally appear at poll stations. An election must be held—on a vast and unprecedented scale—by way of anonymous-ish mailed ballot forms. What could possibly go sideways with that?

One sub-scenario is that since actual votes of actual Americans tallied in voting machines will immediately prove Trump the winner, he will nevertheless not be declared the victor on account of all the tens of thousands (or millions) of uncounted mail-in ballots—clearly all for his opponent. The Blue Team has already been instructed “not to concede the election under any circumstances.” Now come on, is this for real?—you may ask. In fact, they are actively gaming (role-playing, war-gaming) these very things as I speak. A group calling itself “the Transition Integrity Project (TIP)” is planning scenarios to overthrow Trump in the 2020 election, whether he loses it or wins it. If it seems like we have entered into a Twilight Zone clown-world wherein State actors would openly plot the coup d'etat of a standing president and get away with it, apparently we have. Under this scenario,

the Democratic Party would announce Joe Biden’s election despite an undercount and that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi would swear him in before Donald Trump could be declared the loser. In such a case, there would be two rival presidents, which would mark the beginning of a Second Civil War.”

At the least, an unrivaled and menacing imbroglio, the likes of which have never been seen in North America.

Whatever that would look like on the ground, we could only speculate. But it would surely be a fearful time for Americans… As the saying goes, “the veneer of civilization is exceedingly thin.” I believe we would quickly discover how thin it really was.

It occurs to a few of us that these protests—er, riots—are a training ground of sorts. The young Bolshevik soldiers of tomorrow had heretofore little experience in burning, pillage, and city-wide destruction, nor had they proven their armor or makeshift embattlements. The proper technique of urban riot-war takes some time to learn. Field commanders and lieutenants have to be tested and selected. Weapons must be accrued and practiced. Strategic weaknesses of the enemy must be probed.

And so, the US farce election will go forward. In a way, same as it ever was. We’ve spoken much here already on the falseness of our “Nation” after the former coup of the Constitutional Convention, way back in 1787. Following in the footsteps of Israel, we “have set up kings, but not by me: they have made princes, and I knew it not” (Hos 8:4). Thereafter, a parade of Congressional Acts and “Court Decisions” deracinated the country, and set up wicked man’s laws over and opposed to God’s Law, bringing our present curses upon us, per Deuteronomy 28 and Psalm 9:17.

After, and during the coming chaos in this falsest of elections, we will proceed into the next phase. Perhaps it will accompany the “next wave” of the Covid crime, and the much more egregious Australia-style lockdowns—possibly along with Statewide martial law due to the planned riots. This could easily spill over into earth-wide conflict. But the heavens keep turning, and the next year quickly approaches…

2021: The second 5-year plan begins with the “Great Reset”. Organized by the same cabal which concocted Agenda 2030, the long awaited Reset is due to commence in January of next year. On the table, literally, is the elimination of all national currencies and their replacement with digital money on chipped bank cards or phone apps—all traceable to a central world bank. Cash is gone. ALL transactions are henceforth banked, monitored and scrutinized by AI. After the “vaccine” is released and more people began getting genuinely sick from it, immunity passports are made mandatory for everyone to restrict all travel and employment. And thereafter, a “new social contract” is promised to the inhabitants of the earth based on “social justice” (as opposed to the great injustice of Western Civilization, I presume). Reads their preamble:

The global health crisis has laid bare longstanding ruptures in our economies and societies, and created a social crisis that urgently requires decent, meaningful jobs.”

If the plandemic and the incited riots, the shuttering and bankrupting of tens of thousands of small businesses, and the resultant millions of defaulted mortgages, car loans and useless school loans have shown us anything, it is that we are “urgently in need of decent, meaningful jobs”… Right?

What devious, wicked imaginings have these snakes in store for us?

For one thing, they plan a Universal Basic Income (UBI) for every person on the earth. That won’t create any “jobs”, I assure you. Wars tend to put people to work, though.

Ultimately, I don’t believe the globalists intend to give all the world a job. I believe they intend to cull all the world’s citizens who are unfit to serve them in some ‘jobby’ capacity. How—or if—they will bring this into fruition is still unknown. A universally administered toxic vaccine is one candidate. The aforementioned war is another. State policy-induced famine is yet another. The trifecta--“pestilence, famine, and the sword”. They’ve covered all the bases. But the Bill Gates types, in moments of candor, have openly confessed their disdain for mankind in general. They love themselves and they love death, and they feel they have the power and the means to “cleanse” the earth and to give it to their own for an inheritance. This they mean to do, and sincerely believe they will succeed. After all, who is going to stop them?

But, it is not their earth to bequeath to anyone. Yahweh will have them in derision…soon. Yet, I don’t think He has allowed those wicked men whom HE has raised up for such a time as this to make all these grandiose plans for nothing. They will surely carry them out, as they have been doing for generations, however unwittingly for HIS purposes. Judgement always begins at the house of God. Afterwards, the nations of the earth WILL learn righteousness.

With my soul have I desired thee in the night; yea, with my spirit within me will I seek thee early: for when thy judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness. Let favour be shewed to the wicked, yet will he not learn righteousness: in the land of uprightness will he deal unjustly, and will not behold the majesty of the Lord. (Isaiah 26:9-10)

Perhaps the grand set-up is a double-cross on the wicked. The Reset was always the Lord’s, and in His time, and His way, it will be accomplished. When Yahweh judges the earth, as we surely need to be judged, it is for the purpose of teaching us righteousness… For the survivors anyway. For those who “will not behold His majesty”, He has a remedy. Hear ye the word of the Lord:

These things hast thou done, and I kept silence; thou thoughtest that I was altogether such an one as thyself: but I will reprove thee, and set them in order before thine eyes. Now consider this, ye that forget God, lest I tear you in pieces, and there be none to deliver. (Psalm 50:21-22)

For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north… But thou art cast out of thy grave like an abominable branch, and as the raiment of those that are slain, thrust through with a sword, that go down to the stones of the pit; as a carcase trodden under feet. (Isaiah 14)

Let us be assured and indeed rejoice in this Truth—Bill and Company, those “Chosen” imposters, WILL NOT inherit the earth, nor will they enter into the kingdom of God. Psalm 2 is still in effect. We must be wise to their intentions and prepare for the battle before us, surely, but none of us, not ONE of us believers who trust in our God should EVER fear the machinations of the wicked. We shall not “fear their faces”, nor their ungodly decrees…

But rather seek ye the kingdom of God; and all these things shall be added unto you. Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom. (Luke 12)

9/6/2020 - Subject: Race and Nation (Printed Version)


But why should the story come to an end? It doesn’t, of course, in the literal sense of stoppage or total ruin. All that is meant by Decadence is “falling off”. It implies in those who live in such a time no loss of energy or talent or moral sense. On the contrary, it is a very active time, full of deep concerns, but peculiarly restless, for it sees no clear lines of advance. The loss it faces is that of Possibility. The forms of art, as of life seem exhausted, the stages of development have been run through. Institutions function painfully. Repetition and frustration are the intolerable result. Boredom and fatigue are great historical forces.” –Jacques Barzun, From Dawn to Decadence

Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them.” –Psalm 119:165

Worn down and wore out, the West—the most advanced, prosperous, and lasting civilization made by a race of men—is finally succumbing to fatigue. We’ve no more frontiers, no one left to conquer, no gold left to mine or steal. Of the descendants of those men who explored, discovered, conquered, built and garnished our civilization, few exist today who even believe or understand the cost of the work and blood which bought the unimaginable luxuries they now enjoy. Or care to. The religion and the God of their fathers having become now but a relic to be locked in a trunk in the attic, they not only possess all things, but they’ve forgotten all things. Their only enemies now are each other.

Presumably, this how the story ends. This is how the West is dissolved—amalgamated into a borderless World Authority where all nations are equally backwards, hopeless, and destitute. The kingdom of men is like unto a small country of Brazil, which grew and became a great nation, until the whole earth was Brazil...

Either by amalgamation or extinction, it seems we’ve consented as a people to national suicide by the implantation of a wicked thought—that we have no right to exist as a distinct people, that all of our advantage was usurped; all that we have, we stole. Therefore our repudiation is the natural consequence of enjoying the fruits of the labor of others—particularly of blacks—whose cities, lands and farms whites took from them to build our own nation here in America. The decline and erasure of our nation then is our just reward… At least, that would be their working script if they could write it. Fortunately, they have a staff of Hollywood (and NY Times) scribes that have done that for them.

All of this madness was predictable—how we missed it, I’ve no idea.

It will probably be asked, Why not retain and incorporate the blacks into the state, and thus save the expense of supplying, by importation of white settlers, the vacancies they will leave? Deep rooted prejudices entertained by the whites; ten thousand recollections, by the blacks, of the injuries they have sustained; new provocations; the real distinctions which nature has made; and many other circumstances, will divide us into parties, and produce convulsions which will probably never end but in the extermination of the one or the other race.” (Thomas Jefferson, Notes on the State of Virginia, 1781)

Today in 2020 America, black lives matter. Exclusively, it would seem. Whether other ethnicities particularly agree with this mantra seems of little concern to blacks, oddly enough. Except one. Of the Hispanic, South Asian, East Asian, Middle Eastern or aboriginal populations of America, it seems mutually agreeable that it matters not what they think about the “lives” of each other, or of blacks… This is what is called, a clue. In fact, the organizers and funders of this political action (hate) group, being the usual suspects, have a dog in this fight, as one might expect, and it’s not the Others they wish to see as combatants in a fomented race war. No, we must be relentlessly reminded that it is those evil Anglo-Saxons who hate black lives… as Esau’s eternal war against Jacob comes ‘round again.

We observe that it is exclusively the Caucasians which are strictly admonished to bow before them, take a knee, or raise the fist in solidarity to the oppressed afro race. I hope none of us here are tempted to pay such misplaced and disingenuous homage (I don’t expect so) but it is becoming increasingly clear that the fields are white with sheep ready to be sheared—once again—for their phobia of public scorn. Being shamed into admitting guilt where none exists seems to be a character flaw for many of us. Anyway, in the short video clip (and there are many like it to be found) the riotous crowd has found a young (white) couple at a table who have apparently left their self-loathing at home… and thus suffer the wrath of the mob for their failure to genuflect in the presence of the righteous. They are fortunate to have left unbloodied, and merely publicly humiliated. (Note all the other white patrons cowardly suffering the proper indignity in the hopes that the spotlight—or the bullhorn—doesn’t come upon them.)

This, my friends, is how fires begin “that cannot be quenched”. This is dangerous stuff.

Because America is not South Africa. We are still a very well-armed population and whites are still the majority. The unrecognized danger, I believe, is that the older generations of said majority (those in middle-age and beyond), having the highest proportion of wealth, means, and armaments, and being old enough to remember what America once was, while seeing the hourglass running out, are in that peculiar situation of simultaneously being the group with the most, and the least to lose. What is being overlooked by the younger Marxist crowd and the lower IQ mixed multitudes alike is that the tolerance threshold of a more experienced and older man for the monkeyshines of fools is a tenuous thing. It is usually crossed abruptly, without warning, and irretrievably. And once the limit is passed, the vengeance of justice is ferocious and cannot be stopped.

I also believe the BLM and ‘Antifa’ handlers—formerly known as the Barabbas’ Life Matters crowd—are quite cognizant of this danger and are using their ‘tools’ with guided anger and skillful propaganda to the intent of backing that group of whites into a corner. The action is the reaction; now the fuse is lit and the fireworks will usher in the next phase of the Plan. They have coordinated and timed these events of a plandemic, racial riots and the soon to come chaos of a repudiated national election—which neither side will accept— to near perfection. What could possibly go wrong?

Much can, and probably will.

A year ago, a journalist on the Left translated the following from his Marxist playbook:

The opposing narrative is something like this: America began with a crime — stealing the land from Native Americans. It continued with an atrocity, slavery. The American story is the conflict between oppressors who seek to preserve white supremacy and people who seek to move beyond it. The essential American struggle is to confront the national sin, have a racial reckoning and then seek reconciliation.” (David Brooks, NY Times June 6, 2019)

Is this true or a lie? We’d better know the answer, because if we are called to stand for the Truth (and we are), the times that are approaching may mean life or death for ourselves and our progeny if we get it wrong. A “racial reckoning” may be what they desire, but I assure you “they know not what they do.” Because if there is one great “national sin” it may be that we permitted the influx of diverse nations and races to live amongst us in the first place. God indeed has a remedy for that, and it’s not reparations. In fact, the only chance for a peaceful “reckoning” in this country is separation and segregation. And that’s a distant hope.

I hear the objection already: ‘That is not an acceptable answer…It’s un-Christian!’ Is it? Do we truly know this, or is it a feeling? We’d better believe that just as in Israel’s days of old, our lack of knowledge—especially now—will destroy us and our posterity. Just as Yahweh has forewarned us in Hosea 4. We are in fact on the exact same trajectory as Israel was then:

“…For the Lord hath a controversy with the inhabitants of the land, because there is no truth, nor mercy, nor knowledge of God in the land. By swearing, and lying, and killing, and stealing, and committing adultery, they break out, and blood toucheth blood. Therefore shall the land mourn, and every one that dwelleth therein shall languish…” (v.1-3)

The land is already mourning. The Times journalist is right about one thing—the American story is a conflict… And there is indeed an evil underlying this centuries-long controversy within our people.

Barzun—who does not profess Christianity—argued in Dawn to Decadence that Western society is now 500 years old and in the advance stages of death. He asserts there were four initial religious revolutions which began the era (the Protestant Revolution being the first) in which the “diversity of opinion and faith fostered new feelings of nationhood”… Attitudes were drastically changed pertaining to work, art and the very meaning of civilization. These did great things and caused extraordinary advancements, but they also had a notable detrimental effect which, I think, only now is being fully revealed… He said about these things,

It deprived the West of its ancestral sense of unity and common descent.”

A remarkable observation! And we can trace the consequences of that loss up to the present time.

He further defined revolutions as “a violent transfer of power and property in the name of an idea…they give culture a new face.” This having been accomplished in Europe by the 18th century, it yet remained for the Western colonies, particularly in the Americas (Spanish Mexico, the United States and Canada), to be completed by the diversification of racial groups through immigration and amalgamation. A multi-cultural society controlled by an all-powerful and centralized State would finish the job of Decadence as a destructive power… the “new face” of Western culture was destined to be brown, and the Christian revolutions of Europe would be at length subverted and subsumed by their mingled religion.

Undoubtedly, the diversification of Christian lands and peoples in the West has led to our seemingly insurmountable troubles. That aforementioned underlying evil is the seed that grows within it... An interesting parallel appears in scripture when we look at the nation of Israel at the time of Ezekiel. Israel had an ancient enemy in the Philistines. Plagued for generations by this people group—this nation—the time had finally come for God to judge them and end it:

Thus saith the Lord God; Because the Philistines have dealt by revenge, and have taken vengeance with a despiteful heart, to destroy it for the old hatred; Therefore thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I will stretch out mine hand upon the Philistines… And I will execute great vengeance upon them with furious rebukes; and they shall know that I am the Lord, when I shall lay my vengeance upon them.” (Ezekiel 25)

An “old hatred” festers. It manifests as envy, blame and resentment and when appeased, as it is now by the cultural Marxists of politics and media, it blossoms into megalomania and aggravated entitlement. We have a national problem of an “old hatred” of a former slave race. And it is shared and agitated by those same usual suspects who have raised up an army of spiritual spawn in white, self-hating progressives. I don’t say that casually but truthfully, as they’ve openly confessed their own propaganda. One of their own said the following over a century ago:

"We must realize that our Party's most powerful weapon is racial tension. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races, that for centuries have been oppressed by the Whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party ... In America, we will aim for subtle victory. While enflaming the Negro minority against the Whites, we will instill in the Whites, a guilt complex for the exploitation of the Negroes. We will aid the Negroes to rise to prominence in every walk of life, in the professions, and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negroes will be able to intermarry with the Whites, and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause." (Israel Cohen, 1913)

The agitators have prevailed marvelously. Deceiving us again and again with false narratives about poor black saints being gunned down in cold blood by racist cops—using actors who always turn out to be drug addled felons or violent offenders. Every time. The hatred is hardly concealed now, being universally justified by so-called “Systemic Racism”. This term is now used by the Cult of Academia to sanctify every injustice against society—and their equally defective remedies—by blaming all the pathologies of the black race upon the white.

Unfortunately, actual history and anthropology would refute such a notion…seeing as it was that at the time of the European colonization of Africa in the late 1800s, the indigenous peoples there were found without any written language, no recorded history of any sort, nor concept of law, nor even the use of the wheel. Also unfortunate is the fact that very few recognize this VAST GULF which naturally separates us. If the white race is not to blame for the 5,000 years of stagnation and spiritual darkness of a race of men entirely isolated, unmolested on the African continent for millennia, how can we be accused of causing their ills once providing all of the benefits of civilization?

Nevertheless—and this gets us to the heart of the matter—whether or not systemic or institutional racism against blacks is real, and wherever it may have occurred in the past, it is inevitably and erroneously conflated with segregation, which is not a SIN, but merely culturally pragmatic for the maintenance of a civil society (see South Africa before and after Apartheid). And, frankly, God demands it (Ps 74:17, Acts 17:26, Ezra 9, etc.).

However, in a turn of irony not missed on the rest of us, in America today such an institutional racism indeed exists in the form of a subjugation of majority Heritage Americans who are now forced to confess their “national sin” and to exchange our former merit-based institutions with a skin-caste system. Therewith our former and glorious “Privilege” (an equally asinine term) will be handed over to the dusky peoples in the media, government and judicial systems as a reparation! This is why we see mayors in besieged cities standing down the police and refusing to prosecute the terror, destruction, assaults, and even murders of the offending rioters and looters in their communities. Instead, upright (white) citizens who successfully defend themselves and their property are arrested and jailed.

In the Great Reset, when the new heavens and the new earth are created by the consortium of Gates, Soros, the Rockefellers, and the Rothschilds , there will of course be no more “nations”, but One World, One Race, and One Law for all. This will lead to one philosophical language—One Religion, if you will. Slavery and genocide will be impossible and peace and universal equity will reign forever and ever, Amen.

And if you believe that, you are a fool.

While I am certain the masses of whites do not understand this issue of nationhood—what it is and why it really matters—WE MUST remind them that nations are made up of families that share common descent, culture, language, and a common inheritance. They have been beaten down so long with this demonization of borders and the desecration of their own heritage that they no longer have any notion of what is “ours” anymore. We haven’t a country, nor any familial property, but only that which is held “in common” by the State and whomever the State wishes to invite onto our doorstep. “We are a nation of immigrants,” they lie to us... In fact, we were a nation of colonists. And later became many nations vying for political control of land and resources. By and by we became a nation of usurpers and the harlots that welcomed them.

We have as a people allowed ourselves to be robbed of everything. It is because we have forgotten our Maker and adulterated with the world. Now ‘the stranger that is within has gotten high up above us; and we have come down very low.’ (Deut 28:43)

The time has now come for history to “rhyme”.

"On the occasion corresponding to this four years ago, all thoughts were anxiously directed to an impending civil war. All dreaded it—all sought to avert it. While the inaugural address was being delivered from this place devoted altogether to saving the Union without war, insurgent agents were in the city seeking to destroy it without war—seeking to dissolve the Union and divide effects by negotiation. Both parties deprecated war but one of them would make war rather than let the nation survive, and the other would accept war rather than let it perish. And the war came.” (Abraham Lincoln, 2nd Inaugural Address)

Brethren, we are again in very perilous times. Our countrymen have made some grievous errors in ignoring God-established borders and yoking our people together with heathen nations. They are now pitted against us, and we with each other. Our National Sin, truly, was in ever believing a country could be a “nation of immigrants” living in interracial harmony contrary to God’s laws. The ideological war we are enmeshed in currently will inevitably turn kinetic—and probably very soon. But how we react as an ancestral people with a Christian heritage in making the hard decisions of Ezra will lay the foundation for the next American Age—if there is to be one. The salvation of the West will strongly depend upon how we address the issues laid out herein while engaged in the next Reconstruction, and will determine whether we at once begin building the Kingdom of God, or rebuilding another false nation for a temporary peace destined to fail.

8/2/2020 - Subject: The Firmament

The Firmament
by Michael

A few deep thoughts on your message today came to mind and I wanted to share…

But before someone nitpicks Gen 1:1 and how it is translated as “Heaven” (singular) vs. heavens (pl), let me preempt the dispute for you and save some trouble ;-) You know it’s the same word. It’s H8064 shamayim. There’s only one word for heaven/heavens. The KJV translates the word in the singular or the plural depending on the context or perhaps the whim of the translators. Sometimes just to make more sense out of a passage, like the many times the phrase is used, “the heaven of the heavens”—literally, ‘the shamayim of shamayim’…

“Behold, the heaven and the heaven of heavens is the LORD'S thy God, the earth also, with all that therein is.”

Technically the word shamayim renders as a plural as it’s taken from an “unused root from the singular, shameh”—according to Strong. So “God created the heavens and the earth” is not wrong per se.

Personally, I wish they’d have left the word untranslated. “In the beginning, God created the shamayim and the earth” (since no one knows what a 'firmament' is anyways). It would have left the mystery and the beauty of it intact, for surely that first passage in the Bible is the most profound and alluring—and succinct of all statements. But in Gen 1:1, something very particular is being described I think, not some nebulous “Heaven”, and is why it’s translated here in the singular. Here’s why—getting down to vs. 8, (and some miss this) we have,

“And God called the firmament Heaven...”

Now we already know the firmament (raqiya) is what separates the waters from the waters, and it is a hard or solid thing—above the earth. This is the “vault of heaven”. So replace the word in vs. 1, and I think what is being conveyed is simply this: “In the beginning, God created the Firmament and the Earth.”

He made two things out of a substance (which came from Him obviously as all substance ‘proceedeth out from Him’) where before there was nothing. He made the earth, laying its foundations “on nothing” (Job 26:7) and the waters covered it. And He then made the Firmament (not the “heavens”) over the earth and to separate two bodies of water—one above and one below (the Deep). So, it should be singular here in Gen 1:1, as the KJV has it.

The “heavens” are both the space beneath the firmament and above the earth (which we’d call the “sky”), and another space which may include the waters above the firmament -- and also possibly describing a space above that (the “heaven of the heavens” which is the abode of Yahweh and His throne). I think that is what Ezekiel saw, and also is what Paul describes when he says he was “caught up into the third heaven”.

So we have the birds of the air created to “fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.” (v.20) That word “open” actually means “in the face of, or in the presence of”. So the place the birds would fly (and the clouds would be) is 'before the countenance of the Firmament'—or actually under it, not in it.

But before that, we have God creating the great lights in the firmament of the heavens. There’s actually no prepositional words there, the text just reads “let lights firmament heaven” . So where exactly were these placed? Within the crystalline vault of the firmament or above it, or rather IN it, as we are without it; below it.

Point is, I guess, we don’t know whether the luminaries—the moon, the sun, the stars—are even physical objects, or where exactly they are. They may be electrical manifestations on the vault itself, or in waters above it.

There’s another word, H7834, shachaq. Translated “cloud, sky, heaven”. Mostly cloud. It’s from a root meaning ‘dust or fine powder’. Since it basically means clouds or skies, it’s euphemistically or metaphorically used for “heaven” also. And at least once, it’s used to represent the Firmament itself.

Job 37:18 “Hast thou with him spread out the sky, which is strong, and as a molten looking glass?”

That word “spread out” is raqa, ‘to beat out, stamp, or stretch, as in a metal plating or overlay’ (as in Exodus 39:3). Here, "sky" is shachaq. And the word “looking glass” is re'iy, ‘a molten cast mirror’. Mirrors were cast from molten brass and then highly polished (Ex 38:8)
This is the Firmament. What it’s made of, God knows. But I believe it is both transparent AND reflective, as a tinted glass is. It both transmits light above it and it ‘scatters’ light below it.

I saw the total solar eclipse in 2017 in northern Georgia. I watched it with my own eyes through a good monocular scope (no need to ‘shield the UV’ during totality—the ridiculous eclipse glasses were useless anyway). What I saw was not what NASA shows us as pictures of the sun. There were not tongues of fire licking out of it. There was only a very faint plasma, like a luminous vapor…The thin corona was absolutely electrical in nature, not at all gaseous or flame. And the ‘sun’ itself was an absolute black hole in the sky…the most perfect circle, the most blackest of black. There was nothing there at all. I think that was the most transcendental experience of my life, and I believe I saw something of God’s creation that I had never perceived before—and very few have ever. I don’t know really what it was, but it was beautiful beyond description and it was EXACTLY what Yahweh said He made in His own words… and man just won’t accept it. So He gave them a lie to believe in. An inferior reality—an empty and a hopeless universe, born of an "explosion" and dying an entropic "heat death".

The truth is so many magnitudes more lovely and surprising! Truly David said,

“The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.”

If you have any doubters or naysayers to your message today, Charlie, feel free to forward this message on.


8/5/2020 - Subject: Faceless and Lost (Printed Version)


Remember Lot's wife. Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it.” – Jesus, Luke 17

Feelings are going to get hurt.” –Michael

A blogger I’m familiar with who was an outspoken “anti-masker” has recently changed his position. An introspective and a thinking man, he’s concluded that the mask issue isn’t his hill to die on. We all need to buy groceries and other essentials which are (regrettably) only available from corporate retail stores. These are now universally demanding “masking” from their patrons, and, as a self-confessed ‘libertarian’, he feels he must abide by their requirements for entry… Respect for private property and all that. Furthermore, he’d like to still participate in whatever semblance of society remains, such as having lunch at his favorite bistro or attending a sports tball event (if those still occur). These all require the “mask” and to buck them necessarily invites the ire and the reproach of the compliant others, and even unhinged rage and threatenings from both the customers and employees alike. Anyway, It besmears their outing; it ruins their pleasant shopping experience, which they have a right to, and it causes unnecessary consternation and fear from those who have bought into the fear. Thus he will now diaper his face when asked to. After all, “it’s just a mask”.

But this otherwise very intelligent man knows where all this is leading. He’s expounded upon it—he’s preached against it for long before the plandemic was hatched. He’s well aware of the end game and that we’re now in it. What his thoughts are on the future (and likelihood) of his “libertarian” ideal for at least his own private Idaho, I’ve no idea. Because he must know that they aren’t going to let any of us just walk away from the party. There will be no amicable divorce—no departing in peace, no equitable distribution of the assets. The NAP is not recognized by the hordes. The NAP, moreover, is a figment of his still childish imagination. Going along to get along will only end in accepting the chains they will set upon you—if only they will set them lightly.

Most people who have initially rebelled against this madness will end like this man. This is a sad fact of our humanity. It is the norm of the vast majority to look back after once setting their hand upon the plow. That of Lot’s wife would likely be the fate of most wives today given similar circumstances—and most men as well. Even among Christians, how many soon have the Word choked out of them by the thorny weeds of this world, or else abandon it like an old doll when abundance and pleasure becomes unexpectedly available.

For this and other reasons, I refuse to accept the “new norm”. Yet, I accept that I will never return to the old life I knew; the America of my childhood is now dead and gone, along with the foolish hope that a few good men in white hats will soon “turn this thing around” in some political revival. Friends, that is a pornographic JOKE that we should not entertain nor smile at. God is not smiling, I can assure you. That this nation has become depraved and godless and is now headed for the abyss is a foregone conclusion. But the Kingdom of God ever advances. And His people, and His Name will never be crushed. It will continue on in another nation, perhaps one formed in the very place where you now live. If we are ever to be a part of that once and future kingdom upon this earth, we will have to STAND for it. We may have to die for it. Some no doubt will. But the majority will inevitably suffer some indignities…the loss of friends, the loss of family, the loss of jobs, the loss of wealth and property—at least temporarily. But the cause is far more important than our personal contentment in this world. The TRUTH is what only matters. And what we stand to gain for winning this battle is of infinite magnitude greater than the loss (Matthew 19:29).

Therefore, I will not participate in their delusion. Because it’s not merely a delusion—it’s a LIE. I would be bearing false witness if I knowingly perpetuated a lie against my neighbor. Aiding and abetting the State and the globalist actors behind it in their campaign of mass psychological terrorism is simply something I, as a Christian, cannot do. The actions of the “order-givers” are tyrannical, ignorant, deliberately counterproductive, intended to promote anti-social behavior, societal disorder and ultimately the destruction of our civilization… For the intended and confessed purpose of rebuilding it in the new globalist image. Again, none of this is hidden; all has been openly described since at least 1992 beginning with the “Earth Summit” known as Agenda 21 and the later, and even more diabolical, Agenda 2030 of just five years ago. It is an open conspiracy if there ever was one and it’s world-wide. The following is an excerpt from the Agenda 2030 guidelines. Pay attention to the fact that every term is being used in the exact inversion of the ‘normal’ meaning.

“We envisage a world of universal respect for human rights and human dignity, the rule of law, justice, equality and non-discrimination; of respect for race, ethnicity and cultural diversity; and of equal opportunity permitting the full realization of human potential and contributing to shared prosperity. A world which invests in its children and in which every child grows up free from violence and exploitation. A world in which every woman and girl enjoys full gender equality and all legal, social and economic barriers to their empowerment have been removed. A just, equitable, tolerant, open and socially inclusive world in which the needs of the most vulnerable are met.”

What mendacity! Whose law? Whose justice? What human rights, or so-called dignity? What equality? What is meant by “tolerance for an open and socially inclusive world”? Does anyone imagine these are defined the way our fathers did? Is anyone so naïve to believe these are Christian values being espoused? Is this not perfect double-speak? Of course, we KNOW what was meant by their “socially inclusive world,” now that same-sex “marriages” are the law of the land, and cross-dressing, bearded men in sundresses and clown makeup are reading books to children at library story-times. “Human dignity” to them means tolerance for indignity—the promotion and glorification of homosexuality, transsexualism, and the fetishizing of young children. “Diversity” means breeding out the races through miscegeny and even rape, propagated through the deliberate destruction of borders and forced integration of wildly divergent people groups.

The silly solipsism of Lennon’s song, “Imagine there’s no heaven…” has metastasized into Huxley’s Brave New World. And it was as predictable as it is sickening. Now indeed, “WE Envisage A World” A world in which YOU will be either cowed and tagged, or culled. Because as George Carlin famously said, “it’s a great big Club, and YOU ain't in it.”

Are we waking up yet? The lie of this “pandemic” was deviously planned. The economic catastrophe the State has set in motion with their “reaction” to this so-called virus was likewise staged. As I mentioned before (and now is common knowledge), Bill Gates and friends literally gamed this very scenario—in explicit detail—last fall with their Event 201. What has now followed this “thought experiment” is either the most amazing geopolitical coincidence of the ages, or else it is exactly what it appears… The Mother of All Psyops.

Summing it up, an anonymous commenter on a blog site succinctly said it thusly, and I quote in part:

1. Whereas the globalists have been outspoken for decades that they plan a technocratic society, the “new normal” aligns very closely to their goals for human management. AI driven workplaces and education, use of advanced technology to monitor and control personal behavior, and limits on where people can or cannot travel or visit, including immediate family members and including criminal consequences for those who don’t adapt to the new rules.

2. The rules regarding masking, social distancing, house arrests, and travel restrictions are all aspects that can easily be associated to an assimilation program towards “normalizing” behaviors that will become conditionings of the rapidly emerging technocracy that will be implemented in the next 12-24 months as part of the global economic reset. New ways of doing things. New ways of associating with people. New ways of working, learning, and thinking. A completely different and authoritarian approach to life, on a global scale. This is why the cultural revolution is taking place simultaneously – to scrub history and start anew. A new normal.

The new normal”…Will we ever be spared this slogan? Or will it always be ‘new’? Don’t miss the warning of “criminal consequences” for the non-compliant—already here. Right now we’re just being gummed by the lion cubs with their toothless ‘illegal’ ordinances, but soon enough they’ll be statutory and they’ll grind us with therewith.

Now to get down and dirty… The intent of the mask is to be a shibboleth. To begin with, it’s inherently divisive as it easily marks the initiated and separates them from the unbelievers. People may, if they choose, keep their beliefs and their fealties private—but not if they’re literally required to wear them on their faces. Therefore it also serves as the “pinch of incense for Caesar”. The consequences for the defiant—for now—are still relatively minor…So far as I know, there haven’t been any crucifixions of the bare-faced in the Walmart parking lots (yet). However there have been beatings, stabbings, and arrests of the un-diapered.

But make no mistake, this Masquerade party will soon lead to more heinous demands, beginning with a digital ID “passport” (already rolling out) to permit travel, employment, and commerce (such as entering a store or eating at a restaurant). The much anticipated and loathed “vaccine” comes next—maybe. Seems the puppet masters can’t quite make up their minds as to whether a vaccine is at all possible or whether it suits them better to leave the masses in perpetual fear and lockdown without the prophylactic. However, I’m betting on mandatory vaccinations linked to the “passport” or a “quantum dot tattoo”. All of this will be rolled up and forced upon the unwilling with the final unveiling of the universal cashless economy—a digitized (blockchain) monetary system and the subsequent criminalization of all rival forms of transaction. What would any of us use for money anyway once this is done? “Patriots” will just be marginalized and ignored. Forced into poverty, the new class of “barter-tards” will be slowly starved into submission anyway.

If the Agenda then is total, all-encompassing tyranny, why the mask? Why the push for such a ridiculous and irrelevant mandate when so much more—of much greater consequence—is planned? Why does it matter that we cover our faces when we are well, or “quarantine” when we are healthy, or stand the magic six feet apart regardless, if these are such insignificant factors in the overall scheme?

The wearing of the mask is cultish genuflecting. That is all. It is an act of theater for the devoted and for the fearful. Some of our “health ambassadors”, in a moment of frankness, have let it slip that the mask is really just a pacifier to calm the neurotic, admitting, as they have, that no medical benefit exists at all. And I agree with them—but that’s not the main intent. Covering the face with a cloth does nothing to hinder the spread of any purported virus, real or imaginary; its purpose is submission, not unlike the niqab of the religion of Islam, which (ironically) also means Submission.”

In the occult, the wearing of the mask is an emblem of submission. It is well known that the ancient mystery religions engaged in this as part of their debaucheries (and referenced in the Bible—Old and New Testaments). Paul’s account in Acts 19 at the Temple Of Diana is one example. For the naïve and squeamish, a sanitized account of the Greek orgia and the goings-on of Dionysian temple worship is found here. Modern versions of these debaucheries are routinely practiced among the elite today in their peculiar “parties” (let the mature reader do his own research here, as it’s too filthy to discuss—but it’s not a secret—Stanley Kubrick in fact made a very base, yet very truthful film about it called ‘Eyes wide Shut’).

There is nothing new under the sun.

All of this is obvious conditioning for the transition into the “new reality”. The Brave New World—the predictive programming of the past 100 years is now upon us. Understood or not, the wearing of the mask is nothing but the psychological signaling of your consent to this new order.

Seattle City Councilwoman and foreign plant, Kshama Sawant recently had this to say:

We are coming to dismantle this deeply oppressive, racist, sexist, utterly bankrupt system of capitalism. We cannot and will not stop until it is dismantled, and we replace it with a socialist world, based on solidarity, genuine democracy, and equality.”

The woman is an obvious tool, but coming on the heels of the “novel coronavirus” hoax, we do well to be highly suspicious of the “George Floyd” riots. What is occurring in the cities of the North West is nothing less than a “novel” Bolshevism. It was a setup. The virus was a setup. And “the action is the reaction”. The masked rioters are using the “pandemic” as a cover for the real plan just as they are using the fake cause of the mask to conceal their identity during their felonious activities.

The mask is no doubt part of a greater initiation into this new Death Cult, and with each new ritual of obedience will come privileges for the initiates—and sanctions for the refusniks. This will enlarge the division, wreck families, and further isolate the moralists—as it is meant to. Thus, the defiant can turn around now, while the way back is still easy, and we still have our jobs, and our wives, or we can walk on into the mountains alone with righteous Lot, faces forward.

Taking a stand for the truth is not popular. There will be consequences for those who do. While I don’t go out with the intent to make the mask an issue, inevitably the issue comes to me. So, feelings are going to get hurt. I’ve seen it. Good people—Christian people—are going to be at odds with this assessment. We need to remember to be kind to the sheep who are sleep-walking into this trap, but honest and firm in our response. Feelings can be deadly. And as a watchman, I have a duty to warn them of the danger that is fast approaching—and that their willing participation in this ignorance is fomenting it.

In as far as my familiar blogger has posited with his mask stance, perhaps he’s right... There are bigger hills than this one to die on. And we’ll die on those as well.

I will not wear a mask because it is simply wrong. Outside of the theaters of surgery and dance, there is no godly purpose for it and NO ONE has any right or authority to tell you to cover your face. Death is better than submission to the false god of tyranny. And if we die, we die like men, without a paper diaper over our mouths.

Brethren, gird up thy loins. We have a long fight ahead of us, and there will be casualties.

8/2/2020 - Subject: The False God (Printed Version)


There is a counterfeit god who is a father. He masquerades as the true God. The Bible calls him sometimes the “devil” or more usually, the “adversary” (the Hebrew, satan; Greek, satanas). The Greek follows the Hebrew as a transliteration of the former. The original Hebrew language has for its root, (H7582) satam, which has the meaning of, “to lurk for, persecute, to hate or oppose oneself against.”

This is a very curious thing which has been debated over the centuries—or the millennia—as to whether we are speaking of a created entity, or rather a concept or embodiment of evil in a general way. Up front, let me say I have no certain conviction either way. I do not know what the Satan is, or whether it is a Who or an it. But it’s entirely possible that it makes no difference how we understand it, if we can come to some accurate conclusion of why we were even told of such a thing.

There are some who hold that the serpent in the Garden of Eden was a being who was pre-existent to Adam…perhaps even another man. Some have posited that Adam himself was the serpent (and that the story in Genesis 3 is a veiled description—or parable—of Adam’s fall and rebellion against God). Job wrote that God himself had “formed the crooked serpent”, perhaps “garnishing the heavens” with it as a constellation (Job 26:13). Isaiah, in speaking of the coming of the Kingdom and the Day of the Lord, told how Yahweh would punish the serpent:

In that day the Lord with his sore and great and strong sword shall punish leviathan the piercing serpent, even leviathan that crooked serpent; and he shall slay the dragon that is in the sea. (Isaiah 27:1)

Is this the same “crooked serpent” of Job? If so, was he in the sea or the heavens? Or perhaps both… in the “waters above the firmament” (above the heaven) as Genesis describes creation. Do the celestial bodies shine through waters which are above us? Yes, say the scriptures.

But Job also spoke of this Satan as a Being in the first two chapters of the book…

Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan came also among them. And the Lord said unto Satan, Whence comest thou? Then Satan answered the Lord, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it. (Job 1:6-7)

Of course, Jesus was confronted with someone he referred to as “Satan” on a number of occasions. Probably most notable was his 40 days and nights of fasting “in the wilderness to be tempted of the devil.” Finally after being promised all power and all the kingdoms of the earth, if he should “bow down and serve him”…

Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.” (Matthew 4:10)

Christ once called Peter “Satan” when he had (ignorantly) spoken in opposition to God’s will for Jesus’ mission (Mark 8:33). Later he told Peter that “Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat.” They can’t be one and the same, because “a house divided against itself cannot stand.” John says in his gospel that after Jesus identified Judas as his betrayer at the last supper, Satan entered into him. Then said Jesus unto him, That thou doest, do quickly.” Was Jesus speaking to Judas, or Satan?

We see here a broad range of use for this concept of “Satan”. Yet we don’t get much closer to a definitive understanding of it (or him).

I have the idea that Yahweh constructed our reality in such a way that evil could—would—be personified, for a purpose which we cannot yet understand. Because there’s actually very little explained to us in the Scriptures about this “Satan”, this adversary, this lurker, this murderous hater and slanderer, we are left to our own devices and opinions of it… intentionally.

But there is something false about our reality. We understand this in an innate way, even if we can’t describe it accurately, or perhaps, scientifically. Reality is extremely complex. He that created it is Extremely Complex.

I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I Yahweh do all these things.” (Isaiah 45:7)

For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.” (Isaiah 55:9)

We can no sooner grasp what this means, truly, than an ant can comprehend the doings of man whose lawn he inhabits.

Yet God has put it into our hearts to know Him—to seek after Him. Solomon, the wisest of the wise, said this in Ecclesiastes:

When I applied mine heart to know wisdom, and to see the business that is done upon the earth: (for also there is that neither day nor night seeth sleep with his eyes:) Then I beheld all the work of God, that a man cannot find out the work that is done under the sun: because though a man labour to seek it out, yet he shall not find it; yea farther; though a wise man think to know it, yet shall he not be able to find it.”

Seemingly, then, it is futile to try. But in Acts 17, we are told:

[God] hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation; That they should seek the Lord, if haply they might feel after him, and find him, though he be not far from every one of us.”

It seems we are created, unlike the ant, to seek after, ask of, even diligently labor to know the Truth. It follows then, that we have been placed inside a realm where there must be the False. We must learn to distinguish between the two “realities”. Yahweh has given each man a unique experience—in which to make a choice between two Gods. Because it is impossible to serve two masters, we are necessarily forced to make a decision. We either seek the God in whose image we were made, or we seek to create a god in our own image. The former is the Real, the latter is the False.

The apostle John told us in his first Epistle that “he that has been born of God is kept of God, and the wicked one does not touch him”… The wicked one is the False. He is the father god of lies

And the whole world in the wicked one is lying. We know, moreover, that the Son of God hath come, And hath given us insight, so that we are getting to understand him that is Real. And we are in him that is Real, in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the Real God, and life age-abiding.” (1 John 5:19-20, Rotherhams)

The word, “Real” is the Greek alēthinos. I want to show you Strong’s definitions of it:

  1. That which has not only the name and resemblance, but the real nature corresponding to the name, in every respect corresponding to the idea signified by the name, real, true genuine

  2. opposite to what is fictitious, counterfeit, imaginary, simulated or pretended

  3. it contrasts realities with their semblances

  4. opposite to what is imperfect defective, frail, uncertain

  5. true, veracious, sincere

We can see here (and is verified throughout the scriptures) that God acknowledges an imaginary or pretended god which man can create. As we are made in His image, we also have the capability of creating. Sometimes we create idols of stone (buildings, ‘churches’, edifices of State), or gold (money), or of our own hearts (the inner-man, our ego). These contrast the realities with their semblances.

The key is the CONTRAST. This is the engine of the cosmos. This is how He did it…it is how He is DOING it right now. Without contrast nothing can be distinguished. No truth can be discerned without knowing what is a lie. Good cannot be understood—therefore chosen—unless we experience evil. Just as Christ had to do in the flesh, as prophesied Isaiah of Him,

Butter and honey shall he eat, that he may know to refuse the evil, and choose the good.”

So must we do. We have to contrast the Truth with the Lie. When we discover which is which, we must learn to CHOOSE correctly. That is our human experience. That is our purpose here.

What has happened is that God has purposely made this hard to do.

Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.” (Matthew 7)

That is to say, it was part of His purpose to create in such a way—WHY it was is left unsaid. Perhaps it was the only way it could be done…

Thus we find that it is easier to lie than to be truthful. It is easier to steal than to be honest. It is easier to be fearful, and to cause fear, than to be courageous. It is easier to deceive than to trust. It is easier to lie to one’s self, to ignore our own conscience, to deny the obvious consequences of our rebellion, and to disbelieve the REAL God by imagining a False one which WE have set up, and which suits US and our sinful nature. “Hath God truly said?” is a de facto lie in the very asking of it.

Therefore, who really asked that question way back in the Garden? Doesn’t each of us in our own hearts do this constantly when we sin? (And who among us does not sin?) Who is our own worst adversary if it isn’t us, ourselves?

Perhaps the most dangerous form of delusion is self-delusion. Christians stand out above the rest today in their ability to create false gods and actively worship them. They call him “Jesus” most often. They call him “Father”. They call him “Lord”... Jesus—Yeshua—‘Yah who Saves’…they don’t really believe they need a savior because they’ve broken no law (there is no Law; it’s been put away), and therefore are not really sinners. John calls them liars. They call him “Father”, but do not respect him as a father. They have neither fear nor reverence. They call him “Lord” (or ‘Master’) but deny him, as Christ said, “why call ye me ‘Lord, Lord’, but do not the things which I say?” By calling themselves “Christians” they proclaim belief in Christ. But what is that? I John 5:1-5—

Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God: and every one that loveth him that begat loveth him also that is begotten of him. By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God, and keep his commandments. For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous. For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God?

Allow me to condense this into a little flow chart. Belief in Christ is biblically defined as such:

Belief in ChristBorn of God Love for God and the brethren Doing His commandmentsOvercoming the worldBelieving Jesus is the Son of God

You see it’s a circular path, like a snake eating its own tail. Each one of those acts begets the next, and is caused by the next, paradoxically. Yet Christians are often some of the most worldy, commandment- breaking, and unloving towards one another and their neighbors of all the heathen and false religions. Because they’ve redefined the Law, and redefined “Love” into gross distortions of Yahweh’s representation of them, they have, like Aaron did when he caved to that rebellion of Israel, made for themselves a golden calf and called it Yahweh.

In John chapter 8, we see that some of the “Jews which believed on him” ultimately sought to kill him (v.40). These of his own brethren, admittedly sprung from the loins of Abraham, who claimed God as their Father (v.41) were nonetheless children of the devil.

Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.” (V.44)

There is indeed a False god and a True God. Many still, like those Jews, those Pharisees, are convinced they follow the True, but lurking beneath the surface in their hearts is one who is, at least, the perverse metaphor of a devil…the one who “persecutes and opposes” the True, the one who has “sifted them like wheat”. The sifting that goes on is, as it ever was from the beginning, to separate both the chaff from the wheat, and the wheat from the tares. Plenty deny Jesus openly, others deny him with their lives, having exchanged “him that is Real” with their own personal Jesus. This is plainly an old deception, as John ended his first Epistle with these very words:

Dear children, guard yourselves from idols!”

We must be keenly aware of this ongoing battle in the hearts of men, and in our own hearts, where Satan is alive and well, walking up and down in the earth, and seeking whom he may devour.

Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” (Ephesians 6)


7/23/2020 - Subject: The Law of Blood (Printed Version)


For, behold, Yahweh cometh out of his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity: the earth also shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain.” –Isaiah 26:21

Without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sin.” —John Brown

The year is AD 2020. Exactly four generations have passed since the opening salvo of America’s first Civil War. Truly, it wasn’t a “civil” war, but rather a war of secession—a war of hatred and envy. The long and bitter ferment of two nations and their rival States had finally burst the bottle. Careful students of history have, and will, plot the road leading up to that bloody time of reckoning and the subsequent path our nation has taken since. Much has been written and observed, and I think I’ve seen a pattern.

We’ve had now (exactly) 4x40 years, or four wanderings in the desert of the American people. We can ignore for now exactly who those people are, but within this group of wanderers remains a smaller nation of Israelites, carried along on the tide, sometimes affecting the culture but more or less being affected by it. If history is truly written by Yahweh, then the story really does center around us—His people. And today, we find ourselves at the precipice of another crisis. This one, I am convinced, will mark the end of our “national experiment in liberty”. The Union will officially dissolve this time around. Whether we suffer a more typical (and horrifying) civil war, like the Spanish Civil War of the 1930’s or something reminiscent of the more recent Bosnian War of the 1990’s remains to be seen, but likely depends a lot on how nominal Christianity chooses to react to the coming “indecencies”. Accordingly, I believe there is yet a small chance for something relatively bloodless like the dissolution of the Soviet Union. God willing.

In the short interim between now and what follows, men of God must prepare themselves and their families with the spiritual and physical necessities for a Great Purge. Frankly, it is largely the fault of our own brethren that we have been boxed into this corner and marginalized in our own country and we can’t expect much help or solidarity from Christendom (so called). Once again, like a foolish and petulant son, Israel has heaped up troubles upon his own head. The time, I believe, has come around again for “judgement to begin at the house of God”.

Because Christendom has failed—consistently—for all these generations to steer the ship of our society towards the Way of our King and the paths of righteousness, as we were commanded to do, we necessarily suffer under the curses of our disobedience (Per Deuteronomy 28, Matthew 5:13).

Specifically, our collective betrayal of the Law of our God with the counterfeit rule and law of “We the People” has now brought us past the point of no return. I don’t believe this is a matter of opinion either (and could make a long-winded argument from the factual evidence, but won’t).

In our day, the “law” and the courts of our land (and the court jesters which preside over them) have conducted nothing but an endless wagon train of blasphemies, injustices, and naked acts of lawlessness and aggression against the common people (their citizen-subjects). Wicked men living from the public trough “exercise lordship over us” by capricious decree and enjoy twisting us into compliance.

This is common fare for the privileged elite who wield power and enjoy large salaries guaranteed by the State (through tribute and political force—same as it ever was).

But why? How did we—in this “Land of the free and home of the brave”—arrive at the place where the clinically stupid and the morally insane dictate to ALL of us how we shall “live and have our being”? Has this happened before? Are we reliving history? Of course we are.

Servitude is the common state of man. The masses are compliant because they fear their gods. And the gods are always crazy (Daniel 4:17, Psalm 96:5). Unregenerate mankind serves a master which inevitably demands blood sacrifice to appease him—and it is human blood, and that of sinful men. Not unlike the “blood of bulls and goats” it is ineffectual, thus it must be constantly spilled. Hence their slavery is eternal as their redeemer serves at most an 8 year reign (here in the US) and is replaced by another much like himself. Moreover, innocent blood is required to be poured out and “covered” usually for the cause of convenience, freedom, and a “better living standard”. This marks the end stage of a civilization. Thus has Molech been satiated with the blood of over 62 MILLION aborted children in this nation alone—under the color of law. Indeed, with the most wicked oxymoron, infanticide is now considered a HUMAN RIGHT

Abortion Rights

Yahweh’s people have permitted it, frankly, because they have largely participated in it. CHRISTIANS have sold themselves and their families into bondage for their ineptitude and their idolatry—and for their effeminate, fearful behavior and love of ease and pleasure. As it was in the beginning, so it is now that our (false) prosperity has brought upon our degeneracy.

What am I talking about? What significant resistance can anyone recall to each and every ungodly law, or act, or order which has been forced upon us in our once ‘Christian nation’? “It’s just a mask…it’s just two weeks…it’s just a clump of cells…it’s just two people who love each other”… A few lone voices in the wilderness stood against these profane demands, but like the prophets of old their pleas were ignored, and worse, many of their own brethren called for their prosecution for their “disobedience to authority”.

Because nobody stood for anything, there’s nothing left worth standing for.

And maybe because when neither the civil magistrates, nor the State at large would hardly enforce the consequences of their own statutes, nor even deign to touch the rightful judgments of Commandment-breakers, the rebellion against God becomes a runaway nuclear reaction. For now, neither will Christians—out of fear of ostracization by the “church” of all things—stand against ANY EVIL OR INDECENCY IMAGINABLE. There is nothing to stop the core meltdown now. For it is not the laws which are effectual, but ultimately the judgments.

Therefore the law is slacked, and judgment doth never go forth: for the wicked doth compass about the righteous; therefore wrong judgment proceedeth” ( Habakkuk 1:4)

It goes without saying that the law spoken of here is God’s Law and not the “law” as it is contrived by SCOTUS.

Our national lawlessness and injustice is only part of the story (State enforced “multiculturalism” is the other part). But, once again, Christians have allowed themselves to be enslaved and are in abject denial of it. Since “sin is the transgression of the law” (1 John 3:4), which Law they’ve cast behind their backs as inconvenient—and even “grievous to bear” (in direct contradiction to our Lord’s own declaration)—they have therefore become SLAVES to sin.

Jesus answered them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin.” (John 8:34)

Notice that passage in John and the conversation in its entirety…From vs. 31, Jesus was speaking to “those Jews which believed on him”—catch that—that “IF they continued in his word…THEN they would know the truth and the truth would set them free”… To which they strangely answered him, “We are Abraham’s descendants and have never been enslaved to anyone.

Were they just confused, or wholly ignorant of their own history? And were they likewise utterly oblivious to their current state of Roman subjugation? Indeed, there are none so blind as those who will not see. Incidentally, I believe Jesus was the source of that quip just a few chapters later.

Jesus later told the unbelieving Jews to “fill up then the measure of your fathers…That upon you may come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth.” Therefore, the curse they’d brought upon their own heads at his crucifixion—that most foul blood libel in which they cried “Away with him! His blood be upon us and upon our children!”… would be granted to them in the horror of the Jewish Wars of AD 66-70, culminating in the final destruction of Jerusalem.

American Christianity has clearly followed in the footsteps of those unbelieving Jews, and ‘Christian Nations’ will now have to pay the price for their folly.

So it was that in the mid 19th century in America we had found ourselves in a similar existential crisis wherein two opposing societies had come to the point where they could no longer coexist. Here again, as in 1st century Judea, the slaves were conflated with the freemen. And after the war and the blood of a million men was poured out, the newly emancipated left their bondage only to walk into a new, Universal Plantation…where all were enslaved uniformly. But at the time leading up to the war, the usual suspects were fomenting rebellion in the usual way—using envy of one’s neighbor, and that great touchstone of Marxism (which was just gaining momentum at that time), the demand for equality.

John Brown

Entering from stage left, here is where the infamous Abolitionist (and murderer) John Brown, walks on to play his part. A preacher of self-righteousness, he argued for violent action against pro-slavery ideologues. He was indeed the ‘Antifa’ of his day. Most history textbooks remember him as a ‘leader in the abolitionist movement’ in the 1850’s leading up to the war, but ignore the incident we know as “Bloody Kansas”. Brown had insisted blood must be shed for the atonement of slavery—both from pro-slavery bodies, and even that of his own. It was in fact an offering to God within his twisted framework of religion. Hence the murder of those whose ideology he detested was both justified and necessary to redeem the sin of a nation. Listen to his contemporary, radical abolitionist and “pacifist” Henry C. Wright, speaking in blasphemous parlance about the pending execution (for treason) of his personal messiah in 1859:

The sin of this nation is to be taken away…not by Christ, but by John Brown. Christ, as represented by those who are called by his name, has proved a dead failure, as a power to free the slaves…the nation is to be saved not by the blood of Christ, but by the blood of John Brown, which, as administered by Abolitioninsts, will prove ‘the power of God and the wisdom of God’, to resist slave holders and to bring them to repentance.”

All of this may sound eerily familiar to our modern ears. In fact if one listens closely enough, one may hear very similar anti-white, anti-West, and antichrist rhetoric coming from the lips of some of America’s most hallowed political leaders and celebrities. Only exchange the pro-slavists to whites in general, all of which, we are told, are congenital racists—steeped in un-earned “privilege”—and guilty of all the blood of the oppressed since the Fall of Rome.

Not that anyone can define what a “white” is, or even properly, a “racist”, but we’ll leave that alone for now.

But presently it is Christian civilization itself (or the vestiges of it) which is to blame for every evil act of “intolerance” and the subjugation of every race and gender (Caucasian ‘hetero’ males excepted). Every so-called inequality, every grievance, every repressive social more or ‘restraint’ within Western society is the fault of the conquering race of Europeans and their backwards and outmoded Christology. It is the arch-enemy of the Progressive Utopia now dawning upon us under the more worthy and watchful eye of the dusky races, women, and sexual deviants, whose rightful rule has come. Their god and his law will now displace the wicked usurpers, whose end must be banishment or death. Make no mistake; they’ve openly called for wholesale genocide, and they mean to carry it out. Their very hero, in fact, is the ghost of John Brown.

But has Israel seen this before? Of course… recall the king of Egypt commanded the killing of all male Israelite children to “flatten the curve” (from which Moses escaped as an infant because his parents “were not afraid of the king’s commandment”). Likewise, the whole book of Esther is a testament to a similar purge of the people of Yahweh—and how it was turned around on the purgers. Are we so naïve to believe this can never happen again? In fact, ALL of Caucasia and her allies, Conservative Inc., are currently in the crosshairs … And pew-sitters of every race are guilty by association.

From where is this hatred stemming? What is its well-spring? What revolutionary spirit; from which father of lies is now fomenting this fear and loathing? Indeed, this self-loathing in most cases… I can’t be sure. But I know this, “it’s just a mask” is a cunning and marvelously devious plank in their propaganda manifesto. This long-planned overthrow is working off of a trait that is innate in MOST people of Anglo-Saxon descent. It is our willingness to comply. We are, if nothing else, a hopelessly submissive people who will follow each other by the millions off a precipice if we are told to by “authorities” and which the majority have agreed to obey. The skeptical minority usually just gets swept along to die at the rear.

And here we find ourselves… A small cadre of wicked people have the VAST majority twisting in their puppet strings because of fear of being “un-liked” or being labelled an ignorant “science-denier”. They will go to their deaths to appease their false gods. And I believe not only will Yahweh allow it, but hasten it.

Because, tragically, and treasonously, Americans have called for their own blood and that of their unborn children to be upon their heads. Knowingly or not. And they’ve done this for generations now, without repentance or any sign of remorse. Evidently suffering from the same derangement as John Brown, this orgy of violence they desire because they believe, in their hubris, that they will come out victorious after being cleansed by their own blood…That they, the Good Whites—and those oppressed ethnos who have broken down our borders—will finally have their revenge, and shall at last inherit the land which our forefathers stole fair and square.

While I don’t believe they will succeed, I do believe we men of Israel will have to actually fight this time. But the LAW is on OUR side, brethren…

So ye shall not pollute the land wherein ye are: for blood it defileth the land: and the land cannot be cleansed of the blood that is shed therein, but by the blood of him that shed it. Defile not therefore the land which ye shall inhabit, wherein I dwell: for I the Lord dwell among the children of Israel. (Numbers 35)

6/2020 - Subject: Reparations and Repudiations (Printed Version)


That public men publish falsehoods
Is nothing new. That America must accept
Like the historical republics corruption and empire
Has been known for years.

Be angry at the sun for setting
If these things anger you. Watch the wheel slope
    and turn,
They are all bound on the wheel, these people,
    those warriors,
This republic, Europe, Asia…

--Robinson Jeffers, Be Angry at the Sun

In a recent article about our present disharmony, Pat Buchanan reminded us of the original revolutionary acts of the 1776 overthrow of Britain rule, when George Washington’s troops decapitated the statue of King George III in Philadelphia and had the remains melted down and made into musket balls… He further observed that,

During the recent demonstrations and disorders here, similar acts had about them an aspect of societal rebellion and a repudiation of a heritage.”

This is in fact what is at the heart of this societal chaos, this wave that’s been long travelling over the open seas, gaining strength and speed. It now has crashed upon our shores. Succinctly phrased, it is a repudiation of our heritage.

If I may, I’d like to profile a recent and most excellent missive by Tucker Carlson of Fox news. While I’m not a “Fox News watcher,” nor a fanboy of Tucker’s, nevertheless—credit where credit due. He sees what so many others in Christendom fail to see and have been blinded now for generations as to what the end game of the leftists and the statists (in and outside the “church”) always was.

Please watch the short presentation.

First Caveat: Tucker is not coming from a Christian point of view. Some of his ideas are antithetical to Christ and His Kingdom. His notion that America was built on “tolerance” is false. The colonists and early settlers were here precisely because THEY were not tolerated by the institutionalized ‘churchian’ religion of European states, and the colonists were both refugees from that war and pioneers in establishing a new society based upon God’s Law and the principles of Christ—and ONLY those principles. And those first American settlers were most certainly NOT tolerant of opposing culture and religion (proof of that is easily found by merely reading the original colony constitutions). They came to build a strictly CHRISTIAN society, and did, but failed to hold it.

Tucker also is wrong that the ‘Repubs,’ or that voting a new batch in, or replacing them with some “libertarian candidates” are going to save the Union. There is not, nor ever was any hope in that fantasy. The US Constitution and the government it established was nothing less than a COUP D'É·TAT against the former remnants of a Christian nation and we are ever reaping the rotten fruit of that. (Look around you). As Lysander Spooner so aptly said 200 years ago,

But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain - that it has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case it is unfit to exist.”

Moreover, we don’t have a Union. That the first Civil War was fought to preserve such an entity has now been proven beyond all doubt for the Lie that it was.

Finally, and most notably, Tucker erroneously declares that “sin cannot be inherited,” which of course is exactly the opposite of Christian doctrine. But, to be fair, he’s probably not speaking of a “sin nature” and doesn’t mean it in that way, but is clumsily (and unwittingly) stating the obvious—in agreement with the Bible—that is...

The fathers shall not be put to death for the children, neither shall the children be put to death for the fathers: every man shall be put to death for his own sin. (Deuteronomy 24:16)

Nevertheless, he rightly sees the culture very rapidly devolving (though he’s unsure why). To be clear though, “black slavery” was not our collective sin. Slavery in itself is NOT sin (read all references in the Bible for clarity on that). Moreover, the African slave trade was started by Africans themselves through their inter-tribal wars in the early 1600’s. The descendants of those slaves are here only because they were sold into slavery by their own people. Yet none of those blacks today would argue that life in Africa (or any other former slave colonies, like Haiti) is superior to life in America. They would not go back to their ‘homelands’ if we paid them a great sum to do so. And no one would blame them for that.

Tucker is right—this is not a racial problem we are facing (we do have that problem and will have to deal with it). But this looming crisis is the result of decades of programming of our mostly White society—starting very early with the children—to eliminate Christian societal values and replace them with Marxist, anti-christ values. They have largely succeeded and the battle is almost won. Blood hasn’t begun to flow yet, but it will. Much freedoms and property and wealth yet remains to be lost before this is over.

Meanwhile, we will have a fight on our hands. It is as much an intellectual battle as it is physical. The ignorance of history, magnified by our abject ignorance of Christian doctrine—particularly in modern America—has led to such nonsense as this, from the media organ calling themselves Christianity Today. Herein we see an asserted cannon of faith from a self-proclaimed authority of the Gospel that ‘racism and slavery are America’s original sins’ and they must be atoned for… “Repentance is not enough”, the author declares.

Of course not, because it’s not warranted in this case.

Here again, we are being gaslighted by snakes in the grass…wolves among the flock. We’d better learn FAST how to defend against this rhetoric! Let’s be clear: there is nothing that whites—as a race—need to apologize for. And I use that term loosely as it is very hard to pin down a definition of race. But whites have not collectively enslaved or oppressed any other race any more than they’ve done it to their own, or than other races have enslaved or oppressed each other. No people-group is entirely innocent of these sins—in so much as they are indeed sins. But American blacks, especially, have much to be grateful for in the quality of life they enjoy here—far more and abundant than their ancestors did, and the vast majority of their kin still do in the Old Country.

Much of the reason places like Haiti, and Africa and Latin America are stagnant, or regressing, is because property rights are not acknowledged or respected. And this is precisely the trend we are seeing now in this “exceptional nation”. Observe the pattern

To the point: The churchians and antifa and the narcopaths in both Houses of Congress are WRONG. Collective reparations are not justice. As the notorious meme goes, “I didn’t own no slaves, and you didn’t pick no cotton” (again, see Deuteronomy 24:16). But even if that were the case, it doesn’t make it automatically wrong. Once again, slavery, in and of itself, is NOT sin. This may rub many the wrong way (I speak from experience), but it’s only due to their own ignorance of the subject and the emotional “triggers” implanted by the collectivist education they were subject to their whole lives. I’m not at fault for speaking the truth. But, as always, don’t take my word for it, be a Berean.

We’ve lost our way and are floundering in the darkness. And I’ve got terrible news for the patriots and other hangers-on… America, as a ‘nation’, will not survive intact. At the least, there will be a balkanization of the country—in your lifetime. Borders will change and people-groups will migrate. External and internal wars will be fought. The Empire and its economy will collapse. It is already underway. Bury your head in the sand if you like, and ignore history’s trends, or the consequences of compounded actions over time, or the very nature of mankind... Be angry at the sun for setting, if you wish. But we will witness the future nonetheless, and some of us will live through it to seed the emerging generations—preferably with the Word of God in their minds.

In the foreseeable future, heritage Americans who wish to survive and flourish in some semblance of a Western/Christian civilization had BETTER ‘seek the old paths’ of THEIR ancestors, NOT those of the Africans, or Arabs, or Mestizo Mexicans. They had better return to the God of their fathers and learn again to OBEY His commandments, statutes and judgments and to unwaveringly teach their children as well. Tolerance of “diverse” cultures and belief systems has failed us, as it always does and always will. If we will not be INTOLERANT of godless society, godless government and godless people, we will be crushed by them, “cast out and tread down.” Remember that Christ did not give us the option of “going along to get along” in society…

Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men. (Matt 5:13)

He gave us a strict Command in fact…

And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, ALL power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach ALL nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe ALL things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen. (Matt 28:18-20)

But Did Jesus leave any power left for African kangz, or for Mayan kings, or Constitutional governments, or ‘Supreme Courts’? None. All of them, then and now, were to obey HIS Law, and to honor Christ as King alone. And His servants were given their marching orders at that time, shortly after His resurrection, to “go and teach them”... that God “now commanded ALL men, everywhere to repent” (Acts 17:30).

Western society truly began BECAUSE of this mandate. European whites brought the Christian religion and way of life to every continent and nationality. Civilization today—everywhere it is to be found at all—is because of this mandate of Christ, and ONLY because it was obeyed to even the most meager extent that it was in times past. The early Christians knew, even while living in first century Rome under great oppression, that they would prevail as Jesus promised them, IF they endured to the end… Thus Jerusalem fell. Rome eventually fell. One by one, they all will. God’s ancient and future promise was upheld to those who were faithful to His Word:

And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, saith the Lord of hosts. (Malachi 4:3)

Occidental man today, be they in the Old Countries of Europe, or the New; here in North America and Australia, or South Africa, or wherever the remnant of a Christian society can be found, stand at a crossroads. Somebody will be tread down… either them, or us... Either the wicked, or the spineless, salt-less, Christians-in-name-only. Like the Israelites of old, when faced with a similar crisis and the armies of Babylon threatened to overcome them and take them into slavery (they eventually did), we have the same question posed to us as did they through the prophet Jeremiah:

Thus saith the Lord, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein. (Jeremiah 6:16)

Our chance will come too. And our day will surely come as did theirs. And if we choose wrongly, we will surely share their same fate.

6/7/2020 - Subject: God's Weapons of War (Printed Version)


Praise the Lord from the earth, ye dragons, and all deeps: Fire, and hail; snow, and vapours;

stormy wind fulfilling his word..” (Psalm 148)

[Note to Readers: This I wrote years ago but dredged it up and re-worked it a bit, as I felt some truth in it needed to be revisited at this time, and perhaps re-said in light of our current circumstances. Please bear with any apparent incongruities—they were not intended, if not unavoidable]

This essay was spawned by an article I read today which mentioned—in passing—the devastating Waco Texas tornado of 1953. It was the deadliest storm in Texas history. Wikipedia tells us it was actually just one of a “tornado swarm” that ravaged Texas through Illinois over a two day period in May of 1953. We’ll get to that in just a minute.

The article wasn’t about storms, however. It was about the recent Supreme Court case over the “gay wedding cake” fiasco. The author was, in his own ‘enlightened’ way, mocking the whole thing and, though clearly not a big fan of homosexuality as civilized behavior, it was nonetheless lost on him as to why we’re even having this discussion today in America. Probably not a Christian, he wasn’t concerned much for the lawfulness of such perversions, or whether or not it was “sin”, or if he even believed in such a concept. But I noticed, as he rightly perceived, that in 1953, the progressive movement had just started gaining traction in this once godly nation, and at that time it was still considered by most that homosexuality, like adultery and fornication, was “wrong”. Alas, how very far we have fallen in one generation’s lifetime… Hence the story portion from his article:

(I should mention that David Mullins is the sodomite at large and the instigator of the lawsuit against the Christian baker).

David Mullins says he was “mortified and embarrassed and hurt” by the experience at Masterpiece Cakeshop, but he should reflect on a story often told by my late friend Andy Sidaris, the legendary ABC Sports director.

In 1953 Andy was a young producer at WFAA, the NBC affiliate in Dallas, when the worst tornado in Texas history hit Waco. Andy put together a crew and sped three hours down Highway 77 and got there just minutes after downtown Waco had been reduced to rubble. He noticed a small hotel that had its roof ripped off and some of the walls still standing, but exposed to the elements was a ballroom full of abandoned gifts and, in the center of the room, a giant cake that had somehow survived the storm in one piece. It was a playful cake, with a few mild pornographic images on it, and Andy gathered from the invitations and guest cards that the gathering had been a gay wedding between a businessman who lived in Dallas and another businessman who lived in Houston. They had apparently chosen Waco for the celebration so that everyone who was in the closet—virtually the entire guest list—could show up without having to tell friends and family members where they were going.

Of course there was no such thing as a legal gay wedding in 1953…

No, “gay marriage” was not legal then. We still had a few God-fearing men acting as judges in the land; the population was still largely homogenous and still considered themselves “Christian”. True, though, from the story, it’s obvious some of our people were inclining towards ever more open rebellion against their God. And what I also noticed, but the author didn’t, was that our God was becoming rather discontent with the situation. In fact, this storm was a warning shot directly from Him. And it hit its mark perfectly.

Jesus said, “For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither anything hid, that shall not be known and come abroad.” Indeed, there is a time set by God Himself when all things shall be made manifest:

Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts..” (1 Corinthians 4:5)

Funny how tornados are… Not unlike political revolutions, they form suddenly and spontaneously and then whirl and rage in fury, dealing judgement in seemingly random ways—destroying one house, but leaving the neighbor’s standing; killing all in a building, save one who gets trapped under a mattress, or rides a bathtub out of a third story window and survives to praise God… Also, they reveal things. In fact, this is one of the principle purposes of God in bringing judgement—however He does it—to expose wickedness in the act of destroying it.

And it appears, from a simple reading of the scriptures, He always uses ‘natural events’ to do it. The earth is His, and He originates and controls all the physical forces of nature, including—and especially—the “wind”. These are God’s weapons of war! While He many times uses people (nations and armies) to judge other peoples, and sometimes angelic messengers, when Yahweh personally goes to battle, His weapons are none other than His natural forces (storms, earthquakes, celestial events)! In fact, as any military historian knows, very often God’s hand is clearly seen in the outcome of battle—in uncanny ways—through direct influence of the weather… Perhaps most notably, in the destruction of the entire Spanish armada in 1588 by storms and fog. In the end, when King Philip II of Spain learned of the result of the expedition, he declared, "I sent the Armada against men, not God's winds and waves.” And the course of history was forever changed.

So that tempest in Waco over half a century ago not only exposed the wickedness of this ‘secret’ debauchery (I wonder if any of the surviving guests got to explain just what they were doing there in Waco on that day), it very likely ended it, quite permanently for the ‘groom and groom’.

The lesson here is this: “God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” Moreover:

The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.” (Psalm 9:17)

But let’s revisit how God “fulfills His Word” with “Fire, and hail; snow, and vapours; and stormy wind”. Because, my contention is, that’s how He ALWAYS does it

And it came to pass after seven days, that the waters of the flood were upon the earth. In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened. And the rain was upon the earth forty days and forty nights.… And all flesh died that moved upon the earth, both of fowl, and of cattle, and of beast, and of every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth, and every man.” (Genesis 7)

Therein is recorded the first judgement of Adam’s descendants. By that I mean a final judgment. End of life. The time of preaching and mercy had finally come to an end, and nothing remained but the swift execution of the sentence. Later in Genesis we see the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed by “fire from heaven” (probably a meteor—whatever those are) for “the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the Lord exceedingly.” Nothing new under the sun…what was going on in Waco in the 1950’s has been going on for a long time; and for a while, God permits it, until He doesn’t. When the trap is finally sprung for the wicked, there is no warning.

But the Lord does always warn His people of coming judgement:

Shall a trumpet be blown in the city, and the people not be afraid? shall there be evil in a city, and the Lord hath not done it? Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets. (Amos 3)

Back to the point… Our God has ALL the forces of nature at his disposal. And He uses them at His discretion, ‘at a time and place of His choosing’…But He sure seems to be fond of giant hail!

Behold, to morrow about this time I will cause it to rain a very grievous hail, such as hath not been in Egypt since the foundation thereof even until now. Send therefore now, and gather thy cattle, and all that thou hast in the field; for upon every man and beast which shall be found in the field, and shall not be brought home, the hail shall come down upon them, and they shall die. “(Exodus 9:18,9)

Hast thou entered into the treasures of the snow? or hast thou seen the treasures of the hail, Which I have reserved against the time of trouble, against the day of battle and war? “(Job 38:22)

Many people will pass over these sorts of scriptures without much thought… God has reserved huge “treasures” of ice to be used against His enemies “in the day of battle!” Where? … Job didn’t know either.

But whether this is literal or sometimes metaphorical, Jesus warned his followers that God’s enemies would be judged and Christ would be vindicated. THAT generation which rejected Him would receive their just reward:

For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark: And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. (Matthew 24)

Sadly, many in Judea were caught unawares, and they perished for their unbelief.

Today, if it seems sometimes like no one is noticing the clear handwriting on the wall (as those who don’t even see the irony of the building torn apart by a tornado, but leaving a perverse wedding cake and gifts untouched, as a clear witness against the evil that was being done in secret)…it may be because so few indeed are noticing:

And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares. For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth. Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. (Luke 21)

Those early believers in Jerusalem who were watching and heeded the warnings of Christ fled the city and escaped the destruction—that “damnation of Gehenna” which Jesus promised them. And isn’t that always the pattern of God’s judgment upon the wicked? …It comes AS A SNARE.

What trap is now being prepared for those who hate God? Should we be witnesses to the truth by warning them? Of course. We should not “take pleasure in the death of the wicked” as neither does our Lord. But the tendency, as always, is for God’s people to become complacent as they live among a wicked society. Peter had to warn the flock even then to guard against this:

The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” (2 Peter 3:9)

As it was in the beginning, as we are told in Genesis, God moves and watches over His Creation:

And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.”

That word “moved” is rachaph—‘to flutter, move, or hover’. Literally translated, “God brooded over the face of the waters…” The “waters” in scripture many times refer to “peoples, nations and tongues” (Revelation 17:15, etc). Today Yahweh is brooding over the waters of humanity, and again, darkness is upon the face of the deep.

The prophet Ezekiel saw a vision for the end of the age. It was for the end of his age, as were Daniel’s prophecies culminating in the coming of the Messiah and the arrival of His Kingdom. Perhaps all in metaphor, and speaking of deep things which we even now hardly understand, nevertheless it was fulfilled in Christ’s generation. But, as we always see, the prophecy was determined for a time, yet an eternal precedent is set, and the ultimate fulfillment of God’s Word continues to unfold throughout the ages…

And it shall come to pass at the same time when Gog shall come against the land of Israel, saith the Lord God, that my fury shall come up in my face. For in my jealousy and in the fire of my wrath have I spoken, Surely in that day there shall be a great shaking in the land of Israel; So that the fishes of the sea, and the fowls of the heaven, and the beasts of the field, and all creeping things that creep upon the earth, and all the men that are upon the face of the earth, shall shake at my presence, and the mountains shall be thrown down, and the steep places shall fall, and every wall shall fall to the ground. And I will call for a sword against him throughout all my mountains, saith the Lord God: every man's sword shall be against his brother. And I will plead against him with pestilence and with blood; and I will rain upon him, and upon his bands, and upon the many people that are with him, an overflowing rain, and great hailstones, fire, and brimstone. Thus will I magnify myself, and sanctify myself; and I will be known in the eyes of many nations, and they shall know that I am the Lord.(Ezekiel 38)

“Mountains” here, as in many places, refer to “nations”. Consider carefully what is being told to US, those who are “in Israel”. Most of the world does not know God, and mostly because they have chosen to reject Him in their hearts. In the Western world, we knew Him once. Just as He once “foreknew us” (Rom 8:29). But our slow and steady departure from Christianity has resulted in circumstances which are now untenable for our God.

And so we come back to the point of the article and the “gay wedding cake”. Because so few Christians stood against this slow-boil of progressive thought, because we had no riots, or even mass protests against the egregious Court decision of Obergefell v. Hodges, three years prior, and because we, as ostensible “heritage Americans”, in fact denied our heritage, have denied our patronage, have denied our responsibilities under God—have denied the Faith “once delivered unto the saints”…we are in a maelstrom… From which we shall not escape with our liberties, wealth, property, nor probably our borders fully intact. We may only be in the very eye of the storm right now.

The final battle, if there is one in this nation, will clean the slate, so to speak. But if there is no fight left in our people, God will act alone, as He must. He has his own weapons at the ready.

Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame. And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon. And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done. And there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great.” (Revelation 16)

That is biblical hyperbole describing the end of the Old Covenant Age. And yet these events literally happened in some form (we have eyewitness accounts of this from Josephus and others). God WILL have the glory He’s owed by His creation, and His judgments will be recognized for what they are, and not some random, chaotic events. The point is, GOD IS WORKING in our midst now, and we must be cognizant of it and ready to hear His voice as He directs our paths.

Therefore, let us not be found as the hypocrites and suffer as they do. For they indeed “observed” but did not discern. And therefore, they had no part in the forthcoming harvest…

He answered and said unto them, When it is evening, ye say, It will be fair weather: for the sky is red. And in the morning, It will be foul weather to day: for the sky is red and lowering. O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times?” (Matthew 16)

He that observeth the wind shall not sow; and he that regardeth the clouds shall not reap.” (Ecclesiastes 11:4)

6/1/2020 - Subject: Beauty and Ashes (Printed Version)


“…and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all that mourn; To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that he might be glorified. And they shall build the old wastes, they shall raise up the former desolations, and they shall repair the waste cities, the desolations of many generations.” -Isaiah 61:2-4

Most of us are more familiar with the verses which just precede this passage, as they were recited by Jesus in the synagogue in Nazareth at the beginning of his ministry. We read in the fourth chapter of Luke, whereupon he was handed the book of Isaiah, he found the place and began to read…

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, To preach the acceptable year of the Lord. And he closed the book, and he gave it again to the minister, and sat down. And the eyes of all them that were in the synagogue were fastened on him.”

Our text continues where he abruptly left off.

For in the next moment, Christ told his hearers that these words were “fulfilled in their ears”. The continuance of that passage was yet future, which I am convinced was the judgement in AD 70 upon Jerusalem and the Jews who’d rejected Christ.

Thus we have the “acceptable year of the Lord” being here contrasted with the (yet future to his listeners) “day of vengeance of our God”. While the Lord preached the gospel and walked among them—and even after his crucifixion and resurrection, whilst the apostles spread the word far and wide that the Kingdom of God had been inaugurated—the time was “acceptable” (pleasing, favorable, desirable). During that period of about 40 years, some among Israel and among the nations responded favorably, but most did not. A few believed and “endured unto the end”. But the followers of Christ were persecuted relentlessly and many martyred—they had been outcasts of society, considered the “off-scourings”; the term “Christian” itself was a label of utmost contempt given to them by their enemies…These were those “who mourned” and which were about to be comforted.

Most of Christianity today has forgotten (or never known) the magnitude of that judgement, nor the world-shattering significance of the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple, and ultimately upon the nations which followed in their wake (namely, the Roman Empire). But the “planting of the Lord” in Isaiah 61 was nothing less than the official coronation of Christ’s Kingdom, and of a people who would “raise up the former desolations…of many generations”. It was a world-ending paradigm shift, planned from the foundation of the world and promised by Moses and all the prophets—fulfilled in that generation which walked with Christ... As He had promised them in Matthew 24.

But it was also the historical outworking of God’s plan for the ages in the overspreading of the Kingdom. This is a continual process which will progress—like leaven—until all the earth has come under the subjection of the King of kings,

For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea. (Habakkuk 2:14)

While this is happening, generations are born, fulfil their time and pass on, and nations arise and fall, leaving their work upon history. It is God’s story, pre-written before time itself. We come into it for a brief moment to observe and be tested by it, and, for the believer, “to manifest God’s glory” (1 Peter 1:7). The whole first chapter of 1 Peter, in fact, is about this very thing.

Through no work or worthiness of our own, God has favored His people with the true glory of knowing this unfathomable mystery…It is even, as Peter later tells us, our adornment—it is our world.

WE “shall build the old wastes…”

Paul speaks to us of that mystery in his letter to Timothy:

And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory. (1Tim 3:16)

Whether this world continues on unto eternity, I know not. But its present condition is surely not abiding. Our world, however, is enduring forever.

God’s people were promised through Isaiah “beauty for ashes”. Ashes was a term synonymous with mourning, and “heaviness,” as Isaiah puts it. Thus the “oil of joy” is given unto us—the promise of eternal deliverance, and the assurance of a literal redemption of the earth itself, however that manifests… That Christ’s rule will continue into all eternity, and His—and our—enemies will cease to exist.

The word beauty, in the Hebrew is from twelve words. I find that significant... It is found translated for us 49 times—all in the Old Testament. Curiously, there is no word found for ‘beauty’ in the New Testament Greek, and only one time can I find a similar sentiment (speaking in the human sense, as opposed to God’s “glory”)—here in 1 Peter 3:3…

Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel.”

Even more interesting is that the word used for “adorning” is the Greek, kosmos—translated in every other of the 186 times it’s found, as ‘WORLD’. Strong’s first definition of the word is as follows:

Kosmos- I. an apt and harmonious arrangement or constitution, order, government.

This is the where the Old Covenant “beauty” and the New Covenant “world” intersect.

In our time, believers in Christ—those not only seeking and knocking, but “pressing into the Kingdom of God”—are at a crossroads. We do not witness a world of beauty, but quite the contrary. The world in which we live is FAR from an “apt and harmonious arrangement,” rather disharmony, ungodliness, and an absolute inversion of good and evil. Nevertheless, the kosmos Yahweh created IS that proper definition of Strong’s, but because we’ve not seen it “on earth as it is in heaven,” we become despondent and can easily be overwhelmed in this human experience. Driven like cattle, our souls are vexed by the wickedness around us and the governments of men under which we live. We mourn as well, and yearn for the redemption of these things.

It is imperative that we stay focused on our King and His abiding love for us—especially in this time of world-wide madness. Lest we find ourselves as the Psalmist did, whose “feet were almost gone…”

Truly God is good to Israel, even to such as are of a clean heart. But as for me, my feet were almost gone; my steps had well nigh slipped. For I was envious at the foolish, when I saw the prosperity of the wicked.” (Psalm 73)

Never lose sight of the first FACT cited in that passage… Rotherham translates it, Nothing but good is God unto Israel (also see Deut 6:24, Rom 8:28). He is always working for our good, never for our evil. Every hardship, persecution, personal or financial damage done unto us was created by God for our benefit. We, of course, in the moment won’t always feel this way, but that is why He gives us faith. He’s given us His very Word on it, and we know His character…

The Psalmist continues:

They are not in trouble as other men; neither are they plagued like other men. Therefore pride compasseth them about as a chain; violence covereth them as a garmentAnd they say, How doth God know? and is there knowledge in the most High? Behold, these are the ungodly, who prosper in the world; they increase in riches.”

All of us are eyewitnesses to this. We watch in disbelief as our countrymen—those lower strata of citizenry—literally burn their cities down, drunk on rage and robbery, in an orgy of violence. Meanwhile the power elite conspire together with their great hoard of wealth to destroy whole economies for the stated goal of “depopulating” the earth. This has been our experience, just as it was for our brethren in those ancient times. Thusly did Jeremiah mourn, and pleaded with Yahweh:

Righteous art thou, O Lord, when I plead with thee: yet let me talk with thee of thy judgments: Wherefore doth the way of the wicked prosper? wherefore are all they happy that deal very treacherously? Thou hast planted them, yea, they have taken root: they grow, yea, they bring forth fruit: thou art near in their mouth, and far from their reins.” (Jeremiah 12)

That’s us in the (nominal) Christian West—“signaling” virtue as a form of godliness while keeping Yahweh “far from their reins”… We make our own rules; we choose our own paths.

Yet both Jeremiah and the Psalmist knew that the question was self-resolved…one simply reads on to finish the chapter to see the end of the wicked.

But for us, our God has something far greater in mind…

Then they that feared the Lord spake often one to another: and the Lord hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the Lord, and that thought upon his name. And they shall be mine, saith the Lord of hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels; and I will spare them, as a man spareth his own son that serveth him. Then shall ye return, and discern between the righteous and the wicked, between him that serveth God and him that serveth him not.” (Malachi 3)

God is recreating the world… “And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new.” It is a world in which justice and judgement shall reign eternal. The ever-increasing beauty of the kosmos will be manifested in the “harmonious arrangement of order” in the government of Christ. THIS is the Covenant into which we have entered with our God, and WE are the vessels He has chosen to create with. Just as Peter was once that ‘little stone’, yet would his new name become one of the “twelve foundations” of the walls of New Jerusalem (Rev 21:14).

But friends, that creation will come with the tears and the blood of the saints. Our King has called us to “take up our cross and follow him”. We must be willing to suffer for His sake—and we mustn’t be surprised when it comes. We are witnesses against the wicked. Therefore the beauty and harmony we long for compels us to see the ugliness which contrasts it. It is the ugliness of a godless world, a world made by rebellious men and women who have enshrined lawlessness and seem to prosper in their ways. But God is not blind to this, nor is he “without knowledge of it”. I assure you, He knows what He is doing and we must “trust the Plan”. Our enemies only seem to be winning, but it is a setup. It is a trap they are building for themselves and we’d best ignore their temporary prosperity—even shun it at times—“that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.” (Rev 18:4).

It may be a particularly difficult time to take joy in our sufferings, and following our conscience may one day cost us everything in this life. Rest assured, however, Christ directly addressed this, and the reward He has personally guaranteed. Furthermore, we are BLESSED for it, and by it are we freed and made truly alive.

Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted…Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.” (Matt 5)

Beauty without ashes just isn’t possible. And it is only the broken-hearted who ultimately find liberty.

5/10/2020 - Subject: Head Sick (Printed Version)


Ah sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evildoers, children that are corrupters: they have forsaken Yahweh, they have provoked the Holy One of Israel unto anger, they are gone away backward. Why should ye be stricken any more? ye will revolt more and more: the whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint. From the sole of the foot even unto the head there is no soundness in it; but wounds, and bruises, and putrifying sores: they have not been closed, neither bound up, neither mollified with ointment. – Isaiah 1:4-6

A sinful nation is a sick nation. When God called His people out of Egypt, out of the land of bondage, He plagued the enemies of Israel with many sicknesses. When that did not have the desired effect, He delivered the literal death blow, by taking the life of every first born “of every man and every beast”. Their trust in their gods having been shattered, and their hubris finally broken, Egypt relented. The children of Israel walked out that very night “and spoiled the Egyptians.” Hold that thought for a little while…

As we are today plagued with many diseases, the root sickness of our dying age is nihilism. At the heart of this psychosis is the belief that truth is relative, therefore there can be no real truth… for even the very statement that “all truth is relative” is a contradiction in terms. Moral relativism is lawlessness—it is the final and permanent rejection of theism, and was instituted by official decree in 1789 with the founding document of our State, the U.S. Constitution. Therein was a seditious oath against Yahweh prepared by the rebellious men of that day, and conferred upon the proceeding generations by force and fraud… and solemnly sworn by each and every government official from the President down to the least private in the Army to this day.

The sickness took root because the people of God collectively decided that He could be somehow separated from His Law-Word—that One could be worshipped, while the Other rejected. Having cast off their earthly king of England and trading that ‘authority’ for the god of Liberty, they were at last free to believe in any version of ‘truth and justice’ they so chose… and “In those days there was no king in Israel, but every man did that which was right in his own eyes”… Or, perhaps, in the eyes of the State.

In a historical inversion of the Exodus account, America had become Egypt. And She’s since been slouching towards Sodom. And the Remnant is in bondage once again.

As arrogant as Pharaoh had been in defying Yahweh, America has now taken up that role and doubled down. ‘Citizen-Christians’ have colluded—wittingly or not—with their satraps and court magicians by exchanging the Word of God for a lie… “Hath God truly said?...” The churchmen have since convinced their hearers to be private interpreters of Scripture, granting them ‘freedom of choice’ in deciding which Laws are relevant for today and how, and whether, to obey them.

“…A people laden with iniquity (lawlessness)”. ..

But there is a price to pay for that prerogative… When Christians reduced the Law of God to a matter of personal opinion, stronger, malicious segments of society which have dominance will use their own opinions as the rule of law. Truth and justice will become whatever their psychopathic rulers say it is and they will be expected to simply do what they’re told, no matter how ridiculous or evil. And this is the beginning of their sorrows. For they will ultimately be made sick by the decrees of their nihilist-nurses.

I’ve said it before and am saying it again: A nefarious plan is unfolding. Hard choices will soon have to be made… The game has changed. You will be forced to accept the new rules, or find yourself outside the “new normal” economy. And I warn you now that some of these rules are intended to destroy your body.

Ominously, these rules will not need to be codified into “law”; they will just be diktats handed down directly from county commissioners, mayors and governors. They will be enforced by none other than your fellow “citizens”. Businesses will comply with the orders and subservient patrons will attack anyone attempting to not follow “the rules”. Refusniks will be vilified and in danger of physical attack wherever he finds himself in public. He will be easily identified as the one not wearing the mask. Soon, within all businesses under State jurisdiction (all public transportation and private under the control of the FAA and DOT, for example), no person will be free to use these services without a digital “vaccination ID” and/or a blood test for “antibodies”. Airline travel, border crossings, and passports will be restricted to those who have the proper government documentation of ritual cleansing. And there will be no exemptions for conscience.

This incredible sci-fi dystopia which was dreamed up in many forms in literature and movies over the years has now materialized into our “reality”. The future is here.

But know that this lawlessness did not occur overnight. It was long in preparation and was permitted to fester and putrefy only because free men and women succumbed to their lust for pleasure and “safety” from responsibility…In the words of a once “founding father”, they gave up their freedom for security. And now they will have, nor deserve, neither.

In my neck of the woods, this cabal of five ‘Karens and Kens’ has assumed sole dictatorial powers to inflict their will on the 270,000 residents of their county. In doing so, they have actually overruled the Governor of the State. Yet compliance will be enforced all the same. Because rules. After all, the good people of the county “voted” for these deciders, and that is how the game is played. From here on out, no one can decide for themselves what is a safe and productive way to conduct your business, but will be mandated as to what sort of dress code—face coverings!—will be followed (that is to say: where and how you shall be permitted to breathe), how close you shall stand to another, who shall congregate—and how many, which door you shall enter and exit by, and which direction to travel inside a grocery store! Nota bene: they are now literally guiding your paths.

And nary a word of dissent from the sheep.

We continue to hear speech about “herd immunity”. These phrases are carefully chosen to illicit a psychological response. They are openly telling you we are their HERD. They want the cattle docile and safe, and fully dependent upon their owners... Therefore when it’s time to go to market, they can be sold for maximum profit.

But I have news for you if you haven’t figured it out yet… The Owners care not for your health. They don’t care about your “immunity”. The paradox is they actively promote disease in the herd with their “vaccinations,” pharmaceuticals, and false “foods.” In fact, so-called hospital errors and nosocomial infections account for 350,000 deaths in the US annually! These are the THIRD leading cause of all deaths behind heart disease and cancer! And I would argue that even those diseases are mostly caused by the medical-industrial and agro-industrial complexes which control our society. Indeed, we are one sick herd.

More than half of all Americans are on a prescription drug... Many of those, permanently. 1 in 6—from the pre-pubescent to the elderly—take anti-psychotic meds!… 40% of all adults are clinically obese, and 100 MILLION American adults are diabetic. Being overweight or obese is the NORM now for all ages of the population. Likewise, illicit drug use and alcoholism is chronic among all demographics. Almost 90,000 people die from alcoholism every year. Need I speak of cancer? And why we have such a prevalent disease that was nearly unknown in this country in 1900? It is tied with heart disease as the leading cause of death today, and cancer rates are constantly increasing… Why—with all our “medical health technology”?

It is because we have forsaken Yahweh, and “ye will revolt more and more”.

God gave us his Law-Word for OUR benefit. It was to bless us. IF we were obedient, IF we followed His prescriptions, we were promised life… And if not, the consequences were automatic… “Baked into the cake,” as it were. The opposite of life and health for disobedience:

If thou wilt not observe to do all the words of this law that are written in this book, that thou mayest fear this glorious and fearful name, The Lord Thy God; Then the Lord will make thy plagues wonderful, and the plagues of thy seed, even great plagues, and of long continuance, and sore sicknesses, and of long continuance. Moreover he will bring upon thee all the diseases of Egypt, which thou wast afraid of; and they shall cleave unto thee. Also every sickness, and every plague, which is not written in the book of this law, them will the Lord bring upon thee, until thou be destroyed. (Deut 28)

Even the blind man can clearly see this today. Yet we have rulers telling us our plagues are cooincidental—random occurrences, so-called “industrial diseases”—they drift about as invisible strands on every breeze, we accidently swallow them in our breakfast cereal… they arise from deficiencies of a thousand pharmaceuticals, which our bodies need; they are the result of a botched Creation and a defective evolution. WE are not at fault. Our theology is never the issue. There is no meaning or purpose behind it; there is no ethical solution.

This is the outgrowth of our existential nihilism. We must acknowledge that this is the god that failed us. Or we are lost.

Because we’ve lost our understanding of cause and effect... By placing our trust in faux-educated fools who literally despise us for our ignorance and naivety, we are left with only the mercy of chance at the hands of megalomaniacs playing games of world domination. (I hope everyone will read that last link and carefully consider the dangerous plans of our antichrist enemy, Bill Gates.)

Our choice, then, always was, and continues to be, whose word we will follow—pharaoh’s, or Yahweh’s. Our God truly is the Great Physician, who is greater than all. There are no accidents with Him. There are no purposeless events—every effect has a determined cause, and every sickness, whether to a man or unto a nation, is given by His hand.

See now that I, even I, am he, and there is no god with me: I kill, and I make alive; I wound, and I heal: neither is there any that can deliver out of my hand. (Deut 32:39)

The world-holders who presume to invent our reality, and cause us to fear them and it, WILL answer to God’s call one day. They will answer for their crimes. We as His people MUST disassociate ourselves from them and from their dysfunctional world—their idiocracy.

Now, recall from the beginning how we saw that the children of Israel likely witnessed the false ‘miracles’ of Pharaoh’s magicians which had, perhaps, captivated them while Moses and Aaron were attempting to demonstrate the power, and authority, of Yahweh. I can’t say for sure, why it is that God uses deception sometimes as a test for His own people, or as a method for determining truth. But it is a fact of scripture that He does. How were these false prophets, these false physicians, able to do these things which mimicked the signs of God? I do not know. I don’t suppose it matters how. But Yahweh’s works always trumped theirs. Their power—if indeed any—was only a small portion, on loan from the One True God. But it served its purpose to seal their fate, because it was His ultimate intention to destroy them. Unlike Nineveh, God was not going to give them repentance… They were slated for destruction, and to be spoiled by Israel.

When we finally leave Egypt, whether it be in this world, or after our departing, we have a promise from our King that our lives of hardship, or poverty, or imprisonment, or even sickness, will not be for naught. We will inherit ALL things, and we need to believe that and live by it… Zion, the Kingdom of God, Israel, the New Jerusalem—these are all stand-ins for God’s Remnant, His chosen and redeemed people. We may be the weakest, the most foolish (in the world’s eyes), and the least of all people, “whom no man seeketh after” while here on our sojourn. But the Kingdom grows and advances relentlessly. The Stone is crushing the kingdoms of men to powder—and while they cower in fear over the plagues that shall come upon them, we can rest confident that OUR God has come, He has finished the work, He has received the Kingdom from His Father, and He is even now gathering His people into it. And “by His stripes, we have been healed.”

Therefore we shall not fear what man can do unto us, for their threats are empty. What separates the enemies of God from us is that their sickness is unto death...

I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?” (John 11)

If Christ has given you this faith, you are far more than a conqueror (Rom 8:37). We just need to hold the line and not compromise this truth—whatever the consequences they rail at us. We shall triumph over them, and in doing so, will spoil them utterly

Therefore all they that devour thee shall be devoured; and all thine adversaries, every one of them, shall go into captivity; and they that spoil thee shall be a spoil, and all that prey upon thee will I give for a prey. For I will restore health unto thee, and I will heal thee of thy wounds, saith the Lord; because they called thee an Outcast, saying, This is Zion, whom no man seeketh after. Thus saith the Lord; Behold, I will bring again the captivity of Jacob's tents, and have mercy on his dwellingplaces; and the city shall be builded upon her own heap, and the palace shall remain after the manner thereof. (Jer 30:16-18)

4/26/2020 - Subject: Fifty Years of Labor (Printed Version)


Yea, I hated all my labour which I had taken under the sun: because I should leave it unto the man that shall be after me. And who knoweth whether he shall be a wise man or a fool? yet shall he have rule over all my labour wherein I have labored…”

--Ecclesiastes 2:18

On April fool’s day of this year I reached fifty years of age. I was, I’m told, born a fool, into a world of fools, in a nation bent on foolishness. It would appear things have gone downhill ever since.

The book of Ecclesiastes is an overview of the common life of man. It is a lament of the futility of our suffering and the vanity of imagined gain.

All the labour of man is for his mouth, and yet the appetite is not filled. For what hath the wise more than the fool?… Seeing there be many things that increase vanity, what is man the better?” --Ecc 6

So often men find themselves in the mindset of Solomon. We toil away our lives building, working, preparing, laying up… To what end? We let our imaginations run away with us. Our motives are always magnanimous! Our children will praise us, and their children too! We’ll leave such a legacy, and our gravestone will be visited for generations…

Well, all but the meek among us… Those who understand that we can’t please God and man, and who strive for the goal to one day stand before our King and hear those lovely words, “well done thou good and faithful servant.

But the Psalmist also observed, “Man is like to vanity: his days are as a shadow that passeth away.” In the view of all creation, our lives are very short, and our purpose very small. And of all the vast souls born upon the earth, the great “Many” live out their days on the broad road to destruction, seemingly never aware of the consequences thereat… “Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it” (Matt 7:14).

The Few are left to wander—and wonder why it should be so? Why can’t a man who believes in God’s righteousness have the power to do right! If there are those who block the Narrow Path, why shouldn’t they be removed? How long must things continue this way? Where is the fruit of our collective labor?

As the saying goes, “It’s good to be king”. From the moment he took the throne, Solomon knew his purpose, and it was to build a literal, physical kingdom—it was to be the most prosperous, peaceful, and, he hoped, the most lasting. Perhaps, he thought, it would have no end. And from the start, he would have no doubt declared it was to be the Kingdom of Yahweh. In Second Chronicles we can read of his remarkable and beautiful prayer in the beginning of his reign at the dedication of the Temple. His heart then, it would appear, was fully the Lord’s.

But time and circumstance had their way with him—as it does with all men. And alas, in the end, he’d found the kingdom he’d built was but his own. His lament was in discovering the vanity of that…the utter futility of finally realizing the fruits of all his endeavors only really served himself—and his coat-tail riders, and since we all came into the world naked, “and naked we shall depart,” we leave all of our personal kingdom to “the man that should be after me”…and sadly, most often it is a fool.

What is the purpose of our labors then? How many of us have truly considered that? What are we doing here, day by day—and why? The answer to that is the reason for your existence. And understanding that purpose can elicit either love or hate. The works of man—his legacy—will be known finally, I believe, in the final days or moments before his death. How many of us will “hate our labors” in that hour?

In our hearts, we know our motivations if we would be honest with ourselves. Whom do we truly want to please? Are we building up ourselves and our mini-empires, or are we dying daily? Are we seeking to increase, or must we, as John the Baptist declared, “decrease, that HE may increase”…

But, and if, we labor for the Kingdom of God, what should be the reward for our obedience?

In Luke 17, Christ told his disciples a parable:

Which of you, having a slave plowing or tending sheep, will say to him when he has come in from the field, ‘Come immediately and sit down to eat’? But will he not say to him, ‘Prepare something for me to eat, and properly clothe yourself and serve me while I eat and drink; and afterward you may eat and drink’? He does not thank the slave because he did the things which were commanded, does he? So you too, when you do all the things which are commanded you, say, ‘We are unworthy slaves; we have done only that which we ought to have done.’”

We sometimes fail to see that passage for what it is—as an instruction to us.

But did you notice that Christ calls us slaves? Ah, but some translations render it “servant”, and it seems more innocuous that way. But the word is doulos, derived from the Greek root, “to tie, bind, capture”, and it quite literally means slave. A ‘servant’ brings to mind a hired butler, an attendant—well esteemed, well compensated, and free to leave and hire on with another at his pleasure. But not so with a slave.

This does not sit well with modern churchianity, resulting in the God-ordained hierarchy of families, and ecclesia, and nations being torn down and replaced with ‘Muh Freedom’.

The churchmen have fomented a slave revolt. It began long before I was born, but since about 1970, it seems all the remaining citadels began to fall at once. The “old paths” were lost; the ramifications of which were the rapid devolution of our society and the present reality of our modern culture. Christianity’s neglect—nay open rejection of this position under God—has directly led to such evils as feminism, tolerance and universalism, egalitarianism, and the emasculation of men—destroying their natural roles of leadership… and finally to statism, uber alles. The last state being cleverly disguised as “We the People-ism.” It is confusion! And it is sin.

But whether or not the “People” consent to government in a secular State has hardly had any relevance…especially of late. Fools will be fools. The true rulers—the powers, making it up as they go, merely declare what is or isn’t ‘Constitutional,’ or ignore it altogether as they lay down their diktats as to how—or whether—we freely move about, work, or live… And the “People” do what they’re told. As always—ever since they’ve rejected the Kingship of Christ, generations ago.

Thus are we witnessing in our day the nascence of absolute and universal tyranny. It is our just reward. And we haven’t seen anything yet…

Is Israel a servant? is he a homeborn slave? why is he spoiled?” (Jer 2:14)

Because we’ve despised the benevolent plantation of our King, we’ve thus inherited the malevolent enslavement of our conquerors. We’ve sown the wind…and what now comes?

If we can somehow relate to king Solomon in his final distress of knowing the utter loss of his life’s labors, we can perhaps understand the complete dissolution of a paradigm. As it occurs in a man, it occurs in a society. What have we worked for all these centuries? As Americans? As a nominal ‘Christian society’? As families? As individual believers? What fruits of our labor have we now? Have we really advanced the Kingdom of God, or have we built personal empires? Have we as believing fathers and mothers cloned ourselves in our children? Have we as men discipled others who will come after us and carry the message of the Kingdom? Will they live it? Have we truly come out of the world and are we leading others thereby, or are we compromising with evil, going along to get along? If we KNOW the Truth, are we speaking it?

I speak as a fool. All of these I have personally failed at, and I’d venture to say all of us have to some degree as well. But if a good man falls down seven times, he must rise up eight. Our labor is only in vain if we fail to acknowledge our sin—individual and collective—and lack the courage to turn again and DO what Solomon may have given up on. I understand the feeling of wanting to quit and walk away from that responsibility. I know the loss of every bit of worth I once believed I’d earned, or the precise value of nothing as I should stand before my Creator and can only say, “I tried”... But a wise old troll in a movie far, far away once said, “there is no try... there is only do, or do not”.

So what is it we have done, really? And what have we not done? Can we still remedy that? I think we can. I believe Solomon hated his labor because it was ultimately self-serving, but more so, I believe he hated what it is man does collectively to satisfy his God-given drive to take dominion, but without God’s authority… We lead or follow others in false ways because we don’t understand what it means to serve, and simultaneously to RULE (Rev 5:10).

That fools will come after us is a certainty. But if we consistently follow the path that God has shown us—if we strive to always labor in HIS Words, and not our own, we can be confident that the generations to follow will learn and benefit from our labors, eventually. That even when we fall, if we stand again and continue the battle for God’s true Kingdom (knowing that in time it will prevail), if we believe that truth, and act on it, no matter the cost, we will forever be a permanent witness to the King’s Dominion, and a landmark to future sojourners, whomever they may be. Yahweh has formed us for such a time as this, and given us each purpose and commandment. Though we can’t know all the whys and the hows, we can choose to be faithful to our Master. He will accomplish the rest.

Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it.” This, Solomon had to learn the hard way. He’d built up a great house, but it was not lasting. We know the sordid story of those who came after, and the trouble and destruction that followed. The book of Ecclesiastes is likely his attempt at reconciling this—or perhaps it was just his own reflections upon the vain lives of men and the nations they build absent of God’s ways. Here we find ourselves 3,000 years later and in similar circumstances, and yet we have a better example than he—we have a better witness… Jesus answered Solomon’s dilemma in one saying .. Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock.

Had we merely heeded that principle, as a people, how different would our lives be!

As for this foolish nation of ours—this present world we were born into, Yahweh has been patient and merciful unto us, but the time for our persistent and willful ignorance must eventually come to an end. The time has come again to remember Moses’ song in Deuteronomy 32:

To me belongeth vengeance and recompence; their foot shall slide in due time: for the day of their calamity is at hand, and the things that shall come upon them make haste...

And Moses made an end of speaking all these words to all Israel: And he said unto them, Set your hearts unto all the words which I testify among you this day, which ye shall command your children to observe to do, all the words of this law.”

Though we may have failed as a nation to heed these words, and we may have failed individually, we can’t yet see the good that will come when we are faithful once again…

For it is not a vain thing for you; because it is your life: and through this thing ye shall prolong your days in the land, whither ye go over Jordan to possess it.”

Once more I find myself drifting rearwards in my mind, having spent half a lifetime here muddling along, watching my efforts often fail, and wondering why it is He put us here. And I would despair like Solomon, had I not known the joy of my salvation... Remembering this: that “the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.”

Then I said, I have laboured in vain, I have spent my strength for nought, and in vain: yet surely my judgment is with the Lord, and my work with my God. And now, saith the Lord that formed me from the womb to be his servant, to bring Jacob again to him, Though Israel be not gathered, yet shall I be glorious in the eyes of Yahweh, and my God shall be my strength. (Isaiah 49)

Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord. (I Cor 15:58)

4/09/2020 - Subject: Fear of the Invisible (Printed version)


The fear of the wicked, it shall come upon him: but the desire of the righteous shall be granted. As the whirlwind passeth, so is the wicked no more: but the righteous is an everlasting foundation. –Prov 10

The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are bold as a lion. –Prov 28

It should be obvious by now that a grand PSYOP exceeding the level of the 9/11 events is now in full swing. For the Chaos-lords this is an exercise. All the media is on board—there is no dissent. That’s how we know. Under highly suspicious circumstances, a plague was simply declared and all were subjected, by law, to a forced quarantine—sick or not… The immediate (and intentional) ramifications being a cascading collapse of the complex and fragile “just-in-time” economy of the world.

The panic over this “plague”, however, is very real. That it is an irrational panic makes no difference to the outcome, as a herd of swine experiencing a mass psychosis all follow each other over the cliff. The powers are merely using this pandemic (planned or not) as a tool of mass delusion to get the results they’ve long desired… That being absolute control of every society and every useful individual, right down to the quantum level. By which I mean those who will not be brought under their control are deemed useless—even dangerous to the rest of their New Order. Be certain, that message will be propagated among the world-sheep and those who do not comply will be made the universal enemies of mankind. And we are seeing this unfold right before our eyes. As often as this has happened in history, this tactic is continually repeated by the powers because it gives consistent and effective results. We recall that in 1st century Rome, the Christians were similarly vilified by being labeled “haters of the human race”. And, as the saying goes, “those who will not learn from history are destined to repeat it”.

The coronavirus epidemic is a fraud. As every military historian knows, all American wars (and perhaps every war in history) began with a fraud—a deliberate, coordinated hoax—perpetrated on the people to gin up support for an otherwise unpopular and unwanted blood-letting. This is always necessary, because for the Elite, war is a spectator sport.

And, if you will permit the repetition of a familiar theme (I feel I must drive home this fact as it is so central to the issue)… We haven’t just stepped off the turnip truck and into a random patch of briars. We have arrived at this point as a nation after generations of building a godless society. Though we are well aware of God’s warnings to such nations, we nonetheless take our daily prescription of hopium in an effort to persuade ourselves that those admonitions are for others, not us.

But if we are to be honest with ourselves and with the evidence before us, at the heart of this panic is national rebellion. Once a nation has cast off Yahweh’s law, it is always replaced with some form of sorcery. “Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft” (1 Sam 15:23) and is synonymous with idolatry (also Gal 5:20). A godless society is a superstitious and fearful society, and a spellbound population is susceptible to just about any suggestion. Thus we’ve sown the seeds of our own destruction… A panicked herd is a very dangerous and lethal thing—both to themselves and to others on the periphery.

But, “God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind” (2 Tim 1:7)

Hear that, friends... “and of a SOUND MIND.” What do we see occurring around us if not insanity—a contagious psychosis. But we have been called to be separate! We are of a different mind than the world.

Christ has in fact given us a command to “be not afraid” (Mt 14:27). As his people, becoming mature in Him means to NOT let our fears control us, but rather to take control over them. Those who succumb to their fears become easy marks for those who would enslave them. And the State has spent many centuries learning to exploit that universal human defect. As mature believers, we should be able to recognize the tactic—to know that we are being rolled—and to avoid it. An overcomer, biblically defined, is one who has learned to be AS Christ in overcoming the world (Jn 16:33). This is the goal of the mature Christian—it is not merely a suggestion. The alternative is always to be overcome by the world. And that is the sad state of most.

Thus, to overcome the world…that word is nikaō. Literally, to subdue. We will prevail against them, just as Christ did. This is the path he has given us and we should rejoice in it… “Be of good cheer!” Jesus told us in that passage. Here again, this is not simply a recommendation.

But the counter kingdom has given us a quite different perspective—the very opposite command, in fact: “Be AFRAID”…”SUBMIT”… “Subject yourselves to our paradigm—accept our reality, and receive our remedies”. (Research the chilling doctrine of parens patriae.)

While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage. (2 Pet 2:19)

Again and again, our King has told us, “in the world ye shall have tribulation”. We SHALL. Not may… That is the Truth. That is the Reality. The State, on the other hand, has traded that for a lie, promising us eternal comfort and security, so long as we abide in them. Once we’ve left the reservation, all hope is lost. Worse yet, we who deny their “citizenship” have become de facto outlaws, marked for abuse, or worse. It should be obvious that this is classic cultic conditioning. The State and its followers are the greatest and most destructive cult in all the world.

Seeing things for what they are, rather than as we’d wish them to be, is to be mature. It is the opposite of cowardly and foolish, which is the common trait of the masses, and it is precisely that which makes them easy to manipulate. Blinded by their fears, they are effectively blind to their enslavement.

I hope all of us can see the deceitful and controlling nature of the State by now. I hope we can perceive this PSYOP for what it is. I believe the Lord is testing His people here as well—proving them as to WHOM they will fear.

Wherefore if ye be dead with Christ from the rudiments of the world, why, as though living in the world, are ye subject to ordinances? (Col 2:20)

What can we expect of our King at such a time as this? Though we have no oracle given to us, and it would seem we have no word of prophecy and no clear understanding of our future and the Plan of God, has he yet left us ignorant and without hope?

Of course not… WE have the Final Word, “living” in written form…the completed Oracle of God. The Bible, in entirety, IS the Plan of God. And it is being worked out in history. It did not end with the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD, but it continues to unfold, year by year, generation by generation, through the birth and fall of nations unto the complete subjection of ALL things under Christ. “Believe ye this?”

Thou hast put all things in subjection under his feet. For in that he put all in subjection under him, he left nothing that is not put under him. But now we see not yet all things put under him. (Heb 2:8)

We have the unfortunate perspective of mortal humanity. Our vision is not perfectly clear, but we mustn’t allow that to lead to faithlessness—and certainly not to the fear of the unknown. Our God is sovereign and our Savior sits on the throne presently. It may be that He is working a mighty work in our very midst and that we are a favored generation who will see things too wonderful for others to have even imagined. What was it He said so long ago through Job?

He poureth contempt upon princes, and weakeneth the strength of the mighty. He discovereth deep things out of darkness, and bringeth out to light the shadow of death. He increaseth the nations, and destroyeth them: he enlargeth the nations, and straiteneth them again. He taketh away the heart of the chief of the people of the earth, and causeth them to wander in a wilderness where there is no way. They grope in the dark without light, and he maketh them to stagger like a drunken man. (Job 12)

Yahweh takes away the wicked that He may establish the just.

Robert E. Lee, nearing his death and reflecting upon his life in his memoirs made this beautiful observation:

My experience of men has neither disposed me to think worse of them, nor indisposed me to serve them; nor, in spite of failures, which I lament, of errors, which I now see and acknowledge, or, of the present state of affairs, do I despair of the future. The march of Providence is so slow, and our desires so impatient, the work of progress is so immense, and our means of aiding it so feeble, the life of humanity is so long, and that of the individual so brief, that we often see only the ebb of the advancing wave, and are thus discouraged. It is history that teaches us to hope."

And so we must hope, as Job did in his own immense trials. And as he saw dimly on the horizon that same vision of Mr. Lee, so we today have a much clearer view and a higher vantage point than both of them. We’ve seen the progressive failures of the enemy, toppled by their own hubris, time and again out-witted by God, caught in their own snares. The Kingdom ever advances... Retreat is not an option, and we shall not fear what man can do to us.

Let us use our God-given intelligence to understand the narrative as it is presented and to reject the lies therein. Let us not cower from the hobgoblins the globalists have created in order to chase us into the shadows while they have their way over us—to fear for our lives at the shaking of a leaf, whilst silencing the truth to avoid the contempt of the ignorant. And above all, let us believe and obey the Word of God over any word of “wisdom” from self-proclaimed “authorities” of false science and political power, and their damnable majority opinion.

Be strong and courageous, be not afraid nor dismayed for the king of Assyria, nor for all the multitude that is with him: for there be more with us than with him.” (2 Chron 32:7)

3/22/2020 - Subject: The Great Unraveling (Printed document)


There is a conspiracy of her prophets in the midst thereof, like a roaring lion ravening the prey; they have devoured souls; they have taken the treasure and precious things; they have made her many widows in the midst thereof. Her priests have violated my law, and have profaned mine holy things: they have put no difference between the holy and profane, neither have they shewed difference between the unclean and the clean, and have hid their eyes from my sabbaths, and I am profaned among them. –Ezekiel 22

Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you. Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are motheaten. Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days. –James 5

Somewhere in the demented minds of a sect of gods resides a dull conviction that the final victory of their master race is at hand… The kingdom of their god dawns. An inverted image of Christ’s Kingdom, like a reflection in a dark pond, or the contorted mirage of a Fata Morgana, the counter-world of the Globalists has subdued the earth. Their perpetual blood sacrifices and their incantations of lies and mass delusions have now fully subverted the religion of Christ—the substance of His Kingdom being consumed by their counterfeit. This they wholeheartedly believe.

Except for a small remnant, it seems that the hearts of all humanity have succumbed to their doctrine. Nothing is true and everything is true. Only that One who said, “I AM the Truth and the Life” is false. In the eyes of all the world, there can be no objective truth, therefore the Word of God makes the one claim that is the one and only heresy—the ultimate anathema to their emergent system—that it, and He alone determines truth and righteousness, and ALONE has the power to judge and execute justice. It is indeed a battle of their god versus our God… Globalism is Baalism. They’ve put it all on the table now, and once more they’ve challenged the God of Elijah to a dual. They have stacked the wood around the altar, they’ve dug a trench and filled it with water and now they await the response from heaven. Confident that if Baal be god, all will forever follow them.

But, if Yahweh be God… Globalism will fail.

Of course, they do not believe they will fail, nor do they acknowledge Yahweh at all. The Globalists which have planned their personal utopia for generations believe now they have the world in check mate. This so-called “coronavirus” pandemic is undoubtedly a cover for the machinations of their planned demolition of the “Financial System”—and the civilization at large. The world will be remade in their image now; to their liking and maximum benefit. At long last, the cunning and the privileged will inherit the earth.

As we explained in a previous article, The Globalists are collectivists and they intend to force this paradigm upon the whole world. Opting out won’t be an option. We should expect tyrannical measures of control to enforce submission to the New Collective. Expect private property rights to be trampled into the mud, and your so-called Constitutional “right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects…” to be flatly ignored like so much of their founding document already is now. Your “freedoms” of speech and to bear arms will likely vanish in a puff of flash-grenade smoke. If you’ve “hoarded” stuff for your family or friends, hopefully you’ve not advertised that fact to anyone. Because, you “selfish” Nazi, you will be relieved of it right quick... For the common good, of course.

Whatever the plan is will be revealed soon enough. Perhaps in a future article we will trace the evolution of this conspiracy to its nascence in their occult rituals which grew out of their open rebellion against the God of their fathers—and of our fathers—generations ago. I will forewarn you that it will lead us to the greatest act of ritual magick ever performed. The strange truth is, everyone over 40 years old has lived through—and comprehended—an historically rare paradigm shift. Almost nineteen years ago, paranoia was institutionalized. What we are now witnessing is the advancement of the program.

What we do know is that a vast PSYOP is now underway. In the future, people will believe the official story of why the economy collapsed and why we now need a cashless society. We may indeed be seeing the roll-out of ID2020 – “towards GOOD digital identity!”—which includes such goodness as forced vaccination, population reduction and total digital control of everyone, no exceptions. That is, global financial hegemony – ‘Full Spectrum Dominance’, in the parlance of PNAC (Plan for a New American Century).

And if any reader is yet unaware of this uncanny synchronicity, this excerpt from Max Parry of the Unz Review should suffice:

“In an astonishing coincidence, the Gates Foundation hosted an event just last October with the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security and the World Economic Forum called Event 201, a pandemic simulation which gathered elite figures in government, business and health expertise to plan for the possibility of a worldwide outbreak. Gates himself has warned of pandemics for years and ominously wrote that the world should “prepare for epidemics the way the military prepares for war.” The Event 201 fictional scenario just so happened to be a coronavirus called CAPS from Brazilian pigs which infected people globally and after a year and half in the exercise caused tens of millions of deaths and set off a worldwide financial crash. Since the outset of the real COVID-19 coronavirus, Gates himself has stepped down from Microsoft to focus on his philanthropy while his foundation is busy working on a vaccine.

People like Bill Gates have made no qualms about the fact that their goal for saving humanity can only be achieved by thinning the herd. And if God allows it, they certainly possess the means and the will to do it.

The key phrase there is, “if God allows it”. Since we don’t know His ultimate plan, we must presume future events based on His prior revealed Word and with a discernment of the nature and character of God—which is unchanging (Mal 3:6). That is to say, civilizations do not exist in a vacuum, but are accountable to God for their underlying culture and law. Wickedness and rebellion against Him does not go forever unpunished. At a point where his mercy is exhausted, the day of reckoning will commence—without relent and without pity… Until justice is served.

Therefore, we cannot place the full culpability on the conspirators. We as a people have been guilty of many acts of wickedness ourselves. And it is for this reason that I believe what is now underway will continue to unspool—perhaps incrementally, as the Globalists slow-roll the collapse in the hopes of depleting all personal material and financial resources—in this way putting all the masses at near financial parity before the final trap is sprung. In essence, with the complete dissolution of the stock market, the bonds market, the oil market, the housing market, the impending implosion of the medical-industrial complex, and the folding myriads of corporations and businesses producing an uncountable hoard of jobless… Everyone is equally poor, and universally dependent. We will have finally achieved the nirvana of Equality.

But we must view this madness with a humble and repentant heart. The West—America in particular—deserves such a judgement. We must be careful not to rail against these curses, for they are our just due (See Deut 28). And, I am afraid that such a judgment will require more than the shedding of dollars.

Grievous to admit, but the true plague of our nation is a plague of blood. The ‘citizens’ of America are, unfortunately, complicit in the actions of their government when they fail to denounce them, publicly. They are complicit when they take the sacraments of the State through the “vote”, and in such things as blindly “pledging allegiance”, flying the flag, and even offering up their sons (and daughters) as minions to the warfare machine. “Supporting the Troops” is assenting to their actions. (And I say that with the admission that I once was one of those ‘troops’). [Caveat: that video is difficult to watch, but it is the truth, and we should not hide it from ourselves].

The US Government’s recent “wars on terror” have snuffed out the lives of untold hundreds of thousands—guilty of nothing more than living in another land, the resources of which our benevolent rulers coveted. Counting backwards through the centuries from the East Asian wars to the so-called World Wars and beyond, to all of the blood shed in the 19th century—even of our own people (over 600,000 sacrificed to Mars during the Civil War alone). Our hands are bloody of perpetual murders and our land is soaked in the blood of literally millions of innocents torn from the womb in legal acts of infanticide.

As the bloody crimes of our leaders go on, we’ve went about our business, building our ‘portfolios’, taking out ‘equity loans’ for backyard BBQ decks and Disney cruises, fornicating, and drugging ourselves into oblivion.

But surely Yahweh winks at this, because we are “the most exceptional nation in the history of the world”… Such unwarranted pride. Such hubris!

So ye shall not pollute the land wherein ye are: for blood it defileth the land: and the land cannot be cleansed of the blood that is shed therein, but by the blood of him that shed it. Defile not therefore the land which ye shall inhabit, wherein I dwell: for I the Lord dwell among the children of Israel. (Numbers 35)

Are believers in Christ not Israel? Does Yahweh not dwell among us? And have the “churches” and the churchmen not been more than complicit in these egregious acts? Friends, if you don’t know these things, you truly don’t know our own history. For we have grossly defiled this beautiful land which our fathers colonized back in 1620—the year the Pilgrims settled the first ecclesia in Plymouth Colony... It would appear now in 2020 that the land itself has been in bondage these 400 years.

And I solemnly declare that those who have not explicitly decried this blood have brought it down upon their own heads and that of their children—just as the men of Judah did at the trial of Jesus, who likewise would “have no king but Caesar”.

Our land is defiled “and cannot be cleansed”… except “by the blood of him that shed it.” Are we hearing this?

Our God is a merciful God. He is a long-suffering God. And ultimately He is a just God. Let us hope the time has not passed for us to entreat Him for mercy upon His people, and for repentance of those who are now in imminent peril of well-deserved wrath. Perhaps He will relent, and “those days be shortened, for the elect’s sake”.

But, and finally brethren, let us not be lulled to complacency by the arrogant optimism of our national leaders. Whether or not Yahweh hears the prayers of repentance at this late hour is entirely up to Him—we certainly are undeserving of it. From His vantage point, we appear no less wicked than ancient Jerusalem whose horrific litany of charges is laid out here in this terrifying indictment…

We’d all do well to read and meditate upon the 22nd chapter of Ezekiel. And, to paraphrase the wise king Solomon, “put a knife to thy throat if thou should say, ‘it can’t happen here’.”

3/08/2020 - Subject: Who Owns You (Printed document)


The only reason, I believe, why a free man is bound by human laws is that he binds himself.” --Justice James Iredell, Chisholm v. Georgia

If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself.” --Rudyard Kipling

While in this world, human ownership is a fact of life. It has probably always been this way, as it is the nature of man to rule over one another. Rulership naturally blends into ownership. The proper term is slavery, and it is a Bible term and a biblical institution. Contrary to pop-Christian culture, the Bible—at least under the Old Covenant—does not universally condemn slavery, but rather properly defines it and regulates it. But that is a subject for another time…

Outside of Christ, no man is free.

The difference between a slave and free man can be hard to pin down, but like obscenity, we think we’ll know it when we see it. The scripture says “the borrower is slave to the lender”. Yet we don’t see that. Our modern society has thoroughly obscured the distinction between those formerly polar opposite conditions. And this, we can be sure, was not accidental.

In Hummel’s excellent historical work, Emancipating Slaves, Enslaving Free Men, he demonstrates how this sham was accomplished. The “One Nation” Lincoln created out of the disaster of the War, and the link between “emancipation” and taxation, debt, and the new compulsory obligations of universal citizenship becomes clear. With the elimination of chattel slavery at the end of the American Civil War, the State religion of “equality” was vigorously promoted. H.L. Menken later observed, “Lincoln had become one of our national deities, bestowing upon all, black and white alike, freedom, and equality—equal standing as citizens of the State. As well, Lysander Spooner noted after the war, that the North had fought—and prevailed—for the principle that “men may be compelled to submit to, and support, a government they do not want… Political slavery had taken the place of chattel slavery.”

In fact, few today are even aware that Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation did not free all the slaves in America—but only in those states which were presently in rebellion. After the Proclamation, Secretary of State Seward rhetorically declared the government’s sympathy with slavery… “by emancipating slaves where we cannot reach them, and holding them in bondage where we can set them free.” Even in jest, sometimes the overlords accidently speak the truth.

Then in 1863, the Internal Revenue Act was passed, and unto us a child was born and a son given—the IRS… The Government has been upon its shoulders ever since.

Despite literally centuries of programming, most honest adults today recognize that such a thing as “equality” is not an objective reality. Rather, it is an ideal—a platitude. While we may no longer have legalized chattel slavery in Western nations, we nonetheless acknowledge the haves and the have-nots, and the distinction between the ruling class and the “citizen” class. And in the United States, under the “Constitution”, there are citizens, but no subjects. This makes the people feel a little better about themselves while still being denigrated with such labels as “tax-payers” and “civilians”.

To quibble over whether we are “citizens” or “subjects” is a bit of a silly game. A simpler man might not know the difference, and an intellectual may argue the semantics, but our condition remains the same whichever one we subscribe to. IF we have in fact bound ourselves to the “Constitution” or claimed citizenship of a State (or United States), we have taken upon ourselves the servitude of that master. There is simply no escaping this. We pay tribute in a ‘death of a thousand cuts’—by “withholding” taxes on our labor, to life-long taxation on private property—and an inheritance tax thereafter, to the mandatory enrollment in State socialism (mostly as contributors, and never receivers). The illusion of the “vote” conceals the fraud. But “We, the People” is a ruse. The “People” do not rule, and Americans most certainly don’t rule themselves—self-discipline and self-control are probably the least of all of our traits.

Nearly a century prior to Lincoln’s emergent Empire, whilst the Leviathan of the central State was still bathed in amniotic fluid, the Declaration of Independence averred the following:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal..”

That lie was the first casualty of the War. To begin with, by “We”, they did not mean “You”. That, I assure you, IS a self-evident truth. The American “Framers,” in certainty, agreed with the pigs in Orwell’s novel, that “all animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others”.

After all, African chattel slavery was in existence then, and most Whites—not being legitimate ‘property owners’—were effectively disenfranchised from the burgeoning “government of the people, for the people, and by the people” by way of having no “vote” in the process (men and women alike). Furthermore, at the time of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, more than 1 in 10 (white) European colonists were involuntary prisoners (aka, slaves), while indentured servants (term-contracted slaves) consisted of some 48% of all colonial Americans! So much for the universal equality of man… Then, as now, a cadre of Elite, wealthy, men consisted of the “The People”. They considered themselves “equal” with each other, perhaps, but that’s where the equality ended. They were the only true property owners, and the rest were the ultimate property. Anyone who believes things have changed in modern times is childishly deluded. Yet most do and are. Ignorant of history, and anesthetized by the false prosperity of our “financialized economy”, they’ve bought the lie that they were born free and “equal”, having “rights” and tickets to the “pursuit of happiness.”

This is a powerful illusion. Now let me show you how the magic happens. We are first declared equal by the State at birth. At that place in time and space, we are bestowed with “equal rights of citizenship”. Equality and identity are simultaneously sprung into existence for each individual when we are claimed by the State. Those unfortunate souls who lack such a claim on their person are not, as one might mistakenly think, merely independent or unrepresented individuals… According to the doctrine of the State, they “lack a formal recognition of their existence”. The State must first declare our existence, and thus we are begotten of the fatherland. This miracle of creation is accomplished by a simple document.

You’ve probably already guessed it was the “birth certificate”. Without it, you, my friend, are not recognized as a person. This may or may not work in your favor, depending on the circumstances.

According to Articles 7 and 8 in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child: "The child shall be registered immediately after birth and shall have the right from birth to a name, [and] the right to acquire a nationality..."

And from the American Bar Association website,

A birth certificate “establishes who you are and gives access to the rights and privileges, and the obligations of citizenship.”

Nota bene… Consider that statement carefully.

Further on, we discover what those “obligations” are—unsurprisingly, none other than “tax, military, and census purposes”… And there you have it—a proper definition of what THEY mean by “nationality”. Nationality is equivalent to ownership—the purpose of the birth certificate is only to determine WHICH “nation” you shall serve, all the days of your slavish life.

According to the Dictionary of Banking Terms, the definition of a “certificate” is a document establishing ownership claim… As in a ‘certificate of deposit’ in a bank. In fact, a birth certificate is also a RECEIPT. Ironically, what it is NOT is “proof of birth” (unless an android, no “proof” of your birth is necessary or meaningful). Rather, it formally establishes your “obligations of citizenship” (i.e., to pay taxes and be used as cannon fodder for Caesar). On a deeper and more malignant level, every “citizen” born to the State and his presumed lifetime of labor is held as collateral to secure the “National Debt”. Birth certificates are literally warehouse receipts.

Now that we understand this charade we come to the question at hand… Is anyone really born free, or are we owned at birth?

Consider first: is it true that all (persons) were created equal? This is patently and obviously false. And it is biblically false. All of us are born with varying ability, aptitude and pedigree, and these qualities often create VAST differences among us. We learn this as children. By definition, these are inherent inequalities—they are very real and have very real consequences… And both man and beast quickly become aware of and learn to capitalize on these differences. This is how hierarchies naturally form.

Now, hierarchies present claims to authority (either God-made or man-made). Authority presents claims to ownership. Humanity thereby segments into controller and controlled, bond and free. This is the historical and present reality we live in, whatever your idealism is to the contrary.

Thus the question at hand: Who owns you?

It is a shame that many have never considered this. But simply put, either we own ourselves, and this is inherently true, OR, we are all born under the ownership of another (who therefore has the authority to transfer that ownership as he/she sees fit). Which is the correct paradigm?

Both can’t be true. Perhaps most in our Enlightened Society would claim to believe in self-ownership. Religious or conservative folk might be persuaded that subjection to a ‘greater’ another is the normal state of human existence—as human property. But which is it?

I submit that it’s neither.

We are neither the explicit property of others, nor are we self-owned. Humans are creatures, and as such are subject to their Creator. This truth IS self-evident. In fact, the scriptures are clear—He holds our very breath in His hand. Without His express permission, we don’t draw in another. We live or die—our very existence—is HIS decision and that solely. That, friends, is the ultimate subjection.

Yet, the Word of God declares believers as FREE. This apparent paradox is resolved by understanding what the Bible means by “freedom”. HOW are we free? If we are indeed owned by God (and even secondarily, subject under men as ‘slaves’) then whatever is meant by self-ownership? And what then is free will?

Here is the answer in one word: Service... WE ARE FREE TO SERVE the Master we choose!... Bible Truth, friends.

Self-ownership, as I believe Kipling understood it, meant submitting ourselves to the master WE choose. We may sell ourselves to whomever we like, but are ACCOUNTABLE unto God for that decision. That is the kernel of the nut.

Therefore, free choice and free will harmonize with the Total Sovereignty of God via accountability.

The tyrant, the principalities and powers, and the propagandists would have us all believe we are their children—their property—and accountable unto them. In doing so, they claim godhood. When Christ’s true servants deny those “authorities” and their kingship, that amounts to rebellion against the gods. Tragically, the pietistic ‘Christian’ would rather choose that as agreement with Romans 13 and 1st Peter 2, siding with the authority of their earthly masters! They do this because they do not understand (or accept) Christ’s words, nor the Gospel of the Kingdom. But a false choice is still a choice, and having “chosen their own ways”, they will answer for it.

All this is very serious business, because the King of kings will not accept submission to the others (even in ignorance) as an entry pass into His kingdom. Moreover, “the Son has set us free” from the bondage of those kings and their kingdoms of darkness into which we were all born... implying, we were previously not free.

In a curious twist, the ‘Framers’ may have unknowingly agreed with Christ here. We note carefully that they did NOT say, “All men are created free”… This is not an accidental omission. Because they did not believe that any more than they believed we were all equal. So, why do we believe that today? Why were we taught that as the American Gospel? Because the parlor trick of equating freedom with equality (or to conflate the two) was more effective than to offer the bald-faced lie that we were free when 48% of the population was in abject servitude!

Today, 100% of taxpayers are servants to the Elite, and we prosper, live or die at their whim—or so they would have those existing in their counter-kingdom to believe.

The Gospel of the Kingdom is the antidote to this. If it had been widely preached and believed early on in our nation’s history, we would not be in this predicament. Indeed, even now, the message is not too late to save a remnant—and perhaps a very large remnant—who will be led by their God in the times to come, when contrived nations like the “United States” have since turned to dust, and their “law” along with them… Confessing the sins of our fathers is the first step. Next, repenting of our own unfaithfulness to our King and our unbelief in His present and everlasting Kingdom will bring healing to the Israel of God, which is the New Jerusalem.

I have blotted out, as a thick cloud, thy transgressions, and, as a cloud, thy sins: return unto me; for I have redeemed thee. Sing, O ye heavens; for the Lord hath done it: shout, ye lower parts of the earth: break forth into singing, ye mountains, O forest, and every tree therein: for the Lord hath redeemed Jacob, and glorified himself in Israel… that saith to Jerusalem, Thou shalt be inhabited; and to the cities of Judah, Ye shall be built, and I will raise up the decayed places thereof” (Isaiah 44)

That which has been redeemed—“bought back”—is by definition OWNED by the Redeemer. We have no right to serve another. And our equality in Christ rests upon HIS work, and not a document of the State:

For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.” (Galatians 3)

Only in this state are we truly free—set free to serve the ONLY ONE worthy of anyone’s allegiance or devotion.

Perhaps it is time for Christians to officially renounce their citizenship to worldly States. It begins in the heart when we are convinced of the Kingdom, and it is followed “with the mouth”, confessing our allegiance to our rightful King—and no other. These are the first and necessary steps, and performing them will at last embolden us to complete the commitment. The final act is to walk away from those who claim to have created our personal identity—who claim to be our rightful sovereigns, and who have declared our very bodies to be place-holders in their bank ledgers. We must reject their ungodly authority, and separate from their political system and their claim of law superseding God’s. This may be the hardest step to take, but it will eventually become imperative—with chastisement if necessary.

For now, He is gently calling His people out of Babylon. Let us hear Him before the rains begin to fall and the plagues are upon us.

2/25/2020 - Subject: One People (Printed document)


Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile.” –the Borg

"There is no final revolution. Revolutions are infinite."—Citizen I-330, We

Humor me a little as I revisit a few things we’ve earlier discussed. Some matters do bear repeating. As well, this will be somewhat of a ground preparation for the next article.

Sometimes we have trouble making sense of the truth. Even when we see the patterns clearly, the causes often escape us. And there are always the blind, who don’t want to see. But noticing the patterns helps us to predict events and to be prepared for them. The handwriting is on the wall…Tyranny is coming. Except for, possibly, the very elderly, you will experience it in your lifetime. We should not be surprised or shocked by this.

An interesting observation of history is that it is cyclical… or it certainly appears to be. Historians Strauss and Howe have described American history as a four-generational cycle, calling it the Fourth Turning. These are cycles of 20-22 years—the first, the beginning of the 80 year “Saeculum,” is the High. The second is the Awakening, the third, the Unraveling, and the fourth, Crisis. In their timing, we have now entered the period of Crisis.

This interpretive concept has been applied to other nations and to earlier epochs as well. Yet they certainly weren’t the first to notice “patterns” in history. A reading of the scriptures would appear to confirm this understanding as God seems to repeat certain lessons to each generation, and, with some overlap, it may be so that the term, “visiting the sins of the fathers unto the third and fourth generation” is predictive, and may indeed help us to make better sense of the truth.

Highlighting this is the curious fact that this phrase in the Bible is repeated exactly four times.

But something else has been bubbling over the past century and a half. Outside of the last two Saeculums Strauss and Howe have described, something much more unique and primeval has begun to awaken. It is an ancient group psychosis which, like a neural cancer, begins to grow and metastasize within a population or a group of nations. This is the ominous trend towards Collectivism.

We’ve looked at aspects of this trend before. This dystopic fantasy of humanity as one single organism, behaving and thinking as One, has been adequately explored in such novels as Orwell’s, 1984, and Zamyatin’s, We. The electronic Panopticon we currently find ourselves in—and increasingly so—is the outflow of such predictive programming. In 1984, we saw Big Brother forced onto every TV screen and believed, ‘that could never happen in reality’… and it hasn’t. Instead, virtually all of humanity happily carries that screen in their pocket wherever they go, and at all times. And in our homes, we welcome Alexa and Echo to monitor and record all of our private lives, and upload it to the Borg, wherever it is. Big Brother is now always with us.

In Zamyatin’s novel, all citizens of One State are to be subjected to the "Great Operation” and be neuro-surgically refashioned to function as "tractors in human form". This is always the goal of the Collective—to be forever cogs in the great Wheel. Few Christians seem to be aware that this is a direct reversal of Yahweh’s stipulation:

A wise king scattereth the wicked, and bringeth the wheel over them” (Proverbs 20:26)

Because of our denial of the Kingdom, the wicked have in fact brought the wheel over us.

In a satanic inversion of the Zion of God, the Globalists believe they have finally cornered Christ and his hapless, misbegotten followers. Do not imagine for a moment that they are unaware of Revelation 22 (specifically vs. 14-15), but they read it in a black mirror… For outside of the true Body of Christ, in which we “are all members individually” (1 Cor 12:27), there is only “One World”, as the counter kingdom refers to itself. The Unity of unregenerate humanity into one body, as We the People, is the mantra of the age…The Collective…the Hive…the Borg. This is the heart of Progressivism, with its roots in the neo-puritanism of the 19th century; it has been the unholy leaven of American society permeating every institution towards the end goal of becoming that “Shining City on the Hill”. They believe they will achieve this by consolidating all people into a new political religion—the equality of all world views and the merging of all systems of ethics—and that this is the final evolution of man. The result will be that no individual will be able to claim an objective truth, but a conformity to the mean—we are ALL gods now—will finally be the end of that great Sin of individuality; the “selfishness” of claiming one’s own identity.

When a society demands the irrelevance of the individual, tyranny and destruction are on the wing…

Mediocrity and social universalism will lead to envy for the exceptional and a hatred for what is perceived as dissent. Voluntary behavior will be seen as treacherous and seditious. These are historical axioms. As always follows, the herd will attack the “threat” within the ranks. The majority consumes the minority until there is no longer a distinction…Democracy in its final, purified form is the heat death of humanity.

Or so they would have it. The architects of this Mind Control Project are well aware of the outcome and desire it. Frankly, they hate the human race for being in the image of God (Prov 8:36).

Students of scripture should begin to see a parallel… in the story of an earlier Great City, and a Tower. We’ve now come full circle—from the first vision of a Collective of the sons of Adam, to the divine destruction and scattering, and to the regathering and restoration… Perhaps in one all-encompassing Forth Turning of history.

The very First Turning is recorded for us in the 10th and 11th chapters of Genesis . The son of Cush, the son of Ham, the son of Noah, is born—Nimrod, “and he began to be a mighty one in the earth…And the beginning of his kingdom was Babel.”

And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech…And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth. And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded. And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.

We know how this ended with the divine intervention of God. His Plan of History had to progress—and it would progress, exactly according to His will. And as men were scattered over the face of the earth, they built empires which rose and fell, and gave way to others, again, all according to His purpose. The visions of Daniel aptly describe this sordid progression of the great kingdoms of men “who would make a name for themselves”. Until the coming of the King Himself, who would put down all authority and rule… “whose dominion is an everlasting dominion, and His kingdom endures from generation to generation.” (Dan 4:34)

With the arrival of the Messiah, the rules have changed.

But since Christ’s coming there have been other empires, you say… and indeed there have. They have come, and they have also gone. History repeats itself. The nature of man has not changed, and neither has the character of God. But as technology has advanced, so has the power of control over populations. Today that power is immense, and we are advised to carefully consider it! Once the masses have been effectively deceived and pacified, they are no longer difficult to herd. Other Nimrods arise to gather the people into One Fold. And a mob is a very dangerous animal.

What has changed, however, is our degree of freedom. Before Christ, men were without the ability to choose righteousness. Without the direct intervention of God, they were left to their own devices, which always and everywhere led to bondage, error, futility and finally, destruction. The Collective then was indeed “futile to resist”. In the Old Heavens and Earth, assimilation and amalgamation was inescapable for the individual, and there were few men whom God chose to favor with that wonderful command,

Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee.”

Fearful to contemplate, the old world that perished was almost ALL outside of the commonwealth of Israel, “having no hope, and without God in the world”…

Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.” (2 Pet 3:13)

Now, the Son has set us free! As believers—as servants of Christ—we NOW reside in that New Heavens and New Earth. We have an irrevocable citizenship in the Kingdom of God. And there is a deep mystery to this change and how it came about, for to impart to us that freedom, Christ had to learn obedience (Heb 5:8)… because Christ first accomplished this in his body, we are likewise now free to follow after, “and choose the good and refuse the evil” (Isa 7:15).

Do we really understand that? We did not have that choice before coming to Christ… and before Christ came, no one did. This is a HUGE revelation that cannot be overemphasized.

We are coming to the point now…

The lessons of history will be learned gradually, and finally. All mankind will become self-aware as the Kingdom of God grows and “covers the earth as the waters cover the sea.” But the purpose of our existence on this earth, though it remains a great mystery, is at least in part a training ground—that we too can “learn obedience”, for it is the one thing that can’t be imputed to us. And if all the world is heading over a cliff, we CAN refuse to participate. We are not automatons, and swimming against the current is NOT futile… We are in fact commanded to “resist the evil”. More importantly, God has now given us the power to do it!

Yet, it is clear that a hard Fourth Turning looms and the masses of the lost will likely be swept away, having no mooring, and houses built on sand. America is such a House… Jesus, the Master of History, foresaw the consequences of each generation’s rebellion:

And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it.” (Matt 7:27)

The United States, with the hubris of Babylon, has declared, “I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God”… But just as surely as Yahweh rebuked that former manifestation, “which made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof; that opened not the house of his prisoners”, He will yet rebuke the latter. God has answered the King of Babylon—Nay,

Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.” (Isaiah 14)

In the end, no empire will be left standing. Christians know this (or should), yet they fail to connect the present with the past. They ignore God’s dealings with men and kingdoms in history and mistake His patience and mercy for indifference. This, friends, is a great error and Jesus’ words are a solemn warning to all who put their faith in such a house—such a nation which has legally divorced from her Maker. The Collective who erroneously believe there is strength in numbers or that their majority opinion overrules that of just One God are wholly unprepared for that ignoble place they are about to hold in future-history.

There is no We, brethren. “Now you are Christ’s Body, and members individually”… We must be prepared to STAND in Christ—alone if necessary.

Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you.” (2 Cor 6:17)

And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.” (Rev 18:4)

2/09/2020 - Subject: A Plague of Propaganda (Printed document)


For propaganda is not the touch of the magic wand. It is based on slow, constant impregnation. It creates conviction and compliance through imperceptible influences that are effective only by continuous repetition.”—Jacques Ellul

It is the slow drip of falseness. It is everywhere we look and everything we hear, and without proper protection, we are all vulnerable. It is in the “church” and without. It is the grand façade of a building centuries in the making—things we have heard over and over again, from people and institutions society has taught us are trustworthy. Therefore it must be true. This is how the mind perceives reality.

Our only hedge against this is the Word, who is Christ. He is our only anchoring Rock in a vast world of shifting sands and sloping shadows...the falsehoods that plague us. Our reliance on the Word of God as our foremost source of truth, and to constantly imbibe it, is the ONLY effective vaccine against propaganda. If we won’t be washed with the Word of God, we WILL be brainwashed by the lying words of men… Count on it.

Christians may have been asleep for all these years, but I can assure you the propagandists have studied their craft very diligently during this time. While we have ignored our instruction (2 Tim 2:15), they have honed their skills. While churchians have shunned knowledge and chosen the ease and comfort of a pew, our enemies have learned the art of war. Now we will have to learn the hard way that “ignorance is NOT bliss”…

Let me explain why.

Getting people to believe things that aren’t true is a crippling tactic of psychological warfare because it puts them into the chaotic position of a Hobson’s Choice… They must continue to believe the lie, and to defend it at all costs, else they must admit they were deceived and have participated in the fraud. The devastating knowledge that they have, and are propagating this virus of deceit—that they are the plague—is more difficult to confront than to just succumb to it. The sin of the Lie then wholly possesses them and they embrace it. And the chances of repentance recede farther and farther into the horizon.

If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!

In that passage in Matthew 6, Jesus was showing us how attempting to serve two masters was futile. This cognitive dissonance must eventually be resolved in choosing one or the other, because it is ultimately impossible to hold two opposing beliefs at the same time. Once the conflict is decided, there is often no turning back… “the one is hated, and the other loved.”

The Propagandist knows this, and this is chiefly how the Lie propagates. The resistance to admitting fault, primarily, and the comfort in being in the majority opinion, secondarily, are the two pillars of the faith. The impulse for conformity is what drives mass man. To be politically correct—to be accepted by society—is to be righteous. This is the pride of life, and it is nearly inescapable.

Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

And so it is with us in the realm of the flesh. The greatest obstacle in undeceiving ourselves is pride. To overcome that pride is to first admit wrong. In the realm of the spirit this means confessing and repenting of our idolatry—those idols of our mind, the false gods of “truth”.

Son of man, these men have set up their idols in their heart, and put the stumblingblock of their iniquity before their face: should I be enquired of at all by them? (Ezekiel 14:3)

Now a plague is upon us…

In this present reality, perhaps it is a literal pestilence which now stalks us—in the form of a lab engineered virus… one evil seed in a faraway land, “accidently” released into the crowd. If so, the action is the reaction. An RNA “vaccine” will soon be in the works, and, if a pandemic is declared, will be mandatory for all “citizens”. Refusniks will be, at the minimum, banned from flying—and perhaps from all public transportation—enjoy mandatory “quarantines” if suspected of infection, and subject to forced injections. At the worst, they will be treated as outlaws, enemies of the State and of the People; dangerous criminals of the most detestable sort… Perhaps something like the early Christians were treated in ancient Rome after the fire for which they were blamed.

[Author’s note: if the situation ever arises where a vaccine is mandatory—DO NOT take it! Fight!]

But if not this plague, another crisis is on its heels. Meanwhile, the Propaganda Plague continues unabated... the slow, constant impregnation. The objective: forced compliance based on fear. And the LIE is that we are NOT FREE... We are subjects of the propagandists. We are not free to think critically or to opt out of their narrative. We are house-born servants to the aristocracy of the State; permanent citizens. We MUST vote in their elections, pay our taxes, send our children to their learning centers, obey their statutes, and plead for their “licenses” to otherwise transgress their “laws”. We are ever threatened with fearful monsters in every back yard and enemies far and abroad.

As H.L. Menken put it,

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”

This is tyranny. Telling a people they are not free is a psyop. The Media Organs and universities and even the corporate churches solely exist to ensure that people’s lives are consumed with learning about things that aren’t true. And thus in a perpetual state of worry—about terrorists, and cancers, and viruses, and “racism”...and, ultimately, death. We are told we are not even free to question these things.


But all of this is a prison of the mind. The key has always hung on a nail above the cell door in plain view. The greatest feat of propaganda has been to convince the people to prefer their servitude—to choose to be slaves, forever anxious and dependent upon their masters—that this is preferable to true independence and personal responsibility. This is the Grandest Lie.

Believers in Christ and in His PRESENT Kingdom have no excuse to remain fearful of bondage. WE ARE FREE! He has opened the doors of our prison and indeed shown us they were never locked in the first place. We can simply walk out. When our Lord conquered death, He forever made us alive in Him, and we truly have nothing to fear. The writer of Hebrews tells us that Christ became a “partaker of our flesh and blood” for the purpose of experiencing death…

And deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage. (Heb 2:15)

Moreover, he has publically mocked our jailers

And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it. (Col 2:15)

It comes down to this, brethren… We don’t have to do things their way anymore. We never should have submitted in the first place. But now that we know better, we can repent of that unfaithfulness, and move forward in TRUST and OBEDIENCE to our King, and His Law-Word.

He has already GIVEN us the Kingdom! Just like in the days of Joshua when Israel fully received the inheritance, they entered into a land yet filled with giants. This is what the Kingdom looks like. It is only because we have not chosen to remove them (out of fear and ignorance) that we must continue to be tormented by their sorceries of deceit.

The process laid out for us is simple: we must admit our error, reject the lies we have thus far participated in, and henceforth promote the Truth... WE are subjects of Christ’s Everlasting Kingdom TODAY—we are servants of the Most High God, and none other, “who ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will”. The lying propagandists, the puppet-masters, and the fear mongers who would lead us by the nose are fighting this to the death—and it is our death they are hoping for. They are the enemies of the Kingdom of God, and we must resist them, and reject their ideology. All of it. That is how the Lord will put them under our feet. That is the process.

Daniel was such a man who understood this perfectly as to be an example unto us. Even in the midst of “captivity,” Daniel knew he was, and lived his life as a free man. He did not bow to the unlawful edicts of men and did not fear to speak the truth, even to kings—even when it was in their condemnation (‘MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN’). Because of this, he was “found innocent before God”.

And this leads us to an account of a peculiar turn of events recorded for us in the book of Daniel in which God’s truth overcomes man’s lies, and His sovereignty over all kingdoms, powers and all authorities is demonstrated…how the plague is finally stopped. We will find it instructive:

A pagan king once ruled a mighty kingdom which had just conquered the greatest empire that ever was—Babylon. Shortly after his enthronement, the story is told of an edict he was coerced into signing by his satraps. While he was surely well-versed in the mass psychology of compliance and the tact of forced obedience through fear, his own fear, in fact, of losing his dominion is what caused him to do what he did not want to do—in throwing Daniel into the lion’s den. And saying to Daniel even as he was lowered down into the abyss, “Your God is able to deliver you”… the king recognized his own powerlessness, and in doing so, ironically rebelled against his own authority by appealing to another God, just as Daniel had done, warranting his death sentence In the morning that followed, as Daniel was found to have indeed been delivered, and in fact he had been the target of a propaganda campaign all along, the king then cast his conspirators, “and their wives, and their children into the pit… and the lions broke all their bones.”

Then king Darius wrote unto all people, nations, and languages, that dwell in all the earth; Peace be multiplied unto you.

I make a decree, That in every dominion of my kingdom men tremble and fear before the God of Daniel: for he is the living God, and stedfast for ever, and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed, and his dominion shall be even unto the end. (Dan 6:25,6)

If these words were true then, they are truer now… All else is propaganda.

1/31/2020 - Subject: The Love of God (Printed document)


A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace. Ecc 3:8

As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated. Rom 9:13

Perhaps the primary corruption of our modern manifestation of Christianity (so-called) is the accepted definition of “love”.

No one can say for sure when we first began to misunderstand the Christian concept of love. Somewhere back in the fog of time, decent people lost track of what “charity” meant and transposed the word with every form of erotica. This has evolved into the mass acceptance of perversion of all sorts, such that the acceptance itself has become the modern benchmark of morality. Unconditional love of all “choices” has superseded all of the timeless distinctions of love and hate.

And this has happened very quickly. It is astonishing that within the lifetimes of all adults today, the last of nearly all restraints on decency have been scrubbed from the public sphere.

But not totally without notice… A few who were paying attention saw the slight of hand.

Sometime in the early 90’s when mass media television achieved singularity (cable TV suddenly became cheap and plentiful to most of suburbia), we began to see the proliferation of shock “reality shows”. It is not an accident of history that the original MTV “Real World” reality shows, which were first mocked as UN-realistic imitations of life, have now swapped places with the “real”… Life imitating art imitating life. I need not offer examples. But I can assure you that the science of mass-psychology was well understood long before the advent of MTV. What we now know as Cultural Marxism was being massaged into the minds of the simple and careless far back into the earliest parts of the last century. The common thread was that what was truly “loving”, was accepting all manner of “lifestyles”.

Go back a little further and observe the 70’s sitcom, “Three’s Company”. This was a forerunner of Reality TV. Few blinked—after all, it was just a bit, a gag, harmless entertainment. But think about how many TV shows of the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s had the theme of “love”. And reflect on what was therein meant by the term…

“Love” has now been effectively and universally re-defined as a “feeling”… And as an attitude of acceptance. Nominal Christians readily adopted the new definitions—the women did naturally; the pacified men to appease their women. Predictably, the feminization and saponification of nearly ALL Christian doctrine within the modern “church” has proceeded in a direct line from this starting point.

By now, nearly every church-goer has heard from his philosophically—if not pharmaceutically—castrated pastor what Jesus meant when he said to “love thy enemies”… Of course, he meant to adore and honor those who hate us and our Christian beliefs—to seek the welfare of the antichrists, even at the expense of his Christian brethren. And this common misunderstanding of the saying of Christ may be as universally corrupting as the false interpretation of “render unto Caesar” which has now almost completely leavened churchianity.

But let’s first determine what love is not before we see how we’ve come to this deception, and who the actors were who promoted it.

Christian Love is NOT tolerance of evil. As followers of the Gospel of the Kingdom, we MUST understand this concept.

Jesus Christ did not teach that to “turn the other cheek” was to accept and excuse wickedness—that we were to tolerate sin. To the contrary, we are to expose evil and rebuke lawlessness and those who practice it (Eph 5:11). Even within the body of believers (the ecclesia), we are to be likewise intolerant of any such rebelliousness:

Them that sin rebuke before all, that others also may fear.” (1Tim 5:20)

Now we command you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye withdraw yourselves from every brother that walketh disorderly, and not after the tradition which he received of us.” (2 Thes 3:6)

In ‘turning the other cheek, and loving thy neighbor’, Christ was only explaining what had already been taught in the law of Moses—that we are not to repay evil with evil. Rather, to “do good to them that hate you” (Matt 5:44). But this is not the same as ‘blessing the wicked in their wickedness’! And there even comes a time for his people to bear the sword against evil men (Psalm 149).

We mustn’t lose sight of the fact that the Kingdom of God is purposed to bring ALL people, institutions, and “every thought” into subjection to Christ the King...

For the upright shall dwell in the land, and the perfect shall remain in it. But the wicked shall be cut off from the earth, and the transgressors shall be rooted out of it.” (Prov 2:22)

Here again, we see the permanent exclusion of those who practice evil—as defined by Yahweh.

And this is key. GOD defines good and evil… the one we are to love, and the other to hate.

Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.” (Rev 22)

So we see that loving wrongly keeps us outside of the Kingdom of God. But the churchmen are calling all forms of “love” a gospel mandate. Christians seem to forget that God does NOT love the wicked.

Yahweh tries the righteous: but the wicked and him that loves violence his soul hates”. (Psalm 11:5)


“…Shouldest thou help the ungodly, and love them that hate the Lord? therefore is wrath upon thee from before the Lord.” (1 Chron 19:2)

None of this sounds very inclusive. For this reason the scriptures have been sanitized by the PC churchmen, and their hearers are mostly ignorant of YAHWEH’S definition of love, and the exclusiveness on whom He bestows it . Instead they are taught that “Jesus loves all the children of the world.” But is this really true? Did Christ die for EVERYONE? Did he die for those who would always reject him? Christians should know the answer to that question.

But they don’t, because they wish to believe they are more “moral” than God. They wouldn’t put it that way of course, but either God is wrong about His lack of inclusiveness, or they are...

This is why TOLERENCE has replaced Christian LOVE in the “church”. Never mind the double-mindedness of the simultaneous belief in an eternal burning Hell; that’s just part of the confusion. It’s part of the spell that’s been cast over the soft and feminine Bible-rejecters of churchianity by the blind, deaf and dumb pinball-wizards who’ve sold them out.

But we want to know how this pervaded our once-Christian society, so rapidly, so seemingly uncontested, and so completely. Knowing this may help us to recognize the deception, even in ourselves.

First understand that this illusion was VERY deliberate and carefully orchestrated.

The new age religion is INCLUSION. But even the name is a deception. It is actually about exclusion—of Christ and the testimony of his Law-Word. Because unlike every pagan religion that ever was, and the new resurgence of these religions cloaked in “Enlightenment”, true Christianity is an exclusive religion. The Gospel of the Kingdom is exclusive. It divides. And the only beliefs that are excluded in the New Religion are those which exclude Inclusion. Thus, Christ’s gospel of intolerance gets the cut. His bigoted kingdom is simply not wanted here.

You see, this idea of pro-tolerance is not innate in our western society. It is not some organic function of Christian morality which we have only lately discovered... It’s not a truth that Jesus taught but was lost. It is in fact pure propaganda that was carefully orchestrated during the advance of the modern Progressive Era. In fact it was first hatched in the liberal theological seminaries of the 19th century... A ‘reformed Puritan’ mindset had taken root, and society would grow anew. A politically correct culture must be cultured, therefore it must be taught to an entire generation, and they must teach the proceeding generation. This is where we are today.

A healthy knowledge of the history of public schooling in America would be helpful here, but in lieu of that, one example will suffice from a 1950 article for New York Times Magazine by Jewish “social engineer” Samuel Flowerman, in which he argues:

for the training of teachers “as engineers of human relations instead of instructors of arithmetic and spelling.” Children can be thus “engineered” to be more receptive to “pro-tolerance” propaganda in adulthood.

For this to occur, national values have to change. And yet that was written a LIFETIME ago in 1950. That child that was engineered then has likely since died, but not before passing on his values of “pro-tolerance” onto his children. And now their children are learning the same lies in the government schools today, as well as through the daily deluge of media they consume. We are literally marinated in a culture of acceptance and the glorification of ALL behaviors and philosophies, whether they are vile or merely neutrally secular… All BUT the Christian worldview of the West, which ironically brought us to this place of affluence and ease where we can finally entertain the idea that we don’t really need the restraints of God’s law any longer—and perhaps never did. History is therefore denied and reinvented as recent events are routinely altered or outright fabricated for public consumption. We are thus presented with a buffet table of new facts and realities which we are expected to ‘love unconditionally’.

And in failing to not only critique the “facts” but blindly accepting the “values” of our counselors, we have ultimately done the very thing God has commanded us NOT to do in the very first Commandment:

Thou shalt have no other gods before meAnd thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.

When we obey the will of the leaders, the teachers, the trend-setters of our nation, that are clearly contrary to the will of God, and then we sanctify it with a false-love for our neighbor, we make God a liar who is unworthy of our devotion and obedience. When we fear their reprisals, and the condemnation of un-politically correct attitudes; when we obey that which we fear, THEY have become our gods.

Ye shall not go after other gods, of the gods of the people which are round about you..

Yet we have. And we have repeated this process throughout history over, and over again, with the same results. Truly we are slow-learners, a thick-headed and obstinate people.

And we have loved things which Yahweh hates, exchanged good for evil, and tolerated that which He has called intolerable. In fact, the love of man has always been a confusion and a conflation of affections and emotions over godly charity—love towards one’s neighbor. For God has defined what that love means in Hid Law-Word and we ignore it at our peril. When a society re-defines love as primarily sexual (and deviant), and ACCEPTANCE of all things, the only abomination that remains is the rejection of tolerance. And this is the sign of imminent collapse and the destruction of such a society.

Indeed, “God IS love”. And we owe him ALL of our devotion… With none left over for the false gods of our rapidly degenerating society. We as Christians should have a zero-tolerance policy for their ways. We must reject their definitions which are contrary to Yahweh’s. Our love for God and love for our neighbor are one and the same, therefore we must understand and believe how HE has defined love in His Word, and we must love accordingly.

The “love” of this present age is nothing but lovelessness.

1/12/2020 - Subject: SUBDUING KINGDOMS (Printed document)


Who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions. Quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the armies of the aliens.” –Hebrews 11

Many passengers stop to take their pleasure or make their profit in the Vanity Fair, instead of going onward to the Celestial City. Indeed, such are the charms of the place that people often affirm it to be the True and Only Heaven; stoutly contending that there is no other, that those who seek further are mere dreamers, and that, if the fabled brightness of the Celestial City lay but a mere mile beyond the gates of Vanity, they would not be fools enough to go thither.”

–Nathaniel Hawthorn, “The Celestial Railroad”

The eleventh chapter of Hebrews is about a City, a Country, and a King, and those servants of whom, through the centuries of time, perceived and desired it. And they gave their lives for it.

Much of Christian teaching attempts to spiritualize this Chapter. In fact they do it for the whole book of Hebrews. Some would spiritualize the whole of the scriptures—contending that there is no tangible reality to any of God’s word, but an endless litany of metaphors and innuendo to describe a future state of being about which we know nothing nor can we know. So God has given us fairy tales to appease our curiosity and sustain our hope for the “things unseen”, and an arbitrary and subjective moral code to follow (or not), but never to impose on others. Such is the “faith” of our religion today.

Rather, the writer of Hebrews tells us that “faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen”. That we as believers possess this faith is the PROOF that God’s realm exists. What he is saying is that this is such a supernatural act—this understanding, this belief in the yet invisible (to us) existence of such a Kingdom—that, itself IS the proof. Our very faith itself is the gift of God... That is to say, not our faith in His existence, but our faith IN His promises.

The Bible, both Testaments, is about God’s promises to His people. In fact, a “testament” is a covenant…that is, a promise. The Bible is primarily the promise of the triumph of God’s Kingdom over man’s. The grand assertion is, despite our own perceptions, the Kingdom of Light will ultimately overcome the kingdoms of this darkness—over time, and IN time. Our belief—our faith in this promise is what makes us Christians. Whether or not we act upon that faith is our own personal test for indeed having it (2 Cor 13:5).

We read in the Scriptures a history of God’s subduing kingdoms. And He uses men and women to carry out His plans. Clay pots He has given power and authority—and at times the strength and means to put down rival powers and to establish godly governments. He told the prophet Jeremiah,

See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant.”

And again, He says,

O house of Israel, cannot I do with you as this potter? saith the Lord. Behold, as the clay is in the potter's hand, so are ye in mine hand, O house of Israel. At what instant I shall speak concerning a nation, and concerning a kingdom, to pluck up, and to pull down, and to destroy it.”

The ecclesia of God has prevailed over the millennia against all odds precisely because it is God’s will, and His will cannot be thwarted. But what is His ultimate will for this earth?

As mortals, having only known this world, we are tempted to believe that the Kingdom of God occurs in eternity, and not in our realm of time and space. But to say a thing cannot occur in reality, but only in a metaphysical way—that is to say, a philosophical way—is not a real promise of anything. What actual substance would that thing be which is then hoped for? The faith itself isn’t the substance, it represents the substance—it is the evidence for it!

Enough theology. Let’s move on to our subject of subduing kingdoms.

The word used here in this passage of Hebrews for “subdued” is the Greek, katagōnizomai. It is used only this one time in the scriptures.

It may look familiar to some. Recall before how we saw the word which Jesus used in telling us to “strive to enter into the kingdom of God” was a similar word, agōnizomai, from which we derive our word, agonize.

Therefore, kata- meaning, “against”- agōnizomai would be to “agonize against”. Vines defines this word for “subdue” thusly: “To struggle against, to conquer, to overcome.”

The Overcomers listed in Hebrews 11 all had this one purpose in common... That they struggled against the kingdoms of men for the purpose of advancing the Kingdom of God. It may have seemed at the time a maddeningly slow process—that no headway could be seen. Many of these Overcomers died without even knowing their effectualness. ALL of them “died not having received the Promise” (vs. 13). Yet they labored on.

They were stoned, they were sawn asunder, were tempted, were slain with the sword: they wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins; being destitute, afflicted, tormented; (Of whom the world was not worthy:) they wandered in deserts, and in mountains, and in dens and caves of the earth. And these all, having obtained a good report through faith, received not the promise” (37-39)

Where was their reward?

Heaven... Says the churchman. Ok, but what is Heaven?

The heaven, even the heavens, are the Lord's: but the earth hath he given to the children of men. (Ps.115:16)

But the meek shall inherit the earth; and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace. (Ps.37:11)

Jesus, of course, reiterated that last one in Matthew 5.

I want to tell you the reason why the enemies of God work so hard to convince you that your home is not here, never was, never will be… Why they continually subvert the truth of God on this matter with all their might.

Because subversion counters subduction. God’s people are in the business of subduing kingdoms, remember?

Go ye therefore, and teach all nations…Teaching them to OBSERVE ALL THINGS whatsoever I have commanded you…”

The men who rule their dark kingdoms do not want to be subdued, I can assure you. Scripture and history are full of accounts of those who thought they could thwart God’s purposes in the earth. Again and again they have said, “Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.” But they have failed to stop the march of God’s people and the advance of His Kingdom. “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but the Word of God abides forever.”

If, as Jesus said, “the kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven, which a woman took, and hid in three measures of meal, till the WHOLE was leavened”… if Christ is that Stone of which Daniel spoke that would crush all of the kingdoms of men “and grow to become a great mountain which FILLED the earth,” then we should expect Him to make good on that promise.

In the 65th chapter of Isaiah there is the well-recited passage of the promise of a new heavens and a new earth. Some will say all of this has occurred in total; some will claim it is all yet future. But I submit that it is an unfolding truth that began with the reign of Christ, that “chief Corner Stone, elect and precious” which appeared and sat down at the right hand of the Father nearly 2000 years ago. If Yahweh created the physical heaven and earth in six days (or better, “times”), perhaps the creation of the New Heavens and New Earth likewise proceeds in stages—over “yowms”. Perhaps we are only near the beginning of the creation of the Kingdom of God and only “two days” have passed in His eyes (2 Peter 3:8). The Third Day dawns…

But be ye glad and rejoice for ever in that which I create: for, behold, I create Jerusalem a rejoicing, and her people a joy… There shall be no more thence an infant of days, nor an old man that hath not filled his days: for the child shall die an hundred years old; but the sinner being an hundred years old shall be accursed. And they shall build houses, and inhabit them; and they shall plant vineyards, and eat the fruit of them. They shall not build, and another inhabit; they shall not plant, and another eat: for as the days of a tree are the days of my people, and mine elect shall long enjoy the work of their hands.” (Is 65:18-22)

Is this speaking only of a future reality in Heaven? Or can we expect to see this fully revealed on this earth? Have we truly understood the Promise of a “better country” made to the Overcomers in Hebrews 11? And is it one and the same with that which Isaiah proclaims in the above passage?

Because the Mountain of God has not ceased growing. Indeed, “of the INCREASE of His Kingdom, there shall be no end”… “For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.” If we believe this is true, and if we believe that ultimately ALL of the kingdoms of men will be subdued, we ought to live our lives in such a way. Our allegiances should reflect this confidence. We, as citizens and ambassadors of God’s Kingdom, must be in the business of forsaking earthly kings and kingdoms, while “subordinating every ordinance of man unto the Lord” (1Peter2:13).

Those of Hebrews 11 who “waited for the promise” did not do so aimlessly or without struggle. Nay, they lived in full anticipation of receiving it, and “agonized against” the rival kingdoms they found themselves in. Even in their deaths, they were yet conquerors. They are now RECIEVING the Promise.

We are now as they were.

Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter. Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.” (Rom 8:35-37)

But, unlike those saints of old, “God has provided some better thing for us”. For we “have approached unto Mount Zion, unto the city of a Living God, a heavenly Jerusalem”…and unto a New and lasting Covenant. The promise of the Kingdom is the gospel Christ preached and he is now working it out in the world, slowly, methodically, and surely. And as surely as we are all individual “living stones” in his Kingdom (1Peter 2:5), we are building upon the generation that preceded us. And the generation which follows us shall be laid upon our course when we have finished it.

Thy faithfulness is unto all generations: thou hast established the earth, and it abideth.” (Ps 119:90)

Therefore, I contend with the wicked men who presume to rule the kingdoms of the earth and those churchmen who lift them up—who would have us believe that our religion is a hopeless one, that our God has lost his ecclesia and forgotten His own law, being now firmly supplanted by the State… Those who say His Creation is destined to waste away into degeneracy and finally end in nuclear oblivion, I stand against you and with those who acknowledge the Most High God,

“…whose dominion is an everlasting dominion, and his kingdom is from generation to generation.” (Dan 4:34)

So, let us hear the conclusion…

The Commonwealth of Israel is comprised of ALL, and the only, true followers of the King of Kings. Our citizenship is in heaven, now and forever. But our future possession, our eternal inheritance is here, among the people of God who are ever building His Kingdom. Meanwhile, all others are being systematically subdued, until “There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.”

Ours will be all that remains, and we shall inherit the earth.

12/9/2019 - Subject: ONE NATION (Printed document)


Who hath heard such a thing? who hath seen such things? Shall the earth be made to bring forth in one day? or shall a nation be born at once? for as soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth her children. --Isaiah 66:8

Such a remarkable and enigmatic passage of scripture… Who can fully understand all the meaning in it? Surely even the prophet himself marveled in wonder at the words. The 66th chapter of Isaiah is probably the most marvelous true poetry in all the world.

And I’m hardly qualified to expound upon it. But let’s plumb it for insight to see what we may as believers, pressing into the Kingdom of God

First, perhaps we should deconstruct some of our own precious beliefs that stand in the way of our understanding. Allow me to cut straight to the heart of the matter.

Contrary to popular belief, America is a fake nation. That is, the United States of America are not united, and a State is not a nation in any case. America was fake from its birth… She was never ‘One Nation,’ and hardly under God. At least not the God of Christianity.

‘Harsh words!’ say ye Patriots… But hold your fire.

Let’s take a look at the etymology of the word, nation.

c. 1300, nacioun, "a race of people, large group of people with common ancestry and language," from Old French nacion "birth, rank; descendants, relatives; country, homeland" and directly from Latin nationem "birth, origin; breed, stock, kind, species; race of people, tribe..” Nation-state, "a sovereign country the inhabitants of which are united by language, culture, and common descent" is from 1918.

Does that currently describe us?

The Nation-state. That’s state with a small “s”… As in a state of being, or a state of matter—the state of being a Nation. America was once almost defined in such a way. We have since vastly and irreversibly departed from it, however. This must be understood and accepted as the REALITY we exist in, rather than the opium dream we’ve been peddled. There is no hope in denying the truth, and as Christ Jesus told us, there is no freedom without it.

Let’s recall that America, qua the united states, wasn’t officially ‘born’ until 1789, when it was defined by way of a coup of conspirators through a compact, which we know as The Constitution... Or as a friend of mine likes to put it, the CONstitution. Well, because it was a CON. A sham. A hustle from day one. This may be a surprise to some, but original Patriot, Governor of Virginia and former Continental Congressman, Patrick (‘Give me liberty or give me death’) Henry refused to be a delegate in the Constitutional Congress in 1789—famously (if allegedly) saying, “I smelt a rat.”

Anyway, something stank.

But whatever his reasons for dissention, and to his great credit, he was branded an apostate and a traitor by his many enemies, including Thomas Jefferson.

Yet the nation Henry lived in, before it was official, and afterwards when it was, was much different from the organism in which we exist today. Much has happened in the interim, and he would undoubtedly find ours as unrecognizable as any foreign land. However, even as the Constitution did not define the nation (but only established the State), it has allowed for the government which now afflicts us to redefine what our nation was to become.

The entity of our modern State was spawned from this document, like it or not. Lysander Spooner said it quite aptly way back in 1867, “But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain - that it has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case it is unfit to exist.”

The subsequent fallout of this conspiracy proceeded in stages over the course of the last two centuries (plus 30 years). It has followed a devious plan which a corps of wealthy Elite have implemented via a succession of dog and pony shows of congressional “law-makers” and the Talmudic “law-interpreters” in our so-called Supreme Court. All sanctioned, of course, by the phony platitude of “democracy” played by the Red and Blue teams in our biennial national game of “Choice”. We are where we are today because the common man has accepted this charade at face value. Moreover, the Christian-Law heritage that the “founding fathers” pretended to uphold is now wholly abandoned by ALL of the political class, the intellectual class, and the so-called “clergy” alike. And it is equally and universally despised, being duly replaced by the ‘superior’ ethos of Inclusion and Tolerance. (We’ll get to that at another time).

Still, today, Christian apologetics hope beyond hope that the “rule of Law” will ultimately prevail, and the “true meaning” of the Constitution will be restored for a nation finally worthy of the Best Law Man Can Invent. Perhaps President Trump will be our Cyrus!

Instead, Everyman now does what he is told, believes what he is told, because his pension is more important than his progeny. Everywoman does whatever she sees others do on the ‘social media’ and teevee. Attention-seeking, ease, and ‘self-direction’ are now the prime objective—and aping whatever the clowns of celebrity do in front of every camera. The System will not be reformed. There will be no political revolution of God-fearing men. There aren’t any.

Because it is oxymoronic to believe in a Constitutional-Christian politic.

A Nation of Christian men and women did not form the United States of America. This is the fantasy that so many believers must be un-deceived from. Therefore we can’t return to such a Nation. We simply can’t get there from here.

This kind of rhetoric doesn’t go over well with most in the ‘Church’. I’m aware of that, and don’t apologize for it. But the Kingdom of God has been stagnant for some centuries now (in my estimation) precisely because of the systemic ignorance of God’s people (the Called). Again, see Hosea 4:6-7. Ancient principle; still applies.

There are actors—families of people and cohorts of men who have worked diligently with their seemingly unlimited resources to undermine, subvert, and re-define our Christian society (not Nation!). They have been at it since long before Patrick Henry’s time. During which, they’ve had much practice and little opposition. And their enemies are mostly unaware of their existence. Without pointing out their identity, I’ll just briefly touch on what they have done—to the point at hand. I’ll let the reader investigate further.

Just how did we become a ‘Nation of Diversity’—diverse language, culture, morality, and ethnicity—which is not a nation at all? And how did we come to believe it could be so? When did this happen? Or were we always “diverse”? Perhaps, as George Orwell told us, we “have always been at war with Eastasia”. But, of course, that was propaganda.

Are we being gaslighted? Most of us over the age of 40 remember things a little differently.

Let’s go back to 1828 and see how Daniel Webster defined a nation. (If this seems like déjà vu, it is).

A body of people inhabiting the same country, or united under the same sovereign or government... the word nation usually denotes a body of people speaking the same language…nation as its etymology imports, originally denoted a family or race of men descended from a common progenitor, like tribe, but by emigration, conquest and intermixture of men of different families, this distinction is in most countries lost.”

Now let’s pay attention to the bolded part of his definition. A major reason we are not a nation (if we ever were—which I cast great doubt upon) is that the “intermixture” has caused us some problems... You see, the Captains of this ship of fools have seen fit to use their carefully engineered/imported menagerie of nations (properly understood) as a TOOL to divide and conquer.

No observant person can any longer doubt this.

But the principle is ancient and well understood, if not universally ignored by the people most directly affected by it... I believe Yahweh made partial reference to it first, in a place in Exodus and the book of Deuteronomy.

Another student of history (albeit less revered), Eileen Power, said it succinctly all the way back in 1924 about an Empire long dead...

“Why did they not realize the magnitude of the disaster that was befalling them? This is indeed a question almost as absorbing as the question why their civilization fell, for au fond it is perhaps the same question.

But if the gradualness of this process misled the Romans there were other and equally potent reasons for their blindness. Most potent of all was the fact that they mistook entirely the very nature of civilization itself. All of them were making the same mistake. People who thought that Rome could swallow barbarism and absorb it into her life without diluting her own civilization;… All these people were deluded by the same error, the belief that Rome (the civilization of their age) was not a mere historical fact with a beginning and an end, but a condition of nature like the air they breathed and the earth they tread, Ave Roma immortalis, most magnificent most disastrous of creeds!” –Medieval People

This is a paragraph of truth so pregnant with relevancy, it’s worthy of a second read.

Make no mistake, the nature of civilization sprouts from the root of the Nation.

Nevertheless, we have certainly followed the Roman example and will most assuredly suffer their fate. Because of One Thing... “God is not mocked…” America, as a nation, never really was. But she will most assuredly go the way of all the kingdoms of men, and like that old nation around Jerusalem— their political system and their religion—of which the writer of Hebrews said, “Now that which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away,” this former “Nation under God” will take her place among the dust heaps of history. Mark it. America—the State and the borders of its control will cease to be, just as surely, just as unexpectedly perhaps, and just as finally as those grand kingdoms of Babylon and Assyria did. Never to rise again. The survivors—the actual people who remain in the land will undoubtedly rebuild or begin anew. There will likely be mass migrations, they will form new government structures, new borders, new laws and a new political class. Because that’s the way of Man. But in the process, some will have the opportunity to live within the Kingdom of God, finally, and for the first time in their lives, “on earth as it is in heaven”. Maybe, just maybe it will be the greatest time of growth for that mustard seed once planted millennia ago in Roman occupied Judea.

And now we’ve come full circle in the discussion. Because now I’m going to tell you that there was a “Nation born in a day”. Precisely when and how I can’t say for certain. But is the Commonwealth of Israel. Moreover, that Nation we have become as believers—that is, the holy people, that peculiar nation of 1 Peter 2:9—is NOT based on ethnicity or language… And yet we do, in a mystery unbeknown to us, in some divine way, as Daniel Webster rightly said, “descend from a common progenitor”!

And his name is Abraham.

And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise. -- Gal 3:29

Some will find fault with my assertion. But let the Bible interpret itself! Per Webster’s definition, the Jews WERE a Nation—ethnically, linguistically, geographically, and religiously... But No longer. And never again. They are imposters who claim that heritage now. While it is certainly true that our races and ethnicities cannot be denied, and cannot be mixed (per God’s law), yet as ONE UNITED NATION, the Israel of God, we are now of One Family. We have One Father, and One Lord Jesus Christ. We do not wait for a Messiah. And we who hear his voice ARE indeed the sheep of his pasture and the “apple of his eye”; WE WILL NOT FOLLOW ANOTHER. We have NO Caesar, and no king but Jesus!

12/9/2019 - Subject: THE MASK-CHANGERS (Printed document)


Where has God gone?” he cried. “I shall tell you. We have killed him – you and I. We are his murderers. But how have we done this? How were we able to drink up the sea? Who gave us the sponge to wipe away the entire horizon? What did we do when we unchained the earth from its sun? Whither is it moving now? Whither are we moving now? Away from all suns? Are we not perpetually falling? Backward, sideward, forward, in all directions? Is there any up or down left? Are we not straying as through an infinite nothing? Do we not feel the breath of empty space? Has it not become colder? Is it not more and more night coming on all the time? --Friedrich Nietzsche, The Parable of the Madman

If we are to believe all that the priests of science have told us; if we accept our world as the guardians of knowledge have presented it; if we are to receive the universal Mind of Enlightenment through the organs of the State, our entertainment-indoctrination-complex, the schools and all the great universities of Western man, then the passage above is the “Truth”.

Yet this parable is the common fare, bought and sold in all the markets as USDA Choice, even as we know it is spoiled meat.

But who are the madmen that package all the lies fit for human consumption? And why do so many of us swallow it down? Are there forces actively working to perpetually keep us blind and baffled so they can more efficiently rob us? Perhaps?

When one meditates upon the utter falsity of this world—that fraud and deception are the rule, one can slide into despair. Where is truth at all to be found here beneath the vault of heaven? How can one be content in finally coming to know that almost everything he’s learned is a lie? For the tendency is to just accept the reality we’re accustomed to, and maybe learn to enjoy the ride.

There is a “magic act” popular in Las Vegas—the most false of cities—called the “mask-changers”. These are individuals who perform before and in the audience, such that the act is done very close up—to maximize the effect that the illusion is somehow, impossibly, real. I don’t know if it is or not—whether the magician is using wizardry or how it is being accomplished, but it is indeed unsettling if you’ve ever seen it.

Yet, this is an allegory of our present world. The masks worn by our so-called leaders are red and blue, and are frequently changed to adjust to the political winds, and the people sit speechless and amazed. They’ve told us openly, they create our reality. We anxiously await it, forgetting the words of our God to the contrary.

One such madman, calling himself Karl Rove once had this to say:

"We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors … and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do."

Some of we students of history will indeed study their actions. After all, we live with their consequences.

The plowers plowed upon my back; they made long their furrows”. (Psalm 129:3)

One of the reasons people are so easily plowed is that they lack the fundamental knowledge of how even the simplest mechanisms of society (or agriculture) work. In the broader sense, the more things you think you know that are false, the more false things you can be fooled into thinking you know. You have no way of falsifying it—and no reason to doubt it in the first place. Snakes like Karl Rove have easily played on our lack of cynicism and have weaponized our gullibility. We read in a textbook or hear on the news that something happened historically and we believe it, without question. We see a line being formed somewhere and the tendency is to straight away go and stand in it... Why? We’ve been conditioned to do so.

Exactly what did Christ come to “set us free” from? Ultimately, death, yes... But now, in our flesh? Perhaps from the “powers of darkness”. We reason that he knew that this Realm—this Earth had been re-imagined into one huge Las Vegas, and we were all trapped inside Caesar’s Palace.

But Paul tells us as believers,

the Father …has delivered us from the authorities of darkness, and has translated us into the kingdom of His dear Son.” (Col 1:13)

This is simply an amazing statement—too deep for some of us mere mortals! We have been removed, transferred from one kingdom to another… From the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of Light. This is a present reality for believers IN Christ.

We’ve been lifted out of the False, and placed into the Genuine. For Christians, this must be accepted without hesitation. Jesus warned his followers,

Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall in no wise enter therein.”

That’s trusting God with all of your heart, mind and soul... A child will accept whole-heartedly everything his father tells him—regardless of what he has been told to ‘see’ to the contrary.

Because we know and believe Christ when he told us that the kingdom of God cometh not with observation—but is within you, we have to trust that what we DO see in the natural is NOT the definitive reality. This world is not the essence of truth, but of a lie. How then do we exist IN this world but not OF this world? Such is the challenge for true Kingdom living.

"And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." (Romans 12:2)

This gets us a little closer to the bone. We have to strive for non-conformity! Or, perhaps, to wrestle...

Again, Paul tells us in Ephesians 6:12,

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

There are some clues here for us…

Some would suggest this means that we “struggle” with spiritual wickedness—with these powers… Like we struggle with sin. But the word does not mean that. It is a term denoting a contest or a battle—in which we are contenders. Though we have definitively been “delivered” from these authorities/powers, it appears there is also a progressive deliverance, and our participation is required. We must yet “wrestle”, Gk. palē—‘to vibrate, to shake down’ these “rulers”. The Greek word for “rulers” here is also noteworthy. It is found only this one time in the NT... It is Kosmokratōr. The Rotherham’s translates it “world-holder”. They are the World-lords… “history’s actors”… The Kosmokrators are the mask-changers.

Tragically, our subjugation is self-inflicted because we exist in a society where the gods of State and Science are respected above all else. Even their standards, the flags of the State are flown above the alleged “Christian” flag at the church houses, showing their authority to be superior to the Christian God. Politicians, those who wear a uniform, or a badge or a black robe are honored more than our own parents. Such believe they are the embodiment of Honor itself—that it is their very Name!—demanding their subjects stand and so address them in the courts of their law! Failing to give so-called honor is itself the “crime” of contempt, a jail-able offense.

How do we come to believe these things? How do we fall into this reality? Why are we so readily amazed at a man who wears a robe or a mask? Why do we so quickly genuflect in their presence? Are they not mortal men? Are they not flesh and blood like us? What did Paul mean in that passage in Ephesians? Are the kosmokrators really the Übermensch identified by Nietzsche? Are they the cold spirits of darkness—‘fallen angels’? The aliens of NASA’s UFO cult? Or was Paul just being esoteric, speaking artfully about human rulers such as Nero Caesar, who was indeed as a “roaring lion” towards the early Christians?

I theorize that the “flesh and blood” he spoke of is mankind in general. Our personal enemies, perhaps, whom Christ told us we were to love and forgive. They are not the true Enemy, but victims themselves, slaves of sin, believers of the Lie, trapped behind enemy lines in the kingdom of darkness… But the World-holders are also flesh and blood. Yet they are distinct, narcopathic personalities. They are the wielders of darkness. They are the Lie-tellers who have made the world into their own image, which we must reject entirely. We are not OF their world. And it’s not enough that we merely reject their claim to sovereignty or deny their Global Vision, we must actively work against them—in subtle and peaceable ways—but deliberately living our lives in defiance to their programming, in all of its myriad forms. Progressively, over the course of our lives, all connections must be cut. All similarities erased. We must be a peculiar people, building and sustaining a counterculture and a counter-Kingdom.

And it begins at the beginning of life. The battle is won or lost here, early in the generation.

We must raise our families to gain an early immunity to this Globalist sickness—this Egalitarianism, this Dilution, this Confusion… Because we are DYING as a people. But, here is the victory! The Remnant of God who have not bowed the knee to Baal WILL rebuild the Kingdom of God, as it always has been, leaving behind our past failures, as we repent of our false devotion to false gods… in recognizing the madmen for what they always were, neither wealthy benefactors, nor priests of scientism, nor noble statesmen, rather, Unmasking them as antichrist ghouls, eaters of men’s souls, disguised as messengers of light. We will expose them, and their agenda will be revealed for all of its falseness. We will do this because we MUST do this, because we are children of the King, who has sworn, I WILL build my ecclesia!

And unlike every other king that ever was, our King has promised us the gates of hell will NOT prevail against us. The sun still rises.

"Yahweh is righteous: he hath cut asunder the cords of the wicked. Let them all be confounded and turned back that hate Zion." (Psalm 129:4,5)

12/2/2019 - Subject: THE WIDE-GATERS (Printed document)


Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. Matt 7:13

A most curious thing about the kingdom of God is that there are “hidden doors” in its walls.

It would appear that the main entrance is a test of sorts. All that enter in thereby would be like shoppers on Black Friday—looking for a deal; wanting the benefit without the work. They desire the Kingdom, but only at the best sale price.

I’m tempted to say there’s a secret door of sorts, only it’s not really. It’s merely small, narrow, and only really hidden because no one is looking for it. Well, almost no one. But the masses of people desiring to enter into “Heaven” are looking for a Very Big Door. It should have happy crowds of well-dressed people congregating around it, by way of great attractions with all sorts of fun and excitement. It should have an affable greeter in a nice suit welcoming ALL with “thank-you for choosing my establishment!” It should be over-abundantly illuminated, very near the parking, and eeeaasy to get to…

Like everything in life.

Because difficulty and sufferings are for the lame. Literally. Able-bodied Americans deserve ease, comfort, abundant and cheap food, universal housing, healthcare, retirement benefits and all the earthly pleasures Disney World can offer (for a discount to seniors and veterans and free parking on Sundays). There is always someone who should “give you work”, else a monthly welfare check is in order. And the “work” is never really work, of course, it’s mostly pretend-work for part of a ‘work-day’ bracketed with long periods of idle time, mandatory breaks, catered lunches, and plenty of exceptions for “personal time” wherein one may be “sick” on a Friday or a Monday because, Disney.

The Big Door of Heaven is the Wide Gate and the Sunday morning tail-gaters of Churchianity pour into it.

Most of secular society is not looking for the rewards of Heaven, of course. Except those that can be found on earth (whatever they deem is heavenly). But the vast moiling masses of mankind—especially in the 21st century West—are searching for the fast-track route, the cosmic shortcut to happiness and what they call fulfillment. This is collectively known as “success”. The most successful people have expended the least amount of labor or risk to attain it.

Probably all of us have been influenced to some degree by this mindset. This propensity is just a natural flaw of genetics which we all inherit—it’s just more or less phenotypical in some than others. Some generally have “addictive personalities” while others can be caused to stumble in various, temporary ways, but all seem susceptible to the Great Shortcut.

One of the outcomes of our highly managed modern society is the ability to get on in life without working…that is, for vast numbers of people—probably a majority—in any First World Nation, actually working is optional. Basic needs will still be met, one way or another, and some amount of leisure will always be provided. Actual prosperity may never be achievable, but so what.

But the ubiquitous rise of State lotteries reveals the nature of the mass mind. There is still that latent desire to become RICH even if one is confessedly far too lazy to do anything for it beyond buying a handful of scratch-off tickets every Friday. The attraction of gaining wealth without physical labor is the analog of drug addiction (or drunkenness). And it is a delusion. It always begins harmless enough (it seems), and usually in youth, but soon one is consumed by it and it has become the prime motivator in their lives. In both cases, the end goal is to avoid all stress and pain.

It is a fact of our human nature that we were born “broken”… “marred in the hands of the Potter”, and in need of rejuvenation. The DESIRE to become rejuvenated must come first, and here again, “few there be” that receive it. Most remain content in their moral squalor and intellectual sloth all the days of their lives. It’s pain avoidance. Jesus said “to see the Kingdom of God, ye must be born again”… If the first birth was difficult and painful, so much more the second. This is why it is avoided by confessed Christians and explained away in a myriad of ways. The common misunderstanding is, ‘I asked Jesus into my heart, therefore I am born again’.

But this is a life-long process which requires emotional (sometimes physical) pain, and the constant practice of self-discipline. Christ told his disciples if they did not “deny themselves and take up their cross daily”, they were not worthy of Him. We find that hardly preached today. Because the mental endurance necessary for such a continuous effort in the spirit of man must be learned and honed, and this is WORK… The oft-quoted proverb is “Let thy vices die before thee”. Easier said than done... But, the old man must die. Or ye cannot be born again. This is the narrow gate.

Here is the secret to finding the Hidden Door… Jesus said we must “strive” to enter into the Kingdom of God. That word is agōnizomai. From which we get our word “agonize”. The Greek term means to ‘contend; labor fervently, struggle, with difficulties and dangers and with strenuous zeal’.

Then said one unto him, Lord, are there few that be saved? And he said unto them, Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able. When once the master of the house is risen up, and hath shut to the door, and ye begin to stand without, and to knock at the door, saying, Lord, Lord, open unto us; and he shall answer and say unto you, I know you not whence ye are.”(Luke 13:23-5)

The above is a hard saying. To meditate on it brings some discomfort, so many don’t.

I retrace my words here for emphasis…We are a soft people. Hardship is shunned in our society and manual labor is looked down upon as a sign of inferiority. “Cleanliness is next to Godliness”. Only the ignorant and the lowly should get their hands dirty. Only the weak, unconnected, and uneducated need to daily struggle—and it’s their own fault for not taking the tiger by the tail and failing to get their “tickets to the ball game” early. The State and the American Way gives everyone ample opportunity to achieve wealth and ease, if you’ll just learn early to do what you’re told, stay in line, and never question the Propaganda. And the churchmen continually validate this as a spiritual mindset, subtly or overtly.

We know that most all children grow up now being instantly indoctrinated into this mindset through the now ubiquitous audio-visual media (no one needs to read any longer), and the politically correct culture of the government schools. Most parents are as dumb as their children and have nothing to teach them, and no tools to correct the error incessantly imposed upon them from their “devices”, their “teachers”, and the culture at large. They forever have paraded before them the “celebrities” who have gained massive wealth, fame, and live luxurious lives for doing nothing, and knowing nothing. People are seen to be simply rewarded for their willingness to indecently use their bodies and faithfully parrot the cultural lies of the Propagandists. The more nudity, degeneracy, and godlessness a person is willing to publically display and espouse, the better financially rewarded they are. The more crass, lazy and useless their lifestyle, the more they are “celebrated” by the culture… The more societal recognition, the more riches and glory—in a continual feedback loop.

This is quickly internalized by the budding American boy and girl: Get as much as you can of the pie with as little effort as possible. Use your body and your youth to whatever advantage you can and follow the herd as closely as possible. This is how you WIN.

And this is antisocial behavior which is fostered by the antisocial State. It is a gross deviancy from normal human relations, and yet it has been the norm of larger societies since the beginning of time. Only a FEW in such societies have ever managed to escape from this Grand Lie. Humanity has corrupted itself so completely, the Lie has become the Truth, and the Truth is forever shunned with the intent to be stamped out forever. Eternal ignorance and purposelessness is the destiny for mankind if we should be given our way… Perpetual foolish children spawning ever more of the same.

We will not be given our way.

Certainly, it appears from the scriptures and the very words of Jesus, that only a FEW will avoid this fate. Most of humanity is slated for destruction, it would seem. I cannot refute that notion. I also cannot understand it. But I know that my Father is “greater” than what my conception of Him is. I know His ways are Perfect, and yet unsearchable. I know His Glory and His Thoughts are as far above mine as the heavens are above the earth. I can accept that Truth without fully understanding it.

But being as it is, our mortal reality is certainly not an illusion… that is to say, it’s not a fraud. It is very real and the consequences of our mortal choices are very real and generally permanent. Certainly our Creator God has suggested to us that those who pursue the Lie of society—what the Bible calls “the world”—will ultimately be destroyed from it, and permanently so. Everlasting destruction of the Many who have chosen the Easy Way is inevitable and sure. Many of those will even call Him “Lord”, and it will not save them. This may be a difficult part of the Kingdom message, but avoiding it is counterproductive. If we as believers are having an “easy way” in our sojourn here, perhaps we ought to re-assess things a bit. Perhaps it’s time to really

Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves…” (2 Cor 13:5)

Maybe the Wide Gate is a test. Maybe it’s a division bell. Maybe it’s a slaughter-gate to separate the goats from the sheep. Both of which believe they are being “led into green pastures” by the Good Shepherd. Self-deception is truly the unkindest cut.

Just as not all who heard the words of Jesus received and understood them, the scriptures in general were not written for all. The Remnant will hear. The Remnant will be saved. The masses, it appears will perish. This is a hard pill to swallow. That God has concealed the entrance to the Kingdom so that most who are searching will not find it—and in fact created a world where most would not even search, is truly difficult to grasp. Perhaps He has not asked us to grasp it, but to believe it, to accept it, and to DO it…to agōnizomai to enter by the narrow gate. Thus, to find it. With persecution and hardship here (2 Tim 3:12), but eternal joy there.

What has our King told us to do? Are we doing it? Or excusing our avoidance?

But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. (James 1:2)

11/1/2019 - Subject: THE STATELESS MAN (Printed document)


Let me say up front that there’s a small segment of the sub-culture of ‘Libertarian’ types who hail to this title. But it means something different to them than we would espouse. Their Stateless Man seeks “personal sovereignty”... Freedom from religion, and a law unto themselves. Some are calling themselves the “Sovereign Man”. They have their own cult-following on the internet, and plenty of channels—from the pedantic to the comical—are devoted to them. I’m not going to discuss their movement, as I’m not part of it, nor do I support it.

We have a Sovereign. He is our King and the God of all creation. He is sovereign over ALL men, over all ‘kingdoms’, over all powers and authorities—and even as He allows them to exist in this present reality, they are subject to His will, whether they understand it or not.

Every honest student of history has perceived this Spirit in the rise and fall of empires—the movement and displacement of kings and armies through time and space upon the earth, like pieces on a chessboard. And all of them seemingly unaware of their appointed fates. Unless, that is, they are given direct revelation from God, such as King Nebuchadnezzar received (and spent seven years in a pasture, eating grass with the oxen) “until thou know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will.

This is very difficult to accept for many statist and Constitutional Christians, and they search for some philosophical compromise. They build their own traditions and institutions they think are lasting, and set up princes they believe will lead them in the Way. Some of these political cult leaders were extremely adept at manipulating this hope. They massaged the minds of their followers with wonderful words, lovely and empowering platitudes. And unlike the sovereign man, these unfortunate souls have fallen under an even stronger delusion… In our nation, and amongst the churched especially, this affliction manifests as a form of self-empowerment, cloaked in patriotism. “We are a Republic!”

Albert Jay Nock explains:

Republicanism permits the individual to persuade himself that the State is his creation, that State action is his action, that when it expresses itself, it expresses him, and when it is glorified, he is glorified… Lincoln’s phrase, “of the people, for the people, by the people” was probably the most effective single stroke of propaganda ever made…

That propaganda has now grown like a fungus throughout the whole of society—Christian and secular alike. However, a Stateless Man will reject all of these errors. Or he will attempt to with all of his heart and ability.

Let the others have their heroes in the ‘founding fathers’, the Abraham Lincolns, and the knaves and wizards that followed in their footsteps. We have our own.

But they are of a very different character.

… All of the heroes of the faith in Hebrews 11 were said to be “sojourners” upon this earth. Abraham “looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God.” Yet all of these DIED in the faith and “…confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth”.

This is highly applicable to our subject…The writer of Hebrews then tells us,

But now they desire a better country, that is, an heavenly: wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God: for he hath prepared for them a city.”

They had not received the Promise! While they lived, they sought it and rested in the knowledge that Yahweh would not fail them. But they did not REST while waiting!… They, who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions” were fully prepared to take the Lord upon His word—and in obedience, CONQUERED!

The wonderful truth is the City they waited for has been founded! It is Christ’s Kingdom; it is Zion, in which He now dwells—His Body, His Ecclesia, the New Jerusalem. It is the Kingdom to which all other kingdoms must be made subject. All systems of rule, real or imagined must be put down or made to conform to our Lord’s Rule, from now till eternity. This is precisely what we have witnessed on this “chessboard” of history since that Day of Wrath in which the Lord Jesus revealed himself to all as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. This is the PAST. It is done. That time occurred at the final destruction of Jerusalem and the Jewish Temple in 70 AD.

The glorious prophecy of Psalm 110 has it thus:

The Lord hath sworn, and will not repent, Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchizedek. The Lord at thy right hand shall strike through kings in the day of his wrath. He shall judge among the heathen, he shall fill the places with the dead bodies; he shall wound the heads over many countries.

Christ is NOW and FOREVER that New Priest …the old order of the Aaronic priesthood perished with the Temple. The scepter has passed from that nation, and those kings were struck down; the heathen were judged, and indeed, the places were filled with the dead bodies. Flavius Josephus gives us the horrifying eye-witness account.

We who name the name of Christ have been declared Stateless ever since.

When we persuade others to believe THIS truth of the Gospel, we advance the Kingdom of God. When we ignore it, the Kingdom retreats; the Gospel is deformed, and God’s people are marginalized and destroyed. Christ’s kingdom grows within society, one man’s (and woman’s) heart at a time, “from generation to generation”. The kingdom of God is within you… But we must work it OUT (Phil 2:12) and INTO this world.

Now let’s hear the conclusion of the matter…

The Stateless man is not a man without a country. He has country. He has family. He has a KING and His Law. He is merely not deceived by others posing as his sovereigns. He rejects the ways of man when they don’t align with the ways of God. And if he has found himself to be a slave or a prisoner in such a society, yet “he is Christ’s freeman” (1 Cor 7:22). If he is poor, landless, and powerless, yet he is as “a son of the King, and shall inherit all things” (Rev 21:7). We must live as we believe… as the children of our King.

What thinkest thou, Simon? of whom do the kings of the earth take custom or tribute? of their own children, or of strangers? Peter saith unto him, Of strangers. Jesus saith unto him, Then are the children free.”

Therein is the kernel of the nut.

The nations of the earth will rise and fall. Governments of men come into being, age and die, and are replaced by others scrambling for power. We are not special in our American civilization. We are not insulated from God’s justice and judgement. Our kings will also fall. Our statues will be broken down. As always happens, the menacing State will turn upon itself, and the deluded ones who placed their hope in We the People will be sorely dismayed. The time for upheaval is upon us. The old order is passing and a New Order is on the wing. The dismantling of the existing structure has been well underway for over half a century now and the wrecking ball has arrived. If you care to understand what that tipping point was, research what the repugnant Lyndon B. Johnson did in New York on October 3, 1965. Just one year prior to that, the ground had been prepared with another subversive act, signed and sealed by his hand with this Grand Lie dribbling from his lips:

If government is to serve any purpose, it is to do for others what they are unable to do for themselves.”

What fools we have been! How deluded and blinded were we to think the State could ever serve us—or that we could serve two masters! THIS has been our confusion, the seed and offspring of our undoing…Take a good look:

Conservative (Christian) types speak of our ‘national character’ which they hope to retrieve by political means. This is a dream. We never had any national character. We are NOT going back to the way things were. We will not MAGA. We are not going to save the United States. We shouldn’t desire that anyway. As a nation within a nation, we do need salvation and renewal of the heart, but the remorse of the Remnant cannot carry the weight of the world. An American salvation cannot happen without an American repentance. BUT… when the “iniquity of the nation is full”, neither can judgement be avoided.

Wishes and ponies will not suffice. We are no longer One People. We hardly ever were. While I believe ALL will submit to Christ and His kingdom WILL cover the earth, we can’t imagine this will happen in one simultaneous event (see Matt 13). That is a Christian fantasy peddled by the futurists, and it is time, as Paul said, to put away those childish things.

“…though the number of the children of Israel be as the sand of the sea, a remnant shall be saved” (Rom 9:27)

We have work to do. Those who have not prepared their hearts and minds for such a transition will be likely swept away in the coming chaos. And if, and when, a new State emerges, survivors of this former society will once again be faced with a choice between another Caesar, or Christ the King. If we again choose wrongly, the wheel of the State will surely turn once more… to grind us.


11/1/2019 - Subject: ENEMIES OF STATE (Part 1) (Printed document)

Sometimes pagans are wiser than the churchmen... Observed Friedrich Nietzsche:

The state lies in all languages of good and evil, and whatever it says is a lie, and whatever it has it has stolen. Everything in it is false; it bites with stolen teeth and bites often. It is false down to its bowels.”

The first lie the State tells is that it is “We, The People”. This is inflicted upon us first as schoolchildren in learning the Constitution, “civics”, and a false American history. Later, it is driven home with a cold threat any time a man is charged with a “crime”. At the federal level, the docket will read, “The People of the United States vs. XXXX”… This is a fiction of course as only a fraction of a percent of “the people” are even aware of the existence of the accused. Yet the prosecutor falsely claims that ALL of the people of this nation are behind him as the collective “accusers”. A representative sample of neighbors is randomly picked as a “jury”, and they are instructed in—and unhesitantly obey—the dictates of the black-robed priest that “they must follow the law” in either condemnation or acquittal. It is their solemn duty. Spectators watch and nod in agreement, saluting the flag of the god of the nation while casting virtual stones from the sidelines. Thusly is the lie sustained.

Most people do not understand the nature of the State. Or they understand it wrong. They either believe it is just a synonym for “Nation”, or it is the people of the nation…both false. That it is the ‘governing body of a nation’ is closer to the truth, but still inadequate. The State is a concept, inanimate and useless of itself. But it exists within the adherents of that concept—the people who believe in it and support it...they give it life. Jesus said, “the Kingdom of God is within you.” And in a sense, any kingdom exists in such a way.

Jesus also said something curious to his disciples in regard to this… As they were bickering amongst themselves as to who should sit at his left and right hand:

But Jesus called them to him, and saith unto them, Ye know that they which are accounted to rule (archo) over the nations exercise lordship (katakyrieuō) over them; and their great ones exercise authority (katexousiazō) upon them. But so shall it not be among you: but whosoever will be great among you, shall be your minister..” (Matt 10:42-3)

That first word for ‘lordship’ means to “subjugate”. The second word, ‘authority’ means “to wield privilege over”. How instructive! Christ here is describing the nature of the State and the rulers thereof: They subjugate and wield their self-assumed privilege over others! But, he says, “it shall not be so among you…

Using Christ’s observation then, let us go on to define the State.

Pious people believe the State is our “governing authority”. But this is a mistake. The State is not fundamentally about authority—it is about POWER—the wielding of privilege. The Word of God makes a clear distinction by using different Greek and Hebrew words for each idea. The Greek word, exousia, is properly rendered “authority”, and as we’ve seen before, “there is no authority but from God” (Rom 13:1). HE is the only True Authority as He is the Sovereign of all creation...And it is delegated as He determines—never in the scriptures is it to the State. “Power” is from the Greek, dynamis. It means simply, “having power, might, or ability”. Interestingly, the KJV, in Romans 13, exclusively uses the word “power” rather than “authority”, although in all cases, the word is from the Greek, exousia. Again, as we’ve seen, this was no accident, but the agenda of the state—in this case, King James of England.

By now it should be seen that the State operates through force and fraud. The law—as their claimed authority—is itself the fraud, and only serves to legitimize the force necessary to govern the ‘others’. Today, we call them LEO’s. Purely coincidentally, that’s Latin for “lions”. The people who control the state covet the power and they are rarely subject to their own law. The highest in rank become a law unto themselves—we might call them the Global Elite. But all state actors share the same dream of gaining power over others—economic, emotional, and physical. It is a substitute religion. Their appetite for control is their god. Their kingdom vision is all the world under their thumb, serving them forever.

But how were the rest of us deceived? How did we come to believe that most of us are here to do the bidding of a few others—to be their cattle, their mules, and their perpetual table servers? How did we allow ourselves to be owned, and even to believe it’s in obedience to God? What sleight of hand…what spell have we fallen under? Perhaps better, what golden calf have we erected?

The great idol of Western civilization grew out of a philosophy of government which came to be known as Lex Rex. That is, ‘the Law is King’. Otherwise known as, ‘Baal is god’. All Western society today acknowledges this, openly or not. And indeed the law IS king… the question is ever, “whose law?” …and your answer to that is your sovereign. There is no such thing as a secular state. Plainly, the power of the State arises out of the very perception of its religious nature. An Entity having authority to enact and enforce Law (the heavens), thus the ordering of the society it creates (the earth) is by nature, divine. It is either a god, or it supposedly represents the will of The God… But, its subjects must share this belief for the State to exist.

State power thus rests on the willing compliance of the population. Therefore, those who willingly consent share the guilt and bear their sin of Baalism. It has been widely noted by many that statecraft follows many common religious rites. ‘Voting’ is our great act of worship in Western nations. It is one of many ways we ceremoniously participate in the religion of state. As Charlie has noted, other more subtle ways of ‘taking the mark’, as it were, are asking permission for such things as our Lord has already permitted, else being granted exemptions (license) from things He’s forbidden. Numbering our children from birth and submitting certificates to the State on their behalf is the equivalent of an ear-tag. It is a digital tattoo, and a tattoo is the mark of a slave. ‘Documenting’ oneself is nothing less than creating a contract with the State—asserting and conceding their headship over you. Plain and simple. Please examine carefully Paul’s words on this matter in 1 Corinthians 11.

Nonetheless, most in modern civilized societies have conformed... Both the religious and irreligious alike. We’ve simply accepted our yoke and taken orders from men (and women) usually much more godless, incompetent, and ignorant than ourselves. We’ve helped put them in those positions and sanctified their power with our ‘privilege’, our ‘Great Franchise’ of the anonymous ballot! In fact, the most awful thing we can imagine today is to be “disenfranchised” of our precious Vote, to no longer be able to choose our masters... Once in power, they mock us to our faces, doing the very opposite of their promises, flaunting their stolen largess; retaining the whip, and moreover threatening us with scorpions should we complain too loudly. Rather than lessening our yoke, they steadily add unto it…election after election, year after year. Precisely as Yahweh warned us in 1 Samuel 8. .. And precisely as we read of King Rehoboam in 1 Kings 12. We never seem to learn.

They do this to us because of who they are, and because of what we are not. They exploit our weakness and we do not cry out to God. Instead, we cooperate in our own destruction. Why?

Stay tuned for Part Two to see just how we Christians went off the rails, and how we may yet get back our dignity and hope. We’ve been lied to for far too long…

And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free…And the servant abideth not in the house for ever: but the Son abideth ever. If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.” John 8

10/24/2019 - Subject: MELTING DOWN

You may have heard the joke that Kellogg’s has introduced a new “gay” cereal… It’s an “all-inclusive” delectable jumble of all their other cereals mixed up, multicolored, and marshmallowed to the max, to encourage LBGQ, ‘trans’ and multi-culti kids to “Start Your Day With Maximum Gay!”

Except that it’s not a joke. Kellogg’s All Together Cereal is being served up in breakfast nooks all over suburbia and no doubt school cafeterias too, in single-serving boxes with a prize inside, for the kids.

These same school children are now inflicted with multi-sex coed bathrooms and bearded drag queens in bizarre clown make-up reading perverted books to them at library hour. The adults are making policy for children now that for all appearances looks like the inmates are running the asylum.

Some of us have seen this sort of thing coming for a long time. Moreover, we predict things to continue more or less on this trajectory, towards a societal horror previously unconsidered by our parents and grandparents. The more curious among us may be asking, “How are they doing this?”

While the world tells us to live and let live, the churched and the un-churched alike find themselves easily agreeing with it. ‘Good and Evil’ have become passé terms. The Modern Agenda of multi-culturalism, gender-fluidity, borderless nations, and forced immigration policies to encourage miscegenation (among many other ills) represent the Global Elite’s plan of a synthesis of culture, religion, and humanity itself into a world-wide Melting Pot. It’s just been on a slow simmer for a long time so the frogs don’t jump out. The Cooks (we’ll call them) don’t want to alert any of the frogs to the fact that they are being stewed, lest they begin a revolt among the others and cause everyone to jump out en masse. So we’ve been basting in this warm bath of ease and ignorance; we are mollified with toys and entertainment, pharmo-pacified with “medications” and spiked drinking water, and the dwindling few who still feel the need to be ‘activists’ are given the Kabuki theater of politics in which to engage. The remaining fraction of warrior-class young men (the most dangerous to the Plan) are given sportsball and short, safe military stints to live out their vicarious lives of conquistadoring.

THAT is how they are doing it. By the time most decent people notice what is being done to them, it will be too late. Meanwhile, the wicked are simply enjoying the ride.

As we are slowly being melted down, Christians are left wondering, what are we to do? In fact, the majority of pew-sitting Christians (we’ll call them “the Called”), led by their idol-shepherds, mostly are fed a form of moral relativism—sanctified as ‘loving sinners into heaven’, and are often encouraged to conform to the culture as best as they can (without compromising their “belief” in Jesus, of course). A quick perusal of TV preachers or a visit to your local strip-mall Church of the Tattoo will suffice to make the point.

In short, they have successfully infiltrated Christianity, and convinced the former Armies of God to stand down… Exactly how they pulled this off is less important (or relevant) than how we did this to ourselves. We must face this reality with humility and repentance.

A brief study of the children of Israel during the Exodus is instructive as it reflects upon our people today. We are essentially the same, whom Yahweh called “a stiff-necked people”. We respond to the same stimuli as they did and are as quick to forget the Word of God and His “mighty works”…And to lose sight of our Commander and King. And remember that it was their “unbelief” that kept them out of the Promised Land, though they were ALL the Called, the People of God, the Armies of Israel (Ex 6:26).The scripture in Acts 7:8 also calls them the “Church (Ecclesia) in the Wilderness”. But because of their disobedience and unbelief, they were judged unworthy to inherit the Kingdom:

And your children shall wander in the wilderness forty years, and bear your whoredoms, until your carcases be wasted in the wilderness.” (Num 14:33)

We’ve been wandering in our American wilderness for much more than forty years now. More like ten generations. Yet we continue to bear the whoredoms of our fathers, wasting away…Slowly being cooked down. Daily, new whoredoms are forced upon us and we stew in those as well. Why? I submit to you, it is because we consent to bearing them.

It’s important to recognize how far we’ve fallen in the 400 years since our fathers first planted the Kingdom in this land…Or should we say, transplanted it. Because it has never ceased to exist. But, how much ground we’ve lost! As His servants, Christ has commanded us to not just “occupy”, but to take ground for Him. Our Lord has given us the kingdom, and told us to “enter in”. We were commanded to be courageous and take dominion… “of all nations, teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.”

But we’ve wandered off the battlefield again and taken refuge in our little neutral hamlets we call Zion. We prefer comfort and ease, holed up in our houses and cities, full of goods and distractions. As Lot did. Meanwhile, the horrors of Lot have encompassed us.

There comes a time when even if we won’t act, Yahweh will. But to our shame and hurt..

And it shall come to pass at that time, that I will search Jerusalem with candles, and punish the men that are settled on their lees: that say in their heart, The Lord will not do good, neither will he do evil. (Zeph 1:12)

Judgement always “begins at the house of God.”

If we don’t stand, we will be absorbed. Our children will fall prey to the wicked and the remains of the Christian culture we once had will be fully subsumed by the whorish State-Church complex. Those who will come after us will hear of our weakness and faithlessness and the judgment that befell us. As they sift through the debris of our society and wonder, as we do about that once great “ekklesia in the wilderness” that preceded us, just how we allowed it to all fall apart?

Like the man who was asked how he went bankrupt… “Slowly at first, then all at once.”

The enemy is at the gates, friends. But, “it begins first with us…” (1 Peter 4:17) Let us be seeking our God for wisdom and direction, and believe in His promises, that we come out of the fire REFINED and not AMALGAMATED.


From Michael, 10/13/2019 - Subject: ROMANS 13

Bro Charlie,

As I’m going through Romans again this month, I reached chapter 13 today.   My “study” Bible is the Rotherham’s Emphasized… anyway, mostly it’s a very helpful translation with excellent notes.  In the infamous chapter 13, it properly renders exousia as “authority” rather than “power” as does the KJV.  This is clearly an error as a glance at Luke 9:1 will demonstrate the distinction between “power” (dynamis) and authority  (exousia) as both are used in the same sentence there.

Exousia is what Paul uses here in this passage exclusively.  It is from a root, meaning ‘what is lawful’.  That is, it could be literally rendered, “lawful authority”.  Just stick that into the passage in every place where authority/power is used.  It is legitimate authority Paul is speaking of, or maybe a better word, Jurisdiction… Might want to stick that word in instead and try the passage. 

This really de-mystifies the chapter.  I used to have a hard time with it myself and would actually get angry with Paul for “being such a numskull to put something so dangerously ambiguous” into the scriptures!  Like I said before, I always knew it didn’t mean what it seemed on the surface reading of it, but DANG it was hard to explain to people WHY that was.  It’s not a problem now for me, but this simple word study is a really good key for others who still struggle. 

Caveat: Rotherhams makes one egregious error in this passage in verse 6 where it states,

For because of this are ye paying tribute also—For God’s ministers of state they are

NO, “of state” is not in the text.  It's just the word diakanos, “minister/servant”…   A bit of ad-libbing done there!  Everyone has an agenda.

Anyway, Paul is simply making the obvious case that ONLY authority defined and ordained by YAHWEH is ANY authority at all.  The family is the primal unit of (human) authority in God’s kingdom.  Always has been and always will be.  The ecclesia must necessarily grow out of the family.  The “State” no longer plays any part in God’s economy.  

Vs. 1:  Let every soul unto protecting authorities be in subjection…    (Good rendering!)  So, indeed, this would include children unto parents, wives unto husbands… Men unto Christ, his Head.  That's the Chain of Command.

Vs. 2  He who rangeth himself against that authority, against the Arrangement of God, opposeth himself…  Now, gee, who is it that ranges against the Family today?  Who opposes the “Arrangement of God”?  Who has literally re-defined marriage, parental roles, infanticide, even gender itself, to oppose every statute of God?   WHO is our Adversary if not the STATE??

And they who oppose shall themselves a sentence of judgment receive.

Soon, we hope to see that judgement rendered by our God, per Psalm 94!

God’s blessings upon you and your family!  Good message today!


From Michael, 10/9/2019 - Subject: VACCINATIONS

Hi Charlie,

I just wanted to share something with you that could be helpful in the future with proselytizing efforts.  Something for the Kingdom living file...  I’m sure I’d be preaching to the choir with you on this subject, but this is some really good cutting edge research about vaccines that most will never hear.

We were talking a bit about “mixing” or adulterating earlier and this is apropos to that.  In a BIG way.  If fornication is a "sin against your own body" as Paul tells us, then mixing foreign DNA into to your own genome must be a level of debasement above that.

We haven’t vaccinated any of our children (except a few for the first; that was 28 years ago and I didn’t know much then), but it was more of a case of going along to get along-- I don’t think I really won any converts for my anti-vax point of view.  Also, as we homeschooled our children, it wasn’t much of a big deal to ‘opt out’.  There weren’t any legal consequences then.  THAT will change, however.

Anyhow, I would say things like “they’re injecting cancer cells into our bodies so they can get us onto their medical treatment train as soon as possible”.  It was a bit of hyberbole (I thought at the time)...  Turns out, I wasn’t paranoid enough.

As we’ve already seen, most vaccines are produced in human fetal cell lines (primarily from two specific aborted fetuses from the 1960’s—the stem cell lines are presumably immortal).  A portion of these cells (and the foreign human DNA they contain)  remain present in the vaccines and are thereby injected—AND INCORPORATED—into the foolish humans who submit to it.  Thus when you receive  a vaccine, you are taking on replicatable and insertable human DNA in the form of aborted fetus stem cells.

BUT, now we learn that these cells are not merely filtration “contaminants” that made it past all diligent attempts at removal, rather, they are purposely ‘unfiltered’ and allowed to remain in the serum.   Why?  …Because many of the genes in the DNA segments have been intentionally altered (genetically modified) to become abnormal  and tumor-causing proteins should they be incorporated into your own DNA—which is not only possible, but likely, and which, of course, was the intent all along!

This is incredible new research done in Italy in which they actually sequenced what appears to be a complete human (male) genome found in the most popular vaccines!  Moreover, it was shown to be deliberately inserted and not a ‘bi-product’ of manufacture, as it has been MODIFIED to contain over 560 known cancerous genes!

Get that.. these are not isolated DNA fragments, but the complete human genome of a single individual... With a few GMO 'tweeks' inserted, which just happen to be known tumorigenics...  In all the popular vaccines.

This is not an accident. This is diabolical.  And they’ve been caught red-handed.  Read this short article and watch the summary video:


Charlie, this is a level of evil that even my jaded self did not really imagine.  Seems like the “days of Noah” also ebb and flow with history and we are approaching another high tide.  Perhaps you know of someone who is still on the fence about this subject…  Pass it on.

For now, God bless,


From Michael - 8-18-2019

Greetings Charlie,

Wanted to just share in some of the consternation I heard in your voice today...

Some—most Christians have spent the better part of their lives hearing from the churchmen that  1.) God has abolished His Laws, and 2.) Jesus is coming back (soon) to fix the giant mess we’re in because everyone's become so lawless!  Therefore, the RIGHT thing for believers to do in these ‘last days’ is virtually nothing…Because everything is a contradiction.  Obey the ‘powers that be’ (vote, always do what you’re told), and maybe, if you have the opportunity, convince a neighbor to “ask Jesus into their heart” in order to avoid hell and make the rapture train. That’s the beginning and end of their Christian duty.  And to “diligently study the scriptures” is the exclusive job of the Pastor, to whom their duty is to merely oblige once a week in the church pew and collection plate.   Since the Law has been done away with and the earth is destined for the trashbin (along with all the rest of the ‘universe’), why bother polishing brass on a sinking ship?  Now, how to wash the un-washed mind of that?

It seems like an insurmountable task to retrain all of the West in what the gospel of Jesus Christ actually is.  We are, collectively, a very small, lone voice in the wilderness, speaking nuttery to most, and outright blasphemy to many in the ‘church’.   Even when I comment on ‘Christian’ oriented blog sites, I’m routinely deleted.  Especially if I quote any scripture at all.  Ironically, on the secular politico-socio-commentary websites, the ‘intellectuals’ there usually will keep my posts up, but only so they and their followers can post their derision against it.  I typically get plenty of “thumbs down” demerits (whatever those are), but it’s usually not censored with the pagans.  That’s always curious to me.

Between arguing with fools and ‘planting a seed’ is such a fine that it seems almost like a distinction without a difference to me.  

But you do have an audience, Charlie.  People will hear you, and your message is true.  Today’s message you preached was FULL of truth.  Some will undoubtedly reject it (per the usual) but many will accept it and be forced now to study these matters out.  I never, even as a newish Christian, understood the churchian doctrine of No-Law… Aren’t the 10 commandments still good?, I’d ask… Well, in theory, yes.  But what is a commandment?  How is it defined?  What exactly does it mean to commit adultery?  ...And didn't Jesus do away with that one anyway with the woman caught in the 'very act'?  (See I knew nothing of the statutes, ordinances, and judgements which explained them, and you can be sure THAT was never mentioned by any of my teachers).   Without the statutes and judgments (the rest of the Law) the Commandments of God are to no effect.  They are rendered meaningless and impotent.    Somehow I did understand that, and my inner conflict brewed for a decade or more.

Coming to understand the balance of what Christ fulfilled of the Ceremonial Law in putting away the Mosaic covenant, and the eternal validity of God’s Moral Law was a slow process, like coming out of a coma...  I had a bad seizure once (no cause for it was ever found) and I awoke on the pavement in a road with paramedics looking down on me, through a mist it seemed, having absolutely no idea what was going on or why.  It is an indescribable feeling of fear—or lost-ness is all I can say.  Vision slowly brightens, the dead fog of your mind ever so gradually recedes, like the tide going out on a beach.  By the time I got to the hospital, I’d remembered my name and vaguely what I had been doing prior to blacking out.  And it was very many hours before my brain was unclogged enough to even begin feeling normal.  What a strange experience.  But, there's an hour or two of my life that's just been permanently deleted, though my eyes were open and I should have been cognizant. 

I think that may be a good analogy of what it’s like for believers who have been so deeply indoctrinated in the false gospel of churchianity to finally come to their senses…slowly and haltingly.  And there are set-backs.  And their faith inevitably becomes challenged.  And some fall away because the confusion overcomes them.  They get caught up in the current of the memory of their own deceitful hearts and it just carries them back out to sea.  I’ve definitely seen that personally.

I wish I understood all of that.. How some scripturally strong believers, like Chuck Baldwin, just don’t get it—they just don’t see the utter contradiction of their faulty understanding of God’s perfect Law—choosing instead to believe that man’s corrupt and abominable law was intended to replace it!  They actually believe that Christ gave as a gift to humanity lawlessness, and  indeed hastened the creation of ever more contradictory commandments of men for all of his saints to mindlessly heed!  Because muh Romans 13!  That, to me, is complete nuttery!  And I thought that even when I did not understand ANY of it as a baby Christian.   I didn’t have a clue what Romans 13 was all about but I was certain it couldn’t mean what they told me it did!  How is that lost to so many others?

Another thing that got me immediately when I first read it was the passage in Ecclesiastes 1:4.  If the “earth abideth forever”, then futurism is wrong.  Period.  They both can’t be true.  I think I first really understood that when I first read the Parousia whenever that was—15 years or more ago.  Indeed, and if the “INCREASE of His Kingdom there shall be no end”, it follows that the earth, “as it is in heaven” must never cease to be.  Perhaps, even, the earth itself increases as the ice shelves recede farther and farther away into infinity.   But, muh Revelations! Say the Baptist preachers...

I've often wondered if the earth, as we know it, is a shadow or representation of the Heavenly kingdom.  Like a scale model.  The garden of Eden seems to be in many places conflated with some other Garden of God--which Christ called "Paradise".  It seems to have been planted according to a "pattern", similar to the Tabernacle of Moses (Hebrews 8:5).  I think we will all be blown away when we awake in Glory and finally understand the truth of it all.

Alright my friend, I'm not going to take up more of your time with my ambling for now. 

(Edit) One more quick thing came to mind… Re: your subtle jab at the heliocentric cosmos (pagan philosophy sold as modern “science”)… Have you ever read the Book of Enoch?  I know there’s plenty of controversy about the authenticity of what we have now as that book, but there was an historical  ‘book’ of Enoch as Jude references it…  Anyway, if you haven’t read it, it’s a mind-bender.  The descriptions of how the earth works and the sun and the heavenly bodies is just amazing.  If it’s even remotely  true, it turns NASA literally upside down and inside out!

Yahweh’s blessings,


From Michael, 7/8/2019 - Subject: THE DECEPTION RUNS DEEP

Hi Charlie,

Sorry to hear about Jeff!  Wow, I don’t even know how a collapsed lung can happen without some sort of injury occurring… Weird.  I hope he is recovering from that, and I’ll surely be praying for him!

I guess you guys found your fault in a bad panel or located it in a circuit and fixed it (I hope)?  If I was nearer-by I’d certainly have been there to assist.  I’m knowledgeable, but not an expert in solar systems, however I’m a pretty good electrical trouble-shooter and over all problem-solver.  Regardless, we need to all be thinking more off-grid, so we need to get these things down, learn them, understand the concepts, and especially know the work-arounds (because those will become increasingly necessary).  Anyway, I’m glad I’m at least able to help a little on the expense side of things!

Well I’ll take a moment to comment on a few things you’ve asked about.  (Edit: looking back over this letter, I see it was more than a few comments, so excuse the rant).

As for the subject of the flat earth, I’ve been spending more time researching the deep fakes of ‘history’ lately.  Our earth ‘realm’, flat or however it appears from God’s perspective, is certainly part of the grand deception—so far as the global elite (the “powers of darkness”) have their agenda mapped out.  But I don’t think they—or anyone—understands much more than we flat-earthers do about it, however.  I think they made a herculean effort over the last 75 years with their new flight and propulsion technology to achieve “escape velocity” from our realm, but have failed utterly to get much beyond the height of a hydrogen balloon.  I don’t know and don’t suspect that they ever encountered any hard barrier such as a dome, but rather, as we know, learned that enough ballistic force could not be applied with chemical propellant to accelerate anything (manned or otherwise) high enough to see anything more than we have seen with high altitude balloon footage.  It’s still a flat and camera-level horizon, just as the geometry of a flat plane would always reveal.  No one can get any closer to God’s perspective from His heaven than that.  At least there’s certainly no evidence for it.

As an aside- when I say “ballistic” flight, I mean that rockets do not work without a medium.  Propellants don’t work in a vacuum, and certainly flight surfaces (a wing) are useless without air.  Rockets have lift and acceleration only to the point at which the air surrounding them has significant density—giving them buoyancy.  After that, they are simply unguided missiles and only continue on their path by momentum.  Gravity—whatever it is—fights them back down to the earth at that point, just like anything else.  No objects are ‘orbiting’, and if they were by some celestial mechanics which we are not privy to, they’d have no means of ‘de-orbiting’, or ever coming back.  Because, again, rockets and wings aren’t effective outside of our atmosphere, contrary to the ridiculous lies of NASA “scientists”. 

I think it’s well known among the higher echelons of NASA flyers and engineers (to say nothing of the paid actors in ‘space suits’) that this is so.  That is, that we cannot escape this earth, and for all appearances, it is an infinite plane, and the heavens revolve FAR above it, and are utterly unreachable by human means.  They also have no idea what the celestial bodies are—whether physical or ethereal—nor do they have any way of determining relative distances between them or the earth itself.  There is no “space” through which the earth floats, other than a void of atmosphere above ours, though there may be water above those heights, and possibly they know this

Other than that, they’re literally in the dark.  But what they do have is highly sophisticated fakery technologies.   And they have the willing minds of the masses easily deceived by their perceived god-like ability and power, and by the fact that we have no way of verifying any of their claims.  We can only debunk them with painstaking effort, frame by frame, and by exposing their logical fallacies and obvious contradictions.  They also know they don’t have to deceive everyone; the majority will do.  The rest of us don’t matter to them as we are powerless to tear down their façade.  The Truman Show will continue, and no one will look at the man behind the curtain (and live to tell about it).

So we study history (most of which has been faked for the last few centuries at least), we study their scientific claims and use logic (and their own science) to debunk them, we investigate their impossible feats, carefully, looking for their mistakes.  We examine all of their magic tricks to find the sleight of hand, and we find them.  We have not yet discovered all of their tricks, but we’re knocking them down, one by one.

We now  know conclusively that all “space travel” has been faked and is being faked.  We know enough about how they did it to be assured of it.  Therefore we know all “pictures” from space and “pictures” of the globe earth are frauds, even without the diagnostic proof in the fake images themselves (which is overwhelmingly obvious).  We know the shadow government has been staging historical events, by evidential fact, at least since the Civil War period in this country.  As soon as photography became a technology, it was used as a weapon of deception and control against us, just like every other technology that has ever been developed by man.  The people who truly are the “powers” that be—primarily Jews (so-called), but not exclusively—have been in control of the world’s wealth and finances, as well as ever increasing control of communications and the dissemination of information (publishing/news media/Hollywood).  Aside from a few hiccups since the Middle Ages when a rogue human or cabal of men briefly broke through the veil (think Gutenberg’s printing press, the Tyndale Bible, Nicola Tesla, the Internet…), the advance of the Enemy over complete totalitarian control of mankind’s thoughts and beliefs has continued unabated.   

We are now at the end stages of their “Game”.  People now easily believe any and all propaganda (“science, falsely so-called”) and have been drugged, duped, doped and diseased whether chemically or psychologically.  Speaking of which, that is another technology that has been weaponized FAR beyond what most understand… human psychology has been reverse-engineered almost to the degree of DNA/protein decoding.  Anyone not having the Spirit of God within them is susceptible, and most are their willing subjects right now.  Teevee and now social media were the primary interfaces for this psych-control and it has turned out to be a powerful tool even beyond their imagination!    MOST People are HIGHLY manipulated  into the Matrix today and have no idea they are under any sort of possession whatsoever.  Kinda makes me wonder what “demons” actually were…

We are not a free people.  I mean Americans, the West, in general, are not free.  No one who believes in lies can ever be free.  But “whom the Son sets free, is free indeed.”  And because Christ literally IS the Truth, it yet remains for the vast bulk of Christianity to be IN Christ, truly, for the first time.. Because their “churches” and the churchmen, controlled by the state, controlled by the Judeo-Globo, week after week are busy feeding them these lies, they’ve actually learned to enjoy their slavery.  It has become part of their religious experience…

“The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests bear rule by their means; and my people love to have it so: and what will ye do in the end thereof?”

 I know, brother, nothing I’ve said here is news to you.  And you are doing your part more than just about anyone in trying to break through to our people and wake them up.  What further tools can we have to increase the efficiency?   I don’t know, I’m thinking on it though.  I’m praying about it. 

Again, I’m afraid judgement is going to have to continue to fall before we see more of an awakening.  I hope I’m wrong, but I don’t think I am.  What bigger lie can be exposed than the fact of a flat earth, or that all of the space program is theater, a magnificent fraud?  The 911 job was my first big wake up call.  After that, I discovered lie after lie, and hoax after hoax had been perpetrated on us (some of which you may not have learned of and might even think are over the top!)  But I’ve yet to convince anyone that these things really matter, even if it is true they were all deceptions!  Why don’t people care they are being deceived?  When would I tell someone they’ve never heard the gospel even after going to church their whole life?  Well, I have, actually, but I get the same blank stare...  Or “that’s your opinion”.  Or else I’m accused of being in a cult. 

(The deception runs DEEP, brother).

Sorry to bend your ear so much this time.  I guess I was getting to a point about what we are to do as Christ-led disciples and servants of the KING, and how, and when to act, but… I ran out of steam on this one.  I’ll have to continue later.  If you have any more thoughts on the globe earth hoax, though, I’m all ears!



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